Abuse of Authority

By Blue Skies

Published on Apr 25, 2010


A mature manager tricks his way into the bed of a younger employee.

The author would be pleased to receive constructive comments on this first part of a two part story at mr_blue_skies@hotmail.co.uk

I had been keeping an eye on Craig for a while now. I am his manager so it is quite in order for me to ask how his job is going and talk over his career prospects. For some time I had thought about testing out an idea of mine but there was no rush as there is plenty of time I kept telling myself (mainly to give myself the excuse to do nothing). But now there wasn't plenty of time. I either had to act in the next few days or not at all; in two weeks it would be too late. My silent bluff had been called. I left the office that day deep in thought.

The next day, I made some reason to speak with Craig; he'd been travelling all day so I made a casual meeting to see how he had got on with his programme of sales. He said he had done well and felt sure he would exceed his monthly target (not too difficult as I'd set it lower than his rival colleagues). We talked for a few minutes and then, looking around conspiratorially, I asked quietly if we could have a private talk, but not here in the office. He agreed and I suggested meeting at a quiet country pub en route to our respective homes after work. That was the easy bit I told myself.

We met as arranged and I bought a couple of drinks and indicated a quiet table in the far corner, away from the bar. We sat and sipped our drinks. I calmed myself down and started on my plan.

I explained that this conversation was in strictest confidence and that I would, if pressed, deny it had ever taken place. Craig agreed, so I set out on the journey I had planned so often but had lacked the courage to begin; not only to discover if my feelings regarding Craig were accurate but, as importantly, to face up to my thoughts about myself.

I told him that the company needed to reduce its staffing levels and merge sales areas. I explained that there are two areas in the south-west of England, one covering Somerset, Devon and Cornwall, and the other Gloucestershire and Worcestershire. Currently, the former is Craig's area, and the latter is Mike's, Craig's colleague and rival. I emphasised the rival bit. I told him that it was up to me to make the decision but that I had a problem in that Craig is a single man and that Mike has family commitments.

I had to make some hard decisions and needed some direction from him I said. Did I identify his post for redundancy; he would probably find another, or should it be Mike's who would find it difficult to find a post nearer to home?

Craig told me that he also had a home locally which he'd recently purchased. I feigned surprise, although I already knew this as I'd confirmed details of his salary to his mortgage company. I indicated that I hadn't realised this and that I'd have to rethink my plans.

We parted with me wondering if my plan would work and Craig thinking his job may be on the line – but that I had some influence on the outcome. I deliberately avoided him for a couple of days to keep up the suspense before engineering a situation to talk to him again. It was quite easy as he'd been trying to casually meet me' but I'd been too busy.' Towards the end of the day, I met him as if by chance and said that I'd like to talk to him privately again. He said he would be glad to.

This is where it could go wrong.

I paused in order to calm myself and, consequently, my voice.

`Do you know of anywhere private?' I asked him casually.

He didn't hesitate.

What about my house?' he responded quickly, and then continued, it's near your route home so not unduly out of your way.'

I paused as if thinking it over; in reality, I was calming myself to sound casual. It had worked out as I had hoped so far.

Okay,' I said casually, give me the address and a time and I'll meet you there.'

`Six o'clock.' He replied promptly, giving me his address.

`Six it is.' I said and returned to my office.

Once there, I `phoned my wife. I occasionally worked late so it was easy to do.

Hello darling,' I said, I have to work late this evening; the usual reasons as ever.'

She told me not to worry and that she wouldn't wait up.

I watched from my office as Craig drove off for our meeting. I left it for twenty minutes before I followed. I wanted him to worry that I may not turn up. When I was about five minutes away from his house, my mobile rang. It was Craig; I smiled to myself and ignored it. When I drew up outside his house, he was stood in the doorway waiting.

He closed the door behind me and showed me through to the living room. I was subtly lit and warm. He offered me a drink. I asked if he had any vodka. He smiled with pleasure as he said that he did. He left to get the drink and I sat down on the large sofa. The room was sparsely furnished but comfortable; I was relieved to see how clearly established it all was, giving an air of permanence and security. Something I was about to play on. I was nervous as I waited.

Craig returned and offered me my glass. He raised his glass towards me and I raised mine in response, but deliberately not making eye contact. It unnerved him as I hoped it would.

`How are things going on the restructuring?' He asked directly.

With some difficulty,' I said, and continued, `I still haven't found a way around the dilemma about you and Mike. It's a difficult call between a single man and one with family commitments; it would have been easier if you weren't settled here. A single man is much more mobile. I just don't know how to decide.'

There followed a long silence. During it, I fought the feelings I thought I'd buried for many years. It was a long time ago and something which had got easier to repress as the years passed but now the feeling surfaced again in the presence of this good-looking young man 20 years my junior, somebody in whom I thought I'd read the signs. I could be so wrong. I had to know.

Craig broke into my reverie.

`Is there anything I could do to sway your decision?' He asked softly.

I drew a deep breath. It was now or never. My buried thoughts rose to the surface.

`How come a good looking boy like you lives alone Craig?'

I'd spoken the unthinkable.

He didn't immediately answer. He looked at me for a while.

`I'm content on my own; it suits me and my style of life. I don't mind at all living on my own. I can do as I like and rule my own life. It works until I get into a situation such as I am in now.'

It was a couple of seconds before I realised that he was begging a question. I filled the ensuing silence.

`What is the situation you find yourself in?'

Once again being attracted to a mature man in authority', he said softly, and one who holds my immediate future in his hands.'

My heart raced as I struggled to contain my thoughts - and my excitement.

I took two deep and silent breaths.

`Help me decide Craig.'

He put down his glass and crossed the room towards me. I stood as he did so.

He stood in front of me and then slowly knelt before me. He looked up at me, his eyes half closed, his lips slightly parted, but said nothing. I unzipped my fly and pulled out my rapidly hardening cock. Already I was leaking precum, a heavy drop formed on the end. I moved slightly and gently wiped the head of my cock across his parted lips. As I did so, I milked a further heavy drop and coated his lips further until they glistened. I looked down at him; his eyes were closed. I pulled away, lowered my head and kissed his softly on his lips, slippery with my precum. I moved my mouth over his in a slow movement. He parted his lips and I gently probed his mouth with my tongue and he with his in mine, tasting the saltiness of my precum as we did so.

The years of repression fell away as the sensuality of kissing another man washed over me. After some time we drew apart and looked at each other, saying nothing. A short while later, Craig stood up and offered me his hand. I took it and he turned and headed for the door. I followed him up the stairs, trying to put my rigid cock away as I did so.

We entered his bedroom. It was dominated by the large bed and not much else. He turned to face me. We embraced and kissed again. I started to undo his shirt as we did so. It wasn't easy so we mutually parted and, still facing each other, undressed. He dropped his shorts and stood looking at me as I did the same. He looked magnificent; his circumcised penis stood proudly erect and of an enviable length. I was also hard but less well endowed due, I suppose, partly to my mature years. We stood for a short while and then Craig lay on his back across the bed.

I followed and lay on top of him, and any inhibitions melted away. I kissed him with feeling and passion but tempered with some restraint. I moved down his body, sucking on his nipples and feeling his hard cock pressing against me as I travelled down his torso. I hesitated as I reached my goal, savouring the moment; it had been a long time. I took him into my mouth.

The years rolled away as I milked precum from him in an attempt to satiate my thirst for his young cock. I sucked, licked, stoked and drank from him. I was almost beyond caring when he grabbed my hair and pulled me away from him. I reluctantly let go of him.

`It's my turn.' He said, by way of explanation.

I moved up the bed as he moved down. He didn't pause on the way. The first thing I felt was the warm of his mouth enveloping my cock. Now I can recall how different it felt to my wife's mouth on me – and how uniquely sensual.

I lay back, barely able to contain my excitement and the overwhelming desire to cum. After no more than a minute, I had to pull away from him as I was about to lose any vestige of control.

`Wait.' I said.

Craig raised his head and smiled at me.

`Don't go away.' He said and rolled away from me and got up from the bed.

He left the room and returned a few moments later, holding something in his hand. He lay down beside me offering it to me.

`Lube.' He said simply.

This was more that I had hoped for.

I took it without saying anything. Craig turned and lay on is front, his legs slightly splayed. I needed no further invitation.

I sat beside him and squeezed some of the slippery and slightly fragrant oil into the palm of my hand. I gently rubbed the cheeks and then the cleft of his smooth, firm arse, going deeper in until I was running my fingers across the opening of his arse. I parted his rounded cheeks and applied a second load of lube directly onto his opening. As I gently placed my hand back into the cleft, he raised his arse slightly to meet me. I lightly pressed the tip of a finger to his opening, introducing a little lube into him. I repeated this a couple of times and then pushed my finger fully into him. As I did so he raised his lovely arse to greet my finger.

Within a few strokes I could move my finger in and out of him smoothly and he matched my rhythm.

I pulled my finger from him and manoeuvred myself to kneel between his parted legs. I applied more lube to his open arse and also directly onto my cock. This was all done in silence as I stroked myself to cover it completely. Putting the tube to one side, I moved to place the tip of my cock to the opening of his arse. He pressed himself against me. I responded by pressing into him. In one movement, I slid fully into him.

I had forgotten just how sensuous it is to be so intimate with a man. His arse felt tight and warm and the cheeks of his firm arse pressing into my stomach. It felt so manly. I rested there for a minute or so, kissing the back of his neck as I willed myself to calm down. Once I felt confident, I started to move in and out of him. It felt indescribably lovely.

We spent some time moving together, stopping to prevent me cumming or to apply more lube. My excitement was just beneath the surface throughout so, to retain some vestige of control, the pauses became more frequent. I tried to tear my mind away from what was happening but it was difficult; I'd unleashed my long buried feelings and they had returned with a vengeance. Inevitably, I could no longer contain the release my balls demanded and I thrust deeply into him as the first wave of my orgasm hit me. I heard him grunt but I didn't pull back, my overwhelming instinct was to cum inside him as deeply as I could. And cum I did; I heard myself making guttural sound as each successive wave hit me; the urge to contract my body with each spasm denied me as I clung to the full length of him.

Eventually, the intensity faded and then stopped. For some time we lay quietly, still joined together until Craig's arse muscles won over the intrusion of my softening cock, expelling me gently and back into reality.

`Lay beside me.' Craig said softly.

I moved off him and to his side. He turned as I did so. I raised my arm and he unhesitatingly moved nearer, placing his head on my shoulder. Saying nothing, we lay as two lovers for some while, occasionally lightly kissing but with our lips barely touching. After a while, I pulled away. Craig looked up in alarm.

`Where are you going?' he asked, a slight panic in his voice.

`I have some unfinished business to attend to.' I replied, and moved down the bed.

His half-hard penis slipped easily between my lips and I felt the pleasurable sensation of a cock hardening in my mouth. Believe me, it is a wonderful feeling.

I gently slipped him in and out of my mouth without touching him with my hands. As I did so, he moved against me in a sensuous, making love kind of way. Using no more than my mouth on him, I took him to the point of cumming. Only then did I grasp his cock to prevent him pushing it deep into my throat as the first jet of cum erupted from him. The warmth and taste of it hit me at the same time and I gladly milked him as he thrashed about, trying to push his spurting cock deeper into my mouth. When my mouth had filled, his cum leaked from me, running down his cock and over my hand. Ultimately, he slowed and then ceased cumming. As his cock started softening, I let it slip from my mouth, closing my lips around it as it went. I moved up the bed.

Craig anticipated my movement. As my head drew level with his, he parted his lips. I kissed him fully on his open mouth, parting my lips as I did so. He responded passionately as his cum flowed from my mouth into his and I matched his fervour by responding in kind. We slid our lips across each others and around our mouths as we hungrily kissed, moving his cum from one to the other with our tongues. After a time we calmed down and lay together as before.

We were quiet for a while, and then Craig's voice broke through my reverie.

`Has this helped you to decide?'

`I was halfway to my decision before this.' I said.

I deliberately paused, determined to say nothing further. I held my breath, waiting.

Craig broke the contrived silence.

`If I stayed, we could meet like this again.'

`The same thought crossed my mind Craig.'

`It's decided then?' He asked, a hint of expectation in his voice.

`Yes.' I said.

`Thank you.' He said, and hugged me as he lightly kissed me.

I'd better be leaving.' I said. May I use your shower?'

Yes of course,' he said, I'll go and start it for you.'

I watched him as he walked away from the bed. His lithe body looked good, but what looked so erotic were the traces of lube in the cleft of his arse. Even more so though was the thread of my cum leaking from him and onto the inside of his legs. Surprisingly my cock stirred at the sight.

I showered and dressed. Craig put on a bathrobe.

As I was about to leave, he said my name.


I turned to face him.

`Thank you.' He said simply.

`Thank you Craig.' I said in return.

I drove home, my mind racing. Getting home late wasn't a problem, it happened all the time. It was facing my wife. Now that I had set free my years of self-imposed denial; could I preserve what we had?

I worked from home for the next two days. Towards the end of the second day, the senior manager said that we needed to address the staffing reduction tomorrow and that he wanted me there. I wasn't looking forward to it.

The senior manager, Greg, is a harsh man. The thought of somebody losing their job doesn't bother him. It's good for the company he says to make tough decisions. He is a bullying autocrat.

Mike took it badly and I genuinely felt for him. Greg clearly didn't mind and dismissed him almost with contempt.

Greg switched on the charm for Craig. He (Greg) was ebullient and full of bonhomie. He enjoyed showing off his power and authority. He never tried it with me though. An incident in the distant past gave me a certain hold on him. Nothing heavy, but something he'd rather others didn't know about.

He told Craig about how he (Greg) ran his section of the company and made hard decisions as only a manager can. He went on for a while and then got to the point.

I've had to make some tough decisions regarding staffing Craig. I've merged two areas and I want you to take sole charge of it.' He paused. I've had to let Mike go.' He said, full of his own importance.

Craig stammered his thanks. Greg sat back in his chair and smiled at him.

`Didn't you know this was coming?' Greg asked.

Craig shook his head.

`I made my decision over a couple of weeks ago and told Stephen. It's a credit to his confidentiality that he never told anybody.'

Greg had blown my duplicity by, of all things, praising me!

Craig glanced in my direction but I avoided his look. He now knew I'd duped him. I saw the chances of meeting Craig again disappearing before my eyes.

Greg carried on talking rubbish and then said I could leave as he discussed terms and salary with Craig.

I gratefully stood up and, giving a quick nod in Craig's direction, left them to it.

I picked up my brief case; pausing by Craig's desk on the way out, I decided to leave a note to say I'd be at the pub if he wanted to talk. That way, I could get the matter out of the way. I left with a heavy heart; I'd tricked my way into Craig's bed and now I'd been found out.

I ordered a beer and sat at the table we had occupied a week or so ago. I was gazing into space, my drink untouched, when a voice interrupted my thoughts.

`Do you mind if I join you?'

Craig stood there with a drink in his hand. I nodded and he sat beside me on the bench. We sat in silence fro a few seconds.

`You start.' Craig said.

I was blunt and truthful (albeit a little late I admit). I explained that I'd noticed him and that he had awoken thoughts deeply buried within me. I wasn't sure if he held the same feelings but something told me he just might. I lacked the courage to find out for fear of rejection and accusations that I'd propositioned him. Something Greg would have found great delight in sacking me for, whatever hold I had on him. When Greg told me that he was going to let Mike go and keep Craig I saw a chance to explore if my instincts about him had been correct.

I looked around again to see if anyone had sat nearby; they hadn't and we were still privately seated in the booth. I told him how much I had enjoyed our time together and the hope he'd held out that we may meet again. I looked directly at him.

`I'm genuinely sorry Craig. Please accept my apology; it was wrong of me I know. I'm sorry.'

He said nothing for a few seconds.

It really doesn't matter Stephen,' he said softly, sliding his hand discreetly over my crotch, we can still meet again. I'd like to very much.'

We said our goodbyes in the darkened car park. We sat in my car for a while before parting. We agreed that we would both like to meet again when we found a safe moment to do so and agreed to keep work contact to the same as before. He understood my situation; I was relived and excited at the same time.

As he went to get out of the car, he paused.

`How about getting me a more upmarket car to reflect my elevated status and enable me to cover my bigger area?' He asked, smiling.

`I think I could swing that; I'll run it past Greg. What do you have in mind?'

`Something better than my standard rep-mobile Vauxhall. A BMW would suit me well.'

`I'll need to wait to catch him in one of his bumptious moods when I can flatter him and get him to be generous with the company's money; but it shouldn't be difficult.' I said.

`Great!' He said, evidently pleased.

I watched as he got into his `standard rep-mobile' Vauxhall and drive away.

I started the car and headed for home.

Part 2 to follow

The author would be pleased to receive constructive comments on this first part of a two part story at mr_blue_skies@hotmail.co.uk

Next: Chapter 2

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