Acropolis Gulch

Published on Dec 29, 2020


Acropolis Gulch 2 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to or

Two weeks later there was another party at Acropolis Gulch. It was a birthday party for Norm and Tony. No one used their last names, but Norm was the County Court Judge in Duke County and Norm was the Fire Chief in Fairmont county. Both were known as confirmed bachelors, but good at their jobs. Their guests were a mixture of local dignitaries and old pals.

The party invitations were by personal connections and the party was billed as an afternoon at the old fishing hole. There were no swimming pools in the area until Duke county added on to the high School. Fishing holes were always bare. About twenty men came to the party and it was nekid and bare-assed in the local vernacular.

Norm was big hairy and overweight. Tony was the same, but he was in good shape. They were leader of the pack sort of men. Both were well endowed. Being big and endowed was good, but they were sensible and sexually generous. The guests tended to be middled aged or older, but there were some young men scattered in the group. They all seemed to have one common characteristic. They were willing and generous.

I was there with the food and also was cooking. I was expert at barbeques. That was ideal for this group. I was the only man in the group wearing a chest to knees apron. Nudity is dangerous at an open fire grill. I am bald so a hair net was needed, and the apron covered my hairy chest and gut. Several guys took a look, but most assumed I was hairy everywhere when they saw my back.

No one thought I was a 98-pound weaking at the beach, I did hear the word Bigfoot once and a while. Norm was the health inspector as well as his fire department duties. Since everyone was there to suck and fuck, he thought a random chest hair in the food was minor compared to an oozing cock.

We had lunch at one in the afternoon. The nest few hours were a free for all. I was uneasy at first since I knew most of the men with their clothes on. It was hard to believe we all shared common sexual interests. It seemed as if it was difficult for some of them too.

That changed when I finished cooking and took off my apron. We all had cocks, but I had a bit more cock than many of them. It doesn't take much to get my cock excited. I wasn't fully erect, but it clearly wasn't soft. I was thinking it seemed superficial to get turned on by a semi-erect cock. I soon realized I had the same problem. Cocks got me going, and they didn't need to be even semi-erect. Norm and Tony made a little speech about their birthdays and the party.

"I was thinking about the birthday parties I had as a kid. It was second only to Christmas as the most exciting part of the year. Getting to be a year older seemed like a major achievement. Since I'm 55-years-old now, another year old doesn't seem like much of an achievement and the excitement of another birthday has dimmed," Norm said.

"We were talking about our upcoming birthday and wondering how we could make it exciting again," Tony continued. "I don't know about you, but sex is still exciting, and in some ways it more exciting since it is getter rarer. We are about as lusty as we ever were, but sex is rarer."

"We were thinking that it would be fun to get together and have some fun. Now we weren't thinking about cake and candles fun or opening presents fun," Norm said. "We were thinking about sharing what we all have: cocks, asses and spunk! Some of you may not know each other well. You all have a cock that get hard, balls filled with spunk and mouths and assholes that can take cocks, and spunk. We asked you to this party and hope we call all have some fun. I mean lots of fun. I am not exactly a virgin and I can assure you that no cock has fallen off due to overuse, and no ass had ever burst due to an overload of sperm. There is always room for another load in your ass that had been shot from a needy cock."

"I want to add one other thing," Tony said. "Whatever happens in Acropolis Gulch stays in Acropolis Gulch. I can assure you that even if you shoot off on the grass it will eventually float down the river."

The men laughed. Norm and Tony were smart men. They knew exactly what to say to put men to ease and rev them up for some heavy-duty sex. When I was younger, I wanted to jack off as quickly as I could. Some of that was to avoid having my mom walk into a jack off session. Now, we were mostly more mellow men, so we had time to buildup to orgasms. It seemed to me that the build ups got more exciting, and the climaxes were just as good as they had been.

Some cocks weren't as hard as they had been, and assholes weren't as tight. Some of us didn't pound as much as we did in a hot ass, but we could massage the ass and work the prostate. The first time I took a load on a dare. Now I like to suck a cock to a climax. I like to find and find a man's hot spots and savor his seed. I figured everyone would have a good time.

Billy Warburton came over to me with Donny Jones. Billy owned the Exxon station; Donnie installed tires and repaired flats. Billy was a beefy, hairy man. He was outgoing and forceful. Donnie was an under-stuffed scarecrow. He had been the class clown in High School and a jerk. When his father died, he became his mother's sole support. Billy sported a thick, stumpy fire-plug type cock. Donnie had a long, thin snake hanging between his legs. Billy was a fashion plate of L.L. Bean clothes. Donnie was a Walmart end-of-the season sales guy. As far as I could tell, he never got rid of any clothes no matter how tattered.

"Jimmy, where in the hell have you been hiding your cock all these years?" Billy asked. "You have a beauty!"

"Most of the time it has been behind the meat counter," I replied.

Billy had a jolly, Santa like laugh, "Damn, you're a fucking wit too!" he said. "I love the taste of prime meat and love it when it comes with its own creamy sauce. Now Donnie likes to entertain cock in his back porch. Is Jimmy too big for you?"

"I don't know, but I would love to find out," Donnie said. "I guess it's up to Jimmy. Most guys think they might catch a case of ugly if they fuck me."

Tony joined us. Billy was a volunteer fireman and in his crew. They were pals and Billy did the training for the new volunteers. Tony wanted to drink his birthday gift from Billy's cock. I was talking with Donnie.

Of course, I knew him from years of tire replacement. I sucked his cock and he loved it. We switched places and Donnie surprised me. I guessed he was into quickies behind the rest stops on the interstates. Donnie was a loving, almost delicate sucker. He wasn't my type, but my cock disagreed.

He took a break. "Am I doing it right?" he asked.

"It's not just all right; it was beautiful," I said.

"I learned from old Mr. Jackson," he explained. "He was a mean principal, but he taught me a lot."

"I though he was an old spare the rod and spoil the child man," I said.

"He told me I could either get a whipping or suck his cock," Donnie explained. "That was an easy choice for me. Some of my cousins and I had messed around some. Mr. Jackson knew his stuff when it came to cock sucking." He paused and then asked if I would fuck him. "I've here had a cock as big as yours up my behind. I think I will like it. Do you think you could breed me. No one has ever shot off in me before," he asked in a whisper.

"You think you can take it?" I asked.

"I think so. I've taken a few cocks, but they were small. No one has ever fucked me long enough to shoot off in me," Donnie said.

Billy was leaving his birthday present in Tony's ass. There were several men surrounding them urging them on and giving helpful advice.

We were slightly apart, and it was a bit private. Donnie had lubricated his ass well. He was on his back and I put his legs on my shoulders. The sunlight glistened on the lube. He was pale, but his rosebud was a pretty pink and formed the bullseye for my cock. Norm saw us and gave Donnie a bottle of lube and Donnie coated my cock. I took some of the lube and coated Donnie's cock.

Donnie's ass was as tight as I had ever encountered, but he offered no resistance. I pushed the rosebud in, and his anus parted as my knob entered him. My knob encountered his sphincter. I paused and let him catch his breath, sphincters tend to object to anything trying to enter the ass. It was firm, but when I made a tentative thrust it opened. My knob popped through and then slid deep into him.

Donnie and Norm moaned. Donnie ass was tight, but snug. I let him get used to in and then began to make small thrusting motions. Donnie moaned again.

"I hate to tell you this, Donnie. You are a lot better looking with a cock up your ass," Norm said. He leaned over and took Donnie's cock head in his mouth and began swirling his tongue around the knob.

There were encouraging words for the men next to us who were watching Billy unloading in Tony's ass. The men left them to enjoy their post orgasmic rest and came over to us.

Donnie was a nice guy who was always helpful when there was a flat, but no one noticed him much otherwise. He was a different man as I gently worked his ass. As Norm had said, he even looked better. I picked up the pace and five minutes later I had a spectacular orgasm. His ass was a good for my cock as my cock was for his ass. When I pulled out after I shot off, his ass remained open and some of my sperm drooled out.

Dexter Smith, a dentist, was close enough to lick up some of the cum and then feltch Donnie's tender ass. That also was admired by the men surrounding us. Norm bent over to take my post orgasmic drool. Donnie now had several men who were interested in him.

The character of the party changed after that. It didn't get wild or crazy, but it was more adventurous and free-wheeling. The men seemed to realize that if there were things you wanted to try, this was the place and the time.

I took a quick dip in the river to swim and recharge. Philip, the owner of Acropolis Gulch, and his special friends of the month, Dusty and Red, joined in there. Philip admired Sam Elliot and Tom Selleck. Dusty and Red were younger, more economical versions of the stars. Philip told me that professional impersonators were expensive and available for parties. Dusty and Red were willing to work for a modest salary and regular fuck session with him. I noticed they were well endowed and had no problem sharing their assets.

Philip wanted to clean up and get his ass relubricated. Dusty and Red had coated their cocks in lube and used their cock as applicators. They were a friendly trio. Philip asked if I need my lubrication freshened. I said yes, and the two men each slipped into my ass. They had good cocks. Phillip said there were just social fucks. The boys were saving their sperm for him. As they left Dusty held back a little. "I'm pretty sure I will have some extra juice for you if you want it," he whispered. I nodded and said I was interested.

When I returned to the party I was with Maxwell White, the public utilities for Fairmont County and Doug Smith the county planner. They were strictly by the book men. That was good for Maxwell, since protecting the water supply and sewage treatment plant requires strict supervision. Doug was generally considered to be a pain in the ass. Some of that was justified, but he read all the fine print in the regulations. Doug was close to Tony because of fire protection issues. Maxwell was Norm's next-door neighbor.

"I've never been to anything like this before," Doug said in a near whisper. "I thought I was the only one into this sort of stuff."

"I was at one party here before," I said. "It takes some getting used to, but it was mind blowing and exciting," I said. "The guys here share the same interests as I do."

"I'm not so sure," Doug said.

His cock was well beyond half-staff, so I reached out and stroked it. He shivered in excitement. "The last time I was here I had plans about what I would do and how I would act," I said. "It turns out I hadn't consulted with my cock about my plans. It had a completely different plan!"

"Are there any rules here?" Maxwell asked.

"Ask politely, take no for an answer, and don't do anything that hurts you or your playmate," I said. "Do you have some unexplored activities on your bucket list?"

"I've never fucked guy," Doug said in a near whisper. Five minutes later his cock was rock hard and on the dark side of my sphincter. It was good. I was surprised that heavens hadn't opened with choirs of angels singing my praises. I think Doug was thinking about singing nearer my god to thee.

After Doug has fucked me for three or four minutes he pulled out because he was too close to shooting. Maxwell took his place and had a similar reaction. Both men were sexually shy and timid. The were used to Junior High recitals and suddenly discovered Radio City Music Hall hiding inside my ass.

They weren't the only 100% gay, timid men in the group. My cock and ass became the apostle to the shy guy who desperately wanted more out of their limited lives where sex was a quick blow job. There were also men who had been fucked by the captain of the football team and wanted a more intense and affectionate connection. I am not an emotional powerhouse, but I want my playmates to enjoy it as much as I do.

I don't think of sex as something you have to do if you want to get off. It's a team sport. The captain of the team doesn't win the game. The team does. The man with the winning touchdown or basket isn't the sole winner of the game.

After my interlude with Norm, Tony and their friends, Martin Dudley, and Kirk Winter came to see me. Martin ran an electric supply store and Kirk was the assistant county clerk. They were average guys, neither handsome nor ugly. Martin's father had been an aggressive businessman who turned a small business into a regional company. He was good looking and had an outgoing personality. Martin hadn't needed personality; his father had enough for two. Kirk's father had been a judge. He was always known as Judge Winters' son. Having a gay son was not a possibility for either man.

Martin wanted to fuck me, but I think he was hoping to do it with no one knowing what he did. That included me. I think Kirk thought just watching sex would be enough for him. I am not intimidating. I had been behind the meat counter for years and everyone sort of knew me. They didn't know me naked and they didn't know my cock. my cock surprised most and generated re-evaluations. That included gay men who hoped to not be gay.

That was sad since some men were so closeted, a big cock was disturbing. These were mostly ultra-conventional men who believed everything they heard. Most of the men at the party were twenty to forty years past their adolescence. There were no cradle robbers in the group. A few had spent most of that time afraid that someone would discover their awful secret. Fear does not erase urges, desires, and needs. It can turn you mean and nasty.

Dusty, the Sam Elliot look alike, returned to see me. Philip was engaged with Norm. It is always good to keep the local judge happy in case something goes wrong. Philip never mailed in a sexual performance. Sex with him was always extended, intense, ball draining and enjoyable.

Dusty was handsome and a gay man magnet. He was tongue massaging my cock and Martin and Kirk got closer. Martin's cock was in range of my mouth, so I was able to suck him. I was on the grass. Dusty was sucking me and his ass in the air with his legs spread. His ass was exposed.

Dusty's nickname should have been "ever ready." His ass was always prepared for sexual use. Kirk saw the glint of lubricant in Dusty's ass. Kirk took advantage of the situation and made a tentative poke into Dusty's. A second later, Kirk was deep in Dusty's ass. It was good for Dusty and spectacular for Kirk.

In another second Martin's cock began to ooze precum. That is usually the time when your cock turns on the automatic drive. I was sucking Martin as Dusty sucked me while Kirk fucked him. Five minutes later we had all exchanged sperm. This was not a delicate orgasm, it was a total, ball draining event.

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