About Time

Published on Mar 11, 2006



Craven knew that sooner or later he'd have to come out. He had been eyeing men and other guys his age for years.

Finally moving out gave him the opportunity to explore his fantasies and he found his mouth and bubble butt enjoyed hard cocks often.

After finishing the trials of his freshman year, Craven was back home for the summer and once again closeted. He thought about hingint or even boldly telling Max and Sammy about his personal secret.

But weeks passed by and he hadn't. He was enjoying the time with his friends and didn't want to ruin it. They horsed around with each other as they used to, without any sexual intent and were buddies as they had been for years.

They hung out like they did in high school, seeing movies, going bowling, biking along the beach, surfing or just laying in the sun

Tey joked about past years of hy jinz, girls, teachers and each of their exploits.

"You must be getting some in college" they teased him and Cravn could honestly say he was. He even told stories about some of the adventurres, avoiding correct gender identification and other telling tales.

As they played and hung out togeter, Craven more openly looked at the men around them, the boys changing from wet suits to shorts by the side of the road, the guys they passed by and now and then he realized Max or Sammy noticed so he made a rude joke of some kind.

It was early late August and each were making plans to return to their colleges. They were in Max's basement one rainy afternoon and bored. Their horsing around distracted them as the old science fiction films on TV had done for a few hourse before.

It was Sammy who had grabbed Cervin with his hands under his shirt and lifted him,

"Guess its time, come on Max take em off" he yelled. The boys laughed as Max yanked at Cerin's shorts until they were pulled off his legs.

"Hey" Cergin yelled not at being without his shorts but becaue Sammy had grabbed his nipples hard.

"Shut it" Sammy said not letting go but instead pinching harder "I know you like it and you better shut up"

Cervin was both laughing and wriggling to get loose.

Max grabbed hsi jockeys and pulled them off.

"Hey I guess he does like it" he remarked seeing Cervin's erection waving.

Cervin did like it, he always hardened when wrestling with them as he had done on the high school wrestling team.

"Don't worry about it, kids your age always do that, you'll relax eventually" His wrestling coach had said seeing Cervin try to hide his boner after an early practice. But he never did "relax" as the Coach had said. Everytime he held an opponent or was held his gut stirred and his cock reacted. He tried to concentrate on the matches but that didn't help.

"Guess our buddy wants more, Max, you go first" Sammy said holding Cervin tighter in his arm grip and his nipple pinching fingers.

"Fuck you" Cervin said angry and yet even more aroused.

"You want it my gay buddy?" Max said then he opened his fly "I figured you did" he reached for a jar of vasoline that had been set on the table earlier.

Cervin realized one of his friends had planned this. He struggled but not as hard now, not only was he about to come out, he was being outed and fucked.

Max moved close and lifted his legs. His cock stabbed until it poked into Cervin's butthole and then he shoved making Cervin yell.

"Fuck man go slow, we want to make this last" Sammy chastized Max.

Cervin was in his arms and his legs held by Max. His ass was now full of Max's cock, the same one he had eyed in the locker room in high school gym, the same one he had snuck a look at in their rooms when they had changed clothes and the same one he had remembered when masturbating alone.

And he knew that when Max released his sperm, Sammy would replace him. He didn't know if he would have to pretend and struggle then or submissively bend over to accept his other friends' cock.

"About time you let us fuck your ass" Max said "We've been waiting for years for that cute bubble butt."

"Yea, you should have let your buddies do you before all those studs in college" Sammy added.

Cervin realized somehow they knew. They had known before each had graduated and they knew his nondescript action in college was with other guys.

He groaned, the feeling of Max's cock pistoning in and out of him was somehow exciting him even more.

Cervin was out to his two best friends,


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