Accidentally on Purpose

Published on May 9, 2022


Accidentally on Purpose 2

Accidentally On Purpose 2

Karma presses his hands in his pockets. Being in this place was something new to him. It was something different. He knew it was an experimental school that hadn't been done yet. He hadn't expected so many eyes to be on him. The lesbians were glaring. The gays were gawking. In the distance there were cameras looking down on him.

He's standing there looking like a gazelle surrounded by lions with nothing but his luggage and a map in his hands. He doesn't understand why everyone is looking at him the way they are. No one is even giving him a friendly smile or anything like that. They are just...staring.

He's never felt so awkward in his life.

He's never felt so out of place.

"You lost?" a voice says.

He turns around and sees one of the most beautiful figures he's seen in his life. The boy is dark skin. He looks like milk chocolate. There isn't a flaw or line on his body. Karma squints a little bit wondering if this boy has make up on because his skin is so completely flawless. That isn't the case. The boy does have on a tank top. It clings to his torso and Karma can only assume that this boy is an athlete. He seems to have a confidence that a lot of the other students don't have and Karma is clear on why. He was certain this guy had to be some sort of God, sent down from the heavens to save him from the awkwardness of this moment.

"I really didn't get any directions on what I should do," Karma tells him, "Everyone's staring at me."

"As gay men we are obligated to throw shade."

Karma finds himself smirking at the response, "Obligated? Really, didn't know it was a law."

"Oh absolutely. Commandments. Gay Moses came down from the mountain and told us so. Right after parting his ass cheeks and getting his burning bush."

Karma finds himself genuinely laughing. This guy wasn't only fine as fuck, with perfect teeth, an amazing body, full eyebrows, long eyelashes but he also had a sense of humor. He finds himself laughing probably a little bit more than he should at that point.

"You have a beautiful laugh," the boy states.

As the boy says that he bites his lower lip. It drives Karma crazy. This guy had to have known he was attractive...way out of Karma's league. Karma was sure he was just one of those guys that flirted with everyone. Maybe it was the fact that he was a new student. Maybe he was just being nice and not trying to come off as flirtatious at all.


"My name is Sire...what's yours?"

"Unique name...mine's is Karma."

"And I'm the one with the unique name? You going to get me back for something I did wrong in the past Karma?"

"Nah. My parents just had a sick sense of humor."

Karma remembers the past with his parents. They were always jokers. They never took anything seriously. Growing up Karma would see other people who had responsible parents. His parents never got to that level. He never really looked at his parents as his parents.

"Well follow me Karma. We should find your room. You know what dorm you are in?" the boy asks.


"You're a top?"

The boy looks at him as though he doesn't really believe it. Karma isn't really feminine but he isn't some macho guy that definitely wasn't getting fucked like Sire.

Karma thinks about it. He remembers how people reacted to him saying he was a virgin in the office. Maybe it would just be easier to lie.

"Yeah...I'm a top."

"Oh damn."

Damn? What the hell did that mean? Karma tries to smile at the thought of disappointment in Sire's tone and can't help but see Sire's eyes lingering, with lust all over his body.



I give Karma a tour of the school.

"There are 8 buildings where most of the classes are in. You'll like them. They aren't like...normal classes."

"What kind of classes are they?"

He was definitely in for a treat.

"You'll see," I tell him.

I don't want to spoil the surprise. I like when he smiles at me afterward. I find myself smiling back, probably harder than I should. I look like a goddamn clown showing this boy all my white teeth.

He's shorter than me which was my type. His body was solid but not muscular like me. He has these really good looking eyes. His lips are perfect. I wonder how it feels to kiss them. It isn't until I'm leading him to the T-Dorm and I open the door for him that I get my first look at that ass.

My mouth opens and I literally have to stop myself from saying "Goddam" louder than I wanted to. This boy named Karma was thick back there. His bubble butt stuck out in jeans. He had a real small waist too and his tight shirt really defined his proportions. He is sagging just slightly...not on purpose by any means.

"You sure you belong in this dorm?" I ask Karma.

I'm usually not nervous like this around boys. I don't know what it was about this boy when I first saw him. I had some sort of connection. Immediately I had to walk up to him and introduce myself. I was hoping he wasn't some stuck up Bottom. I remember how he was just standing there looking like he didn't want to talk or smile at anyone.

I'm completely wrong.

"Yeah I'm a top," Karma responds.

I'd seen shorter tops before but none of the tops had asses like that. Hell I was pretty sure I hadn't met anyone with an ass like Karma's period. As we walk up the steps to the T-Dorm I can't help but to stare at his ass.

When we get to the top of the stairs he turns back and I get flushed in the face when I realize that he just caught me checking him out.

"Right through here?" Karma asks.


I open the door for him. I don't know what it is but for some reason I just want to serve this boy any way that I can. I help him with his luggage right after rolling it into the common room. The heavy smell of marijuana rises up in the air and immediately I see GQ sitting there in the common room. He has nothing on but boxers and there is porn playing on the big projection monitor. There are all these empty liquor bottles around. The school day is just now over and the bullshit has started already.

Mike and Joshua are with him. They want to be like GQ so bad. They are wannabes. They always have been. Joshua is damn near jacking off in the common room. His dick is completely hard and sticking out of his jeans. Mike isn't any better. He might be exposing himself like the others but he was high to the point that he doesn't even seem to realize that we walked through the room.

"Can you guys get decent?" I ask, "What the fuck?"

I feel like a parent whose bringing over company. In many ways these guys were my roommates. Most of us had a sense of decency even in the T-Dorm but GQ just thought he was god's gift to humanity. A few too many people told him that he looked like a young Tyson Beckford because of his brown skin, muscles and chinky eyes. It straight went to his head. His mother was half Asian and he had that whole exotic looking thing going on. With his thick eyebrows GQ sometimes looks like some sneaky cat.

GQ ignores me puffing out smoke. It isn't until my best friend Imani walks through the room that people are shaping up.

"Yo put some clothes on and go to your rooms. This isn't no fucking circle jerk. Where the fuck you guys think we are?" Imani asks.

Imani was the Resident Assistant in the T-Dorm. His dad was in the military so Imani always had that sort of stuck up thing going on. He was responsible though. He got shit done and that is why I always considered him my best friend.

GQ gets up. His dick is swinging in his loose boxers. He seems to strut in a way to make sure I knew it was swinging. I look over at Karma and realize that he's staring at the swinging bat that GQ calls a dick. I have to admit a bit of jealousy comes in me. Was all this really necessary, GQ? Really? The more he does it the more pissed off I get.

GQ must know he gets attention from his dick because he goes out of his way to show it off every chance he gets. He walks over to me. He stares the new boy up and down. He's looking at him weird to say the least. I could almost feel how uncomfortable Karma feels when GQ just glares at him the way he does.

GQ looks past Karma finally and turns to me, "We all have to talk. ASAP."

"It can wait."


"It can wait. I'm showing the new kid around," I tell GQ.

GQ gives me a hard look. I should be best friends with GQ. We should be closer than brothers. We grew up together. Our mothers were best friends. Our fathers were frat brothers. We went to the same schools and we were supposed to grow up to be Q dogs just like our fathers. Maybe that's why we don't get along. We were always pitted up against one another. That and GQ had a really hard time keeping his dick in his pants.

"I think he's in the wrong dorm," GQ states as if Karma isn't standing right in front of us.

"I think you should mind your business," I shoot back.

"What are you Captain Save a Bottom?" GQ asks.

"I'm just trying to be nice to a new person. Something you know nothing about."

"Nice huh? I'm sure. Your boyfriend knows you being nice?" GQ asks.

My heart drops when he says that. I'm beyond embarrassed. I look over at Karma and I actually see him take a literal step away from me at that point. I was going to tell him I had a boyfriend when I got to know him IN MY OWN WAY. GQ can't help it though.

GQ snickers a little bit in his teasing way.

With that he walks away. I look over at Karma and realize Karma is watching him walk away. He was looking at me with that same look of interest not too long ago before GQ dropped that I had a boyfriend. I had no doubt this was GQ's plan. It always was. Every time someone paid attention to me GQ got jealous. He just couldn't take the fact that someone else was just as attractive as he is but with an actual personality to match. GQ probably made him uncomfortable but I would be fooling myself if I didn't think Karma found GQ attractive. Everyone found GQ attractive. That was the problem. He needed to humble himself something major.

Imani walks over, "We should all meet, Sire. G has something important he wants to talk to us about."

I wasn't going to leave Karma hanging. He was lost. I could only imagine how it would feel to be a new person.

"I'm Karma."

Karma reaches his hand out to speak to Imani. Imani doesn't respond. To say Imani was anti-social wasn't exactly accurate. It was a lot more than that. Imani doesn't shake Karma's hand. He gives him a nod at the most and walks away.

We are sitting in the common room.

"Sorry about that," I tell Karma.

My friends were...extra to say the most. Whether it came to the way GQ expresses his sexuality or Imani just feeling like he is above everyone else, I knew that this wasn't really the best welcoming environment for someone like Karma.

"It's cool..." Karma states seeming to continue however to look uncomfortable, "This place doesn't look like a boarding school."

He's looking around the common room at all the luxuries that were added in here. GQ was born poor. His family was still poor. Maybe that's why he goes out of his way to get boys to buy him all this luxury shit. Maybe that makes him feel better or something.

"I'll show you your room," I state.

I take him into the room, it's on the second floor from the main common area.

"It's nice. No roommates."

"This place belonged to someone else...a while ago. People kind of stay clear of it. The person really isn't around anymore."

"He left the school?"

I pause. How can I explain this to him without giving away too much information? The last thing I wanted to do was freak Karma out and let him know that he was sleeping in the room of someone who had died.

"In a way," I respond.

"So what is this? The freakum room? You bring your boyfriend here?"

"About that..."

I had been clearly flirting with the guy. He caught me staring at his ass. No. Not staring. Staring was too light of a word. I was gawking at his ass just before GQ opened his fucking mouth. Now, I probably looked like the biggest player.

"No need to explain," he says, "I should unpack..."

I kind of wanted to stick around and talk to the guy more. I wanted to get to know Karma a little bit better but at that moment I know that I probably fucked up my shot.

"I guess I'll leave you to it..."

Truth is though I'm heated. I'm beyond heated. Before long I barge into GQ's room. He's in there already talking to Imani. I close the door behind me. The last thing I want is for GQ to open his big fucking mouth again and say some shit that would have me looking crazy again.

"Yo---you a fucking hater," I tell GQ.

I'm not holding back. I don't have time for his bullshit. Growing up GQ was used to being the one who got all the attention. That was until I started hitting the gym just as much as he did. Before long I had over 100k followers on Instagram and people going out of their way to show me love. Girls literally did anything to get my attention. GQ couldn't take it. He never could.

"You was trying to flirt with the new boy but you got a man. What did I say wrong?"

"It's none of your business."

"It is when you start playing innocent, sweet Sire again. Drop the fuckin' act. I know you. You were flirting. If I ain't shit, you ain't shit either."

"Did I fuck the new guy?"

"But you would. It's called emotional cheating. Stop fronting like you're better than me," GQ responds.

How was me flirting with the new boy any of his business? I stare at him and realize what this is stemming from. Frenemies was the best word to describe us. I would fight for GQ. I would probably kill for his ass if necessary but I just couldn't stand him. He was so annoying.

Imani seems to see where this is headed almost immediately.

"This is about friendship," Imani states, "We can't be doing this arguing. Something might be going down."

"What are you talking about?"

"G----tell him what you told me."

GQ crosses his arms. He sighs a little bit, "It's about Henry."

I panic. I look out the door to see if anyone is out there. Joker is in the common room but he has his earphones in and is listening to music luckily. No one else is in the common room. I shut the door and look over at GQ like he's lost his mind.

"We don't say that name," I tell GQ, "Ever."

"This is different."

"It doesn't matter," I state, "We don't say that name. We don't mention that person. We promised. Remember?"

"Man I think the new boy might be related to Henry."


"They have the same eyes."

I cross my arms and sneer, "First off Henry was a bodybuilder. He was 6'4". There is no way in hell this short kid is related to him."

"It's his eyes. Tell me they don't look familiar," GQ states.

I stop. Henry did have some distinctive eyes. They were real distinctive. They looked almost like honeycombs or something. This new boy had the same fucking eyes. He may not have looked like Henry but he definitely had Henry's eyes.

"It could be a coincidence," I respond.

"You ever seen eyes with gold speckles in them besides Henry?" Imani asks.


"Then maybe GQ has a point."

Then I realize something. Something even weird.

"The new boy said his name was Karma," I respond.

All three of us look at one another. Our hearts drop as we do. What the fuck was this about? Could this really be just a coincidence or was this somehow something more?

GQ seems to panic at that moment, "Man. This kid is fucking with us..."

"You think someone put him up to it?"

I'm suspicious as fuck now. Was this guy's name really Karma? That was unbelievable. What was also unbelievable was that Karma was a top? Was this some sort of revenge plot or something? Was that why Karma was here.

GQ is losing it. He's pacing back and forth in his room at that point.

"I knew we wasn't going to get away with it," GQ starts panicking, "I knew it was going to come back. Guys. It came back. That boy is here to fuck with us. How do you guys not see that? He's here to fuck with us for what we did."

The slap happens quickly. I'm shocked when it does. The loud clap confirms when Imani puts his hands on GQ. It isn't a slap to injure. GQ is a big guy. He can handle a slap. The slap however confirms what the rest of us are thinking. The slap says that this is bigger than us. The slap tells him to get it together. Somehow.

"We'll find out what he knows...and we'll deal with him accordingly," Imani tells me, "He's a basic boy. We are gods. You remember that don't you? You both remember that...right?"

The slap must have brought GQ back.


Imani looks over at me. His eyes fix on me.

I nod.

"We'll figure out what he knows," I agree.


It's his first day of school and he's late to the class. The campus is like a maze. In Karma's book bag are his notes and his tablet. Karma sits down. Across the class is this guy. He's light, handsome and slim. He'd seen the guy back at the Top dorm. The guy keeps looking back at him.

The class is called the History of Oral sex. Karma walks in there not exactly knowing what to expect when the lecture begins. He opens his notebook.

"While sex between men was common in ancient roman culture, it carried its own acceptable dynamics, which included a double-standard when it came to oral sex. It was seen as humiliating for the person who was performing it, which is why calling someone a `sucker' was a common insult even then..."

Karma looks at the syllabus for the class. The entire class was dedicated solely to sex from the beginning of time, to ancient Pompeii to the relevance of the movie Deep Throat. Hearing the professor not only talk about sex but start pulling up depictions of ancient drawing of oral sex definitely was odd to say the least.

"Cute isn't he," a voice says.

Karma turns around and sees a girl. She's a lesbian. A butch one at that. She looks just like a pubescent boy in a way. It's actually a relief that someone else is talking to him besides some perfect Olympian God like

"He keeps looking back at me."

"Strange. His name is Imani. Maybe he thinks you're cute. I doubt it though. No offense, of course. I mean you're a good looking guy but rumor has it Imani had 500k worth of surgery to look like that. Not a flaw. Some say he uses his own semen as a moisturizer. Who knows? Imani doesn't really date," the girl says, "All the boys want to sleep with him and half of the 'so-called' lesbians. My name is Ash."

Ash talks faster than probably anyone Karma ever met. She seems to just spit the words out to the point that Karma is looking at her wondering if half the shit she is saying is made up or not. It's hard to really tell.

"I'm Karma. Nice to meet you Ash..."

"It's short for Ashley. I don't know what all the stares are about but word to the wise. I'd stay clear of the Trinity."

"The Trinity?"

"Imani, GQ and Sire. They are notorious to say the least."

Karma remembers being in the room when he met Imani. He hadn't met someone named GQ but he could only imagine it was the other guy who was in the dorm. The guy that was fine enough to stop traffic and gave Karma an immediate hard on just staring at him. They definitely seemed like the Notorious type. They definitely seemed like the type to get you in trouble.

"Sire" Karma remembers.

"Most people think so. Honestly I think he is a wolf in sheep's clothing. He's a heartbreaker that one. Just be careful. Luckily though they never let anyone too close. No one is close enough to them to really be in their circle. It's like looking at diamonds underneath jewel cases. So beautiful, so close and yet so far away."

She talks about them like they are mythical creatures. These weren't men to Ashley. The Trinity were Gods sent down to Earth to present people with perfect faces, big dicks and complete, utter heartbreak.

Ashley spends the rest of the period talking about the Trinity. It seems to be her favorite thing to do. She's not the only one. Two gay boys close by join in the conversation all sharing horror stories about the Trinity.

There was the time GQ needed some money so he auctioned himself on a date. The highest bidder paid 10 thousand dollars just for Imani to interrupt the date 10 minutes later by calling in a bomb threat just so GQ wouldn't have to stay in the same room with the poor sucker.

There was also the time that Sire had an affair with one of the teachers. The teacher fell in love with Sire and Sire forced him to confess his love. The teacher was so in love that he ended up doing it, risking his entire career only so that Sire would get bored with him a week later because he didn't like the thought of dating someone who could possibly be going to jail.

By the end of the class Karma could tell that these boys were nothing nice. The fact that everyone knew their business kind of amused him.

"There's a website. The Trinity fan page. You should check it out," Ashley states, "All the best gossip is on there."

One of the boys who was joining the conversation interrupts, "My favorite is Imani. He's so fine."

"Imani. Hell no. I would literally sacrifice my boyfriend to Richard Simmons for one night with Daddy GQ..."

A few people laugh. Karma just feels weird. The obsession was kind of annoying. How do people go out of their way just to care about what three boys were doing? These three boys weren't paying their bills. They weren't doing anything for them.

So when the bell rings, Karma is excited to get out of the class, but he doesn't make it far. He's stopped by a handsome looking guy. He's thin and has this real pretty boy thing going for him.

"You're the new boy right?" the boy states.


The boy has three friends with him. He must be popular. He smiles at Karma and Karma smiles back. He has arched eyebrows and it's clear that he shades them in a little bit, but he isn't overly feminine. He's just a real pretty boy.

"The name's Winter. And Karma. I was actually throwing a party at the V-Dorm this weekend with Zaire? You know Zaire? No... of course not. Let's just say it's going to be the party of the year."

Winter smiles at that moment. The idea of being invited to a party this early definitely seemed to be good news to Karma. He didn't expect for people to take a liking to him so soon.

"I'd be happy to come by..."

"Actually you're not invited."

Winter's friends start to laugh at that moment. A few other people in the class here him. Everyone had been exiting out the same door when Winter approached Karma like this so the immediate sense of embarrassment just fills Karma's face immediately. He blushes red unsure of how to respond to something like that. It was clear Winter had a problem with him and Karma had no idea exactly what that problem was.

The laughter didn't make it any better. People were literally laughing like this was the funniest thing ever. There is an awkwardness when he sees Ash standing off to the side just seeming embarrassed FOR Karma. All of a sudden he wanted nothing more at this point than to just disappear out of nowhere.


"Yeah. I actually just came over here to cordially dis-invite you. See I saw you talking to my boyfriend. I don't play that shit. I will cut you. You understand? I'm not saying this shit figuratively. Don't let the cute face fool you. You talk to Sire and I will take a razor blade to that ugly ass face of yours."

"There is nothing going on between me and Sire. I don't even know him."

Sire was fine. Well. Sire was a little bit more than fine. That was clear. He was also sweet as all fuck but all this Trinity talk was really freaking Karma out.

"Of course nothing is going on between you two. Look at that big ass forehead of yours. I could land a plane on that forehead."

"Are you serious?"

"You calling me a joke bitch, because I will give you this work right now."

Winter drops his books at that moment. People are watching. Karma looks over at the teacher. The teacher is acting as though he doesn't see it. He literally gets his books and just walks out of the room.

"What is going on right now?"

"Don't look at the teacher. This school has a no intervention policy," Winter explains, "It's part of the experiment. I'm about to drag your ass right here and right now and no one can stop me."

Karma had been here not even 24 hours and he was about to get into his first fight over a dude that he barely even knew. How the fuck was this fair? How the fuck was this even normal? Winter looks him up and down. He cracks his knuckles. He was a pretty boy but he was a little wild too.

"Listen, I don't want these problems," Karma states.

It wasn't that he was scared. He literally just didn't want any issues with someone he doesn't know. He tries to walk away but he's tripped by Winter. He stumbles and Winter gets up from behind him and pushes him down as hard as he can. Karma falls face first on the floor and busts his lip open.

"That's enough. This is bullying. Homie just got to the fucking school. Damn!" Ash attempts to defend Winter.

A hard slap to her face by Winter is the answer. Karma gets up hard when he sees it ready to defend his friend and pushes Winter back. The crowd is loving every moment of this. Some people have even screamed out "WORLD STAR" while pulling out their cell phones. He realizes that he's outnumbered. Winter is not alone. Winter and his friends surround Karma.

"You're bout to get your ass beat hoe. You never going to fuck with my man again," Winter starts saying.

"That's enough," a voice states.

They all turn. The whole room gets quiet. People put down their phones immediately. Karma could have sworn that the Headmaster himself had walked into the room and interrupted the drama. That wasn't the case though. The person who was garnering up all this respect is none other than Imani. Moments ago people were talking shit behind his back while wanting to suck his dick in the same sentence but now they were all too scared to say anything.

Winter backs up, "He is a hoe. He's trying to fuck Sire."

"I know my friend," Imani states, "One thing he can't stand is a ratchet, jealous ass boyfriend. That's a little. What's the word? Tacky. Right? I can't have Sire dating a rat. What is this Jerry Springer? Nah. Hell nah. Maybe I should call Sire and let him know just how uncouth his boyfriend is. Hmm..."

Imani pulls out his phone.

Winter stops. He puts his hand on Karma's shoulder for a minute as though this was all some sort of misunderstanding and they were all of a sudden best friends.

"We were just joking," Winter changes his tone, "Just hazing the new boy. Don't call Sire. Ok? I was just being a smart ass..."

"So you apologize?" Imani asks.

Winter nods, "Oh yeah. Of course. I'm sorry. You know. Just joking here. Ha-ha. You know?"

"And he's invited to your party?" Imani asks.



With that Imani turns around and walks away. Winter's positive attitude changes almost immediately when Imani walks out of the room. He gives Karma this fucked up ass stare before turning and storming out. Karma wasn't sure who this Winter person was but it was clear that his name described him. He was cold, bitter and extremely hateful for no reason. Karma had a feeling this wasn't the last he was going to see of him and also had a feeling the entitled asshole personality was only going to get worse.

Karma finds himself following Imani out into the courtyard. He had been so negative when Karma had run into him earlier in the dorm. This was different. Imani had come to his defense. Maybe that was why Karma chased him down and put his hands on his shoulder.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" Imani screams out of nowhere.

Karma jumps back. He wasn't expecting that. Imani stops screaming however and turns to him with a gentler, kinder smile.

"I didn't mean to violate you man. I was just trying to thank you for having my back..."

Imani's face calms down. That handsome, yellow skin tone reflects the sunlight. His eyes have a hazel tint to them and his lips are this perfect, peachy shade of pink.

"Sorry actually didn't think it was you," Imani responds, "I just don't like people in my personal space man. No offense...but you're welcome."

Imani's eyes linger on Karma. They look dead in his eyes. They linger longer than Karma thinks is really comfortable at that moment.


It's weird how long Imani looks in his eyes.

"I'm sorry for staring. You got siblings. A brother...anything like that?" Imani asks.


Imani nods, "Oh. Well. Catch you around then."

"Well kind of. So I was adopted. I got in contact with my birth brother a few years back...."

Imani stops in his tracks. He turns around slowly. His eyes sit on Karma.

"Your birth brother?"

"Yeah. We talked here and there. He wrote me often though. He ended up committing suicide. That's kind of why I came here. I kind of want to know what happened to him. I want to know what happened to my brother. Maybe you know him. His name was Henry."

There is a pause. A long... lingering pause...

"I really didn't know Henry, but everyone knows the story. It was a big thing back then."

"What's the story?"

"Like you said. He committed suicide."


"Yeah. Sorry about that."

Karma sighs a little bit, "See the thing about that is I'm not completely sure I believe what happened to him. I talked to my brother often. I didn't know him. I didn't know anything about him, but I do know that he was happy in life. I want to know why he did it. I want to know why he killed himself. And I'm not going to stop looking until I find out once and for all."

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