Accidental Family

By Joe Collins

Published on Dec 30, 2012


If this story is prohibited in your area, you are underage or gay sex offends you, then please leave. If you are looking for hard core sex, you won't find it here. This story plot and characters are fictional and any resemblance is just a coincident. Please feel free to email me and be sure to include the title in the subject line.

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Accidental Family Chapter 11

School started. The twins were bubbling balls of energy and loved to learn. After dinner, the family gathered in the living room and they got a blow-by-blow account of what happened at school. Grandma seemed to enjoy it the most. It was as if she was reliving her own school days just listening to the kids. After the kids slowed down, Grandma had to tell about her own school days and her early life in Fargo. Of course she added a little color to her stories.

The entire family sat spell bound while Grandma was telling her story. Bill remembered the story and wrote it down. After the first day, Bill started recording Grandma's stories without her knowing. Then at night before turning in, he would type the story. It wasn't long before he had enough material for a complete book. He enlisted the help of Gene. Gene wrote and called Grandma's friends in Fargo and they started sending information and pictures to him.

Between the two of them, they complied a master piece. They had access to the large collection of Grandma's pictures and started putting them into the manuscript. They enlisted the help of Grandma in identifying the pictures and of course, this brought on another story.

They took the book to school and turned it in for a creative writing project. The English teacher couldn't believe that the two boys had done the whole thing by themselves and of course they received the highest grade available. She encouraged the boys to have it published and even offered to proof read it for them and to help get it ready for the publisher. She went as far to help them get a copyright application.

Bill and Gene decided to use their own money and have a hundred copies printed. They wanted to give family members and friends their own personal copy of the book. They decided to have a birthday party for Grandma and would make their presentation then.

They tried to be extra careful and not slip up and spoil the surprise. Gene and Bill had the boxes of books delivered to school and their teacher agreed to keep the books until they were needed. She wanted to have a copy of her own and had the boys autograph it for her. She encourage them to do the same for all the books.

Bill and Gene made arrangement with the Rev. Baker to use the Church for Grandma's surprise party. They ran a article in the local paper inviting the entire community to the party which would be a covered dish potluck. They had the local paper print one issue without the announcement of the party which would given to Grandma. They told the rest of the family but they were all sworn to secrecy.

Bill and Gene actually planned the time for the party to fall on a Sunday. Finally, the chosen Sunday arrived and the everyone at the ranch went to church for the services. Grandma still had no clue but started asking questions when they pulled into the parking lot and saw all the cars there. Once inside, it was standing room only. However, one whole pew in the front had been reserved for Grandma, her family, and adopted family.

The service was very short and the minister invited the whole congregation to adjourn to the fellowship hall for a pot luck dinner. Now he had to mention that this was being held in honor of Grandma, who would celebrate her birthday on the following Tuesday.

Grandma was completely shocked and had no idea what was to follow. "Grandma, the ushers will come and guide you to a place of honor in the recreation hall," said the minister. Grandma was taken to the front of the room and was seated on a throne, which had been decorated all in gold streamers and silver paper. The whole hall glistened and looked like a palace for a queen. "I can't believe this is really happening to me. I have never had a birthday party before. This is totally unbelievable. I want to thank everyone. You have made me so happy!" Said Grandma with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"If you think you are happy now, just you wait the best is yet to come. I will turn the rest of the program over to the two young men who are responsible for all of this. I still don't know how they actually pulled this party off and for it to be a complete surprise for you Grandma," said Reverend Baker. So I would like to call Bill and Gene forward to take over. For once, I am tired of talking and I want to sit and get out of the spotlight." A chuckle that rippled through the audience.

"Grandma, First of all, I would like to say that Bill is actually the one who started this whole thing. He became snowed under and asked me to help him. Together we were able to complete our little project. I must say this is probably the first time when every family present will received part of the gift intended for the birthday girl," said Gene. "So Bill, you can take over now."

"Grandma, on behalf of your friends and neighbors in this community, your family, and friends you left in Fargo all of whom contributed to the making of your present. Grandma, I would like to present you with a book about you life." Bill couldn't go on with his speech because the tears were rolling down his face and he was all choked up. He just walked over and handed Grandma her book.

Grandma looked at the title, "Duck, Duck, Goose and Other Memories of the Good Ole Days" and the inscription on the inside cover written by Bill and Gene. Tears started rolling again as she started thumbing through the book. Soon there was not a dry eye in the crowd.

"Bill, said earlier that each family would get part of Grandma's present. No, we are not going to tear her book up. Everyone will receive their own special copy. Would the ushers please come in and distribute the books. Please," said Gene. The entire audience stood and started clapping. The ushers came in pulling little red wagons filled with books.

"Rev. Baker, would you bless the food now, I am just about starved," said Bill.

"Before you do, Reverend, I would like to give my two boys a big hug and a kiss. They have made this the best day of my life. Thanks! Boys, I love you!" said Grandma. Again the room was filled with people with tears running down their cheeks standing and clapping.

Rev. Baker, I would like to put you on hold for a few minutes longer. I have an announcement that Bill and Gene don't know about. You see boys, you are not the only ones with a secret. I sent a copy of your book to three major publishers. I got a reply back from one of them, along with a contract for you to sign and return. Then your book will be published and put on the national market. You will be given a thousand copies to be given to libraries, schools, boys and girls clubs and etc. Your choice!" stated Liz, Bill and Gene's English teacher. Again the audience erupted into loud standing ovation.

Finally, it became quite and Rev. Baker took the mike. "All I can say is that I am glad that I am part of the group to witness the most wonderful birthday party of all times. I would like to say that I have a birthday coming up in about 6 months and I would like to ask Bill and Gene to plan my party." chuckled Rev. Baker. He blessed the food and for the next three hours, friends and family ate, visited, and celebrated Grandma's birthday. The adults formed groups and were looking at the book and reading excerpts from it. Older kids took the book and was reading to their younger siblings and friends. ***** The cross-country team was headed for the state finals. The team members were walking on cloud nine. Not only was the team in contention to win first place but several of the individual team members as well. Bill and Gene were among them.

During the last practice session before the state meet. A terrible and unexplainable thing happened. Doug and some of his cronies hid in the bushes and had a wire stretched across the path the runners would be taking. All the culprits had to do was lift the wire and pull it taut, thus tripping a runner. Gene was the chosen victim since he was leading the pack.

Gene went down with thud, screaming after he hit the ground. It was very evident that he had broken his left leg. The rest of the team surrounded Doug and his gang. The runners beat them to a pulp. The team proceeded to strip the perpetrators of their clothes and used their clothing to tie them to trees completely naked.

The police were called and were told what had happen. They were also asked to bring an ambulance for Gene. The police and ambulance arrived. Doug and his four buddies were arrested and Gene was taken to the hospital.

Bill called Greg and then followed the ambulance in his car to the hospital. Greg arrived and signed Gene in for treatment and had him sign a complaint against the gang. Gene had a broken leg but luckily it was not a compound fracture. He would have the leg in a cast for a few weeks. The bad thing, he would miss the state finals.

The entire cross-country team and coach were waiting for him at the ranch when he arrived with his leg in a cast. The team was very down. However, Gene soon had them laughing. "Look at this way. Worse case scenario. It could have been my neck instead of my leg or it could have been one of you and since you are all a bunch of wimps who knows what could have happen. I want you all to know that I will be waiting at the finish line and everyone who does not finish 1st is getting his butt kicked and more than his leg broken," laughed Gene. "Sure, I was looking forward to the state meet but it was not meant to be. I have the satisfaction of knowing that I hold the district record for the fastest time plus I have several blue ribbons that I won during the season. So I am not a complete loser. So cheer up, get in there and kick butts at STATE! I will be happy to know that I was part of the team that won state! No one can ever take my good memories away

from me. Besides I need something to tell all my grandchildren. You know, remember the `good ole days'!" *****

The team took state and several of the individual members placed high enough to get medals. As promised, Gene was waiting at the finish line, cheering and celebrating with his friends. Gene was included in the team picture that would be in all the newspapers in the state. In his heart, Gene knew the team did their best and won in honor of him. He was very proud to be a part of all this. *****

Doug and his four friends were convicted of hate crimes and were sentenced to the state reform school for the rest of the school year. Gene, however, requested that the judge suspend their sentences and that they be given community service instead. The entire audience could not believe that Gene had made such a request. The judge agreed with the request. The entire audience was stunned and shocked beyond belief.

"Your Honor, May I ask Gene a question, please?" Asked Doug.

"Yes, Doug, I will allow it. Just remember that Gene is under no obligation to answer!" replied the Judge.

"Thank you! Gene, I would like to know why after all that I have done to you, you would make such a request of the judge. I would think that you would hate me enough to try to get even," said Doug.

"Just the opposite, I don't hate you at all. At one time, I was full of hate and I felt the whole world was against me. I even considered suicide. Two strangers took me and my brother and sister into their home. They gave me a new life. I believe there is good in everyone and if I can do just one thing to help an individual turn his life around and choose the path toward a rewarding and a good life, then I am going to do it. Doug, I think the five of you have made enough mistakes and each of you have a heavy burden to carry on you backs. It will not be easy to forget your past. However, I think that you can get rid of those monkeys, and can live a productive and fulfilling life. I want to be there to help you along the way," said Gene.

Bill stood and said, "I want to be there also." The whole cross-country team and the coach stood and were applauding. Soon the entire audience, including the judge and all the officers of the court were all standing and applauding.

Gene walked to the front of the room and held his hand up for silence. "Your Honor, May I suggest that instead of just some form of community service such a picking up litter along the highway that Doug and his friends be given a change to really help the community. The Boys and Girls Club is always looking for volunteers. I think that these five young men would be great. Maybe they can help a young boy or girl make better choices than they have made. I would like to join them at the club and I am sure that there will be several from the audience that will feel the same way. Thank you!"

"Gene, I think that is a terrific idea and I so order. I have looked at all of their academic records and I think that all of them would make good tutors and mentors for the younger children. I am sure it can be arranged for them to be given release time to help in the elementary school as well. Before I close this session of the court, Are there any more questions or concerns?"

"I have just one more statement to make," said Doug. "I would like to thank this court for opening my eyes. I especially want to apologize to Gene and all those whom we have harmed. I am looking forward to serving my sentence with pride." Doug and the other four boys were now crying. Gene, Bill and many others went to them and were now holding all five boys in warm and loving hugs.

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Next: Chapter 12

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