Achilles and Patroclus

By Mark McElroy

Published on Mar 16, 2020


This is a story of the true love between the famous hero of the Trojan War Achilles and his young lover Patroclus. Ancient Greece reveared the practice of Erastes ( Man) teaching, training, and love with a Eromenos (Boy).

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Achilles waited patiently for his father to finish his tryst with his new slave, the very cute golden locks boy was on his knees with Peleus's large cock in his mouth. He appears to be quite talented father. Oh he is son he has the lips of Eros, makes me cum like no boy ever has. Throwing his head back he grasped the boy's head and shoved all the way on his cock, breathing hard he said take my seed boy it'll make you a man. Oh yeah swallow it all. Releasing his head the boy licking the cock clean of any trace of cum. Ruffling the lads hair he kissed him and said I'm going to free you one day but I'll never let you go. Father don't tell me you have fallen in love? Peleus realized his sons good humor smiled and how is Patroclus fairing? Achilles smiled himself remembering how receptive the boy was. Well he is packing our luggage with a big smile on his face. Standing Peleus walked over to his desk picking up a thick roll of scrolls put these trade agreements and put curriers canvas bag and let Patroclus carry them. Journey to Ithaca and deliver them to our friend Odysseus. Take the twin slaves to him also. The Egyptians? Achilles asked. Yes the boy is for Odysseus because Penelope is with child and the girl is for her as a handmaiden

Achilles rode his beautiful white charger next to Patroclus Black beauty both horses a Present from Lord Poseidon. The day Thetis gave birth too Achilles. Peleus had ordered his flagship prepared for the journey to Ithaca. Arriving at the docks they turned the horses over to a groom with instructions to feed them the finest grains with plenty of water and excersise. Approaching a alter an older slave brought forward a lamb a Priest of Poseidon called upon the god to grant safe passage to Ithaca. After the sacrifice a favorable wind blew and the set sails. Ithaca was on the westside of Greece so they had a few days journey ahead of them. Achilles I had the twins secured in a room and I have the only key, I also posted one of your Myrmidon's outside to guard them. Going downstairs Achilles saw a familiar figure standing guard, Timotheus black locks with rippling muscles. How are you my friend? I am well my Lord. What do you think of my father's gift to Odysseus? They are beautiful children a fitting gift for a King. Well said my friend guard them well. My Lord they are in a second chamber just thru a locked door within my bed chamber. The Captains son is my cousin and my Eromenos he sleeps lightly and will alert me if anyone tries to enter their chamber. Achilles smiled and entered his and Patroclus's sleeping chamber, to find a naked Patroclus bathing himself out of a bowl of water. Turning to the man Patroclus started removing Achilles tunic and unlacing his leather boots. Taking a fresh bowl of water washed the dust from his lovers body and feet. Taking Patroclus face in his hands Achilles kissed the boy with passion. Patroclus gave a small push and Achilles sat back on the bed resting on his elbows watching the boy kneel. Taking the man's large uncut cock in his mouth running his tongue under the hood. Yes that's it boy work that skin, his cock growing thicker and longer. Pulling Patroclus up on the bed he moved between the boy's legs and raising his ass he started eating him out. Pushing his tongue up inside and licking the outside Patroclus begged his lover fuck me as the man sucked little balls. Choosing to drive Patroclus a trifle mad with lust he pushed two fingers in searching for his love nut, finding it and making the boy cry with joy. Clamping his mouth over the very hard and leaking 5" swallowed his juice down.

Achilles went topside and asked the Captain if it was acceptable to bring the two slaves up so they could stretch their legs. Of course my men know to keep their hands to themselves. Patroclus ask Timotheus to bring the gifts up for a hour. Yes my Lord, going downstairs he relayed Achilles orders. Coming back upstairs Timotheus was followed by a very beautiful long haired dark skinned girl wearing a short diaphanous dress. Right behind her and holding his hand was a equally beautiful boy wearing a very short Egyptian kilt. Their eyes lined with kohl. Walking up to Achilles the girl said thank you sire for this kindness my brother and I are grateful. Achilles said you are both beautiful beyond words. Looking at the boy he said if I was not in love with my Patroclus I would be envious of my friend who receives you boy. Both children blushed and followed Patroclus around the deck.

To be continued in chapter 4.

Next: Chapter 4

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