Accidentally Samantha 2

Published on Dec 2, 1997





We stepped outside of Captain Tony's and David flagged down a Taxi. Once we were in the Taxi David's hands were all over me. I told him to stop. He said "Just like a girl". I responded " You are behaving just like a guy." The Taxi drivers Eye's were glued to me in the mirror, For the first time tonight I felt a little nervous. David sensed this and backed off a little. The Taxi pulled up in front of the Blue Marlin hotel. He paid the Driver and we walked into his room. As soon as the door was closed he pulled me to him for a full body kiss. After we broke I felt a little weak in the knees. He turned me around and pulled my hair to one side and started to kiss me on the neck and nibble my ear lobes while holding my breasts and pinching my nipples. I could feel his cock pressing against my backside I reached around to feel him through his shorts. He murmured in my ear "Oh baby, Its so hard to believe you are not a girl." I went to turn around and he removed his Tee Shirt as I turned to face him. I reached down and undid his shorts and dropped them to his ankles. His cock was pointing straight at me I looked down and it was longer and thicker than mine I reached down with both hands and grabbed hold of him. For the first time in my life I was holding another mans cock in my hands. It was silky smooth and hard yet kind of spongy a lot like mine only bigger. I had another momentary lapse of guilt, What would my parents think. I pushed this thought away. This was to much fun and to horny to be bad. David asked " Do you like it ?" I said "No I love it. " and stroked his cock while I cupped his balls with my other hand, He let out a little gasp. Using his cock like a handle I steered him back to the bed and had him lie on his back. I straddled him covering his midriff with my skirt I moved up rubbing my panty clad cock against his cock as I leaned down and kissed him full on the mouth licking his lips. I then moved down stopping to nibble on both of his little nipples then I dragged my tongue from the center of his chest down to his belly button. David separated his legs slightly and I moved down again until I was face to face with his cock I looked up straight into his eye's as I grabbed his cock about the base and stroked it up to the head a look of pleasure appeared on his face as a drop of clear fluid appeared on the tip of his cock. I reached out with my tongue and tasted the drop and proceeded to lick his entire cockhead finally taking the whole cockhead into my mouth. I looked up to see those big blue eye's just smiling at me as I wrapped my hand around the base of his cock again and stroked up as I took as much of his cock into my mouth as I could and started sucking up and down while I stroked the part that I could not get into my mouth. David was breathing heavily. I reached up with the other hand to tickle his balls while swirling my tongue around his cockhead. I was now feeling little spasms as his cock grew even bigger and he started to buck his hips up off the bed. I could now taste his salty taste as he reached down and grabbed two hands full of my hair and drove his cock all the way down my throat. My first impulse was to gag but I swallowed instead then I was all right his pubic hairs were touching my nose as I realized I just deep throated and swallowed all 9 inches, He still had my hair and started fucking my face as he said "Take that cock sweety take the whole thing." I grabbed his balls As he let go of my hair and screamed out" I am going to cum !!" I felt his balls tighten as his cock grew even bigger I pulled up until only the tip was in my mouth and stroked the jerking shaft as I sucked on the head and swirled my tongue around the tip. I thought I was ridding a bull the way he bucked up and down. Spurt after spurt of molten lava poured forth. I sucked it all down, I Loved it. I kept caressing those balls and stroking that shaft and sucking that cockhead until I had every ounce he could give. Finally he stopped moving and jerking and spurting. I looked up at his glazed eye's with his Cockhead still in my mouth and he smiled that big smile of his as I pulled my mouth away and looked down as I milked his cock from the base to the tip he shuttered a bit as one last drop of white cum appeared on his cockhead and I licked it off with the tip of my tongue. I looked him back in the eye's. He said "That was the best orgasm of my life, Are you sure you never sucked cock before. " I said " Never before but I will again, That was the most erotic thing I have ever done." David stood up after a minute and pulled me to my feet and removed my dress he reached down and stroked my cock through the panties then pinched my nipples as he said " You are on fire." He undid the bra and pulled down the panties, Grabbing my cock as I had his he guided me to the bed and laid me down. He looked me over and said " I cannot believe you have never done this before, I would say that you have to take hormones or something, You have the body of a girl. Hasn't anyone ever said anything ? Look at those tit's and those leg's, and that pretty hair, You are beautiful." I said " I have been teased about it since I was little and normally dress and behave quite masculine, As to the hair I just like long hair. I did not think that the absence of body hair and the addition of a dress would make that much difference. But I have to tell you that I have always had a fantasy about dressing up like a girl and I have always wanted to try sucking on a cock." Dave reached out and caressed my tit's and pinched my nipples then tickled his way down to my cock saying" I have always fantasized about having sex with a pretty crossdresser but I primarily like girls and you were the perfect embodiment of the perfect girl I have been looking for all my life." He stopped for a minute to lean down and lick the head of my cock, And then continued "I thought you were a girl and you were just playing with me until I actually touched your cock in the restaurant, You played the part so perfectly." He leaned down again this time licking and biting my nipples while stroking my cock finally moving down until he engulfed my cock in his mouth sucking while he bobbed his head up an down I could feel my balls churning I was ready to explode, I bucked up my hips driving my cock all the way down his throat, I could tell he was starting to gag but recovered and started wrapping his tongue around my cock, I thought this is it when, He stopped and pulled totally away from my cock leaving me there twitching on the verge of the best orgasm of my life, How cruel. He looked in my frenzied eye's. reaching down he grabbed his own once again erect cock and smiled an evil smile while stroking his own cock. He moved up beside me rolling me on my side and after a moment pushed his cock between my legs he reached around and started stroking my cock lightly with a mysteriously lubricated hand, Only to late did I realize what he was up to. He had managed to lubricate his cock and grabbed hold of my cock pulling me back to him he drove his slippery cock into my unsuspecting butt hole. The pain was incredible for his first few strokes. After that the ecstasy of the agony almost caused me to cream again, They say there is a fine line between pleasure and pain and I was riding it as he fucked my asshole the pain suddenly subsided. He kept stroking my cock as he fucked my asshole it was almost as if his cock was sticking all the way through me and he was stroking his own cock. Without missing a stroke he pulled me up into a kneeling position reaching around with his free hand he started pinching my nipples then ramming his cock into me as far as it would go gripping my throbbing member he leaned down on my back and started nibbling my neck and sticking his tongue in my ear he said " I just love fucking beautiful virgin little girls, This is exactly what I pictured when I saw you on the front of the boat." And I felt like a little virgin girl getting fucked for the first time, I was for all purposes a virgin girl being fucked for the first time. He started fucking me in earnest, I felt long powerful lust driven strokes as his cock slide in and out of my ass. He kept time stroking my cock to every thrust of his cock. The excitement I felt building was like none before I reached the brink just as I felt David's cock seemed to grow an inch and started jerking uncontrollably inside of me he squeezed me close and continued to stroke me while I thrashed uncontrollably in a fit of ecstasy. I could feel his cock jerking and a warm wonderful feeling as he pumped his white hot load into my quivering asshole. I pumped what seemed to be a gallon of passion into his still caressing hand. After what seemed like an eternity we collapsed in to a satisfied sticky heap. He finally pulled his still semi erect but totally drained cock from me and went to the bathroom he returned much cleaner with a warm wet towel and proceeded to clean me off as I laid there and watched him with lazy eye's. He finally laid beside me and started to stroke my breasts. He said "That was the most incredible sexual experience of my life, Wow." I reached down to fondle his balls and replied "I have never felt so thoroughly fucked and satisfied in my life." He turned and looked me in the eye's and said once again "Will you marry me ? Do you know I have never had a virgin before tonight ?" I replied " I ain't no virgin." Dave replied " Maybe Sam ain't no virgin but I am pretty sure Samantha was." I smiled and said "Samantha, I like that." I moved up and kissed him and said " I need to get back to my girl friend before she misses me." I got up and pulled my dress on and started brushing out my hair. David asked " Aren't you going to wear your new under things ?" I responded " I don't think this is the appropriate time to tell Jennifer about this, It was a wonderful experience." Dave got up as I put on my sandals. He put the new shoes and bra and panties in my beach bag. He also gave me the picture from the boat and then he gave me his card, I looked at the address and was surprised to find he lived in Sarasota only 45 minutes from where I lived in Tampa. He said " Call me if you are in the area, I will be in Key West for three more days." He then grabbed hold of me and kissed me long and hard. I left with mixed emotions.

I arrived back at the room at about 11pm. Jennifer had the key so I knocked momentarily forgetting how I was dressed, She came over and asked "Who is it ?" I replied "SAM". She opened the door and just stood there staring at me for a moment without saying a word finally I moved past her into the room turning on a light. She was wearing a very sexy black silken nighty and was looking at me strangely When she spoke up and asked " Not that I mind but why are you wearing my dress ?" I related the days story to her leaving out a few of the more intimate details as I got further along in the story I could see that my recital was turning her on in a major way, She moved over and started pinching my nipples through the dress and feeling my butt, I was starting to get turned on again. When I finished she stood back and looked me up and down and said "I can see why they thought you were a girl, You look fabulous she pulled me to the bed taking charge in a way that was very unlike her but very arousing. As she sat on the edge of the bed I moved in front of her dropping to my knees I pulled up the skirt to her nighty spreading her legs I started licking her pussy, She orgasmed almost instantly grabbing my hair she pushed my face tightly to her pussy and started saying "Lick that cunt you little whore." By the time I was done she must have orgasmed 20 times. I could see that tonight was the night for me to satisfy everyone's homosexual fantasies including my own. As I got up and kissed she licked her own juices from my face and said "You make a great lesbian." Pulling off her nighty, She just about threw me on the bed pulling up my skirt she mounted me in a very masculine manner and started fucking me as if it were her cock instead of mine, I once again felt myself building to another earth shattering orgasm. Jennifer looked as though she was having one continuous cum, I finally came with an earth shattering bang bucking up into Jennifer I almost threw her off the bed, It seemed to last for hours. I was jumping around and Jennifer hung on and rode me like a wild stallion, Or should I say a wild filly. Finally she rolled off of me and helped me take off her dress. She held me close and started caressing my tits and nipples. She said " I could get used to, This." I told her " You know, They called me Samantha tonight." She said "Samantha I like that "You became Accidentally Samantha." We both drifted off into a deep satisfied sleep.

We woke up late that morning, I turned toward Jennifer and kissed her. She pulled close and asked me "Did you like being a girl for the night ?" I responded "Yes it was a lot of fun". She then asked me " What did you like about it, You are always so masculine?" I responded " A lot of People paid attention to me and bought me drinks all night and flirted with me. That was quite fun and I got to see life from the eye's of a pretty girl that was very interesting I now see how they get the way they are. I felt sexy and everyone treated me sexy that was arousing. And the clothes were soft and felt good the way the lace around the skirt tickled my legs How could I have not liked it." Jennifer said "If you think that dress was soft and silky wait until you try some of the other things." She then asked me "Would you dress like a girl again ?" I said "yes".

I then got up to go into the bathroom. When I walked back out of the bathroom I was intercepted by Jennifer who placed a white silken nighty over my head I put my arms through the arm holes as the cool silken material caressed my body as it drifted down causing instant tity nipple hardons it came to rest around my upper thighs. Jennifer then pulled my long blond hair out from under the back of the nighty feeling my soft hair against the silken material was wonderful, How come these delights were only reserved for girls ? She then led me toward the bed. As she laid me on the bed she rubbed against me and said "Now this is soft." She then reached down and grabbed my half erect cock through the silken material and asked me "Could I dress you up as a girl tonight and take you out on the town, My lesbian part wants to know ?" I asked "What do you plan on dressing me in ?" Jennifer responded "Nothing other than your favorite outfit !" My favorite outfit ! I had bought this for her two months ago, A little black velvet dress with sheer stockings a black garter and the softest and sexiest black bra and panties I had ever seen or touched with a matching silken slip. When I saw Jennifer in this out fit I got and instant erection. Now the thought of wearing this outfit caused an instant hardon as well as goosebumps all over my body. Jennifer then started stroking my hardon with the silken material as she cupped my balls with the other hand and said "The thought of dressing you up as a girl just turns me on completely." As she pressed herself to me I could feel the silken material as she squirmed. Fighting to control my voice I said "maybe". As she pulled up the silken nighty and impaled herself on my raging hadon. I said "YES".

About two in the afternoon Jennifer decided we must start to get ready . First she applied some more of the hair removal creme although this time more accurately and sparingly, Next I did the closest shave I had ever done, After that we took a shower together and Jennifer spent a lot of extra time washing and conditioning my hair after which she placed rollers in my still wet hair. I could tell she was having the time of her life as she told me she had wanted to do this since the first time we meet but did not think I would go for because I acted so masculine most of the time. I said before yesterday I would not have wanted to but this was to much fun. She then put the bra on me and was surprised when it fit almost perfect, She adjusted the straps and pulled my boobs up and adjusted them just fondling me through the material finally unable to control herself she pulled down the cups and nibbled on my nipples making them bigger and more erect than I thought possible if not a little painful, sensitive and swollen From her bites. Next came the Garter belt and stockings the sheer stockings were heaven caressing my legs all over and adding an ever so feminine appearance, I could not stop running my hands over them. Jennifer was dressing at the same time we spent the next few minutes fondling grabbing and rubbing our tits together. The next thing were the panties, They were so soft I almost creamed them as soon as they wrapped themselves around my cock and balls. Jennifer wanted to tape me but I declined saying that the flared skirt would hide any incriminating bulges. I pulled on the silken slip and went to look in the mirror but Jennifer would not let me until finished. Next she pulled out the makeup case and went to work telling me that I had so little facial hair and such a pretty face not much was required a little lipstick some eyeliner and blush she then told me to put on the dress while she did her own makeup and then she would finish my hair. This was what I was waiting for this was the cutest sexiest dress I had ever seen I unzipped the back and stepped into it pulling the straps up around my shoulders stepping over to have Jennifer zip it up I straightened the hem line and turned around and Jennifer's mouth just fell open as she said "My god you are just the prettiest girl, I am in lust." She pulled me over to the chair and undid the rollers, Using a curling Iron hair spray and a few different types of brush's went to work after 20 minutes of work she stepped back and shook her head and said "Sit there one second" She went to the suitcase returning with a pair of black shoes with wide 4" heels saying "I hope these fit" She placed them on my feet and did the little straps I stood up Jennifer said twirl, I did almost falling. Jennifer said "You look awesome, That was the most fun I have ever had. Come look." We walked into the bathroom in front of the full length mirror, I was stunned, Looking back at me was the prettiest girl I had ever seen. I could not move. I just stared. Jennifer said " Breath" I had been holding my breath. Jennifer stood back and watched me first I touched my breasts and then ran my fingers down my sides to my legs, That beautiful tangle of golden curls that framed my face. I then pulled up the skirt to make sure it was me, The dress and pretty silken slip just slid up my legs over the silken stockings and the pretty black garter belt and those sexy panties about to burst from my raging hardon. I pulled the panties down and slowly stroked myself a few times while gazing in the mirror. I heard Jennifer moan and looked in her direction She had slid her hand into her panties and was rubbing herself as she said " That was incredibly sexy, I could not control myself I wish you could have seen yourself ." She walked over to me and got on her knees and started sucking my cock. I watched in the mirror. I saw what looked like a very pretty girl in a sexy black dress getting her pussy licked by a very pretty brunette girl in a garter belt on her knees, I creamed immediately. Jennifer stood up licking her lips and kissed me, I could taste myself on her lips. We both looked in the mirror. Jennifer said " I don't want you to take this wrong but you make a better looking girl than you do a guy. Where I had thought you might have had a little extra weight in the chest and hips was just a few misplaced chromosomes. You always dressed and acted so masculine that I never noticed you have an awesome figure you have a skinny waist but it is a females waist. I bet you have the same measurements as I do, We have always been able to wear each others clothes. Jennifer started to get dressed again. I watched more closely than ever before, Normally I was impatiently pacing by now. This time I was watching closely as she curled her hair in much the same manner she had curled mine, Some black eye liner a little blush, Lipstick and a Navy blue dress that hugged her hips where mine flared, She put some silver clipon earrings on me and a pearl necklace. She got out a black purse that she gave me along with lipstick and powder, A blue purse for her and some blue pumps she looked awesome we both went to look in the full length mirror the two girls I saw looking back would be any mans wet dream. Jennifer said " Now there are two hot babes !!!"

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