
Published on Oct 14, 2017


Academics 3 Archangel College By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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It is no surprise that Archangel College began its life as a seminary. Located in Weston, West Virginia, it never thrived. Founded by a wealthy Coal Barron, it was a memorial to 36 men killed in a mine accident. It was essentially an effort to bribe God to forgive the man for his many sins.

The College was an architecturally impressive monastery type building, sitting on a hill top far from town. It never thrived. In West Virginia it should have been a Southern Baptist or Methodist school. The curriculum was mostly theological and not particularly useful for the day to day life in coal country.

The building was large and impressive, but it never paid its own way. In the 1960s, a particularly clever Bishop decided to dump his problematic priests at Archangel to get them out of the way. Problematic meant acholic or gay. In many cases it meant acholic and gay.

God works in mysterious ways. Archangel College became a sanctuary for troubled gay men. It was a safe place to work out problems far from prying eyes. It became known by word of mouth, and the school thrived. It didn't physically grow, since the buildings were big, but it expanded from 100 or so students to 480.

The president was Father Guido LaGuardo, a Jesuit. He was thoughtful, intelligent and a leader of men. Good Italian and Irish families tend to have only heterosexual children. Archangel became a respectable school for their sons who hadn't met the right girl yet.

Fr. LaGuardo was discrete, tactful and reserved. He was a skilled theologian and believed that Christ had replaced the hate filled messages of the Old Testament with new visions of love and forgiveness in the New Testament. He admitted the Church retained leftovers from the past, but eventually it would come to his understanding of faith and love. LaGuardo was a good preacher, and even high-ranking clerics were impressed by his thinking.

Father LaGardo's right hand man was the Dean Sean O'Brian. He was a phycologist. He had a special skill of finding men's strong points and easing them away from drink and drugs. He developed an unexpectedly strong faculty. For many the chance to be in a tolerant and open environment was exciting and liberating. The College developed programs for the sick, poor and elderly.

While it was never officially stated, the College acknowledged that sex was a part of human life. If sex was non-coercive, private and not perverse it was accepted. Pain, domination and humiliation were not tolerated.

Many of our students were above thirty. They had real life experience, but needed to time off to reset their lives. We gave them that opportunity. Younger students were a mix bag. They included some who were a bit too experienced for their age and some who were terrified of their sexual inclinations.

We were a typical, liberal arts college with a slight orientation towards the theological. We luckily had some faculty with a scientific orientation. They contributed to a rounded education.

We didn't provide courses in physical education, but we had a fitness department. This was part of the sound mind and sound body tradition in the school. Emphasis was on exercise and fitness, not team sports. Coach Don Miller ran the program with an assistant, George Roberts. Miller was a fifty-year-old bear, enthusiastic and energetic. George was in his late 30s, and took care of swimming. The College had a full-sized pool courtesy of the original donor.

Exercise and fitness were not part of most of our students lives. Miller and Roberts took care of this problem by insisting on showers after each session. The pool was usually nude. Men who had barely moved for years somehow decided swimming was not so bad. Miller had reworked the showers and locker area to intimate alcoves and nooks.

Miller had worked in a commercial gym and discovered a whiff of titillation increased men's interest in exercise. If truth be told, our nude pool, the lockers and showers provided more than a whiff of titillation.

Most of our dormitory rooms were singles sharing a bath. The pool showers gave men a chance to see and meet more men. Miller and Roberts often showered with the students. Both men were comfortable with nudity, and that helped the other men relax.

This casual attitude toward nudity was new for most of the students. Most came from very religious families, nudes were unacceptable and naked men were even more so. The body was sinful as were sexual urges. Father LaGuardo taught that God's creation was good, and that included the human body.

I am Peter Noland, professor of English literature. I am a classic 90-pound weakling, although I weigh 123, muscle-free pounds. Miller was not prone to take no for an answer. He wanted me to get with the program. At first, I just joined in an early morning walk round the campus. When Don discovered I could not swim, I became George's project.

George thought swimming was a basic human skill, essential for everyone. He could have been a prefect nagging mother; eventually I went to the pool with six other non-swimmers. My life at the College changed dramatically that day.

I am a good and interesting lecturer. I have published some well received papers on my main interest in English metaphysical poetry. At 5'-8" I am scrawny, hairy, and muscle free. I have always been embarrassed by my body and I have been unwilling to let anyone see it. I have a few sexual experiences, but that was always in the dark, and I was doing the sucking.

At the pool George did a double take when he saw my cock for the first time. I thought he was shocked by my ugly body. I guessed wrong about that. I later found out I had the biggest cock he had seen in the flesh. He wasn't shocked; he was attracted to it.

At the next swimming lesson, Don joined in and came with us to observe. He was nude too and I was relieved that he was hairier than I am. His cock was thick, but mine was longer. Both Don and George were equally attentive to each student. I wasn't singled out for any special attention. George did brush his hand on my cock, but that might have been accidental.

In the showers Tim, one of the younger members of the swimming class, showered next to me. We were alone in one of the alcoves. Tim had trouble not looking at my cock as often as he could steal a glance. He was half-hard. George was in the next alcove talking with the men there. I was surprised when Don joined us.

"I see you men are getting along well," he said as looked at Tim's cock. Tim turned beet red and his cock became fully erect. "Don't worry, we are all men here," Don added. George and the men with him finished their showers and went to the locker room.

"There is nothing wrong with natural reactions. We all get excited once and a while," Don continued.

"Does this happen to you?" Tim whispered.

"It does. When I was younger it usually happened at the most inopportune time possible. At my age now, I would be glad if it happened more," Don said. "I'm afraid that Pete has the Mount Everest of cocks. It can't help but be inspirational." I was my turn to turn red and get erect.

"Don, you've got a call," George yelled from the other room.

"Sorry, I've got to go, let's talk about this later," Don said as he left.

Don came to see me after classes the next day. "There is a lot more to you than meets the eye," he said.

"What did you expect? I asked.

"Less than half that what you had. George told me you were a big boy, but I thought he was exaggerating," Don said. "I had heard you were a good, inspirational teacher. I assumed we didn't have anything in common. I hadn't guessed you were horse hung. Is there any chance we have shared interests? I am interested. Poor George is obsessed."

"Are you only interested in my cock?" I asked.

"Let me put it this way. Sometimes you meet a man you like and he has an attached cock. You have a cock with an attached man. You can't take one without the other. I know that is shallow and superficial, but every encounter can't be true love," Don said. "I don't think we would become lovers, but we could be friends with a lot of sex included. There are worse relationships."

"I don't really know what a lot of sex is?" I said.

Don smiled. "I have some strong opinions on that subject, but I have a feeling that connecting with you would open up some new vistas on the subject," Don said. "I know George has a much more limited experience."

"You haven't given him lessons?" I asked.

"We are friends, but I don't rush things," I would hate to lose him as a friend if I went too far," George explained. We talked a little longer and he left.

A half-hour later Tim came by to see me. He was very nervous. After some small-talk, he got down to business. "Did I disgust you in the showers yesterday?" he asked.

"No, not at all. As Coach Miller said, we are all men. We feel much the same emotions," I said.

"I didn't want to feel them," he said.

"Tim, I'm afraid that we don't have much control over our emotions. We usually can't control them. That may be doubly so when it comes to sexual emotions," I said. "Wanting to feel differently doesn't erase the basic feelings."

"I was really excited to see you naked," Tom said. "I went to a Christian School. I had rarely seen a man bare assed naked, never close up."

I smiled. "No one is born fully dressed. I know many people traditionally associate nakedness and sin, but there is no rational reason for that," I said. "Many cultures weren't worried about it." We talked longer and Tim relaxed. He assumed nudity was a sin. I told him that I would concentrate on treating people well, and being kind and fair to all. "Jesus stated you should do unto others as you would have them do unto you. The is the summary of the law," I said.

The next swimming lesson went well. Two men, Bob and Howie, joined the group and they joined Tim, George and me in the shower. Bob and Howie were in their mid-thirties and I had a sense they had not been celibate. They didn't pretend to avoid looking at cocks. Tim got hard again, and they were soon semi-hard.

The other men in the next shower alcove had to go to class, so the five of us were alone. "What in hell do you do with that thing?" Howie asked as he looked directly at my cock. Everyone looked shocked.

"Well, I have a few ideas," George said. He dropped to his knees and gently took my cock unto his mouth.

"Well, I could have come up with that idea on my own!" Bob said as he laughed. He turned toward Tim. "Can I help you out?" he asked. Tim timidly nodded. Bob wasn't timid and Bob's lips enveloped Tim's cock head, I could tell Tim had a hard time keeping from shooting off.

Howie noticed that too. He put his arm around Tim. "Just relax and let nature take its course. Nothing that spurts or drools from your cock is going to bother Bob even a little bit," Howie said, adding, "Bob never wastes a drop of any cock juices. There is no need to clean up afterwards."

"Are you serious about that?" Tim whispered. Howie nodded and he reached around Tim and play with his tits. That was too much for Tim and he shot off. That was enough to set me off. I flooded George's mouth with ejaculation after ejaculation.

Bob and George reacted as if they had just won the lottery.

They didn't just take the loads. They savored every squirt and every drop. I discovered that Tim, like me, had never been sucked to completion. George loved being the first. Bob almost fell in love with Tim. Tim didn't seem to know what happened, but he knew it was good.

Ten minutes later, we were all dressed and had returned to our normal activities. I knew the word would get out and expected a severe reprimand from the president. That didn't happen. I found out that Fr. LaGuardo did not object to students and faculty "letting off" some steam. He preferred that it be in the open. He felt there was nothing wrong with men sharing pleasurable experiences. He also felt secret meetings and trysts resulted in jealousy and ill feelings. Open, public sex avoided that problem.

Bob told me that his attendance at the swimming lessons wasn't by chance. Don and George used Howie and him to serve as spark-plugs to fire up sexual activity. Don later told me that Bob and Howie were over sexed and they used these events to channel their drives into more productive directions. Don thought that George was going to explode if he didn't make some contact with my cock. He was looking for intense personal pleasure and I provided that.

I think Don was telling me the truth. I know that self-interest and lust colored the men's explanations. No one had ever sucked me as I was shooting off, and I couldn't believe anyone could have experienced what I did.

The rest of the semester was a voyage of discovery for me. I discovered that sex is like aspirin; it never loses its effectiveness. I thought I might bet tired of sex, but that didn't happen. The same sex act varied depending on who I was with. It was unpredictable. An encounter with a handsome man might be exciting, but might be bland. Ordinary men might be more generous and adaptable.

The word was out that I was much bigger hard than soft, and that I had gully washer orgasms. More men joined the class. George told me that sexual curiosity was a stronger drive to exercise than a desire for better health. My cock and I were bait.

I assumed that sex once every few weeks would be enough for me. That was a misjudgment. Men want more sex the more they have sex. Four of five times a week was nice, once a day was nicer.

In general, being a specialist in Metaphysical Poetry is not associated with babe or stud magnets. It also is not associated with wealth and fame. I hadn't earned or worked for my cock. I was born with it. Liking a man for his cock almost defines shallow, superficiality. I knew this and was shocked that I liked the increased attention so much. I had never noticed admiring glances before. While the glances were mostly directed below the belt, I was pleased. When I mentioned this to George, he told me to go with the flow.

"I would hate to take advantage of other men for sex," I said.

"Take it from me, you aren't talking advantage of them. You are doing them a favor." He replied. "Share the wealth! You have a lot to share."

"Some of them are young," I said.

"They are all adults, although some are more experienced than others. I know when I was their age, I wanted more experience. More may be the wrong word. I craved it," George said. "I was also shy, so wanting sex and shyness are a bad combination."

"How did you get experience?"

"I was a good swimmer and was interviewed after a meet by a newspaper reporter. He was an older, over-the-hill type. A little later I ran into him in the parking lot. He said he wanted more information for his story, and asked if we could talk over dinner. I said yes," George explained. "I guessed he wanted more than a good meal. It turned out he lived around the corner and I went to his apartment."

"I was showering with him ten minutes later. I told him I had never done anything. He told me that he had done it all and he gave lessons," George continued. The reporter had been a football player and he thought he had won the jackpot with me.

"His lessons were good?"

"Oh yes, he told me that he could take the Empire State Building up his ass if necessary and if the Atlantic Ocean were filled with sperm he would drink every drop. He was gentle with me, and took it slow." George said adding. "I am not quite up to taking the Empire State Building, but the thought has some appeal."

At the next swim lesson Tim came with a friend Newton. Tim was shy, but he was a sophisticated man of the world compared to Newton. Newton was tall and good looking but had a speech impediment. In the shower Bob and Howie joined George and me.

George told Tim that it was his turn to suck me. Newton looked lost. George told them there was room for two on my cock. Tim was still uneasy, but once Newton's tongue touched my cock, he was downright enthusiastic. Tim licked the edge of my cock head. Newton must have tasted the precum drooling from my cock and went for it.

The first time that happened to me, I tried to get my tongue into the slit to intercept the fluid. Newton must have had the same feelings about precum as I did. Eventually, Tim got into the swing of things and shared my cock drool with Newton. I managed to suck Newton as he sucked Tim. Cocks don't lie, and he was into it. Tim shifted so he could suck me.

Newton was nearing an orgasm if cock juices are any indication. "I'm going to take your load unless you tell me not too," I said. It couldn't have been more than a few seconds before he began to spurt. His entire body shivered and shook as he unloaded. I had taken sperm before, but this time it felt as if I was sharing his orgasm. I don't know if joyful sperm exists, but I felt his joy.

"No one has done that for me," Newton said in his halting speech.

"I liked it. I liked it a lot," I replied. George, Bob and Howie had been playing together. They joined us after the first round of orgasms and we talked. I still had a full load, and I got inspired and dropped to my knees to suck George. Howie sucked Tim. When George shot off, I stood and looked at the men around me. I felt at home.

Next: Chapter 4

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