Achilles and Patroclus

By Mark McElroy

Published on Mar 23, 2020


This is a love story of the hero of the Trojan War Achilles and his Patroclus. The Ancient Greeks reveared the love between a Erastes (man) and his Eromenos (boy). This story contains descriptions of acts of sex, between men and boys. If you're offended by intergenerational sex between males or Gay sex period then leave now. If you're underage leave now.

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Ithaca The ship sailed past the southern Peloponease and past the southern islands, late at night and sailed up the western shore. Ithaca the lookout called out. Achilles and Patroclus stood on the deck and watched the approach, with the twins by Timotheus side with his boy flanking them. The helmsman steered the ship to the docks and they dropped anchor. Extending the great planks the passengers left the ship. Turning to the Captain, Achilles told him they would be ready to depart in 10 days and Odysseus had offered the pleasures of the Island Kingdom to the Captain and crew. One of Odysseus's guards volunteered to show the Captain the Inn where rooms were reserved for his and the crews use. There is a brothel that makes exclusive use of boy whores, not one over the age of 15 seasons. With many as young as 7. They also serve the finest wines imported from far away Iberia. Ithaca was competing for trade with Carthage. A 6 seat litter was waiting for the visitors carried by 8 muscular slaves. Imported from blackest Aethiopia. It was a short walk to Odysseus Palace. Made of the finest Greek marble it was breath taking beautiful. Standing on the steps waiting was King Odysseus and Queen Penelope. They walked into the throne room following the pair. Seating themselves the Royal couple faced their visitors. Lord Odysseus you are in the bloom of health. Lady Penelope you are practically glowing.

Achilles how is my old friend? Odysseus asked, speaking for the first time Penelope asked and your Mother Thetis? My Father is in his Prime, and Mother spends her day and nights within Poseidon's palace. My Lord and Lady may I present from my father your gifts. Beckoning the girl first for you my Lady this is Ankhtara she will be your maid, companion she is also a food taster. She will protect you from attack. Show Lady your weapons. Ankhtara pulled two deadly looking daggers from within her wrist bands, another pick with the handle on a concealed scabbard between her breast. Turning to her Lady she said I pledge my life to prevent your demise. No one will be allowed within your private Chambers without prior agreement. Standing she extended her hand saying come girl let us retire the heat oppresses me. The Lady's left the men to sort themselves out. Achilles introduced his Eromenos, Patroclus, Odysseus complimented the boy, Patroclus you are beautiful if you're ever unhappy come to Ithaca I will dote on your every whim. Achilles replied Be still man Patroclus is going to be a warrior like me, not a spoiled house pussy cat lounging about on silk pillows. Now speaking of a boy you May spoil with my father's great approval, may I present for your pleasure the male twin to Penelope's new girl, leading by the hand a vision to rivel the beauty of the God's. This is Ahmoses. The boy knelt before Odysseus in the Egyptian manner, with his body prostrate and his forehead on the marble floor. Bowing? no no please rise, Cato, please take Ahmoses to my private Chambers and see to his bath, anoint him with sandalwood and place him on my bed. I'll join you in a few moments. Kissing the boy's lips he whispered softly I can hardly wait. Cato a elderly slave bowed yes my Lord escorting the boy away. Odysseus asked if they would enjoy a brief rest before the banquet? Yes I think my Eromenos is quite sleepy. Calling for a slave, Odysseus gave instructions to take his guests to their champers.

Patroclus undressed Achilles and himself and embracing Achilles kissed his boy deeply. Laying down on the very large and soft bed. They both fell into a peaceful sleep. Patroclus saw a light brighter than sunlight inside his eyelids. Opening his eyes he saw a older very muscular naked man sitting on a chair like it was a throne holding a Golden Trident and stunningly beautiful boy with gorgeous emerald green hair with matching eyes standing beside him. Sitting up he shook Achilles awake, pardon me Lord but we have company. Looking up at Patroclus questioningly he said What? The man finally spoke arise Achilles and greet me ! Achilles leapt to his feet Grandfather he exclaimed, why are you here? Hello cousin he said to the boy with the green hair. Achilles you look magnificent, how's is your dear father? He's in the prime of life sir thank you for asking. Poseidon looked around at Patroclus, will you introduce us to your bed companion? My apologies grandfather, this is my Eromenos Patroclus, Patroclus this is my grandfather Poseidon, and my cousin Triton. Patroclus jumping off the bed and prostrated himself before the Gods. Please forgive me I didn't realize! Relax you beautiful boy, I have been wanting to meet you for a season. And my Triton begged me to bring him along to see Achilles. They used to be close when they were younger. Younger? Lord Triton looks younger than I Patroclus answered. Smiling broadly Triton stood the boy up saying oh bless you boy. Do you mind getting acquainted with Poseidon, while I renew my friendship with our cousin?

They both looked over at Poseidon sitting stroking a massive erection, a leering at the boy. Don't worry Patroclus, he's a God he cannot hurt you. Achilles the decision is yours I will do your bidding. Patroclus I will never ask you to do something you don't want to do! Gazing at the God he looked at Triton and smiled. Nodding he took Triton's hand and put it in Achilles hand. Kissing Patroclus, Achilles said this changes nothing between us, I will always love you. And I you, walking over to Poseidon he blushed you want hurt me will you? Pulling the boy to him Poseidon kissed him on the mouth and said straddle my lap beautiful. Patroclus sat and the God's cock slid in his hole easily oh God he said. Feels wonderful to this God also smiling as he lifted the boy's buttocks and down. Behind them Achilles picked Triton up and laying the god up and moved between his legs. He spread the boys legs and pushed his dripping cock in with one hard thrust. Achilles remembering that Triton like it a little rough started pounding the hole his cock was in. Looking over his shoulder he saw Poseidon stand up and he began thrusting his cock in the boy as Patroclus kept hands wrapped around the God's neck and his legs secure around his waist.

Changing positions he lay behind Triton and raised one of the gods legs re-entering the hole thrusting hard making them both moan loudly. Poseidon said by the river Styx I'm going to cum, Achilles cried out yes I am also. Without warning Patroclus shot cum all over Poseidon's chest kissing him deeply, as the God's mighty cock throbbed and cum shot deep inside the boy. With his fingers wrapped around Triton's cock he made the God cum at the same time as his cum was shooting up the God's ass. Achilles's breathing slowed and Poseidon sat down and released Patroclus, Triton said you have improved with age Achilles thank you. My Lord you are magnificent Patroclus said. Achilles asked them to attend the banquet. No I wish we could but Zeus expects us on Olympus tonight. He's throwing a party in honor of his taking Prince Ganymede as his lover. Hera of course is furious but is powerless because Zeus fed him Ambrosia, now the boy is immortal.

To be continued in Chapter 6.

Next: Chapter 6

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