According to Kendall

By Ch Wh

Published on Apr 3, 2018


Hey! I first posted this story on a different site a few years ago. I've recently revisited it and made some changes. Hope you guys enjoy! Let me know what you think at

This story is all fictional and does not depict a specific person, place or event. This story will contain sex between males. If that is illegal where you live then log off now. Don't forget to donate to nifty

Chapter 1

The most embarrassing thing to ever happen in the history of ever just happened to me! This could affect my whole reputation at college and since I just started my freshman year I don't really have much of one. What just happened could be a defining moment for my life, probably for the worse!

Okay, so I was probably over reacting there, at least a little bit. But before I delve on into that embarrassing moment, I should probably tell you about me. My name is Kendall Winters and I'm a freshman at Claybourne College. Claybourne is a tiny college in the middle of California. It's the perfect college for me. It's a small college in a small town that reminds me of home which is about and two hours north, a town called Highland Falls. I'm 18 years old, stand about 5'6 with an average build. I have light brown hair that I part on the far left side of my head and swoop over to the right and I have green eyes.

My parents just left me in my dorm after helping move in. I got here before my roommate, Ethan Creswell. When I got the letter in the mail telling me who I'd be living with, I quickly looked him up on every social media site available. He seemed alright. I'm not sure if we will have a lot in common. Ethan seems like a jock type and I don't really fit in that category.

After being in my room for about 30 minutes, I heard the key in the door. In walked Ethan. I recognized him from my early social media creeping. He's about 5'10, blonde and has an athletic build.

"Hey, I'm Ethan." He said extending his hand after he set a box on his mattress. His parents followed behind him.

"Kendall" I replied, shaking his hand, "It's nice to meet you."

I helped Ethan and his family carry in the rest of his stuff before they said their goodbyes and headed back home. Ethan and I began unpacking our things in the room and having a get to know each other conversation. We seemed to get along better than I thought. I just needed to tell him I was gay.

"Ethan, there is something I need to tell you." I said turning to face him.

"What is that?" he asked, thumbtacking a poster to the wall by his bed.

"I'm gay. I'm just letting you know in case you have an issue with it so we can get it fixed right away."

"I don't have a problem with it." Ethan replied with a smile. "Just don't come home drunk and expect some action." he chuckled.

"I won't if you won't" I replied with a laugh

"Deal." Ethan responded. We shook hands to make our pact official.

We spent the next few hours just hanging out and getting settled in. Around 6 we decided to check out the cafeteria for food. As we walked out, we ran into girls that lived across the hall. They were heading to dinner too. We agreed to walk over together. The first girl introduced herself as Paige Gordon. She's about 5'7, straight brown hair that goes down to her shoulders. She looks like a typical Cali girl, fit and gorgeous. And rounding out our group is Blair Killian. Blair is another California beauty. Her skin seems to always be freshly sun kissed which goes good with her blonde hair and green eyes. Blair stands about 5'5 and is what I'd call petite. The four of us had a great time at dinner. I could tell that we would become good friends.

Ethan and I met Paige on the first day of classes. All of us have class at 8 on Monday mornings and we bumped into Paige as we left. The three of us walked out of our building together.

"So where are you guys headed?" Paige asked.

"First class for me is in Alumni" Ethan replied

"I'm going to Sandage" I said

"Oh I'm headed to Sandage too!" Paige exclaimed "What class?"

"Introduction to Geography with Professor Greger."

"Me too! It's good to know that I will at least know one person in that class."

"Well this looks like where we part ways" Ethan said looking toward the left "See you guys later."

We waved good bye to Ethan and continued on our way to class. Along the way we made small talk that I wasn't really paying attention to. My mind kept wandering to how happy I was to be here. I was really excited to come down to Claybourne. It meant that for the first time in my life I would be in a place where nobody knew me and I didn't know anyone else. Back home, I went from nursery school to senior year with all of the same kids plus or minus a few who moved in or away. This was my first time with a fresh start where no one knew about my past. Since it was such a small school, I knew that no one else from my graduating class came down here. At least that's what I thought until I walked into my geography class.

There he sat. In the second row from the door sat the last person from high school I ever wanted to see, my ex-boyfriend Bryan Thomson. We dated for about seven months my senior year and he broke up with me in May just after graduation. I can't believe he was here! The last I knew Bryan had some deal to play tennis for UCLA. But apparently that wasn't happening because there he was right in front of me. He must have heard the door open and looked up because he was looking at right at me.

"Hey Ken!" he said with a big smile. Bryan was the only person that I ever allowed to call me Ken.

"Hi" I replied and turned to go towards the back of the room.

"Don't you want to sit next to your friend? He's cute!" Paige whispered as we took our seats next to each other. Bryan was in the second row of the classroom and I was directly three behind him.

"No. We'll talk later." I said.

The class didn't last long. Mr. Greger just passed out a syllabus and talked about what to expect in the class and what he expected from us. The class didn't seem like it was going to be too bad which was good since it was 8 in the morning. Mr. Greger asked if we had any questions and when no one raised their hand he dismissed us. It was just a little past 8:30. Everyone gathered their things and walked out of the room. When Paige and I walked out, Bryan was right there waiting for me.

"Can I talk to you?" he asked. I turned to look at Paige and she seemed to understand something was up between Bryan and I.

"Lunch at noon?" she asked me. I nodded and she walked on down the hallway. Bryan and I stayed put in the hall.

"Hey Ken." he said, again using his special name for me.

"Hey Bry." Why did I have to call him that? His full name was just not able to come out of my mouth. Old habits die hard.

"You look good" Bryan said after looking me up and down. I should, I thought, I had gotten slimmer and tanner since we last saw each other. That's what happens when you spend all summer outside and eating as little as possible. Depression may have played a role in that last part.

"Thanks" I replied looking down trying to hide the small smile that came across my face. After all this time, he could still get me to smile. "So do you" That part was actually true. Bryan had an athletic build, he wasn't bulging with muscles but he certainly had them in the right places. He had grown out his dark brown hair this summer and now it started to cover the tops of his ears. And I could still swim in his blue eyes.

This was torture.

"So" he says running his hand through his hair.

"What did you want to talk about Bryan?" I asked. I didn't really have anything to talk to him about and I felt stupid just standing here.

"I bet you're curious about why I'm here." he chuckled

"Yeah I guess." I replied nonchalantly trying to hide the fact that that was all I thought about in class.

"Scholarship issues. UCLA decided to only give me a full ride for two years for tennis and then see about the other two based on how well I did. Claybourne offered me all four years. They made me an offer I couldn't refuse." Ugh and now he is referencing one of my favorite movies, The Godfather.

"That makes sense." I said. After standing awkwardly in the hallway silent for a few minutes I decided it was time to go. "Well I've got to get going. Guess I'll see ya in class." I turned and started walking down the hall.

"See you later, Kendall"

At noon I met Paige for lunch. I could tell while we were getting our food that she was faunching at the bit to know what happened earlier. As soon as we sat down at a table, she couldn't wait any longer.

"So what was up between you and that guy? I could definitely feel some tension in the air." she said sitting down.

"That was Bryan. He's my ex-boyfriend." I replied

"I'm assuming by the look on your face when we walked in that he was the last person you were expecting or wanted to see."

"Yeah, he broke up with me after graduation because he was going to school at UCLA and 'didn't want to do long distance'"

"But now he's here"

"Yeah, I guess Claybourne offered a better deal for him to play tennis than UCLA did." I think Paige could sense that this was a subject I didn't want to stay on so she dropped it and brought up another random topic.

The next couple of days I kept thinking what it meant that Bryan was here. Did he want to get back together? Did I want us to? Would he try to just be friends and pretend we never happened? This was all I thought of.

The following week, Paige and I stayed in Sandage Hall that day for lunch since they had a small food place in the basement. I don't know why we didn't leave, I guess neither of us felt like walking. We each grabbed a deli sandwich from the counter and a thing of tater tots. I got a fork because I hate having greasy fingers from the tots.

We decided to not sit at any of the tables in the basement so we rode the elevator up to the second floor. Up there are the high tables with the chairs you basically have to jump in to sit in them. The tables are all about 5 feet apart and at the moment hardly any are taken. We decide to take one next to this cute blonde guy. His hair was a nice length, not too long but not to short either. And you could tell that this guy didn't have a fear of gyms. I sit in the chair against the wall, the same one the blonde guy is at his table, and Paige takes the chair that looks in his direction.

"You know who that guy is, don't you?" she whispered excitedly

"No. Should I?" I asked glancing in his direction.

"That's Greyson James. He's a junior and the star quarterback of our football team!"

"Cool" I say as we begin to eat. Greyson was really cute.

A while has passed and we are sharing stories of our past lives. I stab a tater tot with my fork as I go on with my tale. I talk with my hands and as I throw my arms out, I accidently throw the fork holding a tater tot. I look over and it has landed right on the lap of Greyson James! I can't believe that I just threw my fork at someone, much less probably the most popular guy on campus! How embarrassing! I hop down of my chair and go over to him.

"I am so sorry!" I say "It accidently flew out of my hand."

"No problem" he replied. Gosh his voice was nice and deep, very sexy "But if you wanted to ask if I wanted a tater tot you could have come over and ask instead of throwing one at me" A smile came across his lips as he chuckled at his joke.

" you want a tater tot." I asked

"Thought you'd never ask." he replied taking my fork off his lap and eating the tater tot off of it and then handing me the fork.

"" I said walking back to my table.

Paige's eyes were wide as I sat down.

"Did Greyson James just eat the tater tot that you threw at him?" she questioned.

"Yes. Yes he did" I laughed

So I probably did over exaggerate just how bad that situation was but it was one of the most embarrassing and weird things to ever happen to me.

Next: Chapter 2

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