Able Semen

By bokjay / John

Published on Sep 2, 2017


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Able Semen 2, First Shore Leave By John -

Part 1

I told you before about the hard time I had on my first ship. Many people want to know more, so I was looking through my diaries to see if I had written anything of interest. I soon found it, and straight away a smile came to my face remembering the episode.

We had called into one of the West African ports to discharge some or our cargo. The port was already full or at least they couldn't handle ships very fast, so the Chief said we would be anchored off for two days till a berth became free in the small harbour. This being the first time outside of England, I was really excited at the prospect of being able to go ashore and see a new place and an African culture. Brian had suggested we do, so we could have a change of scenery from being on the ship.

At nine o clock, we jumped onto the agent's launch and ferried into the harbour. Customs was a non-existent affair so we grabbed a taxi to go into the town. Brian had all the info from another crew member who had been here a couple of times before. I had taken a small advance in French Francs and Brian had some US dollars, just in case we wanted to buy something.

The road into town wasn't very far, but the journey was slow as the taxi negotiated the many holes in the road, finally depositing us in what looked like the town square. The place was spartan, dusty in fact but at least someone had built it with an eye to colonial grandeur even though it was obvious it had been done on a shoestring. More like a studio facade.

People thronged everywhere. Goats were tethered to poles, chickens stacked in cages, donkeys just stood where they were, seemingly unattended. We joined with the flow.

The sounds were incredible, languages completely unintelligible to me. Everyone seemed to be shouting, music was blaring from hidden radios, and some guy was getting hysterical through a loudspeaker somewhere. Occasionally I could pick out some French words as this place had been run by them at one time I think. The people around us were dressed in a rainbow of colours, big women in colourful flowing dresses, and then at the other extreme, men in simple white gowns that Brian called Thobes.

It was all amazing; the contrast with my small town in England could not have been greater. I felt in high spirits with the novelty of it all and Brian was in an excellent mood as we joked and laughed at things we saw till I was sure those around us must have thought we were crazy.

I was amused by how many people stared at us, usually women, some of whom wanted to touch my blond hair or arm as though I was from a different planet. Others just touched me lightly on the shoulder or back or even bum, perhaps to see if I was real! Mind, I had not seen more than a handful of European looking people since we went ashore. I guess to them we looked just as odd as they to us. I had on a white tank top that came just to my waist, with blue jeans. Brian had on an ordinary tee shirt and jeans. Very common back home but an oddity here, so perhaps we were the couple of aliens from another world!

We had moved off the street into a market with small shops stacked to the gills with all kinds of wares. Everywhere you looked, down every alley, there were more shops and stalls making it a real maze of a place. It was slow going edging through the crowds and it had got quite hot too. At one corner of an alley, there was this stall full of fruits of every description. On the counter sat a big noisy mixing machine and the man there was stuffing oranges in the top and at the bottom fresh juice ran into a container. We stood and watched as someone ordered something different and he jammed loads of strawberries into it.

Our mouths watered and we began to feel the heat just watching. Brian asked me if I fancied one and I said yes, just what I wanted right now. He went to the counter and pointed to the drink he had prepared for another customer. The friendly guy laughed and jabbered away making a joke about us to the other people stood at the counter. But he was obviously pleased these foreigners were buying from his shop. After a few minutes there were our drinks, poured into a plastic bag, tied with a rubber band and a straw through the top. Fantastic and the cost, only a few pence!

Now with our refreshments, we continued through the market. Hardly had we got more than a few metres when I collided with a rather large lady. I had been looking to my left and she had been looking somewhere else, the result was we walked bang into each other. My fruit drink was squashed against me, forcing the strawberry juice out in a jet all down my tank top and jeans. Bright red and sticky on a white top didn't look so well. I could just imagine all the flies homing in on me within minutes. The lady escaped without so much a drop on her. I was rather pleased about that as I couldn't have faced an angry woman of that size if she had got upset.

Brian pulled me out of the mainstream into a smaller alley and tried to mop up the juice with some tissue, but it was obvious nothing could be done with it now. I was a mess and didn't like the idea of spending the rest of the day looking like a can of red paint had been thrown at me.

"How about taking off your vest and letting me lick you clean," said Brian trying to lighten the situation.

"Now don't start," I said threateningly, "we'll end up getting arrested or something even worse if you try that on here."

"Mmmm, bet you taste even better than usual though," he grinned.

"Just shut it," I said trying to give my voice an edge but not quite being able to prevent my smile showing through. "You are giving me a hard-on and that's the last thing I need to show everyone right now."

"Okay, okay, don't give me a hard time," he grinned. "Come on down here, looks like there is a shop selling clothes so let's see if we can buy you some new gear." He walked off down the alley towards one place that had lots of jeans hanging outside.

This alley was very quiet, the shops between where we stood and the one selling jeans were all shut with boards up across their frontages. The shop sold all kinds of shirts, tee shirts and jeans. At first, no one was about and we had time to take a look at the things on sale. But soon enough the owner appeared from nowhere and bombarded us with a selection of languages till he found one that registered.

"Oh! English, very fine. "I speak little English, you speak French? I speak French very well."

"No, sorry we don't, only English."

"No problem, no problem, English very fine, you like my trousers?"

He did not mean his trousers of course but the jeans we had been looking at. Brian asked how much the tee shirts were and he answered with his first price. We had to convert it to Dollars and that took us some time. He took the delay as not interested, for he immediately cut the price by half. I guess it was a slow day for him down this alley and he needed custom. We had to double check what he was asking because it sounded far too cheap, we thought it impossible. But no, that was the price, something like 40 pence for what appeared to be a good quality tee shirt.

Brian was delighted and immediately said he would buy a few for himself. The owner was pleased as punch as he finally decided to buy six of them. His smile took on an extra dimension, showing his brilliant white teeth contrasting with his dark coffee coloured skin. I guess he was somewhere around nineteen to twenty-four, quite tall and slim. A square face with sharp jaw lines gave him a handsome look. His clothes were unusual, even with a few hours ashore under my belt. He had a very baggy pastel blue robe that came down to around his knees. All the edges of it were heavily embroidered in gold thread including a deep vee on at his chest. The sleeves were enormous, making it look like a king size bed sheet he was wearing. But under the arms was open to the waist so you could easily see his stomach and chest as he gesticulated about the place. Under the robe, he was wearing some sort of baggy trouser, and I mean really baggy, that came down just halfway below the knee. A very imposing appearance to be sure although I don't think I would have walked down my own high street dressed like that.

While Brian was sorting out his purchase I was looking at jeans. It said Levi 501 on the label and although I didn't doubt they were fake, they still looked good. The cotton was soft and smooth and the stitching was good, so I decided to buy a pair if the price was okay.

Just as Brian was paying for his purchase, he exclaimed: "Shit, I forgot this."

"What is it?" I asked.

"Norman asked me to try and get some medicine he needs for his chest," he said holding a paper with the name written down.

Brian then asked the shopkeeper if there was a Pharmacy around.

"No problem, Pharmacy just down here." He grabbed Brian and walked him down the alley little and was signing which way he had to go.

"Okay Mike, I'll be back in a jiffy," he said and walked off.

"No problem, Pharmacy very near. Your friend be very quick," he said smiling. "You like my trousers?"

"Yes," I said, "How much?"

He thought for a moment and quoted a price. I worked it out and again thought one of us had made a mistake. Fake or not, this was too cheap! He saw my questioning look and grabbed some paper from his pocket and wrote down the figure so there would be no mistake. I said to him that I only wanted one, maybe two pairs, not half a dozen like Brian had bought.

"No problem, for fine English man I make good price."

It was too, about £4 for a pair of jeans. I decided to buy, as I had cut down most of my jeans into shorts for working and this was too good an opportunity to miss.

"You have size 30?" I asked as all the ones on display were larger than that.

"Yes, yes, I have all sizes, come inside I show you size 30."

He steered me inside holding on to my shoulders. The interior was an Aladdin's cave of clothes, from floor to ceiling and covering every surface so there was just a narrow path to get from one side of the room to the other. Guiding me to one corner where the jeans were stacked, he began sifting through looking for my size.

"Here, I have size 30," he said and held them up to my waist as a fit. "Very good, very good, you handsome Englishman." He ran his hand over my head, intrigued by my colour. "My trouser with good Englishman, very fine!"

It may sound like he was pushy, but his manner was very nice if a little amusing so I didn't mind him going on. One thing I noticed with him and others I had seen so far today, whenever he was talking he touched you. Like it was part and parcel of speaking to someone, establishing the connection with touch as well as speech. Coming from the UK where everybody liked their private space, this was something quite unusual, but on the other hand I thought it rather friendly. It made people back in England appear very cold and straight-laced compared with here.

As with back home, I wanted to try them on, I have been caught out many times with buying things untried and then finding out later they were not my size. I told him and also mimed pulling on the jeans so he would understand.

"No problem, try, try, very good!"

He beamed, perhaps amused at my comic way of explaining. He pulled me over to another corner in the not too brightly lit place. It was a cord strung across the corner of the room leaving just enough space behind in which to change. Pulling across a sheet, it just separated the space up to about five feet high.

I had taken a new tee shirt as well to replace the one covered in juice. I asked him for water and when he produced a glass, I used the clean part of my vest to wipe down my body where the juice had made me sticky. I didn't want to put on a new tee-shirt and still feel all the gunge from the juice. Having done that I slipped off my old jeans, cleaned my lower stomach and top of my legs likewise, and then started putting on the new pair. All the time the shopkeeper stood at the other side of the sheet but well able to look over the top, watching what I was doing.

"Ah! Nice Englishman", he said as I removed my old vest, then he exclaimed again "Ah!" when I pulled off my shoes and dropped my old jeans. I was wearing a pair of briefs, I don't know whether he had seen briefs before, I guess he had, but the sight seemed to make him want to give another "Ah!!!" in surprise.

The moment I had pulled up the new pair, he darted through the curtain to check on them. They were far too big in the waist and must have been at least a 34" if not more, He pulled them up himself, taking hold of the excess material at the waist and looked perplexed at the situation.

"Sorry, I can't fill into these for at least another couple of years," I joked but it went over his head.

"No problem," he said, "I have more trouser." He leapt back through the curtain and reappeared within seconds with another pair, also marked as being 30" waist.

I pulled down the baggy pair, assisted now by the shopkeeper who lifted my legs one by one and eased them off. He handed me the replacements smiling as though this had cracked the problem, unfolded them and held them open for me to put my legs into. It was like having a personal valet, what service! But these were the other extreme; I could hardly get them over my hips. Taking a deep breath I tried to pull them up but I certainly didn't want to be wearing ballet tights. He must have thought he could do better because he had his fingers in the belt hooks pulling on them.

"No, no," I said, "this is no good. I can't wear these."

He came back with the "No problem" again and went to find some more. On his return, he said "Very sorry, no have in this shop, but my friend have many, I go for more trouser."

I was about to give up and not bother, but he was going to a lot of trouble for me and I had nothing to do but wait for Brian. So I said okay.

"You come here, drink tea, wait for me, I am very quick," he beckoned.

He didn't wait for my answer, but gathered up my shoes, old vest and jeans and took my arm to guide me through the shop towards a small door. I still had the ones that were too tight half way up my thighs, but that fact didn't seem to trouble him. Going through the door it was obvious this was where he lived. A small box of a place with a bedroll on the floor at one side, a couple of simple wooden chairs and a small table with a charcoal burner and kettle. There was a single low wattage bulb hanging un-shaded from the ceiling illuminating the roughly plastered walls.

"Sit, sit, please sit down, I give you tea." He was almost pleading and I didn't want to refuse his hospitality. Pouring out a glass of tea, he handed it to me and then swiftly left the room. I sat there sipping, not like any tea I had before but it was refreshing and very sweet.

Whilst he was gone, I looked around for the new tee-shirt, feeling a little uncomfortable being half naked in someone else's room. But I couldn't see where he had put it. So I just sat and waited and wondered what was keeping Brian although I guess he hadn't been so long really.

Soon enough he was back carrying half a dozen new pairs of and grinning like a Cheshire cat! In wonder at this show of care and attention, I asked him his name.

"My name? I am Muna!" he exclaimed proudly.

"Hi Muna, I am Mike, and my friend is Brian."

"Very nice to meet you, Mr Mike," he said formally but still grinning. "I have many trousers for you, sure they will be okay."

I checked the label on the pair he handed me, 30".

"Okay, let's see if we strike lucky now." I started easing down those I had on. I had pulled them up tight and getting them back down again was just as difficult, I thought I might split the seams if I was too rough on them. I was too slow for Muna though and he hunched down alongside me and yanked at them. They came down alright, rolling down my briefs as they came. He had pulled so fast that before I realised what was happening, they were off my ass and being carried down my legs with the jeans. I reached to stop them and cover my exposure, feeling a fool being exposed like this.

Muna laughed out loud, thought it was a great joke.

He patted my ass and said, "Very nice Mr Mike, you are good looking Englishman."

I wanted to step away from him but with the jeans around my ankles, that was impossible.

"Sit, sit Mr Mike," he said and pushed me down onto the chair I had been sitting on before. Now I couldn't get my briefs back up! Muna lifted one leg and then the other, easing down the jeans and my briefs together. After they were off, he held up my briefs to shake them out and handed them back. I stood to put them back on. Muna let his hand run down my back, over my ass and the top of my legs.

"Ah! Mr Mike, you are very fine!" he gushed, appreciating my nakedness but causing me to blush the colour of the strawberry juice that got me into this situation. I couldn't get them on quick enough.

He had hunched down on the floor once more so his view of me was eye level with my most important bits. Suddenly it dawned on me that he was scratching his groin. Still, he made agreeable facial expressions and kept one hand on my leg as if to steady himself as I pulled on my underwear. Funnily enough, I didn't feel at all threatened by him; on the contrary, there was something about him that stirred a chord inside. I couldn't help but smile; it was something between amusement at his expressions and feeling pleased with his comments.

I waited for him to hand me the new jeans, but he continued to stare at me. We looked at each other for some moments. I felt my cock starting to stir although I swear there was nothing sexual running through my mind but sure enough, started to fill out a little. He stood and stepped close looking me straight in the eyes. I found it difficult to return his gaze, but the effect was for my cock to stiffen up. I didn't look directly but I knew one of his hands was probably feeling himself up as it lost as it was in the folds of his robe.

He twirled his fingers through my hair saying quietly almost to himself, "Very fine, very fine Englishman. Ah! Mr Mike, you very good man." His hand traced down my back, slowly feeling the curves of my shoulder blades, then into the hollow and down over my ass. It stopped there and kneaded the cheeks gently. After a moment or two, he slid it further down under as far as his reach would allow, then slowly worked back up to my shoulder.

I was almost transfixed looking into his dark eyes but with an almost imperceptible shiver, I stood back a little. He now grinned broadly and I now could see the enormous tent pole sticking out beneath the robe. I gaped knowing my eyes had widened in shock. Looking back at his face somewhat in amazement, he raised his eyebrows and gestured if I wanted to see, without making any sound. Trance-like, I nodded my head wondering just what lay beneath his garments.

Pulling out his hand from beneath the cloth, he hoisted up the robe and caught the material under his chin. His chest was nicely defined and the stomach was flat with a small amount of curly hair tracing the line down the centre. He raised his eyebrows once more, asking if he should continue. Again I nodded, mesmerised. He hitched his thumbs under the elastic of his baggy pants and pushed them down. My throat went dry and I started to shiver when the material went lower. He stopped just for a moment, fixing me with a wink and then pushed them down his legs.

Into view popped something I had only seen before on a horse! My jaw dropped in amazement and Muna laughed at my astonishment. "It is big, no?"

People think I am big, but compared to this, well there was no comparison. It must have been ten to twelve inches long and very thick and straight. It was black rather than the coffee colour of the rest of him. He watched me staring and then slowly moved his hand up and down the shaft making it jump around.

"Unbelievable," was all I could say.

He laughed and said "It real, very real," and shuffled closer. His hand took hold of mine and placed it over his shaft. The heat was incredible, boiling hot. Muna tilted back his head and closed his eyes, "Ah! Mr Mike, you very good."

I stroked up and down, feeling the solidity, the enormous strength twitching at my touch. This was one big piece of meat. My own cock was rock hard now and it was impossible for me not to feel myself. Muna had closed his eyes again revelling in my touch. My throat pained at the dryness and my nerves were tingling all over.

He opened his eyes once more and looked at me for a moment. Then he moved closer and pressed himself against me so that I could no longer work my hand. His arms encircled, lightly running up and down my back. Slowly he gently began to hump his hips against me, rubbing my own cock against his stomach as he did so. He was murmuring under his breath and then nibbled at my neck. Within moments he tightened his arms and let out a deep sigh. I could feel his hips buck a little harder and then felt wetness over my stomach as he came. I pulled back a little, but his cock continued to erupt, firing high up my chest. Wow, it was a bucketful; the poor man mustn't have dropped a load for months.

When he had finished, without further ado he hitched up his pants and dropped the robe again. Then he pulled a cloth from the bed and wiped me off. My own cock had quickly gone down and was back in my briefs. Perhaps to hide the embarrassment we both now had, he quickly went back to business and opened up another pair of jeans and offered them for me to try. They were near, but still a bit too big.

Part 2

Just as I had pulled them up I heard Brian shouting my name.

"Ah! your good friend, I call him. Please wait!" Moments later Brian was guided him into the room and seated on one of the chairs.

"Sorry I've been a bit of a long time, the Pharmacy around the corner didn't have it, so they sent me to another one and then they didn't know what it was. They got out all the textbooks to look up the name and that took ages. Anyway, I got it after all that. What you been up to, what you been buying?"

I laughed, "So far, one tee-shirt. But I've tried on fifty pairs of jeans though, none of them the right size!"

Muna had now got a tape measure and was busy sifting through the pile measuring each one to find the correct size.

I said quietly to Brian, "You won't believe what just happened here, this guy fancied me and got worked up. Just shot off his load too. He has the biggest dick you ever did see."

"You're kidding!! I leave you alone for five minutes and you find King Kong, just like that." He paused for a moment, "How big was it?" I knew he would be interested; he could never resist a comment on dick size.

"How about twelve inches," I told him.

"No way man, not possible," Brian said, his eyes losing focus.

"It's true, really he has the dick of a donkey, honest."

"Fuck, I missed that?"

"Well he came so fast, he must be up for more if you want to take a chance with him."

"Fuck, twelve fucking inches, jeez, I wouldn't mind seeing that."

I could see his brain working, but he didn't say anything further for Muna held up another pair of jeans.

"Ah! Mr Mike, this is 30, sure this is the right one for you." I took them from him

They both watched me take off the previous pair leaving me feeling a bit silly and in fact a bit shy changing in front of them. Why I don't know, they had both seen me naked, Brian dozens of times.

"No wonder he got horny, you prancing around in those briefs," Brian whispered.

"Shut up Brian!" I hissed back under my breath.

But he didn't, "if I had you in my shop, I'd give you one straight up the arse, no problem!" The vision was triggering my cock and I could feel it again start to fill up a little.

Before I had time to put on the other pair Brian cracked his hand on my bum and said to Muna. "This boy, No.1 English stud."

Muna looked like he didn't understand.

Brian carried on, "Nice boy, good body, eh Muna?"

He understood now, "Yes, Mr Mike very nice man, very good Englishman."

Brian then surprised me and pulled down my briefs over one cheek, "Now Muna, is that a good arse or what?"

"Brian! Stop that," I said, alarmed at what he was doing.

"Don't worry, leave this to me," he whispered back. "Now Muna, this is very beautiful man, yes?"

"Oh yes, Mr Mike is very beautiful man, yes very beautiful."

I could see Muna was wondering what was going on here, but I also saw his hand slip under his robe.

Brian went further, "Mike here, like too much jig-a-jig. You like jig-a-jig Muna?"

Muna's face cracked into a broad grin, "Muna like jig-a-jig."

I shot off to Brian, "What's that, jig-a-jig?"

"Oh, it's what we do so well together. Muna, you like it, Mike like it, me like it. No problem?"

Muna nodded, understanding perfectly even if I was having trouble keeping up with the two of them. His hand was openly feeling himself now, his mind obviously on something like we had just been doing or more. Brian was making a show of rubbing his crotch to emphasise the message.

His hand was still holding the top of my briefs, now he pulled them right down all the way to my ankles.

"Now Muna, let's have a look at what you got," he said and gestured with his hand for Muna to take his robe off.

He pulled it off over his head and then stepped towards us. Brian reached for him and pulled on his pants, indicating he should drop them. I could see Brian was really excited and was dying to see his cock.

"Muna, you have a good body too!" Brian said appreciating, the strongly shaped chest and flat stomach with not a trace of fat anywhere. A really handsome man.

He then dropped his pants revealing his cock, now hard again.

Brian gasped. "Fuck, look at that, I didn't really believe you, but you were right. Fucking big as a donkey, no, a fucking horse!" he said in amazement.

Now fully naked I could appreciate Muna completely, he was exceptionally handsome, almost regal in the way he carried his body. Brian quickly slipped off his tee-shirt, jeans and jockey to stand naked next to him.

Muna looked him over and smiled. "Mr Brian, you very nice man. Same your friend."

Brian dropped to his knees and grabbed Muna's cock. "What a beaut of a cock, take a good look," he said holding it inches away from his face. "Hey Mike, just imagine being shafted by this, it would bring tears to your eyes," he said laughing. "And you thought old Charley was a monster, fuck, he is nothing compared to this one."

"Don't you even think about it. You want him to kill me?"

"Yeah, I reckon it would, but I would love to see it all the same. A big black cock humping your tight asshole makes me want to come just thinking about it."

"Well, that's all you're going to do, think." The idea turned me on, but not the practicalities.

"Come on Mike, get down here and take a close look," he said grabbing my arm and pulling me next to him. He pushed the cock towards my face. "Look at that cock, man it's fantastic, right?"

I had to agree, it was magnificent. Brian was holding it this way and that trying to see from every angle, then he weighed Muna's balls and played with the loose skin. I looked up at Muna, his eyes were closed and his head was tilted backwards. Both hands were on his hips and his pelvis pushed forward. I think he must have thought he had won the lottery or something

"Suck it, Mike," Brian whispered, holding it close to my face. "Go on, take that black cock in your mouth, and let me see you suck him!"

I hesitated, somehow not wanting to, but at the same time turned on by the idea. Brian waited but I didn't make a move, so he quickly took the end of it in his own mouth. He slurped noisily, trying to see just how much he could take in. Satisfied he had tried his best; he pulled out then held it for me. I didn't move, but then Brian's hand pressed hard against the back of my head knocking it to my lips. I could feel the heat, radiating from my lips through into my body.

"Suck the fucker," Brian commanded and pushed my head harder.

I opened my mouth slowly and Muna's big cock glided through my lips and over my tongue to the back of my mouth. Even then, I could still look down the shaft seemingly just as big as ever. The heat melted the last of my resistance and I began to work him hungrily, trying like Brian to see just how much I could take. Brian was encouraging, telling me to do better, take more, and suck harder. Urged on so, I tried to follow, hoping I could miraculously somehow take the whole thing down my throat.

As I sucked Muna's cock, Brian leant forward and licked his balls, holding them up and licking the underside. Muna moved his legs further apart and I could hear his breath draw audibly. We swapped ends, Brian took back the cock and I licked and sucked his balls. I ran one hand over his stomach to feel the solid muscle. Then Brian held it back for me, but this time we put our mouths to each side, passing back the end between us. We were both in frenzy, loving the feel of such a big monster within our grasp.

But it was all more than enough for Muna. Putting one hand to each of our heads, he pressed us both firmly onto his cock. He bucked his hips sliding it up and down between our mouths, fucking between our faces. His hands kept pressing to keep us firmly in contact with the meat. We could tell he was going to come, but we were hungry trying to outdo each other to give him (and ourselves) the ultimate high. He groaned loudly and juice pumped out from his cock, splashing over our faces as it did so. He kept us there while working his hips back and forth till the last drop had been expelled. Brian quickly took the end full in his mouth to suck out the last till Muna's big cock deflated into a soft but still large rubber truncheon.

"Aw man, that was good," said Brian and I agreed it was, pretty incredible. Muna, smiling slowly shook his head from side to side in something of disbelief at what had happened. We knew he was in heaven also.

Neither Brian or I had touched ourselves; I was fit to explode with having a double sexual bout without any release. Although Muna was out for the moment, I could see by the glazed look in Brian's eyes that he was not finished yet and would have to get himself off. Leaving behind Muna's cock, he stood up and displayed his own steel hard dick. He stroked it a few times.

"Shit, Mike I really need to do something with this," he said desperately. I was ready to go down and suck him, thinking that's what we were into right now, but I was wrong.

"I can't help thinking of that black cock going up your ass, I need to do it too," he said, turning me around.

Feeling so horny, this wasn't a problem for me but I did wonder about Muna, what he would think. The idea of him standing watching charged me up, kind of surprising myself with the thrill of exhibitionism.

Brian came up behind and pushed his cock between the cheeks of my ass. I moved a little till I could feel the head touch my button and pressed back against him.

"Shit", I cried, "It's dry, you will kill me if you do it like this."

Quickly Brian dropped to his knees and pressed his face against my ass, his tongue searching my button and stabbed into it. He pressed his thumbs on each side, opening me more so he could slick me up real well. I loved him doing this, it would bring me off soon enough if he did nothing more.

He dropped some spit onto his palm and worked it over his dick, bringing it back to my ass. This time it slid easily, I was ready for him and knowing each other so well it was quickly inside. He pushed down my head to bend me over so I had to hang on to the table. Planting his feet well apart and hands on my hips, he commenced fucking. I guess we were both thinking the same thing, Muna's cock going into some asshole. The image of him was fixed firmly in our minds.

Muna came to stand next to us, watching Brian closely. Looking to one side, I could see him peering between us to watch him fuck. One of his hands toyed with his cock and I watched it fill out, slowly rising like a kind of snake, from hanging between his legs to standing out at right angles. I couldn't resist reaching, pulling him closer so that I could suck him. Having Brian plugging my ass and the thought of a big hot cock in my mouth was bringing me to almost the point of exploding.

Suddenly Brian stopped and pulled out. At first, I wondered if he had come, had I missed it with being side-tracked by Muna's cock.

Then Brian said, "Muna, you!"

I realised what he had in mind and said "No Brian, I can't do that. He's just too big."

"It's okay; I will make sure he doesn't get carried away and hurt you. But I got to see him put a little bit in your ass. Do it for me, please."

I had to think quickly, I didn't really believe Muna's cock could actually get in my ass, and I was frightened to even let him try. But Muna had already taken his place behind me and Brian kept telling me it would be okay, so I bit my tongue and said nothing.

Muna didn't try to put it in immediately but toyed sliding it up and down between my cheeks. I relaxed a little when the expected onrush didn't happen. Moments later, the thought and feeling of that big cock sliding up and down my crack had me hot and on the boil. Brian joined the fray, bending down to slick and lick Muna's cock and my ass as it went back and forth. I knew he was beside himself with excitement. I too was groaning with the pleasure, not able to help myself.

A bolt of lightning struck me. The pain as his cock went through the door of my ass; I could have hit the roof.

I tried to stand up, but Brian said: "It's okay, just relax, don't move or it will hurt more."

I calmed down as Muna had kept himself still after the first thrust.

"Brian, I can't do this, I don't like it," I pleaded.

"No it's okay really, he has the head in already so just relax a minute, it will be fine," he replied.

To help me, he reached under to play with my now deflated cock. Moving round to face me, he bent down and kissed me, telling me it was alright and everything would be fine, just try it a bit longer. I nodded that I would. He bent down under and sucked at my cock making me harden up, which helped in relaxing me a little.

I felt Muna slowly withdraw his cock, but then push back once again. He held there, backing his weight till he knew I was flinching at the pain and then slowly reversing out. He slicked it with spit once more and put it to the mark, pushing in for another try.

"Yeah man," said Brian excitedly, "It's already half in; yeah fuck man that is fantastic!"

The pain in actual fact had almost gone but in its place was the feeling of bursting apart, as if I was being inflated with air and sooner or later would explode. I groaned and moaned as Muna continued to insert himself.

Brian became ecstatic. "Man this is fantastic, how can that go in your ass, Mike? How does it feel man, wow, incredible!"

I couldn't give an answer and he didn't really need one.

Muna stopped pushing a while, then moved his position slightly placing both hands on my hips and began a slow rhythm of penetration and withdrawal. Brian stroked his cock watching Muna slowly fuck.

"Man, you are the best, you should see this, my god he has almost the whole length in you!"

"Shit, don't I know it," I gasped. "Hey Brian, can't I lie on his bedroll on my back, my legs are giving out here, it's a much more comfortable position for me."

"Yeah, sure why not?" he said and then pointed Muna to the bed, saying we should move there.

"Yes, yes," said Muna, "very good, very good, we go to bed."

He pulled out and then helped me to stand upright, my joints feeling stiff and aching being tensed in that bending position. Both helped me onto the bedroll, and I laid out on my back thankful at the easier situation.

Muna got down on his haunches, a bit different to how Brian did me when I was on my back. Picking up my legs he rested each on his shoulders. He pulled his cock a few moments to bring it back to full strength. In this position, I could watch as he put it back to my ass and eased his way once more up my channel. It was certainly better and easier than when I was standing. Seeing it and feeling it was a whole new ball game. He smiled down making an expression to ask if I was okay. I nodded back for him to carry on. Gently he slid his black tube on and on till I was back to the feeling of exploding at any moment. He stopped to re-position his feet, then pivoting, began swinging his body between his own legs, his dick sliding in and out of my ass.

His cock rubbed that magic button deep inside and automatically I pushed against his thrust. He recognised I was now "home" and began to speed up his pace, taking a more active role now he knew I was fine. Brian was knelt down to the side, gaping at the sight of this big cock filling up little me. I was sure his dick had also grown an extra inch with the excitement. He played with it, but I knew he didn't want to come before Muna and spoil the fun.

Muna changed position, now going on his knees and leaning more over me and bending my legs back towards my head. In this way, he was going deeper and I couldn't stop myself crying out and moaning. But it wasn't one of pain; just the emotion of being so completely filled that was shorting out all my sensations into an absolute brainstorm.

On and on he fucked, now having come two times already he was going for the long distance. His speed increased and I could feel his ball sack slapping my ass. I knew then that he must be almost all inside me. Sweat trickled down his forehead and the sides of his face. He shook his head a few times to get rid of it and then went at it even harder and faster. By now, he was hitting hard against my ass and fully home. I was writhing around, at the same time trying to escape and also to impale myself further.

Brian kept on saying "Fantastic, incredible, wow, fuck, fuck, fuck." He encouraged Muna to go faster, fuck me harder, then asking me how it felt in one continuous commentary.

There was no doubt about it I was enjoying this, totally filled and totally scoured of my senses. I began to feel a loss of sensation in my body, everywhere except my ass. Muna ploughed on, his body now moving at high speed, I knew he would soon reach his climax. Sure enough, moments later he began moaning, his breath panting rapidly as the crescendo came. I was moaning too, feeling that cock grow ever bigger, ever hotter digging into parts never probed before till he let go and began pumping his juices, filling me with red hot liquids I could clearly sense at every surge.

I twisted and squirmed, afire with the sensations and more that a little out of my mind. Muna stayed inside till his cock stopped pulsing and then very slowly withdrew, falling backwards to lean against the wall and catch his breath.

Brian asked me "How was it man?" but I just shook my head, not able to explain anything at that moment. "Mike, let me finish too, I just have to drop my load after watching that".

I didn't answer again, but he moved into Muna's previous position and straight away put his cock in and began fucking me. I couldn't feel his cock and immediately worried if my new size would be permanent. Brian was hot and pent-up with excitement so within a minute he let fly with his stuff as well.

All over, Brian cleaned me up and lowered my legs back down, my joints aching like mad. I lay there some minutes, my mind running through everything again like watching a film, with me in the audience and quite detached. I had not thought of my own cock and in fact, it had softened with all the fucking but one of those times when a soft dick didn't mean you weren't enjoying the action. But now it stood up straight as I thought about taking that gigantic dick. I began stroking myself and Brian realising I too wanted to come off bent down to lick at the head of my cock as my hand started to fly up and down the shaft. He moved down to lick at my balls which sent me over the edge, spraying my stomach and chest with a massive load of juice.

My head spinning, I laid there for quite some time, Brian and Muna dressing before I could raise the energy to move and get up. Finally, those last pair of jeans did fit and I wore them, putting the soiled items in a bag. When I offered Muna the payment, he refused, saying we were his friends and he didn't charge his friends.

By the time we left the shop it was three in the afternoon and the market was all but deserted. Muna walked with us till we flagged down a taxi, seeing us off with great hugs and nose rubbing, asking us to see him next time we were in town. I am sure we will! Apart from a pair of aching legs and you know what, it was a great experience and one I am always going over to in my mind when I have the need to jack-off. Back in the port, we hung around till four o' clock when the agent's launch set out to make a tour of the ships at anchor and took us home, back to our life on the Harmonia.

All your comments are welcome, to John at

Next: Chapter 3

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