Accidentally on Purpose

Published on Jun 9, 2022


Accidentally on Purpose 10



I'm in a room when I wake up. I'm completely naked. I don't know how long I've been out. The last thing I remembered I was being sent to a place called the Red Room.


I'm panicking. Why am I naked? The room that I am in has a bed and a box in it. I look over at the other side of the room where I see Dr. Pine and a few of his assistants. They are looking at me with those same curious eyes like they always did.

"I think we're close," Dr. Pine states, "I think we're close to finding it."

"We can't be wrong this time. We don't have much time."

"No. I'm telling you. We're close to getting it," Dr. Pine assures them.

"And when we find it. Are you ready to do what is necessary Pine?"

"We have no choice."

"You know what is at stake don't you Pine?"

"Of course I do."

"You hesitated when it came to Henry."

"Henry wasn't what we were looking for."

"He's still a primitive. We can't have you hesitate again Pine. Next time what if we find IT? Will you hesitate then?"

There is a pause. They are acting as though I can't see them through the glass. They are acting as though my entire presence doesn't matter. Pine has this real concerned look on his face. He looks as though he is trying to figure something out.

"I am the one who translated the messages," he states firmly, "Aren't I? I don't have an attachment to the primitives. I'll do whatever it takes."

I'm so confused. What messages were they talking about? What did they mean that Dr. Pine hesitated when it came to Henry? I'm so confused and I want answers. I remember screaming at them when I was supposed to be distracting people for Imani. I remember how mad I was that they didn't answer my questions. It was almost like they had no respect for me. It was almost like they looked at me as something inferior to them. Primitives. That's what they called us. What the hell was going on here? I didn't understand.

I run to the glass and I'm punching it as hard as I can. I'm going crazy like I did outside when they brought me into the red room. I'm pounding the glass as hard as I can.

"Please stop," Pine orders me.

"I want answers. I want FUCKING answers. You can't keep me locked up in here. I have rights, you know? I have rights."

I'm pounding on the glass as hard as I can. What the fuck was happening in this school. They were holding kids prisoners and experimenting on them. I knew I shouldn't have done it. I knew when they reached out to me I should have turned them down. My parents acted almost like I had to go here. I knew I didn't want to. I should have just stayed in my old school where things were normal. This school was beyond weird.

"No you don't," Pine tells me, with a cold, unmoved face, "Step away from the glass please."

"I'm going to break this shit down."

"This is your last warning."

"Suck my dick bitch."

He would probably enjoy that. Fucking pervert. Every time anyone in this school did or said anything sexual they were around to take notes. They were around to find out just how sexual we were. They fucking loved it. They fucking loved the idea of being fucking perverts.

I take my dick in my palms and slap it on the glass.

All of a sudden Pine presses a red button. I hear a noise. It's a triggering noise that alarms out of nowhere. In the next few seconds smoke starts to appear overhead! Real fucking smoke. What the fuck was going on? I get low to the ground panicking wondering what the fuck kind of smoke it was.

"Wait!" I panic, "Wait. I'll do what you say. I promise. I'll do what you say."

Pine presses the button again. A vacuum in the walls turns on and removes the smoke immediately. I fall back to the opposite side of the wall. I'm freaking out at this point. What the hell was happening? What the hell was going on?

"Start the experiment," Pine orders.

His assistant goes to the opposite wall behind the glass control room. They start moving panels. They start adjusting things. The room starts adjusting with it. One of the walls drops at that moment and behind it I see none other than Sire.

Sire is naked just like me. His skin is dark skin and his body is toned. He's surprised to see me but he doesn't run over to where I am. We were in two separate rooms adjacent to one another this whole time. Now we are together though.

The two rooms have become one.

How long has he been right next door? Had he heard me screaming this whole time.

I cross over to his section. I am looking all over his body to see if he has been tortured or anything like that but I don't see any bruises. The only thing I do see however is his body seems to be almost glossed up or something. I never noticed just how toned he was. His arms are as big as mine but his abs are more defined, his legs are thicker and his dick is slimmer but longer. He has this even chocolate skin tone that most girls would die for. I'm thankful at this moment that Karma isn't around because I have to admit that Sire looks damn sexy to say the least. His glossy body just seemed to scream sexual desire and I swear I see a slight bubble of liquid forming at the tip of his dick. Am I tripping? Did Sire just have an orgasm or something? Was that semen?

"Sire, thank're alive," I tell him.

Sire gives me a heavy nod at that moment like he's weak or something but smiles, "Nice to see you GQ. Glad you're here."

"What the hell is going on?"

He stops. He's been here longer than me. Sire has an idea of why we are in the Red room. He has an idea of why we were separated in the way that we were.

"Just do whatever they say," Sire says.

"Sire you're scaring me."

"I'm scared too," He admits, "Just do whatever they say. OK, GQ? It's easier that way. Trust me. I had to learn the hard way."

I'm so confused on why Sire seems so out of it and not like himself. The usual Sire would be the more emotional one right now tripping and causing a huge scene. That wasn't exactly the case now. Looking over at Sire I wonder how long he's been naked.

"We rather study you in a more natural environment but the two of you haven't given us much choice," Pine explains, "The last thing we can do is risk the truth getting out there and causing a panic among the general population."

"What truth? What the hell are you talking about?" I ask.

"No questions," Pine says.

Sire gives me a nod, "Don't ask questions. It just prolongs the inevitable."

What the fuck does he mean by that? The inevitable? What the fuck was Sire talking about? I want to panic but then I see how calm Sire was. It kind of reminds me of how Jamal Comey was when he came out of the Red Room. It's almost like he's been drained completely.

"Should we begin?" Pine asks.

Sire nods.

I look over at Sire. I'm so lost. I'm so confused.

That's when Sire reaches over to me. I'm confused first on what he's trying to do but then I see him grab my waist and pull me in close. I've never been this close to Sire. Truth is I always hated the guy so when he pulls me all the way into his chest I'm a little perplexed. Then I feel Sire's lips lock firmly against mine.

Sire just fucking kissed me.

"Yo what the fuck!" I state.

I push Sire away as hard as I can.

"Just go with it."

I'm lost and annoyed that he just came onto me like that with Pine and his people watching.

"I don't look at you that way Sire," I tell him.

At least I never had. I had to admit it was kind of sexy the way that he pulled me into him. Truth is I always knew Sire was attractive. That's probably why we didn't get along. He went around trying to marry all the best looking guys we knew and making them fall in love with him. It was annoying really. He was that usual Prince Charming type of guy that could just sweep anyone off their feet. He was the kind of guy to read you poetry and make love to you under candlelight. I was the type of guy to fuck you and never call again. We were oil and water. We never mixed. The only thing that ever kept us together was our friendship with Imani.

"I'm not all that into you either," Sire tells me, "This is just what they want from us."

"They want us to kiss?"

"They want us to be sexual GQ?"

What the fuck kind of perverted shit was this?

"Why the fuck would they want that?" I asked, besides the fact that Pine and his staff were a bunch of fucking obvious perverts who probably got off on watching a bunch of gay teenagers have sex.

"No questions," Pine instructs from behind the glass.

Sire looks over at me. He seems worried about something. I look over his eyes and see what he is staring at. He's staring through the glass at the panel. He's staring at the red button that Pine had pushed earlier that caused the gas to come out. I have a feeling that Sire knew what that gas did. I had a feeling that Sire knew that the gas was dangerous.

Sire turns to me. His dark brown eyes set on me, sizing me up as though he would Karma if Karma was here, "Listen. Let's just do it. It won't be that bad. We're both attractive right? Let's not just make them mad. Let's this."


"Please man. I know we never been close but we need to do this together."

He was right. We were never close. Hell we damn near have been frenemies forever. The fact that we were here now being forced to have sex was kind of weird to say the least.

" does this work. I'm a top. You're a top."

He looks over at me.

"Just let me take the lead," he explains.

"I'm Daddy. I don't let no one take the lead boy," I warn him.

"Well I'm not letting you fuck me."

This guy was sitting there begging me not to act up just a minute ago and now he was being hard headed. I can see the usual Sire coming back out. This is the reason that we didn't get along. We both had very dominant personalities where we got what we wanted. Maybe that's what led to this competition over Karma in the first place.

"I guess we not doing it then. I guess we will be seeing what the red button does."

Sire panics.

"Ok. OK. Fuck. Why do you have to be so fucking hardheaded?" Sire asks at that moment, "How about this? Vers. We do each other. How does that sound."

"I'm not verse."

"It's either that or bottom. Make up your mind. I don't want to end up like Jamal and Henry."

Fuck. He was right. This was going to be hard. I had never even though about being anyone's versatile in my life. Still. I don't think we had much of a choice at this point. As Pine said the experiment was the most important thing to him. The fact that we had threatened to interrupt his weird ass experiment meant that they probably wouldn't let us go if we were difficult.


I walk over to him. We start kissing. I push my tongue quickly down his throat, aggressively like I would do one of my bottoms but within seconds it becomes clear that Sire is not one of my bottoms. He aggressively pushes me back until I'm pressed up against the wall. His tongue tastes good. I have to admit it. I have to also admit that my dick is growing. I can feel him gasp a little bit between kissing when he feels the girth of my shaft growing up against his stomach.

"Yo calm that thing down," he complains.

"Now you see why I'm daddy."

He rolls his eyes. He hates it when I'm cocky, "Let's just get this over with."

"Suck it."

"Fuck no."

"Ok Ok. Same time. Let's do a 69."

This was going to be difficult. We keep kissing until we make it to the bed. I glance over at Pine and his staff. They are vigorously taking notes at that point.

I kiss Sire's chin, lay opposite from him on the bed and start slowly licking up his side. It feels so good to be honest when he starts doing the same to me. Before I know it I have his long chocolate dick inches away from his face and I hesitate.

Sire is the first to put my dick in his mouth. He can hardly fit it in but his mouth is so warm and wet that I moan out loudly.

"Damn...swallow that dick."

I struggle not to fuck his face like a little bitch. It takes everything to remember that I'm supposed to be reciprocating. Slowly I put his dick in my mouth. The skin presses up against my tongue. The salty taste of semen slaps up against my tongue. I can feel his hips thrust forward into my throat. At first I gag but then I relax letting him slowly ease his way deeper and deeper into my throat. The two of us start to fuck each other's face. Our bodies start causing a rhythm and I realize that I've never felt something that felt so good with all of the bottoms that I've had before. There is something so innocent about this moment. The fact that we are both tops exploring each other's vulnerable sides just makes this moment mean so much more.

"Damn...this is the best I've ever had..." I admit.

I don't know why I do it. I feel like it's a mistake almost immediately. I turn and I see Sire and he's looking back at me. He seems just as surprised as me that I am willing to admit something like that. Our eyes continue to connect at that moment and he bites his lower lip. I watch as he goes to a box near us. I'm not sure what he's taking out but then I see what it is. It's lube. I also see all these other sexual objects in the box. Dildos, cock rings and vibrators are all in there.

"We need to take this to the next level before they get impatient," he says turning over on his back, "You can go first. You better go slow man. You better not hurt me."

"You want me to fuck you Sire?"

"You know we have to do it."

I look over at Sire. I know for a fact that no one has ever fucked him. For some reason that ass just seems so much more desirable. He has a nice ass. It's curved and muscular. He has these deep dimples in his ass that just seem to be calling my name.

"We have to."

"I'm not going to do it unless you want me to," I tell him.

That's when Sire turns back at me. Our eyes connect and there is something there. It is removed from this situation. It's something that I can't explain. It's almost as though I'm seeing Sire for the first time. He bites on his chocolate lips again and I have to admit that my dick jumps this time when he does it. Precum floods out of my dick.

"I want it," he tells me.

And I believe him.

I straddle on top of Sire as quickly as I can, pressing up against his ass. He lets me lube him up as he holds onto the bed. I can feel with my fingers just how tight his asshole is. That's when I push my dick in, feeling him squirm underneath me. He pulls onto the sheets. He doesn't make noise but he clenches his teeth hard. I think I know why he doesn't want to make noise. He doesn't want to seem any more submissive than he absolutely has to.

I go slow at first, working my way in and feeling out his facial expressions. His tight hole pulsates against my dick as he bites down on the pillow. I push all the way in and hold it there for a minute.

"Damn it feels good," I tell him, hoping that it would take his mind off the pain and put his mind on the pleasure.

Slowly he stops tensing up and I start to fuck him at a moderate pace, stroking him slowly. I let my crotch slap into him, thrusting forward so that I fill him up. I pound slowly into him making sure that he's OK. Usually I just beat it up but for some reason I care about hurting Sire. He wasn't just a hole for me. He was a friend. I wanted to make sure he got some enjoyment out of it.

That's when I hear it. I hear a slight moan and I can't take it.

I begin to tense up.

"Don't nut..." he tells me.

I can't help it.

I begin to orgasm thrusting my hips further into him. He takes my nut though letting me fill him up. I can feel our bodies press up against each other.

We collapse underneath one another.

"That's enough for today," Pine states.

There is a pause. All of a sudden Pine and his staff leave. The lights in the control room go off leaving me and Sire just laying on the bed. I'm still naked. I'm still dripping semen. I'm still in shock about what just happened.

"Sorry I didn't let you get your turn," I tell him.

Sire sighs a little bit. Surprisingly he

"Trust me we'll get more than one opportunity. Usually they want to watch us back to back all day. Tomorrow will probably be a longer session."

"What are they looking for?" I ask Sire.

"I'm not sure. It's almost as though they are waiting for something...spectacular to happen during sex," he explains, "I'm not sure what it is. Yesterday they had me masturbate all day over and over. When I couldn't masturbate they had me talk about sex over and over. Whenever I just nut they almost seemed disappointed as though they wanted something else to happen."


"You telling me?"

I lay on my back, "Guess we are going to have to get used to fucking man. Why didn't you tell me you had some bomb ass?"

I had to admit I'm flirting with Sire. The ass was good. It was amazing. If I had known, it was so good I would have been trying to get with him for a while.

"I'm a top remember," he asks, "So don't get any funny ideas."

"Relax. I said I'll let you do me next time."

"You're really enjoying this aren't you?"

"Hell yeah of course I did. It was good as fuck."

"You just fucked someone who you are good friends with. It's not the least bit awkward to you."

"It's just sex...Sire, not like we have to fall in love or something."

There is a pause. There it goes. Sire's emotions. I've had guys act funny after I fucked them before. I was used to it. I guess it was different because this was Sire, one of my good friends who was doing it. The awkwardness is definitely showing because he wants to make sure it does. Sire is always thinking about something more.

He looks over at me after an awkward, weird silence, "Is it always about sex with you?"

"What else would it be about?"

"Something more."

I pause.

"Listen. My mother always treated me like I didn't belong. She always treated me like I wasn't hers. As though I was something temporary. She always wanted more kids. Maybe that's why she fell in love with losers so quickly. I was never enough for her. So me wanting sex the way I do...I guess it's more do it. I guess it's..."

I pause.

Here I was talking after sex like some emotional idiot. I can't believe myself. I realize by the time I catch myself that it's probably too late.

"A defense mechanism?" Sire asks me.

I nod.

"Something like that."

"So how do you know sex won't be better if it means something," Sire states, "What if you can be with someone and that shit actually means something. What if you can always have that over and over? What if it always means something? Wouldn't that be so much better?"

"I just haven't found that yet man."

Sire smiles at me.

"Maybe you found it already. Maybe you just didn't know what it was."

Our eyes lock on the bed. Why was my dick getting harder again? Pine and the others weren't here forcing us to do anything. So why were we leaning into each other again.

I kiss Sire first. It's not all sexual this time. It's slow. It's sensual. It's something I'm not used to.

Just at that moment as we kissing there is a loud noise and an alarm.

The door opens all of a sudden.

"We're breaking you guys out!" Imani states.

Imani runs into the room. He's not alone. Karma is with him. Karma and Imani look at Sire and I in this compromising situation and they seemed shocked to say the least. Karma just remains silent and he is just staring completely shocked at what he's seeing.

"We---uh... we..." Sire starts off thinking of an excuse.

"We don't have much time," Imani tells him, "We tripped an alarm. We need to get out of here now..."

We don't even have time to wear clothes. We don't have time to do anything. We are just running as fast as we can down a hallway.

The hallway is long. Imani is leading the way but Karma is right behind us. I wonder what is on his mind. Maybe that's why I'm not really focusing as I'm running. All this time I thought I had this big crush on Karma but for the first time I'm seeing Sire in a different light that I haven't seen him in before.

It's Karma who stops first.

"Imani, we didn't come this way," he stops him.

"Fuck," Imani states, clearly looking lost, "Through here."

He opens a door and runs through. He stops and we all pile on each other running through the door.

"Imani what the fuck man?" Sire starts.

"Look," Imani states.

Our mouths drop at that time. We all seem to come to a realization of what is going on at the same time.

It's Karma who explains what we see first, "It's a space ship..."

There is a pause.


Sire looks over at me, "What does this mean?"

There is another pause. A fucking space ship? A space ship is docked out in a locker area. This isn't a human space ship. This is something else. This is something else completely.

"Pine and his staff are aliens..."

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Next: Chapter 11

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