According to Kendall

By Ch Wh

Published on Apr 14, 2018


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This story is all fictional. This story will contain sex between two consenting males. If that is illegal where you live, log off now.

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Chapter 3

The fork flinging incident happened on Monday. It is now Friday. The rest of the week was pretty uneventful. Besides from it being Friday, it seemed like today would also fall under that category. Ethan, Paige and I were just laying around my room. We weren't really doing much of anything but just being together. All of us were doing something on our phones with occasional conversation stemming from something we just read or a random thought to cross our minds. That's when Blair burst through the door.

"Knock knock!" she exclaimed just walking in. She looked around and saw that all four of our little gang were present. "Fabulous you are all together! I jut found out the best thing ever! There is going to be a huge party tomorrow night at a house off campus. We have to go! Everyone who is anyone on this campus will be there! So clear your schedules bitches because we are going to party!"

Clearly Blair was really excited for this party to happen. We haven't been to one since school started, which if you think about it was only about a few weeks ago. I look at Ethan and Paige to read their faces. They seem to be into Blair's new plans for our Saturday night. I have no objections to blowing off some steam.

"Sounds perfect Blair." I respond, Ethan and Paige both nod in agreement.

"Perfect! We'll get dinner at the cafeteria around 7, come back here for some last minute prep and be at the party around 9ish." she said. Blair was definitely a plan making kind of girl.

Saturday night and Blair, Paige and I were getting ready for the party. Ethan had caught a nasty cold in the middle of the night and decided that it was best if he just stayed in bed tonight. I felt bad that he would be missing the first party of the semester but I would rather he get better than get me sick. Ethan did say that he had no problem dropping us off and picking us up when we needed to be. So around 9 o'clock Ethan's car pulled up to the party. Music could be heard outside and there were some people just chilling on the porch.

"Just give me a call whenever" Ethan said as he pulled away. The three of us walked up to the front door and went inside. We stood in the entry for a little bit just taking it all in. It looked just like house parties on tv. There were a lot of people just talking to each other, I think there was a game going on in a room I couldn't see and there music was pumping.

"Paige come with me to the bathroom." Blair said grabbing Paige's hand and heading down a hall. The way Blair moved it looked like she had been to this house so many times and not like a freshman in awe of her surroundings. "Stay around this area Kendall, we'll be back."

That's what I did. I moved out of the doorway and found a wall close by to stand by. I didn't want to look stupid just looking at everyone else so I pulled my phone out and started to just mess around on it. In the corner of my eye I saw somebody walking my way. I looked up and Greyson James was standing right next to me.

"Hey its Tater Tot!" he said

"My name is actually Kendall" I reply

"Kendall, I'm Greyson." he said holding out his hand. We shook hands. He has quite the grip! "Looks like you need a drink. Stay right here and I'll be right back."

That line seemed to be the theme of the night. Kendall stay where you are and we'll come find you when we need you. A few minutes later Blair and Paige had returned.

"Let's walk around and check it out." Paige said

"I have to stay here." I respond "You remember that guy I threw a tater tot at on Monday? Well I was just talking to him and he said he was going to get me a drink and be right back."

Right at that moment, Greyson walked up with two red solo cups. He handed me one, he cheersed me and we each took a drink.

"Sorry ladies" Greyson said to Blair and Paige and then turned to me "I didn't realize that you had friends here."

"You know what Blair, we need some drinks. Let's go get some." Paige said giving a smile which I knew meant she thought me and Greyson need to be alone.

"Greyson it's your turn for beer pong!" a guy shouted around the corner

"Ok, I'll be there in a sec!" he shouted back "So I know I just met you but my usual partner isn't here tonight, would be my partner for beer pong?"

"Sure. But fair warning, I'm not very good"

"No problem." and we head to the dining room. There are a lot of people standing around the walls to watch the games. Some guys see Greyson and they give him a 'hey' or a high five. I'm just awkwardly walking behind him. I have no idea who any of these people are.

We get to the table and start to play. Everyone plays beer pong a little differently and have certain house rules. This house rule was that the guy who gets the ball in the cup can decide which guy on the other team has to drink. The other team must sense I'm a freshman and make me drink every time. I hate beer and my face must have shown this. Greyson kept giving me sympathetic looks. We ended up losing the game.

"I need another drink." I slur noticing my cup is empty. I go to pour vodka in my cup but Greyson stops me.

"Beer before liquor and never sicker" he replies "I'll get you more beer if you want another drink." He fills my cup with the keg and hands it to me.

"I hate beer" I murmur as I take my cup while Greyson fills up one for himself. "Let's check out what's going on outside." He says. His hand is on my back and steers me tobthe patio door. The backyard is pretty basic. A bunch of folding chairs set up on the patio. Some were occupied and some weren't. Then I notice a hammock in the back corner between two trees. I make my way over there.

"Where are you going?" Greyson calls. I can hear his footsteps following me.

"I love hammocks" I slur as I attempt to get in.

"Here." Greyson chuckles watching me struggle "Let me help you. Think there's room for two?"

"The water's fine!" I laugh.

Greyson climbs in and lays next to me. We just lay there for a little bit. I turn to look at him. His eyes are shut. God, he's just a beautiful human being. If he was gay, I'd be all over that. The thought sends me into a giggle fit so bad that I accidentally dump us out of the hammock. I land on my back. Greyson falls on me. I laugh harder.

"Are you okay?" he asks sounding sincerely concerned.

"I'm absolutely positively perfectly wonderfully fine!" I say through laughter.

"Someone's feeling no pain." He chuckles.

We look at each other. Our faces are centimeters apart. I feel like we're about to kiss. Why does this moment feel oddly familiar?

"Kendall!" I hear my name being shouted then footsteps heading this way. I turn towards the voice. "There you are! Come dance with me!"

It's Blair. Greyson stands and helps me up.

"Let's dance!" Blair says grabbing my hand and dragging me off. I hear Greyson walking behind us.

Blair leads me to the dance floor. I'm just letting go and allowing my body to move to the beat. I notice Greyson didn't follow us onto the floor. I kind of spin around and don't see him on the sides either. He must have found some friends. I continue moving until I'm exhausted. I tell Blair I'm getting a drink around the same time a guy catches her eyes.

I fill my cup up at the keg remembering Greyson's warning about beer before liquor. I walk into a room at the front of the house. There is an empty couch and I sit down on it. Greyson walks into the room and sits next to me. If he talks to me, I don't remember what he says. "Excuse me for a sec." I say standing up.

I have to pee. The bathrooms on the main floor all have lines. I go up to the bedrooms. I open the first door and there is a guy laying on the bed with his legs dangling off the side. He looks up as I open the door.

"Sorry" I say shutting the door

"Kendall?" the guy asks. Suddenly I realize its Bryan.

"Hey Bryan, I was just looking for a bathroom. I didn't mean to disturb you."

"You're fine. Come sit by me." he replies sitting up and patting the spot next to him. I reluctantly go and join him. There is an awkward silence for a little bit.

"I'm sorry Kendall. I shouldn't have ended things with you. That has probably been the worse decision I've ever made in my life. So I was"

"I can't do this right now, Bryan." I interrupt.

I stand up to go into the bathroom but Bryan grabs my hand and pulls me back on the bed. Before I can react, Bryan's lips are on mine and his hands are on my face. I forgot how soft his lips were. I find myself kissing him back. Being in his arms again just feels safe and familiar, like I belong here. Suddenly I get shocked back into reality and realize I'm making a mistake. I push myself away from Bryan.

"I have to pee" I say walking out of the bedroom.

I find an empty bathroom, relieve myself and wash my hands. As I'm drying them off, I stare at myself in the mirror.

"You can't make out with Bryan." I say out loud "He'll hurt you. But he's so cute and I do like his kisses. Uggggghhhhh! Damn him for being irresistible and a douche! I need to leave before I do anything else." After i conclude my pep talk, I fix my hair and go into the hallway.

I go back downstairs to where I left Greyson. Blair and Paige have joined him on the couch. It's obvious they are only sitting together because they are waiting for me.

"I'm ready to go." I say. Blair says they just called Ethan and he is almost here. Paige suggests that we wait outside. I wave goodbye to Greyson and the three of us head outside.

What a party to start off my college experience.

Next: Chapter 4

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