Achilles and Patroclus

By Mark McElroy

Published on Mar 10, 2020


Achilles strode into his rooms humming a tune. Standing by his bed was his cousin and soon to be Eromenos. Patroclus, when did you arrive? Greeting the boy with a kiss he drew back and looking him up and down asked will you share my bath? Yes my Lord I will. Achilles slave Cleon appeared and offered his assistance in removing his armour. Once it was removed and taking Patroclus small hand in his Achilles stepped down into the sunken marble bath. Easing into the hot water invigorated both man and boy. Go and take your supper Cleon, Patroclus shall bathe me. You also may visit your Iolus and sleep in his arms tonight. Patroclus moved behind Achilles drawing a sea sponge across his shoulders. Moving down onto his chest Patroclus gently scrubbed the large muscles of the man. Achilles reached for his own sponge and started bathing the boy in return. Stand up Patroclus he asked taking the patchouli oil flask and poured a small amount in his hand rubbing the oil over the boy's cock working the skin over and off the glans. You have a beautiful cock cousin, have you produced seed yet? Yes while I slept and was dreaming. Oh do you remember what you dreamt? Yes my cousin, all my dreams are of you. Me? And what am I doing in your dreams small one? You are on top of me kissing me, I can almost feel you as you enter me. Achilles stood and poured oil into the boy's hand and Patroclus rubbed it in to Achilles cock working the foreskin back just as his was done. Do you like my cock cousin? My Lord you are magnificent your cock is so thick and the fluid is sweet as honey. Thank you it is almost time for the celebration. We will wear the new garments I bought today from Troy. The sky blue tunic is yours it is made of a cloth called silk. Patroclus dressed and turned to assist Achilles with a beautiful red tunic bordered with Royal purple.

Taking Patroclus by hand they walked to the Great hall. In Peleus's Chambers a beautiful boy slave was dressing the King. Moving with a slight limp which was noticed by Peleus, Alexis did I hurt you? My Lord was most vigorous in taking his pleasures. But my buttocks will adjust. Looking at his pleasure slave, you have exceeded my expectations. I have not spent that much fluids in a fortnight. Attend me to my nephew's birthday feast.

The Great Hall was brightly lit with wall torches. Dancing boys in loin cloths undulating and gyrating to the music of the drums, the Shepards flute, and 12 lyres strumming in perfect harmony. Serving youths passing gold and silver goblets. Moving thru the crowd Peleus sat on his throne and the guests finally taking seats. Standing by the throne was Monotius father of Patroclus. All eyes turned to see Achilles enter holding the hand of Patroclus. Gasping the crowd was awed by the contrast of the sky blue silk and the boys beautiful eyes. The pair approached the Throne and bowed to Peleus. My son, Monotius began 12 seasons ago your Mother laid you upon my lap and I claimed you as my son. I also promised Peleus my brother that his son Achilles would have the honor of becoming your Erastes. Kneel before Achilles son, do you Achilles swear to instruct Patroclus in the arts of War, teach him love making skills, and how to treat inferiors. To be gracious when losing, and compassionate to the vanquished? This I swear before all the Olympians. Patroclus my son do you swear to be obedient, learn your lessons, and be loyal to Achilles? I also swear before the Gods. Achilles pulled Patroclus to his feet, and gave the boy a sweet kiss. A slave appeared at Achilles side with a ornate box, thank you Philip. Opening the box he extracted the gold necklace and placed it around Patroclus's slender neck. The single black pearl resting on the boy's sternal notch. Kissing Patroclus deeply he asked are you happy? Giving Achilles an impish look he said ask me again when we're in bed.

Hours later Achilles and Patroclus taking their leave went to the bed chamber. Undressing they moved to the bed and pushing the boy on his back Achilles took the hard 5" into his mouth savoring the taste of the boy. Deciding to return the same Patroclus took the larger cock into his mouth. His precum sliding down the boy's throat. Coming off the cock Patroclus straddled the man's hips putting the head against his anus he slowly eased it inside him. Gasping at the size of the cock stretching his hole, Achilles said breath love and push out and it will go in easier. Bearing down and taking deep even breaths the cock slid all the way in. Sitting still to adjust, he moved up a inch or two coming back down oh God's you feel so good, your hot and tight. Pulling Patroclus down to his chest Achilles turned them over so he was on top of Patroclus. Taking the boy by the ankles he drove his cock up against his prostate over and over. Patroclus moaning it's so good I knew you would make me yours. Throwing his brown hair back Achilles cried out I feel the touch of the God's. Patroclus's muscles clamping down on the thrusting cock felt waves of power flowing thru his body as cum shot out ropes of semen hitting his chin and chest. Achilles feeling the boy's orgasm flooded the passage with his cum. Rolling off the boy he marveled that this mere boy could cause such Joy in love making.

To be continued in Chapter 3

Next: Chapter 3

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