Able Semen

By bokjay / John

Published on Sep 9, 2017


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Able Semen 5 - Baltimore, The Aftermath By John --

Part 1

The day after the birthday party I felt like shit. I saw Brian and Barry at lunch and they were just the same, in fact, I don't think we hardly ate a thing. Later after work, I went straight to my cabin and crawled into bed for an early night.

The next day we were heading up the coast and the air was getting distinctly chilly. I still didn't feel too good though, my stomach kept churning up every so often making me think I was going to be sick. In my cabin that evening I took a long hot shower, really letting my skin open up in the heat. I took my time getting cleaned up and whilst in front of the mirror, bent over to see my ass. The kind of thing I don't do too often. It had been a bit sore after what had happened; so I just wanted to look see.

I almost shit myself then and there. The top of my thighs and all around my ass and scrotum were bright red. Now that I could see, it felt tender as I touched around the area. Funny that I hadn't really been aware of it before. I didn't think it could have been with the hot shower, but on the other hand I couldn't imagine what it might be.

When I went to bed, it was still on my mind and now knowing it was tender it became the only thing I could think about. I grew a bit scared.

The following morning it was much worse. Even worse, I could feel my shorts chaffing the skin so I had to kind of waddle about. The more I thought about it, the more frightened I was, almost sure it must be something to do with what had happened at the ship's party.

Aware it was somehow connected, I didn't want to go to the ships medic but instead thought Norman would be the first call. After breakfast was finished, I asked him if I could come to talk to him.

A little later, I knocked on his cabin door.

"Oh Mike, come on in pet." He held the door and beckoned me in.

Immediately I became distracted from my reason of being there. I was expecting to see a cabin like mine or Brians, but I was astonished as I looked around. I think the right word is boudoir or something. He had his couple of chairs trimmed out in matching covers, as was his bed and curtains across the porthole. Even his bedside table was fitted with matching mats like the chairs. The turned down bed cover revealed coordinated pillows. What a transformation!

"Now sit down and make yourself at home. Tell your Uncle Norm what the problem is. You must have a problem to come here and see me, right?"

"Yes, I do. I'm really scared. I think something happened to me at that party in Baltimore."

I knew I would have to tell him everything. But where to begin? I held my silence.

"Well, I can't help you until I know what the problem is, so spit it out, dear."

He was wearing some grubby shorts and vest, having just being done with the breakfasts. My eyes kept homing in on his fat stomach hanging over the waistband. As he waltzed about his cabin the effect was really off-putting and I didn't know whether to laugh at him or cry over my problem.

So I told him everything. He sat there and never interrupted. He just looked shocked and patted my knee for comfort when I got to the real nasty bit about the crew in the cabin. By the time I had finished, he looked like he was going to cry.

I finished and waited for his reaction.

"Oh, my poor little Mike!" He got up from his chair and hugged me, patting the back of my head just like my mom did when I was a kid and had fallen off my bike.

"So why have you come to tell me all this?" He didn't quite understand why I had chosen this time to tell him all about the party.

"Yesterday I found the top of my legs all in a rash and this morning, it's as sore as hell. I thought you would know what the problem is."

"So you can put two and two together and you think it's because of your escapades with the crew, do you. Well, let's have a look then, get out of your stuff and I'll take a decko."

I dropped my shorts and briefs and stood there whilst he got his glasses. He pulled up a chair behind me and sat to make the examination.

After a few moments, he said "It's no good like this, get on the bed."

Before I did though, he pulled some cushions and pillows together in a heap in the middle and told me to lie over them, so as to expose my ass to the light. Pulling my legs apart, he gently prodded the inflamed skin making me jump at his touch.

"My, my, my, what has been going on here?" he said to himself as he started the examination.

His tone made me more frightened than ever.

"Why, what's the matter?" I said in some panic.

"You found a new game using beer bottles or something?" he said touching around my hole.

"What's happened?" I gasped.

"You look a bit bruised that's all, don't get your knickers in a twist young man. Mind, that doesn't come as any surprise does it, with what you just told me."

He clipped my bum like I was a bad boy.

"I once got this," he said knowingly, "So I know what will do the trick."

"Would that be an asshole like the Mersey Tunnel or the rash you are talking about?

"Look Mr. Butter-wouldn't-melt-in-his-mouth. If you want my experienced attention, you better put a sock in the insults."

We both giggled!

I could hear him sorting through his medicine box, and then he came back to the bed and sat between my legs. I was thinking how hard it would be to go to the medic with this, but I felt fine with Norman examining my most intimate parts, as he had already done a few times already.

"Let me rub this on for you now, then you can do it morning and night after you have showered. I think you will find it very soothing and it should get rid of the discomfort quickly if I'm not much mistaken."

His hand gently rubbed the cool ointment around the tops of my legs. It was all very comforting and made me relax totally. After being so worried, now everything was going to be alright again. With all the tension lifted, I almost felt giddy.

He took his time, doing one leg and then the other. He asked if he was hurting and which parts of my legs and bum gave the most pain. Once he had got started though, the pain and burning sensation seemed to evaporate. After my legs, he rubbed the cream into my ass cheeks and over my arsehole.

I squirmed, first for making me jump and then with the nice feeling taking hold as his fingers worked all along my crack. A gasp of pleasure escaped my lips.

"Feeling better are we?"

"I told you before Norman, you should be doing massage, not working in a hot steaming kitchen."

"Chance would be a fine thing. I know I've been made to give pleasure in this world, just I didn't know it would be through a man's stomach. Hoped it would be something a bit more exotic."

I grunted as his fingers worked their magic around the lips of my arsehole, it was turning me on whether I liked it or not.

He brought me out of it. "You been to the loo since the other night?"

I hadn't thought about it, but now he had asked, "No I haven't." I started to get worried again.

"Not surprising really, is it? Not if you had all those up there. There are little tricks you have to learn if you are going to go around giving little performances like that you know."

"Norman, I didn't go looking for it, you make it sound like I went as asked for all them to fuck me."

"Well I don't know about you dear, but I can't say that I wouldn't have if I was in your shoes! Plenty of lovely swarthy hot Latino's."

He made me laugh with some of the stuff he came out with.

"Well, one thing's for sure, if you haven't been for 3 days it's going to be like spitting bricks. I'm going to put some cream up your chute so that when you go, it will be smooth and painless and not like razor blades. After I'm done here, you can take a mouth full of something I have that will also make it easy. You learn these things, they take out the bumps in the road if you get my drift, so there's nothing to regret from a good night on the town."

He put more cream on his fingers and I felt the coldness as a digit made its way up my chute.

"What is it you are putting on there exactly"

"It's an antibiotic cream. Good stuff too, you can't buy it over the counter, well not in England you can't, but I order it in through the medic on the stores list."

"Certainly feels soothing, the burning sensation is already going down I think."

I felt his finger deep inside, applying the cream to my innards. He touched that spot that gave me another kind of itch. I could feel my dick swell and fill out. I had to try and fight the feeling.

"Fuck Norman! Even that feels good." I said more to myself but of course, he heard it.

"Like it do we? Well, nothing queer in that is there." His other hand slapped my bum.

"Ouch," I cried.

"Keep quiet, nobody else is going to do this for you, you are not that well liked you know."

I laughed, but then involuntarily pushed against his probing finger. He was turning me on something rotten.

When he withdrew his finger I regretted it. But it was only to squeeze out more cream and he slowly pushed it back again.

A gave a sigh of relief when it was back inside.

Although I tried to keep still so he could do his medication, I found it impossible. Something else was making me clench against his finger when he touched my special place, and I just couldn't help pushing out my ass against his hand.

"Getting hot are we dear?"

"Fuck, yes Norman, sorry but I can't help it, whatever you are doing feels really good."

"Well, I'm only trying to help after all."

His finger passed over the spot yet again and I groaned in ecstasy, burying my head into the bed cover to try and keep myself quiet.

My cock was throbbing, squashed against my stomach and the bed. I was quickly losing control, not being able to stop humping between the bed and his fingers. There, naked on the covers, bent over a pile of cushions with my ass high in the air. I was at once embarrassed, yet, on the other hand was past caring and couldn't get enough of the sensations he giving me.

"We are the hot one, aren't we. I forgot just what it was like to be your age and on a hair trigger."

I was in heaven and didn't want him to prattle on, it was too distracting.

"Like something a little stronger, would we?"

I didn't know what he was on about but just said "Yes".

He took out his finger, but then returned what I imagined to be two. I didn't mind at all, it felt even better.

"Mmmm, I know the trick when you have that kind of an itch, just let Norman sort it out for you."

He took out his finger again, which I was most disappointed about, but then he moved his position on the bed. A moment later, I felt him resume his wonderful ministrations.

"Okay are we?" he asked.

I could only groan and squirm.

"This will help."

Something much bigger entered my arsehole. I guess from being well stretched and lubricated by his fingers, it was some time before I caught on what he was doing. But by then he was home and directly hitting my prostate with each thrust. The first reaction was to be angry, but before I could sort out the words, the wonderful sensation rippled up through my body as his cock scratched my itch better than any finger could. On every thrust, I was transported immediately to heaven.

After a minute, he abruptly stopped. "How are we dear?" he enquired most concerned.

Shit Norman, I thought, what a time to start asking how I am.

Exasperated, I almost shouted, "Norman, just fuck me. Now!"

"Oh, now, now, just trying to be nice about it dear, no need to get uppity."

I laughed and then paused, not wanting to upset him.

"Norman, you are nice, you feel wonderful, but don't stop now." I wailed.

"Sorry dear, but did I hear a please there at all?"

"I can't believe this. Yes Norman, please, please, please, just fuck me. Shit, I'm begging you, how about that?"

"That's better, always told you they beg me for it didn't I?"

Now I remembered he told me that before, how his conquests used to beg him for his favours. I stuck my ass back at him.

He resumed, not only that but he moved up a gear taking me with him. Even that big fat stomach was put to good use and pinned me down so that each of his thrusts better gave me the satisfaction I was craving. He was no spring chicken, but he knew what to do and do it well.

There was no quick finish either, so by the time he filled me up with his sauce, we had been going quite a while.

Panting, he rolled off to the side. Mentally exhausted myself, I stayed just where I was.

Eventually, we both stirred.

"Are we alright?" he asked concerned.

I sighed contentedly and rolled off the cushions and onto my back.

"Norman that was great. It was just what the doctor ordered as far as I am concerned. You hit the spot bull's eye, I feel one hundred percent better already."

He rose off the bed and shambled back into his shorts.

"I don't like to disappoint, but its good to know you are alright about it all. After all, it's not every day I get some handsome chicken in here."

"Who's chicken?" I asked puzzled.

"You are dear, as wonderful a piece of chicken as ever there was."

"What are you talking about, you will have to explain it."

"It's the language dear, at your age and looking like you do, it's referred to as chicken. Mind when you first came on this ship, I would have said I was a cradle snatcher, but not now. I can see the way you are changing, it won't be long before someone says you are prime beef."

I got his drift and giggled at the idea of me being a chicken.

Once back in his few clothes, he grabbed my hand and pulled me up off the bed.

"This is not a hotel young man, we all got work to do. Now, rub this cream in morning and night."

He rummaged through his box again and brought out a card of tablets.

"Take one of these three times a day after meals for five days. Don't miss one." He admonished.

Taking a canister, he dug a teaspoon full of granules out of it and put it to my mouth.

"Swallow these with water, then your big trip to the loo will not be an unpleasant one."

I did as he said impressed with the array of weapons he had going for me.

He slapped my bum quite hard.

"Now get that temptation back in your shorts and get out of here quick. You won't want me to tell anyone why I am late with the lunch do you?"

I took the hint, got dressed and made for the door.

"Come back after tomorrow and let me take a look again, just to make sure I'm on the right track with this, eh? Oh yes, nearly forgot. You are going to have to keep out of Brians way you know. Don't let him slip you one for a week either. And if you didn't get the message, don't you do him. I know you two are six of one and a half a dozen of the other. Tell him you got the runs, then a headache. Use your imagination. And remember, don't let him see any of this medicine or you might have some embarrassing explaining to do. Never easy to explain something like this to your partner, I can tell you."

I really marvelled at Norman, I don't know what I would have done without him on this ship.

"How about you then Norman?" I was puzzled thinking how he had just done me.

"Look dear, I know how to take care of myself, been around for a long time as you can see. So don't worry about me."

"Okay, thanks, Norman, you are the best really."

Before I left the cabin, I reached up to his face and gave him a kiss.

He wouldn't take it for what it was though.

"Don't think you can get into my pants by just one kiss dear."

I pulled a face and gave him the finger, scooting out of his cabin before he landed me a crack.

Part 2

After seeing Norman, I went and found the medic and told him I had the shits. He gave me some Imodium. I threw a couple of the tablets down the toilet and left the card on my table. I didn't like fooling Brian but Norman was right if I had to explain what had happened, or worse if I passed something on to him, that would be the end.

I met up with him after dinner. He told me he was still rough, as was Alan and Barry. I was the only one who didn't get it for real, but for a bad hangover. Alan had the shits really bad, so Brian had pulled the night watch till he was better. He hardly ever got a nighter, but for once this was my good fortune as we wouldn't be able to get together even if we had wanted to.

That night, I lay thinking of what I did with Norman. He was old enough to be my dad. Before I came on this ship, if I had seen him acting about like he does in my hometown, I would have crossed the street maybe, before passing him. Also, he had a big stomach and was in no stretch of the imagination good looking.

But I never saw any of that now. He was the one I knew I could confide in and the one who I would run to in times of trouble. I was really comfortable in his company and he was always making me laugh. It was hard to believe that we had just had sex, but in fact, it was good and I enjoyed it very much. Perhaps it was something to do with the relief of finding out that my problem was going to be fixed after all that worrying, I don't know for sure.

The next morning I took a shower and checked my arse again. It was still red but all the burning and soreness had gone completely. And for the rest of the day, I didn't give it a thought.

I saw Brian at dinner, that is my dinner and his breakfast. He was really grumbling as he said he'd not been able to sleep very well. I secretly hoped he would be on the night shift for the rest of the week. I felt bad at thinking that, even though he could have pulled a stint of night shift at any time really.

In the morning, I nipped off and went to see Norman in his cabin again.

"How is it old love?" he asked letting me in.

"Still red, but the soreness has gone now," I assured him, feeling well pleased.

"Still taking the tablets?" he asked sternly.

"Yes, I won't forget that, don't worry yourself."

"Just checking love, can't be too careful." He said softening his tone and patting my bum.

"You want to see?" I asked him, sticking out my bum and giving him a wink.

"Suit yourself dear" he replied as if he couldn't have cared less. I knew that couldn't be possible.

I quickly got out of my work gear, and let down my jeans. He didn't move to pile up the cushions in the bed, so I asked him how he wanted to examine me.

"Kneel on the bed dear, let's take a dekko."

Taking off my jockey's I did as he said. He took a chair and sat down behind me.

"Put your head down on the bed dear, let me get the light in your bum, there's a good boy."

Once I did that, it was stuck well up in the air for him.

"Mmmm, still as red as a beetroot. Sure it's not hurting?" he asked.

His finger prodded me a little.

"I can see you have stopped playing with beer bottles. That's nice! Maybe just miniatures now, eh?"

"Norman!", I shouted exasperated at his verbal picture drawing and teasing. I knew he could easily get me going.

His finger probing didn't make me jump as before. He went to his medicine box and got out the antibiotic cream.

"Better put on the cream three times a day, ducks. Let's get it cleared up quicker."

He sat on his chair and smoothed out a glob of cream at the top of my legs. Slowly he massaged it into the skin, working it gently all over the affected area. Not just rubbing the cream into my skin, he also worked at the muscles beneath which I loved. He knew I liked massage, so he was combining the two I think.

"Been to the loo yet Mike?"

"Last night, no problem. Your stuff did the trick, smooth as silk!"

"Mmm, good. Better get you a supply of those granules, never know when they will come in handy for the future."

I giggled, wondering what he would imagine me getting into next. As if to chastise my thoughts, he stuck his finger into my ass, making me both jump and howl.

"Less of the lewdness if you please."

He went back to his massage, now finishing off the tops of my legs and working towards the crack. I held my tongue, relishing his touch as this most sensitive spot. My dick had got hard within a minute of him starting, but I didn't care. I could look back beneath me and see it pointing down hard, swinging in the breeze as his hands rocked my body with his pushing and pulling.

As before, his magic was working me up. I knew he would, in fact, I was kind of hoping he would. But as he massaged, he made no move to do more than apply the crème and give a little extra squeezing.

I began to be disappointed, even kind of feeling hurt that he didn't make a move on me. I know that was silly, but I was ready and with Brian not being available, could do with some extra playing around.

I couldn't be out of sight for long or else Charley would be asking about me, so I decided to push it a bit.


"Yes dear"

"Aren't you going to give me the dish of the day?"

Crack!! He brought his palm down hard on my bum.

"Cheeky bugger!" he cursed. "Getting a bit itchy are we with Brian on nights."

God, Norman knew everything or else he could read me like a book.

Sheepishly I said yes.

"I don't know, wouldn't like to get between you and Brian. I don't like any aggravation, just can't do with it in a small place like this ship. I've got to live with everyone you know."

"Sorry Norman, but I just thought with the other day, you wouldn't mind doing it again. I really liked it, honest."

"So did I, so did I, dear. Who wouldn't, I mean, really. The trouble with you, at your age you're always horny and that stops you thinking straight. Can't think further than the end of your dick, that's the trouble with cheeky buggers like you. But I have to think a bit further than that."

He started me laughing and I began to loose my hard on.

"Just what I am going to do with you?" he cuffed me across the back of my head.

"I love you really, that's my downfall. I could spoil you rotten and just can't say no."

"Does that mean yes then Norman?"

"You'll be the death of me, you rascal. Have you never heard of the doctor-patient relationship? You'll get me struck off if you don't watch it."

"Get you thrown out of the kitchen more like it, screwing on the table."

He reached under and grabbed my balls and gave them a squeeze.

"Ouch, that hurts" I yelled.

"So it should you monkey! Now get your arse lowered a bit, or I will never get this over with and you out of here."

I heard him open his fly and the shorts fall to the floor. I buried my face into the perfume smelling bed cover in anticipation.

His dick edged its way slowly inside. He huffed and puffed pushing and shoving till he was fully home. Then he wrapped his arms around my chest, pulling me into the warm softness of his ample belly and began humping.

It was just what I needed, feeling a hot cock throbbing inside me. I groaned and lost myself into seventh heaven.

He took his time, like his massages, which was just fine by me. I met his thrust with a stone wall of my arse, letting him drill deeper and deeper as his passion grew stronger and stronger.

I groaned with sheer pleasure.

"Norman, I would love you to do this all fucking day."

"Chance would be a fine thing, I'm a long way past your age, and so you will have to put up with ten minutes instead."

"You know what I mean, I really like how you do this."

"By the looks of it, I don't think it's me, I think you just like it, period."

"Ouch, that hurt," I laughed.

But his joke sat with me for a very long time and I began to question my actions and behaviour. I had not realised what I was doing till he put it like that. I didn't like to admit it, but he was right, I did love being filled up with cock. But the conundrum was that it was only with some people. I could give as good as I got with Brian. I wanted to fuck Jess' brains out just to look at those beautiful blue eyes. Yet with Norman, there was nothing better to be held tight in his arms and let him fill me up.

He was right about the time. As he got to the final minute, he began nudging me across the bed with each thrust, with him finally having to climb up on the bed with me to keep connected and not loose the final pleasures of coming.

As soon as I felt his cock get bigger and really feel the heat, I knew he was about to blow. The mental picture of his cock firing off in my arse sent me over the top just as he did that very thing. I covered his lovely bedspread with my juice as he filled up me up with chef's special.

We both grunted like pigs in the final moments. I loved it, and I'm sure Norman did too. I never heard a word of him having sex with anyone on the ship, neither did I have the nerve to ask him. But by the amount of juice he pumped up me, I have to think this last week must have been the first sex in a long, long while.

Surprisingly he recovered quicker than I, getting up off the bed and donning his clothes again.

"Now move your ass Mike, or someone might just walk in here and catch us. You've been out of sight for long enough, this is not worth getting into trouble over."

I was a bit disappointed about his curt manner, but I knew he was right and I jumped up and into my gear again.

As I made to leave, he caught my arm and pulled me close.

"Thanks, sweetheart, you know I really appreciate you." he whispered softly.

Leaning down, he kissed my forehead.

"Now get back and do some work, or I'll have to have a word with Henry about you skiving around."

"You wouldn't do that Norman." I laughed.

"Wouldn't I, just don't push your luck, you little terror."

Playfully he pinched my arse and pushed me out the door.

Part 3

That night was not a good one. Laying in bed, I remembered what Norman said about me "liking it period". I was upset to think that was what he thought, even as a joke. Yet as I looked at back, I had already been with eight that I knew of, not counting those in the cabin at Baltimore. What ringed in my ears were the tales of Martin, the young lad who I had replaced. When he was talked about, you could tell they had nothing but contempt for his sexual doings. The last thing I wanted was to be thought of in the same way. I knew Martin was a thief and that was what probably coloured everyone's opinion of him. But still.

The other side of the coin was that I knew I enjoyed doing it just as Norman said. When I was at school, I had always thought when a person found someone and loved them, it would be enough. Now I realised that I loved more than one person. I could love Jess just as much as I loved Brian. And I loved Norman too; even though it was obvious it was in a different way. Still, they were all pieces of a jigsaw that I could not fit together.

Coming so fresh from school and family, suddenly it was all proving a bit too much. It all weighed heavily in my head, and try as I might, there was no easy answer to straighten it out.

Being short of sleep, the next day was bad. I was tired out and depressed with thinking on what kind of person I might be turning into. I don't think I spoke to anyone at dinner and after eating went straight to my cabin.

I was sitting brooding over my pot of tea at breakfast. Norman came over.

"What's up duck, feeling a bit under the weather?"

I looked him in the face and saw his concern. Suddenly it hit that he really cared for me. Of course, I knew it before, but this time it made me feel silly about all the sulking I'd been doing.

I forced a smile, feeling my face crack as I made the muscles do their job.

"I'm alright Norman, just thinking a bit too much I guess."

"Well, I have some good news for you. Alan is back at work now, so if I know anything Brian will be off nights today."

He bent down close to my ear.

"And you've finished the tablets now, haven't you?"

I looked up and nodded.

He gave a wink and ruffled my hair, passing on to clear some of the tables.

I felt a little better for the rest of the day. I was trying hard to think of anything to keep my mind away from it all.

Later that afternoon, I was walking back from the mess, when I heard running footsteps behind me. I was about to turn around to look, when Brian did a flying leap, coming down on my shoulders and locking his arm around my neck.

"Hey you tosser, what you been up to?" he shouted.

I pushed him off and stood upright, coming opposite his grinning face. He mocked a punch into my shoulder, but still managing to knock me into the wall.

Suddenly a wave of happiness swept over me knowing he was back again. The gloominess dropped away like falling leaves.

He did a quick look in both directions, then grabbed me by the neck, pulling me up close and fastening his lips to mine for a few seconds.

"Fuck, have I missed you. Over a fucking week without you. And doing shit nights, I can't fucking sleep at all during the daytime, just never get used to it. Anyway, Alan is back on nights, which he loves so I'm off the hook. Have you missed me?"

It was my turn to give him a jab in the sides now, "Missed you, what for?" I mocked, trying to look horrified.

We fell to scrapping down the corridor, pushing and shoving as I made my way back to the engine room and him to his cabin.

Before I headed down the companionway, he grabbed me and whispered in my ear.

"Not jacked off for a fucking week, can you believe that? Tonight I'm going to fuck you from one end of the ship to the other. How about that?"

"No, no, no" I whined. "You got it wrong, it's me going to do that to you, dick head."

"I got an off tomorrow with changing shifts, and you are off too, I checked with Norman. So we have all the time we want to do both." He jabbed me in the ribs.

I pushed him off playfully, and darted through the door towards the engine room, conscious of the hard on that had already sprung up with the talk of sex.

Gradually the happiness won over the despondency I'd been in. Finally, I thought what the hell, I'm damn well looking forward to sex with Brian. For the last couple of hours in the engine room, it was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

We went to the mess for dinner together. Going up to check the choices on the board, Norman called me over.

"You two go away and come back in twenty minutes."

I looked puzzled wondering why we couldn't eat.

"Don't argue, be off with you." He said sternly, raising his spatula as if to hit me.

I grabbed Brian and took him back out, explaining what Norman had said. We sat in the lounge chatting about the past week to fill the time. Later we went back to the mess and peered around the door first to see if we could enter.

Norman spied us.

"Come on in, it's okay now. Couldn't have you in before with the other lads here, wouldn't be fair."

We wondered what it was all about, but sat down anyway. Norman re-appeared and spread a tablecloth, which we had never seen happen before. We looked at each other speechless.

Norman was back in a minute carrying two dinner plates.

"Now then lads, here is a special treat for you, best t-bone steak with all the trimmings. Couldn't let the rest of the crew see this could I, they'd have had my garters, and it's not be a pretty sight."

I had noticed the board said chicken curry or fish and chips, so this was a real treat for us.

"What's the occasion Norman?" asked Brian.

"Only your fairy godmother feeling generous today dear."

He came back with some more trimmings together with half a bottle of red wine.

"God," said Brian in some amazement. "I've been on this tub for three years, and I've never seen a tablecloth or a bottle of wine."

"Well you're seeing it now, so shut it," said Norman threatening to hit him.

"No, I'm not complaining Norman. Where you get the wine then, nicked it from the Master's stash?"

"You could say that," said Norman, "but don't let on to anyone, it's just our secret."

The three of us sat down and had a wonderful meal. We were in well over an hour eating and drinking and laughing, lots and lots of laughing. When we came out, I felt like a new person.

Later we went and looked in on the lounge again and watched a video. We'd both seen it a dozen times already, so about half way through Brian says for us to go. Once outside, he asks if Barry is using the cabin and I tell him no.

"You go on then back then, I'll go and sweet talk Norman into some extra beers."

He went off to see what he could get while I went back to the cabin. I jumped in the shower again for a rinse off. As I was drying off Brian appeared with a couple of six-packs.

"I'm sure it must be Norm's birthday or something, he's in a really good mood. No problem to get these." He set them down, pulling one carton apart.

I slipped on some shorts and tee-shirt, joining him on the bed. We propped ourselves against each other talking. Brian downed three bottles one after the other, but after that big meal, I was too full to do that.

Abruptly, he got off the bed and stood up. I wondered what he was up to.

"Let's have an early night, I reckon I could do with one," he said, stripping off his stuff.

"But you have slept till this afternoon, how come you are so tired."

"I was in bed, but not sleeping, well not what I would call sleep. I know when I'm next to you, I will sleep just fine."

"Oh, I put you to sleep do I, well for that I think you better go back to your own cabin."

He jumped on me and gave me a long kiss.

"You know what I mean, don't have to spell it out for you, dummy!"

Naked he slipped under the sheets. I was about to do the same when he stopped me.

"You can get them off for a start, this is naked territory, no clothes allowed."

We snuggled up close and fell into kissing for a while.

From kissing and nibbling, his tongue went deep into my mouth. Immediately I had a vision of his dick going deep inside my arse and got hard. He felt it and reached down and took hold.

"God Mike, I love you, I love your dick too."

We hugged tightly.

Part 4

I was expecting him to put me on my back as he had threatened earlier in the afternoon, but he seemed content with just hugging and kissing. He was hard, I felt it making him groan into my mouth as we kissed. I was getting horny and wanted him inside me.

"Didn't I hear you say something about a tour of the ship earlier?"

He broke apart and giggled.

"Just dipping my toe in the water to see what you would say."

"So no tour?"

"You know what I want right now?" he asked.

"No, tell me."

He kissed me deep first.

"I want your big dick inside me, then we'll talk about the tour."

That took me by surprise, usually, he wanted to get his rocks off first before we swapped about.

I moved to get on top, but he stopped me.

"No, I want it like this."

He turned away and backed up, reaching behind to pull my legs up tight into the spoon position. He grabbed my arm and pulled it around his chest.

"Just hold me tight."

This was usually Brian in the morning half awake, not when we had just gone to bed.

He jiggled his arse around. My hard dick worked its way into his crack till it found the right place. He backed slowly onto it taking plenty of time.

I had to help out with some spit, but once I was firmly lodged, I hugged him close like he wanted.

"Missed you," he said quietly. "Do it good."

I started slow, pushing in and out with long strokes. When I was fully home and my bush was grinding into his arse, he was grunting at the top of every thrust.

"Fuck," he whispered, "I reckon you must be still growing, that's got where it never went before. I love it."

I loved it too, the feel of Brian in my arms, the smell of his body I now knew so well, our movements together so well rehearsed. I took my time, playing with making him moan and gasp. Doing it slowly, then jabbing in harder, then slowing down once more. There was no rush, we had all night and I really liked to prolong it for as long as possible.

I must admit since I'd seen him in the afternoon right till I got inside him, all my thoughts were of him fucking me like he'd said. So being in the driving seat was a surprise, to say the least.

"Mike", he whispered. "You feel great, just don't stop. I want you to do it all night long."

I kissed the back of his neck. "I'll do my best."

I reckon I must have been fucking him slowly like that for going on an hour. Getting near orgasm and then cooling off. Eventually, the heat from near orgasm became a constant burning even when I stopped. I thought my cock would burst it throbbed so hard.

"I'm going to cum," I warned.

"Do it hard will you."

I still tried to hold off, but finally a line was crossed and I went for it. I held him tight to stop him moving away as I thrust as hard as I could. When I came, it was like taking a pee after building up for so long. Brian threw his head back and gasped. I didn't stop even when I finished cuming, as I felt Brian go rigid and shake. He came into the sheets.

After a minute, I made to break loose but he stopped me.

"Don't, just hold me for a while."

I snuggled up close, my dick still inside. Slowly I came down from my own private heaven as I got my breath again. That was wonderful, how perfect after that fabulous meal. My eyes closed and my mind clouded, running away with itself.

Part 5

I awoke to a noise. Slowly I became aware of someone in the room. At first, I thought it was Brian in the bathroom but then I realised he was still curled up in front of me. I turned my head to look.

"Oh, Mike, sorry to wake you two love birds, but I got to find my pullovers. It's been so long since I had to wear them. I'm on deck opening up hatch three and four and its fucking cold. Fine, but cold."

"Shit!" I murmured, it was already morning.

Barry seemed to have found what he wanted in his cupboard and came over to the bed. We were both naked from our lovemaking.

"We are docking in about three hours, so you know we have to be prepared and not waste any time."

He looked down smiling.

"Been enjoying yourself I see. Lucky bastards" he grinned.

Brian stirred, slowly waking and stretching his arms above his head.

"Ah, Barry, come to join us or something?"

"Chance would be a fine thing!, No just came to get something against the cold, I'm on deck doing the hatches."

"If you want warming up, me and Mike can do that in a minute."

"I wish I could, but got to go. Anyway, I can see you're just kidding," he laughed.

Brian challenged him, "We're game if you are Barry, you know we like a bit of a turn with you, don't we Mike?"

He dug me in the ribs. I laughed seeing as how Barry was kind of on the spot. But it didn't escape my notice that he had a hard on forming down one leg of his pants.

"Thanks, but really I have to go or Charley will blow a fuse. But I'll call back at tea break if that's alright with you two?"

"Fine, see you then," said Brian.

Barry whacked my bum and took off out the door.

"You serious?" I said after he left.

"Why not, been a while since we had fun with Barry, and we got the whole day to ourselves. You don't mind I said that do you?"

"No, just sometimes you have a knack of surprising me, that's all."

"Oh, like when?"

"For starters, last night was one, I thought you were going to screw me all around the ship, instead you went all lovey-dovey on me."

"I'm going to surprise you a third time too. Do me again, right now. Last night was wonderful, and I'm itching for seconds."

"Your wish is my command, oh great one. Which position would you like your servant to do you in."

"Your choice."

"Okay, on your front with your legs apart" I commanded.

He grinned and turned over, wiggling his bum about in anticipation.

I settled on my knees behind and slowly wanked myself to full hardness. I parted his cheeks and could see his hole was still wet from last night. I eased myself down and slid gently inside.

I cupped my hands around his shoulders while kissing the back of his neck making him sigh in contentment. Getting fully home, I could sense he was full of my spendings as my cock slurped about as I started to fuck.

Brian stuck up his arse to meet me. "Fucking great Mike, how I love this, Oh, Oh......."

This time it was not to make it last long, but for the thrill and gratification. His ass was really hot and being pre-lubricated, I could easily ram all the way in. It turned us both on and within minutes I was building for a great explosion.

When I told him I was going to come soon, Brian talked us both to the climax.

"Fuck.. Mike,.. stick... that...fucking... big... dick...right... up... me,... drown... me... in... fucking... cum... will... you."

But his speech was broken into individual words as each thrust stopped him stringing them together.

I rolled off exhausted and Brian turned onto his side to reveal another wet patch on the bed where he had cum.

"Wow, I'm getting to like you doing me."

"Really, didn't know you didn't before."

"I've always liked you doing it, but I really love it now. Maybe it's my period or something."

We both laughed and came together for a loving kiss.

There was a knock on the door and we panicked grabbing the sheet to cover up.

"Who is it?" I asked curiously.

"Only me," cried Norman. "Can I come in, are you decent?"

Relieved, we told him to come on in.

"What's this Norman?" asked Brian, wondering what could have brought him to our cabin.

"Just a little room service for my love birds. Thought you might like some coffee seeing as how your presence didn't grace the mess room this morning."

"Are you alright?" asked Brian, wondering like me what all this care and concern was about.

"Me, alright? Course I'm alright dears. Can't your mother do something nice for once?"

"You can do this everyday Norman, I would love this to get me out of bed in the morning. Like a hotel, I reckon." I said.

"Well don't expect a good looking bell boy to come knocking, it won't happen, only your Aunty Norman."

"Anyway, whatever, thanks a bunch Norm. This is right royal treatment."

We sat and talked for a few minutes before he said he would have to get back to the kitchen.

"Enjoy boys!"

"Fancy that, old Norman bringing us morning coffee. Only the Master gets room service. We must be his favourites."

"I think he is reliving his youth with us two."

"Whatever, it's great of him, we owe him for last night and this," said Brian.

"Don't give me another surprise and invite him in here between us," I joked.

"Nah, I would but the bed's not big enough for him as well. He'd fucking break it if he tried."

We cracked up laughing till Brian grabbed me and kissed.

"You're the best, you know that. I love you."

"Me too" I answered him between dips of his tongue.

"Are you ready?"

"Ready, ready for what?" I asked my mind completely off track.

"Ready for my turn. I'm horny as fuck again."

"Which position?" I asked.

"You choose."

I moved to the middle of the bed on my back and raised my knees to my chest.

"Get the picture?" I joked.

Brian got between my legs and buried his face in my groin. Licking my balls and around to my ass, very quickly making me shiver with delight. One hand stroked my cock and his tongue darted into my most sensitive parts. I groaned and twitched my arse, opening the lips of my hole so that his tongue could tantalise me to distraction.

"Oh God, Brian stop that and fuck me like you said you would."

"Yes sir."

I closed my eyes, waiting for that moment when his hot dick would touch my sacred spot.

I sucked in through my teeth, as he pushed slowly inside. Once home, he lowered his body onto mine and began his work.

It felt great to have him inside. But then my mind crashed and flashed back to the torment of previous days. Just as suddenly, in my mind's eye, big letters flashed across like an electronic sign. `Fuck it, I don't give a shit, I love this, I love a dick up my ass. There is no better pleasure. Either that or mine in someone else. I don't give a damn what anyone says, I like it, I want it, I couldn't care less.'

All those hours of depression and twisted thinking and the whole thing settled itself with finality in a split second.

In response I wrapped my arms across Brian's back, holding him tight. I wanted him, wanted to merge our bodies as if we were just one person.

His hot dick pummelled my arse and it felt wonderful.

"Mike, one week without this. I got a lot of catching up to do."

All I could manage between breaths was "Yes, yes, yes."

I was really happy again.

Part 6

"Come on," Brian said catching my arm and dragging me off the bed and onto the floor.

"Let's clean up, bet we don't smell too good now."

I struggled up, exhausted after our morning's exertions. Tired, but glowing inside. I dragged off the dirty sheets and dug out some replacements before joining Brian in the bathroom.

We cleaned ourselves out and then showered, each taking turns to wash the other. Our dicks responded at the appropriate time as fingers and soap washed all over. But we saved it for later.

As we were making the beds, there was a kick against the door and Barry shuffled in before we had time to ask who it was.

"Brought you some coffee, guys." He said, putting a tray of three mugs onto the table.

"Shit, ten o' clock already," remarked Brain, "Where did the morning go to?"

We were both naked, having dumped our underwear with the sheets in the laundry bag. We finished fitting the bed covers and then sat down with Barry to have a drink.

"What's it like up top," asked Brian.

"Nice, hatches are open, ships waiting on the pilot and Halifax looks quite a pretty town."

My cabin was on the wrong side, so we couldn't see it through the porthole.

"Pity we are not staying for a while," said Brian.

"No, in and out it should be. Unload those tyres from San Paulo and load machinery for Liverpool. If all goes well, we'll be on the evening tide. The next place we'll see and get ashore is good old Liverpool." Continued Barry.

The name of our homeport made me stop and think. I had talked with Brian and we had agreed to pay off when we reached there. After a break at home, we were going to try to get with a decent shipping line and do our apprenticeship properly. This kind of ship would never be any good for a proper career.

My daydreaming was broken by Barry standing up. I thought he was going but instead, he tugged off his thick pullover.

"God, it feels hot in here after being top side."

The heat was on in the cabin, so it was warm enough for us not to be rushing into clothes.

"Freeze your balls off up there" he laughed. "So watch it you two, don't want to loose those jewels of yours."

Instinctively we both looked down to our balls together, making us laugh at the timing.

Then Brian suddenly grabbed Barry in the balls. He had both hands holding his coffee mug, so was unable to move quickly without spilling any.

"So how did you get on up there, still go some?"

He didn't remove his hand and Barry couldn't move away, nor could he reach across Brian to the table and put down the coffee.

"Aaaaah!!!!" he gasped.

"I can't feel any, sure you didn't loose them" he enquired in an innocent voice.

Barry squirmed. "Get off me balls, you'll do `em an injury squeezing like that."

But he was laughing his head off.

"No, I think we should have a proper examination," said Brian.

He was being a bit lame, but Barry thought it very funny. Brian unhooked the clasp on his pants and opened the zip.

"Get off!" shouted Barry, still chuckling.

Brian didn't heed, but pulled out the top of his underwear and pushed down his hand.

Barry was struggling and I reached to relieve him of the coffee mug so it wouldn't spill all over. Once Barry had his hands free, he feebly tried pushing Brian off. But it was too late, I guessed he had already got hold of his dick or balls in there, so Barry couldn't be too rough with him.

"Alright, alright, you win. Let me get up and I'll show you."

Brian let go and Barry stood, as we thought to let down the pants. But instead, he laughed and began doing the zip up. Brian was on him like a flash, pushing him back down in the chair. In seconds he had the top of his pants open again.

"Okay, quits," laughed Barry. "You win, you fucking maniac."

He stood up and let his pants fall to the floor. Then he hooked is fingers in the waistband of his briefs and wiggled his hips, jokingly doing a little enticing dance as they inched down his thighs.

"You two ready for Big Barry?" he giggled.

We started clapping our hands in unison, crying "Get them off, get them off."

For the uncovering, he quickly flicked them down the last couple of inches and threw up his arms in the air in triumph.

"Barry the Magnificent," he announced. "Only seen by the special few."

Although we had seen it before, we both still looked transfixed. At the same time almost on cue, he began to get hard and his cock filled out and stood at right angles as we stared.

We collapsed together laughing.

"I can't help it," he said embarrassed. "It's being in the same room as you maniacs that does it."

Brian grabbed his dick, then pulled him over to the bed and sat down with him.

"Get the rest off Barry," he ordered, pushing up his shirt.

He looked between the two of us.

"Ain't got much time you know. It's only tea break and I'm supposed to be back top side."

"You could have gone for a shit instead and it wouldn't take any longer, so stop worrying," said Brian taking control.

In silence, he took off his remaining clothes and threw them on the floor. Once done, Brian pushed him back flat on the bed and licked at his balls.

"Yep, look alright to me, taste alright to me."

Barry watched, then groaned and laid his head back down.

From licking his balls, he went to take his dick in his mouth and sucked it slowly from the tip to the root and back again. I could see Barry's stomach muscles contract and his chest heave. After a minute, he broke away and turned to me, a glazed look in his eye that I knew well.

"Mike, get the fuck over here and lets play."

I moved to the bed and watched Brian continue to suck. Then he lifted off and told me to do it. I took his place and let the fat dick fill my mouth.

Brian watched me for a few moments, then got behind and lifted my arse in the air. He resumed licking, this time over my arse and jabbing into my hole with his tongue.

Once I was slicked up, he got on his knees and pushed his dick home quickly. Barry opened his eyes and watched Brian pound my ass.

I remained fastened onto his cock, feeling good about taking it at both ends.

Slowly, Barry sat up, then shifting position, also got to his knees. I kept his cock in my mouth as now he began to hump too. He leant over my back to closely watch Brian do his stuff.

I was nicely sandwiched between the two of them, both grunting and working their dicks in and out of my openings. It was so hot I had to purposely stop thinking about it or I would blow my wad.

"How is it? Looks great from where I am," he asked Brian.

"Mike is always great, he has a hot pussy just made for my dick."

"I think he has a pussy in his mouth too, this is out of this world."

"Don't worry, you get to try both ends Barry."

Abruptly he pulled out and slapped me on my arse.

"Turn over Mike, let me do you the other way."

I turned onto my back, better for not being on my knees too long. Quickly he hoisted my legs onto his shoulder and re-entered.

"Aaah" Fucking ace is Mike," he gasped.

Barry was at one side, but Brian had him sit on my face. He faced Brian, feeding me his slightly deflated cock. But as soon as he got hard again, it wouldn't bend to go in my mouth and I couldn't easily lift my head for long to try and catch it. I reached to his thighs and pulled him back onto my face, licking at his balls instead.

Slowly Brian was shoving me up the bed with his thrusts, so from Barry's balls, I went to lick behind them. I could hear Barry's gasps as my tongue flashed the sensitive area up to his hole. He bent forward to take hold of my cock and frigged it haphazardly. I knew he loved my tongue action for he wriggled around and put his weight down full on my face. It was difficult to breathe, but I knew it was pleasing him.

Brian's swelling cock told me he was going over the top. I could hear his grunts, coming quicker and louder, till he drove in and held it there while he emptied himself. The hot wash of his juice swept up through my body sending my mind reeling as I fought for air beneath Barry.

Brian pulled out and as I laid there gasping, Barry got off. He grabbed his arm pulling him down the bed.

"Now your turn, get in there and enjoy yourself."

Barry made eye contact and I nodded and smiled back. He moved in to take Brian's place and slid inside. The extra fatness of his dick was instantly transmitted. He was not long so never hit the same depths as Brian, but instead, he gave me that feeling of being stretched. Nothing between them really, both were just as good.

I could see Brian's face through Barry's legs, he was down tonguing his balls and arse. Barry was going for all he was worth, alternatively looking straight into my eyes, and then closing them and throwing back his head for a while.

A minute later Brian was up at the top of the bed, following Barry by sitting on my face. He fed me his dick, and I licked and sucked on the taste of his juice, making him full hard once more. He reached forward and pinched Barry's nipples making him moan loudly.

Another minute later and his dam burst forth and his body shook and spasmed in the throes of orgasm. It turned Brian on to watch, for he took out his dick from my mouth and began to jack off fast. As Barry was opening his eyes, Brian came again, firing it across my face and chest and onto Barry's stomach.

They fell across me exhausted. We lay there unmoving a while as I was intoxicated with the tastes and smells of sweat and cum which hung heavily in the air as well as over my face.

With their bodies off of me, I desperately reached for my dick to finish myself off.

"Stop that!" ordered Brian, and edged down the bed.

"Come on Barry, got to give him his due, let's milk him dry."

Barry edged down the other side and followed Brian's moves. My dick entered one mouth then the other. When one was not speared upon it, they were sucking and licking my balls. Brian pushed some fingers up my hole, so the whole effect had me firing off in less than a blink of an eye.

Brian trailed his tongue up the middle of my stomach, licking my juice in his path till he reached my lips. He kissed me, duelling with our tongues before breaking away.

"You are fantastic," he grinned.

"You are both fantastic", echoed Barry.

"But sorry, I really have to go or Charley will have my guts for garters."

"Take a shower?" said Brian.

"Wish I could, but no time. Don't worry, I will savour the sweat and sexy smells for the rest of the morning."

"Okay, see yah."

"See you back here for more at lunch time," said Brian grinning.

"Sounds great but I'm no superman, I need some time to get my wind back."

"Just joking Barry, but you never know, if you get in the mood this is where we are and it will be more fun if you're here too."

"Okay, let me think about it," he laughed, grabbing his pullover and tugging it over his head as he made his way out the door.

"Thanks, guys, you are really the greatest."

With Barry gone, I suddenly felt hungry.

"Come on, let's get out of this pit and get showered. Then we have to eat, I'm starved."

His fingers went for my bum hole as he goosed me off the bed, racing for the shower.

Whilst showering, Brian got on the subject of Barry being with us.

"I got to tell you, having Barry with us is so fucking hot. Seeing someone having sex with you, it takes all my effort not to cum on the spot."

I smiled and wondered whether to let on one of my own secrets.

"I like it too, especially when there is a dick in each end, it has the same effect on me. I had to think about cleaning out the generator oil sump or I would spoil it by cumming too soon."

"Yeah, I know just what you mean. Lucky we have such a good friend in Barry."

I agreed, "I like him, which makes it perfect for him to join in. There is nothing more than fun when he is with us. He seems to accept it for just that, no other strings attached. For me, I wouldn't mind him joining in more if you and he wanted."

"You're dead right, no problem with Barry. If he's game, he can join us anytime. He's a bit shy though, I'll have to have a word with him and tell him straight, so he doesn't misunderstand."

So that was settled, Barry wouldn't come between me and Brian, yet we could have more fun with him, if he was game.

After we had lunch, we went topside for a breath of fresh air. It was chilly but invigorating, I guess that might have been because we didn't have to work in it.

In the afternoon, I went to see the Sparks, and find if the agent had brought any mail on for me. There was three letters, the first from one of my friends back home, one from Uncle Billy and one with a U.S. stamp in the corner.

My heart missed a beat when I realised who it was from. I tore out of his office and back to my cabin. Ripping open the envelope, I saw the neat hand of Jess on the page. I couldn't focus to read at first but just held it while I stared at the paper. I pulled myself together and sat on the bed to see what he had to say.

He told me he hadn't broached the subject with Dave yet but was spending more time with him than before. Now he knew, he said Dave dropped a quite a few hints now and again and he was doing his best to drop a few of his own, without being too obvious. His other big news was that they were both assigned for a stint on a Puerto Rico naval station. He was looking forward to it and he thought, being away from the rest of the guys would enable him to confide more in Dave, plus he wouldn't have his woman there either. A couple of photographs were enclosed too, which I slipped into my wallet. Finally, he spelt out clearly the address for my reply. I vowed to have a letter ready for posting as soon as I left the ship.

God, what a great day it had been! And we still had the night to go.

The End

Hope you enjoyed. Any comments welcome to John,

Next: Chapter 6

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