Abuse of Authority

By Blue Skies

Published on May 2, 2010


Abuse of Authority (Part 2 of 2 parts. M+/M, rom)

The author would be pleased to receive constructive comments on this story at mr_blue_skies@hotmail.co.uk

Craig and I behaved as we had previously agreed although as the days passed my feelings to meet him again rose once more to the surface. In truth, I'd thought of little else since our time together.

As agreed, I waited for an opening with Greg but he was even more obnoxious of late so I kept my contact with him to a minimum. How I loathed the little man. However, the longer I left it, our scheduled team building event drew ever nearer. It was booked into a country club hotel with the usual mix of management-speak events such as lectures on `team harmony, team-empathy, team-bonding and all the other ghastly terms bosses these days use, but seldom practice; Greg being a prime example. The event is a two day affair with some social events, such as dinner in the evening and access to the gym, swimming pool, Jacuzzi and a myriad of other things which the Fitness Club provided. So, in a brief talk with Craig, I said I'd wait until the event to plant the idea of upgrading his car in Greg's mind. As I was in charge of the accommodation arrangements, I managed to get adjacent rooms for Craig and me, albeit along the same corridor as Greg.

The first day of the event was deadly dull. I tried to appear interested in all the dreary motivation lectures, a contradiction of terms I felt; at least I had the use of the swimming pool to look forward to later.

Several of us had obviously planned to use the pool at the end of the day and prior to dinner; even Greg was there in swimming briefs a size too small around his podgy frame. He looked faintly ridiculous, but with his bumptious manner was unaware of it as he ogled some of the girls. I have to admit here that some of them looked good in swimsuits and so different from the office. Trisha particularly attracted considerable attention with her statuesque figure displayed to great advantage in a green bikini. At any other time, I have looked too, but my eyes had alighted on Craig. He looked young, trim and very fit; indeed, a couple of the girls were eying him up and the predatory Mandie was circling him in a blatant attempt at attracting his attention.

I swam for a while and then, when I saw Greg leave the pool, I got out and followed him into the changing rooms. I showered and quickly changed. As I was about to leave, I casually turned to Greg.

`When can we talk about allocation the company car fleet Greg? I've been giving it some thought.'

You know that's my decision Stephen,' he said sharply, only senior managers have such authority.'

`I appreciate that Greg, I was trying to give you an option to save on two vehicles.' I said off-handedly. I knew he wouldn't let an opportunity go to pass off such a saving as his idea.

`Let's talk about it over a poolside drink whilst we look at the girls.' He said giving what he thought was a man-to-man knowing grin.

I insisted on buying the drinks. Not to curry favour but to let him choose which seat gave the best view of the pool (and the girls). That way, everybody would see him choose it, not me. He was known as a bit of a lecher and I didn't want to be thought of as the same. Also, he would only have half is mind on our conversation as he leered at the women.

I took the drinks over to the table; so engrossed was he that he didn't notice me arrive. He jumped slightly as I placed the drinks on the table. I sat down and sipped my drink, my gaze casually picking out Craig as he swam. He looked wonderful. Greg broke into my reverie.

Look at the tits on Trisha.' He said, far too loudly, Wouldn't you like to get your head between those two beauties?'

I groaned inwardly. What a bloody cretin. At least, he wouldn't be concentrating much on me.

As he blatantly watched the women, I outlined my idea. We'd saved on a car with Mike going. Keep the oldest leased two cars and pass them to new junior staff and so on as I progressed to the outcome I was looking for.

`How does this sound so far Greg?' I asked.

Fine.' He said absentmindedly. Go on.'

I finished my ideas and paused again. After a few seconds he realised I'd stopped talking. He looked at me (at last).

`Send the idea to me in an email.' He said.

That way, he could copy it and send it to the finance director as his own idea. I didn't mind. I said I would.

I waited until he was engrossed watching the pool again before speaking.

`Craig could do with a decent car to go with his new area Greg. He's good and looks the part so will give a good impression to customers. He mentioned it to me so he's obviously keen to be a useful member of the team. With the savings you are proposing regarding the cars, we could easily upgrade him with very little cost.'

I saw Greg pick out Craig with his eyes and follow his course along the pool.

`What are you thinking of?' He asked as he watched. He seemed suddenly alert which slightly disturbed me.

`One of the new BMWs. He feels he's justified in requesting an upgrade and you could demonstrate your faith in his abilities.'

He was silent for a few seconds; his eyes followed Craig's progress. Then he turned towards me, away from the pool. He lent closer to me.

`How desperately does he want it?' He asked softly.

I was surprised not only by the question, but also by the hint of menace in his voice.

`The same as any young man starting out on his career. He's keen, let's capitalise on it.' I said.

This wasn't going as I'd hoped. Rather than mess things up further I felt the best option was to change the subject.

`Another drink Greg?' I asked.

`Not for me.' He said abruptly, and stood up.

`We'll talk this over after dinner tonight – with Craig. Tell him to meet us in your room.' He turned and walked away.

As I watched him walking away, I thought what an ill-mannered bastard he is.

I got myself another drink and went to a less obvious table. As I drank, I cast a casual eye across the pool. I caught Craig looking in my direction so I held up my glass and pointed to it. Craig took the hint and swam to the edge of the pool and got out and headed for the changing room. I noticed Mandie looking disappointed as he walked away. He joined me a few minutes later. I asked him what he'd like to drink and he chose a dry white wine. I got it from the bar and brought it back to our table. As I sat down, he moved the third chair to the next table.

`Mandie's just got out of the pool; I don't want to encourage her to sit with us.' He said by way of explanation.

`Looks as if you got lucky.' I grinned at him.

`Along with every other guy. She's hardly exclusive is she? Anyway, it leaves us some sort of privacy. How did you get along with Greg?'

I paused. `All right up to a point, then he suddenly turned nasty as only he can. He asked me how desperately you wanted the BMW. I gave him a neutral answer which seemed to placate him but then he wants the three us to discuss it in my room after dinner this evening.'

I saw his puzzled look.

`I don't know why either. Just Greg being the puffed-up boss I imagine.' I said, though at the same time being puzzled about Greg's reasons.

Dinner was a convivial affair. Craig and I were on the same table though not adjacent to each other, with a mixture of staff, including Trisha, who acted like a magnate on Greg. He grabbed the seat between Craig and me and started talking far too loudly and swigging back the wine, oblivious of anybody else. The wine flowed, men and women flirted and the noise grew as each tried to talk over the increasing decibels. The company would have saved hundreds of pounds if it had just funded the dinner; it was better team building than two days of boredom.

There were after dinner speeches and when they had thankfully ended, people stated to drift away from the tables and towards the bar. Greg called my name, and then Craig's and nodded his head in the direction of the lifts. It was evidently time for our meeting.

We travelled in silence to the top floor. The noise from the after dinner party diminishing as the lift rose. Craig had a strange look on his face, almost defiant is the best may I can explain it. The sound of Greg breathing heavily filled the enclosed space. When the lift juddered to a stop and the doors opened, Greg was first out; I looked at Craig and raised my eyebrows and shrugged in a signal of bemusement. Craig just nodded, which I couldn't read anything into.

Greg led the way along the corridor, walking straight past my room. He clearly didn't know which one I was in but too arrogant to ask. I stopped at my door and swiped the key card through the electronic lock and pushed the door open.

`It's here.' I called to his departing back, holding the door open.

He turned and came back towards us looking cross. He didn't like looking the fool, which he did quite often but didn't seem to notice or indeed care. He walked straight in. As Craig followed him, he leaned towards me

`Don't worry Stephen, it'll be fine. I've been here before.' He whispered.

I turned to ask him what he meant but Greg broke the contact.

`This is a big room.' Greg said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

He looked around.

`Even a separate bedroom. Where does this door go?' He asked trying the door handle as he did so and finding it locked.

`To the adjoining room.' I said casually.

Greg seemed satisfied with the answer and went around my room inspecting it like some prospective guest.

The adjoining room was Craig's. The door could be unlocked using both individual key cards. One guest couldn't open it without the adjacent guest unlocking it from their side also.

`Why didn't I get this room?' Greg asked.

`All rooms were allocated randomly.' I lied.

He ignored the answer.

Right!' Said Greg in what he thinks is his authoritative voice. Let's get down to business. Craig, tell me why you think you deserve a company BMW.'

Greg,' I interjected, I said that was my view, not Craig's.'

Greg went to speak, but Craig held up his hand.

`It's OK Stephen' leave this to me.'

I was surprised at Craig's intervention, but stayed silent.

Craig then went into his careful mode of speaking. He made it quite clear that he had taken on a larger area. He had to cover additional mileage as a result. His status in the company had risen accordingly. He was now a senior salesman and his profile when visiting companies should reflect that. I have to say that I was proud of Craig as he laid out his reasons. My one problem was that knowing Greg as I did, I could see that he wasn't particularly interested in what Craig was saying. He was just waiting for him to finish speaking. My thought were confirmed when Craig finished speaking.

`How badly do you want this car?' Greg asked in his blunt manner.

`As badly as you want me.' Craig replied.

I looked at him in shock, but he made no move to look at me. He didn't take his eyes off Greg. Glancing at Greg, I could see that he'd been surprised at the response. He also looked like he'd been caught out. I was clearly the last to figure out what Greg's true intentions were.

There was a long silence

It's a deal.' Greg said. Your pretty arse for the car.'

`If you double-cross me Greg; I cry rape back in the office, and Stephen will back me up. Won't you Stephen?'

I couldn't believe that this was happening, but I replied.

`I'll back him up Greg – and also tell them about your last misdemeanour. You will be kicked out the door by the Chairman of the Board in person. Remember he is a moral man, which is more than can be said for you.'

Greg's lust overruled any caution.

`OK, right now, in the bedroom.' Greg ordered.

Craig turned to me.

`It won't take him long Stephen.' He said, turned and walked into the bedroom.

Greg followed and pushed the door closed behind him. It didn't lock however and opened an inch or so and stayed ajar.

My heart was racing; I was sure I could hear it beating in the silence of the room. There were rustling noises coming from the bedroom and then a brief pause. And then I heard the unmistakable sound of Craig gasp. A couple of seconds of silence followed and then muffled gasps and grunts coming from Greg. I moved towards the door and pushed is open a few inches.

Craig was spread-eagled face down on the bed; a pillow under his hips. Greg was pounding into him for all he was worth. The revolting sight of Greg's arse disgusted me, yet I felt a strange feeling of eroticism. I had wanted Craig every day since we had first been to bed together, and now here was the little fat man having his way with him. Craig was right, in less that two minutes, Greg came with a final grunt followed by a gasp and one last thrust into Craig and held it there whilst he finished. I backed away from the door.

There was silence from the bedroom and then the sound of movement. A minute or so later, Greg came out of the room dressed in trousers and shirt and carrying the remainder of his clothes. He didn't break step on his way to the door.

`He's got his car. It was worth every minute of his arse.' Greg leered.

`Worth every second more like.' I said to his departing back. He slammed the door closed behind him.

I pushed open the bedroom door. Craig was still spread-eagled across the bed. He didn't move. He looked quite a sight. His dark hair, almost to his broad shoulders, his lean body at full stretch accentuated his raised and beautifully rounded arse, his long legs parted just as he had been used. He looked both beautiful and vulnerable at the same time. As I feasted my eyes on his prone body, I noticed the cheeks of his arse and its slightly gaping opening were covered in Greg's cum.

Moved by my silence, Craig stirred.

`Stay there.' I said, surprising myself by the firmness in my voice.

Craig relaxed and stayed still.

As quickly as I could, I undressed as I watched him. Standing naked behind him with my cock as hard as I had ever known it, I felt both lust and compassion for him. As I moved towards the bed, Craig parted his legs further releasing a little more of Greg's cum. I knelt between his parted legs and positioned myself behind him. Lubricated by Greg's cum, I slid effortlessly into my lover.

`This is why I stayed here Stephen.' Craig said softly.

I didn't reply. I didn't need to.

With Craig moving in harmony to meet my gentle thrusts, we made love. Time somehow got lost. I can't recall how long we were joined together. My copious precum was lubricant enough. We would stop moving and talk as I lay still inside him. We would move energetically until I was in danger of cumming and then stop. Once, in an attempt to cool down, I withdrew from him and he turned onto his side. We lay together in companionable silence holding each other and gently kissing until he signalled for me to continue my rolling over face down, whereby I slid into him again and we continued our lovemaking. Eventually there inevitably came the moment when I couldn't hold back any longer. Craig sensed the moment and we moved vigorously together for several seconds until I came with an intensity I had never known.

`My God, I can feel your cum flooding me.' Craig gasped as I pushed harder into him.

We lay joined for several minutes and then Craig stirred and suggested that we shower and then open the adjoining room door.

`Will you sleep in my bed with me Stephen?' he asked.

I said I would. We showered together which was a wonderfully intimate feeling. We soaped and rinsed each other and then dried one another. As Craig dried my legs, he playfully took my soft but still swollen penis in his mouth. I think we were both surprised when it stirred.

I checked the corridor to see if it was clear. It was and Craig left and went into his own room. I heard his side of the door unlock and I did the same with my side. As I opened the door, Craig shrugged the bathrobe off.

`Come to my bed Stephen.' He said softly.

We curled around each other. As some point we slept.

My next sensation was one of waking to a pleasant warm sensation. As I gained consciousness I realised that my penis was warm and stirring; when almost fully awake I was aware that Craig had awoken me by taking my penis into his mouth. It was barely light. I moved and he anticipated my reaction by turning so that we lay side-by-side, each taking the other's growing cock into our mouth. It was a warm and gentle time with no hint of rushing or outward passion. It was a time of mutual giving. I don't recall who triggered the other; what I do vividly recall is the wonderful feeling of cumming in Craig's mouth whilst he did the same into mine. When we had drained each other, we moved to fondly kiss, our joined cum spilling out and coating our joined lips. We stayed like this for a little while before moving to lie beside each other. Neither of us had spoken.

We awoke late. I quickly went into my room and showered and headed to restaurant for breakfast. Luckily some others were late so nobody commented when I arrived or appeared to notice when Craig came in later. Greg was last in and just helped himself to a huge breakfast without talking to anyone.

The second day passed uneventfully and we headed to our various homes. Craig and I agreed to meet in a couple of days time in the pub we both used.

Craig got his BMW and continued to excel in his job, getting plaudits from the director (and me of course). We have kept up our discreet liaisons for some time now. We meet at Craig's house some evenings and sometimes at weekends when my wife is away visiting distant family. Our days are spent largely in bed enjoying each others company and just being naked together listening to music or sharing a bottle of wine. Over this time, he has been gradually acclimatising me to accepting his cock inside me. Years of taboo have taken some time to slip away to enable me to relax and accept the thought of being penetrated. That I want to is not in doubt. He began gently with his finger and over the weeks I have been able to relax. When alone at home I have tried my wife's vibrator and found it quite easy.

Today we I are leaving on a two day business trip. In reality, we are spending the two days together at his house. We intend to just relax and let matters take their course.

I know that I am ready, and Craig knows it too.

The author would be pleased to receive constructive comments on this story at mr_blue_skies@hotmail.co.uk

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