According to Kendall

By Ch Wh

Published on Sep 11, 2018


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Editor: J. S. -

If reading about adult males getting in a relationship and eventual sex with one another is illegal where you are, logoff now.

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Ch. 10- Greyson's POV

I'm feeling pumped. I feel like I just scored the winning touchdown in overtime. I don't think I've ever felt so happy, free and alive before.

The drive from the restaurant I had Kendall meet me at and my apartment seems like it's over in the blink of an eye. I don't want to go to my empty apartment. I feel like if I don't tell someone about my evening then I'll burst.

Once I park my truck, I'm fly up the stairs to Ian's apartment. I don't think I've been this excited to tell someone about a date I've just been on. After a couple more knocks, Ian answers the door.

"Hey Grey, what's up?"

"I've got to talk to you" I reply and walk past him into his apartment.

"Come on in." Ian chuckled as he closed the door.

I head to Ian's kitchen, open the fridge and grab two beers. I toss one to Ian, who catches it, before I open mine and take a big swing.

"Dude I need to tell you something." I said wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

"What is it?" Ian asks sitting on a barstool. I'm standing on the other side of the counter.

"So I went out on a date tonight."

"I thought you were hung up on this freshman guy? Well, who was..." Ian stops talking when he sees my face, a corner of my mouth turned up in an awkward smile and my eyes shifting down. " went out with this freshman guy?"

"Kendall" I said "and yes I did."

"Grey, I'm happy for you man. But last time we talked, you didn't really have the guts to ask him out. No offense." Ian replied, chuckling at the end.

"None taken" I smiled "A very perceptive friend of Kendall's told me that if I liked him like she thought I did, I should make a move because Kendall's ex was about to ask him to get back together. Although I didn't really ask him face to face. I had a cheerleader drop him off a note asking Kendall to meet me at the Rendezvous."

"Oooh the Rendezvous. Aren't we fancy?" Ian laughed.

"Shut up, it was romantic." I replied, laughing as well.

"So how did the date go?"

"Really well. I think I'm the front runner in this race."

"Don't hate me for asking, but are you going out with him because you actually like him or because you're competitive and want to beat this ex boyfriend?" Ian asked

"Honestly, I like Kendall a lot. But beating this other guy isn't bad either." I chuckled.

"Okay so you like him and you went to a very public place. You know what you have to do next, right?"

"Yeah. I have to come out to the coach and the team before it gets all over school." I replied sighing.

"Yep. I'll be there to tell them if you want."

"Thanks Ian. I think I'll tell coach before practice tomorrow and then the team after that. I'll be fine telling Coach Davidson on my own but I'd like to have you close when I tell the team."

" I can do that man."

"Thanks. I'm going to head home. I'll see ya tomorrow." I said as Ian and I walked towards the door. Ian and I did a quick bro hug and then I was out the door.

As I walked down the hall to my apartment, I pulled out my phone to text the coach that I'd like to meet up with him before practice to tell him something. He said he'd be in his office and to stop by.

I woke up the next morning, Saturday, to find out my phone had blown up over night. Not literally, of course, but I had so many texts and an Instagram notification. A lot of my texts were from guys on the team asking if it was true. Was what true? I was so confused. Then I saw a text from Ian telling me to check Instagram.

I opened the app and clicked on the notification. The account @Claybourne_undercover tagged me in a photo. Great, just great, I thought. I clicked on it and it was a picture of me kissing Kendall at our cars last night. "Ladies, the real reason the quarterback doesn't like you back" was the caption underneath. I was the only one tagged in the photo though. Thankfully, you couldn't really make out Kendall's face.

I jumped out of bed, threw on some sweats and headed to the football gym. I had to come clean with the team as soon as possible. The entire drive over my mind was spinning with the possible outcomes of today. Would the team accept me? Would they still want me on the team? Would they say they're okay with it to my face then talk crap behind me? I guess there was only one way to find out.

I got to the coaches office around 8:45, 15 minutes before practice. Coach Davidson was in his office working on something at his desk. Coach is a guy in his late 40s or early 50s. He's about 5'11 with salt and pepper hair and you can tell that he still works out. The door was open so I knocked on the frame.

"Come in" Coach Davidson said in his scruffy voice.

"It's Greyson, sir. You said last night that I could talk to you for a little before practice." I said entering the small office.

"I remember James." Coach replied looking up at me "What's on your mind?"

"Well coach, I wanted to tell you something personal about me. Something that until late last night, no one really knew. Coach, I was going to tell you that I'm gay and I've started seeing a guy. I wanted you to know before it all over but someone posted a picture of me and this guy online so they beat me to the punch." I replied. Coach heaved a big sigh. I could tell from the look on his face that he was mulling things over.

"Will this guy be interfering with your ability to play the game?" Coach finally asked.

"No sir. If anything, this will make me play better. I'll have someone in the stands that I'll personally want to impress."

"Good to hear. I'm glad you've told me, James, and I'm sorry that it got out before you wanted. Do you plan on talking to the rest of the guys? If it got out like you think, they probably saw it."

"Yes sir. I was hoping to tell them before practice and get it out of the way."

"Well let's go do it then." Coach said slapping me on the back.

We walked out of his office and down the hall to where the football weight machines were at. I walked in and saw all the guys kind of standing around each other. They're hushed whispers stopped when they saw me come in. Ian maneuvered himself in the crowd so he would be standing closest to me.

"Listen up boys! Greyson has something he'd like to address and then we'll start practice." Coach shouted out.

"Thanks coach." I replied. I'm wringing my hands, I'm so nervous. I turn my attention to the team. "I'd like to address what many of you texted me about last night, the Instagram post. Yes, that is me kissing a guy. It was after we went on a date and if I have it my way, it's only the first of hell of a lot more. Now, I'm sure you're wondering if I'm gay. Well, I don't really have a response to that. I'm attracted to guys more than girls and at the moment I'm seeing a guy. That's all I know. I'd love for you to accept me and him, eventually if I bring him around. I'm still a member of this team, of this family and I'm the same guy I was before this post. You just know one more thing about me now. Um I guess that's all I have to say."

The team kept staring at me. There was an awkward silence. I looked over at Ian who was smiling at me. I couldn't help but smile back. Then Ian started a slow clap and the rest of the team joined in. Guys came up and shook my hand and patted me on the back. Everyone was very positive.

"I think I speak for everyone when I say we'll accept no matter what. Now, we'll have to meet this guy before we can accept him." Ian said. He got a lot of agreements.

I guess Kendall's going to have to meet the team sooner or later.

Next: Chapter 11

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