Accidentally on Purpose

Published on May 18, 2022


Accidentally on Purpose 5xs



I get the text from Winter earlier in the day. He wants me to meet him under the bleachers in the gym late at night. We used to always come to these bleachers to get our freak on. He used to say there was something about the smell of lingering sweat in the gym that turned him on. I see him standing there leaning up against the wall. His hands are over his head. Winter has always been attractive in his way. Some people thought he was cold but for some reason I thought that is what made him sexy. I thought he would be some sort of prize to win. Melt that cold heart of his. I was wrong. Winter was as clingy as ever.

"Is there a reason I'm here?"

I don't have time for this. I have to study for an upcoming test in Core Gender Identity and the class was pretty hard to say the least. Luckily I had a few transsexual friends who were experts in the matter and they all happened to have a crush on me. Enough to pass me some notes.

"You look nice."


"Weird how Jamal Comey is back huh?" Winter asks randomly.

He's making light convo. Everyone's been talking about it all week. It's been a week since Jamal Comey has returned and everyone seems to be more confused about how.

I want to ask Winter questions about it.

"Jamal was never a friend of mine," I state, "I could care less. Did you bring me all the way out here to talk about Jamal Comey?"

"Listen with Jamal being back...there's a chance him and Imani friends again. That means that either you or GQ would be out."

It's almost laughable because Winter is standing here like some sort of nosy school kid who thinks I give a fuck about this.

"You think I care about popularity that much?" I ask, "If Imani wants his old friend back he can have him and keep me as a friend to."

"What about the Trinity?"

"The Trinity is bullshit that you people made up. We're just friends. That's it. Plain and simple. The fact that there is only three of us..."

"And there was three of them. Imani, Jamal and Henry."

"What's your point, Winter?"

"The common factor is Imani."

I give him a weird look, "You have a real problem with Imani...don't you?"

"I think he's not really your friend."

"What makes you think that?"

"Look at how he did Jamal Comey."

"Jamal Comey wasn't loyal."

"And what happens the day that you do something that Imani doesn't like? He'll ruin you like he did Jamal Comey. He's been the king maker in this school for way too long. People worship the ground he walks on. Maybe it's about time Imani was replaced."

"Let me guess who would replace him. You?"

"Why not?" Winter asks, "You, me and GQ. We could run this school. And GQ is an idiot so it would really just be us. The Dread Fort's first power couple."

"And how do you plan on replacing him?"

"Jamal Comey knows something. He has something on him."

"He told you that?"

"Sort of. The night that Jamal was sent to the Red Room, I overheard him trying to tell someone he knew something about Imani and was thinking about going to the cops?"

"Who? Who was he talking to?"

It had to be the person who was threatening us. Jamal had opened his mouth to the person who wrote that message saying they knew what we did to Henry. But who was it?

"I didn't see...but I know Jamal knows. We can talk to Jamal and ruin Imani, for good. You can be the king maker Sire. Not"

"I'm not that guy," I find myself saying, "I just like simplicity man..."

"But you can be that guy. Why not you? You have GQ's body and Imani's sex appeal. Unlike Imani, everyone likes you. Everyone trusts you. Do you want to be in Imani's shadow forever?"

"No, of course not."

"Then it's time to become your own man..."

Winter leans over. He grabs my dick through my True Religion jeans. He gives it a firm, hard squeeze cuffing the head and tracing it all the way down the shaft to my balls. He squeezes the balls firmly.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm showing you why I should be the third."

Winter pulls my dick out. He grabs me by my hardened dick and leans me up against the walls. The gym is so quiet and dark that our taps echo. I think about resisting him but I have to admit...I like it when he takes control sometimes. I watch as he unbuttons his pants. He leans up against the wall, arches his back and uses both hands to open up his hole for me.


His hole is pink and poking at me. He's wanting me. He looks back at me with those dark eyes of his and licks his lips. He arches again, making his asshole pucker.

I can feel my dick getting so hard that it swells up. I take a few steps forward and before I know it I'm balls deep busting Winter's ass wide open. He wants the dick so bad that his asshole is literally dripping wet. I don't even need lube. I'm plowing his ass and he's moaning for more. His asshole is so fucking tight and so juicy. He claws up the side of the walls. He's grunting and groaning. He's clawing up the walls.

"Fuck me Sire...nut all up on me..."

He's so tight. It's so good. The sound of slapping echoes throughout the entire gymnasium. His moans are getting louder and louder. I feel his asshole tighten up against my dick even more. He is loving it as much as I am. The feeling shutters throughout our bodies. I hold onto his waist, push him down on the ground and get him into doggy style. I start plowing deeper, hitting into his guts. I can feel him squirm underneath me.

"You want this nut, don't you?"

Winter is thin. He used to model in Paris walking the runway before coming to the Dread Fort.

"Yeah baby...give me that nut. It's just going to be us. You and me, baby."

That's when my dick almost gets limp. Winter is so damn power hungry. The idea of being one of the more popular kids in school was getting underneath his skin.

"On your face," I state, "Turn around."

"OK baby."

He does exactly what I want. He's so desperate for power.

"Close your eyes."


Winter shuts his eyes.

What Winter doesn't expect is for Imani to come out from behind the bleachers? Imani has a camera his left hand and his dick in his right hand.

"Keep your eyes closed baby," I state.

"Of course."

That's when it happens. That's when both Imani and I nut all over Winter's face and record the entire session. Our nut goes all in Winter's mouth. It goes all down his chin. He drowns in the stuff licking it desperately opening up his shirt so we can get our nut all over his chest.

"Remember how you said Jamal got punished for being disloyal?" I ask Winter, "Well here's the thing Winter. I'm not disloyal."

Just at that moment Winter opens his eyes and the shock passes over him like a wave of disgust.

Imani slaps Winter's face with his cock. Winter is so shocked that he doesn't even stop him.

"From now on you disappear Winter," Imani states, "You go back into hiding. If I hear you even attempt to talk to Jamal about what he knows, this video is going viral. It's going to your modeling agency, it's going to your parents and it's going every person you know. How much respect do you think people are going to have for a cum whore?"

Winter breaks down.

Tears are rolling down his eyes, tears mixed with our nut.

"How could you?" he asks me.

I shrug, "It's Bros before hoes."


"He's looking over here," Ashley states.

Ashley turns at that moment. She isn't the only one who is noticing. GQ is standing off to the side of the lunch area and he has his hands in his pocket. Karma finds himself turning and noticing. GQ was the right name for the boy. He looks like he was always on someone's magazine cover. He had that chiseled face and you couldn't really tell what race he was. He had that Vin Diesel sort of ethnically ambiguous tone to him.

"No he's not," Karma replies.

He's lying as he says it too. A boy next to Ashley starts staring Karma down.

"There's no way GQ is staring at him," Karma can hear the boy saying to his friend.

His face blushes when he hears it.

"Ignore them," Ashley responds.

The hate was something normal. Ever since Winter had targeted him, other people had jumped on the bandwagon. It wasn't full out bullying but it was clear he wasn't really `liked' in the school.

Karma can feel this slanted eyes just watching him the entire time. He felt like he was being hunted. He was at a watering hole in the Serengeti and GQ was that proud lion, waiting patiently for his moment to pounce. He realizes he's getting attention from other people at the table. The normals who worshipped the boys in the Trinity. Karma was a normal. Hell, he wasn't even that because he was new. This attention he was getting from GQ was definitely something he didn't expect.

"Is this seat open?" a voice says.

Karma looks up at that moment. GQ is standing there. The boy who was talking shit seems to finally get quiet. A few of them look at each other clearly not understanding what the hell was going on.

I hear the boy's friends trying to comfort him.

"It's nothing Patrick," one of the boy's friends tell him, "Look at him. GQ doesn't care about HIM. He's broke..."

Truth is Karma was just as confused as they were.

GQ doesn't wait until Karma answers before he sits down. He smells all good. He has on a jeans jacket with no shirt underneath. Karma can see his oiled up chest and the gold chain. Karma has on a hat backwards. He's wearing Giuseppe sneakers and his watch has to be a Rolex. Did he dress like this every day or was today special?

"Ash probably doesn't have enough room..." Karma states more out of nerves than anything.

"I was just leaving," Ashley responds.

Karma rolls his eyes at his friend as she gets up from the table and leaves him hanging. The boys at the end of the table start staring like they are watching a sitcom. GQ hasn't taken his eyes off of him since he sat at the table.

One of the boys at the end of the table turns to GQ, "Hey look nice today..."

GQ gives him a slight smile, "Thanks Patrick."

"When can I see you again?" the boy Patrick states.

"Soon. Hey you mind getting me some milk."

"Anything you need Daddy," Patrick responds.

An awkward moment passes. The boy Patrick clearly seems comfortable enough with GQ to call him Daddy and it's clear GQ isn't correcting him.

"You want to go talk to your fans or..." Karma starts.

"Fans? Nah. Patrick Murphy's complicated. We're just friends. I don't even notice him half the time. To be honest when you're around I find myself not noticing a lot," GQ tells him, "All I can think about is just how nice you look today."

"I'm wearing joggers and a white t-shirt," Karma responds.

"You would look good wearing anything."

"Are you making fun of me or something?"

These weren't nice boys. GQ was there the night of Winter's party. Karma remembers the rude things that he had said to Winter rubbing it in his face. Boys like GQ liked to make people's high school experience miserable. They loved to make sure that people hated everything about going to school.

GQ shakes his head, "No. Hell no. Listen. I'm not like that."

Just at that moment GQ gets a text. He opens up the text. Karma isn't trying to be nosy but he ends up seeing exactly what is on GQ's phone. It's a picture of Winter. The text came through on a group message with Imani and Sire. Winter is facing upwards and two dicks are standing over him. Winter is covered in come. The caption reads "Got him!"

"Wow..." Karma responds.

"This is Sire and Imani," GQ shakes his head, "They didn't even send it out to other people. They just showed me."

"So much for being different."

"Do you see three dicks in the picture or two? I wasn't even there. How can you judge me for what Sire and Imani did? I didn't do it."

"You hang with people like that."

GQ smiles, "Well maybe you should get to know me for me. Go out with me."

"You're asking me out?"

"Yeah. On a date."

"Do you go on dates?" I ask.

"All the time."

"I mean a real date. Where you actually care about the other person. Not the kind where you are just checking you want a free meal and spending the whole time on Instagram seeing how many people liked your last shirtless selfie."

"Ok...ok...well first time for everything," GQ responds, "Maybe you'll be surprised. Who knows?"

"I know you."

"OH you do?"

"Yes. You're athletic, you're obsessed with your looks. Everyone wants to date you but you're so scared of commitment that you never let them get close. But you feel like fucking them and giving them "The Dick" is a sort of consolation prize. And if the dick is good enough they don't care if you love them back. People will tell you all the time that soon looks will fade, but that isn't the truth is it GQ? Because you're going to be a damn good looking older man. You're always going to look half your age even when you're older. Your life is going to be so fucking easy and it isn't fair, but at the end of the day you know that God made winners and losers and you just happen to be a winner."

"You're right," GQ states.

Karma is confused. He didn't think GQ would just admit it so easily.

"You're not going to deny it to get in my pants. So that I can join the ranks of boys obsessed with you."

"Usually I'd front. Usually I'd deny," GQ explains, "I don't want to be like that with you. I don't know why. I'm bad. I'm all bad for you. I've never been deep. It's always been surface level with me. I look at guys like you. You have all your layers. I thought guys like you were all pitiful emotion. Sad because you don't have this face, or these abs, or this height."

"Wow. Thanks."

"I'm telling the truth. Usually I just run from shit like that. It's too complicated. Some people have it easy. Some people have it hard. Like you life is supposed to be easy. I have it all. All I need to do is maintain and it'll be smooth sailing from here. But what if I don't want to take the easy way?"

"Why not?"

"Because smooth seas never make good sailors," GQ tells him.

Karma looks at GQ and for the first time he really wonders if there was something underneath that shiny muscular chest and that perfect smile.

There was only one way to find out though.

"I'll go out with you," he tells GQ.


"Hey Jamal!"

We are in the top dorm. I'm chasing down Jamal Comey. He's walking as fast he can. He sees me. I know he does but he has his head down. He's been like that since he came back. He hasn't said a word to anyone. He just keeps his head down and keeps moving.

It's so fucking weird to say the least. Why the fuck was the guy so goddam weird?

"He's pretty weird isn't he?" a voice says.

I turn and see Karma. He steps outside of his room into the common room. He looks like his normal self except he smells good.

"Has he said anything to anyone?" I ask.

Karma shakes his head, "No...not yet. I tried to talk. I heard he was good friends with Henry. I was hoping he might have known something about what happened to my brother."

Karma was still looking into Henry. I want to tell him to stop it. Jamal was being nosy too before he went to the Red Room. We hadn't seen him for years and he comes back acting like he doesn't know how to speak. Jamal was one of the loudest guys I met. He was always the life of the party before he went to the Red Room. Now he was some sort of ghost or something. It was just fucking weird honestly.

"I doubt he knows anything," I state.

Karma shrugs, "You're probably right."

Just at that moment Karma bends over. I'm staring at his ass. I can't help it. Karma just has one of the nicest asses I've seen. My dick gets a little hard as I see him. I try to be a gentleman though. Truth is, I haven't stopped thinking about Karma. I can't get him out of my head. Maybe that's why I wait until he gets up and I hand him something.

Karma stares down at it, "What is this?"

I look down at it as well.

"I saw a flower in the courtyard and I know it sounds weird, but sort of thought about you. So I brought it up here. Figured I'd give it to you."

He's so handsome how he smiles at the flower.

"You're so nice man," he tells me, "I'll keep it with me man."

He puts the flower in his chest pocket so it is peaking out a little bit.

"So I was you...uh..." I start off before leaning over a little bit, "You like fishing?"

"Never done it..."

He turns away almost like he's busy with something. He seems to be getting ready for something. At first I'm curious but then I think about it. This is Karma. Ever since he moved into the Top Dorm he stayed to himself. The only friend he had was this boring girl named Ashley who only came around to have awkward conversations with some of the guys in the dorm.

"Well," I start off, "There is this river right outside of the Dread Fort. I was thinking about getting a boat and heading out there tonight. Night fishing is cool if you haven't done it."

"You like to lure people into traps huh?" he asks me.

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

He pauses at a moment, "The whole Winter thing."

"Listen. That party."

"I wasn't talking about the party."

"Then what were you referring to."

He couldn't have known about the video we took of Winter? Could he? The video wasn't released to the public. It was just shared among the Trinity. He had no idea what we had done to Winter. All of a sudden I'm panicking. I know how Karma is. He hated stuff like that. He had to understand that Winter wasn't some nice guy though. Winter was power hungry and he needed to be humbled. I want to explain myself. I want to explain the type of person Winter was. I couldn't do any of that unless I knew for sure that Karma knew about the video.

"You know what...never mind it's not that important."

"What you think about me is important," I state, "It's really important. I want you to like me. Listen how about we just go fishing and talk about it?"

I needed to make it clear that I wasn't that type of guy. It was Imani's idea. All of it. I just went along with the ride. Imani was the one who always had these fucked up plans. Truth was I could care less about the popularity. I was just popular so I can find something meaningful. Truth was I never wanted to impress anyone as much as Karma. I wanted him to believe I was a good person.

Karma hesitates. He smiles slightly.

"Aw...that would have been cool to have a fishing buddy but I actually have a date tonight."

My heart drops. I'm not sure what stings more: the fact that he wants me to be his `buddy' or the fact that he had a date. Was I just rejected and friend zoned all in the same sentence?

"You have a date?" I ask.

"You ready?" I hear a voice say.

I turn at that moment and notice GQ coming out of the room. I'd never seen GQ go on a date except with Patrick Murphy and usually he did that as reluctantly as possible. This wasn't the case. GQ had a smile on his face that stretched a mile. I watch how he walks across the room beaming. He was excited.

Then he goes up to Karma...and it's almost a nightmare. GQ puts his hand in Karma's hand. I didn't get it. I felt like I was in the Twilight zone as it was happening. I had to be in the Twilight zone. I had to be making this up.

Was GQ REALLY taking out Karma?

"I got you something," GQ tells Karma.

He pulls out flowers. Not one flower he picked out from the courtyard. He pulls out three dozen roses and hands them to Karma right in front of me. My heart skips a beat. I have to be imagining this. GQ didn't get people flowers. He'd been using Patrick Murphy forever and never even drew Patrick a picture of a flower. I watch at that moment as Karma blushes.

This wasn't happening. There was no way this shit was going down like this.

"You look amazing," Karma responds.

"No. Correction," GQ states, licking his lips, "We look amazing together..."

That's when he leans in. He leans in and kisses Karma on the cheek. He doesn't tongue him down like GQ would when he was playing his "Daddy" role. The kiss is gentle, slow, methodical and almost...romantic.

"Are you ready?" Karma asks him.

"You head outside, let me just holla at Sire for a minute."

Just at that moment Karma leaves and I'm looking at GQ. I feel this hatred towards him. GQ was a whore. He was a fucking Man WHORE. How the fuck does he get the guy I've been crushing on? Karma was smart. How could Karma not see through this shit? How could Karma not tell that GQ was just full of shit?

I've always had an issue with GQ since he had sex with my ex but for some reason this hurt so much worse. This wasn't about sex with GQ. I can see it in his eyes. This meant something to him and for some reason that frightened me...over everything.

"You and Karma?" I ask GQ when he walks over.

"You said you weren't interested right...this isn't an issue between us right?" GQ asks.

I had said I wasn't interested. I said it to keep them off my fucking case. Truth is I was interested. I was more than interested. Karma was different from boys in this school. He had a sense of right and wrong. He made me want to be a better person.

GQ didn't deserve him.

I swallow my pride. More for Karma than GQ. The last thing I wanted to do was explode on GQ so he can run back to Karma and tell him how I'm being a jealous hater about their date.

"Have fun," I state.

That's all I say. My words are laced with venom but GQ is so fucking dumb he doesn't even see it.

"Thanks man. I was worried breaking it to you guys. Do you mind keeping this between us though? Truth is I think Imani might not like me going out with Karma."

"I won't tell anyone."

"One more favor..."

This guy was serious. Every second he stands in front of my face smelling good and ready to touch the man that I liked I felt like I wanted to punch him dead in his face. I was holding back so much at this point and it actually sort of hurt.


"Patrick Murphy was coming over. You mind...covering for me."

Two dates in one night. It was like GQ to overbook. Karma deserved better than GQ. He deserved me. I wouldn't go around playing games with my sugar daddy while going out with Karma. If I had Karma he'd never have to worry about another man coming in the way. This was GQ though.

"Sure..." I respond.

With that GQ thanks me, "You my bro man..."

He pats me on the shoulder. As soon as he walks out of the door I brush my shoulder off. I couldn't stand him. Who was I fooling? The only thing that kept us together was Imani. That was the only thing that ever kept us together. He was going out with Karma and he had Patrick Murphy on the side.

I'm so mad. I'm nearly shaking when he tells me that. I was the good one. I was the one who was the romantic. I should be out with Karma right now giving him flowers and candy and all that shit. I should be making Karma fall for me.

But he was with GQ?


It is late that night when Patrick comes over and I can't help myself. Patrick was never a good looking guy. He was just a basic looking twink that had way too much money and not much to do with it. He didn't hold a candle to Karma. I knew that GQ saw what I saw with Karma. It was only a matter of time before he realized that it wasn't worth it to string Patrick along and risk a good thing with Karma. I wasn't going to let GQ time this shit out perfectly. If I was ever going to have a chance with Karma, I had to act now.

I had to turn on GQ. I had no choice.

"He's out with Karma," I tell, "On a date."

I don't know what I'm thinking. The loyalty we had was out the window at this point. If GQ was going to go behind our back and ask Karma out, then I was going to make sure his gravy train with Patrick Murphy was officially ended.

Seeing Patrick's face when I told him what I told him is priceless. He's beyond pissed. He deserves to be and GQ deserves to be caught up in his shit.

"Really?" Patrick asks.

"He's out with Karma."

"So it's only a matter of time then..."

"He's not hiding it. He's doing it in public. So yeah. It's only a matter of time before he cuts you off for Karma. It's only a matter of time before he makes Karma his boyfriend."

"He never liked you," I tell Patrick, "You know that, don't you? He was only using you because of your money."

"I knew that," Patrick states.

I'm surprised.

"And you stayed with him?"

Patrick shakes his head, "I love him. I always have loved him. But who am I? I'm forgettable? I could stand right there and people don't even notice me."

"Don't look at yourself like that."

"It's the truth. I was there. I was there when I overheard you guys talking one day about me. How I was his money train. How he shouldn't break up with me because of the money. I was OK with that. As long as GQ entertained me sometimes, I was OK with that. As long as he didn't date someone else. If he cuts me off I won't know what to do with myself."

I feel bad for Patrick at that moment.

"You're going to have to move on."

"No I won't," he responds, "Because I was also there when Henry died. Jamal told me what you guys did. How Henry was getting too popular and Imani convinced you guys to play that prank on him. You kidnapped Henry. You stripped him naked. You forced him to take all these drugs. You leave him. You think he's going to embarrass himself but no...he getting so high that he kills himself. That was on you three."

My mouth drops.

"It was you. You were the one who threatened us."

He wrote that message for us. Patrick Murphy was Anonymous.

"Make sure GQ stays with me or else I'm going public."

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Next: Chapter 6

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