According to Kendall

By Ch Wh

Published on May 17, 2019


Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! I love hearing from you guys so shoot me a message

Editors: J. S. -

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Chapter 14

Everything in life is a transaction. At least, that's what Blair's father has always told her. There is no such thing as a selfless good deed and no favor goes unreturned. People were always looking out for what others can do for them.

When Greyson had come to her needing a way to wow Kendall into bed, she took this as an opportunity to get something for herself. She had been looking for a way that she and Ian can take their secret relationship public. Ian didn't want to be seen dating a freshman pledge until after being his date to informal, it would make more sense.

Blair was waiting in the back corner on the third floor of the library.

"What's up, Blair?" Ian asked when he got to her.

"I have the perfect way for us to come out as a couple!"

"How's that?" he asked

"I'm going to be your date to informal!" Blair replied.

"How will we say that we met for you to become my date? I can't just go with a random freshman even if she is going to be a pledge."

"Greyson James introduced us. I'm best friends with Kendall and everyone knows that he is with Greyson and you're Greyson's best friend. It was only a matter of time that we meet." Blair explained.

"Yeah that would be a good way to explain it."

"One more thing. Greyson is going to find you and try to convince you to take me to informal."

"Why would he do that?"

"He wanted to know some information and I said I'd tell him what he wants to know if he got me a date with you." Blair smirked

"Wow, you're manipulative." Ian grinned. He grabbed both sides of Blair's face and pushed her up against the bookshelves as their lips met. After a few good minutes of making out, Ian stepped back.

"I got to go" he said, leaving Blair standing alone in the stack of books.

Ian went straight home after his encounter with Blair. He wanted Greyson to find him so that they could get this over with. Ian didn't have to wait long. Greyson found him outside of their apartment building.

"Hey, I have to talk to you." Greyson said as he ushered Ian into an elevator. "I need you to take Kendall's friend to informal."

Ian couldn't help but laugh after hearing this. The elevator doors opened on their floor and the guys stepped out.

"Which friend is that?" Ian asked as he unlocked his front door.

"Her name is Blair Killian." Greyson responded following Ian inside.

"I've heard of her from the senior girls. They think she's got what it takes to be the top dog."

"I wouldn't disagree."

"You've had a run in with her?" Ian chuckled. "What, is she blackmailing you? You already came out of the closet."

"I wouldn't call it blackmail, just payment for her telling me some useful information."

"Ah, you haven't been able to get Kendall into bed." Ian remarked.

"Let's just say that it takes more than my winning smile and pizza at Tony's to get into his pants." Greyson stated "But I'm looking for just quick fling."

"I know, man. I'm just busting your balls" Ian laughed. "Does Blair plan on pledging a sorority?"

"I would say that I am 100% sure she's going to be a sorority girl."

"Then you have yourself a deal." Ian said as he shook Greyson's hand.

"Thanks man, I owe you." Greyson replied leaving Ian's apartment.

Standing in the hallway, Greyson let out a deep breath and ran his hands through his hair. He had basically just prostituted out his best friend. Ian didn't put up much of a fight though. Maybe, Greyson thought, Ian is happy that he didn't have to worry about finding a date now.

There was just one more thing Greyson had to do.

"Yes?" Blair answered.

"It's done. You've got a date."

Greyson could almost hear Blair smile on the other end of the phone before there was a click and she hung up. ******************************************************** Kendall's POV "Who was that?" I asked.

Blair had just answered the phone, said 'yes', got a huge smile on her face and hung up.

"It was nothing"

"Must have been something. You look like the damn Cheshire Cat over there." I laughed

"I just love when a plan comes together." Blair smiled. There was a slight bounce in her step now.

Blair and I were walking through the cafeteria. All of the fraternities had set up tables to let guys know that Rush week was next week.

"Kendall!" a deep voice called.

I looked around and saw Parker Rogers, the fraternity president I met the other night with Greyson, waving me over to his table.

"Hey, Parker" I said walking up with Blair. She got a lot of the other guys' attention at the table.

"Still thinking about rushing?"

"Yeah, I think so." I replied. Parker smiled.

"Here is a flyer with all of our events for the week. Try to come to a majority if you want to join us."

"Okay. Thank you!"

I was interested to see what Rush Week would have in store for me.

Monday was the first day of Rush Week. It's the time were guys can go around and meet the different fraternities and choose the one they would like to be in. Guys can go to as many rush events by as many frats as they please. I, however, just planned to stick to the events of Lambda Sigma Omega.

I didn't have any particular desire to join a frat. Parker seemed cool and made the other Lambdas seem like good guys. That's why I wanted to go to their rush events. Would I be happy and excited if they asked me to pledge? Yes. But would I be crushed if they didn't? Not really. Joining a fraternity is a great way to make friends and get to know other people but I already had a good group of friends here.

The events for rush week get more formal as they go along. Tonight, Monday, is the sand volleyball luau. I'll be wearing swimming trunks and gray t-shirt, pretty casual.

I walked up to the campus sand volleyball court and was met by a large group of guys. A lot of the guys wore red shirts, which was the fraternity's color. I moved along the crowd looking for a guy I even remotely knew.

No one.

I knew I should have dragged Ethan with me!

"Kendall!" a voice called out.

Parker was waving me over to him. He was talking with another guy and they were both in Rush Lambda shirts and board shorts.

"Glad you could make it!" Parker exclaimed as I walked up to him and shook hands. "Kendall, this is Lance. He was in the latest pledge class."

"Good to know. Any advice?" I asked.

"Just be yourself, man. Let them see who you really are instead of who you think they want to see." Lance replied.

"Thanks for the advice." I said.

"So what sport do you play?" Lance asked.

"Kendall isn't a college athlete." Parker stepped in.

"No I'm not. I'm more of a theater guy." I said

"I better move about the crowd so I'm not showing favoritism" Parker chuckled.

"The volleyball games are going to start soon and Kendall, you're definitely on my team."

I watched Parker walk off. He walked past a guy with a familiar face in a faded orange shirt.

I knew that shirt.

I knew that face.

Bryan was here!

Of course he'd be here! This frat was known for being primarily school athletes and Bryan was on the tennis team. I really should have anticipated this happening.

Ugh and he's wearing one of my favorite shirts. I always loved that shirt on him, it really brought out his tan. There wasn't anything special about this shirt. It was just plain orange with some little animal symbol on the right side. You could tell the shirt was old because it wasn't as bright as it once was. Bryan and I got that shirt together when we went thrift shopping one weekend.

Lance and I chatted with each other. We chatted about school stuff and things that the fraternity did. But my mind wasn't really on the conversation.

Bryan looked over and our eyes met. He looked down at his shirt, looked back at me and winked.

He knew I had been looking at him. Bryan also knew I loved that shirt. Did he wear it anticipating I'd be here?

"Are you really dating Greyson James?" Lance blurted out making me refocus my attention. "I'm sorry that wasn't supposed to be said out loud!"

"It's okay. Everyone already knows about it anyways" I reply. "But yeah, we've gone out a couple times."

"I was just curious." he explained. "Both of you guys don't look like you'd be gay."

"Just because someone doesn't fit a stereotype that society has created, doesn't mean anything. Look at some of these guys in these red shirts. They don't look like they belong in the picturesque version of a fraternity but yet here they are."

"That makes sense." Lance replied.

Someone began speaking over a blow horn telling all of the guys that the volleyball games were about to start. The teams had been posted on the bulletin board. I squeezed my way through the crowd to see what team I was on. Parker and Lance were on my team as well as another fraternity member named Brad. The other two guys were fellow rushees.

Our team wasn't doing too bad during the first game. We'd made some points but the other team was keeping up with us. I hadn't really seen any action all game until it was my turn to serve.

I served and it landed just before the out of bounds line.

"Great job!" Parker exclaimed, rolling the ball back to me.

I served again and hit an empty spot in the middle. My serves scored two more points causing us to win the game.

"Nice serving!" Lance said after we shook the other players' hands.

"Man, we need to sign you up for the volleyball team." Brad joked giving me a high five.

"Alright fellas, enough celebrating. We're on to the next game" Parker said.

We took the court as did the other team. We were playing Bryan's team.

The game started off like the first one. We'd score and then they'd score. All the while the ball was never really close enough for me to hit it. That changed when I was in the upper right corner by the net. Right across from Bryan.

"Don't worry, my spike won't hit you in the face." he said before the serve.

I just rolled my eyes.

Bryan did end up spiking the ball my way and just like he promised it didn't hit my face. It landed just out of my reach and giving Bryan's team a point. Bryan looked at me, winked again and gave me a grin.

After another serve, the ball went back to my side and with the rotation, it was my turn to serve. I made four points with my serves giving us enough points to win the game. Bryan kicked his foot in the sand. When he looked my way, I gave him a winning smile.

Parker ran over to the mega phone.

"Thanks guys for coming out tonight to the Lambda Luau. Don't forget to join us again tomorrow night for service project, Waving Goodbye to Trash. Meet here and we'll bus to the beach to clean it up."

As I was making my way back home, I couldn't help but feel how happy I was I came tonight! Sure I had to deal with Bryan but I really enjoyed myself.

Tuesday at lunch Paige and Blair wanted to know how the first day of rush went. I told them about the volleyball games and how it was because of my serving that we won.

"I only met a couple of the guys but they seem to really like me."

"Well that's great! Did you know any of the other rush guys?" Paige asked.

"I didn't know anyone but then I saw Bryan."

"Did you guys talk?" Blair asked.

"For like 2 seconds during the volleyball game. He told me he wouldn't spike the ball at my face." I replied "He did wink at me before the game though. He was wearing one of his shirts I really liked and noticed I was looking at it."

"Do you think he wore it in anticipation?" Paige wondered.

"Who cares!" Blair exclaimed. "Wear something that he likes on you and make him eat his heart out."

"We're picking up trash so I don't think I'll wear anything super nice."

After class, I went back to my dorm and put on a pair of swim trunks and a t-shirt. Just so you know, I own a couple pairs of trunks and not just wearing the ones I wore to last night's event. I figured we'd be at the beach so why not come prepared. Once I'm changed, I head back to the meeting place. Parker spots me almost immediately.

"Kendall, glad you're back!" he exclaimed, shaking my hand. "Just hang out for now until everyone shows up and then we'll get on the bus."

I walked over to the rest of the guys. I was just taking all of this in. I never saw myself as a frat guy but I really enjoyed being around this group of guys. I was hoping that these guys wanted me to become a member as much as I was wanting to get in.

In the midst of these thoughts, Brad and Lance both came over to talk to me. They brought some "other promising rushees" with them. Those were their words, not mine. We were all chatting and then we were all getting on the bus.

Everyone got to the beach where we were given trash bags and sticks used to stab the trash. We broke off into groups of 3 or 4 and began working. I was in a group with another rushee and Brad from the volleyball games. Bryan must have been further down the beach or not there because I didn't see him.

It was a nice time. We got to pick up the beach and make it look nice. My group also had a good conversation. It didn't feel like there was a difference between the us, the rushees, and the members of the fraternity.

The bus dropped us back off and I saw that Greyson was leaning against the door of his truck. He must have been waiting for me.

"Hey!" I exclaimed walking up to him "I didn't know you'd be picking me up."

"Well it wouldn't be much of a surprise date without the surprise" Greyson chuckled

"A date? I'm so not prepared to go on a date! I'm probably disgusting." I replied. I was freaking out! I probably smelled like trash and lord only knows what I looked like!

"You look just fine. Plus it's not fancy so don't worry about that. Now just hop in and you'll find out"

As I walked around the hood of the truck, I made eye contact with Parker and we gave each other a little wave.

Greyson drove us through town until we hit the highway. Buildings were soon replaced with trees and nature as far as the eye can see. Greyson made a sudden right turn off the highway and down a gravel road.

"You're not taking into the middle of the woods to murder me are you?" I laugh as we bump down the road in his truck.

"You're too sexy to be murdered in the woods." he says looking at me. "You deserve a big elaborate death scene that people remember."

"Well that's reassuring." I reply looking out the window.

Before long we pull up to a house sitting on the shore of a lake. It was a two story house with a garage attached and a dock going out into the lake. It was a gorgeous house. Greyson pulled the car into the drive.

"You have a lake house?" I ask with a little bit of shock in my voice. Greyson let out a chuckle.

"It's my grandparents' lake house. The whole family gets together here in the summer but it's empty at the moment."

"Oh it is?" I question.

"Yeah. I figured we could take the jet skis out and ride around and have a little dinner."

We get out of the car and walk through the garage to the backyard. Greyson opens up the shed and pulls out a jet ski.

"Have you ever ridden on of these before?" he asks.

"Never." I reply.

"Well you would like try driving your own or sit on the back of mine?"

"For now, I'll just sit on the back of yours." I answer. Greyson gets a little smirk on his face. Then he tosses me a life jacket. I catch it and before I can say anything, Greyson is peeling off his t-shirt.

This is the first time I have seen him shirtless. He has these broad shoulders and massive pecs. His nipples are just the right size. They aren't so big that they take over his chest but not so small that you wonder if he even has them. Going down his body, Greyson has, from what I can tell without taking the time to count them, an eight pack abs. They aren't the most defined abs ever but you can definitely tell he has them. Then there is the v going right down into his swimming trunks.

I look up and Greyson is looking at me. He caught me staring at him. I quickly divert my eyes to the life jacket. My shirt comes off and the life jacket goes on so fast that it looks like I belong in a quick change magic act. I look back at Greyson and he's smiling at me like he was trying to hold in the slightest laugh.

He turns around and wheels the jet ski down the boat ramp. When the bottom of it is submerged, Greyson gets on it and pats the space behind him. Getting the signal I walk over and swing my leg over the side.

"Alright, you're going to want to hold on" He says, reaching back and take my arms. He wraps them around his stomach. "You ready?"

"Let's do this!" I yell. Suddenly we're off and zipping across the lake. I can't help but scream out of excitement. It's so much fun! The wind feels great on my face and a mist is keeping us from drying out. As we bump along, my hands keep going further down Greyson's body. Not on purpose, I'm just being jostled by the boat.

After a while, when the sun is getting lower, Greyson slows down the boat and brings it back to the dock. He ties the boat to the dock and we get off. Greyson hands me a towel as we remove our life jackets and dry off. We walk up to the deck and Greyson tells me to have a seat at the table and he'll bring dinner out. He returns with a crock pot of bbq pulled pork, plates with buns and a bowl of salad.

"So tell me about your family." I say scooping some salad onto my plate.

"Well there's my parents, me and two sisters. I'm the middle child. My older sister Julie is four years older than me. She and her fiance, Garrett, run a restaurant back in my hometown. My younger sister, Riley, is a senior in high school this year. She's been with the same guy for like three years. So I'm basically the only single James left"

"Are you guys close?"

"Yeah I guess so. We don't fight or anything, mostly just harmless sibling teasing. But I guess we could be closer. What about your family?"

"It's mom and dad, four brothers and then me. I'm the youngest of the bunch. Kurt is a journalist in San Francisco, Keith works at an advertising firm in San Diego, Kyle just moved to Seattle and Keagan plays football for the Oregon Ducks. None of them really have a serious girl that I know about." I reply.

"Wow! I couldn't imagine having four brothers! You guys close?"

"Oh yeah! They are the best! We tease each other but at the end of the day, we have each other's backs. They were all really supportive when I came out back in high school and made sure no one gave me shit about it. And when Bryan broke up with me, they offered to go 'chat with him' "

"Oh gosh! Remind me to stay on their good side" Greyson laughs.

"They already want to meet you." I say. Greyson's eyes get really wide.

"They know about me?"

"Yeah. We all went back home the day after our first date. When we had lunch, we filled each other in on our lives and you were something new in mine."

The sun had pretty much set at this point. We both had to get up in the morning for class so we decided to head home. Greyson drove me to my building and we sat in his truck for a little bit.

"I had a great time today." I said with a big smile.

"Yeah. I did too."

"Well I'll see you around." I said going to open the door.


I turn back to face Greyson and his hands are on my cheeks, pulling me into a kiss. Our lips meet and at first I'm not really processing. When the fact that we're kissing goes through my brain, i get into it. Greyson's tongue runs across my lips, begging to be let in. I sink into Greyson. After a few minutes, we finally break for air. We smile at each other and then I open the door to his truck and head to my dorm.

I was all smiles as I went up to my room. Paige was just leaving my room as I got to it. She was in a tank top and a pair of those short athletic shorts that girls wear and her hair was in a ponytail. It was her normal look but something seemed different about her today. I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Oh well, I thought, it might just be me being on a happy high right now.

"Kendall!" she exclaimed, "Are you just getting back from cleaning up the beach?"

"No that ended a few hours ago." I replied. "Why don't you come in and I'll tell you about it"

Paige seemed a little hesitant but agreed.

"Coming bac...hey Kendall!" Ethan said as he sat up on his forearms. He was laying on his back under the covers. "Would you mind tossing me those basketball shorts?"

I kicked up the pair he was pointing to. Ethan caught them and slid them on the under the covers before he jumped out of the bed. These two were acting weird. I made a mental note to discuss this with Blair and see if she knew anything.

"How was the picking up trash? Did it take you guys this long to do it?" Ethan asked sitting in his desk chair.

"He was just about to tell me all about it." Paige interjected as she sat in my desk chair. I climbed up on bed and got comfortable before I delved into the night's events.

"No I haven't been at the beach this whole time." I laughed. "We came back to campus after about an hour and a half. Greyson was waiting for me. He took me to this lake house like 30 minutes from here that his grandparents own. We went out on a jet ski and then we had dinner."

"Aw that sounds really nice." Paige smiled.

"What did you eat?" Ethan responded

"Pulled pork with barbecue. It wasn't the fanciest meal but it was so good and I think it went with the casualness of the evening."

The three of us talked for another hour about school and other random things. Have you ever noticed that people who are in relationships seem to think that everyone should be? I was picking up signs going on between Paige and Ethan but I couldn't decide if it was in my head or if it was real. Paige would have some sort of smile on her face when Ethan looked at her and Ethan's stare seemed to linger on Paige for longer than just a friend.

Wednesday morning Paige, Ethan and I walked to class together with Paige walking between us. Out of the corner of my I could see the back of their hands hitting like they want to hold hands but don't want make an official announcement. I couldn't wait any longer! I'll have to confront Paige after we split from Ethan. After a few minutes, we waved Ethan off as he took a different path. I waited until he was most likely out of ear shot.

"So how long have you been sleeping with Ethan?" I asked nonchalantly.

Paige's face was priceless! Her eyes went big and her jaw dropped.

"Oh my god! How did you know about that?" she exclaimed.

"Last night I saw you coming out of my room then when we came in, Ethan was either naked or just in his underwear. He wouldn't have been like that if you were hanging out as friends. Also you two have been pretty obvious in your body language. Staring at each other and just now you two were basically holding hands!"

"Ok fine! We've slept together a couple of times. The first time was after that party you met Greyson at. We put you to bed and Blair was living in the bathroom because she was throwing up. I came onto him in my room and it just happened. Then, he texted me last night and it just happened. I really like him though and I think he likes me too!"

"I would say the feeling is mutual. His eyes never left you last night." I replied.

By this time, we had made it to the door leading into our geography class. Bryan was sitting outside the door. Hopefully he wasn't waiting for me. I didn't really want to deal with him. As we passed, he stood up.

"Kendall, can I talk to you?"


Paige gave me a what the hell look. I nodded and she went inside. I turned to look at Bryan.

"What's up?" he asked. Just say what you want to say, I thought.

"Going to class."

"Right." he ran his hand through his hair. "Did you pick up trash yesterday?"

"Yeah. It wasn't too bad. Did you?"

"No, I had some work that I needed to do. Are you golfing tonight?"

"That's the plan." I say.

"I was just wondering if I need a helmet." Bryan replied with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes but couldn't fight the smile from going across my face. Bryan took me golfing once at the local golf course. A couple tees in, I accidentally lost my grip on my driver and threw it backward in his direction. We stuck to mini golfing after that.

"Hardy har har" I respond. "Is that all you wanted? I don't think Professor Greger will be happy if we're late."

"Yeah" Bryan said. His voice had become more solemn. "That was all. I'll see you tonight."

I gave him a smile and walked inside the classroom.

Class got over and I headed to the library to kill time before lunch. I was sitting at a table for four by myself on the first floor. Suddenly these two girls took seats on either side of me.

"Kendall Winters?" one girl asked. This girl had blonde hair that went down to her boobs and piercing blue eyes. This girl was gorgeous. Her friend had a darker complexion. I assumed she was from Hispanic descent. She had dark brown hair going down to her stomach. She was equally as pretty as her friend.

"Yes?" I replied. What are these two girls doing?

"I'm Hannah and this is Natalia. We're football wives. We heard you're dating Greyson James so we wanted to invite you to join our little club."

"Football wives?" I asked still confused and a little taken aback.

"That's just what we call ourselves. We obviously aren't married but we are dating guys on the football team. Natalia, me and the other girls all get together and plan team dinners before big games and socials for the guys to relax every once in a while. We're basically an extension of the team." Hannah replied.

"We just wanted to extend an invitation for you to join us. We all also get together when the boys have practice and hang out. It gives us something to do while our men are busy." Natalia added.

"I see. I'm not sure at the moment but I'll consider it." I replied. I looked at my watch and I was late for meeting Greyson for lunch. "I'm running late but I'll talk to you girls later."

"Sure." Natalia smiled.

"No rush." Hannah replied.

I walked out of the library and texted Greyson I was on my way. I saw him sitting at a table without food. I walked over to him.

"Hey babe" Greyson smiled, stood up and kissed me on the cheek. I couldn't help but blush.

We went into the cafeteria and got our food. I got a small slice of cheese pizza and a salad. Greyson opted for spaghetti with meat sauce.

"Sorry I was late." I said after we sat down. "These two girls started talking to me in the library."

"Who were they?" he asked stuffing a forkful in his mouth.

"They called themselves the football wives." Greyson looked at me with a weird expression on his face.

"Natalia and Hannah."

"Yeah that's their names. They wanted me to join them and the other player's girlfriends."

"Don't." he said in a stern voice "You don't want to be seen with those two girls. They're trashy. They go from team to team depending on who is in season. They try to sleep with all of the guys and their little 'team dinners and socials' are drugfests and orgies."

"Oh wow." is all I can say.

"Babe, I don't want people thinking of you in that way. Next time they approach you, tell them you aren't interested and walk away."

We ate in silence for a little while eating our food.

"What's the event for tonight?" Greyson asks.

"Golfing" I chuckle.

"Not your sport I'm assuming?" he says with a laugh.

"The last time I played I threw the club backwards and almost hit Bryan."

"He going?" Greyson asks while looking down. Clearly not a fan of my story.

"I think so. Are you jealous?" I ask.

"Depends. Does he still have a chance with you?"

"Not at all. I'm kind of really into this football player. Plus I think this guy could kick Bryan's ass." I smile.

Greyson lets out a laugh and a big smile stretches across his face.

Parker appears at our table suddenly.

"Hey guys. Sorry for interrupting. Kendall, are you golfing?" he asks.

"I planned to."

"Awesome. Please wear black pants and a polo."

"I can do that. See you then!" I reply. Parker waves and walks away.

"That was weird. I wonder why black pants specifically." Greyson states. Then he pulls out his phone and calls Ian. Greyson puts him on speaker

"What's up?" Ian replies.

"Hey why would Kendall have to wear black pants to play golf later? Parker just stopped by to tell him that."

"I could get in trouble for telling you this." Ian states.

"It was just a question. I don't want you to get into trouble." I say.

"Make sure you wear them, Kendall. You guys should go to Greyson's apartment tonight." Ian replies and then hangs up.

"Must be some weird frat secret thing." Greyson says. I agree.

At least, I don't have to worry about what I'm wearing now.

Around 2 o'clock, I started getting ready for the golf outing. I opened my closet and pulled out a teal polo. Parker's reminder kept playing in my head as I opened up my dresser to get my black pants. What was the significance of wearing these pants? Parker made it sound really important and Ian was being real secretive. Parker seemed to really like me so I decided that it was best to follow his instructions.

When I got to the meeting spot, I noticed other guys were also wearing black pants. There was about two thirds of the guys that were in other colored pants and khakis. Should I bring up the specific instructions? I decided against it. If it meant something special, I didn't want to have the guys not wearing black to freak out. Plus, who knew if everyone wearing black was told to or if it was a coincidence.

I looked around the crowd. I spotted some guys that I had started to like were also in black pants. My eyes landed on Bryan just as his found me. Dressed in a mint green polo and black pants. I decided that Bryan was someone I could bring it up to so I walked over to him.

"Kendall" he said as I approached.

"Long time no see" I smiled.

"Remember that it's the ball that's supposed to go flying, not the club"

Both of us laughed at my expense. There was a little silence as we both scanned the group of guys.

"A lot of black pants today."

"It's as if some were told to." Bryan winked as Parker was giving us the instructions for the day.

Parker explained that there would be 3 rushees in groups with 2 members of the frat.

Brad from the volleyball team and Parker were my two members. It was me, Bryan and another rushee named Todd. Well this should be interesting, I thought.

My game wasn't horrible but if we were picked for the fraternity based on the scores, I wasn't so sure I'd get in.

I noticed that Bryan was looking at me a lot. I couldn't decide if it was just coincidence or if he was staring at me. We also kept running into small groups of men on the course and they always let us go ahead of them on the hole. I thought it was weird but didn't think much of it.

When we got back to the parking lot, I got in my car and headed to my dorm. I quickly changed into a t-shirt and basketball shorts. Then I made my way to Greyson's apartment upon Ian's earlier request.

I parked my car, got in the elevator and walked to his door. I knocked and waited for him to answer the door.

"You know you can always just walk on in." Greyson said as he opened the door. He was only in a towel and still wet. I couldn't help but stare at his gorgeous body.

"Earth to Kendall!" Greyson laughed waving a hand in my face. I shook myself back to life.

"Sorry." I blushed and walked into the apartment.

"Just let me get dressed and I'll be out in a sec." Greyson said as he disappeared down the hall.

I immediately pulled out my phone and called the one person who would help me: Blair.

"Whats up?" she asked.

"I'm in trouble! I know I said I wanted to wait to have sex with Greyson but he just opened the door wet and in a towel and I almost jumped on him!"

"Calm yourself! He's probably going to be back soon so I'll keep this short. The sooner you have sex with him, the sooner you give up any power in this relationship. I gotta go. Love you, bye"

************************************************* Blair let out a laugh as she hung up the phone. Kendall seriously had it bad! Little did he know that he would be waiting at least 3 more weeks before anything hot and heavy would be happening.

"What's so funny?" Ian asked as we walked back into his living room. Blair was spread out on the sofa.

"Kendall just got to Greyson's apartment and Greyson answered in a towel. Kendall pretty much almost jumped on top of your best friend."

"Your best friend having blue balls is funny?" Ian asked confused, sometimes he didn't understand Blair's mind.

"Yes. Kendall stopped Greyson from going far because Kendall wants a wow moment. So Greyson came to me last week asking what he can do to wow Kendall. I made Greyson wait a month before he tried anything. That means Kendall has about 3 more before getting his wow moment."

"You know a lot about wow moments?" Ian asked.

What a weird question, Blair thought.

"When it comes to my friends, yeah." she responded.

"I'll show you a wow moment." Ian said with a seductive smile as he picked Blair up and carried her down the hall. Blair giggling in between kisses.

************************************************* "Who was that?" Greyson asked coming back to the living room.

"Blair, she wanted to know how golfing went." I lied hoping it didn't show.

"How did it go?"

"There's a reason I'm not on the golf team" I chuckled.

Greyson sits down on the couch with me and we watch a little tv. After a few minutes of channel searching, we decide to go with Fixer Upper on HGTV. Someday I would love to have a relationship like Chip and Joanna do.

"I'm really curious about what Ian was being so secretive about." Greyson said. "I've tried texting him to let him know he can come over but he hasn't replied."

"Maybe he's busy." I suggest. Greyson gets closer to me on the couch.

"I can think of a way for us to keep busy" he says with a mischievous smile, leaning in closer.

"Oh yeah?" Our lips are mere centimeters apart. Greyson nods his head and our lips finally meet.

Greyson puts a hand on the side of my face and pulls me into him. My hand starts rubbing his shoulder and the upper part of his chest. Slowly Greyson lays me down on the sofa where his hands roam over my upper body and his mouth makes its way down my jaw to my neck.

A small moan escapes from my mouth. I can feel Greyson smile against my neck. I start thinking that I don't need that special moment. I'm going to let this play out as far as it can. This would be the day that Greyson and I had sex!

Then there was a knock on the door.

"That would be Ian" Greyson whispers.

"He'll go away" I respond and start to kiss Greyson again. Another knock.

"Grey, I know you're in there. Open up!" Ian shouts through the door.

"To be continued." Greyson smiles as he gets off the couch.

I was just sitting up when Greyson opened the door for Ian.

"Two sets of swollen lips. Hope I wasn't interrupting" Ian chuckles.

"Nothing that can't be picked up later." Greyson says sitting next to me.

"How was golfing? Wear the black pants?" Ian asked me as he sat in the arm chair.

"It was alright and yes I did. Why was that so important?"

"It's the middle of rush week. By now the brothers are getting a good idea of who they want to join the fraternity. They always do a public outing for the third day so that alumni can see this year's crop of guys and they can add input. You were asked to wear black pants so the alumni would pay special attention to you. The brothers feel like you are a likely member to get asked to be a pledge." Ian explained.

"We did run into some groups of other guys out on the course." I thought out loud.

"Those would be the alumni members. How many other guys were in black?" Ian asked.

"About a third." I responded "Bryan was in them too" I turned my attention to Greyson who just rolled his eyes.

"Well I'd say you're likely to get in" Ian added "I know Parker really likes you."

The rest of the week went by pretty quick. Thursday I had class and then decided to skip the rush event because I had a project that needed my attention. I got dinner with Greyson and then back to the dorm to work.

Friday was the last day of the mixer. We had to dress up and attend a social in the student center. I made sure to go to this one since it was the last day of rush and I wanted to make a last good impression. This social was combined with the sorority Zeta Beta Zeta, the premiere sorority at Clayborne. Blair was rushing for them so we decided to go together. Our president, Parker, was standing with the sorority president, Whitney.

"I see your top rushee came with my top rushee." Parker whispered to Whitney.

The night was spent primarily making small talk with the brothers and the girls of ZBZ. After a couple of hours, Blair and I said our goodbyes and headed home. We both went to our own dorms because our bid letters would be hand delivered later that night.

At about 11:45, there was a knock on the door. Ethan and I both looked at each other and then the door. I raced to the door. When I opened it, there stood Brad with an envelope. He handed it to me and said congratulations. Inside was a letter asking me to become a pledge for Lambda Sigma Omega.

I immediately called Greyson.

"I'm in! They want me to pledge!"

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