Accidental Family

By Joe Collins

Published on Nov 26, 2012


If this story is prohibited in your area, you are underage or gay sex offends you, then please leave. If you are looking for hard core sex, you won't find it here. This story plot and characters are fictional and any resemblance is just a coincident. Please feel free to email me and be sure to include the title in the subject line.

Now just sit back and enjoy!

Accidental Family

Chapter 4

Two weeks has passed since the arrival of the new family in Wyoming. Most of the time had been spent touring the countryside and getting to know the people. The family had gone to church at the little country non-denominational church where they were totally accepted.

Gene had just a week before the first football practice. He became very excited because he loved football and had played for two years. He had been a regular starter his second year and was hoping for a repeat. The high school here was a lot smaller than the one in Fargo so his chances were looking good.

A thunder and lightning storm moved into the area. The lightning started a grass fire just off the Martin Ranch on government land. The fire was burning away from the ranch. All the ranch hands, Dan, Charley and men from the community were all called to help. Barrels were filed with water, lots of potato sacks(gunny sacks or burlap bags), shovels and rakes were loaded onto the trucks and it was off to the fire. The bags would be soaked in water and used to beat the flames in the grass. The shovels and rakes would be used to scratch a line around the fire. With the dry grass and a little breeze, a fire could travel very fast and sparks could be carried a long way from the main fire thus setting spot fires. The main fire would burn into the spots, Thus increasing the size very rapidly. The firefighters had managed to keep the upper hand until the wind shifted and the uncontrolled fire headed for the ranch and at a very fast pace.

Dan called the house on his cell phone and Gene answered. "Gene, listen very carefully because I wont have time to repeat. You need to follow my directions exactly and there is no time to loose. The fire is headed directly toward you. It is traveling very fast and there is nothing to stop it-no rivers, roads or the likes. You have about half an hour before the fire reaches you. Send Ross to tell Martha to get what she wants to take, load it in the car along with the kids head for the little church where we went. I know she does not have a license but she needs to go anyway. Load the boxes in the garage that have red X's on them into the van. Get Grandma, Grandpa and the kids into the van. Go to the intercom, and press all call`. Don't wait until someone answers. Just tell them to leave immediately and head for the little church. Have them check with each other to make sure no one is left behind. The men are all up here with me. The women and kids need to evacuate. Now I want you to open all four gates by the barn and leave them open. Maybe the livestock might stand a chance of survival. Get the two dogs in the van. Drive the van to the little church even though you don't have a license, either. I don't think anyone will question you. If they do, we'll take care of that later. Stay there until you are given the all clear to return or to go someplace else. The little church has been set up for an emergency shelter. Love you, Guy. Keep a cool head and get Grandma, Grandpa and the kids to safety. I am counting on you."

"Dan, I am so scarred."

"Gene, you don't have time to be scarred. Remember I am counting on you. Gotta go now and hurry you are running out of time. Bye!" Dan hung up the phone.

Martha came over to see what was happening. "Gene, I am so scared. What if we don't make it out?"

"Martha, we don't have time to waste or be scared. We have to keep our cool. We have six lives depending on us. We need to get out of here Now!When we all get to the little Church, we can be all be scared together," With that they went into action. "Ross and Rose, get Grandma and Grandma in the Van and also the dogs. Hurry! I have to go open all the gates and will be right back."

On the way to the church, Rose started crying. "Rose, I am scared also. Just think positive. All of us and the dogs are safe. Dan and Charley are not going to get in the fire's way. When we get to the church, I'll have a big cry with you. OK?"

"Yes!" sobbed Rose.

There were about 30 people at the church, most of them women and children and a few older seniors. Four hours passed and no word from the fire. Tension filled the air.

An elderly woman had been sitting on the church porch all this time came inside. "I don't think we have anything to worry about. I have been watching the sky very closely and I have not seen any large columns of dark brown or black smoke. That would be an indication that a house or building has been lost. All I have seen has been blue/gray smoke which means grass. The fire is getting smaller as I am seeing less smoke all the time. I think we can all relax some now."

Just as she finished, Gene's cell rang. "Dan, I am so glad to hear your voice. Just a minute and I'll put you on speaker. Hey, everyone, listen up and come closer. We have a message from the fire line. Go ahead Dan, we are already for you!"

"Hello, Everyone. Good news! We have the fire under control. We built a backfire and the wind shifted blowing the fire back into itself. The fire has a cold line all around it and it reached my property and burned maybe 25 acres of dry grass. Not a great loss. We are going to stay and mop up the hot spots and should be home in about 3 hours. The fire boss says that all of you can return home now."

A loud cheer filled the church. People were hugging the nearest person and every one was crying. The church became very quite, a woman knelt and started praying. Everyone immediately joined her. The rejoicing began again and soon the people started leaving.

"Gene, you just became a man today. I am very, very proud of you. Thanks!" said Grandpa.

"Just did what I had to do. I was just following Dan's instructions." said Gene trying to hold back the tears. "Let's hurry home and see if we can stop the live stock from scattering all over creation.

When Gene started down the long stretch of road leading to the house , he found a dozen or so cows that were headed toward freedom. Gene stopped and the dogs jumped out. The dogs headed the cows toward the barn on a dead run. Gene jumped back in the van and followed them. Once they were back in the pasture, Gene shut all the gates and smiled to himself.

He pulled the van back into the garage and helped Grandpa and Grandma out. Ross and Rose took them back into the house. Gene unloaded the van and put the boxes back on the shelves. Martha and the two girls came into the garage to help unload the van. "Sorry, girls, you are too late. Next time the job will be all yours. I certainly hope there won't be a next time. Let's go into the house and get something cold to drink. I am about to die of thirst."

"Come here, young man! I want to give my hero a great big hug!" exclaimed Martha.

About three hours later Dan and Charles came home and the first thing they did was shower and wash some of the old black soot off and climbed into bed.

The next morning at the breakfast table the conversation was all about the fire. The kids all wanted to go see the fire. Grandma said that she had just as soon stay home. Charles came and Dan gave him the key to the extra jeep. "Charles, go get the family and lets go for a ride and show everyone the fire. Grandma are you sure you don't want to go. We have plenty of room."

"Yes, I think I will go but I want to ride in a enclosed jeep. I really don't want the open top rig." said Grandma. "My convertible days are long gone."

Dan took them very close to the fire but not so close that they would be covered with ash and soot. He took them upon one of the buttes and there was a panoramic view of the fire and a 360 degree view of the ranch and surrounding government land. Martha and Grandma immediately fell in love with the place and said they would like to come back with a picnic basket and watch the sunset.

"Hey, I think that can be arranged. If you like sunsets, we have some of the best. This is a choice spot but there is a little lake not far from here that beats this view. We`ll also take our fishing poles and catch some fish. There is a little creek that feeds the lake. Good fishing because it sits on our property and only the ranch hands and families can fish it. Grandma, have you ever caught a fish?" questioned Dan..

"I did once but it was only about 5 inches long and I had to throw it back," laughed Grandma.

"Well, we will just make a rule that no one can catch a fish, until you get a keeper!" exclaimed Dan.

"No, fair! I have never caught a fish before either. I think Grandma and I get to catch the first ones," complained Rose. Ross was just shaking his head in disbelief.

"Just kidding. When we go fishing, everyone will be free to catch the first fish. I know that everyone one will get a keeper in a very short time," Dan said with a big smile on his face.

"So why are we sitting here talking about going fishing. I am ready to go now," remarked Grandma.

"Can't until Saturday. Gene has football practice and he needs to be there from the start. Then we can go camping and fishing," stated Dan. In the meantime, we will all go out on the lawn and practice casting. You can't catch a fish, if you can't get a hook in the water. We will have to get Clarice and Teresa a small pole that they can handle. I will run into town and get them. Otherwise, Martha and Charles won't get to fish any because they will to busy taking care of the girls and untangling a big mess of fishing line.

Camping consisted of two cabins that Dan had built by the lake several years ago and two large tents. There was a large generator to produce the electricity. All that that was needed to was flip a switch. The cabins had been completely modernized with running water, electricity, and bathroom facilities. Each cabin had a big fireplace for heat. They even had `real' beds and furniture. The only thing they didn't have television or internet.

Grandma and Grandpa were to have one cabin and Charles and Martha the other. Of course, Clarice and Teresa weren't happy because the wanted to sleep in the tent. Charles and Martha said that they would sleep in the tent with all four of the youngest children. Gene could have a tent all by himself. That meant the Greg and I got the other cabin.

The camping gear was stored in a waterproof shed. All we had to do was pack the food, fishing gear, and clothing. Anything else that we needed was all out at the camp.

Finally, it was time to go. Dan said he was going to take a buggy and a horse drawn wagon. Grandpa said that he could drive a horse and buggy . Gene went with Grandpa and Grandma because he wanted to learn to drive a buggy. Grandpa was delighted to be able to teach his grandson some of the skills that he had learned as a boy.

The rest of the group was going to go on a wagon pulled by four horses. This wagon was actually a special built one that had benches along the sides for sitting. When it was time to load up, Grandpa, Grandma, and all the kids were flying high and about as noisy as a bunch of prairie dogs chattering to each other.

Greg was to follow in the pickup with all the food, clothes and fishing gear.

Now the fun, began. Dan lead the way with Grandpa behind and followed by Greg. Dan got the team moving and then handed the rains to Charles who was on cloud nine by this time. Martha and the kids were just floating on little clouds. Dan had his own little cloud and was beaming with pride that he was able to provide so much enjoyment to his `new family'. This was a new experience for him because he had no family of his own. He was an only child and only had four cousins which he saw rarely because they all lived in California.

The happy little group arrived at the lake. The horses were turned into the pasture and the wagon were unloaded. The kids wanted to go fishing now but had to wait until camp was set up. Gene, Charles, Greg and Dan had the tents up in no time at all.

Each person was given a fishing pole with a lure already attached and tackle box. They were all set up to catch fish. They had to walk about 200 yards and then the fishing could begin. "Hey, listen up. If you catch a real small fish we will unhook it and release it to grow up. We are using hooks with no barbs so we can release without harming the fish. Everyone gets to catch and keep no more than 4 fish. Each of you have a fish stringer in your tackle box. I will help when needed. Just remember that Grandma gets to catch the first fish," said Dan.

"Not if I beat her to it," Laughed Grandpa.

"The most important thing to fishing is casting properly. That is why we spent out on the lawn learning. So with that said start fishing!" said Dan.

All of a sudden, Teresa, the youngest in the group, started yelling, "Something is jerking on my line. Dan help me!"

"I am right here, sweetheart. Now listen to me. Jerk the pole and set the hook just like we did when we were doing all that practicing . Good Girl, now start turning the handle slowly. Careful! Go a little faster! Now you are doing just fine. When I say now, stop turning but keep hold of the handle and back up very fast. Keep the tip of your pole in the air. NOW!" shouted Dan.

Teresa had the first fish of shore. She took off running and would not come near the fish. She wanted nothing to do with it. Dan put the 8 inch trout on the stringer then she came up and held the stringer. Martha and Grandma laid their poles on the ground and came with their cameras. The rest of the group had done the same and had gathered around shouting and clapping.

"Grandma, you can have my fish it you want it. I will catch another for me," said Teresa.

"Honey, the fish is yours. Dan was just kidding about me catching the first fish. If I don't catch a fish, it was worth the trip out here just to see you catch a fish. I was just as excited as you were." said Grandma, fighting to hold back the tears.

"You know, Grandma, the fish are not going to jump on the bank and get on your hook. I think you would have a better chance if your hook was in the water. Hey! That goes for the rest of you, also!" teased Dan.

Soon everyone caught their four fish and headed back to the cabin. Dan got his cleaning knife and started cleaning the fish. Everyone wanted to help but he refused. "What you can do is gather some wood and build a fire in the pit and we have barbequed fish for dinner. Just don't get it too big. I don't want it to get away and for us to spend all our time fighting fire. I want it to burn down and make a nice bed of coals."

"Dan, you have done enough for one day. I will cook the fish and I promise they will be the best fish that you have ever eaten." said Martha.

"And I will help her!" said Grandma.

"Don't argue with them. It is a loosing battle. I know!" exclaimed Grandpa.

"Does anyone want two fish? If not I will put the rest of them in the refrigerator and we can have some for breakfast and freeze the rest." said Dan. "Ok, ladies, time for you to take over."

Martha and Grandma started stuffing the fish with a little of this and a little of that and poured two teaspoons of wine over the stuffing. They wrapped them in tinfoil and gave them to back to Dan to start cooking them on the coals from the campfire. The women went back into the kitchen and got the rest of the meal ready. Martha had a big pot of baked beans that she had cooked earlier at home.. Grandma made a big pan of cornbread.

Grandpa was give the task of making a green salad with Rose's help. The big surprise came when grandma took out a big platter of fried apple pies and put in the oven to warm.

All to soon, the group had to head home because there school the next day. Dan was informed by the whole group that he had to do this again and very soon. Martha and Grandma didn't get to see a sunset. Clouds are needed to a good sunset and even the fair weather clouds were absent.

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Next: Chapter 5

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