Abuse in Seclusion

By Rudy Punt

Published on Oct 31, 2023


He walked, with caution, to the wooded area he was ordered to walk to, it was secluded and the only people who went there were aggressive Tops and submissive bottoms, he was the later and craved abuse, humiliation and pain, to be treated as less than the man he was when he was in public. He came prepared as ordered, cleaned inside and out, holding a 2 litre club soda and soap enema that caused constant cramps, a large metal butt plug in and a very small chastity cage holding his 8 inch cock – for that he had to put ice on his cock to get it on, now it was snug. For clothing he wore baggy workout shorts and a tank top, no underwear- as ordered. On his wrists were cuffs locked on. He had to send the key to both the cuffs and chastity cage to the Man he was meeting in advance.

He approached the clearing as he was ordered, in the middle there was a post with a bar at the top, kind of like a hanging post and hanging from it was hanging a chain. He approached the post, stripped as ordered and attached his wrist cuffs to the chain, clamping the lock that was there on to the wrist cuffs. To do this he had to stand tall and on his toes, so that when he was totally locked he basically hung there, exposed and totally vulnerable, toes barely touching the ground. The stretch increased the pressure on his abdomen where the club soda mixture was gurgling, yet he could do nothing to elevate the cramps. The cramps were forcing him to get hard or at least the feeling of getting hard, the metal cage prevented the actual physical action. As he hung there he knew that the Man may not be alone, other Men and boys could join in, and he would have no say in it, this excited him more.

The air was warm and his tall body glistened in the late afternoon sun as he started to sweat from the sun and from the cramps. The large, heavy metal butt plug continued to help fill him.

The Man walked into the clearing and smiled. He was dressed in tight jeans and a t-shirt. His chest and bulge putting pressure on the material in the right places. He walked up to the boy, standing back and observing him hanging there, then very quickly kicked the boy in the balls, that is when the boy realized the Man had steel toed boots on. The boy tried to protect himself, but trussed the way he was, all he could do was moan. The Man instructed the boy not to let the pressure push out the butt plug.

The Man dropped his knapsack on the ground and opened it, he withdrew a catheter in a sealed package, he put on latex gloves, withdrew the catheter from its package, lubed it up. He approached the boy, took his caged cock and slowly started to push the catheter in his piss hole, taking time to twist and turn to ensure the boy was in the most discomfort he could be. When it was well placed in the boy's bladder, he took out a syringe and filled the balloon with saline. The boy withered in discomfort, moaning lightly and carefully so as not to annoy the Man. The catheter was clamped and remained clamped all the while the boy was feeling the need to piss, but of course was at the Man's mercy. The man then took a 500 ml syringe filled with saline, put it on the end of the catheter, unclamped it and pushed the saline into the boy's bladder. He quickly clamped the catheter closed again. Now the boy was full, his abdomen fully extended. The pressure in his bladder coupled with the pressure in his but made him really uncomfortable, he wanted to dance about to relieve the pressure but couldn't because of how he was tied

`When are you really going to hurt him' the boy heard from behind him.

Patience, he needs to be properly prepared and besides he has 2 litres in his hole that I am sure is cramping him well and ½ a litre in his bladder. Go ahead and punch him in the nuts if you want or kick him.' The man said. We don't want to damage him I have a lot planned for him.

All of a sudden the boy felt a boot contact his balls from behind square in the nuts, then once more and finally a kick right to his hole, hitting the butt plug, pushing it deep. The pain was intense and the boy let out a loud moan. `Enough of this noise' the Man said and retrieved a large dental gag and forced it into the boys mouth. Then he cranked it open, the boy thought his jaw would come unhinged as the Man clicked it as wide as it could go. The man stood back and smiled and hawked up a huge lougie, and spit in the boys mouth. The other Man came around and did the same, only aiming for his face so spit was rolling down the boys face and a huge gob was lying on his tongue. The boys Man then told him to stick his tongue out and he placed 2 clothes pins on the end of it so even if the boy wanted to swallow he could not. He started to drool.

Next the Man took out some alligator clips and put those on the boy's nipples, harsh tight clips with teeth that bit into the boy's skin. The boy's cock wanted to get hard, but it couldn't. `Well I think this is a good way to start' said the Man. He then took a strap out and flexed it in front of the boy, snapping it a couple of times in the air. Then allowed it to come in contact with the boy's back, he continued the strapping for 20 hits, each coming in contact with the boy's back or butt cheeks. Each hit made the boy move and each hit made the fluids being held in the boy move and cause more cramps. The boy was sure he had welts on his back and he would be bruised – exactly what he wanted, to wear the pain and abuse proudly.

The Man then turned to the other Man and asked if he wanted a turn. He said he did but wanted to use a cane on the boy's ass. He grabbed a long, thin cane and drew back and hit the boy's ass, he repeated this, crisscrossing the boy's ass, allowing no strike to miss. The pain of a cane is deep and intense and 10 strokes later the boy was almost sobbing, he knew his ass was covered in welts from the cane and tomorrow or later today it would be difficult to sit, yet the need to get hard didn't go away. The boy could feel the pressure on his cock against the metal of the cage. His cramps and full bladder did not make taking the pain any easier.

The Man came up to the boy and had a pair of rubber pants and ordered the boy to step into them. The boy exposed his self and the man pulled the pants on. The rubber pants were big, something someone might wear over a diaper, with tight elastic around each leg opening and waist. The Man then took a whip in his hand and said to the boy that he could lose his enema if he wanted, but only while he was being whipped and could force the butt plug from his ass. The boy knew he was clean but really didn't want to sit in his own enema fluids , but he had no choices as the whip first caught him on his left pec, then his right and then right on the alligator clamp on his left nipple and so on. Each whip was somewhere on his body between his knees and upper chest, either front or back. Each hit was intense and the boy tried to relax his hole while he tried to endure the hits. He could not say much since he still had the gag in and there were still clothes pins attached to his tongue, drool constantly dripped from his mouth on to his chest. Finally as the man hit the second alligator clip off of his nipple the boy felt a relief as the butt plug popped out and the liquid in his body filled his rubber pants – thankfully it was clean and warm as it surrounded his balls, and filled the rubber pants. But the boy still had a full bladder of piss and saline.

The boy was sore, he had welts over his back and thighs from the strap, welts and bruises on his ass from the cane and bruises and welts all over from the whip and he as so turned on. He was always proud to wear bruises from the Man, knowing that they both were turned on by the marking

Finally the Man went to let him down, first one arm, and then the other and they were quickly retied behind him, again locked in place. He was made to lie on his back, and then his legs were pulled over his head so that he was looking at his encased cock through the rubber pants. He arms were secured so they were pulled behind and down and his legs were tied over his head and pulled up, so that, had he been flexible enough he could have sucked his own cock and the boy's mouth was still open. The Man then leaned forward, took the clothes pins off the boys tongue, but left the clamp in place, making sure the boy could turn his head and then cut a hole in the rubber pants right over the boy's face about the size of a dime. The liquid started to drain from the pants right onto the boys face and into his mouth. It tasted disgusting and felt disgusting as it dribbled over his face, down his neck and into his hair and into his mouth. Eventually the enema liquid stopped and the boy lay there, extremely uncomfortable and wet. The Man then reached and pulled the catheter tube and aimed that at the boys mouth, taping it to the mouth gag and let the clamp go, the liquid, both piss and saline started to drain into the boy's mouth forcing the boy to swallow. As the boy was swallowing the Man took a paddle and started to hit the boy's balls hard, each contact making the boy squirm, he continued this counting slowly until the boy stopped draining on himself. The hitting stopped at 33 swats right on the balls. Then the Man stood up, pulled his cock out and started to piss on the boy but all of a sudden the boy felt several streams hitting him all over and he saw at least 4 other Men pissing on him all in different states of arousal and all aiming to cover him from head to toe in piss. When they were done, one of the Men asked if they wanted a beer, they all agreed and left the boy laying in the uncomfortable position his Man said the boy need a good ball hit from each before they took a break and his Man started it by punching him square in his exposed balls, then each of the other 4 men did it, each taking time to line up the punch and ensure he hit the boy well. The boy could only groan as he felt the pain radiate up his extended legs, and into his gut. Piss dribbled slowly out of the catheter and the boy could just lay there, hard – sort of and very horny.

Feedback is appreciated ball_pain@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2

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