Able Semen

By bokjay / John

Published on Sep 4, 2017


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Able Semen 3, Southern Style. By John --

Part 1

Shortly before we arrived in the United States the ship developed a major problem with the engine. Therefore we knew we would have to spend some time doing repairs once we had docked and discharged the cargo.

Sitting in the mess talking with Norman and Brian and some of the crew, Barry said he had heard that due to a strike, we would not be receiving the spares for quite some time. It looked like we might be tied up in Galveston for at least a week, if not more.

Later the same night, we had a few beers listening to Norman recount the misspent days of his youth and lots more since he had passed his prime. He was good to listen to, for with his theatrical ways there was never a dull moment. One of his stories was about New Orleans, which was a place I had always wanted to go. Ever since I was a kid and seen a picture of a riverboat, the idea of visiting had been the background for many a daydream.

I made an aside that I would love to go, when Norman said simply "Why not dear?" I must have looked puzzled for he continued, "We are only along the coast from there, why don't you and Brian take some time off and visit. You will absolutely adore it."

That was it, I could think of nothing else for the next couple of days till we reached Galveston. I found out where we were in relation to New Orleans and although it did look a bit far, Norman and another one of the crew said it was easy to get there. All we had to do was hire car, which you could pick up very cheaply, unlike in England. I talked it over with Brian and he was game. So how to get the time off? That was not going to be a problem with the ship being idle; we all knew that we would be bored out of our minds hanging around in the port. But getting permission was another matter.

Norman told me to ask Henry, but "just be nice to him." I was a bit nervous since we had that bit of a do after San Paulo, I had hardly spoken a few words with him since. But I really wanted to do this trip, so I plucked up courage and went along to his cabin after work, rather than mention it while we were on the job. I knew if I asked him there, he would have made a big issue out of it in front of Charley or another hand, which I didn't want.

Surprisingly it was easy. Let me say I was not the green fresh-faced kid that stepped on this ship in Liverpool earlier. Now Brian had "shown me the way", I knew where my inclination lay and now for the first time I knew it could be a means to an end.

Henry was in his vest and boxer shorts after his shower when I went to see him. Still drying his hair, he told me to sit down in the chair opposite. I explained that Brian and I wanted to take a few days off to go to New Orleans and would like his permission, plus a sub on our salaries. He didn't say anything after I finished, just squinted his nose back and forth a few times and scratched at his chin appearing to be deep in thought.

Finally, he said "Well lad, I don't think that should be a problem, looks like we got a bit of an enforced holiday for a while. Still, I think I am going to have to give it a bit of thought. Perhaps someone else a bit more senior might be asking for some time off, then where would I be, eh?"

I got a feeling he was up to something. I pleaded again, told him I always worked hard and I deserved a break. And he could rely on me to be back when I said.

"Ah well young-un, like it should be alright, but well, I don't know for sure."

I reached across the narrow gap between us and put my hand on his leg for emphasis and again pleaded. He said nothing but looked down at my hand gently gripping his thigh.

"Well lad, I do notice that you been keeping out of my way for a while like you'd prefer not to be around me. I do miss having you close by, like before. If you were a good lad, well that would go a long way to help me make the right decision, like."

I knew it! I would have to do that damn `right thing' and then all being well, he would say yes. Not having made the first move before with another man, I somewhat nervously moved my hand further up his leg. His answer was to widen them so as not to hinder. I arrived at his crotch and gently squeezed the quickly swelling package.

"Now, this sounds a good way to start," he said sighing. I moved out of my chair and knelt between his legs and made to pull down his boxers, Henry lifted his rump and allowed them to slide down.

That now familiar cock stood firm and strong. The only difference was this was the first time I could smell the soap instead of the sweat and filth I had always done before. It made it easier to do what I knew I must. I took the head in my mouth and played my tongue till I could hear him gasp and feel his body stiffen slightly. Working around, I then dipped to lap at his big ball sack hanging free beneath and then worked back up to the top and tried to take as much as I could into my mouth.

He moved his hand to rest on my head and very gently for him, bucked his hips slowly to fuck my mouth. The only noise was a few stifled moans and a steadily quickening of breath. I had fully expected to be abused as on every other occasion, but I was more than a little astonished at how gentle he was now.

I sucked him well, knowing what it might achieve if I made him happy.

"Aw lad, Oh! lad, you gonna make me come now!" he moaned as if a complaint.

Henry gave a few heavy jerks of his hips and then flooded my mouth with his juice. So quick! I continued to suck him until his cock softened and then I pulled off him leaving him lying back with his eyes closed. A minute or two passed before he stirred and pulled up his boxers and adjusted his position.

I moved back into the chair and waited for him to speak. He shook me again.

"Aw, now lad I've just been thinking and I can't see any reason for it not to be alright for you and young Brian to take this `ere trip you've been telling me about. Just let me know the day before and I'll sub some salary you'll be needing. Is that alright?"

He looked at me, and I sat there flabbergasted for a moment.

"Well yes, Henry, thank you very much. Sure I will let you know, thank you!" I was totally lost for words.

"Aw right son, well run along now, I've got some more work to do yet."

Once out of his cabin I stood and leant against the corridor wall. I couldn't have been in there more than fifteen minutes start to finish. This was a different man to the chief in the engine room. I couldn't believe it, so quick and easy. Pulling myself together, I ran into the mess to see Brian. He wasn't there but Norman was and I blurted out everything. He was so pleased and gave me a big wet kiss, saying what a little icing on the cake could achieve. I had to agree, but then I was off to find Brian and tell him the great news.

Part 2

Four days later we had discharged our cargo and then moved to another quay where we would be tied up till the repairs were completed. Our port agent directed us to a car hire place, a cheap one where the cars although not brand new, were adequate for what we wanted.

Then early one morning we were off. Norman waved us goodbye, I knew he would have loved to be with us but the ship has to eat whether there is work or not. Getting there was uneventful, and the scenery was not the best or most varied, so it quickly became a little boring. Poor Brian had to do all the driving as I had never had a driving license in England, but Brian had and also an International one too.

New Orleans was fantastic. It couldn't have been better with an organised tour. We saw as much as was possible in two days, till we were exhausted from the walking, seeing the sights and being on the go all the time. By the second night, we were too tired even for sex. Anyway a little without for once would do us both good I thought.

The following morning we made tracks to return to Galveston and the ship. It seemed that we had hardly left New Orleans before the sky became overcast and it started raining. It was like a curtain coming down on the fantastic show we had just experienced. Now we were back in the real world and faced a long drive back in miserable weather.

By Baton Rouge, it was raining heavily and Brian had slowed down quite a bit. Having got through Lake Charles, the evening came early with the dark sky and the rain continued unabated. Many places had water forming as the ground could no longer soak it up. Then disaster struck. Brian didn't see in the headlights, but in a dip in the road, the water had filled the hollow and he drove into it as some speed. Suddenly water washed over the screen and sprayed high to each side as the car ploughed straight through. There was a terrific roar of the water splashing up under the car.

Coming through the other side Brian exclaimed "Shit, I never saw that at all."

"I don't know," I said, "but I think I just shit my pants!" We started to laugh, relieving the tension as the adrenaline flowed.

Barely a hundred yards further and the engine started to miss-fire and the power died.

"Oh Christ, please god, don't fucking do this to us," shouted Brian.

With the car now coasting, he pulled to the side of the road at a kind of a lay-by and brought it to a halt. We were in the middle of nowhere and traffic on the highway was now only occasional.

I asked the inevitable "What do we do now?"

"I don't know", said Brian, "but let me have a look under the bonnet, you never know maybe it is just a cable off or something."

We both got out, although I know nothing about cars or engines. The rain was heavy and we were quickly getting soaked as Brian peered beneath the hood although it was difficult to see anything with the darkness.

"Fuck, shit, fucking bastard!" shouted Brian, venting his anger at the sky. He was at a loss to see anything and he didn't find any of the leads off the plugs, so our frustration mounted. Brian told me to try starting it again which I did. But the motor just turned over and over without firing once.

"Shit," said Brian, "It will never dry out in this weather, we are really fucked now."

"John Cleese used to hit his car with a stick, but I don't think that would work here somehow," I said, recalling the Fawlty Towers TV character.

He just shook his head in despair but gave it a kick anyway.

Just then Brian's face was illuminated by the headlights of a van which pulled in near us. The side door opened and we could tell from the light flooding out that someone was taking a piss through the door. It closed and the engine started again and it drew past where we were standing. Suddenly the brake lights came on and it stopped, then backed up.

They window lowered and a guy said: "Hey Buddy, you got yourself some trouble?"

Brian answered "we hit some water back there and now the engine is drenched. Completely dead."

The was a silence for a moment, then the guy opened the door slightly and leant out.

"Where are you heading?"

"We're going to Galveston to join our ship," I said.

"Ship?" he queried.

"Yes" echoed Brian, "Our ship is in the port there, we are on our way to join her."

"Ah! You'll mean cargo, right?"

"Yes," I answered.

There was some more talk within the van, then the driver said, "We are Navy, US Navy that is, and we're going there too. You guys want a lift? Looks like you could be here for a while with this crate."

I looked at Brian, "What do you think? If we stay here we are going to be late joining the ship, it could even go without us if they have been quick with that repair, then we are done for."

He thought for a moment, "Shit, why not, give the keys to the car hire office and let them come and sort this damn thing out."

It was not a van, but what we would call a Camper in England, but much larger than you normally see back home. We pushed our one bag in before us and climbed aboard. Inside there were four guys, all looking around the early twenties, like Brian. Three were around a table with beer cans and playing cards. They greeted us warmly and had us sit down and introduced each other. Dave, he was the driver, then there was Al, Jess and Pete sat around the table. Al stood and went to the back of the vehicle, returning with a towel.

"You guys better dry off, you look like you just washed up on the beach."

"Hey Al, give them some shorts, let them get out of all that wet stuff," said Pete. Al returned to the back and appeared a moment later with a couple of pairs.

We stripped off, glad at the prospect of getting out of our sodden gear. The other guys sat around the table had only shorts on too, nothing else, so we were not shy in joining them. Jess passed us some beers and we squeezed in with them as soon as we had got out of our wet clothes.

Soon we were off again into the night. Our time was taken up getting the background of each other, these guys were all returning from leave. Dave lived the furthest away and picked them up one by one on his route to the base. They were all in the same outfit and were obviously mates besides. I instantly felt at ease, for they just accepted us as if we had been in the same unit. Us being merchant navy had a lot to do with it I think; although they had an openness you could instantly take to. Perhaps it was because we were English, or maybe that we were about the same age. I don't know, but they made us feel welcome and "one of them" from the start.

Dave continued driving as the rain increased in intensity. The sound of it drumming on the roof overcame the normal noise of the road. Flashes of lightning lit up the surrounding areas, which made me run in goosebumps every time. I was sat next to Jess who was a little like me, small size and blondish hair and looked younger than he probably was.

"Tell me," I asked, "how come you stopped to take a piss if this is a camper, don't you have a toilet on board"?

He laughed and nudged Pete at his side. "Dave just bought this thing cheap, like all the plumbing was shot and leaked all over the place. He's been stripping it all out whilst he was home. The next time he has off, him and his dad will fix new stuff. Till then, we piss out the door!"

I laughed at the explanation, my curiosity sated. "I'm glad the toilet was broken, or we would never have been rescued! Saved by the can!"

Beer followed beer as we talked away till suddenly the vehicle gave a jolt as we hit something. The guys called to Dave asking him what had happened. Before he could reply, there was a thumping noise from the rear as something thwacked against the bodywork.

Dave shouted, "We just hit something in the road, a piece of timber I think, sounds like we did in a tyre." He slowed down a bit but continued, and the noise got worse and worse. Finally, he said "Here's a rest area, I' m pulling in", and he soon gently brought the vehicle to a halt.

Dave got out and went to the back of the Camper. The rain was lashing down so heavily, I had never witnessed anything like it.

A few moments later he was back, "Yeah, we shredded the inside back tyre, nothing left of it now. I guess we are stuck here for the night till the rain gives up and it's light enough to change the wheel. No way am I going to try and do that now, look at me, I'm soaked to the skin and the road is inches deep in water."

Slowly he peeled off all his clothes, even his underwear was wet through. He looked around for some clean shorts, but at first was unable to remember where he had put them. He walked up and down the vehicle fully naked whilst he searched the cupboards. It was hard for me not to watch and I glanced at Brian. He too was acting nonchalantly as if nothing was unusual having a good looking naked young man around us. Of course, his mates didn't blink an eyelid.

I couldn't help but look, but that was made easier as Dave continued to talk with us, so looking back when I spoke was natural. He was the biggest of them all physically, around 6' tall, very wide shoulders and well built, as all of them were in fact. All meat, everyone. He had black hair, a bit wavy, and a hairy chest and plenty on his legs too. The nice thing was the hair grew in matched swirls on his chest and flowed in a line straight to his crotch. His dick was soft so I wouldn't know how big he was, but you could see it was fat and cut. Too soon he located the shorts and joined us at the table, now taking his first beer. It lasted about ten seconds, then another and another, till he had put four or five away in ten minutes. Now he had a chance to talk and ask what we did and all the stuff he had missed out on while driving. I liked him, he was funny and he kept up a constant banter with his friends, poking fun at each continually.

A little later Al announced he would have to make a trip to the John. Pulling on some jeans and shirt he then hovered in the door trying to make out where the toilets were. He hesitated, knowing he would get drenched, but he had to go and soon he was running as fast as he could towards some buildings that were lit up over to one side. We could hear him return, splashing through the water at full belt back to the vehicle. He crashed through the door.

"Shit! I slipped and went on my ass into three or four inches of water, the whole area is flooding out there!"

He was out of breath with the run, water dripping off him. Grabbing a towel, he like Dave, pulled off all his clothes and then dried himself off. He took his time, even sitting back down again with just the towel in his lap whilst he took some more beer. Then he went to his bag and pulled out some cut off jeans and slipped into them Al and Pete were the same size, just an inch or so shorter than Dave. Not quite the same stocky build, he had only a little chest hair in the middle and nothing pointing down to the thatch between his legs. His cock was not so big and a bit thin. But who knows what it could grow into!

Once he was settled back in again, Al said, "You will never believe it, but there was a guy in the john, I reckon he was looking for some trade. He gave me a look as if he would have got on his knees if I'd have asked him. Shit, in this fucking weather too!"

"Well did you?" asked Dave.

"Fuck you!" said Al indignantly.

"I was only asking," said Dave sounding a bit hurt, "Like if that was me and I was horny, maybe I would have given him a try."

"You're a fucking maniac," said Pete laughing, "as if you don't get enough with your old woman already."

"Well guys, remember I've just been home to Momma and there ain't been no sex there I can tell you. Mind, my Kate will know all about that as soon as we are back at base and I call her up."

They were laughing and joking like that all the time, but I was surprised at the openness of Dave, it didn't sound as if he was kidding when he talked about the guy in the toilets.

For another hour we talked and drank, and then Dave said we should hit the sack. That meant clearing the table which then kind of folded back and a double bed dropped down from the wall. At the other side of the sitting area, another one folded out, so we had two very small double beds. I ended up on one with Dave and Jess with me in the middle, Brian the same arrangement with the other two.

Even though Dave switched out the lights they continued talking and joking back and forth. Inevitably the conversation returned to sex when Pete asked Dave what he would have done in the toilets, seriously.

"I don't know," said Dave considering his words, "I don't think it matters really who it is giving you the thrill, it's only the thrill that counts." More laughter and poking fun at him. "My little brother here needs a lot of maintenance for it to run properly, I don't care which garage it goes into." he shot back.

He pulled out his cock and waved it around. There was enough light from nearby buildings to see what he was doing and the occasion bolt of lightning lit up the place like a camera flash, so we could all see.

"Dave, you are all bullshit," said Pete, "No way are you going to do that."

I was on my side facing Dave and Jess was behind spooning up with his leg over mine. I felt quite cosy and comfortable. He had his top arm resting on mine and would sometimes rise on his other elbow and rest his head on my shoulder as he said something over me to Dave. Then at other times I could feel his breathing at the base of my neck.

Suddenly we were stunned by what Dave said next. "My first sex was with a guy when I was around 15 years old. I did odd jobs for old Spencer who lived a few houses away from us. Dad didn't give me much money, said I had to work for it if I wanted any. Well, old Spencer had just moved to the neighbourhood and he was talking to my mom, saying he needed some help around the place, you know, cutting the grass, that kind of thing. That's what I did, jobs like that for some of the neighbours. Spencer started remodelling the house, doing all the jobs himself so naturally, he called me to help with some of the work."

You could have heard a pin drop, if not for the rain belting down, but nevertheless, there was an eerie silence as if Dave's mates were stunned at what they were hearing.

He continued. "One day, I dropped a bag of cement and when it broke, the dust covered me from head to foot. Old Spencer said I had better shower off or my mom would have his guts if I went home looking like that. One of the rooms he was remodelling was the bathroom and it was open where he had taken down a wall so there was no privacy. Anyway, at that age, I just dropped all my clothes ready to take a shower. Spencer said he had better have one too, so when he started taking his stuff off, I sprang a boner. I was always doing that, so horny even back then and jacking off at least 3 or 4 times a day. Well, he asked me if there was something wrong with it. I said I didn't know, nobody had ever told me how my dick was supposed to behave, it always seemed to be like that. So he said something like he had better take a look and me being a bit green, went along with it. Next thing I know, he had it in his mouth giving me an incredible feeling I'd never known before. Like up till then, I hadn't had any sex. All my buddies talked of nothing else, but it was wishful thinking and nobody was making out.

So suddenly, there I was getting blown and I loved it. From then on he was doing me about 3 times a week, sometimes more. It was so good; I used to go round there even when there was no work to do. I reckon I was the only one in the class who was having regular sex, so I couldn't care less that it was with old Spencer. Besides, he was the first adult that didn't treat me like a kid and I really liked that. He taught me a lot of things, so I could never put him down for what he did."

A long silence followed, and then Al gave a low whistle.

"Fuck me, Dave, you're always coming out with this stuff, I never know when you are joking or what!"

"I swear," said Dave, "It's true man, I don't care, it was a long time ago and you do crazy stuff when you are that age. Anyways, you all know my track record with the women!"

He laughed out loud and I could tell he thought it all a real hoot! When I next got a glimpse of his cock, I could see it was still in his hand big and hard. He must have turned himself on talking. My own cock filled out with listening and then seeing his cock, but I didn't try and touch it. I even thought I could feel Jess's cock twitch through the thin cotton as I fidgeted and moved about.

Al and Pete were mumbling something to each other, probably discussing this new revelation. But then I heard giggling like kids at silly joke. Moments later I could hear a tussle on their bed, and then elastic snapping and Al shouted, "Hey Dave, your story has given Pete a stiffy."

More tussles, sounding as if they were having a pillow fight, then Pete said: "Fuck you, Al, you do too!"

Then I heard Brian's laugh and Al shouted: "Hey Mike, your friend here was turned on as well, he has one."

They were all giggling now. I was not surprised at Brian and it made me smile.

"Well I know I got the best," said Dave proudly and I could just see him waving it around like a flag. But I was startled when his hand reached for mine and took it to his cock. "Real American prime beef," he bragged.

He moved my hand up and down a few times and squeezed my fingers so I could check it out. Then he dropped my hand back on the bed, the joke over. Or so I thought.

"What kind of beef do the Limeys have, that's what they call Brits isn't it, Limeys?"

Before I could reply, his hand now felt between my legs and grabbed my cock.

"Oh not bad, not bad at all, you gonna give us a close run, but I knows we gonna beat you!"

Just as quick, he leant against me so his stiff cock pressed against my stomach as he reached over to check out Jess. He was not ready for him and jumped as Dave grabbed him.

"Wow, Jess has a stiffy too, better watch out Mikey, looks like that could be inching between your legs by the feel of it.

"Fuck you," shouted Jess, annoyed and probably somewhat embarrassed.

Dave withdrew laughing about his discovery, and Jess turned away from me as to face the other way. I didn't want that, besides there would be a lot less room if we were not spooned together. I reached behind me to stop him and pulled him back to show I was not bothered. He settled against me as before, but I was disappointed that it was not quite as close now.

Strangely that last joke killed all the conversation. I know I was dog tired, but I also think these guys might have been digesting the discovery of everyone's hard-on from hearing of Dave being sucked by a guy. For me, I wasn't bothered; in fact, I was so tired I couldn't keep my mind focused.

Soon I was fast asleep.

Part 3

A loud peel of thunder woke me up. I had turned around in my sleep and was now facing Jess. The top of his head was just below my chin, resting against my chest. Our legs were still interlaced with his hot crotch astride one of my thighs as he slept soundly. Now it was Dave who had spooned up close behind. Although his cock was back in his shorts, I could tell it was hard when he humped his hips and drilled into my ass now and again. I might have been upset if it wasn't for the sound of his regular breathing, so no way was he trying anything on, except perhaps in his dreams. I put my arm around Jess, hugged him a little for comfort against the storm and drifted back into my slumbers.

Dave nudged me sharply a few times as he stretched and turned away to lie on his back. I was still holding on to Jess although he was now on his back too, my upper leg hooking over his body and my arm across his chest. He had his hand resting on the top of my thigh. I was happy he was so affectionate and at ease with how I liked to sleep, it looked like we both enjoyed hugging even if it was in our subconscious.

I could hear Dave rubbing his face and yawning and I broke away from Jess to roll onto my back and look at him. He returned my gaze, fully awake.

"Shit, I'm gonna have to get up and take a leak, shouldn't have drunk so much last night," he whispered.

He edged to the end of the bed and sat there a few moments, gathering himself together. Now he had mentioned it, I was also aware of a "pee hard" and knew I should take a piss too. He stood up and stretched his arms, looking around for his trainers. I thought I had better get up, knowing I couldn't sleep again now it was on my mind. I followed him.

He quietly opened the door to find the rain had ceased. The sky was still heavy with clouds, but you could make out the first signs of morning. We zigzagged around all the puddles over to the toilet block, walking in silence still not fully awake. We stood side by side at the urinals, both momentarily holding back as the morning hardness of our dicks stopped the flow of water till the pressure burst through. At the first sound of flowing water, Dave let out a deep sigh. But I could only hear an absolute torrent of water hit the back of the urinal. I looked at him amazed with the sound of the force.

"Shit, I think I was ready to burst."

As my own dam emptied and then wound down to a trickle, suddenly much against my will, filled with a vision of that big cock I had felt last night. My cock started to harden although with wanting a piss, it had already been quite firm. I tried thinking of anything mundane, but the vision was fixed in my mind's eye. My rapidly hardening dick cut off the last of my piss and I shook it a few times to squeeze out the remaining drops.

To break my thoughts, I said: "Looks like the guy who Al saw, got tired and went off home to bed."

"Well maybe he found someone and went off home to bed with him," said Dave. "Lucky bastard!" he murmured under his breath.

I looked at him sideways, noticing his cock was hard and he was still knocking off the last drops.

"Come again?" I asked.

"Fuck, I had the horniest of dreams, could do with that bastard here right now," he laughed. "Must have been with talking about the Spencer guy when I was a kid." He turned slightly towards me to show me his hard cock. "If I saw him now, he could have this to chew on, no problem."

I stood there suddenly feeling at a loss to say something. He stared at me and looked at my cock which was still in my hand.

"Mmm! I think he would have the two of us by the look of you, how about it, would you be game?"

"Maybe I would," I said, amused at the thought, "but he isn't here so I don't have to make that decision, do I?"

Dave looked past me to the door, then quickly flashed his eyes around the rest of the room. He just grabbed my arm and pulled me into the cubicle right behind us. Not knowing what he was up to, I kind of allowed him to do it. Once inside he shut the door, turned to me and went to his knees. In another second, his hands pulled down the shorts I was wearing, my cock still hanging out of the fly.

"Guess what? We're gonna make it right now," he said, eyes wild with lust.

He reached forward and pulled me close with his hand on my ass cheek, then dropped his mouth over my cock and slurped away. I noticed his eyes close and he went at it almost out of control. Pulling off he licked at my balls, taking them in his mouth and then suddenly stopped.

"Those guys are my buddies, but I doubt if they would understand, the thrill is for the thrill, don't matter how it comes to you, right? I can't tell them, but I can tell you, last night it all came back, more than I could ever tell to those guys. Fuck, old man Spencer didn't just do me; he showed me how to give as well as to receive. Man, I loved it!"

He went back on my cock and sucked me hard and fast.

He stopped once more "So will you!" he smiled, and took it again. He was good, very good.

All in all, he was doing this for only a minute or two, and then stood up. He had me change places and shucked down his boxers.

He bent forward over the toilet and commanded: "Slick me up, Mike!"

I spit on my hand and ran it between his cheeks.

"Fuck no! Eat my ass man, NOW!

I knelt down, took one look at what was before me, and pushed my face into him. A bit iffy at first, I soon lost myself into the job, drawing gasps from Dave. As if on a quick guided tour, he stopped me just when I was getting into it.

"Now Mike, stuff my ass man! Shit, give me that big slab of Brit beef, right up my chute man."

Now I was warming to the subject, quickly spitting on my dick for extra smoothness, I brought it up to his bud and rocked back and forth to open him up. He was tight and I soon found that some extra weight had to be thrown. Finally, I burst through his door making him draw his breath loudly.

"Wups, I forgot about the bad bit," he laughed. "But it's okay now, do it man, I need to feel some dick up my ass right now."

I pushed on, working my way into him slowly, but surely.

"Oh yeah, that's good, that's real good! Old man Spencer, when he did it I used to wonder how, me being a kid and him with this big thick poker. Made me feel like I was skewered at a barbeque, balancing on the end of his spear! But it was good once he was inside. Shit, I used to swear he would be coming up my throat with his fucking dick one day. Yeah man, that's what I want you to do, get that fucker right up me, do it, man!"

He had a way with words did Dave, like he was turning me and probably himself too with his dirty talk. Whether or not, I liked and didn't need any extra encouragement. Hanging on to his hips and leaning back slightly, I walloped into his ass, sending the slap, slap, slap echoing through the toilets.

Soon I was up to the boil and told him, "Hey Dave, I' m gonna cum soon."

"Yeah Mike, fill up my tank man, and pump that juice up my crack. Yeah, I wanna feel you cum up my ass."

He moaned. That was enough, in a moment I was bracing myself for the explosion and then going over the edge and emptying myself into him. Then I dropped forward onto his bent over body feeling exhausted. As I was trying to catch my breath, he was squeezing his ass muscles, milking me of the last drops.

"Wow, Dave that was great. I don't blame you not wanting to tell them, but I sure am glad you shared it with me!"

"Me too," he replied as we both straightened up and my cock slipped out.

"Now Mike, to give and to receive, now I need my turn, okay?"

With that, he bent me over as he had been and buried his face in my ass till I was pushing back with pleasure.

He prised me apart with his thumbs, telling me to relax. "Man I gotta fuck you with my tongue first before my dick gets in there."

I squirmed around loving it and would gladly have wanted him to continue all morning. Once his initial hunger was fixed, he stood and brought his cock to the mark.

"Now, just relax, let me do all the work," he told me as if giving directions to a virgin.

I didn't try to enlighten him at that point. His hips rotated like winding some gigantic screw. The effect was to widen my ass he pushed to one side and then the other for some time. Satisfied that I could take his size, he leant over my back and flicked his hips to send his fat cock sliding through my slicked up door and deep inside.

I flinched, of course, and he stopped a moment.

"Hey Mike, just rest and take it easy, it's gonna be okay from now on, you'll see. You have a great tight ass man, you gonna love me fucking it almost as much as I am gonna love getting my dick right up inside you man."

He moved from side to side a few times to widen me out then commenced driving straight up.

"This is great man, I love your ass and I love getting deep man. Just hang on Mike, I'm gonna try and knock your teeth out, from the inside!"

He fucked hard and fast and I liked it. A lot!

"Man, even when I was 15, I could make old Spencer yelp when I fucked him. Yeah, I guess we were a mutual appreciation society." He kept up with the talking almost continually.

I knew he was going to shoot his stuff, but then he stopped to give me directions.

"Hey Mike, I gonna blow my wad, fill you full of my juice man, I just want you to relax, let your weight drop back so I can get right in you. When you feel my jizz fly, squeeze your ass, right? keep doing it till I finish. Man, that's really wild."

He returned to fucking me hard and like he asked, I leant back into him. His arms were wrapped around my chest holding me tight, taking my weight as his hips battered against my ass making his fat cock scratch that itch you get inside. He was really good!

"Oh fuck, my wad's gonna blow man, hang on while I do it hard man."

He was talking directly into my ear, his hot breath washing over my face. He grunted and moaned as the crisis came. I could feel his cock increase in dimension for a moment before his pulsing started and the jets of juice filled up my ass.

"Wow, Mike, it was great. Shit! my Kate's good to me, but man, I could do with that now and again I reckon. I've never bothered since that time with Spencer, but it was every bit as good as I remembered, maybe better."

He gave me a peck on the top of my shoulder and stood up, easing out his cock from my ass.

I was still turned on by it, so when I made to pull up my shorts, my dick was still at full mast.

Dave saw. "Hey Mike, you still got your engine running there?"

He grabbed it and moved his hand up and down.

"I got to say, that was good, somewhere back there you hit the magic button inside, I think this is going to stay with me a while now," I said grinning.

"Shit Mikey, I can't leave a job half done, what would Uncle Sam say about that?"

He knelt down in front, moving my cock around, playing with the head between his fingers.

"You know, you sure got a nice cock, it looks massive. Guess that's coz you have got a big cock and you are a slim guy."

"Thanks, that's good coming from you!"

He looked at it a few moments more, then up to meet my eyes. He just raised his eyebrows and winked, then took it into his mouth and sucked. Moving his hand around to my ass, his fingers poked up my hole, frigging me to the rhythm of his sucking. I steadied myself against the sides of the cubicle, my knees felt weak but he sent me off to heaven again.

When I told him I was about to come, he just pressed his hand on my ass bringing me closer. I knew what was wanted, and in seconds pumped my load into his mouth. Dave sucked hungrily, not stopping till my dick softened once more. He let it fall from his mouth and stood up grinning.

"You taste so good, I could eat you all." He laughed, but then he pointed at his dick, now hard again.

His hand on my shoulder told me what he wanted, but I guess I am squeamish at the thought of putting it in my mouth, fresh from my ass.

Sensing my reluctance, he said, "Lick my balls, Mike, I want to come off with you down there."

That was okay for me, and as he stepped wider so I could get my head beneath, he stroked his cock furiously.

"Ah, man, that's good, suck my balls, Mike, shit you gonna make me come again!"

His body started convulsing as the climax began. He yanked my head back away moaning as the first eruption began. Pointing his cock at my face, he began emptying himself over me, and then he hooked one finger between my lips and opened my mouth, finishing off firing his juice straight between my lips. The juice on my face was running down my cheeks, dripping onto the floor and my chest before the last drops had been expelled.

"Wow!" was all he said as he helped me stand up. He made to wipe my face of the remaining globs, pulling them down to my chin. Then he scooped it with his finger and pushed it into my mouth. He repeated the manoeuvre a few times till most of it was cleaned off and he leant down and kissed me full on the lips, forcing his tongue into my mouth and kissing me hungrily for some time.

When we pulled apart, he said "Mike, you are the best! How about a transfer to our Navy? I would love to see you around here permanently."

"Thanks for the offer, it's appreciated, but I think someone would not allow that either your Uncle Sam or your Kate, take your pick!"

We laughed, and pulling up our shorts left the cubicle.

Part 4

We had a wash at the basins, removing all the evidence as Dave said. He became animated as we chatted, but I was now feeling tired. No sooner as we had finished and were about to leave the building, Jess walked in all sleepy eyed. He stopped at the urinal closest to us and let fly with his piss.

"Where you guys been, you been gone a long time?"

"Really?" said Dave offhand, "Guess we just been talking." He looked at me and winked.

"Well, actually we were hanging around hoping for that guy Al saw, hoping we would find him and take him back to the vehicle so he could blow us all."

He was enjoying himself trying to get Jess going.

Jess just laughed and said, "Ah fuck, not your crazy ideas again."

Dave moved closer to Jess, "Hey what's crazy about that?

He glanced at me and winked once more, a big smirk on his face.

Jess, looking at the wall in front of him, just said, "I give up with you Dave; you're the craziest guy I know."

Dave moved up behind him and lowered his voice into something resembling a sexy growl.

"Hey Jess, just imagine some soft wet lips playing with the end of your dick, taking you into their mouth, sucking you dry."

"Yeah fine if it's a beautiful bitch, no problem," said Jess.

Dave tried again, "But hey Jess, you got your eyes closed so you can't tell, it's just that fantastic feeling of hot lips working your dick, begging for you to come, man."

Jess threw back his head and shook it from side to side in disbelief. I could see he had finished peeing, but he stood where he was with Dave was right behind, blocking him if he wanted to move.

Quick as a flash, Dave grabbed one arm and spun him around 180 degrees. There was Jess with a big hard on standing straight out in front. Dave nearly collapsed with laughing, but Jess was understandably mad and embarrassed too.

"You see," said Dave between chortles, "Don't matter who is doing it, the idea gets you hard man, just you can't say it."

If he had been closer Jess would have landed him one, but first, he had to get his cock back into his pants. In the few moments it took to do that, he calmed down enough just to call Dave a "fucking evil bastard". But then he smiled, looking at me and then to Dave, slowly joining in with the laughter.

We walked out of the building chatting. The morning had gained a little although the sun had not risen yet.

Dave said, "Hey guys, I gonna take a look around, maybe do a little jogging, I'll see you later."

With that he walked off back up the road, eventually breaking into a slow jog. Jess and I sauntered back to the vehicle talking, mainly about Dave and his tricks. My legs were shaky and I was still feeling tired, so I was looking forward to some more shut-eye before we started on our way again.

The other three were still out to the world as we quietly let ourselves back in and collapsed onto our beds. I lay on my back and closed my eyes. Now with only two of us on the bed, there was more room, but Jess lay in the middle on his side facing me. I had the feeling he wanted to kind of cuddle again and so as I moved my leg slightly to scratch an itch, I came into contact with his. It was the signal to hook his legs over mine as I turned slightly towards him. Each of us moved and shuffled a bit to find a comfortable position, with the end result as before, our legs entwined and his arm over my body. He had his face into my chest and I could feel his body relax bit by bit as he settled down to try and sleep.

The leg I was lying on itched as though I had been bitten, so although I didn't want to move and disturb us eventually I was forced to scratch my thigh. I couldn't see it so it was completely an accident, but as I soothed the spot on my leg the back of my hand was in Jess's crotch. I could plainly feel he had a hard on. It made him jump but he didn't pull back away. I wondered if he was in fact sleeping, but then I could feel it twitch under the cotton, so I knew he must be awake. I left my hand on my thigh, but also still against his crotch as if I didn't know it was there. After a few moments, his body flinched a little, his arm over me pulled closer for a second and his hips and chest pushed slightly into my body. Seconds later I could feel his cock twitch again. I knew he must be having some sexy thoughts but I guessed if he was, they would be about pussy and tits and not about guys. That he was cuddling up to me didn't seem to be part of it, just he was the kind of guy who was affectionate and likes to touch.

But the more I thought about it, the more my brain was filled with nothing else but the idea of Jess with a hard on. Having seen it in the toilet block I knew it was nice looking, smooth and straight, just the right size for his frame and height. Knowing I was playing with fire, I scratched the spot on my leg again and then clumsily moved it to rest back between his legs. I felt it pulse again and his hips moved ever so slightly to hump against my leg. Now I knew I hadn't upset him when he made no move to pull away. I made another decision. I carried on.

I rotated my hand so that the back of it was brushing his cock. Again he humped. His breathing was normal, but I thought I could feel his heart pounding, or maybe that was my imagination. Very slowly, I turned my hand around so that his cock fitted between my thumb and fingers. Still no reaction. Closing my hand very, very slowly I exerted a little pressure on the shaft. It pulsed time and again, but he didn't move at all. Again, slowly I moved my hand up and down drawing the cotton with it, knowing full well it would be giving him a good feeling.

He moved, his arm that was over me pulled me closer in, his palm now resting on my shoulder. So now for the million dollar question, do I go for it or give up?

Of course, I went for it. Letting go of his cock, I felt around to feel for the opening in the shorts, which had no fastenings. I could slip my hand inside the opening easily, making contact with the hard hot flesh. He almost coughed when I did, but he also increased the pressure on my shoulder with his hand. Realising there was no need to try and fool each other anymore; I took hold, slowly stroking up and down. Then a little further in and I felt the weight of his balls and rolled the loose skin between my fingertips. Suddenly he moved, burying his face into my chest as if to stifle any noise he might make. Returning to his cock, I took it firmly between my fingers and milked him in a steady rhythm.

His body started to shake and judder, his hips moved to hump against me and his hand tightened against my back pulling me as close as possible. He was whimpering ever so quietly under his breath, trying to muffle any show of emotion so as not to disturb the three sleeping across the room.

But he was fighting a losing battle, for I could feel the heat of his cock increase and the hardness now a rod of steel. When it became all too much, he lost control and convulsed hard against my leg a few times, then let fly a bucketful of juice over my hand and across my hips. Now I could feel his heart pounding and looking at his forehead, could see the beads of sweat sparkling like stars.

As his breathing slowly returned to normal, I wondered what he would do now, knowing he must be suffering an emotional earthquake with what had taken place. I was a bit frightened, would he turn away, angry with me for seducing him, I felt sure that was how he must view it. Would he make a big fuss with the embarrassment and wake up the others. I lay there thinking of the reaction, as I knew there must somehow be one. Moments dragged into minutes which seemed like hours, making me feel stupid for going so far, angry for not having better sense.

"Sorry" he whispered.

"Sorry? for what?"

"I don't feel like I could do that back to you." His hand nervously felt for my cock and squeezed.

"It's okay," I said, "No problem, I'm alright".

"Thanks," he whispered, "that was really great, I mean it." Then to show he was not kidding, inched himself tight up against me, touching from our toes to head, and held me tightly.

"But, I paused for effect, "If I was feeling horny, you would!" I said mock-sternly to him.

He gave a quiet giggle and squeezed me tight again.

Suddenly, I knew we both had made a discovery. For Jess, that he liked being touched by another guy and he could admit as much. For me, recognising that chord in someone whether they themselves knew or not, that I could make something happen between us. I knew with certainty, if I stayed around here for any length of time, I would have sex with Jess, that I would fuck him and that he would enjoy and want more. It was really weird, like a curtain being lifted in my mind allowing me to see into someone's soul.

Part 5

Brian was shaking me awake. Thankfully, I had turned on my back whilst asleep and Jess had also turned to face the other way. I didn't want any embarrassing situations either for me or Jess. But as soon as I stirred, my shorts pulled on my skin, reminding me of all the cum that had now glued the fabric fast. Luckily Brian had gone back to getting dressed after shaking me, so he didn't notice all the dried mess on my lower stomach. The evidence, as Dave put it.

Our clothes had dried off during the night so I quickly got into them, covering up anything that might have any ideas to the rest. Al shook Jess awake and soon we were getting dressed. Later Dave returned with the news that there was a diner open not far away. But first, Al, Pete and Dave made light work of changing the wheel before we set off to eat and then the drive back towards Houston and Galveston.

By 10 o clock, we were there. Having called into the Car Hire office, Dave told them exactly where the car had been left. They were apologetic about the car breaking down and even gave us some of the money back. We offered this to Dave but he wouldn't hear of it. He dropped us on the quayside almost next to the ship. When they saw her, they all made some bad jokes at how she looked, but we could beat at that with what we knew of her. He gave us some telephone numbers to call, and we promised if we weren't about to sail anytime soon, we would treat them for a few beers.

We said our thanks and goodbyes and I felt Dave's hand hold mine longer than necessary as we shook. Jess looked me straight in the eyes and held my gaze as we said farewell, those blue diamond's of his peeping through a blonde thatch. Looking into those beautiful eyes, I read more than he could ever say in words. We both understood very well, but it wasn't anything anyone else could tune into.

As good as our trip to New Orleans was with all the excitement of the place, it was Dave and Jess that stayed in my mind the most. I was unhappy to say goodbye and for some hours afterwards, felt a kind of a pain in my gut. It's hard finding good people, only having to lose them so quickly. The prospect of what might have been, killed by the everyday world we had to follow.

My first job was to report to Norman or else we would never have been forgiven. His preparations for lunch stopped instantly we went into the galley. He made us some coffee and sat down, insisting we tell him every detail, or almost, from setting off to arriving back. He relived his memories of New Orleans listening to us describe what we had seen and where we had been. Dinner was late that day which had everyone asking what had happened, for which Norman made up some lame excuse. For once he couldn't have cared less.

We were back at work the same day. I went to see Henry to tell him we were back although Norman warned us he was in a foul mood. The spare parts were still held up which was getting the ship owners very upset, I guess they were breathing down his neck a bit hard. In the event, he was busy when I found him; he just gave me a nod and asked if we had had a good time. I told him it was great and thanked him for giving us the time off. He nodded again and went back to what he was doing. I wondered if he would demand a special thank you when he was not so pushed.

I was really tired after our trip and then having to get into the swing of work again, I looked forward to some early nights for the rest of the week. I know Brian felt the same, so we didn't see too much of each other. I tended to go back to my cabin after dinner and crash out straight away, so I wasn't much for conversation with anyone. But by the weekend, I had fully recovered although being in port tended to be a bit boring, so many cleaning and painting jobs to do instead of repairing things, which was much more interesting.

At breakfast on Friday, Brian asked if I wanted to go on shore for some beers that night.

"Why don't we call Dave and the guys?" I asked, "Maybe they would show us some good places, we did say we would buy them some beers for helping us out."

"Oh yeah," he said as if he had forgotten all about them. But for me, at least two of them had never been far from my mind. He found the paper with the telephone numbers in his wallet and went off to see Barry, so he could use the shore telephone in his place. Later that morning I met up with him again.

"All done, they will pick us up around 7."

"Great, with some local guides I am sure we would have a good time."

I felt in a great mood for the rest of the day, wishing it along so I could grab dinner and then shower. It would be a change to dress up smart, instead of looking like bums as we usually did onboard.

Finally, 7 o clock came and we walked down the gangway looking for their vehicle. Instead of the camper, a car horn was honking and someone was shouting and hollerin down at the other end of the ship. It had to be them, and so it was. I immediately felt "at home", and we picked up again as if old friends. Al was driving, being his car, and they told us we would go to their favourite bar, near the base.

It was a lively place with music and some people dancing although it was still very early, and plenty of drinking. There were lots of people the guys knew there, so before long our table had expanded with other Navy guys and friends to around twenty. It soon became a great party.

Nearly everyone was about our age, and I guess as we were from England a bit of a curiosity, so they all wanted to talk to us and be our friends. I was soon separated from Brian, but we were both having a good time so it was okay. Jess stayed close by, kind of like my bodyguard or something, which felt good and allowed me to relax with all these new faces around. A lot of those same faces were very good looking, dark Latin ones, strong hairy types like you see from Italy or Spain, many of them blonde and cute like Jess, even some of model quality. I was really enjoying being in the middle of it all!

By late in the evening, I had drunk a good deal of beer, which might account for me actually dancing after being dragged up on the floor by some of the group. It was the best night out I had ever had, no doubt, and one I will treasure always. But getting on by twelve, many of them were taking their leaves. Lots of them worked in the morning as we did. Dave came to say he would take us back to the ship as Al had drunk too much, so Pete was taking him to the base. Dave was still okay to drive, so with Jess we went out to the car and he carefully drove us to the port berth and our M.V. Harmonia.

Part 6

Once back at the quayside, Brian invited them onboard for a coffee, which they accepted enthusiastically. We headed to the mess room and found it empty. Brian prepared the coffees while we chatted. Dave was interested in the ship, or to be exact, was interested how such a rust bucket was still afloat! Brian assured him that while it looked in bad shape, the Chief was a stickler for making sure everything was working right. Still with a ship this age something or other was always breaking down, and now there was a fault that required parts being flown in from Finland for the engine. I didn't like it but the conversation was all shop, Dave had a keen interest in ships so eventually, Brian asked him if he wanted a trip down the engine room. You couldn't have got more excitement from taking a kid into a candy store. Dave was straight to the door waiting for Brian to follow and show the way.

Once they had gone, it was a bit flat with just the both of us sitting in the mess, so I asked Jess if he wanted to drink the coffee in my cabin where at least I had a radio. He liked the idea, so we took our mugs of coffee and headed to my nest. Jess was curious about my stuff, not that I had much, but he looked around picking up this and that. Finally, he sat down on my bed and I sat in the chair by the small table. We made small talk about his job, and then he told me how he felt he was lost and didn't have a sense of direction. Basically not at odds with the world, but just drifting along without being able to see a way forward. He put down his empty mug and stretched back on the bed. His shirt pulled out from his pants at the sides with his arms being folded behind his head. Tanned skin revealed itself making him look sexy against the white of his shirt. I got lost in thought.

"Hey Mike, come over here, you can't be comfortable sat on that wooden chair," and backed up to the bulkhead on his side, making room.

I stepped across and lay down next to him and continued talking. At some point, his leg hooked over mine and he leant into me slightly, so his body was making contact from shoulder to foot. It made me think of being in the Camper with him, spooned together feeling comfortable, safe and warm. A switch clicked in my mind, setting into motion other kinds of feelings and emotions. I recognised it but could do nothing to change it, even if I had wanted to.

Consciously I opened my legs further, moving the one of his on the bed, further away. It meant he had to lean more on me now I had upset his balance. In fact having done that, he was lying on me rather than at the side. I fidgeted again, this time moving one arm beneath and around him. As we talked, at some point I put my fingers into his shoulder muscles and gently kneaded. At first to emphasise something I was saying, then as a kind of a massage. I wanted to grab him fact, but to do so might have spoilt it with his innocence. If he didn't like then he would break and run. If anything happened it would have to come from him.

"Oh yeah, oh that's great, really cool. Man, you hit the spot there!" I worked my fingers between his shoulder blades, then up and into his neck muscles.

"Every man should be entitled to a massage at the end of the working day," I said laughing, "by rights".

"Oh yeah, you can say that again." My fingers found plenty of places to work on.

From lying on his side, he dropped all of his weight onto me now, his arm stretched across so that I had full reign over his back. He "ooh'ed and ahhed" as my hand kneaded up and down. After his shoulders, I worked up and down the sides of his spine till I reached the top of his pants. By then it was no big deal to first move to his waist where his shirt had worked loose, put my hand inside and then ran it over his back under his shirt. The touch of my hand brought forth more groans of satisfaction.

He broke my train of thought, propping himself up on one elbow and looked down.

"Hey Mike, you know, you are one cool dude, really man, I never met anyone like you before."

"How come, what am I doing that's so special?"

"I dunno, I guess we are always on the right wavelength or something, I can't explain it really. Just whatever you do, is always somehow kinda right." He thought for a moment. "Hey, maybe we knew each other in another life, like we were best mates before, you know, something like that." He thought more about what he had said and laughed at the idea.

After a few moments, he dropped his head onto my shoulder and relaxed again, while all the time I was playing and massaging his back.

Taking a different tack, I took out my hand from beneath the shirt, and then more forcefully grabbed his neck muscles, squeezing and pinching them. It brought forth more groans of pleasure, but he didn't move. I worked down his shoulders, then lower till I was onto the cheeks of his ass. I squeezed one by one, first kneading the outer flanks, and then kind of popping them with my thumb in his crack and my fingers on the outside. I did first one cheek, then the other. After them I could just reach to the top of his legs, so I worked the outside of his thigh, then the inside, eventually right up to the crotch.

He gasped and groaned but didn't censor me. After one leg, I moved to the other, starting from the inside to the out and then back again. My hand must have been brushed over his balls beneath the cloth I massaged so high, but he didn't flinch a bit. The only response was muffled cries of delight.

My hand was getting tired, but just then he propped himself up on his elbow again.

"Shit Mike, where you learn all that stuff? Man, you have the magic touch."

"I dunno, I guess a man always knows what gives a man pleasure."

"Yeah, I guess you are right there," he nodded.

"How about you, you like me to do you?" he asked, grabbing my leg and squeezing it roughly.

I decided to push him.

"Jess, you do that to me and I'll get so horny there will be only one outcome. I don't want you running home screaming to mother."

He giggled. "Shit, what do you think you did to me?" he said and pointed to the top of his legs. "Man, you gave me a real boner playing with my shoulders and neck and stuff." Then he grabbed himself and shook it beneath his pants. "It ain't never going down now," he smirked. When he let go, I grabbed and squeezed.

"Yeah, you got a good hard one now Jess. Maybe you should give me that massage, then we both got to suffer." I nodded for him to do something. Truth was I was already hard.

He tried to massage one of my legs. I started playing with his back and shoulders again which brought him to a standstill as he relished the feelings. I looked up into his face, eyes closed and looking pained. He had his mouth open slightly and the tip of his tongue was running across his upper lip.

Chancing further, I brought my free hand to his pants and squeezed his dick gently. I was watching his face, but the expression didn't change. Finding the zip, I pulled it down. My heart was thumping fit to burst, for this was open seduction. Slowly, I reached inside his pants, finding his boner throbbing beneath my touch. A bit awkwardly, I slipped my fingers under the elastic of his briefs, touching a mat of soft hair and then his red hot shaft.

All the time, I watched his face for any sign of disapproval, but read none. My movement was limited so I withdrew my hand and felt for his belt buckle, slowly managing to get it undone and flick open the hooks to his waistband. Once accomplished, his pants folded back and I had easy access to his briefs.

I was still not satisfied for now I wanted him badly. But this was still just playing around. So as not to rush, I worked his dick, squeezing and toying for a couple of minutes. When I guessed he was really on the boil, I broke the silence.

"Oh shit, Jess, I gotta get out of these, my dick is bursting. Come on, let's get these pants off so we can enjoy."

I didn't wait for an answer, but quickly undid mine and shucked them down my legs and off onto the floor. He looked a bit worried or unsure but followed my example. I lay close facing him now and put my arm around his back, continuing to massage and return him quickly to his previous state. Soon he had relaxed and we leant in touching bodily. With my other hand, I felt for his cock, still hard, and pushed down his briefs. At first, he was motionless, but then hesitatingly, lifted the weight from his hips so they could be worked down and let free his cock.

It was smooth and strong, but not so big. I guess around six inches, which was fine by me. I traced my fingers all over, pinching the skin on his ball sac and a little underneath and behind. Soon, he was letting out sighs of approval and occasionally bucking his hips when my touch hit the jackpot. I stopped massaging his back and gently pushed him onto his back.

"Close your eyes, relax and enjoy a really special massage."

He did as I said, and I moved down the bed till my face was level with his groin. At first, I just wanted to look at what felt so good to my fingers. The thatch of hair was neatly trimmed and around his cock, but apart from this hair, he was totally smooth like me. His skin was like silk to touch, so fine and unmarked. For some time I played around intrigued by the feel of him, but then I wanted to move on. Taking a deep breath, I blew a stream of air from my lips, letting the flow massage his cock from tip to balls. He gasped and lifted his head to see what was giving him such a pleasure.

"Mike, that is....that is fantastic, absolutely fantastic. He lowered his head to the pillow, sighing as I continued with my air massage.

I reckoned now he was completely used to me handling his cock, so I did what I love to do. First I wet the end with my tongue, then took it slowly into my mouth and began tickling the underside. He cried out, but then bucked his hips at the torment. I dropped my mouth full over and began gently sucking.

I could hear his moans but this was for me now, not for him. I sucked him hard, working him quickly into a frenzy. Not letting him go too far, I stopped and opened his legs wide and moved between them. He didn't look at what I was doing. This time, I tongued his balls, sucking them gently, running my tongue down the side in the indent to his groin. Jess bucked his hips and whimpered loudly.

I tried to get behind his ball sac, succeeding in part. He soon got the message that it got the further under I went. He raised his knees slightly to allow more access, but my face could only go so far up against his legs. But he now knew more access spelt more pleasure. I put both hands under his knees and pushed them back to his chest.

My first resistance. Looking up to see what I was doing, he began to push his legs back down. It looked like he was embarrassed to be in this position with his ass bare. Quickly I buried my face into his balls, sucking and licking like mad. He quickly calmed down again and stopped fighting. I dipped my tongue behind his balls a few times, drawing gasps again. He allowed me to push back his legs fully.

Now I had him, sucking and licking first his cock then around his balls, and little by little dipping my tongue towards his button. He writhed and twisted, pushed back his hips into my face and pulled my head closer. I let go of his legs and he kept them back himself. With one hand on each cheek of his ass, I raised them a little. My thumbs could trace down the crack from the scrotum, and then I slicked him up with my tongue. Further and further I pressed, driving him in an agony of pleasure. I got to his button and licked and sucked. When not licking his ass, I very gently ran my fingertips over it as I took his balls or cock in my mouth and then returning to dipping my tongue into his ass.

Soon I knew he couldn't tell when it was my finger or tongue playing with him and neither did he care. I would open the lips of his rosebud whilst I tongued him. Then I would trace over it with my fingers, slowly working first one and then after some time, two fingers into the opening.

Jess tried to jack himself off, but I stopped him.

"That is only for me," I told him.

He said nothing but didn't try again. On and on I continued, at last being able to work two fingers past the door of his ass and feel the inner heat. I didn't stop with my mouth, so I guess he had no idea where the sensations were coming from exactly, just a total zone of pleasure.

I was beside myself with lust, desperate to possess him completely. Slowly I got up on my knees, then came forward over him and in so doing carried his legs up on my shoulders. I opened his shirt and bent to suck his nipples whilst I kept one hand on his cock, squeezing and milking. Then I would go underneath and trace my fingers over his hole, play with his balls and then go back again. His hands were on the back of my head keeping me pressed tight to his body as I licked and sucked.

Quickly I let my saliva go to my hand, then over my cock and all over the shaft. Returning after to play with his cock, then his balls and finally his asshole. While my fingers were toying there, I brought the end of my dick to the mark, gently pushing it across the opening, backwards and forwards till I made up my mind and pushed the head into the opening.

I looked up to his face to see if there was any objection, but it seemed he was unaware of any difference from my fingers. Taking the shaft in my hand I worked it in a circular motion to help open him up. I bit his nipples hard to take his mind from it, which made him gasp. At the same moment, I squeezed his cock and milked it hard. To complete, I put my weight on my cock and slowly slid inside him.

For moments there was no reaction. Then his body stiffened and he moaned in pain. I held him firmly but didn't move my cock at all. I put my finger to his lips for silence and he quietened down. I attacked his nipples vigorously now, ran my fingers around the sensitive head of his cock, till the pleasure flooded back over him again. I pushed home with my cock going deep inside.

I am sure he didn't know which part of his body was bombarding his brain. Before he could make up his mind though, I began a firm rhythm of fucking so that by the time he realised what was happening, he was overtaken by the pleasure. He did try to push me off, but it was ineffectual, a lame reflex I could tell he didn't really want to carry through.

His face was contorted with first with pain and then with pleasure, jumping one to the other, second by second. I moved my head next to his and pressed my body against his. I nibbled his neck and shoulder, all the time keeping up my rhythm. Then he pulled his arms across my back and held me tight. I now knew I was home and in no danger of rejection.

"Jess, you are fantastic, you really are. I gotta do this, I really have to, you are so fantastic."

He moaned and gasped as I plunged on.

Then I heard a whisper, "Do it, Mike, do it to me, do it, man." His voice trailing off into more throttled cries.

"Jess, I can't hold off anymore, I gotta come," I said into his ear.

He tightened his grip across my back squeezing hard like we were going to merge into just one person. What a beautiful feeling.

"Jess, hold me tight, I'm gonna come now."

He did, as I pounded his ass a few more strokes, then let fly with my juice deep inside him. We lay motionless after I had come for a while then I lifted my head and looked at his face. His eyes were closed, he looked at peace and he looked beautiful. Leaning down, I gently kissed him on the lips.

"Thank you, Jess, you are so perfect, you know that?" Opening his eyes slowly as if from a deep sleep, he held my gaze.

"You're not so bad yourself, you know that?"

Easing myself up, I gently let myself fall out. He jumped when it did, all the same.

"Hey Jess," I said, seeing him still at full mast, "I never finished my massage, stay right where you are."

Quickly I moved down the bed and dropped my mouth over his hard cock. Hearing his sighs of pleasure, I got to work sucking and licking, doing everything I knew to make him feel good. Once he was coming up to the boil, I pulled him onto his side as I fell to mine. I pushed his ass a few times to give him the message, I wanted him to fuck my face rather than suck. He didn't need much urging and pushed it in tight, placing his hands on the back of my head to stop me from being knocked away. I worked one hand between his legs, and finding his ass hole, slid two fingers in and out as his hips moved pistoning my face.

His body shook and trembled with pleasure. "Mike, I'm gonna come" he cried, trying to pull out of my mouth.

But I wanted him to finish inside and I held his ass firmly, letting him know he had to stay put. Taking up the rhythm again he was soon stretching my mouth as it jabbed down my throat. Bucking and grinding against my face, he finally moaned loudly and erupted, filling my mouth with his sweet milk.

I held him there long after he had finished coming, wanting to savour as long as possible, feel his cock reduce and soften, breath every last trace of his sex and bodily smells and intoxicating myself on his aromas.

Only reluctantly did we both move off the bed. I suggested we shower or else someone would easily guess what we had been doing. He laughed now; no longer shy. We soaped each other, feeling the contours of our curves, touching dicks, ass's, chests and lips as if it was the first time each had seen another body.

Lips were important, for we kissed tightly after soaping up. He didn't hold back like I knew he would have just an hour before. I am sure he didn't yet realise, but a change had taken place. I knew because I had been through exactly the same only three months before.

Spending far more time in there than necessary just to clean up, meant I had a chance to recover a little from the exertions. My cock filled out, not hard, but I was turned on at all the touching we were doing and the sight of his perfectly proportioned beautiful body. I wanted just one last thing, both for myself and to push Jess into doing the full works. Putting my hands on his shoulders, I looked him straight in the eyes.

"Jess, please do one thing for me."

"Yeah Mike, anything," he said brightly. I pushed hard on his shoulders to make him bend down till his head was in front of my cock.

"Jess, you gotta suck me! I want you to do this for me."

He looked at me and then at my cock. I could tell he was unsure, not being fully worked up and me being so direct, he was kind of embarrassed and reluctant.

"Aw Mike, I ain't done this before, maybe I'm no good."

"Maybe you aren't, but you are not going to get better by not trying."

I pulled his head he allowed the end into his mouth. He didn't take it all, gagging at the first effort and backed off. Playing with the end was good, but it wasn't going to bring me off anytime soon with just having the sex on the bed.

"Okay, Jess, how about licking my balls, while I jerk off?" I offered.

"Sure, anything Mike," he said and with more enthusiasm, set about licking and sucking my balls. I opened my legs wide and started beating my dick while Jess increasingly more turned on by it, put his back into giving me some great sensations.

"Lick behind them Jess."

I could feel his tongue edging towards my hole, feathering the rim and that sent me into top gear.

"Oh, that's great, do it Jess, harder, oh!" I was moaning, totally turned on by this beautiful guy crouched in front of me doing just what I asked. I was going to finish soon, but couldn't gauge when I would blow, the feelings were so intense.

With my free hand, I yanked the back of his head out from between my legs and pushed his face to my cock.

"Jess, suck me NOW!" I cried.

He took the end in his mouth as before, but the moment I could feel his lips on the crown of my dick, I lost it. Roughly I pushed and humped his mouth. I could feel the end of my cock collide with the back of his throat. He made a half-hearted show at fighting for release, but I was expecting him and keep him in place for the next few moments. Just to look down at his cute face taking my cock sent me over the edge and I filled him up with my load. I didn't allow him to come off it till I had completely finished. Once he got over the initial retching at the rush of liquid, he went back sucking and licking at my dick without my assistance. Lesson over!

I pulled him to his feet and brought his lips to mine and we kissed long and deep.

"Jess, I thought you needed to know about doing that," I told him. "But you were magnificent; you get the full 10 points."

"Thanks," he said grinning, "Actually once I got over my choking sensation, I liked it, and when you came in my mouth, I thought I was going to come again too."

"Now you can see how come I like sucking you," I said.

"You like me to give you more?" I asked as I could see he was hard again.

"It's a great idea, but I don't think there is anymore at least not anytime soon, and aren't Brian and Dave gonna come looking for us?"

"Shit, I'd forgotten all about them," With Jess being the only thing on my mind, I too was now worried about being found in here like this.

Very reluctantly we got dressed and made our way first to check on Brian's cabin, but he wasn't there, so up to the topside. They were stood by Al's car waiting for us.

Brian was a bit pissed I could tell "Where you get to, been looking all over, here we are waiting around like ducks for the fucking rain."

"Aw, we just got talking, forgot the time," I said as casually as possible.

Dave didn't seem put out though, and with a few jokes which lightened the situation, they climbed into the car, saying they would see us again maybe tomorrow, and sped off down out of the dock area.

Part 7

The following day, we didn't see them but the parts for the engine arrived. So it was back to work with a vengeance now, as things were made ready to fix up the engine with all the new bits and pieces. I felt like I had been hit in the stomach when Barry mentioned the Chief had arranged a pilot to get us out of the port on tomorrow's high tide, which would be around 4 in the afternoon. I could think of nothing else but Jess and maybe having to leave without saying goodbye. I telephoned the number he had given us, but it was just an answering machine. I left a message, saying we were leaving tomorrow and just hoped it would get to him. That night I hardly slept at all.

The next morning saw me hard at work in the engine room, all hands racing against the clock to be finished on time. At 10, it was break time and everyone disappeared to the mess or their rooms. Just I was going up, one of the hands said someone was topside wanting to see me. I bounded up the stairs and raced along the corridors till I got out on the deck. There was Jess waiting, looking over the rail. But Shit! did he look magnificent in his Navy whites! I raced over but immediately checked myself. I had lots of dirt and oil on me so I couldn't touch him, not even shake his hand.

"Hey man, look at Tarzan here," he laughed, for I was wearing only my cut down jeans.

"Hi Jess, you got my message then?" I said.

But before he could answer I blurted out "You look beautiful Jess in that uniform."

I blushed up immediately at saying something so yuk, but it was just what I was thinking. He smiled and then asked if we could go to my cabin. Quickly we made our way there, I was wondering what people might think, but as it happened there was no-one around as they were all probably in the mess room. Once inside I just stared at him.

"Jess, I want to grab you, but just look at your whites, I daren't go anywhere near you looking like that."

"Lock the door and I'll fix that problem," he said. I did and then rushed to the shower as fast as I could.

Coming out of the shower, he was stood in his briefs. I just grabbed him and held on for minutes.

"Jess, I swear, I am gonna miss you like hell."

"But I am also gonna swear that I will see you again if you want me too. Maybe this ship will come back or another one, whatever, when you are not with me, I can't think of anything else. By hook or by crook, I'll be back, if you feel like I do."

"Come on and sit down," he said, "I want to say something. Man, I've been having nightmares since I met you."

"I am giving you nightmares? I thought you liked me?"

"That's just the point, what's gonna happen when you leave here? Just one week ago, I thought I would be getting married in a year or so and have a family just like everyone expects, I never thought about anything different to that. Now you've changed everything. I can't go back to thinking like that anymore. But I don't want to go looking for these gay bars you hear about. I could never face up to leaving the guys from the base, going off and doing stuff in secret. Now I feel like I'm all alone, no one would understand me if I tried to explain about us."

"I have just been through the same thing," I explained. Before joining this ship I was going to get married, have a couple of kids and live in a semi detached house just like my mom and dad. Now I can't do that either. We are both in the same boat if you pardon the pun."

He smiled, but his seriousness remained.

"So who changed your outlook on this ship?" he asked.

"It was Brian, he has shown me everything," I told him truthfully.

"Brian! I never knew he was like us, I can't believe he is like that!" He was astonished.

"Well, no-one would think you or I were either would they?" I asked.

"No, I guess not."

I bit my lip wondering whether to say more. I owed him something but didn't want to say anything that would cause trouble either.

"How about your mates, can't you talk with them, I mean if they are your mates they wouldn't throw you out would they?"

"Word would be bound to get out, you know all the guys in the Navy, sooner or later, and someone would say something. It wouldn't be worth the risk. I don't think I could face it, really."

Something had to be said, I knew. "Jess, believe me, I know Dave would understand if you told him."

He looked at me, but not saying anything for a while.

"Are you telling me Dave knows about this kind of thing? You did something with Dave? Are you bullshitting me? I looked at him and smiled.

"I am not saying anything, but believe me, he knows all about it."

He frowned, dumbfounded. "When did you get the time, you have always been in a group together?" I didn't answer but suddenly he remembered. "In the toilets at the rest stop? You did it with Dave at the rest stop? Shit, I can't believe it. Fuck me!"

"I did", I said laughing, "but you never heard me say anything about doing it with Dave in the toilets, not from my lips."

"Fuck me, fuck me," he exclaimed definitely at a loss for words. "But Dave is the biggest tomcat around the base or was till this girlfriend pinned him down. How can you explain that?" he asked.

"Well, you remember Dave telling us about when he was a teenager and the guy on his street? I guess once you get the taste, it's always there. I think anyone could imagine there was more to it than Dave told that night. Just think about it, how could it be just a one way street with that old Mr Spencer. It doesn't make sense if he was seeing that guy over a long time; something else was bound to happen between them."

"I guess not," said Jess, deep in thought.

"Look Jess, you have one great friend here that already understands exactly what you are feeling. I reckon he would also love to have a friend that understood him too. I know he hasn't got anyone like that at the moment. You will be good for each other."

He understood what I was trying to get across. "I sure am glad I came to see you today, you don't know what a load has been taken off my mind."

"No more nightmares?"

"I hope not, though I might be shedding a few tears over you," he said making a grab for me. We fell down to lie in each other's arms.

"Mike," he asked hesitantly, "We got time? I just begged off an hour from a Navy seminar in town, do you think they will miss you here for a little while?"

"What they going to do to me, throw me overboard?"

He cracked up laughing as we ripped off each other's briefs. Then for our last hour together abandoned ourselves kissing, licking, sucking and fucking in a sexual frenzy.

I walked him down the dock to where he could get a taxi back into town. We didn't say much, we didn't have to. By the time we reached the gate, my eyes were wet. I had never cried about a man before, this was my first time of losing someone I really loved. The earth stood still when he turned to say goodbye. He looked at me for a few moments and tears rolled slowly down his cheeks. He grabbed me and pulled me tight into his arms.

"I'm really gonna miss you, Mike," he said choking on the words.

"And me you, Jess. You are the best guy I ever met."

We didn't hold each other long, being in public view, but I guess people are used to seeing goodbyes in a port. Before he turned and walked away, he silently pushed a letter down the front of my shorts.

I saved it till alone in my cabin that evening. I can't tell you what he said, but I cried for him the rest of the night.

The End

Any of your comments are welcome to John,


Next: Chapter 4

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