
By moc.loa@612345kcaj

Published on Mar 15, 2007


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By Jack Smithson

When I saw him, I knew he needed it bad, and I knew I was gonna give it to him. We were in Action - yeah, no kidding, the bar is really called Action. It was in the seedy part of town, and it had a backroom. I was in a black T-shirt that fit me real nice, and black Levis that fit me just as nice.

I'm 5'11, 190, 31, dark hair, work out, have great arms. Only problem is I'm a grow-er, not a show-er, so not much of a basket, but the Levis help. Of course, I know how big I get, but when I'm naked and not aroused, there's not much to see. I've seen guys look away disappointed in the locker room, but when I start getting hard, my cock grows and grows and grows - I've seen jaws drop in surprise, and I really love the look of fear when the guy I'm with realizes what he's gotten himself into. They never leave unsatisfied, even if they can't swallow right for a couple of days, or sit comfortably.

And now this blonde kid had my interest. He was about 5'6, maybe 130, but tight muscles that he was showing off in a sleeveless tight white T, and bike shorts. Now damn, there's nothing I like better than a boy-butt in bike shorts. And this kid did his shorts proud - his ass was round and firm, not too big for his slight frame, and aching to be breached. I was pretty sure of myself, and I went up to him.

"Hey there. I'm Nick."

"Hey. Jeremy."

"Look good kid."


He was polite, but that was all. He had looked me over, didn't mind what he saw, but wasn't into me. Fair enough, everyone has different tastes. I didn't mind chatting.

"What're you looking for kid? Lots here to choose from, and lots got their eyes on you." The bar wasn't full, but there were lots of different types there.

He looked at me again, and I guess he decided it couldn't hurt to talk. I don't mind being a nice guy, and besides, this way I could keep an eye on his butt.

"You know who's really got me going? Can't take my mind off him since I saw him. That guy in the leather jacket." He gestured his head towards the mirror behind the bar. I looked, and saw who he meant. It was Lon, and yeah, he was a hot one. He'd just had his hair cropped, but his mustache was full and drooped over his top lip. The look was out of date if you were into that kind of thing, but his lips were full, and his eyes pierced right through you if he was looking your way. And as I looked at Lon, he was looking our way, right at Jeremy. Jeremy stifled a gasp. He could feel the gaze even reflected in a mirror.

"Him? Yeah, he's a real man. And you know what? He's a friend of mine. Be happy to put in a good word for you if you want."

"If I - you mean - you would? Oh yeah, man!" I knew this kid had to be 21 or Butch wouldn't have let him in the door, but at that moment he looked to be about 16. And Lon liked them young.

"You stay here kid, I'll go talk to him." As I went to the bar where Lon was sitting, he turned from the mirror and watched me approach. I looked at him too, saw his leather jacket, black wife-beater that showed off his hairy pecs, the slight gut that he joked was a beer belly, but I knew was solid muscle. His snug non-label jeans showed off the rest of him. I knew that Jeremy was watching me, and Lon put on a little show, spreading his legs, itching his thigh - I knew he didn't have an itch, it was just to draw attention to his crotch. I'd seen that move before. Fell for it too, years ago, but that's another story.

I smiled a little as I came up to Lon and put my arm around his shoulder. Lon was looking at Jeremy, and I looked too.

"What'd'ya think?" I said.

"Nice mouth," he murmured. Lon never spoke loud, never said more than he needed to.

"Says he thinks you're hot," I said.

"I could tell," he said, and licked his moustache a little. We were watching Jeremy, and he was watching us, and we saw him jump a bit when he saw Lon work his 'stache.

"You don't want him?" Lon asked.

"Sure do, but he's not into me. Wants you."

Lon broke his gaze at Jeremy, looked at me and smiled. I smiled back.

"That the way it is?" Lon said.

"Looks to be," I replied.

"Let the show begin," Lon said. He got up from his stool, and sauntered over to Jeremy. Now Lon was 6'2, 220, 41, and solid. All over. Strong men shook when they saw him coming at them - hell, straight men could feel his power, and even the butchest would give it up to him if he wanted. But he didn't always want. Sex didn't drive him, even with his baseball bat of a cock. Friendship did. And Lon and I were friends - I wasn't lying to Jeremy about that. But how and why is another story for another time.

For now, I just watched. I wasn't the only one, but Jeremy didn't notice anyone but Lon coming over to him. I smiled. I'd seen it before, but liked it every time. Just watching Lon was a pleasure. And Jeremy was feeling it in spades.

Lon smiled at him, introduced himself, and the two chatted. I probably thought Jeremy was telling Lon that I was a nice guy, but that Lon turned him on. It didn't matter what they were saying, I knew that Lon's voice could melt steel even if he were reading the phone book. Create steel too, as I could see Jeremy's bike shorts get much tighter in the front. He put a hand down in front of himself, but Lon wasn't looking anywhere but at his face, directly in his eyes. And his look could melt kryptonite.

Lon smiled at something Jeremy said, and put his left arm around Jeremy's shoulders. Lon then took Jeremy's right hand and put it gently over his denim covered crotch. Lon knew all he had to do was place it gently - that Jeremy's instinct would take over. Sure enough it did, and I smiled as I watched Jeremy's eyes open wide. I knew Lon wouldn't even be hard yet, but he was a show-er AND a grow-er, so there was plenty at all times. I knew Jeremy's hand wouldn't begin to cover it, even soft. But the kid was rapidly going into heat, and when Lon started moving to the backroom with his arm around Jeremy, Jeremy could do nothing but go along.

I knew what would happen. Lon would just stand there and let the kid do the work. The kid would sniff Lon's pits which would be a little rank, would bite his nipples through the wife-beater, lick the ridge of his pecs, and wouldn't even realize that Lon was pushing him slowly down just by looking at him. He wouldn't even have moved his arms.

Then Jeremy would undo Lon's belt, maybe push up his shirt to lick his rock hard hairy gut, then unbutton the jeans. Lon would probably have his black jock on - not leather, just black. He couldn't wear a leather jock he once told me, he needed the cotton because his cock was always growing. Besides, the way his leather jacket fit his wide shoulders, it made him seem like he was in leather, head to toe. But by now the kid would be sniffing, licking, moaning, and holding Lon's thighs for balance. Jeremy would use one hand to lower the jock, and Lon's cock would come out, sort of unrolling. The only thing Lon would do with his hand would be to push the jock under his balls, so that his manhood was right there for his prey. Then he'd just stand there and let the kid get to work.

The kid wouldn't know if he'd hit the mother load, or if he should run for the hills. Lon's cock grows to about 10 inches, and it's pretty thick. He likes his boys to start to suck on it when it's soft -he knows it's easier for them to swallow it when it's soft. It's only when he gets harder that his hands go into action. He loves the feel, he once told me, of a kid who feels his throat being clogged by his hardening cock, the feel of the walls of a kid's throat being forced to expand, and the panic when the kid realizes what's happening and that he can't breathe. Lon doesn't care if they can't breathe - by the time he's hard and in a kid's throat, all he cares about is his cock. And he holds the kid's head hard and tight, not letting him off his cock. Lon is strong, so no matter how the kid pushes or gags, once Lon's cock is in place, nothing's going to stop him until he gets off.

Which sometimes can take a long time. Of course, he doesn't let the kid choke, but the kid will only breathe when Lon lets him. That's where they were at when I came into the backroom. It was dark, but the occasional candle let me see what was going on. Lon looked up for a moment, then looked back at the boy whose head he was holding, who had his sword down his gullet. Jeremy's hands were trying feebly to push Lon away. Even in the dark, I could see something glistening on Lon's pubes - every time Lon pulled Jeremy's head so that his nose was in Lon's pubes, Jeremy would leave traces of tears. Lon wasn't really happy unless he made his kid cry, so I knew things were going well.

Lon then moved one hand to the back of Jeremy's head, holding it in place, while his other hand pulled down Jeremy's bike pants over his ass. Lon was good at the one-handed strip, and he pushed Jeremy's pants and panties (well, they weren't really panties, but they were brief enough, and I knew what was coming, so yeah, they were panties) and started slapping Jeremy's ass. Of course, that only helped to force Lon's cock even further into the kid's mouth, and I knew Lon liked how that felt - and he gave a rumbled laugh. He also started playing with Jeremy's hole - teasing first, then one finger in and out, then two. Jeremy froze for minute, and I looked down and saw that his cock was only half hard, but was leaking. So he was fighting, he might not even be enjoying Lon's treatment a lot, but he wouldn't press charges.

I was standing behind Jeremy, and opened my pants and reached in and took my cock in my hand. Like I said, it's not much to look at soft, but I worked it slowly, using my spit so that my hand slid gently up and down. There were a couple of guys who were watching me, and that got me off too, so I was hard pretty soon. Now my cock doesn't come near Lon's in length, but at 8 inches it's a piece to be reckoned with because it's thick. Not just thick - THICK. Beer can thick. And 8 inches of beer can thick can do a lot of damage. Which I intended to do.

Lon was watching me, and he put three fingers up Jeremy's hole. He spread his fingers, then pulled them out. Jeremy's body relaxed a bit, even if he was still choking, and breathing only when Lon would let him. Lon looked me in the eye, and nodded his head, ever so slightly.

I put my cockhead to Jeremy's hole, and put my hands on his hips. I pulled back a little to get traction, then pushed. Hard. I was lubed with spit, but Jeremy's hole was not. He froze for a second, and that was all Lon needed. He quickly moved his hands to hold Jeremy's upper arms, and he pulled them tight. Jeremy's throat was full of cock, his ass had been invaded, I was holding his hips, Lon was holding his arms. He was immobile.

But he wasn't still. And I know Lon liked that as much as I did. Jeremy's thrashing as he was impaled on our cocks made his movements unpredictable, and his twitching hole and throat reacted to the electricity of the cocks buried in him. I leaned down, my chest pressed against Jeremy's back, and my mouth near his ear.

"Like me now boy?" I whispered. What sounded like a gurgle, or a shout, came from his throat, and I laughed in his ear. Then I stretched my head and kissed Lon from his navel to his throat, then looked up at him. He was watching me, still holding Jeremy's arms, and sighed as I kissed him. I plowed Jeremy harder, my cock big as it ever was. I broke the kiss, moved one hand from Jeremy's thigh and touched his dick. It fit in my hand, and was rock hard. I nodded at Lon, and he gave his deep laugh.

I started pumping hard, my cock in Jeremy's pussy, Jeremy's cock in my hand. Lon plowed Jeremy's head. "Yes, yes -" I hissed, and Lon sighed. I knew that sigh. Lon's orgasms wouldn't cause a rocket launch, but he would shoot 10 or 12 times, each shot pouring out a gallon of hot cum. I put my hand that wasn't on Jeremy's dick on his throat - I loved the feel of a throat expanding as Lon's cock expanded when it shot into it, practically delivering his cum right into a kid's stomach. Lon also knew that Jeremy's head would stay where it was, so he used one of his hands to bring my head to his, and he kissed me, hard. Tongue and everything. And then I shot.

There was a high-pitched squeak, and I realized that Jeremy's ass was tightening around my cock as I was delivering my own load into him. I felt his dick shudder as he began to cum, and I let go of it and pulled on his balls. Hard. Which had its intended effect - he stopped shooting for a minute, then blasted. I knew it hurt, but I knew he'd remember. And tell about it proudly, when he recovered.

But for now, Lon and I slowly withdrew our not-quite-soft cocks from the boy. Jeremy's lips didn't want to let Lon's cock go, and he sucked on the head. My cock was covered in my cum, with a couple of dark marks on it. I didn't know what they were, didn't care. Lon removed Jeremy from his cock, and turned him to face me, and Jeremy took my cock in his mouth and cleaned it off. I was going soft because I had another need, and wasn't sure how far to go. I looked at Lon and smiled. He smiled back, but ruefully, and shook his head. He had a better sense than I did of how far to take boys who were worked over, so I just held Jeremy's head as he sucked the head of my cock.

"Whoa boy, that's all you're getting," I said softly, the first words spoken in a long time. I held Jeremy's head, and wiped his cheeks, which were still wet. I rested his head on my abs, and Lon helped me pull up his pants. He could barely walk, probably didn't know what his name was, and we led him over to a bench. There was a guy getting a blow job who kindly moved over to let Jeremy sit down. Jeremy was still dazed, but he was breathing, and he was young. He would not only recuperate, he might even get some more action if the guy sitting next to him had his way. I turned, shoved my dick back into my pants, and went through the curtain back into the bar. It was dark, but not as dark as the backroom, so my eyes had to adjust to the light. I heard Lon come through also, then felt his arm around my shoulders.

"Thanks," he said. "Nice."

"You're welcome, Lon. What are friends for?"

He smiled, slapped my ass softly, squeezed it a little. I still had unfinished business, so I turned towards the men's room. I saw a guy about 25 headed there too. I followed. He had a nice ass, but he had really great lips. If Lon was watching, he was smiling, but I didn't turn back to see.

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Next: Chapter 2

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