
By Bob E

Published on May 3, 2003



His name was Abu and he claimed to be 19. Actually, due to his feminine looks and stature he appeared to be much younger; but not knowing of any reason to doubt him, I didn't.

Abu was 7 years of age when Hussein invaded Kuwait. At the time he lived with his father, mother, and younger sister. Because his father and mother had been educated in London, Abu and his sister were fluent in English as well as their native tongue. Their father was a biological scientist for Sadam and so the family lived in relative splendor in an upscale suburb of Baghdad.

Shortly after the invasion, Abu's father was in Paris for a scientific gathering. It was there that he was contacted by the CIA for information concerning Hussein's weapons. Upon his return to Baghdad, he was arrested, tortured, and finally beheaded as a traitor. Abu, his mother, and his sister were exiled to a small village in Southern Iraq, to live with Abu's maternal grandmother. However, even after their exile, they were not forgotten by Sadam's secret police.

Near his 16th birthday, the police entered Abu's home and presented him with an opportunity. He was to accompany them to a Fedayeen training camp or else his mother would be executed and his sister raped, and then executed. They told Abu that by becoming a suicide soldier, he could atone for his father's traitorous acts,

A few days later Abu and another boy Omar, who was 17, arrived at the camp at Al Hillah. Following the evening meal and the final prayer, the boys were taken to an underground bunker by a number of older recruits (18-19 years old). The boys were told to strip naked, then each boy, while being held by several of the older youths, was sodomized multiple times until all of the older soldiers had expended their pent-up sexual needs. The soldiers had recently been graduated from the camp, and since they were on their way to perform the ultimate sacrifice for the state, they had been given the time with the new recruits.

Later, alone in their quarters, Omar sobbed and felt ashamed and humiliated. Abu, on the other hand, although sore and bleeding from his anus, had a sense of self-discovery, namely that he had secretly enjoyed the assault. His only regret was that he had not had the opportunity to experience orgasm whilst being raped.

After the first night, the two boys were not touched again; for it would be sometime before the next group was ready for graduation, and by then, newer recruits would be available.

For Abu however, a need to be dominated had been and he soon coerced Omar into a nearly nightly penetration of his sphincter. Omar enjoyed the role of dominator and since he was not being subjected to penetration, he performed willingly.

Shortly after their graduation in 2002, Abu and Omar, following instructions, went to Baghdad and enrolled in the University. Their orders were to remain inactive until they were needed.

Abu, Omar, and two other boys not in the Fedayeen, shared a room together while attending classes. Soon the two other boys began to interact with Abu and Omar in their nightly sexual activities. One boy, Abdula, had been raised by his mother and four older sisters. In the group of four youths, he assumed the role of wife to the other three, and was always the submissive partner. During their time together, Abdul fell in love with Abu and was the only true homosexual of the group.

During the invasion of Baghdad by the United States, severe damage was inflicted on the University and all classes were suspended. The boys however, continued to occupy the room together since all civilian and governmental authority had collapsed.


I arrived at the Baghdad International Airport in July. I had recently signed a contract with the American company responsible for re-building Iraq's infrastructure. My expertise is with power substations.

Upon arrival, I quickly passed through the customs being managed by the USA. After searching in vain for the limousine to the Palestine hotel, I took my suitcase and lap top computer in hand and headed outside. Used to the strict anti-smoking rules in US airports I went outside to have a much desired cigarette.

I happened to glance to my right and my eye settled on Abu. At about 5'4" tall, and I guessed about 100 pounds soaking wet, with short black hair and long girlish eyelashes, I couldn't tear my gaze away. Suddenly my two year abstinence from sex, following the premature death of Peter, my male lover, caught up with me. I felt the deep stirring of my loins and suddenly had an erection as I looked at the youth. As I stared at him, he discovered my interest. Looking directly at me, he gave me the most wonderful smile. As I watched his eyes, they swept downward as he surveyed my crotch. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I was wearing rather tight fitting blue jeans, and it suddenly occurred to me that my erection must be apparent.

I was so engrossed in this perfect young man that I didn't see the limousine for my hotel pull up to the curb, and then away. I caught a glimpse of it as it accelerated and made the turn away from the concourse. I tried waving but to no avail. I gave up in despair and lit another cigarette, wondering how long until the next limo came along. Suddenly Abu was by my side, asking in perfect King's English if I needed a cab. I was about to say no, but he had already made a hand signal to what I can only describe as an obvious "rogue" cab across the street. The cabbie, oblivious to traffic, squealed across the roadway and to a halt in front of me. As the cabbie came around the car, Abu held out his hand for me to shake and introduced himself as Abu, and the cabbie as Omar. I told them my name was George. Abu grinned and asked "like Mr. Bush?"

"Yes", I replied, like Mr. Bush; and that's how he introduced me to Omar, as Mr. Bush.

I rode in the back seat of the taxi, and Abu rode in the front. As we rode, he rotated his head toward me and said "You like boys I think, no?". It was uncanny that he had picked my desires up so quickly, although perhaps my stares at the airport had given me away. I didn't respond though, remembering that Muslims regard homosexuality with even more disdain than Republicans. My lack of response however didn't deter Abu, for as we arrived at the hotel and I was getting out he said "I will be your boy, Yes?".

Omar told me that the fare was $5 US. In any city in the USA, the ride would have cost up to 10 times that amount so I gave him two $5's for which he seemed grateful. He gave me a card written in Arabic except for the phone number and told me to call whenever I needed a taxi.

I went to the boot of the cab to retrieve my luggage (I was still carrying my lap top). The trunk was open and was empty and in a moment of panic I thought perhaps Abu had walked off with the goods. However, as I looked toward the hotel entrance I saw him arguing with the bell hop about who would have possession of the suitcase. Abu won the was of words and proudly accompanied me into the hotel.

At the desk the woman clerk asked in English who I was and did I have a reservation. I gave her my name (my real name, not Mr. Bush). She acted pleased that my name was in her computer and then, looking at Abu, asked if I still wanted a room with a single bed, or did I now need two beds. I told her a single bed would be fine. I happened to glance at Abu when I said that and suddenly realized that he may have misinterpreted, especially from the wicked grin he flashed at me.

Abu and I followed the bell man to the elevator and to the room. After a moderate tip, he departed and Abu and I explored the place. I was feeling quite tired from jet lag and was about to ask Abu to leave when he spoke and said that he had to leave. He asked when he should return and although I had made a mental promise not to get further involved with him, I told him I wanted to sleep until 6 o'clock that evening (it was just past noon). He looked confused and I amended my statement to 1800.

I didn't watch as he left but instead headed for the shower. After washing the grime and sweat of travel from myself I laid naked on the top of the bed and went promptly to sleep.

It was my pending orgasm that awakened me. I had been having an exotic dream in which Peter, my lover of some 10 years until his accidental demise caused by a drunken driver, was performing oral sex on me. As the ejaculation started I opened my eyes, to discover that Abu was sitting on the bed, fully clothed, with my cock in his mouth. I couldn't have stopped if I had wanted too and instead began shooting stream after stream of semen into his throat. I was amazed. Not even Peter had been able to accommodate my heavy ejaculate flow but Abu was taking all I gave and spilling none. In fact he managed to swallow every last sperm I spewed.

When he finally released me I asked how he had gotten into the room. He smiled and said he had taken my key when he left before.

I dressed quickly for I had an appointment at 1900 with the project manager of the renewal team in a nearby government building. I noticed a strange suitcase on the floor as Abu and I departed the room. I asked to whom it belonged and he told me it was his. Apparently he was moving in whether I wanted him or not (which I increasingly did).

The guard would not let Abu enter the building where I was to have the meeting so I gave him some money and suggested he wait across the street at a sidewalk cafe until I was finished. When I emerged some 2 hours later, Abu saw me and hurried over. We then walked the streets of Baghdad until we found a restaurant to his liking and partook of our evening meal.

We returned to the room where upon he announced that he would use the shower. Seemingly without modesty he stripped naked there in front of me. His beauty extended to the rest of his body. I mentioned before that outwardly he appeared to be younger than his professed 19 years, but when I saw what he carried between his legs, I lost all doubt. His cock was not that of a younger boy. Rather, and apparently in the tradition of Arab males, he was well hung and even in his semi-turgid state was longer and thicker than I could achieve with maximum erection. His balls were large and were sagging low. His penis was perfectly shaped and the skin was smooth without any veins protruding. He was circumcised (he told me since he was 6 years of age) and his length hung downward in a graceful arc out from his abdomen. He was not overly hairy though. In fact his chest was devoid of hair and he had not yet felt a razor on his face. A thin, wispy dark trail of pubic hair traveled from his naval to his groin where he had grown a wondrously thick nest of black silky hair. His legs were also mostly devoid of hair except down toward his ankles where growth was just beginning to creep upward. When he walked away from me I saw that his firm buttocks were also smooth, except for a dark swath of hair that filled the crack between his globes. His legs, being so thin, allowed me to see the low hanging ball sack swinging as he deliberately "swished" his way to the shower. At the door to the bath he turned and said "you will shower with me, yes?"

At that moment however, we heard the call for evening prayers. Abu quickly retrieved his trousers and shirt and then pulled his prayer rug from his open suitcase. Kneeling and facing toward the general direction of Mecca, he alternately kneeled, then prostrated himself as he participated in his ritual.

Following the prayer, he again disrobed (I did likewise) and although I had just showered a few hours earlier, I remembered how much fun Peter and I used to have together in the shower, so I joined Abu.

I stood behind Abu in the narrow stall. Reaching around him I began to stroke his beautiful shaft which blossomed to full erection. I literally could wrap my hand around his shaft at the base and still move my hand another half a hand before I even touched the base of his glans. With my free hand I reached beneath him and ran my fingers along the haired crevice of his ass. I quickly found Abu's pleasure cavity and slipped a finger in as deeply as I could. His cock was becoming hot to the touch and with a shutter of his body, his anus clamped tightly around my probing finger, and his cock stiffened in orgasm as rope after rope of semen shot against the wall of the shower. Abu had nearly collapsed onto his knees as he ejaculated. He regained his balance however as the surging subsided. I removed my finger and soaped my hands to wash off his beautiful shaft. As I did, Abu put his hands against the wall, spread his legs apart and said "You fuck me now, Yes?".

I told him no, not yet. For the entire time Peter and I were together, we never used a condom. Both of us were virgins when we met, and neither of us had strayed during our life together. With Abu however, I knew nothing of his history although I was certain he had been with other men. So I told him that first we get dry, then I would love him on the bed after I had put on a condom.

I tried to get him to kneel on the bed, with his face on the pillow, and his ass near the edge; but he refused that position. He said it was too close to his prayer position. Instead, he laid on his back with his head on the pillow, and pulled his thin legs up and over his head, lifting his treasure throve into the air. I saw then that I was correct about his history. His anus was not pristine, but was surrounded with stretch marks from previous penetrations.

He contorted himself so he could see me as I opened a condom foil pack. He asked what I was doing and I told him I was putting on a condom. He told me he had never had anyone use a condom before.

Penetration was as easy as I had expected. Soon we were working together in a rhythm that had Abu alternately tightening, then loosening his sphincter as I withdrew then thrust. Midway, Abu changed position and encircled my torso with his legs. As I neared climax, I tried to kiss him, but he turned his head away. He told me that he didn't kiss men. This, and later reaction to foreplay, taught me that the sex act between some Arabic males was mostly about power, and the establishment of dominance; and not about the forbidden love of one man for another. So long as my behavior fell within the pervue of dominating him Abu was willing to do anything; but as soon as it crossed the line and became of a romantic nature, he rebelled.

In the morning, Abu was cuddled tightly against me in a "spooning" position. We were both naked and I moved my hands to his crotch. I couldn't get enough of touching his beautiful organ.

He rolled onto his back then, and I decided to taste of his nectar. With his morning bone, I found it impossible to get my mouth around his girth, so I settled with just running my tongue into his pee slit and around the fleshy head. Soon he was oozing pre-cum and as I kept up the tongue action I could feel him having mini-orgasms. The taste of his pre-cum changed from saline to slightly acrid as semen began to flow. I used my hand to stroke him as I continued the tongue action until finally he achieved another orgasm.

We finally had to arise. After quick but separate showers, Abu told me he had to get to the airport to shill customers for Omar. I ate breakfast alone with the promise from Abu that he would meet me again in the same cafe later that evening.

For nearly one and a half months Abu and I continued our relationship. Soon he told me he would return to University, which had been rebuilt. And then, one evening, Abu wasn't at the cafe. I waited for a couple of hours but when he didn't appear I had dinner and returned to the hotel. His suitcase was gone. He left me a cryptic note that said he and Omar had something to do and that I wouldn't see him again. I was heartbroken. Fortunately, the next day I too had to leave the city to go some 50 miles north to a recently finished sub-station. I buried myself in work as I verified the operational status of the repairs.


It was afternoon of the 14th day that I had been at the sub-station. I was having coffee with Rick, a young army reservist whose platoon was providing security to the facility. He and I had become close, and I was convinced that he had been seeking me out since my arrival. With the "don't ask, don't tell" mentality of the armed services it is difficult to know for sure, but we were discussing him coming to my quarters for drinks that evening. He had hinted that since he was off duty for 48 hours that he might spend the night. My melancholy brought on by Abu's departure had perhaps left me desperate, I really don't know.

The television was set on CNN when a "late breaking news" logo appeared. The picture was a live shot of a warehouse near Baghdad where the announcer said a marine platoon had encountered hostile fire while responding to a situation involving the Fedayeen. Details were as yet unclear but then the picture showed the back of the warehouse where a small automobile had sped out of a garage type door trying to escape. Suddenly the marines were firing at the auto, which in-turn exploded in a fire ball. As the events took place a sudden dread came to my heart. For I had recognized the car. It was Omar's taxi. The t.v. picture had shown a glimpse into the car and I knew at once that Abu was the passenger.

There was of course no hope for survival. Abu, my young Iraqi boy was gone.

That evening, Rick comforted me as best he could. Finally early in the morning I had managed to fall asleep. When I awoke a few hours later, Rick was laying naked next to me, cuddled up to me the same way that Abu had on numerous occasions.

Many more days passed before I returned to the city. Rick, the army reservist, after being chaste for many months, had proved to be a gay lover on par with my former love Peter. In fact, we had made a pact to live together after Iraq.

Back in Baghdad, as I unpacked in my room, the front desk called and told me a young Iraqi youth was at the desk asking for me. My heart leapt with joy. Surely it was Abu and I had been wrong about what I had seen.

I bound down the stairs, not waiting for the lift. Approaching the desk, I looked for Abu. But the only Iraqi boy I saw was younger and taller than Abu. The receptionist indicated that this was the youth who was asking for me. His name was Abdula. Now if Abu was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen, Abdula would be a close second. Nearly 6 inches taller and 30 pounds heavier, Abdula was even more feminine looking than was Abu.

I took Abdula into the restaurant at the hotel. Sitting at a private table, he passed an envelope to me. As he did, he broke into tears. I read the letter that Abu had left me. In it he told me of his family history, his induction and initiation into the Fedayeen. He told me that the day he disappeared, his and Omar's "cell" had been called to the warehouse for a meeting and that they were to be prepared to begin suicide bombing missions. I surmised that is why the car exploded with such fiery. Near the end of the letter he told me that Abdula had been his "wife" when he was at university, and that he had asked Abdula to look after me.

When I looked at Abdula, his eyes were still red. He saw that I was finished and told me "I loved Abu, Mr. Bush". I told Abdula that I too loved Abu.

As we walked out of the restaurant, Abdula took my hand and said "I will be your boy now. And do not worry, I am not Fedayeen".

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