Acme Training Academy

Published on Oct 25, 2020


The Acme Training Academy. By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to or

At one time the Acme Training Academy purported to train future movie stars. It advertised in movie magazines and true love magazines for women. It was a scam and it succumbed to cease and desist orders from multiple state's Attorneys Generals. Technically the corporation still existed but that was on paper only. It came to life again when Tony Russo and Vernon More bought the name. They advertised on the web. This was when the web made the wild west seem like a church picnic. Anything that paid a modest fee was fine.

This time the academy was training men to star in porn, gay porn. It didn't promise much, since there was not much money in porn for the actors, but porn had its appeal. The Academy was in Los Angeles which was a good location.

Tony had made money providing male escorts. Vernon was simply a wealthy man who was horny as shit. The real intention was to connect horny young men with horny older men. The word connect was a euphemism for suck and fuck. Dr. Giles Du Mont ran the training classes. His PhD was in Romance Languages, but he had devoted his life to bedding young men. I am Buster Brown the camera man. Buster is not my nickname. It was my Dad's nickname and mom thought it was cute.

Tony knew some porn producers and introduced them to his students. Some of the producers sampled the merchandise in the form of an audition. While young men paid little for the classes. Older men paid much more. It was still less than paying for a male prostitute for a night's service.

It was all sleezy and borderline illegal, but it was better than the problems of prostitution on the street, so the business was ignored. Vernon was wealthy enough to donate to politicians.

Tony knew the market. Patronizing street trade included the fear of crime and disease. That was true for both the customers and the "escorts." Tony made sure everyone was disease free. The hours were flexible so the young men could have a day or night job and augment their income. The hours meant that the older men could fit it in to the gaps between working and golfing or by adding a few hours to an out-of-town meeting.

The studio was Vernon's Grand Father's home, a Spanish-Mission house built in the 1920s. He had inherited it and it was too big for one man. It was theatrical and provided sets for the videos. Acme did not provide commercial videos, but some of the older men liked copies of their work.

The Acme Academy started small, but quickly grew and became profitable. While there is an oversupply of porn, there is no shortage of horny men. Training men to become porn stars is remarkably similar to having sex with men. Tony started with small groups and then moved to include more men.

Du Mont and I began with Wilson Jones and Tad Jewett. Wilson was fifty and was an investor in the academy. Tad was 25, lazy and horny. We talked briefly then Du Mont said it was time to get naked and get to it. The guys looked uneasy. Du Mont was a leader of men, and he told them that he and I would be naked too. He hadn't warned me about that. I am not a beach bunny. I provided pictures to add authenticity to the Academy, and to provide souvenirs to the participants.

Giles Du Mont was an elegant, shaved man who took care of himself. Wilson was well tanned, with a carefully groomed hairy chest. Tad was a blond beach bunny, and I was Neanderthal.

"Wilson, why don't you get friendly with Tad?" Giles asked. Apparently, get friendly was the euphemism for sucking his cock. Wilson dropped to his knees and Tad's cock vanished into Wilson's mouth.

"Buster why don't you look for good camera angles?" Giles asked. "Wilson and Tad remember don't worry about your hair getting mussed. Porn is about cock, not fashion or male grooming! Make sure you warn us if you are close to shooting. They don't call it a money shot for no reason!"

I thought Giles was here to give some authenticity to the porn video. He was expert at getting Wilson and Tad into positions that showed maximum genital contact between the actors. He had Wilson use his tongue to caress Tad's bloated cock head. We managed to get Wilson to intercept a blob of precum as it dripped from Tad's piss slit. Wilson then engulfed the entire cock head, and you could see his tongue caressing the knob to encourage more drool.

Some porn actors look like they are just doing what they are told. The combination of the older man and the young stud worked well, and it didn't require much acting. Wilson was into it.

We worked on that scene for about a half hour and then took a break. Giles said he wanted to delay the orgasms for a little longer. He thought Tad would be more excited by then, and he wanted a massive load. That was easier to catch in video.

Vernon came in and asked if Giles and Wilson could briefly meet with him. They went off leaving me with Tad.

"Have you been the cameraman on much porn?" Tad asked.

"This is my first," I said. "I had a big shoot planned in Mexico, but it fell through," I said. "I needed some work, so here I am."

"Is the cameraman usually naked?" he asked.

"I don't think so, but I don't really know," I said. "My body isn't ready for prime time."

"Well, you would never be mistaken for Leonardo De Caprio," he said. "You could braid the hair on your chest. Do you clog the drain every time you shower?"

"Not every time," I said. A second later, my cock was in Tad's mouth. He was a good cock sucker and was more enthusiastic than he had been with Wilson. I have a beer can type cock. I'm uncut and have some extra skin. The skin can cover my erect cock. Tad seemed to like play with the foreskin and my knob before he deep throated me.

Tony, Vernon, and Giles returned with Wilson. They were all nude and partially erect. They had been playing too. We resumed the "trial" shoot. Tony had told me that any good shot might spliced into a video if it was good.

The second shoot had Wilson fucking Tad. These were popular for the porn audience. The fantasy of a virgin opening his ass for an old guy was always a crowd pleaser. Tad could look younger than his years; cocks and assholes don't show their age.

I got to know Tad later when he became a regular. He had stamina and some how managed to look virginal. He was a nice guy, pleasant and cheerful. He had the sex drive of a bull elephant and was insatiable. I later did a gang-bang video of him taking ten cocks. After the shoot I fucked him for almost an hour. My cock is thick and that pushed the other guys' sperm deeper into him. He was finally satisfied.

Two days later I did what Giles called a practice scene with four older men and three younger men, Tad, Joey, and Kyle. The best advertising is by word of mouth and Wilson had enjoyed the first shoot, as did Tad. Tad seemed to be the leader of the pack. Joey and Kyle were a little younger than Tad and not as bright.

The older men didn't give us their real names, they had a nom-de-prick. The youngest was slim, tall guy named Lance. He looked like he was in his late thirties. Rocco was a fortyish, stocky, bearded man. Florian was an older effeminate guy and Bruiser was a big blond guy. Bruiser looked bald, but since his hair was blond and turning white, the hair didn't show much.

Giles came in wearing a cape and gave his spiel. He was flamboyant but made some down to earth comments. When Giles asked for questions, Bruiser said that he wasn't sure he could act. Actually, he said that he wasn't that good at talking.

"Don't worry about that boys. You have no chance of getting an Academy Award! You don't need to enunciate when you are sucking a cock. All the drama and excitement are related to your cock," Giles said. "Once and a while you may utter, "Damn, you have a tight ass," or "Your cum is nice and sweet."

"What is your best line?" Rocco asked.

"I was in one video drama and I said, "Don't worry, I don't have a gag reflex." That became the title of the video," Giles said. "Well boys, it is time to get naked and go to it. I teach by example." With that comment he dramatically took off his cape revealing he was nude. That caused a round of applause and the men stripped. Giles had a knack of getting the men to relax.

At the beginning of my career I had been interested in wildlife photography. The night before I realized that porn was similar. You spent time looking for the special things that were distinctive to this or that animal. You try to catch the special fleeting moments that were characteristic.

Here I was trying to catch the orgasm, the twitches that proceed and follow the orgasm. I wanted to catch the way a man takes the load. Does it splatter in his face, or does it shoot directly into his mouth. Does a fucker shoot off in the hole or against the hole. Does cum dribble from the ass or is it firmly closed? I wasn't working in a high budget production, but the work could be interesting. As a gay man I had felt the sensations of gay sex. I had not considered it as an aesthetic experience.

The men broke into three groups. Lance was with Tad, Rocco with Joey, and Florian and Bruiser double teamed Kyle. Giles asked them to do what comes naturally. He would come by and enhance the natural.

We all size up guys when you meet for the first time. You make assumptions and guesses about what they are like. I used to do that but have since realized my guesses were almost one-hundred-percent wrong. Lance looked like a cool, collected, laid back man. The second his tongue touched Tad's cock he was a sex crazed madman. That made things difficult for me. I barely could get an image because Tad's cock was deep in Lance's mouth and Lance's sucking style was best described as frantic.

Rocco was a stocky, hairy, muscular man he treated Joey's cock like a delicate, beautiful flower. Joey had a runner's body, a nice cock, and oversized low hangers. He seemed to like Rocco's approach if a steady stream of precum is an indicator. For Rocco that was cock honey, and he was the bear to lick it up. It was a combination of cock worship and a gourmet feast.

Kyle was a scrawny, tall guy. Florian was small but well equipped. Bruiser was a big guy with the physique of a 19th Century boxer. Bruiser and Kyle sixty-nined and Florian rimmed Kyle's ass. After a while Florian and Kyle sixty-nined as Bruiser eased his cock into Kyle's ass. I had a strong suspicion that this wasn't Kyle's first anal experience. Bruiser took his time and Florian clearly enjoyed the view. It was easy to film, very erotic and almost pretty.

Giles was giving each group advice. In some ways this was unnecessary since none of this would be released to the public, but he was helpful. The advice was useful in improving the men's sexual skills.

After the Studio session was over some of the men left, but Giles, Rocco and Bruiser remained with Joey as we reviewed the video tapes.

"For a first session the tapes are good," Giles said. "They aren't going to make it in the local Cineplexes, but they would do the trick for a select audience."

"Is a select audience the same as sex crazed men?" Bruiser asked. Everyone laughed.

"I thought I was worn out by the studio, but as I watched the videos, I'm ready to go again,

Rocco said.

"I'm not sure I can take all of you?" Joey said.

"I was wondering if Giles and Buster might like to let it all hang out," Rocco said.

Giles looked shocked. "I would never get involved with any of the students in a Studio exercise. It would be non-professional," he said. "Now if it was a purely recreational sexual frolic, that would be a different situation."

"Damn, if I could bull shit like you, I'd be selling used cars!" Rocco said. "Is there anyone here you would like to sample?"

"I have standards and I can be picky," Giles said. "Since I have seen all your cocks and asses in action, I can assure you all that you meet my standards. Professionally, I would like to know how many of you can shoot a good load after this afternoon's activities? Multiple orgasms are good in this business."

I assume the men's interests were in Giles. I was surprised when I seemed to have a fan club. Apparently, a hairy older guy with an uncut cock was of interest. Everyone got along well. The men left after they shot off. Giles, Buster, and I were the last men left. Buster was fucking me with nice long strokes and Giles was sucking me.

"I'm going to shoot," I cried out. I felt Buster unloading in my ass. His ejaculations were forceful, and I could feel them. I shot off and Giles took every drop of my load. I didn't expect that.

Two days later we had a class of youth and older guys. The youths had to be nineteen or older and have a genuine driver's license. I was uneasy about this. I thought it would attract bar flies and druggies. It seemed to attract lonely guys with shit jobs who didn't go to the bars. It was close to being a lonely-hearts group. There were eight young men and six older men. There were three 30-40-year-olds and three 50 to 70-year-olds in the older group.

The men were varied, some tall, some short, thin, and beefy. There was one Chinese man, one from India and a Black man.

Giles explained there were some men who liked twink on twink sex. There was also a market for daddy and son scenes. He told them the session was just to get acquainted. He wanted to see[BW1] if they would get naked and be playful with other men.

"We had some older men here to see if that is a problem for you," he continued. "I assume you are into porn and like it. This is all voluntary. You aren't required to do anything. I assume you know porn requires sex. Guys don't buy porn to watch other guy stand around and chat. Maybe you can find a porn producer who likes to make videos of guys standing around doing nothing. Let's just say we want to know what you will do, not watch what you might do, or might do when you feel like it."

"We also have Buster here who has a video camera. If you just want to do things in private, that is fine," Giles explained. "It might surprise you to know that men don't buy blank videos that shows what you are doing in another room." The group laughed. "Now, if you are shy and don't want to do things for other guys to see, that is fine. We will refund any money you gave us, and you can go home."

Giles finished by saying, "If you want to stay here, it's time to get naked and let's see what happens."

Only one man came over to Giles and left. Everyone else was soon naked. With all these men it was confused at first, but it soon resolved into smaller groups. It was clear that the remaining men were not at all shy about nudity and sex. While some younger men might be uneasy and inexperienced about sex, they were not the men here.

There soon was grand total of six feet plus of erect cock, and that seemed to be inspirational. There was no hesitation to get involved. I wasn't surprised by the erections, but it seemed that there were few clenched asses. Ass holes were on display and in some I noticed a glint of lubricant.

Initially it was all cock sucking, with some guys in the sixty-nine position. As far as I could tell, everyone was into it, way into it.

After ten minutes or so, Giles spoke. "I assume you know that in porn you don't get to pick your playmates. It seems you are all getting along well. I would like for you all to make a daisy chain, linked cock to mouth. Buster will make a video and I want you all to go after your neighbor's cock with gusto and enthusiasm."

Giles organized the chain with a young guy and an older man next to each other. I notice that a white boy was next to a black man. The boy hesitated a little, but all was well a few seconds later when the Black guy's mouth touched the White boy's cock.

Giles had noticed that too. "All large cocks are created equal," he whispered. I laughed.

I took an overview shot and then did a close-up shot of each man sucking the man next to him. Everyone was a good sport. They weren't faking their interest in cock sucking.

"If any of you get close to shooting, give me a shout," I said. "I want to immortalize the fireworks," I announced.

"Do you want it open air or swallowed?" a man asked.

"Ideally, a few open-air spurts followed by a genuine effort to take the rest in the mouth," I said. "That's the ideal. You can do whatever works for you. This is a video and cum eating is kind of personal. We understand that."

Neither cocks nor gay guys are that good about following instructions, but Giles and I were pleased by the number of men who made a good effort to take their partners' cum. It seemed that many of them enjoyed taking it fresh from the balls. They seemed to like a load of sperm from a man who had been a complete stranger and hour earlier.

The next day, two of the men who had been in the class came to the studio. I was the only one there, so they came to talk with me. They were Donnie and Baskerville, the White kid and the Black guy who had been paired the day before.

"You guys did well yesterday," I said. "You are star material although few guys ever become stars in porn."

"We know that." Baskerville said. "This was just some fun and it turned out to me much more fun than I had guessed it would be."

"Did the large group bother you?" I asked.

"That turned out to be a turn on," Donnie said.

"A few of the guys were talking and they wondered if we could do a daisy chain fucking instead of sucking?" Donnie asked. "It would be hot!"

I told them I didn't know what Giles had planned. "You guys like fucking?" I asked. "Are you into plain fucking or breeding?"

"Definatly breeding," Baskervill said. "It's messy, but that's what you are after isn't it?"

I smiled, "It's what I am after. How many guys are interested?"

"There are five from yesterday's group," Donnie said. "Baskerville says he has some pals who might be into it."

"I know some guys," Baskerville said. "Donnie told me his pals wouldn't mind some dark meat."

I said I would talk to Giles about it.

The next day we had a small group. Apparently, it was a birthday party. I thought this was odd. Giles said the guest of honor was the special son of a well-known family. A man named Handy Henry came with a friend Pee Wee. Tad arrived with new guy Dutch. Handy was an impressive man of fifty or so. He was tall, handsome and in good shape. Pee Wee was big too, but pretty much your average Joe. Dutch looked like an escapee from a chimpanzee breeding farm.

Giles got thing under way with his normal flare. He went through the usual spiel and through open his cape.

"He's pretty, Daddy," Pee Wee said to Handy.

"Everyone here is pretty in some way," Giles said adding, "It's time for every to get naked."

"Bare assed naked?" Pee Wee asked he looked around at the nude men. "Everyone is big!"

"Do you like them big?" Giles asked. Pee Wee nodded his head vigorously and then he stripped.

"You have a nice one, Pee Wee," Dutch said. "It's nice and big." Pee Wee looked better naked, than dressed. He was not a small man.


Next: Chapter 2

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