Accidental Family

By Joe Collins

Published on Dec 1, 2012


If this story is prohibited in your area, you are underage or gay sex offends you, then please leave. If you are looking for hard core sex, you won't find it here. This story plot and characters are fictional and any resemblance is just a coincident. Please feel free to email me and be sure to include the title in the subject line.

Now just sit back and enjoy!

Accidental Family Chapter 5

School started and the kids were enjoying their new schools. Gene made the football team as starting running back. He wasn't very fond of the quarterback. This kid had very influential parents in the community and was a king pin in school with a lot of wanta-bee followers. If fact, some would call him a gang leader. However, Gene thought that he could ignore him and still play on the team. There was an attraction on Gene's part which left him feeling strange. On the other hand, there were enough good kids and players to make up for this loser. Gene was having a hard time trying to decide what to do.

Friday arrived. This was Gene's first game at his new school. Everyone, including Grandma and Grandpa, piled into the cars and headed for the game. The ranch became a ghost ranch. The home stands went wild when Gene intercepted a pass and ran for the winning touchdown. He became an instant hero. However, this didn't set well with the quarterback who didn't like someone else getting all the glory. In the locker room after the game, the quarterback let Gene know how he felt. Gene held his tongue, changed into his clothes, and left.

The following Monday, Gene got a cold shoulder from the `Gang'. However, Gene just let it pass. Soon it was plain to see, that this guy was a bully first class. Most of the kids in school were afraid of him and avoided being around him when possible. However, the attraction was still there for Gene. There was just something about this kid that was different. Gene had mixed feeling and didn't know that to think. This kid was very good looking and had the perfect body.

Two more games were played and won. Three games in a row. The ranch was very pleased and proud of their star player. Things with the `bully' continued to escalate and Gene was starting to feel the pressure. He had several talk sessions with Dan and Greg. They didn't want to make matters any worse by going to the Principal. They were trying to figure out some way to handle this kid. Meanwhile, Gene said that he was just going to ignore him . There were too many good kids in school to let one individual spoil it for everyone.

On Wednesday before the big game on Friday, things began to happen and it looked like the situation was just about to boil over and it did.

Gene was sitting in the cafeteria having lunch with his friends. The principal and a couple of the teacher were standing where they weren't noticed by the students. They had received word that there would be an incident in the cafeteria today during the first lunch session. ***** "Hey, scumbag, get up and move. We want to sit at this table," said Bill (Mr. Bully). No one at the table made an effort to move. "I said move and I mean do it NOW!"

"Bill, I think you had better cool a little. Look around you, there are several empty tables you can use. Bill, my friends and I are not moving nor or we running away from trouble," said Gene.

Bill pretended to slip and threw a whole tray of food on him. "Now, I think I will just move you. You asked for it buster. You are going to get what you deserved." with that, Billy drew back and hit Gene in the mouth. The principal and teachers headed toward the two. Before they arrived, Gene was on his feet and all 6 foot 190 pounds of mad boy tore into the tormentor like a mother grizzly bear protecting her cubs. The five boys with Bill moved to assist Bill. Immediately about 20 boys and girls were between them and the five backed away.

Gene's self defense training paid off. He hit Bill at least 5 times before he hit the floor screaming and bloody. Gene gave him one last kick for good measure right in the gut. The principal asked Gene to back off and he did. "Bill, get up and get in my office immediately."

"Make him go to the office he started it!" cried Bill.

"Bill, I said in my office NOW! I saw the whole thing and I know who started this fight. It looks like you have finally met your match. The police and your dad have been notified and will be here soon."

Bill slowly got up and headed for the office like a beaten dog with his tail tucked between his legs. As he passed tables on his way out, all the students started clapping. It was very apparent that Bill didn't have much of a following.

"Gene, I would like for you to go to the health nurse and have her put some ice on your face and then come to the office. Dan and Greg have been called and were told to bring a change of clothes for you. They should be here when you get back from the health room," said the Principal.

Gene arrived in the office just in time to see Bill being lead away in handcuffs. "Mr. Whitmore, you have not seen the last of me. When I am through with you, I'll have your job. You can' get away with this," said Bill's dad.

"Mr. Sims, I think you have enough troubles without adding more to the list. Your son has been suspended for 3 weeks. The coach can't alibi for Bill this time. There were three teachers and myself that saw the whole thing. The coach was placed on administrative leave earlier in the day. Gene's guardians have already signed a formal complaints. I know several more parents will sign. I think that you should just leave quickly and quietly."

"Gene, Dan and Greg are waiting in the office next to mine. I had the nurse keep you there until they arrive and the Sims were on their way out. I learned one thing today. I am going to stay on the good side of you," said Mr. Whitmore. "Gene, how much did you overhear as the Sims were leaving?"

"Just the last part."

"I would appreciate you keeping all of this to yourself. Bill is going to face formal charges of rape, assault, and hate crimes. The DA is going to have a rough road ahead of her proving and winning her case. Mr. Sims is one tough cookie and one of the most powerful men in the county and could very easily control the out come of the jury trial."

"What about Coach Hayward? I heard you say that he was placed on leave. In other words he won't be coaching the Game on Friday." stated Gene.

"No, he won't be coaching and maybe not be coaching at this school in the future. Mr. Sims has something on him or is paying him a lot of money. He has bailed Bill out on many occasions. The assistant coach will take over. He is probably as good as Hayward maybe even better. Jack will be quarter back and is better that Bill. Again, his dad had Hayward in his back pocket and he played Bill all the time and Jack only played when Bill was ill or hurt."

"Gene, I want to give you a heads up. Be on your toes and watch your back. I am sure that Mr. Sims is going to try to retaliate and get revenge. I want you to let me know immediately if least little thing out of the ordinary happens. I will handle any and every problem that may arise. You kicked Bill's butt but good. I think Mr. Sims will probably use some of Bill's friends to get back at you."

"Hey, Gene, we understand that you are no longer `the coward of the county'. So when did you learn how to fight?" asked Dan. "Dan, Dad was a karate black belt and I attended classed for three years. It finally paid off. We had many mock battles out in the back yard."

"Gene, why don't you go and change your clothes. You look like you have been wallowing with the hogs. We'll wait for you in car. We are parked right out front," said Greg.

"Am I expelled?" asked Gene.

"No, you're not. You didn't start the fight. Everything you did was in self-defense. The Principal thought it be best for you to take the day off and let the school cool off a little. You can come back for football practice this afternoon. Things are going to be a little different around here." said Greg.

The practice that afternoon was had a completely new feeling. The players were much more relaxed and tried to do what Coach Taylor wanted. All in all it was the best practice of the season. They were functioning as a team and not as a one man team. With the exception of a few of Bill's friends everything went smoothly. They tried to interrupt practice but were not given a chance by Coach Taylor. It became very clear that Gene's troubles were far from over. ***** The next day during second period, Gene was called to the office. "Gene, you are not in trouble," said Mr. Whitmore. I received a most unusual phone call. Bill called from the jail and would like to talk with you. He would like for you and your lawyer to come as soon as possible and his father is not to be notified of your visit or his call. It is up to you and if you want to go, I'll give you the rest of the day off. He sounded desperate and sincere."

"Mr. Whitmore, I just don't know what to say. I don't know why he would be calling me unless it is to make more threats. I think I'll call Greg and see what he has to say. I'll just step outside and use my cell to call him and then I will let you know," said Gene. Gene called Greg's office and told him what had happened. Greg thought that since Bill had called the school, it must be serious and that they should probably go and see what he wanted. Gene went back inside to Mr. Whitmore's office and told him that Greg would be picking him up in a few minutes.

"Gene, I will get all your assignments from your teachers, and you can pick them up before practice after school. I wish that I could tell you more but Bill would not talk to me. He wanted to talk to you and Greg only. Sorry!" said Mr. Whitmore.

"Not your problem. I will just wait outside for Greg. Maybe the fresh air will do me some good. My stomach is going round and round," described Gene.

"Gene, you are white as a sheet. Are you going be ok or should I go out with you."

"Mr. Whitmore, I am just a bundle of nerves but I will be just fine. It won't be that long before Greg gets here."

Gene went out and waited on the porch and sat on the steps. However, Mr. Whitmore stood inside the hall out of sight and watched Gene until Greg arrived. ******

"Gene, I am so glad you came and this must be your lawyer. First of all, I must apologize for my outrageous and disgraceful behavior. The real reason I called Mr. Whitmore is i didn't know any other way to get in touch with you," said Billl, becoming very emotional.

"Judging by everything that has happened and the emotional state that you're in right now, I think this is something serious. Please continue," said Greg.

"Is there anyway that I can get this recorded, I want to make a complete statement to the police before I chicken out and change my mind," exclaimed Bill.

"Just a minute and I will get someone from the police department to come in and take your statement."

"Greg, Would you consider representing me. I am over 18 and I don't need my Dad's consent. I will get the money to pay you somehow," pleaded Bill.

"Bill, as long as this doesn't cause a conflict of interest between Gene and I since I am already his lawyer. I would be happy to represent you."

"What I am about to tell you and the police certainly won't involve Gene," said Bill.

Greg went to the intercom and called for the guard and explained to him what he wanted.

The guard left and returned with a police lieutenant. He had them taken to an interrogation room.

The lieutenant looked at Gene and asked, "Young man, are you the same one who signed a complaint yesterday at school?"

"Yes sir, I am. My name is Gene Riley."

"Gene, I think that it might be best if you were not present during this session. I can show you to the observation room. You can still see and hear everything that is going on. I don't think it is a good idea to have you listed as being present at this particular hearing. For one thing, I really don't know where this is going. If we need you we will bring you back in here. Please follow the officer at the door and he will take you there. Thank you," said the Lieutenant.

The Lieutenant said, "For the record, What is your name?"

"William Lex Sims"

"Are you making this statement on your own free will and no force is involved? How old are you"

"Yes, I am making this on my own and I am 18 years of age."

"Who is the man sitting next to you?"

"He is my lawyer, Greg Coners and not my father's attorney."

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Next: Chapter 6

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