Ace and Bonjovi

By Julian Travis

Published on May 20, 2007


Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional. The persons identified in this story are fictitious individuals as well. Nothing written here tells the truth about who these individuals are or what is their sexual preferences. This is strictly fantasy. If this offends you, please exit immediately.

Chapter One

Bon Jovi has a reputation of being fully straight so very little rumor exists out there about his hidden life. But, Bon at his age had some challenges with himself. It was a recent event that had begun his wondering thoughts.

Bon Jovi sang at the American Idol recently. While there, it was the first time in his career that another man was as bold towards him as ever.

At that event, Ryan Seacrest was very touchy when talking with Bon. Bon is not used to people being that forward because he has maintained such a distance from the masses. But, Ryan was touchy at the start. Bon did notice that Ryan kept squeezing his shoulder and did not attempt to move himself away.

That night, Ace Young was there. Ace was always on a hunt for seducing married men who Ace knew were straight and hard to get. Ace was becoming a really wicked person. After sleeping with John Edwards, Chris Daughtry, and others, he was determined to use his young and handsome face to play with the thoughts of straight guys by the way he would hug them. Ace was big between his legs and with his semi-hardness, he would hug a guy from the back and press lightly into his lower end until the guy could feel his interested member through the thin fabric. Many men he had done that to act as if they do not feel that light touch, but it was to be only the beginning of a short journey to full surrender. Ace was selected as to who he would seduce.

Ace and Ryan work together really well.

Ryan kept hugging, squeezing, and touching Bon. Bon would smile with his delicious smirk and look sideways trying to make all of those interactions as mere fun and frolic, but Bon himself was beginning to be curious about sexual contact with a guy. As much as people may not believe it, Bon was pretty monogamous with an occasional fling, usually with a very aggressive female.

Bon did notice that he was looking more closely at guys in the last year.

As a matter of fact, Bon realized to himself that he had an interest in watching news about Larry Birkhead. When alone in his own studio and watching television, he would notice a twitch in his loins whenever he would see Larry on the news. Recently while making love, he actually thought about him making out with Larry and he noticed that he shot such a fresh and full load into his loving partner.

Ryan finally introduced Bon to Ace. Ace broke through Bon's enclosed circle and gave the famous singer a big hug. Bon was shocked at first as most people tend to be intimidated by the handsome looks of the rock singer.

When Ace hugged him, he put his lips right on the left neck of Bon and lightly let his lips touch Bon's tingling skin. Bon noticed it immediately.

Then Ace backed off and looked at him and gave his seductive smile. Bon's smile was as seductive as Ace, but Bon was the "virgin" here and he looked stunned more than sensual. Ace smiled and winked. Bon realized that he was immediately affected by that brief embrace.

Ace asked Bon if he could meet him after the evening on American Idol. Bon knew to act fast and his curiosity took over and he agreed to let Bon to his hotel room in Hollywood after the evening.

As nature would have it, Ace was working on young Larry Birkhead already. Howard K Stern and Larry were already meeting privately. Howard knew that Larry was bi so he managed to seduce Larry early on in the relationship. As a matter of fact, people do not know that Howard took Larry away from Anna in one simple event which Howard used as blackmail. Howard was able to force himself on Larry on night when Anna was stoned drunk. And in "their house," Howard was able to wrestle Larry to the floor and then play with his cock until Larry lost control and let Howard milk him to a climax, all on video tape. Larry knew to leave Anna so Howard could take her. And in the first event between Howard and Anna, Howard actually made love to Anna while she was stoned in front of Larry who was really in love with her and could only helplessly watch as this larger Howard pressed his hungry pole into the warm welcome of Anna's confused personality. Larry cried himself to sleep, but knew that Howard had this over him.

Howard would use Larry anytime he wanted a deviation from a woman. And Larry was seduced many times in the last two years. Larry fell in love with Howard as a secret, but Howard only used him sexually to win Anna and her millions of dollars as assets.

Bon could not get the picture of Larry out of his head, but now he was immediately confronted with the approach of a young punk, Bon thought, self-assured.

Bon went to his hotel room through the various security checks and made ready for Ace's arrival. Ace came shortly after with Ryan to the private hotel room undisclosed.

Bon was dressed casual, wearing his kahki shorts and a tight tank-top. Ace came in his shorts as well and with a t-shirt that traced his well developed body. Ace knew it and wanted Bon to notice it. Ryan came with his tight jeans and tank-top shirt too.

When Bon Jovi's security team opened the door for both Ace and Ryan, they then left to the corridor of the hotel to join the other security members.

Ryan grabbed Bon Jovi again and hugged him tightly while Ace came from behind and did his signature thing.

Ace was already hard and this time with his thin fabric shorts, his long and thick manhood could be felt by anyone so Ace pressed into the back of Bon and hugged him a long with Ryan.

Hmmmmm, Ace whisperd, you smell good, Bon Jovi.

Bon jumped back and just looked startled.

What's wrong, Ace said, Afraid of men?

Bon was further stunned.

No, I am not, Bon said defensively and then smiled to break the immediate tension.

Ryan was always so free-spirted so he was verbally more aggressive then Ace.

Ryan retorted, Hey, Bon Jovi, you scared of men? He then laughed out loud and Bon smiled nervously. Bon thought to himself, How did this conversation begin with guys?

Hi, guys, how can I help you? Bon said to gain control of the situation.

Ace said, Bon, you can start by posing for us. I like the way you look. I like the way you look at me too.

What are you saying? Bon responded. I look at you like anyone else.

Ace continued, You look at me like so many of the married women look at me, wishing to have me but cannot.

Bon felt a surge of anger that he was pictured like that, but did not want to lose control again.

Well, Ace, Bon shot back, don't flatter yourself. I have been with more women than you have passed them by in your lifetime, buddy boy, Bon chirped.

I am not talking about married women, sir, Ace bounced back.

In fact, Bon, I am talking about guys who are curious about guys.

Bon Jovi was no longer laughing. Obviously frightened by the exposure, Bon tried to change the subject by getting those guys to sit in his living room while he prepared something for all three of them to drink.

When Bon came back, Ace refused to change the subject.

Bon, do you get hunky guys chase you like the women? Ace asked curiously.

I am not sure, Ace, I do not look for it and I do not want to notice it, Bon reacted.

Ryan then interrupted the conversation: Wait a minute, Bon, I notice when men notice men. Straight men write me about sleeping with their wives. As a matter of fact, I got an email from a guy who wanted you to sleep with his wife in front of him while he watched.

Bon got angry again.

Guys, let's stop this discussion. I am not into that so I do not think about it. Bon looked very irritated now more than uncomfortable.

Ace looked at Bon Jovi and said, Well, Bon Jovi, if I may say so, I find you handsome and delicious. As a straight guy, I would love to feel your naked body next to mine. Ever thought about that too?

Bon stood up and thanked the guys for coming and said, GUYS, I AM TIRED, HAD A GREAT NIGHT. I NEED TO GO TO SLEEP.

How long are you going to be here, Ace asked.

A few days, I need to lay low and just rest, Bon responded.

Well, Paul Walker is coming to see me and I called him on the way here and he lives nearby, can I bring him to meet you? Ace asked sheepishly.

I guess so, Bon responded.

Then the two guys left.

As Bon was laying in bed that night, he thought about Ace and then to Paul Walker. Bon had a thing about the blondes, including guys like Larry Birkhead and now Paul Walker. He had met Paul Walker in a concert a few months ago and knew that there was an electricity between them. He fanasized about being with both of Larry Birkhead and Paul Walker in his deep thoughts. He laid in bed that night totally naked and began to moveup and down the satin sheets on the hotel bed and felt his naked manhood rub against the fabric until he gently came. Bon knew he was about to change his life. He could not hold off any longer. He had to admit that he wanted to be with a certain kind of guy.

Bon Jovi thought about it before he slept.

He was not attracted to men in general, just to certain guys, like Larry, Paul. . . he did find Ryan handsome too. But, Ace was not his type except his aggressive side felt erotic to Bon Jovi who is aggressive himself but when left to himself. Bon had never had to meet another aggressive guy or person in his life as his security team would buffer him from an equal. Bon just went to sleep and hugged his pillow, thinking about his wife.

A few days later, Bon gets a cell phone call from Ryan who asked if he and the others could come up. Bon was feeling already vulnerable so he decided to play along and invited them up.

It was mid-day and Bon Jovi was full of energy and somewhat bored with being inside of the hotel room.

The door knocked.

Bon opened it up, knowing that the three guys had been checked out by his security team.

Hi, Ryan.

Hi, Ace.

This is the popular Paul Walker?

Paul shooked Bon Jovi's hands and appeared bashful at first.

Ryan hugged him like usual.

Ace hugged him too and this time put his large manly young hands to the back of Bon's blonde head and pulled him into him. Bon felt that aggressive move and the tension began again. Bon thought to himself, this damn Ace was really getting out of hand. So Bon decided to turn it back on him.

Well, Ace, Bon said, is Paul your boy? Paul jumped, aaaaahhhhh, what are you saying, Bon? Paul spoke nervously.

Nah, Bon smiled. I am just thinking out loud.

You remind me of myself, Paul, when I was young. And guys like Ace would want to possess my every being. I am every part of me, Bon smiled wickedly.

Now Paul was getting nervous. What the heck? Paul thought. Freaks!

Ace jumped in . . .

Well, Bon, see you are up, really up. Then Ace traced his eyes to the handsome body of Bon, from the head downward towards his tight jeans where the crotch seemed full of something indeed. I mean, every part of a guy, huh?

Bon laughed out loud. Not me, Ace, my body is used well by my wife.

You do not fool me, Ace said directly to Bon. Your body is too beautiful and your face too sensual for one person to enjoy it. No way, fuck no!

Bon knew now that the lust war was on. He said, No joke, Ace, this body belongs to my beautiful wife.

Ace continued. . . Listen, Bon, you just better be honest with us. We know what it is like, buddy. You may be a rock star, but you got needs too. Look at Paul. Dont you find him handsome? Do you think just women like him? Paul just recently tried a guy and he knows now what he was missing all of his life. He feels complete now, Bon. At least he found it at his youth. What about you? Older guy, handsome and yet there is a hole in your soul, Bon, and only a guy can fill that one. No?

Bon decided to take it on an academic level and asked the guys to sit in the living room while he got them something to drink. Ryan was unusually quiet, Bon could not figure out why.

When Bon came back, he spoke on.

Ace, what are we on this topic again?

Ace stood up and looked Bon right into his eyes at a standing position.

Listen, Bon Jovi, I think you are hot. I will not lie to you. I find you attractive and I am saying it as a straight guy with no fag tendencies. Now if I can say that, why can you not say that?

Well . . . . hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, Bon Jovi mumbled. . . Well, hmmmmmmmmmmmm. I never really thought about it.

Well, Bon, look at Paul. He was only straight, but recently he joined another group of enlightened and hot guys. Paul tells Bon.

Paul spoke now. . .

Well, Bon Jovi, I just had a sexual experience with a guy. I never thought about it until recently when a guy touched me while I was drunk and asleep in his hotel room. I had never had a guy touch me before, but he knew how to touch me and make me so hard.

Who was he? Bon said.

Well, Bon, this cannot get out. But, it was another actor. I was with Matt Damon and I fell asleep at his home. While asleep, he came on to me. He touched me and massaged my groin. I got so hard but it was vague. Then without much time, he undid my zipper and began to lick up my cock. I never felt a blow job like that, Bon, and I came in no time. I shot my load into Matt's hungry mouth and I was so satisfied. I sobered up quickly.

And what happened? Bon curiously asked.

Well, he stayed the night. I took a shower trying to sort it out and he joined me and gave me little time to think. There in my own shower, Bon, Matt pressed his thick cock against my butt and told me to enjoy it. I had my first blow job and then my ass was deflowered by Matt. Matt was kind, but he knew how to get me to cry out in pleasure. I was a gonner, buddy, a gonner. He came inside of me and I felt so owned by him. This all happened quickly but I knew it was meant to be. I wanted Matt. I fell for him right there. I gave myself to him. Even now, Bon, even now.

Bon was getting horny just hearing about it. He tried to adjust his shorts so the others would not see his interest.

Well, Ace chirped, you look like you want to find out, do you?

WEll, no, Bon reacted. Not really.

Ryan then stood up and said, Why dont you try us? We can all get comfortable and you can join in if you are comfortable with that. And without any hesitation, Ryan began to undress with Paul and Ace. Bon was too far gone to stop it. He was caught again in a tension between his own curiosity and wanting to watch these guys get it on.

Ryan immediately went down on Paul Walker and began to suck on his young cock. Paul looked at Bon Jovi and began to smile. It feels good, Bon Jovi, Paul whispered erotically. Hmmmmm, baby, draw out the real me, Paul spoke with a deliberately southern accent.

Ace had a very nice looking body and his cock was long and thick, about nine inches. Ace approached Bon Jovi and said, Take your clothes off, Bon Jovi. I mean it. Bon Jovi stood up and began to walk towards the doorway to call for security when Ace tripped him and jumped him totally naked. Both Paul and Ryan also joined Ace and they all began to rip off the clothes of the handsome rock star. In seconds, Bon Jovi was totally naked and fully embarassed.

Wait a minutes, guys, Bon spoke with a frown. I need my clothes back.

No, you wont have them, Ace spoke ruggedly. We are here to fun and you will join us.

I am not into guys, Bon Jovi said.

Neither are we, Ace mocked.

We're into sex, Paul Walker smiled.

Like now. . .

And Paul grabbed Bon Jovi's shrunken cock and began to milk it. Ace jumped up and held Bon down by his shoulders.

Paul kept milking him until Bon's eight incher became stiff as a rock. Ace began to kiss Bon's lips and Bon Jovi tried to fight them off, but he could not. Ace then rode up on Bon's face and stuck his large cock into the mouth of the struggling and handsome blonde. Bon was too confused to really respond yet but in a few minutes his manhood started to rise and Paul began to moan in appreciation to the response. "Yeah, Bon, show me what a man you are."

Ace's cock was finally settled in the mouth of the handsome rock star and Ace kept going in and out of the delicious mouth while Paul was sucking on Bon Jovi's cock and then milking it. Paul liked sensual conversation so when he was milking Bon, he started to talk.

"Bon, you like this, don't you. Look how large you are, baby. Huge, thick, ready to explode. Think about me, baby. I want your cum in my ass, baby. Please do not cum until I can sit on your fuckpole. aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mmmmmmmmmm . . . " Paul drifted with more sensual sounds. Bon Jovi knew he was beyond returning and he kept bucking to get everybody off of him.

Ryan pushed Paul away for a minute and began to press his own dick into the virgin pussy of Bon Jovi and Bon began to beg now. While Ace's cock was in his mouth, Bon kept mumbling, . . . no, please, stop, no, please, please. . . dont put it in there, not mine, please. Stop, guys, please.

But, Ryan did not want to lose the opportunity and with Bon's legs held up, Ryan oiled his dick and slid inside of Bon Jovi's virgin ass slowly. Finally, Ryan popped the older rock star who was now feeling both pain and pleasure, but no sound came out of Bon Jovi's muffled mouth. He just laid still and Ryan pressed in. Bon's dick was hard as a hammer when suddenly his legs were laid downward and Paul Walker began to sit on his cock. Here was a sandwich . . . Ryan in Bon Jovi's virgin ass and Paul Walker sitting on Bon's confused but hardened cock. When Paul sat on it, he began to lose control, swearing, cussing, and bouncing up and down which only caused the body of Bon Jovi to pess more into the invasion of Ryan Seacrest into the lonely hole of this handsome musician and singer. Bon started to moan while Ace kept watching the whole scene and shoving his dick in and out of the now relaxed mouth of the hot vocalist.

Then the point of no return came.

Ryan got rough just as he was shooting his cum inside of Bon Jovi's ass. Ryan was now delirious. Ryan was not really an expert lover, he just like raw sex and he was only into it for himself. But, because of his popularity on the show, Ryan gets what he wants. Here, he was deflowering Bon's cute and tight chute and when Ryan shot his load, he started to cuss at Bon as if he were angry at him. He kept saying, FUCK YOU, BON JOVI. I AM FUCKING YOU AND YOU WILL LIVE FOREVER WITH THIS ON YOUR MIND AND MEMORY. He sounded angry and Bon felt like it was more of an invasion than lust. But, Ryan got off mixing his passion with words of harshness while he fucked an initially resistant person like Bon.

Paul on the other hand was a more sensual lover. After Ryan pulled his spent manhood out and how Bon was laying flat on the floor, Paul began to sit on his manhood and go up and down slowly and sensually. "You like this, dont you, baby?" Paul said in an erotic whisper to Bon. "Come on, shoot your cum inside of me. Make believe I am your wife and fill me up with your love, baby."

Bon was getting so turned on now thinking about his wife. He was really a guy in love with his wife and he really enjoyed her. But, Paul was now making Bon feel different. Ace pulled out of Bon Jovi's mouth and just watched. Paul was just an erotic person and Paul began to speak to Bon Jovi in a way that make everybody want to listen.

"Baby, you are going to shoot your load inside of me and you will never go back to a woman again, not just a woman. Once you drop your load inside of me, you will remember this day for forever. How does it feel, baby?"

Bon Jovi had his eyes closed. He did not like cum in his ass so he was a little distracted. But, he was still hard and the handsome face of Paul Walker and his firm body renewed Bon Jovi's interest. Ace began to touch the lips of Bon Jovi and added, "It feels so good. I know you, Bon baby. You were thinking about this all the time. I know. You are normal and normal means you are curious and curious means that women are so many they are now boring to you. You act like you are loyal to your wife, but I am not stupid, buddy. This cock cannot be just for her. I know you had your women on the side. Well, you still were not satisified, right? I see it in your eyes. You are just afraid that this will change your life. . . "

And then for the first time, Bon Jovi decided to respond. He could feel Paul going up and down on him and he was ready to blow. But, Bon wanted to respond, because he wanted to be honest as he is in real life.

"aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, please guys, listen to me. . . . you cannot tell anyone, please. . . you are right, Ace, I am curious. I am sorry for not wanting to admit it, but I cannot. Please do not ever tell anyone. . . Pllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaazzzzzzzz."

Then the inevitable happened. Bon Jovi tried to raise up on his arms and his face contorted with a mixture of pain and pleasure. Here was a handsome guy who at his later age was finding out the pleasure of hot guy on his own rod, really a fantasy of his anyway. And in seconds, Bon Jovi began to speak deliriously. . . . Bucking out of control, Paul wanted his cum inside of him although Ace's thing is to milk the guy so everybody can still the triumph and final defeat of the resistant rock star, but Paul was too selfish to consider others at this point. Finally, Bon shot his load inside of Paul's warm body. Bon Jovi was spent, tired, confused, felt guilty, but began to have tears in his eyes. He knew he found the secret of his own feelings. He felt more than lust, he felt love. Love for whom, he thought?

Paul and Ryan went into the shower and showered together. Paul did not cum so Bon laid there but could hear Paul moaning as Ryan milking the dick of the young handsome actor. And hearing that only made Bon feel something.

Then Ace looked at Bon, laying on the floor. Ace began to lay alongside of this handsome older guy. Ace has a thing for older guys like John Edwards, the former senator from North Carolina who is now running for presidential nomination for the Democratic Party.

Ace began to talk to the confused rock star.

"Listen, Bon Jovi, I know what you are thinking right now. But, you need to admit it. You need a guy in your life. I look at your band and I see the same thing. You guys want to get it on, but you are too afraid of getting caught by your own guilt. Your wife will not be harmed. You will have a guy on the side for you without any attachments. I wanted to see you cum so I can tell you that you came more than you normally do, at least that is what I will hope you can honestly say. This tells me that you are really into this. . . "

And as Ace began to talk and Bon kept looking up to the ceiling of the hotel room, Ace's large hands found the spent cock of Bon Jovi and began to play with it. Bon could not move and only had tears in his eyes. Bon began to respond with the expert touches of Ace who knew how to seduce older married men like Bon and John Edwards.

Ace continued, "John Edwards is my lover too, Bon, and he was just like you.

But, he is hooked on one guy now, his sidekick as he calls me, but he knows the joy of being with a person of your own sex, man, and he enjoys it without hurting his wife." Ace saw that Bon Jovi's cock was hardening. "Please, Bon, let me see you cum, just between us. . . "

Ace had Bon Jovi in a trapped position, but Bon stayed still as his manhood went to full mask. Ace began to stroke it up and down and Bon would not breathe a word. "Come on, Bon Jovi, talk to me, tell me the truth about all of this. Was it really not what you wanted or was it what you wanted, tell me, just me?"

Bon began to move his body a little which Ace saw it as a sign of his own time for release. Ace began to pick up some speed until Bon turned his head slightly towards Ace and smiled a little. It was obviously going to be time soon. Then Ace suddenly stopped. Bon looked at Ace immediately with a begging look in his eyes. . . Bon said, "Why did you stop, Ace?' Ace looked back at him with a romantic face and said, "Because I need to know what you feel. I need to know what you are thinking?"

"Please do not stop, Ace, please. I want to cum, I never did with a guy and I want it. Okay, Ace, you got my number. I want this badly. I feel lust and love, Ace, but who do I love?"

Ace looked at him and began to milk his dick again.

"You will love yourself, Bon Jovi, yourself. I will get you any lover you need and it will be only in secret. No one will ever know."

And with that, Bon gave in fully to the force of his own climax. Bon began to move his body, bucking, moaning loudly. . . and boom, his cum shot into the air, several loads came out as Ace expertly milked him for maximum effect.

and then silence. . . .

Ace said, "Tell me, Bon, while you are here, who do you want to be with. Are you curious?:

Bon would not answer at first. . . Ace laid next to the rock star and then began to turn him on his stomach. Bon just let it happened. Then Ace laid on top of Bon Jovi with his own hard-on and said, NOW, BABY, IT IS MY TURN TO FILL YOU UP. YOU WILL LOVE ME AND I WILL LOVE YOU.

. . . .

Bon laid still as Ace entered into Bon's ass and quietly shot his load inside of the handsome convert.

Bon then said quietly . . . "I am thinking about the name you mentioned, Ace. . . I never wanted people to know that I noticed Paul Walker, Larry Birkhead, and even John Edwards. I twitch every time I see John on television. Is he really your lover?" Ace said, "Well, he will want to be with you and I will join you two. . . Your wish is my every command."

to be continued. . . .

Next: Chapter 2

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