Across the Road

By Nick

Published on Nov 21, 2001


Across the Road

This is a true story about gay sex between a group of consenting adult males. If this offends you, you are under 18 or it is illegal in your country, please close the file and leave now. Otherwise, read on and enjoy!

Chapter 1 - My First Encounter

This is the first telling of my relationship with the young man who lives across the road from me, but where better to start than by setting the scene? It was about eight years ago, one very hot summer day, unusual enough in England, that my wife, our eighteen year old son and I moved into a bungalow in one of the more select residential areas of a large industrial city in the English Midlands. We were struggling with the removals men who seemed to delight in getting the furniture all in the wrong rooms and were steadfastly refusing to unearth the box containing our emergency provisions which had mistakenly been loaded right at the front of their van.

There was a ring at the open front door, followed almost immediately by the entrance of a gangly, dark haired teenager, wearing only flip-flops, shorts and a shirt open to his waist. He had been sent by his mother to invite us to go their large, two-storey house across the road for a cup of tea; a most welcome invitation, which we immediately accepted.

Outside the marital bed, I normally only looked at men nearer my own age, usually married; it seemed 'safer' that way, we were both running the same risks! I certainly did not normally go for those young enough to be my son but I could not fail but be struck by the sexuality of this lad, with a few wisps of black hair around his nipples and in the centre of his chest, with a distinct trail from his navel to the waist band of his loose, low slung shorts. I doubt if he was wearing any underwear, if he was, it was of the loose boxer variety; I fancied I could see his kit wobbling as he walked.

Next, I got a view of his tight, neatly rounded ass when his mother sent three mugs of tea over for the removal men and I fancied I saw one of them eyeing him up as he walked across the road. Judging by the guffaws, they certainly made some lewd comment about him as he turned to come back and I got another view of his sexy front. I was definitely interested!

Forbidden fruit! Not only was Stewart under age, but the good old English proverb about messing on one's own doorstep most certainly applied. I soon discovered that he was away at school and rarely came home in term time, so I saw very little of him for three or four years until he started work locally and came back to live at home.

During the years he was away, he filled out and put on a bit of weight but did not seem to increase in height; I made him about 5 foot 9, probably weighing about 140 lbs. Now and then, I would get him to cut my lawns if we were away, once or twice he washed the cars to earn a bit of spare cash, but I had to be careful not to show my attraction to him. That was sometimes a bit difficult as he seemed to enjoy being minimally clad, often wearing shorts and perhaps even no shirt, when most people still had their jumpers on!

I guess Stewart was about 19 or 20, when I was having a tete-a-tete with my son one evening. Bill was then aged 23 and had just announced his engagement; I was sure that he had been shagging Charlotte for months, but I thought it was time to make sure he was on the right tracks! Anyway, we had both had a few drinks and gained some Dutch courage, when Bill suddenly said 'What would you have done if I had been gay, like Stewart from across the road?'. Before I could reply, he asked if I had not noticed that he never brought a girl friend home; the only visitors he had were lads, then only when his parents and two sisters were away. I was mercifully spared from having to comment when the telephone rang.

Bill had been out drinking with Stewart occasionally so I guessed he knew what he was talking about and we left it at that. I filed away the information for future reference. Over the next few months, I confirmed Bill's observations and often idly wondered if he had ever played across the road. Well, on the eve of his wedding, I asked him. He told me that he had, just the once and that he was neither ashamed of or attracted to what he had done. It was, he said, something he had to try once and asked me if I had ever experimented. I told him the truth ....

That was all about three years ago, Stewart no longer had need of the extra cash so the jobs slowly petered out and I only ever saw him going to and from his car or now and then in passing, if my wife and I visited the Georges'.

Until, that is at Easter this year. One Friday evening, I noticed the family car being loaded with luggage and eventually departing with Mum, Dad and their two daughters, both younger than Stewart. As it happened, my wife was due to go away on the Saturday morning with her parents; as I had to work over the holiday I was going to be at home alone. So was Stewart - I thought!

When I got back from the railway station about midday, there were two strange cars in the Georges' drive. I did not have to wait long before two young men came out, got in one of the cars and went off. They were soon back with what looked like a take-away lunch. Both were about 5 foot 9, one was fairly slim like Stewart but with blond, almost white, hair and a very fair, Scandinavian complexion. The second had dark hair, with a Latin complexion. In spite of his stocky build, he moved easily, like a sportsman. Both were wearing close fitting jeans and tee-shirts. I very much liked what I saw and imagined what I couldn't!

During the afternoon, I was mowing the front lawns and generally tidying up our open plan garden after the ravages of winter, so I was able to track the various comings and goings without attracting any particular attention. I waved to Stewart a couple of times as he went in and out and that was that.

Try as I would, I simply could not think of an excuse to ring the Georges' doorbell. Then just before dusk, while I was clearing up, Stewart went out again somewhere with his blond friend. By the time I had washed and changed they were back - and he had left his car lights on!

I left it a few minutes, the lights were still on. This had to be my chance! I strolled across the road, noticing the flicker of a television set in the lounge but that there were no lights on in the Georges' house, even though it was really quite dark by now.

After my second ring on their front door bell, Stewart appeared wearing only a pair of green tartan boxer shorts. It was just as well that they were a couple of sizes too big for him because even they were tented at the front, a fact I pretended not to notice. I told him why I had called and offered to switch off his car lights.

I stood in the hall admiring his long, only slightly hairy legs and well rounded ass as he went towards the kitchen to get the keys and noticed his furtive glance through the open door to the lounge. As he brought them, I was able to get another look at his front. His chest was a bit more hairy than when I had last seen him, but not excessively so, but now with a very distinct trail leading down past his navel to the waistband of his shorts. Was that a damp patch darkening the front of them?

By the time I had switched off the lights and re-locked his car he had gone back into the house, leaving the front door open. What better chance? I knew where the family kept their keys in the kitchen so I walked straight in - or at least I would have done, had it not been for the sight I saw in the lounge.

Stewart's two friends were there, both stark naked. The thin, blonde lad I now know as Eric, was sprawled low on the settee, with his legs wide apart in front of him. His eyes were closed in a look of utter contentment.

The dark, stocky one was kneeling in front of the settee with his head buried deep in Eric's crotch. His thick, hairy legs were apart and a low slung pair of balls dangled invitingly between them, below his dark, neatly puckered asshole, centred between an inviting pair of hairy buttocks. Keith, as I now know him, had his hands around Eric's ass and there was an unmistakable bobbing of his head.

Neither was taking the slightest interest in the gay video that was playing on the television, nor did they appear to notice my entrance. I was standing admiring their show, with an increasing tightness in my briefs when I heard the front door close. Then Stewart was back; he must have known I was there before he closed the door but here he was, stark naked like his friends. I felt distinctly over dressed!

His uncut dick now stood straight out, seven inches or so I guessed, probably average thickness, certainly worth getting my hands, or better still, my lips around! It was while I was contemplating that pleasure, that I noticed he was already wearing a condom. Suddenly, he dropped to his knees and plunged his dick straight into Keith's ready and willing ass. After his initial violent thrust, he began pumping easily and slowly, in and out, keeping perfect time with the still bobbing head.

I was struggling by now! This was way beyond my wildest dreams! I knew I was already leaking pre-cum from my hard, throbbing cock. There was a danger I might cream my pants at any moment! Off came my tee-shirt and in one single movement, I was rid of my jeans, briefs, shoes and socks. I was as naked as they were, with my uncut, six and a half inches of rock hard cock dribbling in front of me.

What was I to do? Stewart's ass was there, all pink and puckered, just inviting my dick, though neither of us was prepared. He was concentrating on Keith, whose dick I had now seen was semi-hard and swinging to and fro, just waiting to be sucked. What would his reaction be to discovering there was a fourth man in the game? Or did he know already that I was there, watching all the action?

I took my chance. I slid between Stewart's long, smooth legs; then between Keith's muscular, hairy legs, under his stomach and caught his thick, six inch, cut cock in my lips. At first, I had a job to get it in my mouth but after two or three strokes managed to get it in right up to the hilt. His low hanging, ample balls were slapping under my chin, driven by Stewart's rhythmic fucking; his ample pubic hair was tickling my nose and I was trying desperately not to sneeze!

It was then that Eric dumped his load; his body suddenly arched upwards. I almost lost Keith's dick as he was pushed up, Stewart nearly fell backwards but managed to keep up his stroke. Somehow, we all stayed together. Keith took it all, six or seven jets of Eric's red-hot spunk, straight down his throat. Keith had Eric's dick in his mouth and Stewart's in his ass. His dick was in my mouth, as seconds later, Stewart shot his load and Keith came into my mouth.

Eric rolled off the settee and on to my dick. It was down his throat before I realised he knew I was there! After all the excitement, I didn't last very long before I dumped a sizeable load of hot spunk deep into his throat but I think I managed to keep some back for later!

As our four sweaty bodies collapsed, entangled in a heap on the carpet, I noticed the pale blue glow from the television set. The video had long since finished - but who cared?

I am not sure how long we enjoyed our post-coital slumbers or who woke up first. I woke up holding Eric's now softened, uncut dick; somebody was holding mine and all four of us were hopelessly entwined. As we slowly awoke and disentangled our sweat- and spunk-stained bodies, Stewart very formally introduced me to Eric and Keith; we all stood up, naked and shook hands solemnly, before all four of us burst into laughter at this ludicrous picture!

We were all thirsty after our exertions and wandered still naked, to the kitchen to raid the well-stocked fridge. Fortunately, Stewart had earlier had the foresight to close the curtains before he rejoined the party, so we wandered around, totally uncaring of our unclad bodies, swigging beer straight from the can and occasionally 'shaking hands' with a passing dick, fondling a pair of swinging balls or a naked ass.

It wasn't long before our tools began to show signs of life again. Eric's was uncut, long and thin. Keith's was short and thick, neatly cut with barely a hint of the scar. Mine is about six and a half inches when hard, uncut but with a foreskin that barely covers the knob, even when it is soft. I had noticed that Stewart sported one about the same size as mine but with an ample foreskin that had to be pulled back over his knob, even when he was aroused.

Having slaked our thirst, our thoughts turned to food. It turned out that Eric was a part-time pizza delivery man. That was the answer, he was on the phone with an order, specifying not only the toppings, but exactly who was to deliver it! In almost no time at all, his special delivery was there. We were still all stark naked as Eric cracked open the door to admit his black colleague. I thought George's eyes would pop out of his head. He didn't know which dick to look at next!

There was a distinct and growing bulge, evidently unencumbered by underwear, in the front of his white chinos as Stewart counted out the money. As he pocketed the cash, George glanced at Eric but could not resist grabbing Stewart's now hardening dick, pulling the ample foreskin over the knob and giving it a quick suck before he left, leaving us to enjoy our naked feast.

After the pizzas and a few more beers, we were ready for bed. Keith had planned to stay; Eric called his Dad to say he had drunk too much to drive home and was staying with Stewart; I needed no excuse! We all piled into Stewart's parents' King size bed.

We got ourselves in a right tangle. There were hands and feet and mouths and asses and dicks everywhere, the latter in various stages of excitement but out of sheer exhaustion we soon fell asleep in our mutual embrace.

Then, just after midnight, we were rudely awakened as the door bell rang! Long and seemingly loud in the quiet of the night. Parents? Police? Neighbours worried about the cars? Stewart was nearest the window and peeped out. George was back - now there were five of us! He was naked before he got upstairs. Remarkably, we were all about the same height, George's build was much like mine, perhaps a tad overweight, but even before Eric got to work on it, not for the first time I suspect, his dick was clearly the biggest of the bunch. He sported a good eight inches, thick and neatly cut, protruding from a solid mass of curly, jet black pubic hair.

Meanwhile, Keith, Stewart and I were all was showing an interested in George's huge, maroon nipples and smooth, almost hairless body. Suddenly, George shot his load, seven or eight long straight spurts, splashing all of us with his sticky, white spunk.

Then I guess we all fell asleep, for the next thing I remember was waking up, with the sun streaming in through a chink in the curtains.

To be continued; if you liked my story so far, let me know, tell me what it did for you -

Next: Chapter 2

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