Accidental Family

By Joe Collins

Published on Nov 21, 2012


If this story is prohibited in your area, you are underage or gay sex offends you, then please leave. If you are looking for hard core sex, you won't find it here. This story plot and characters are fictional and any resemblance is just a coincident. Please feel free to email me and be sure to include the title in the subject line.

Now just sit back and enjoy!

Accidental Family

Chapter 3

The happy little family decided to stay in Fargo for two days and get some the paper work started toward the settlement on the estate.

"Hey, we have two reasons to celebrate. One of course is Ross and Rose's birthday and two is now you are going to be with us and you'll not have to worry about being separated. Birthday, kids, where to you want to go for lunch?" asked Dan.

"Dan, I would like to see our Grandma and Grandpa. I can't wait to tell them all the good news. I am sure that they would love to go with us to celebrate. OK?" said Gene.

"Not a problem. Just tell me how to get there. Why don't you call them and tell them that we are coming and not to eat lunch and we'll take them to lunch," said Greg.

"Grandma and Grandpa, we are so glad to see you," said Rose giving each a big hug and a kiss. The boys did the same.

"Not half as much as we are to see you. We were worried sick. The police were here and wanted to know if we knew where you had gone. They also wanted to know if we had any ideas as to where you might have go. Of course, we had to tell them no to both questions. All they said that you had left town and if we heard from you to give them a call," Grandpa said.

"I am sorry Grandpa, but we had to leave in a hurry . Children's services was going to split us up and place us in different foster homes. Not to worry that has all been taken care of. These two men have been given custody of all three of us and we are moving to Wyoming and become cattle and horse ranchers," said Gene.

"Well, don't they have names or do we have to call them #1 and #2?" laughed Grandma..

"I am very sorry Grandma. I just forgot my manners. I was so excited to see you that I forgot everything I had ever been taught," said Gene very apologetically.

"Not a problem. Everyone gets one mistake and the next time it will the woodshed and a kindling stick," laughed Grandpa with Grandma joining him.

"I would like you to meet, Dan Miller and Greg Coners, our new guardians," said Gene.

"We are very glad to meet you. We have prayed everyday that the Lord would send someone to look after the children since we couldn't do anything to help care for them. Praise God! Our prayers have been answered!" said Grandpa with Grandma nodding in agreement.

"Are all of you ready to get something to eat? I am just about starved!" Said Gene. "Grandma, Can you and Grandpa eat pizza or is that a no-no?

"Sure we can eat a little. We figured that you kids would want to go to that all you can eat pizza bar and salad bar. There is lots on the salad bar that we can choose from. What are we waiting for lets go!" said Grandma.

"I am so glad that I didn't let the car salesman talk me into bucket seats. I held out for a model that had bench seats from and back. Now we can all go in one trip instead of me making two. It will be a little snug but we can make it," said Dan.

On the way to the pizza parlor, Dan noticed a Best Buy store. He pulled into the parking lot. I have to run in for a few minutes and pick up a few things. Greg would you like to come with me. I might need some help packing all the stuff that I am buying. Why don't the rest of you stay in the car and visit until we get back."

As they walked into the store Greg asked, "Dan, why didn't you just come out and say it. I know that you stopped to get the kids a birthday gift. Right?"

"You hit the nail on the head. I am going to get all the of the kids a new laptop for their birthday. Gene's birthday is coming up shortly. I though I would get them all one today."

"I guess you know, I want to go in with you and pay half," stated Greg.

"Greg, why don't you get the kids a play station and several games to go along with it, cell phones, and maybe an Ipod for Gene. I think that I am going to get a high end point and shoot digital camera for Grandma. I bet she just has an old Brownie box camera," said Dan.

"Hey, that is a great idea. We can have the clerks wrap everything and put it all in sacks and we could give the presents to the kids after we eat. Why don't we find something and put Grandma and Grandpa's name on it also," said Greg.

"Good idea, Greg. I'll give the kids some money and have them go into the Arcade and play some games. The we can go to the car and bring the boxes in and tell Grandma and Grandpa what is happening."

"Greg, You know what I am thinking? I wonder what the grandparents would say about moving to Wyoming. That way the kids and the grandparents would be together. All of them has had a very bad time and need something good to happen to them for a change."

"Greg, do you realized that the house has 6 bedrooms. I could move into the large master bedroom upstairs, give one room to each of the kids. That would leave the two large rooms downstairs for the Grandparents and housekeeper/caregiver. However, if the Grandparents would like to stay in a retirement center, there is one just 15 minutes away."

"Man, you are quite a schemer. It appears that you have given this some thought. I can see only one problem. I would like to move into the house also since we have a duel guardianship," said Greg.

"Greg, This has also crossed my mine once or twice. I just did not know how to approach you. We really haven't even had a formal date and we haven't even kissed good-night. Greg, you can move into my bedroom and we can each have a bed. There is also the little two room cottage next to the house that we can use," said Dan.

"Dan, let's just play it by ear. We don't even have to have a relationship or even share the same bed. If things don't work out, we can say that we gave it a good try."

"Hey, let go finish our shopping and go get something to eat," suggested Dan.

When Dan and Greg came out of the store they were each pushing a cart filed with goodies. They opened the rear door and loaded all the `loot' into the back of the truck. When Dan and Greg got back in the all three kids started talking at one with a voice that was way too fast and shrill for anyone to understand a thing they were saying. They wanted to know what was in all those sacks.

"Hey, kids, remember that children should be seen and not heard!" tittered Grandpa.

Dan finally pulled into the pizza place and the kid ran in and were followed by the adults. Dan and Greg had the kids select a table and help their grandparents to their seats. Dan and Greg paid for everyone and went to the table. Grandpa said, " We always say grace and would like to do it now if that is ok."

"Sure thing." Dan and Greg had a seat and everyone joined hands and Grandpa asked Gene to say the blessing.

"Grandpa and Grandma, do you need any help?" asked Ross.

"Thanks, Honey. We may be old and feeble but when it comes to food we can hold our own. So why don't you kids go and fill your plates. Just remember, if you take something, you eat it. There are too many hungry people in the world to waste food," said Grandma.

They finished the meal and Greg gave the kids $5.00 each and told them to buy some tokens and head for the game room. Greg said, "Dan and I got all the stuff at Best Buy for the kids birthdays. We even got some cards for us and of course you two. I think you'll even find a surprise for you two. There are some gifts from you also. Dan and I will go out to the car and get everything. So we will let you keep the kids in the arcade."

"But I don't have enough money with me to reimburse you for our share," said Grandpa.

"Our treat. Just let the kids believe that you got the gifts of them. We can get even at a later date," said Dan .

"Thanks. We really appreciate all that you are doing for us." Grandma said.

So all the gifts were placed on tables, cards signed and each gift was marked to and from.

"Guys, while you were gone, we sorta tossed around the idea of us moving to Wyoming. The more we talked the more we liked the idea," said Grandpa.

"You'll never believe this but Dan and I were talking about this very same thing. So I guess it is settled that both of you will be moving to Wyoming. All that is left if fine tuning all the details," Greg said. "Let's wait to tell the kids. After all, this is their special day and we want them to enjoy it to the fullest. Later, they can have the bomb shell dropped."

"I agree 100%. I am so glad that you found my grandchildren. If you hadn't, no telling what would have happened to them," said Grandpa with tears in his eyes.

"Things happen for a reason. I know that their guardian angels were watching out for the kids. Now it our turn to give those angels a break," said Dan.

"I think I'll go and round up the kids but before I do here is the surprise that we said we had for you. We got you a point and shoot digital camera. Gregg can show you how to use it and I will be back with the kids in 10 minutes," said Dan. "I would suggest that the three of you find a place and sit because when the kids walk through the door, pandemonium is going to break loose." And it did! Ross and Rose started dancing and yelling.

"Kids, did you forget where you are?" asked Grandma taking pictures of the happy kids. "People may not like all that noise. But I don't care let's celebrate some more."

Finally, after the celebration and excitement slowed down a little, the group returned to Grandpa and Grandma's apartment.

"Kids, we have a big surprise for you. Grandpa and Grandma are moving to Wyoming with us," said Dan.

So once again, all three kids started dancing and yelling. "Kids, you are going to wake up all the old fogies from their afternoon nap but what are they going to do kick us out of the apartment?" laughed Grandpa.

"Ok, settle down and listen up. Before we decide anything Greg and I are both gay and may become a couple sometime in the future. First of all how do you feel about living with two gay men?"

"Young man are you both over 21? Are you doing this on your own freewill and no force is involved? If you answer yes to both questions, then how do you feel about living with a crotchety old man and a senile old woman?" replied Grandma.

"Grandma, you and Grandpa are not like that. You just made that up." said Ross.

"I know that and you know it but they don't, so we will just pull the wool over their eyes." sniggered Grandma.

"I can see that we are all going to get along just fine. Now, the other options that we talked about is letting you move into a retirement center real close by, or move into the house with us," said Dan. "Of course, we don't have to decide now and we can decide after we get back home."

"I like the idea of living in the same house as our grandkids. They are the only ones that we have and we won't be getting more. Grandma and I are in good health both mentally and physically. We just can't do all the things that we did when were younger. The only reason we moved in here is to get away from all the housework and yard work. We still love to take a little stroll through someone else's garden. We like for someone else to pamper us, clean our house, and keep us fed," grinned Grandpa.

"Grandpa, we all know why you came to this place. You were just getting lazy and could not keep up with Grandma's honey-do list," teased Rose.

Grandpa grabbed her and started tickling her. "Rose got to close to Grandpa," laughed Grandpa.

"Guys, I would like to ask you a of personal question. Do you have a couple doing the cooking and maintenance work/grounds keeper?" ask Grandma.

"No, we don't. Do you have someone in mind." asked Dan.

"Yes, I do. We have a young couple living in our house. The only the money coming in is what we pay them for house sitting. They have two small girls so a two bed room house would fill their needs. I am sure that they would jump at the chance of getting a real job. I could call them and invite the over so you could meet them," said Grandma.

"Better yet, Why don't you call them and invite all of us over to your house. Since it is getting late, they wouldn't have to take the children out." said Greg.

"Hey, good idea. I'll go into the other room and make my call," said Grandma.

Grandma returned "I have a question that I should have asked before I made my call. How do you feel about having a African American couple working for you?"

"Grandma, We may all have different skin colors. It is what is on the inside that counts. Every one's blood runs red. As far as I am concerned we all belong to the same race-the human race to be exact," said Dan "I agree with him 110%," said Greg.

"I told them that I would ask, but I already knew what you answer would be," said Grandma. They said come on over.

"We will have to stop by the office and sign out and then we can be on our way," Grandpa remarked.

Grandma rang the doorbell and it was opened by two little girls about 5 years of age. Grandma immediately took their picture. When they saw Ross and Rose they let out a scream that could be heard for at least two miles. "Ross and Rose, you came to see us. Mom said you were gone. Come on, we want to show you our new puppy."

"Come on in," said the father. "I am Charley and this is my wife Martha."

Grandma took the honors of introducing Greg and Dan. Everyone went into the living room and started visiting. Martha served coffee and tea. She also had the best homemade cookies which were a big hit especially with the kids.

"Grandma said the you might have a job for us. We certainly would like to hear about it," said Charley.

Dan briefly outlined what the job would entail, the living arrangements, and the location. Board and room would be include with the salary, insurance and other fringe benefits. He explained that this job had become available when the Riley children were placed in his and Greg's guardianship. He went on to say that Grandpa and Grandma would be moving into his house. Charley and Martha immediately accepted the job offer.

"Just as soon as we get all the legal work started here in Fargo, we will then leave as soon as possible. We have to put the Riley estate in probate and put the Riley house on the market along with this one. I would say three days at the most. Would that give you enough time? Gregg asked. "Does all this furniture belong to you and do you want to take it with you. The reason I ask, I need to reserve a moving truck and drivers."

"Don't worry about furniture. The house in Wyoming is completely furnished but if you would like to replace some or all of it, we can take care of that little detail after we get to Wyoming," Dan mentioned.

"Don't worry about our things. We already have already boxed everything that we want and have it stored in the basement. The furniture belongs to us but Charley and Martha can take what they want and the rest will go to the Humane Society thrift store," said Grandpa.

"I see no reason to haul all the furniture all the way to Wyoming if the house is already furnished.. We can get everything else packed in 3 days at the minimum," said Martha.

"Good idea. Martha you will be the one to decide what goes and what stays. You can empty the house and outfit it as you see fit. Greg, do you want to hire a moving van or should we get a u-haul truck?"

"I would say a u-haul. They advertise that they have trucks ranging is size from very small to ones the will hold everything for a three bedroom house. I haven't seen how much we will have to move but I think a medium sized truck should do it." replied Greg. "I have seen how much Grandpa and Grandma have, plus what the Riley's have in storage. I don't think that we will be taking much more that what they have. I agree we should be able to get by with a medium truck," responded Charley.

"Problem solved. Now about transportation. Charley do you want to take your own vehicle?" questioned Dan.

"To be completely honest with you, I have a complete junker and I would be afraid to take it out of the city limits," said Charley.

"Thanks for being honest with me. I was thinking about trading the pick-up off and getting a 12 passenger van which would be a lot more comfortable for riding and have more seating room. I have been wanting to get rid of the old truck. It is 7 years old and needs to be retired. Now for the next question. Would you like to go in the van with all of us or would you like to have your own vehicle."

"Dan, I am broke and can't get a new car." said Charley.

"Charley, the ranch will buy the car. All you have to do is pick it out and drive it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Charley, I think we will go car shopping tomorrow. I will get the van and Martha will get to choose the car. She might let you drive it occasionally. Right Martha?"

"Wrong! I don't have a license."

"When we get to Wyoming we will just have to do something about that little thing. So Charley, I think you will get to select one after all," snickered Dan.

The next day became a bee hive and of course the Riley kids had to be involved. No way were they going to remain in the apartment with their grandparents.

Thanks to Greg's expertise, he was able to cut the wait time to a minimal amount of time and with the help of the Riley's lawyer the entire estate was ready to be placed in probate which would take up to 6 weeks to settle. Greg was glad that the family lawyer was willing to represent the children and take the case. He had been the family attorney and is familiar with the probate laws and procedures in North Dakota. He wrote both the wills for the decease, had them signed, witnessed and notarized. Now all that was left was to go before the probate judge.

Dan left to pick up Grandma and Grandpa to take them to the real estate office so they could put their house on the market. Dan and Gregg were going to put the Riley house on the market at the same time. However, if and when it sold, the money would have to be placed in escrow while waiting for the settlement of the estate. The attorney was given authority to handle both real estate deals.

After meeting with Sue, the real estate agent, Grandma called Charles and Martha and told them that the group was on the way over to help them pack. Things were progressing at a much faster pace than had been anticipated and the departure time could be pushed up and they could leave at any time.

Everything was finally completed. The u-haul loaded and ready to go. Greg and Gene left before the rest of the group. They would be traveling slower than the rest of them. Charley and Martha, were going to drive their new Toyota Prius. The girls wanted to go in the van with Ross and Rose. Everyone piled into the new Ford econoline 12 passenger van. Now as the old saying goes-`go west, young man, go west'.

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Next: Chapter 4

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