Accidental Family

By Joe Collins

Published on Dec 3, 2012


If this story is prohibited in your area, you are underage or gay sex offends you, then please leave. If you are looking for hard core sex, you won't find it here. This story plot and characters are fictional and any resemblance is just a coincident. Please feel free to email me and be sure to include the title in the subject line.

Now just sit back and enjoy!

Accidental Family Chapter 6

"Bill, It is my understanding the you wish to make an official statement and that you are willing to sign it. Is that correct?" asked the Police Lieutenant

"Yes, I am."

"Then, you may proceeded when you are ready."

"I would like to go back and tell of the events leading to my arrest yesterday. I think that what I have to say, would be vital to this case and will probably lead to the arrest of my father, and Coach Hayward."

"My mother left and divorced my father, John Sims, when I was 14. I tried to find her. If my dad knew her location, he never told me. He became very domineering and abusive of me. I was actually afraid that he would kill me as he had already threatened to do so several times."

"I had barely turned 14, my father raped me. I even had to service some of his friends and he would prostitute me out. I became his sex slave. I had to do his will and bidding regardless how it made me feel or how much it hurt. He repeatedly did this almost daily and continued until yesterday. He was very cruel to me and hurt me every time he could. Some times he even beat me with a belt using the buckle end.

"Then he made me start bringing a friend to the house. He would take nude pictures of us doing sexual things and each time he would threaten to make the pictures public if we told anyone. Then he would brutally use the boy and make me watch. Then I was next and the poor boy had to watch. Out came the dados and other sex toys and we were tortured with them Thus he could control us and make us do ugly things for him. He always choose the boy that I was to bring home. It was always someone whose father had crossed his path or had wronged him somehow. There were several of us at any given time being used by my father to do his dirty work and provide sexual favors for him. I can provide you with their names if need be."

"That won't be necessary at this time, we can get them later. Please go on."

"When I was 16, my father told me that I had to get the coach involved in our little game, as he called it. He wanted me to play quarterback and get some glory for him. I balked and said no. That Friday, he went to the truck stop, went into the bar and got 4 guys and brought them home. He must have checked the cocks because all four of them were huge. From 6 pm on Friday until late Sunday afternoon, I was tortured and raped repeatedly by my father and all 4 men, all day and all night. They did every bondage and cruel thing they could think of on me. When it was time for them to leave he gave them $400 and they were on their way. He made sure that they weren't locals. I was not able to go to school for three days. Didn't matter, I still had to service my dad several times a day."

"Finally on the fourth day, my dad asked me if I had had enough and would do as he asked without questioning his authority. If not, we could just repeat this little procedure on the coming Friday. I remember all the hurt and embarrassment I had suffered. I gave in and said that I would get the coach to sleep with me. He told me that the first time, I could have to coach by myself and after that I was to bring him home. He wanted to make some `home movies'."

"The next day after practice, I stalled around until all the guys were gone. The coach and I were alone at last. I must say, I didn't have to encourage Coach Hayward very much. I was in the shower nude and with a supper hard on. The coach walked by and saw me and said that he needed a shower and would join me. He went into his office and striped and came back and got into the shower sporting a big hard on. We washed each other completely, including our private parts. Coach Hayward spent a lot of time fondling me and he had a king sized hard on."

"Let's go into my office so we could have a little privacy and not have someone walk in on us unexpectedly," suggested the coach. He had his hand on my butt, fingering my hole and the other around my cock."

"We went into the office. He pulled the shades and locked the door. He took me into the back room where he had a cot. It was obvious that the coach had invited young players to his office before me. The coach didn't waste any time and no warm up. He got some lube and a condom and had me get on the bed. Then he continued to use me two times. I must say that he took his time and I rather enjoyed it. After the second time, he told me I had better leave or my dad would be looking for me. I told him that I had my cell in the other room in my pocket that I would call my dad and tell him that I spending the night with a friend. The coach grinned from ear to ear and said ok."

"You know Bill, I have dreamed of this moment for a long time. You have a nice body and you are hung. I must say you're one best looking guys that I have seen and one very good of the piece of ass. I think we can look forward to a lot of fun in the future."

"You're pretty good yourself. Let's not waste and more time and go to your house. All I have to do is get my clothes on and we are out of here!" I exclaimed

"While I was gone the coach got dressed and was waiting for me. I knew I had the coach where I wanted him. Now he was caught in the web that I had spun for him. On the way to his house, I had my hand inside his pants play with him and he was having a hard time concentrating on his driving. Once inside his condo, the took me in his arms and starting kissing me. I unzipped his pants and let them drop to the floor. I went to my knees and took his big tool in my mouth. I had him now. We moved our little party to the bedroom and continued our love making until 10:00 when we took a break and ordered a pizza delivery. Soon it was back in the bedroom, now it was my turn to use him and after two short times, he was back on top. About two, we were so tired and my ass was getting sore so we stopped and dropped off to sleep, still spooned together. We woke about 8 and Coach just had to have me one more time before he took me home after we showered. I really

didn`t know where he got all his stamina from but he sure had it. Never was it Wham! Bam! Thank you ma'am! One thing for sure he had staying power."

"The coach made the mistake of going inside to meet my dad. I knew what was coming. My dad told me that I had said a friend's house and not the coach's place. He asked me if the coach did anything to me and I told him the whole story. The coach really began to squirm. Now dad pretended to be mad. The coach finally agreed to have a session with me and my dad. Only it turned out to be with me because my dad was busy filming. This turned the coach on and turned into one of the best sessions I ever had which lasted the rest of the weekend. My dad and the coach took turns filming me and enjoying me. I must say this was the first time my dad was decent to me. Now the coach was putty in my dad's hand. I even filmed dad and the coach several times making sure I got their faces in several pictures."

"Becky was another of dad's innocent victims. Her dad crossed dad in a business operation somehow. I was given the task of getting her to the house. This I did. Dad made her take off her clothes and started filming her. Then he told her to have sex with me. She said no and dad slapped her hard across the face and handed the camera to me. I knew better than to argue. Dad rapped her two times, while I filmed the whole thing. She was told that if she told anyone, the pictures would show up on the internet and be sent to her parents. She was to tell her parents that she didn't know who had rapped her. If she didn't she would be taken to a party and the coach and the whole football team would use her for a whole week end and then dad would sell her ass all over town. Becky became one of Dad's pet toys for several weeks. He even put her on the pill so that she wouldn't get pregnant. Dad finally tired of her and found a new toy."

"The coach was called and told to tell every one that I had spent the weekend with him visiting and scouting some of the teams that we would play in the near future. We did visit several different towns and scout our competition. Most of the time we spent in the motel room in bed. I was beginning to fall for the coach, at least I enjoyed the time we spent in bed."

"Dad was beginning to bore of this little sex escapade and turn his attention to younger kids, especially those around 12 years old. The elementary and middle schools were next door to the high school. We took our breaks on the playground. I was to start bulling them at school, the overweight ones, those of different minority races, the sexual deviant, the nerds and underprivileged ones and anyone that dad chose. I had to make sure they were virgins. So I did and then he made me start bring them home. They became the object of his sexual crave. They were told that if they were nice to him, he would have me back off. Of course, they were all caught on tape.

"That is how Gene came into play. Dad had seen him playing football and took a fancy to him. Gene proved to be the one not to fool with. Lucky for him, that he fought back. He is one that I really didn't want to see hurt. The others just became faces and I had no feeling for them or what they were going through."

"So that brings us to the present. All of this upset me to no end but it was something that I had no control over."

"Bill, how much of this can you prove? I will have to have something to substantiate your story. Your word alone is not good enough," said the Lieutenant.

"All of it. I knew that someday I would be called upon to testify against my dad. For some reason I started keeping a diary after the first day he raped me. I kept writing it in daily. I have filled five books and have them in a safe place not in the house. I made copies of all the films and made cds the he made. I have in the safe place but can get them on short notice. So I think that I have enough to send him away for a long, long time."

"So that brings this interview to a close. Bill, we'll have this typed and have you sign it. Mr. Coners, I will also need a signature from you saying that you were present as his attorney, and no threats or force was made against Bill."

"Bill, it is a wonder that you survived. Very few people could have lasted this long." said Greg. I rushed into the room and threw my arms around Bill and just gave him some tender loving care.

"Bill, I am going to get you the best care available and try to help you erase those horrible memories. You have already started by telling us all of this. I have a big job ahead of me. I know that Gene and I can get you through all of this and you will come out winner," said Greg

"Bill, you have an arraignment hearing in the morning. I am going to talk with the DA and see if we can get the charges dropped or reduced. Meanwhile, We'll move you to maximum security for your protection. Do you have all of the proof somewhere where we can get to it?"

"Yes, it is in my locker at school. I'll write down the combination to the lock," said Bill.

"I would like as few people as possible to know about what we are doing. Is there any way that we can get to your locker without going through the office?" asked the Lieutenant.

"Yes, Bill's locker is not to far from mine. I can take the combination and fill my backpack. I'll do it while class is in session. If anyone says anything, I'll just say that I had to get some of my books," said Gene.

"Thanks, Gene, I really appreciate that." said the Lieutenant.

Later that day, Gene gave the tapes, pictures, diaries and cds to the Lieutenant who thumbed through the first diary and was amazed at the details it contained. The he made a quick search to the remaining ones and found that they contained even more detail, i.e. names, dates and place and very descriptive accounts of the sex acts that took places.

"Gene, would you like to go with me and tell Bill that you were able to get everything out "of his locker with no problems.'

"Sure thing."

The Lieutenant had Gene and Greg taken to a conference room and Bill was brought into the room. It was very evident that he had spent most of the time crying. He had one nervous wreck written all over him.

Gene gave him one great big hug. "Bill, you know that you could have had my ass anytime you wanted it if you had not been such a butt head."

"Gene, If I had been Mr. Nice Guy, then you would have been just another notch on my dad's bed post and I wouldn't be here today. Thanks to you , all my nasty past may come to an end. I can almost look forward to tomorrow. Thanks!"

John Sims was arrested and put in jail with no chance of bail. He became the most hated man in the whole country. During his trial, spectators filled the courtroom everyday. Mr. Sims was charged with the rape of 26 boys and 1 girl all under the age of 16, along with 13 hate crimes, child pornography. blackmail, physical and mental abuse of his son, and a long list of other charges.

He of course denied all charges and pleaded not guilty. However, with the information given the courts, by his son and the long list of people who gave testimonies and written statements plus other evidence found in his home, on his computer, and some of the adults that he had as sex partners. He was found guilty on all the charges and sentenced to life in prison without the chance of parole.

Coach Hayward was taken to court and found guilty sexual abuse of minors under the age of 16 and providing alcohol to minors. He is serving a very long time in the state prison.

Charges against Bill were thrown out of court. He was found guiltily of some of the lesser charges for things he did on his own and sentenced and sent to state reform school for the remainder of the school year and for the next year. He could attend the local high school, participate in all sports and after school activities as long as he kept his grades above average. He was to receive extensive counseling and would have all holidays and vacations free and could return home if he wished for the entire weekend. At the end of his time, his records would be wiped clean and his past would be behind him. So even the darkest clouds have a silver lining.

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Next: Chapter 7

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