According to Kendall

By Ch Wh

Published on Oct 8, 2018


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Editors: J. S. -

J. L. -

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Chapter 12

Monday was a very weird day. I went to my morning classes as usual but everyone gave me a look. Some were looks of knowing, some gave me smiles as if they were happy for me and some looks were of total disgust. There was also a lot of whispering along my path to class. I never heard what anyone said but the side glances and hushed voices told me what they were discussing. I was sitting on the quad at lunch with Blair.

The quad is surrounded by trees that are encircled by cement benches. We were sitting there just talking. Then the rush of people getting out of their 11 o'clock class came through the quad. Blair noticed all the looks and rubbed her hand on my back in a comforting way.

"So everybody knows?" I asked nonchalantly


That was all that was said on the subject. We sat at the tree just looking out at the quad and the people walking around campus. After a while, Blair had to go to her next class. I thought about going back to the dorm but the warm California sun convinced me to stay. I laid my backpack down and fluffed it up to make a pillow substitute, put my sunglasses on and laid down on my back. I could feel the sun baking my skin. The warmth was making me sleepy. I was almost asleep until a shadow cast over me. I opened my eyes to see a really good looking guy standing over me.

"Kendall Williams?" the guy asked. He had dark brown hair that was buzz cut. I could see his pecs through his shirt and his arms looked to be of decent size too.

"Yes." I replied sitting up and taking off my sunglasses.

"Will you come with me please?" he asked.

"Who are you?" I asked. I wasn't just about to go off somewhere with a random stranger.

"Sorry. I'm Ian. Greyson is a friend of mine and I wanted to talk to you."

"You can sit down." I said scooting over.

"I was thinking a somewhere a little more private." he replied.

"Um, okay." I stood up and grabbed my backpack.

Ian and I walked quietly for a while. We walked until we hit the bike trail.

"Thanks for coming with me" Ian finally said.

"No problem. So what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked.

"I wanted to get to know the guy my best friend came out for."

"He came out for me?" I asked

"In his own way. Greyson has never said he was gay or straight. He never really had any girlfriends but said that was due to focusing on football and grades, but this semester, he seemed really happy all of a sudden. I asked him if he met someone and he said that he had. Greyson said that he had met a freshman at the first party of the year. That's when he told me that this freshman was a guy. That's when he came out to me and taking you to dinner was his way of coming out to the rest of the world."

"Wow, I didn't realize that that night was a such a big step for him. I hope you and the rest of the team support him."

"You don't have to worry about that. Greyson is our friend no matter what. The team is like a little family and nothing is going to change that. Though that isn't the reason I wanted to talk to you."

"Then what is?" I asked.

"I wanted to tell you that Greyson made a big decision when we asked you out, one that could cause him a lot of fall out. If you hurt him, you'll have to answer to me. I'm sure you're a great guy and Greyson seems to really like you; I'm not trying to start off on the wrong foot I'm just trying to look out for my friend."

"No, I totally understand that. I promise that I have no intentions of hurting Greyson."

"Good. Then I see no reason why the two of us can't be friends." Ian said smiling. "Well I better head to class. Oh and please don't mention this to Greyson, he'd kill me if he knew I did this."

************************************************* Blair lied to Kendall when she said she was going to class. Instead, she made her way into the library. Blair was on a mission to speak to Greyson James. Blair had given the task of finding him to some of her friends. They informed her that Greyson was on the library's second floor and they've kept their eyes on him.

Blair climbed up the stairs to the second floor. She spotted Greyson right away. He had headphones in and his back was to her so he could see out the windows. She made eye contact with her friends and waved them away. They scurried past her and down the stairs. Now she was all alone with Greyson in this corner of the library. After giving her hair a quick fluff, she made her way over to Greyson and slid into the seat across from him.

"Blair." Greyson said taking out his headphones.

"Greyson." she replied. "I think we both know why I'm here"

"You want me to thank you for telling me to go after Kendall?" he replied

"A little gratitude wouldn't hurt but no. I have come with a warning."

"A warning?" Greyson questioned looking up from his books and leaning back in his chair. He was clearly interested in what Blair had to say.

"Yes." Blair responded. "I basically gave you Kendall on a silver platter and I can just as easily take him back. So if you do anything to make him upset, I'll personally make sure you get what's coming to you."

"Sounds like you're threatening me, Miss Killian." Greyson said smiling.

"You bet your ass I am." she replied standing up. Blair walked past Greyson, put her hand on his shoulder, leaned down and whispered "Have a nice day, Mr. James"

Now that Blair's business with Greyson was done she had another man to see. She walked out the back set of doors of the library and almost smack into Ian Rollens. What luck! Blair faked dropping all of her stuff so that he would have to help her. As they were both squatted down gathering her books, Blair decided to introduce herself.

"Thank you so much! I'm such a clutz sometimes. I'm Blair Ki"

"Killian" Ian finished. Blair was surprised. "Don't act so surprised Blair. You're the one who set up this encounter."

The tables have turned. No longer was Blair the one in control of this situation.

"Alright, cards on the table." she replied "Your best friend is seeing my best friend. If Greyson hurts Kendall, you both will have to answer to me."

"Right back at you. I hear from a few senior girls that you are already starting to gain some clout on campus. That could go away with a snap of my fingers. I can ruin any future social standing you hope to have."

"Please, you could hurt me for a semester, maybe even a whole school year, but I'll just rise again."

Both had realized they were equally matched.

"Would you like to grab dinner sometime?" Ian asked

"I'd love to" Blair replied putting on her sunglasses and with a turn of her heel she strutted off.

************************************************** Kendall's POV

I went back to tree I was at before Ian came over. I moved my book bag just right and resumed the nap that almost was. There was a little breeze which cooled off the heat from the sun. Everything was very relaxing. Then there was another shadow standing over me.

"God damn it, Ian" I muttered

"Ian? Did you see him earlier?" It wasn't Ian. It was Greyson.

"What? No. I said 'again'. Someone came over to me earlier as I was laying down needing directions to a building." Hopefully Greyson bought it. I didn't want Ian to hear that I told Greyson.

"Oh ok. Well, I was just leaving the library when I saw you laying here. Want to get some pizza later?"

"Yeah that sounds great!" I said smiling.

Greyson got a huge grin on his face and started moving around like he just got a jolt of energy. He said he had to head to class and then bounced off. He's so adorable!

The rest of my day was pretty uneventful. After a while I headed back to my dorm and hung out with Ethan and Paige for the rest of the day. Then Blair flew through the door.

"Bon jour!" she exclaimed with a huge grin on her face.

"Well you certainly are in a good mood." Ethan commented.

"Of course I am, silly! I have wonderful friends and it's a gorgeous day! We should go out and celebrate life."

"Okay. Who are you and what have you done with the real Blair Killian?" I asked. She certainly was acting strange.

"I am the real Blair. I just won a match and I want to celebrate everything!"

"What kind of match?" Paige asked.

"What's with the third degree? Let's go get some dinner." Blair started walking towards the door.

"You guys will have to move on without me." I replied "Greyson just texted me that he is downstairs and we're getting pizza."

"We'll walk down with you." Blair smiled.

The four of us walked down stairs. Greyson was sitting in one of the armchairs.

He stood up when he saw us.

"Um, when I asked you to pizza I thought it would just be the two of us." Greyson said

"The three of us were just walking down with Kendall. We're off to our own dinner. Au revoir." Blair waved as she, Ethan and Paige walked out the door.

"Hey, sorry about assuming everyone was going with us." Greyson said.

"It's alright. Let's just head to dinner. I'm starving."

Greyson led me out to his car and we headed to Tony's Pizzeria. Tony's was a big hang out for all of the college kids and it was no surprise that the place was packed when we got there. A waitress told us there was a table in the back that was free so we headed that way.

Dating the star quarterback has a lot of pros but one con is that he knows so many people and we stopped pretty much at every table for an acquaintance of his. Greyson was always polite and talked to the person who stopped him and introduced me and after a minute or so he'd move on down to the back table.

"Sorry about that" he said as we sat down.

"Don't worry about it" I smiled back.

A waitress came and took our order, we both got cokes and split a medium pepperoni pizza. It didn't take long for our food and drinks to get to us. Greyson and I had been chatting about random things and getting to know each other.

"So your friend Blair seemed in a good mood." he said.

"Yeah she was. She told us that she had just won a match."

"A match?"

"Oh, I'm sure it was some psychological game Blair was playing with someone. She can get that way" I replied

"I think I know who that person was." Greyson replied.


"Me." he said. I gave him a confused look "She came to me in the library today and basically said that if I somehow hurt you then I'll feel the wrath of Blair"

"Yeah that sounds like something she would say" I chuckled. "Well I guess I should tell you that I met your friend Ian today."

"How so?" he asked

"He found me on the quad and asked to talk. He basically told me what Blair told you. I hurt you and he hurts me. But don't tell him I told you because he told me not to."

"Sounds like we both have some good friends." Greyson said

"Well if it isn't Greyson James!" a guy I didn't know yelled out.

Greyson turned in the guy's direction and a big smile came across his face. The guy was walking towards our table. He was about 5'11, short brown hair with a muscular build and a big smile on his face. His shirt had some sort of Greek letters but I didn't know what fraternity he belonged to.

"What's up, man?" the guy said shaking Greyson's hand.

"Just getting some pizza." Greyson replied. "Parker, this is Kendall. Kendall, this is a good friend of mine, Parker Rogers. Parker, Kendall is a guy I'm seeing."

"Yeah I heard about that." Parker said. Then he turned to me. "It's nice to meet you."

"You too." I replied with a smile, shaking Parker's hand.

"What are you doing here?" Greyson asked him.

"Scoping out the freshmen guys for recruitment." Parker explained.

"Parker is the president of Lamba Sigma Omega, the fraternity that is pretty much only for athletes, and he's' the baseball captain" Greyson explained.

"That explains the shirt" I replied.

"Yeah. We tried to get Greyson here but he turned us down" Parker said, play jabbing Greyson in the arm. Greyson just shrugged it off. "True, pretty much every member is on a campus sports team, but you don't have to be an athlete to join us. So if you're interested Kendall, we'd love to have you."

Becoming a member of a fraternity had never crossed my mind. It could be cool to get to know a lot of the guys on campus.

"Yeah, I'll give it a thought." I replied with a smile.

"Cool, rush week is in a week or so and the events will be announced all over. Hope to see you out there." Parker said and then headed off to another table of guys.

"You want to join a fraternity?" Greyson asked

"I've never really thought about it before. I'll probably go to the rush events to check it all out. Why didn't you join them?

"I just didn't like the idea of paying for friends." Greyson replied. "A lot of the guys in the frat have become my friends but I don't want to join so late in my college career, but they'll probably love to have you."

We finished our pizza, paid and walked outside. The sun was setting as we walked to Greyson's car.

"That sunset is gorgeous" I said.

"Yeah" Greyson mumbled.

Then I felt his fingers intertwining with mine. My stomach became full of butterflies. I couldn't stop the big smile stretching across my face. I looked up at Greyson who was already looking down at me with a smile. His thumb was rubbing my palm.

"Do you want to go watch a movie at my place?" Greyson asked as we got in the car.

"Sure" I replied.

Uh oh, I thought. Everyone knows that asking to watch a movie doesn't actually mean watching a movie. I'm all for a good make-out session but I would definitely have to stop it if Greyson tried to go further. I just hoped he could respect that.

************************************************** Greyson's POV

I have no idea what that sunset looked like. I wasn't looking at it. I couldn't take my eyes off Kendall. He said it looked gorgeous. I'm sure it did but Kendall looked even better than any sunset could. In that moment, I didn't care who saw us or who was disgusted by two guys holding hands. I just wanted to touch him and to let everyone know that Kendall was my guy. I asked him to see a movie because in that moment I didn't want our night to end. I definitely had to get Kendall back to my place.

Next: Chapter 13

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