According to Kendall

By Ch Wh

Published on Aug 18, 2018


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Editor: J. S. -

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*When Kendall sees Greyson, it is right after Blair left in the last chapter.

This chapter includes songs from ABBA: One of Us, Angel Eyes and Take a Chance on Me. If you don't know them, I encourage you to look them up.

Chapter 8

Blair, Paige and I decided we would go to a karaoke bar. Taps and Tunes wasn't too far from campus and they had a weekly night where they allowed 18 year olds and up to come in.

We go inside and find a table that is pretty much in front of the stage. I'm so excited! I used to go to a karaoke place close to my hometown when I was in high school. I'm not going to participate tonight though; I'm just here to watch.

Blair, Paige and I are talking as a girl finishes up some Whitney Houston song. Music for the next song begins. It has a sadder tone to it.

"They passed me by, all of those great romances You were, I felt, robbing me of my rightful chances My picture clear, everything seemed so easy And so I dealt you the blow One of us had to go Now it's different, I want you to know"

Oh my god! I know that voice!

I swivel on my stool and see Bryan up there on stage.

"One of us is crying One of us is lying In his lonely bed Staring at the ceiling Wishing he was somewhere else instead One of us is lonely One of us is only Waiting for a call Sorry for himself, feeling stupid feeling small Wishing he had never left at all"

Bryan was staring at me the entire time. This is crazy! Like, what do you do when your ex starts singing an ABBA song to you in a crowded bar?

"I saw myself as a concealed attraction I felt you kept me away from the heat and the action Just like a child, stubborn and misconceiving That's how I started the show One of us had to go Now I've changed and I want you to know"

As Bryan was about to go into the next chorus, I turned to say something to Blair and Paige.

"Are you guys seeing this?" I ask, only to find both of them gone. These bitches left me! Suddenly the music is changing. I turn back to the stage. Blair and Paige are up there and are pushing Bryan out of the way as they begin to sing.

"Last night I was taking a walk along the river And I saw him together with a young girl And the look that he gave her made me shiver 'Cause he always used to look at me that way Then I thought maybe I should walk right up to her and say Ah-ha-ha, it's a game he likes to play"

What the hell is going on?! I'm just sitting there with my mouth slightly open.

"Look into his angel eyes One look and you're hypnotized He'll take your heart and you must pay the price Look into his angel eyes You'll think you're in paradise And one day you'll find out he wears a disguise Don't look too deep into those angel eyes Oh no no no no"

Well at least I know where their position on Bryan is, I think and chuckle to myself. What has my life come to that my ex and my friends are feuding via ABBA karaoke?

I close my eyes and start rubbing my face because surely this can't be happening. Then the music changes for a third time.

"If you change your mind, I'm the first in line Honey I'm still free Take a chance on me If you need me, let me know, gonna be around If you've got no place to go, if you're feeling down If you're all alone when the pretty birds have flown Honey I'm still free Take a chance on me Gonna do my very best and it ain't no lie If you put me to the test, if you let me try"

This voice is a new one. It's not one I instantly recognize. I open my eyes to see who it is.

Shut the front door!

It's Greyson!

Seriously, what the fuck is going on?

"We can go dancing, we can go walking, as long as we're together Listen to some music, maybe just talking, get to know you better 'Cause you know I've got So much that I wanna do, when I dream I'm alone with you It's magic You want me to leave it there, afraid of a love affair But I think you know That I can't let go"

Before Greyson can go into another course, Bryan, Blair and Paige all come back to the middle of the stage. They're all singing their songs overtop one another. This is too much! I want to scream! I close my eyes to make sense of all this.

Now I hear nothing. No music. No singing. I open my eyes and I'm sitting straight up in bed. Ethan is still asleep in his bed.

I checked the time on my phone and decided to start getting ready since my alarm was about to go off. I grabbed a towel and headed out to take a shower. When I came back, Ethan was up and moving too. I told him about my dream. "You're so gay" he laughed at the end.

"Shut up" I replied. I was laughing too.

When Ethan and I were ready to head out, we went into the hall to wait on Paige. The three of us always walk to our Monday/Wednesday classes together. Paige didn't take long to join us.

Ethan split from us to go to the building his class was in. After he left, I recounted my dream to Paige. She got a big kick out of it.

"God, I hope that happens! But Blair can sing solo. No one wants to hear my voice." Paige chuckled.

We walked into our Geography 101 class. Bryan was at his typical seat by the door. He gave me a big smile. I guess he was confident in our conversation last night. I waved at him and then headed to Paige and I's normal seat.

Class was uneventful and boring. I kept humming the songs from my dream. Damn my subconscious for picking such catchy songs!

After class was over, I decided to go sit in the coffee shop on campus before I went to lunch. I got an iced coffee and found a table. I pulled out my phone and was just messing with it when I got a text from Bryan.

-Hey Ken! Glad we got to talk last night. You look great today. Hope you're thinking about us...I know I am.

I stared at the screen until it went black. I have no idea how to reply to this text. I didn't want to come off cold in case I did want to get back together but I didn't want to give him false hope. Finally I took a deep breath and began typing.

-Thanks! You look nice today too. It has definitely been on my mind lol

I reread it and then hit send. I hadn't lied. The thought of us was definitely on my mind.

I spent about an hour in the coffee shop before my stomach told me it was lunch time. I walked down to the cafeteria and saw Greyson sitting by himself.*

"Hey" I said sitting down across from him.

"Uh, Kendall, hey" he replied.

"What's up?"

"Just finishing lunch. How are you?" Greyson asked.

"I'm good for a Monday." I chuckled "Are you going to be here long? I'll grab food and join you."

"As much as I would like that, I need to take off. I have to catch a professor during her office hours and then talk to coach. But definitely another time!" He said with a smile.

"Sure thing! See ya later." I replied smiling back. Greyson gave a quick wink and then headed out.

That was strange, I thought.

I grabbed a quick lunch and then went to the library to work on some stuff. I didn't get a lot done though. My mind kept going over the night before with Bryan. Did I want to go back to Bryan? Would he hurt me again? Was I ready to give Bryan back the power to be able to hurt me? I didn't really have an answer to any of those questions.

But that kiss was something that I couldn't ignore. It just felt right. Maybe that was because it took me back to a familiar place.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't see someone walk up to me.

"Kendall Winters?" a girl asked.

"That's me." I replied

"I was told to give you this." she said handing me an envelope.

"Who gave you this?" I asked, confused

The girl didn't respond. She just shook her head and walked off.

I opened the envelope to reveal a letter. Kendall, Meet me at the restaurant at the Ridgetop Hotel tonight at 7:00. Just tell the hostess your name, she'll know what to do.

The letter didn't have a signature to go off of to tell who sent it. I had a pretty good idea who the sender was though. I packed up my things and went to go find Paige and Blair. I found them both in Paige's room.

"Hey whats up?" Paige asked when she answered the door.

"Check this out." I replied handing her the envelope. "I'm pretty sure I know who wants to meet me."

"Who do you think it is?" she asked handing the envelope to Blair.

"It has to be Bryan! He's tired of waiting for my answer and now he is trying to impress me."

"Wow the Ridgetop? That's a pretty nice place!" Blair said "But there is a chance that it's not Bryan."

Paige and I both gave Blair a confused look.

"Who else could it be?" Paige asked.

"Well I ran into Greyson at lunch today...and I may have told him that he needed to make a move if he was interested in you, Kendall." Blair responded

"Oh Blair, you didn't!" I exclaimed. Great, I thought, there goes having a friendship with Greyson. "What did he say?"

"To be honest he didn't say anything. He kind of seemed really surprised."

"So are you going to go?" Paige asked.

"I don't know."

Then there was a knock at the door. It was Ethan.

"What are you guys doing?" he asked.

"Kendall has a mystery suitor." Paige answered. Ethan's face got a confused look on it.

"Read this note Kendall got today." Blair said handing him the envelope before his question could come out.

"So are you going to go?" Ethan asked me.

"Probably. I'm really curious as to who sent it."

Paige, Blair and I went over to my room to find something in my closet to wear for tonight. Since nothing seemed like the perfect outfit, we headed to the mall. Searching for one outfit turned into a shopping spree. Before we knew it, it was 5:00. We went back to campus to get ready for the evening.

The time had come for me to leave. As I made my way to the Ridgetop Hotel I started to feel more and more nervous. I thought and was pretty sure that Bryan was going to be waiting for me but I couldn't be sure. The note didn't give any indication of who sent it. Plus Bryan was never the most romantic guy either.

When I pulled into the parking lot I looked around for any familiar cars but I didn't see one. I looked around the lobby for any sign of the mystery sender. As I stepped into the elevator the worst thought crossed my mind. What if I didn't know this person at all? What if he or she was someone who had a weird infatuation with me? I should have had Blair, Paige and Ethan go ahead of me so that I had someone up there in case it was a stalker.

"Hi! Welcome to the Ridgetop Rendezvous! Can I get you a table?" the hostess asked when I got off the elevator.

"I think there is already a table for me. My name is Kendall Winters and I was told to give you my name and you'd know what to do."

"You would be correct, Mr. Winters. Follow me."

The hostess turned around and lead me to a back corner of the restaurant. I could already tell which table she was leading me to but there was no one sitting at it. Then I saw a silhouette of a person standing at the window next to the table. The hostess turned back to me and waved her arm over to the suspected table. I nodded and she went back to her post at the front of the restaurant.

I didn't really know what to do. The person at the window either didn't know that I was here or he just was waiting. I walked up to the table.

"Um, hi." I said nervously.

The figure in the window turned around.


Next: Chapter 9

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