According to Kendall

By Ch Wh

Published on Aug 27, 2018


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Editor: J. S. -

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Ch. 9

"Um, hi." I said nervously.

Then the person at the window turned around and I could finally make out the face. I couldn't believe who was standing in front of me! Greyson James! Greyson was my mystery suitor! I was shocked! All day I had been expecting Bryan to be up here but now I could see that I had assumed wrong. Never in a thousand years did I ever think Greyson sent me the anonymous note!

"Hey Kendall." Greyson said with a sexy grin.

My face must have expressed how shocked I was. I couldn't even think of what to say.

"Please sit down." he said as he took a seat himself. I sat in the chair across from him.

"I take it from your expression that you were expecting someone else." Greyson said with a chuckle.

"Actually, I was." I replied, finally being able to form words. "I thought it was Bryan making a big move to get me back."

"Well I hope you'll settle with me trying to make a big move to show you that I'm a better option."

"To be honest, I never thought you were an option. I just mean that I never realized that you liked me in this way."

Was this a dream? If so, don't pinch me! I'm still not fathoming that Greyson James is 1) gay or at least bi and 2) that is he into me! Like he actively wants to be with me and set up this elaborate scheme to show me that!

Just then the waitress came over with a tray of food. She set down a cheeseburger and tater tots in front of me and a sub sandwich also with tater tots for Greyson.

"I hope you don't mind that I ordered for us already." Greyson said "This food also goes with what you were saying. The tater tots from the first time I saw you after you flung one at me on accident. I thought you were one of the cutest guys I'd seen. And the burger and sandwich is what we had when we had lunch together. That's when I realized what a great person you were and I started crushing on you pretty hard."

"Wow! Greyson this is all so great!" I exclaimed. "I can't believe you did all this!"

"You can thank your friend Blair. She saw me at lunch today and told me that you were really considering get back with your ex and that I needed to do something if I liked you."

"She mentioned that she ran into you. And I'll be honest with you, Bryan has been making a good effort to win me back."

"Blair scared me into thinking that by the time I got the courage to do something, you would no longer be available so I set everything up fast. I made the reservation, typed up the note and found a friend who would get it to you all after I left you at lunch."

The rest of the meal was spent just talking about all sorts of things. Greyson was so easy to talk to that we could literally talk about anything. The waitress came and took our plates once we had finished. We kept on talking for a little bit. Greyson walked me to out to my car which just so happened to be parked next to his. we stood in between of the backs of the cars for a little bit.

"I had a really nice time tonight. Thank you for doing all this." I said looking up at him.

"It was no problem." Greyson grinned. Then he leaned in close and kissed me. "I just want to make sure that you know my hat is officially in ring."

We each got into our cars and drove off.

All the way home I kept thinking about the events of the night. Greyson was so effortless to be with and the kiss wasn't too bad either. I couldn't help but be all smiles.

There was no way that I was going to make it to my room without running into Blair and Paige. They were sitting in the hallway in front of Blair's door. Her room is before mine so they would see me as soon as I started down the hallway.

"So who was it?" Paige asked as they both stood up.

"Did my meddling pay off?" Blair chimed in.

"Actually, Blair it did. Greyson was waiting up at the restaurant for me. He said that you scared him into doing all of this because he didn't want to wait to gain the courage and then find that I'm with Bryan."

"Well I'm glad I could give him the push he needed." Blair replied.

I told them all about what happened with Greyson. They awed when I told them the reasoning behind the choice of the meal and they oohed when I told them that Greyson kissed me.

"Then he said that he wanted to make sure that I knew that his hat was officially in the ring." I finished.

"Wow, you have to guys fighting over you. How does it feel?" Paige asked.

"Confusing." I laughed.

"So what's the next move?" Blair asked.

"I don't know. I really really like Greyson but I feel like I owe it to Bryan to give him a chance."

"You owe him nothing, Kendall. Call Greyson and tell him that his hat is the only hat you want in the ring." she responded.

"I'm going home tomorrow so I'll think about what to do over the weekend."

We talked for a little bit longer and then the girls allowed me to pass so that I could head to bed. The next day I packed and headed home to Highland Falls.

Every small town has that one family that has a bunch of kids and they all seem to be great at one specific area. In Highland Falls, that was the Winters family. I'm the youngest of five boys. There's Kurt, Keith, Kyle, Keagan and then me, Kendall. Yeah my parents really like the letter K. Kurt and Keagan were the big football stars, Keith had baseball, Kyle was a soccer player and I was more known for the starring roles in the school plays than my athletic abilities.

My brothers were basically my best friends growing up and we are really close. Between Kurt and me there is only about 6 years with the ages being 24, 23, 21, 20 and 18 respectively. We're all basically clones of each too, except for height. All of my brothers at least 5'10 and then there's me at 5'6.

Once I realized that I was gay, I knew they would be the first ones I told. A part of me was worried that they wouldn't accept me. However, when I came out they were all really supportive and understanding. And when Bryan broke up with me, they even talked about going to his house to 'chat' with him. I talked them out of that plan though.

I pulled in the driveway around noon. I walked in the kitchen and only Keith was sitting in there.

"Look what the cat dragged in!" he exclaimed, giving me a hug. "How's it going?"

"I'm doing good. How about you?" I asked

"Can't complain especially since the whole gang's all here now." he said.

"Where's everyone else at?"

"Kurt is in the basement, Kyle is in the shower and I think Keagan took Duke outside." Duke is our white Labrador dog.

I threw my bag of dirty laundry in the laundry room and headed upstairs to toss my backpack down. As I was walking back down the hall, Kyle was just leaving the bathroom.

"About time your home! Just let me throw some clothes on and then we can go to lunch."

"Lunch?" I asked.

"Yeah we're all going to Carl's." Kyle replied and went into his room. Carl's is a local bar and grill that we always go to and at one time or another we have all worked there.

I went back to the kitchen to see that Kurt and Keagan have joined Keith at the breakfast bar. A few minutes later Kyle joined us and we all headed to Carl's for lunch.

Since the 5 of us don't get to see each other a whole lot anymore, we've developed a system of filling in each other on our lives once we are together. We each get to talk uninterrupted about what we've been up to with questions at the end, and we always go oldest to youngest. Kurt talked about this new girl he's been seeing, Keith talked about how he was the one to land this major company for the advertising firm he works for, Kyle went on about this new apartment he just got in Seattle and Keagan talked about how he thinks this will be the best year for his college football team, the Oregon Ducks.

"So Kendall, hows the first few weeks of college?" Keith asked.

"So far so good. You won't believe who was in my first class." They all looked confused at who this person could be. "Bryan Thomson."

"Didn't he end things with because he didn't want long distance to UCLA?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah. He said something about a scholarship changed so he goes to my school now. After class he pulled me aside and told me that. He also says that he wants to get back together."

"Well I hope you punched him in the face." Kurt said. That got everyone laughing. I hate conflict so the thought of me punching someone in the face is funny because it is so unlikely.

"No I didn't. But he's not the only guy trying to get my attention." I then proceeded to tell them all about Greyson and the date we went on last night.

"Sounds like you need to forget about Bryan and focus on this kid." Keagan said. The rest of my brothers voiced similar opinions. Even though it was the same one Blair, Paige and myself kept saying, I actually took it to heart when my brothers said it to me.

"But of course we can't really give our approval until we meet him" Kurt said.

Yep that's what I was afraid of.

Next: Chapter 10

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