Accidental Family

By Joe Collins

Published on Dec 9, 2012


If this story is prohibited in your area, you are underage or gay sex offends you, then please leave. If you are looking for hard core sex, you won't find it here. This story plot and characters are fictional and any resemblance is just a coincident. Please feel free to email me and be sure to include the title in the subject line.

Now just sit back and enjoy!

Accidental Family Chapter 7

The school year ended. Bill would be given a A full week away from the facility to spend with friends and family. However, he had to have a responsible adult sign him out. Bill called Gene to see if someone could sign his release form and check him out.

Gene talked with Gregg, who called the office of the warden to see if he could sign Bill out by either phone or fax. He was told that he could send a notarized fax along with the name of the person picking him up. Proper identification would be needed and should the same person listed on Greg's fax.

Gene had passed his drivers test and now he had his license. He was able to convenience Dan and Gregg to let him take his car, pick up Bill, and go to Yellowstone for the week. So Greg put Gene's name down as the pick-up person, Gene pulled into the parking lot in front of Bill's dorm. Bill was so glad to see him that the tears started rolling. Together they went to the office and checked Bill out.

The boys went to Bill's room to get his suitcase which was all packed. They were ready to head for Yellowstone. On the way to the car, Bill asked, "Gene, Why are you even messing with me. What is in for you after all I have done to you?"

"Bill, I have attended several group meetings and have been in counseling myself. I know that your counselors have told you that the past is over and gone. All you have left is the now and the future. You can't move into either one unless you leave the past far, far behind you. Sound familiar. Just remember how you hated yourself and everyone in your world. Just don't try to relive the past because you won't survive if you do. In fact don't even think of it. What is in for me, you ask. Very simple, I want to be friends with that beautiful person you have all bottled up inside of you that is trying to get out. I know that he is in there, otherwise you wouldn't have that smile and all those tears. Come here and give me a big hug. I don't care who is watching or what they are thinking. They can just hang it in their ear, or put it where the sun doesn't shine if they don't like it. All I want to do is hug my friend and be there for him and

help him climb the mountains, swim the rivers, and cross the deep canyons on his journey to recovery. I want to help slay all those demons and dragons. Bill, are you going to let me be that friend?"

"You bet I am. Remember in the jail cell you said that I could have had you ass anytime I wanted it. Gene, you can have mine or my whole body and there won't be any resistance from me. I am yours for the taking," sobbed Bill.

"Bill, Is that what you really want. I love you too much to accept your offer. I must say that I am not opposed to a lot of hugging, kissing and petting. However, no heavy stuff. I don't even know if I am gay. When I see how happy Dan and Greg are, I wonder if I can find what they have. Who knows maybe some time in the future, that could all change. Right now, all I want from you is for you to become that person that you can admire and live with. If you love yourself, then the world will love you. I just want to be your friend."

Bill couldn't control his sobbing and his tears. "Bill, just let it all out. Don't try to fight it. You have to grieve your lost childhood before you can be completely healed. I have big shoulders for you to cry on. Just use them. Love you, Guy."

"Gene, I don't even know what love is or the meaning of love. I have to start over from the beginning. I think I can agree with your plan and the heavy stuff is completely out. There is a lot of stuff we can do without going all the way. We both can see if we are gay or not. Sure I had a lot of gay sex but that doesn`t make me gay."

"Bill, Saying that is a good beginning. So I say `Start Over'. Life is too short, to sit and do nothing. Just remember, I'll be there to help you on your journey. Let' head for some fun. I am very anxious to finally get you alone. Just remember no hard sex, blowing and ass reaming. Okay?"

Dan and Gregg decided to take Ross, Rose Grandpa and Grandma to Yellowstone. Charles and Martha were staying home to run the ranch. Charles had become more than just a caretaker. Now he was a valued employee and had the skills to manage the ranch on his own. They would take their time off later and go to Yellowstone. Dan had talked with Gene and told him what he was doing. He made sure that they would be in different parts of Yellowstone and that Gene and Bill would have their privacy.

Yellowstone was just an hour and a half away. Dan had called ahead and made reservations for Gene and Bill. At the same time he also included reservations for the family. Now all they had to do was enjoy Yellowstone. This was a trip to get to know each other and to start building on the future.

The first day was spent visiting the sights and hiking trails in the Old Faithful area. Dan had given them a prepaid credit card and they could actually go first class and they did by eating in the different lodges located in the park and of course visiting all the gift shops. Bill and Gene were getting their share of T shirts, baseball caps, and other memorabilia which they would probably never use and would just hang on their wall to collect dust.

That night when the boys were getting ready for bed, a lot of hugging and kissing took place and of course, their hands were checking out the other's equipment and giving each other a hand job. Gene was going through the stage that boys go through-experiment with you own body and that of the next door neighbor or close friend.

"I really didn't think that I would enjoy another male playing with my pride and joy. I must say it was absolutely great!" said Gene. All of this is brand new for me. All I ever did was enjoy looking at all the guys, you included, in the shower room.

"I agree, I never realized all those tender feeling that we just experienced. My sex life has always been forced and painful. I agree on taking it slow and just letting things happen!" Bill said with a big grin on his face.

"Gene, I have something very serious that I would like to run past you and get your opinion on what to do," Bill said. "I may be getting a permanent release in a couple of weeks. The facility is really overcrowded and some of the inmates(offenders) may be given an early out. There is only one catch, we have to have someone who will act as our guardian and sponsor us. They can't be family members. I don't have worry, none of the family will want any thing to do with me. I don't even exist as far as they are concerned. My guardian will be given power of attorney for me and will act in my behalf. I'll still have to report to the parole officer once every two weeks until I turn 21. This will be a little longer that if I stayed in. All of this is based on my behavioral record and the big boss's recommendations. I am the number one candidate. I have made very good grades and was on the honor roll. I have attended all counseling sessions

regularly, participated in sports and in other words I have been a model student and inmate. I have even been given the job of mentoring some of the younger students. Now for the big problem. I have no one to act as my guardians. Do you think that Dan and Gregg, would take me on? I know I am asking a whole lot and I even hesitate to ask."

"Bill, that is great news! I am so proud of you! You know there is one way to find out. My family is here in the park. We are just in different places at different times. Dan and Greg wanted to give us a little slack and let us see Yellowstone on our own and do a little bonding and exploring at the same time. We are scheduled to be at Mammoth Hot Springs tomorrow. I will just give them a call and have us meet us for lunch at the lodge there. Okay?"

"Are you sure that will be okay with them? I don't want to be a problem."

"Not a problem. I think that you will become one of us. We'll soon be one big family."

Bill started crying again. "Gene, I just don't know how to react to all of your kindness and the love you are showing me. I never had any of that before!"

"Get use to it, Buster! You are never to old to learn. You are going to be given more love than you know what to do with. Starting right now. Get over here and receive some." Gene just took him in his arms and smothered him with hugs and kisses. Gene and Bill even started to get a little hard.

"Gene, since you like to see men in their birthdays suits, I am going to give you a free show." He turned on the TV music channel and start doing a striptease. When he had finished Gene gave him a standing ovation.

"Now it is my turn. Bill just sit back and enjoy." Gene added a bunch of sexual moves and did a lot of `dirty dancing' that turned both boys on full blast. Gene got a piece of paper and used it to measure Bill's enlarged tool. He made a mark on the paper and handed it to Bill. "Your turn to measure me." The marks were with in ½ inch of each other.

"I demand a recount. I know that mine is the biggest!" laughed Bill.

"I think you are right. However, I am not a size queen anyway. I must say I think we both are very impressive!" said Gene laughing with Bill. "For a couple of little boys, I would say that we faired very well with out equipment."

The next day, the whole family gathered for lunch . Ross and Rose both were telling Gene and Bill about what they had seen and done. They were starting to grow up and was maturing. Life was starting to take meaning for them. They were taking interest in nature and were discovering there was a lot than just a bunch of wild things running in the woods. Lunch was served and they stopped talking long enough to eat and then started in again.

Grandpa asked "Would you kids like to go and see the Antler Gift Shop?" (house that is covered of many, many deer and elk antlers so that it looks like the whole building was made of antlers and not just put of the outside. No animals were killed to get these antlers. Both deer and elk shed their antlers each year. All the antlers were just picked up.)

"Yes, we do!" replied Ross and Rose.

"Well, we got rid of the chatter boxes for awhile. I shouldn't say that at least their chatter has some meaning to it now. However, they will return!" said Dan. "What did you want to see us about?"

Bill just sat there as if he was a piece of carved stone. Gene gently placed his hand on Bill's which seemed to give him new life. "Greg, would you remain my lawyer and this time I can pay for your services. My dad has signed all of his earthly possessions over to me, house, money(including substantial inheritance amount from both ofhis parents), his dad's business, and stocks in several companies. From what I am told, I will be able to live comfortably for very long time. My dad has never said he was sorry or apologized. He just doesn't exists as far as I am concerned. I am 18 but I will need some one to have power of attorney over my affairs and make decision for me."

"Yes, Bill, I will continue as your lawyer. I can't believe that your Dad actually did that on his own. I have been preparing paper work to do that very same thing. Now I won't have to do it. It will be a lot easier this way," Greg replied.

"Good, when I get back from this trip, I'll request to come home for the next week-end. Gene, will you come and pick me up. I would like to go to my house and get a few things that I want to keep. There is not much but I would like to have things that belonged to my grandparents. Everything else can go. We can sell everything including the house and all the real estate owned by my dad. What we don't sell will be given to a homeless shelter that takes families. As far as all of Dad's things is concerned, I am going to put in a big pile, pour some gas on it and have one big bonfire especially all of his movies, sex paraphernalia, and other junk. I want it out of my life forever! I am going to take a sledge hammer and smash it into thousands of little pieces."

"Sure thing, all I need to know is when and the time," said Gene.

"Now for the important part of this meeting. I have already told Gene so he can help feel in the details, if I miss something. This is something very important to me and I may break down, so please be patient. I will eventually get it all out." Bill told Dan and Greg the same story he had told Gene earlier almost word for word.

Greg looked at Dan and the both nodded his head yes. "Bill, this comes a great surprise to us especially since we were a big influence in getting your dad and the coach sent to prison. We may never know how many innocent lives might have been saved from becoming victims of their horrible crimes. Of course, We'll be your guardians! We are going to do everything in our power to offer you a better life. I would say that our family just got bigger by one," said Dan

Bill didn't say anything but started sobbing uncontrollably. The three guys just took him in his arms and held him. The Antler Gift shop visitors returned and wanted to know what was wrong with Bill.

"We will tell you later. For now, just give him a hug and wait for us in the Car. We'll be out in a couple of minute and can continue our tour. The Ranger told us that there is a large herd of Buffalo just down the road a ways and they are real close to the road," said Greg.

"Yea!" they shouted and were off to the car. Dan gave Grandpa the keys so they could get inside.

The rest of the week became a most enjoyable experience for the whole family. The family would join together occasionally and then go their separate ways. Finally, it was time for them to leave much to everyone's sorrow.

Gene and Bill arrived at his dorm and he had a message to contact his counselor as soon as he returned. Bill picked up the phone and dialed his number. He was told to come immediately to his office and he was to bring his friend with him.

"Bill, I have been trying to contact your lawyer all week. I finally got a hold of him today. He just got home from Yellowstone and returned my call. I faxed him all the paper work needed for Dan and Greg to officially become your guardians and supervisors. They had all of it notarized and faxed back to me. Bill, when you sign this piece of paper, you will be free to go. You will need to report to the Chief of Police in your home town tomorrow along with your guardians. He will appoint you to a parole officer. I wanted to catch you before your friend left and so he wouldn't have to make a return trip," said Larry, Bill's counselor.

"I can't believe that this is really happening and so fast too. Thanks! Larry, I really appreciate all that you have done for me!" said Bill with tears in his eyes.

"Bill, you really did everything yourself. I only gave you a nudge now and then and pointed you in the right direction. My advice to you is keeping looking forward and don't look back. There are some nice people out there just waiting to meet you and a good life is ahead of you. So, Kid, get on the carousel and catch the gold ring!" said Larry.

Gene and Bill left Larry's office and went to Bill's dorm room to get his things. "Bill, I have enough money left on my card to get a motel for the night, have a good dinner and have money left for gas to go home. Let's just stay here and go home early in the morning."

"Gene, that sounds good to me. It won't take me long to throw my belonging together."

"Good, I will call Dan and let him know that we are staying."

Gene and Bill had plenty of time to just talk about any and everything. "Gene, you know that I am scared to death to go back home after all the terrible things that my dad and I did in that community. I just know that someone is going to retaliate and maybe even kill me. I know that life at school for me is going to be hell. I think at times, it would be better for me to move to a new place where no one knows me.

"Bill, I know what you are saying. With me, it was just the opposite. I wanted to stay in Fargo where all my friends were. Children's services finally made the decision for me. After we left, the twins were in the back seat asleep. I cried all the first day. At times, I thought about heading the car head-on into a big semi truck. Then I was afraid that all of us wouldn't have been killed. Maybe just me and then where would the twins be and how would they survive. I must say my good guardian angel took charge of me and made me change my mind. Dan and Greg found the twins and me and our lives have forever changed ."

"That is different ! You weren't hated by everyone in town. You know how I treated all those kids in school. That will be nothing compared to the treatment I am going to get. How are the teachers going to react to me?"

You might be surprised. Your father and Coach Hayward will probably take most of the heat. Bill, remember what we have all heard about sex offenders in prison. You can believe that both of the are getting their just rewards'. They are going to pay for what they did big time. You and some of your gang were forced to do their dirty work. Good people will be able to forget and forgive. I think the law and the good people will stand behind you and give you all the support you need. Some of the kids that were really hurt will be carrying the scars in their hearts may have nothing to do with you. I think we need to try to help them heal. I think that you can survive and you might have an easier time than you think. Bill, just remember that I will be there to help. I will be your crutch to lean on. Together. we are going to make it through all of this. Bill, I really think that it would be best if you went back. Moving some place else wouldn't solve any of your problems. They would only follow you and will totally destroy you. At sometime in the future, you`ll have to face them," Gene pointed out. "Hey, let's get something to eat and maybe take in a movie."

"Sounds good to me! Just remember that I am completely broke and that I don't know any good places to eat."

"No, a problem! We can go to a supermarket and asked some of the locals. I am sure that they will recommend a place or two," replied Gene.

Have you made a denotation to Nifty? Every little bit helps! Thanks! TBC

Next: Chapter 8

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