Acme Training Academy

Published on Nov 8, 2020


The Acme Training Academy 2. By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to or

Pee Wee was a good sucker and he liked Tad. Dutch did his bit by sucking Pee Wee's cock.

Handy told Giles that Pee Wee had been at a care facility where several of the staff abused him. Handy was his uncle, Pee Wee's parents had no interest in him. While Pee Wee had been used, he had also discovered orgasms. While he was glad to be no longer abused, he was depressed when his lost the sexual connection.

Pee Wee was moaning now and he ejaculated into Dutch's mouth.

"Damn, you shoot as good load!" Dutch cried. "I could take a swing of that every day."

Pee Wee had looked uneasy when he stopped shooting, but he smiled when Dutch complimented him.

"That was good!" Pee Wee said. "I like that. Guys complain when I shoot off. I make a mess."

"That's not a mess, that's a reward!" Dutch said. "It's man food!"

Pee Wee looked at him and smiled. He watched things for a while. Handy Henry connected with Tad and was easing his cock into Tad's behind. Handy Henry was handsome and impressive man. He was better naked than dressed, and erect than soft. I noticed that Tad reacted when Handy hit a special spot. A few seconds later, Handy gave that special spot a sperm bath.

Pee Wee like watching that and wanted to do it himself. Both Tad and Dutch needed more recharge time, so Giles motioned to me. He wanted me to step up to the plate. At this point I need to make a confession. I am a cameraman-videographer, not a participant. I complained to Vernon and he offered me $250.00 for any loads I took in my mouth or ass. That isn't big money, but for me it was big enough.

I was soon on the bed with my ass spread and my legs hooked over my chest. I found out that while Pee Wee had ben fucked many times, he had never topped. He wasn't exactly sure what to do, and he was worried his might hurt me. Handy and Dutch gave him instructions and Pee Wee was careful. After ten minutes, Pee Wee was excited and happy.

Much to my surprise I was happy too. I didn't mind being fucked, but it wasn't first on my list. Pee Wee was different. Sometimes cocks are called Joy Sticks. Pee Wee's cock was pure enjoyment. It was not too small and just a little bit bigger than my ass. It was a tight, enjoyable cock. It transmitted his joy into my ass.

"I'm getting close!" he cried, "Do I need to pull out?"

"Relax and let it flow," I said. Pee Wee did what he was told. His ejaculations were forceful and tickled my ass. It was not every day that a guy shoots $250.00 from his cock into your ass. I was happy, but not half as happy as Pee Wee.

Pee Wee became a regular at Acme, as did Dutch. Sometimes Dutch was an actor, sometimes he was my assistant. He was always willing and able.

A week later I was talking to Giles about our next session when Donnie and Baskerville came to se us with two other men Deville and Mountjoy. Deville was a tall, elegant, well-dressed man. Mountjoy was a beefy Black man dressed for jogging. Donnie introduced Deville as the owner of the Serenity Massage Therapy Center and Mountjoy was the leader of the Center City Jogging Club. The CCJC.

"We talked to you about our interest in an anal daisy chain. Deville and Mountjoy know some men who would be interested in the project. So far we have 16 men who are interested" Baskerville said. "I was hoping you would still be interested in it."

Giles tended to play the Diva, but he was usually businesslike and into details. "I have two questions. How interested are they, and how do we keep it safe. Realistically, there are friends and there are friends. To be direct, have you interviewed them, or have they auditioned?"

"My company has two tiered memberships. There is a general category that has a medical and heath focus," Deville explained. "We have another category of membership that has, let us say, recreational interest. Those interest are oral, anal, and versatility is a requirement. Let's say you have to meet my rigorous training routine to even know about the upper category of membership."

"My guys are into jogging big time," Mountjoy said. "Some of the guys workout in my basement gym. I've never thought of it this way, but Deville's description of oral and anal activities would describe the activities in my basement gym well. By the way, no one has ever tested positive." Deville and Mountjoy's friends tended to be exhibitionist and were partial to anal sex as tops and bottoms.

Giles discussed the project with Vernon. Before he was 100% sure about it, but he suggested we meet the men to see what the chemistry was. On a Sunday afternoon we had a little meet and greet session with the men. Donnie and Baskerville had some of their friends as did Deville and Mountjoy.

Vernon and I were there, and Giles acted as the master of ceremonies. As usual he made a splash. He was wearing a fake fur cloak and a spectacular hat. He greeted the men and then got down to business. The outlandish costume and the direct talk were unexpected and got everyone' s attention.

"I don't know if you men like 1930's musicals with scores of synchronized dancing girls. This were created by a man named Buzzy Berkley and they were spectacular. We are considering doing a variant on these routines," Giles explained.

"We are going to make some minor changes in these masterpieces. I hope that you men are not shocked by sexual contact. I also hope you don't mind intimate genital-rectal contact. I would also like you to connect with a man you don't know," Giles continued. "Is that too much for any of you?"

"What if we get carried away?" a big Black man asked.

"I assume you are familiar with the birds and the bees. In gay porn, getting carried away is your objective. If you know you are going to shoot, give Buster a shout, and he will immortalize it," Giles said. "I need to warn you, that this is all edited. Your orgasm may be made a part of another man's climax."

"I need to tell you that a white guy's spurting cockhead is not edited to become a black guy's knob," I said. The men laughed.

"If anyone makes a mess shooting off, call me. I have a warm spot for used cum," Giles said. The men laughed again. Giles then took off his fur cape with a dramatic movement. That was all the direction the men needed to start.

Most of the men's cocks were well on the high side of average. I think that was why they were more willing to show off. A Black man named Rufus came over to me. He was older, muscular, and sported a bushy, white beard. "The word is that you want us arranged alternating White and Black?" he asked.

"That is the preliminary plan. Y think that will photograph best," I said. "I just take the pictures. Giles is the director. For today it's all up to what you want. I figure some guys won't be interested and will drop out."

"I'm not sure about that. Most of the guys are into cock big time. I never noticed anyone being opposed to experimenting either," Rufus said.

"We are hoping there will be a lot of cum trading. Do you think that will be a problem?" I asked.

Rufus laughed. "If White boys could get pregnant by being fucked, I'd have a bunch of kids!" he said and then he leaned closer to me. "I like private sessions too. You are my type."

"I'm not sure I have a type," I said. "I do have an itch deep in my ass that could use some attention."

"I guess we understand each other," Rufus said as he joined the other men.

In general, these men were mature and apparently did not have a shy bone in their bodies. They were in good shape and well equipped, so they liked to be photographed. Norman, one of Donnie's friends told me he wondered if any of the shots would be good for his annual Christmas card. As I said, they weren't shy.

While they were experienced, usually when you engaged sexually, you don't consider the pictorial potential. Most of the time it is dark and confused. The men liked my pictures. Rufus had connected with both Everett, a White guy, and Dulaney, a Black man. They looked at my shots and agreed the black and white couplings were clearer, and more erotic.

I've watched enough porn movies to know that aiming a camera at two fornicating guys does not make for sublime poetry. Sex is good when you are doing it, but watching it is another matter. It's hard to see the cocks in action. They are in a mouth or up an ass. Making an asshole into a thing of beauty is hard too. I tend to think of fucking as the climax of sex, both literally and emotionally. It's impossible to properly light the interior of an ass.

Ideally the cock completely fills the rectum. There is no way to get a wide-angle camera into the ass along with the cock. I prefer the first ejaculations splattering over the asshole, and then using the cum as lubricant for the cock's grand entry into the ass. After the orgasm, it is good if the ass remains gaping open and you can see quivering sperm in the ass.

Deville's group and Mountjoy's group didn't know each other. That could have been a problem, but Deville told me that everyone is friends with the guy who has the erection. It turned out that since everyone was horny and everyone was erect, things worked out. I was a little worried about the Black and White relationships. I don't want to sound cynical, but I suspected that if the cocks are big enough, problems tend to vanish.

I just took random shots and gave advice on good camera angles. While going deep into an ass is exciting, it doesn't photograph well. Swallowing a cock whole is a sexual achievement but licking and working the knob photographs better. I also found which guys has the most photogenic asses.

I laughed to myself. Finding a photogenic ass had never been one of my objectives. Life can take odd turns. Since I spent hours looking at cocks and asses, I became quite a connoisseur. I subdivided cocks into cut and uncut, long, thin, and beer can.

Asses were smooth, hairy and a pink rosebud was a nice feature. A few stayed open after being fucked. These were ideal for the up close and personal to porn lover. Black and White partners were good. Giles felt that an older Black man in a younger White ass was a good. An older White cock in a younger Black ass worked well too. I have a feeling that a sociologist might do a study of that.

Deville and Mountjoy knew their men well. They hadn't met before, but horny, naked, semi-erect men have no problem finding common interest. Rufus, Dulaney, Everette, Baskerville and Donnie got the festivities under way and none of the other men seemed to hold back. As far as I could tell they didn't hold back even a little bit. I expected a little hesitation with men they didn't know.

Giles mentioned that while sucking was a good warm up exercise, it would be a good idea to find cocks that fit their asses well since some of the sessions might last a while. "If any of you are squeamish about taking cum, I have found that tasting some may make rimming more enjoyable," he suggested.

"We are supposed to rim too?" a man asked.

"No, that isn't required," Giles said. "Spontaneous adlibbing is good. It keeps the shoot from looking to mechanical."

"I thought mechanical was what you were after?" he asked.

"For the main shoot yes. I'm thinking if the group evolves into free form orgy, it will improve the shoot. Video viewers like to know the guys enjoy what they are doing," Giles said.

"I get a little wild and crazy when I into it big time," Rufus said.

"A little wild and crazy is fine as long as your playmate is okay with it," Giles explained. "Do remember if it doesn't fit, don't force it."

Give the number of oversexed, driven men in the room there were no problems. Since there were twenty or so men in the room, if your cock didn't fit in one ass, there another ass that could take your cock a few feet away. The racial makeup of the men was not a problem. Rufus and Donnie were leaders in that respect. They were equal opportunity fuckers. There were also cheerful and enthusiastic men.

As far as I could tell, once the cock was past the sphincter, all was well. That was due to the natural endowments of the men, and the group. When everyone is fucking or being fucked, it's easy to get caught up in the moment. I would guess that half to two thirds of the men were exhibitionists. They wanted to show off.

Rufus seemed to pick playmates who were ideal for a video. He was older, but muscular and in good shape, pleasant and personable. His large cock was complimented by even larger balls. He found a muscular guy, Rueben, who had to be the pinkest man I had ever seen. Rueben was a body builder, but the oversized muscles contrasted with his delicate pink skin and looked well with Rufus's mahogany skin tone. Rufus's cock was dark and veiny and looked beautiful plowing into the pink ass which looked too small for the monster cock. A little later Rueben fucked Rufus. That looked as if Rufus's ass ate Rueben's cock, but Rueben had a spectacular orgasm and sperm drooled from Rufus's ass. Rueben was still shooting after he pulled out, so he tried to push it into the dark hole. That was video magic; the white cock, the pink ass, and the white sperm were lovely.

Later a big white guy, Bill, nosed his cock into Rufus's ass. Bill was a brick mason and no sophistication at all. His cock was a love probe not a fuck tool. His cock told a story. He slowly eased it into the ass, and you could tell when he popped past the tight sphincter, and then sensed its enjoyment as the went deep. I watched it twitch for the first two ejaculations. He then pulled out and splattered his cum on the ass, pushing the goo in every third of fourth ejaculation.

For the big show I could see Bill, Rufus, and Rueben as a set. A little later I saw Baskerville fucking Bill with vigor, and Bill obviously liked it. The men seemed to get along well, and most of the tension due to having sex with a guy you didn't know vanished.

I discovered a few strange things about me. I was much more open minded that I had guessed, and I could continue working while sexually engaged. That was an unusual skill, but it was useful. When you are filming incredibly graphic sexual acts, being one of the guys relaxes the men you are filming.

At the end of the session Giles looked happy. We had the right men for his Buzzy Berkley fuck train.

Our next training session was unusual. The Blue Club was a group of retired police and jail guards. Usually between six and twelve guys would stage fake police-prisoner's interactions. Police-Prisoner fantasies are standard gay video fare. If you did that in real life you would be arrested. Vernon knew some men who he referred to as his never good enough to have been has-beens. They were waiters, pizza delivery men and shop clerks who never were more than an extra, but still had hopes.

I though this was borderline cruel. Vernon told me that he never offered them stardom. He reminded me this was a fake studio, but the sex was real. There was genuine fucking and sucking even if the shoots were fake. I guess the promise of real sex was enough for the men. While the sex was real, the violence was not. I don't know if the former police wanted sadomasochistic sex, but again real sex with cock and asses had it allure.

The retired police were between 55 and 70 and while some were still in shape, most had gone to pot. The prisoners were mostly 35 to 45ish. God in his great wisdom, tends to randomly distribute big cocks and willing asses randomly. Washed up actors and ageing policemen can receive impressive sexual endowments and itches in hard to reach places. In one of our little police dramas, everyone seemed to find something to like. I also noticed that during our studio rehearsals, the men tended to forget the plot and go for personal pleasure.

The men were ready for action when I got a call from Giles. He had a call from his sister that their mother was on her death bed and sinking fast. He was at the airport catching a plane to Chicago. I asked him what I should do.

"You can tell them what happened and why don't they have a free for all see how things work out. There may be some surprises," he said. "I have to get to my plane!" He cried as he hung up.

I told the guys about Giles' problem. Many of them were older men so they been had through that and were sympathetic.

"Giles suggested that you might have a little fun. I can tape it and he can look it over when he gets back. there is no need for acting, just do what comes naturally," I said. "There is one thing you need to know. We don't provide artificial sperm. We want it all natural. On a personal note, if you can deposit it in a mouth or an ass, I would appreciate that. I will have an easier time cleaning up."

"If I can't find a place to put it, can you take it?" a guy asked.

"I have a little quirk about that. As long as it's fresh and still warm, I'm okay," I said. "I don't like it chilled. By the way, there are a lot of cocks in this room. Sample as many as you can, you may get paired with different guys in the final shoot. Giles likes to mix things up a bit. I started taking my clothes off, and that got the ball rolling. I thought some of the men would go home, but as far as I could tell, no one left.

My suggestion that they mix was a success. I had given them an excuse to mix things up.

Next: Chapter 3

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