About a Man

By Daedalus

Published on Oct 8, 2005



"About A Man"

By Daedalus

All Rights Reseverd. Copyright 2005

"Why do you like me Charley?"

"I don't like you. I mean, I don't like you like that."

"Like what?" I smiled, knowing full well what he meant.

He turned to me and quipped, "Like you think I like you! And stop calling me Charley, you know I hate that name."

"Okay Chuck, but you still haven't answered my question." I said.

"Dude, just forget it!" Chuck said as he got up and moved toward the door.

"Listen, I didn't mean to embarrass you, I just don't understand." I told him honestly.

He stopped with his hand on the door knob.

Looking back at me he said, "Just forget it, okay?"

I could see the fear in his eyes, but I was still confused. I mean, Chuck is this big tough guy that everybody admires, yet just a few minutes ago he'd tried to kiss me.

Standing up, I wasn't sure what I would do next, but I felt myself moving toward him and then I heard myself say, "Don't go."

I put my hand on his shoulder and said, "Dude, sit down. Have another drink alright?"

He wouldn't or couldn't look me in the eye, so I made it my business to make Chuck feel less at ease. After all, we'd been friends for a while.

Pulling him back from the door, I forced him to sit down next to me.

"I'm not gay." Chuck said, still staring straight ahead.

"I never thought that... I mean, I know." I said.

Hanging his head, Charles told me that, in fact he did love me, in that way.

I felt bad for him and I didn't want to lose him as a friend, so I made a decision.

While, at the time, I had no sexual attraction to men, I did understood his feelings. So I put my hand on the back of his head and then, I didn't something that I never expected, I pulled his face toward mine.

We kissed and I took his shirt off. It was the most intimate thing that I'd ever experienced. Even though I'd initiated this second kiss, Chuck seemed to pull me through a door that I'd never known.

Our tongues played over each others while his hands moved over my body in a fashion that I was unaccustomed to, yet strangely aroused by.

He pushed me onto my back, lips locked and tongues wagging. Then, I pulled him over onto his back.

I suppose this is how guys decide who does what in this situation.

Immediately, Chuck's legs went around my body.

At this point, there was no choice. I took his jeans off and tried to get my dick inside that muscle-bound man's ass.

It wasn't easy. I needed much more than spit.

Given how this whole thing got started, I'd assumed that Chuck had some experience.

He didn't. Neither did I, for that matter.

I couldn't look at him during the whole time.

Then Chuck did something I never expected. He stroked my face and said, "Take your time."

I opened my eyes and saw the most beautiful smile that I'd ever seen in my life.

In that moment I stopped and opened my eyes. Eyes locked onto his, I put his hand on my dick and allowed him to show me his insides.

Muscles flexing, body trembling, Chuck guided me inside his body. I went slow because it was the tightest hole I'd ever been inside.

Except for a few sharp intakes of breath and an occasional body flex, Chuck took me into him like a trooper.

"Oh, dude that hurts like a bitch." Chuck said at one point.

When I couldn't get any deeper inside him, when our bodies were fleshed together, Chuck said, "Take it out, please!"

And so did.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I thought I might like that, but I don't."

"Its okay" I assured him with a smile.

But I wasn't happy. Now, I wanted this big hairy muscle boy more than ever.

How could he let me go ball-deep inside his ass and change his mind?

"Its just too much dude." Chuck said. "You're too big and it really hurts."

I just looked down at him as he lay beneath me, his legs still wrapped around my sides.

"Well, what did you expect?" I asked.

"Just get off me." He said, pushing me to the side.

We both dressed in silence and I never saw Charlie again.

The End...

If you liked this story, or even if you didn't feel free to read my other stories at Nifty.org

"Shot Through The Heart" /nifty/gay/beginnings/shot-through-the-heart

"Apathy and Promiscuity" /nifty/gay/adult-friends/apathy-and-promiscuity

"What Was I Thinking?" Parts 1, 2 and 3 /nifty/gay/adult-friends/what-was-i-thinking

"Missed Opportunity" /nifty/gay/military/missed-opportunity

"Fate Interrupted" /nifty/gay/beginnings/fate-interrupted

"Boot Camp Bond" /nifty/gay/military/boot-camp-bond

"Chance Encounter" /nifty/gay/military/chance-encounter

"They Don't Know" /nifty/gay/military/they-dont-know

And please, feel free to let me know what you think of these stories.

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