Able Semen

By bokjay / John

Published on Aug 31, 2017


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A Very Able Semen

By John --

Part 1

Hi! My name is Mike. I am 22 years old and a 3rd Engineer with one of the biggest container shipping lines in Europe. I love the life, going to different countries, meeting new people when we are in port and getting the chance sometimes to have a look around the sights.

But although I love it now, at first I went through hell and thought going to sea was the biggest mistake I ever made. I thought I was going to die! Last weekend on a visit back home, I came across some of the diaries I used to keep and read a few of them again. Everything came back to me, making me shudder at times when I remembered that first trip.

Let me start at the beginning, just before I got my first job.

My dad had always insisted I work hard at school, making sure I did my homework before going off with my friends. I got some good grades and as schooling neared its end, my thoughts turned to what I would do with myself and how to put them to good use. I had always been interested in ships, building lots of kit models, reading books and novels about ships and life at sea. In my town, there were not a great variety of jobs available and also in that last year, the biggest factory and employer in the district closed down. Increasingly I thought of getting out of the place and that brought me back to ships. My Uncle Billy had been in the Royal and Merchant Navies and I often talked with him his time with them.

"You will do well there, a lad like you can't go wrong", he used to say, "and a fine life for a young lad, they will be queuing up for you when you get into port," he winked. Stuff like that really got my dreams going.

In the last couple of months of school, I made my decision; I would join the Merchant Navy. My dad thought it was a good idea too, so I had the family's backing.

Dad had a friend from Liverpool and he agreed, "Mike will have a great life, smart lad like that, no problem!"

He had some contacts with his old company and arranged for me to go to their offices and sit an exam. This I passed which meant I would go on to a training school for new boys who would serve an engineering apprenticeship with them.

So when I finished with my state schooling, I joined the merchant navy training scheme in Liverpool. It was during this time that the newspapers were full of Britain's recession and stories of companies laying off workers or closing down. The company I was to join after the training school was also in the headlines, I saw one story where the Chairman denied rumours that they were in financial trouble. Things didn't look too rosy, but I kept on doing my best. Many of my mates' back home had not been able to find jobs, so it looked as though I had made the right move.

Soon enough, the training programme finished and I went back home to wait for my first posting with the company. But it didn't come quickly; weeks followed weeks waiting for news. I got very bored sitting at home. My mates were jealous at first that I had a job, but when I was still home day after day, they began to think I was putting them on. My dad was worried too, his company was laying off people and the thought of providing for the whole family if the worst came to the worst, well, it didn't make for a happy time.

Then one morning through the post was the news I'd been waiting for. Mr Mike...... to join the vessel Northern Prince at Liverpool in two weeks time, etc. etc. I jumped up and down for joy; finally, it had all come right! Not only my first assignment but the Northern Prince was the company's newest vessel, I couldn't believe my luck.

Slowly the time dragged on till the day I jumped on the train, saying goodbyes to all the family and shedding a few tears with my mom. I didn't expect to get so emotional, but suddenly the thought of leaving home and being away from them, well you can guess.

In Liverpool, I found my way to the port office where there were lots of people milling around. When I showed my papers to the officer there, he stabbed his finger at the newspaper on the desk. Hadn't I read the papers, he asked me? I picked it up and looked at the article. My heart dropped to the floor. "Prince Lines in financial difficulties, three ships sold off to reduce debt."

I looked at the officer and asked what it all meant. "It means you don't have a ship to go to," he said. "As of this morning it belongs to somebody else and one of their crews will now take over. You best be going home and wait to see what the company has for you now".

I could just see myself back home with no job. Everybody at the office was in the same position and they would all be running around looking for work with other companies. I didn't imagine anyone wanting a new kid straight from school. The tears were back at the corners of my eyes again. I went outside and wiped them, not wanting anyone to see what effect this had.

Slowly I walked around the docks wondering what to do and how I might approach other companies to see if they had work. I came to the Northern Prince and stood looking up at her, now silent and still. Close by, another chap asked me if I was one of her crew. I told him I'd been due to join her today, but now didn't have a job. He sympathised with my situation but told me times were tough and bound to get worse before they got better.

But as if just remembering, he said he'd heard the "Harmonia" down the dock was missing an engine room hand today, why didn't I give her a try. I looked up and wondered at my luck. He saw my enthusiasm and said for me to go to the ship and find Henry, the Chief, and tell him that Albert sent me. I thanked him time and again before running down the dock road. I thought I would take it, just to get me started with something rather than go home empty handed. I couldn't bear to see the look on my mates or my family's faces when I told them the job with Prince Lines had fallen through.

I found the "Harmonia". She looked awful, to say the least. Only small compared to the Northern Prince, she must have been twenty-five years old if not more and probably that was when it was last painted too. But I needed that job, so up the gangway I went and found my way to the Chief's office and asked for Henry. He came along soon enough, but he was not what I expected. Just an oldish chap in dirty overalls with a cigarette hanging out the corner of his mouth. Taking my papers, he just glanced through them and then stared at me for what seemed a long while.

Abruptly he said something like, "Okay lad, you got the job, the pay is this and you will do that. We leave on the evening's tide. Take it or leave it."

I said yes, it would be fine, although the pay was a pittance; I was thinking only that it would be a start.

He shouted at someone to take me to a cabin and stow my gear away, then to report to him in two hours time. The man was not much older than me and introduced himself as Brian. He was really inquisitive, asking about my training, had I been on a ship before etc. etc. When I said no, this was the first, he told me everything was okay but that the Chief could be a bit of a bastard.

"My advice to you," he said, "is keep on the right side of him, and then you'll be okay. I don't think you will have a problem though."

He put me into a cabin and told me I was sharing with the Sparks and Radio ops, name of Barry. Nice chap he said, you won't have any trouble with him. I wrote a quick letter home telling them all that had happened and at my good fortune in securing this work. They would be wondering about me after reading the newspaper that morning.

My job was a general dogsbody, cleaning this, fetching that, going for coffee to the mess, you name it and I did it. The Engine room was the province of Henry the Chief and Charles, the second engineer. In fact, Henry ran the whole ship, the Master was an old soak and kept himself in his cabin most of the time and I hardly ever saw him. So everyone came to Henry about decisions on just about everything.

I soon met Norman on my frequent visits to the mess where he was the cook. He was a bit of an old woman with his airs and gestures. I had not met anyone like him before then, but nowadays I know a lot. But he was a nice man and was interested in what I was doing and how everything was going for me. He told me just to make sure I "did alright" by Henry and the whole ship would be happy. I had no idea what he meant but didn't pursue it.

"When Henry is in a bad mood," Norman told me, "the whole ship will know about it and everyone suffers, so be a sweet and just make him happy".

I was determined to do my job well, even if it was not the ship I thought I was going to.

My first inkling that all was not right was about seven days out from Liverpool. We were heading to some port in Africa and the weather warmed day by day. Soon most of the crew were working in nothing but shorts, me just some old jeans I had cut right down. Even old Henry and Charley wore shorts but with grimy stained old vests. It was an afternoon in the engine room and nothing had broken down or needed attention. Henry and Charley were seated at a little table drinking from a bottle of whisky. I was cleaning some machinery close by them when Henry called me over. He had a grin on his face and asked me what my life story was, now was the time he wanted to hear about me.

I started telling them about getting the job with Prince Lines, Charley cracking a few jokes at some of the stuff I said. Henry was chuckling away and at one point he patted my bum. His hand remained there for a while and I thought nothing of it, but on returning from some gesture he made, his hand went back to rest at the top of my leg, under the shorts. He kneaded my bum a little and said he had got himself a fine young helper and they had to show me the ropes. Charley was grinning from ear to ear and reached over to test the muscles in my legs, first my calves, then up to my thighs, over my stomach to my arms and then back down again. I tried to step back a bit, but Henry's hand suddenly stiffened on my bum to keep me in my place.

I was getting very nervous at their liberties with my body. I know they were only making fun, but I didn't like it at all. Charley said I had the makings of some good muscles when I had some work under my belt, and asked me how much muscle I had there. His hand grabbed my crotch and squeezed to find my cock beneath.

"Oh! Not a bad piece of meat Henry," he said, "the lad will be a big-un when he's a bit older. Here, have a feel of him".

He pushed me more towards Henry who put his other hand where Charlie's had just been.

As Henry started feeling my balls and cock through the shorts, I panicked. Pushing them both away, I said I was going for some coffee to the mess, and turned to hurry out of the engine room. Not more than ten paces and something floored me to the deck. A loud metallic noise followed and a piece of steel tubing around four feet long rattled across the grating floor. I felt like my body was broken in two. Trying to get up, I was startled by Henry grabbing the hair on the back of my head and yanking me up.

"You little fucker, don't you ever walk away from me." His other hand smacked into the side of my face and I saw stars. "You little jumped up asswipe, who the fuck do you think you are?" he shouted.

I heard Charley say anxiously, "Take it easy on him Henry, the lads new and doesn't know anything yet."

I tried to heave myself up, but then I was catapulted forward by Henry's boot as he kicked me in the backside. I stumbled towards the door, hearing Henry swearing behind, "That little fucker better start learning what to do around here or he'll be over the side, won't be the first either."

I was scared to death and didn't know what to do. My body was in agony and I knew I had to do something about it. Going to the medic, I told him I had fallen down the stairway in the engine room. He had me drop my shorts and checked me all over. I had no broken ribs but they were very badly bruised. The boot up my ass had connected onto the tailbone and that hurt like hell too. Arnold, the medic, gave my ass a good examination, more than I thought necessary, but he did clean me up okay, stopped my nose bleeding and put cream where it hurt.

As I was going to leave, he said, "You know Mike, I am not a doctor, if you break anything you will be in big trouble on this ship. I can only patch up cuts and bruises, not much more. If I were you, I would be nice to Henry or else it might be the death of you."

How did he know it was Henry when I told him I had fallen? I made my way to the mess, I guess I needed a shoulder to cry on and I knew I would get comfort and advice from Norman. As soon as he saw me, he rushed over and helped me sit next to where he was working.

"Oh! You poor boy", he said, "what did I tell you about not getting on the wrong side of Henry. It was Henry, wasn't it?" I nodded. "I knew it," he said. "You will have to be more careful."

I wished him dead and told Norman so.

But he surprised me and said, "No Henry is not a bad man, you do alright by him and you can do anything you like, mark my words. It's always the same with you young lads, got your head filled with your own notions, but you have to get on in this world and make the best of it. On this boat, that means getting on with Henry. The sooner you learn that the better for you and everyone."

After coffee and some of Norman's cakes, I went back to my cabin to rest. After a short while, Barry came in off his watch. He had already heard of my misfortune and more or less told me the same as Norman. I drifted off to sleep thinking about what I could do about my situation. I wanted to get back to home as soon as possible, I hated it here.

Part 2

The next day in the engine room was just as if it had only been my imagination. Henry was his usual self, not making any remarks on yesterday's do. I worked as best as I could, even though I was still in some pain. When the first opportunity arose, I apologised to Henry, saying I was sorry I had been so rude. I didn't feel sorry, but I wanted to make amends in whatever way I could. He seemed embarrassed then and said, "Don't mention it." He patted my bum and told me about some job that he wanted attending to.

A few days later and we were south of the equator, and it was hot, hot, hot. Imagine the heat from those engines, no A/C and the humid weather. I was running in sweat even before getting to work and my shorts were glued tight with the perspiration. Everyone was the same. In those conditions, I didn't expect to find Henry and Charley at it again with the whisky, but they were. I could hear snatches of the conversation, Charley spinning some sexy tale about his past conquests. They were laughing a lot and enjoying the reminiscing. They had also made themselves hard I could easily see, and both of them weren't bothered about openly groping their crotches and squeezing dicks, whenever Charley got to some juicy part of the story.

I had to show Henry some part I had cleaned up and went over to him. He kept me waiting while Charley went on with his tale. When he finished, Charley shook his stiff cock to signify some point.

Henry laughed then said to me "Now that's what we call a real cock, old Charley has the biggest one on this ship, don't you Charley?"

"Aye, I'm proud of my tackle, but it was nowt special when I was Mike's age, only got bigger when I started using it. In fact, I bet young Mike is bigger now than I was then, I felt a right big sausage under them shorts the other day."

I was embarrassed at the mention of the problem we had before but was determined not to do anything to upset these two again.

Henry chortled, "Give this here young lad a look at a real cock Charley. I bet it will open his eyes a bit".

Charley laughed and told me to come closer, which I did. He flicked open the top button and drew down the zip. I didn't want to look but went along with them. He reached inside and then looked at me.

"You ready for this young-un?" With that, he pulled out the longest dick I could imagine.

"Shit!" I exclaimed and they laughed at my expression.

He waved it around, then took my hand and pulled it to his cock. I resisted at first but he was forceful, so I did as he wanted. I don't think I had touched another's cock till then. This was so thick and long and it felt like it was on fire.

Charley said, "Now Mike, tell me if you have seen one like this before".

"No," I said, "Nothing ever like this." In fact, the only cock I had seen were my classmates in the changing room showers after football, and nobody was remotely this size.

It twitched as I held on with Charlie's hand over mine so I couldn't pull away. He moved my hand up and down, to emphasise what he had.

Charley repeated himself, "It were no bigger than yours either when I was a teenager".

As if to confirm what he'd said, he put his other hand on the top of my cut-offs and yanked them open, the zipper running down as he pulled the flap to one side. He still held my hand on his cock, but with his other, he went over the top of the elastic and pulled down the jockeys to exhibit my own dick.

He grabbed it and held it up for Henry's inspection. "See the lad is well made already, he will give a good few satisfaction with this, I'll bet."

His hand moved up and down my shaft so that it started to fill out even as I wished it to stay small. Henry leant forward better to see. He reached to feel the weight and cup my balls. The only thought in my mind was not to get them upset, instead of doing what I wanted to do, run like hell!

Henry agreed with Charley on my cock, saying it was a grand specimen for someone of my years.

He reached around and pulled my briefs and shorts right down, saying "Look at his ass, the lad's got a comely shaped bum if ever there was one, don't you think Charley?"

Both of them ran their hands over my ass just as if I was an animal being inspected. I stood my ground though and didn't wince.

Charley piped up next, "Well Henry, this won't do, us two showing all we are made of and you keep yourself to yourself. Get that cock out and show Mike here you're not shy in your old age".

Henry stood and dropped his shorts, showing his cock standing to attention. There we were, three of us with our dicks on display, I felt a real fool!

Charley said, "Now Mike, you've had a feel at mine, just see if there is a difference with Henry's, take it in your other hand and keep this one on mine."

I did as he asked and both cocks jumped and twitched to my touch. Charley grabbed my dick again and Henry felt my balls and slid his oily hands over my arse.

Henry said, "Well ain't this grand, just the job to take the heat out of my balls".

Charley answered, "Well I think he is putting the heat in mine," and they both laughed.

"Now," Henry said, "Just work it a bit faster son, yes like that, makes a man feel good does that".

Charley was frigging my cock up to hard and with the sight of the two obviously enjoying themselves, a nice feeling was coming over me like I hadn't experienced before.

Charley must have seen it written on my face, for he said, "Now Mike, we can see you are loving it so just make sure we all do and keep busy with my cock now."

I did as he said and wanked it faster till I could tell I was doing it right for him. Henry's hand was groping around my ass, even going in the crack to tickle behind my balls. The feeling was new to me, but I had to admit it was nice.

We stood wanking each other, till Charley announced that his soup was on the boil and was about to spill out. Henry grunted, "Me too", then before I knew it they were jetting long strands of cum onto my stomach and legs. Charley didn't stop wanking me, he did it faster and faster as he came while Henry was working his fingers in my crack and touched my ass hole. Before I could object, a hot feeling flowed through me and I moaned as my cock erupted with a great wad of jizz onto the floor in front.

Both of them laughed and said what a good do that was. I pulled up my shorts again feeling embarrassed once more.

Henry patted my bum, "Why don't you run up to the mess and bring us some mugs of coffee eh?"

"Okay", I said and walked over to the exit.

"Oh yes," he called after me, "Tell Cook to send some of his cream buns down as well".

I conveyed the message to Norman, who just looked at me staring.

"What's the matter?" I said.

He rushed over and gave me a big hug. "Henry wants cream buns"?

"Yes, that's what he said, why"?

"Well it sounds to me as if you are finally getting on the right side of him, he doesn't ask for cream buns unless he is feeling particularly pleased with himself! I do hope things will start getting better for you now, didn't I tell you?"

He danced around his table singing as he made up the order and retrieved some cakes from the fridge. Taking them back down the engine room, we all sat around feeding our faces like a bunch of kids, nothing said at what had happened minutes before but all of us including me were in good humour.

So that was getting on the right side of Henry. Nobody had spelt it out for me and there I was thinking it was all about just working hard. Still, it was okay, better than being beaten with a steel tube. If this was what it was, I could live with it, no problem. I even admitted to myself I liked Charley wanking me off, but I just whispered it to myself, didn't shout!!

Going about the ship, I had the feeling the crew were smiling at me, the atmosphere had changed. Everyone seemed that bit friendlier, more ready to help me when I needed something done. Things began to improve or so I thought.

Part 3

It was only three days later and we were finishing up on putting a pump unit back together. The job had gone well, there were no leaks to make Henry swear and curse. It was nearly my finishing time, and Henry said for me to go and get coffee for them. I soon returned with three steaming mugs and Henry fished out his bottle of scotch and poured some into his and Charlie's. Charley was already into another tale of his and Henry motioned for me to sit and not interrupt. It was about the time Charley and some other crew had taken a woman onto a ship for a party and it turned into a big gangbang. He could tell a tale, keep you hanging with suspense and create something as though you were watching a film. I shuffled in my seat, suddenly aware that I had a hard on with listening to the story. I looked at Charley and Henry, finding both with a tent their shorts.

Henry started squeezing his cock whilst he hung onto every word. I watched both of them, going from one to the other studying their faces. Charley was turning himself on, Henry was mesmerised by the story, with his eyes looking into the distance as he pictured the story unfolding. Then I saw Henry's hand go into his fly and he started slowly frigging his cock. My own was feeling ready to burst also, but I couldn't wank myself in front of these two.

I was looking at Charley when I felt Henry's hand grabbing mine and putting it on his cock, which was now standing out of his shorts. Instinctively I resisted, but he tightened his grip, so I relented and let him place it. He guided it up and down signalling that's what he wanted me to do. I had to admit to a kind of curiosity about doing this. Not having any experience about what other guys did or how they wanked themselves, it did get my attention and interest. The main reluctance I guess was due to my embarrassment. But these two didn't display any at all; everything seemed to be normal with them. Was this just the adult world I asked myself?

Seeing at what Henry had me do, Charley opened up his own and pulled out his monster. He kept on with the story telling about this girl who took it up her cunt, in her ass and in her mouth at the same time, and then did it all again with three more of them.

"What we could do with her here right now," said Henry wistfully.

"Couldn't we just," replied Charley, "But look what we got, only young Mike here," and he laughed, giving me a wink.

"Aye, Mike is not so bad at doing this, but it's a long way from your woman ain't it?

"Well," said Charley laughing again, "he's only one hole short of three, and there are only two of us, so maybe that will be no loss".

Henry laughed again and looked at me smiling. I didn't know what they were on about, but I certainly didn't like the sound of it. They were just talking about fucking, so how could I be of any help.

"Come here son", said Henry pulling me up from my chair.

He guided me to stand in front of him, and then pushed me down till I was kneeling on the floor. I didn't have a clue to what he wanted or was doing, I guessed he wanted me to wank him in a different position somehow.

"Now son, you be a good lad and just do what that lady did in Charlie's story."

I didn't know what he meant, but he put his hand to the back of my head and pushed me down to his cock.

"Just put Chief's cock in that sweet mouth of yours and be a good boy".

I didn't answer for my head was pushed down on it straight away. But I wouldn't open my mouth, couldn't believe what he expected me to do. He gave me a cuff to the side of my head which made me remember my previous experience, so I did as he wanted and opened.

I retched at first with the feel of a cock was in my mouth, I felt sick and was sure I would throw up at any moment.

I heard Henry say "Well that is nice, that's just what I need after hearing about Charlie's escapades. Oh yes, that is a good boy".

The fact that I was pleasing him made me feel better somehow. He was cooing and stroking the back of my head, telling me how good it felt, asking me to take more of it into my mouth. Soon it was a bit better; I didn't feel like throwing up. I was also happy that I was making him happy too. I tried harder to do what he asked and soon got to know the signs when my tongue touched a particularly sensitive part. It twitched when I slid my tongue to the underside and I could feel a surge of heat and size when I held my breath and tried to take as much as I could into my mouth.

"Well Mike, you are learning fast. Charley this boy is top notch, I think we'll be giving him a pay rise if he keeps up with this".

I felt something like a glow of pride at doing it right.

"Here Charley, just see if young Mike is as good as your lady".

He pulled me off his cock and pushed me towards Charley. He guided me to his monster but I could not so easily get it in.

"Now son," said Charley, "The knack is to relax, don't let it make you gag, just control your reflex and you'll soon get the hang of it".

I tried to do as he said and felt some improvement. I worked at it, making my throat relax and not retch as his big cock pressed into the back. I seemed to manage better for I could soon take quite a bit. When I felt as if there was as much in there as possible, Charley lifted his hips and with his hand pressing the back of my head, managed to shove even more into me.

Soon I was feeling pleased with my accomplishments and felt that they would appreciate my efforts. Henry reached from behind me to undo my shorts. My hard on was bursting and I was hoping he would wank me as Charley had done before.

He felt my dick, "Oh my goodness Charley, young Mike has a real stiffy. I think he has taken a liking to his seafaring career. Certainly feels like it judging by the state of this here cock".

He frigged it a little, but then pulled me up so I was in a kneeling position on all fours kind of thing. Then he eased down my shorts and briefs. I thought it was so he could get at my cock easier, so I helped him as best as I could to get out of my stuff whilst still doing what Charley wanted.

Henry did go back to my cock, but for just a short time. He felt at the back of my balls, opening my legs wide so he could reach from behind. His hands played with my ass cheeks as well, which I soon liked the feel of. He touched my asshole and made me jump. Gently he tickled the opening till I got used to his finger there. I wished he would frig me, for I would surely have cum straight away if he would just touch my dick.

I wasn't sure exactly what he was doing with my bum hole, but the sensations were nice. Charley made sure I could not look by keeping my mouth working on him. Soon I got the feeling that he must have put a finger into me, for I could feel a pressure building in that region. Quickly I got used to it though and my mind went back to managing Charlie's dick. But only for a little while, for again I felt a pressure building within me. Somehow, Henry was giving me the feeling of playing with my cock but from the inside. I had no idea how, but that's the message my brain was receiving. Then I realised I could increase this feeling by squeezing and then relaxing my ass muscles, till I got into a rhythm of doing just that.

Suddenly though, my world seemed to crash down around me, my insides explode in one almighty moment. I didn't know what had happened, but my ass was burning up and I wanted to vomit. Charley sensed it, but instead of letting me up, he pressed my head down even harder. Henry was stroking my back and after a while, the bad feeling started to recede.

"Now son, just do your best for me, eh?"

The awful feeling returned as I felt Henry's body come into contact with my bum. Then he moved away and then came close to me again. I started to twist and turn trying to get away from whatever was making this bad feeling deep inside, but Henry's bear like grip kept me just where I was.

Luckily, the bad feeling soon started to go away. Whatever he was doing I didn't know, but a much nicer warm glow replaced it. Somewhere about now I suddenly realised that he was fucking me. Stupidly I hadn't thought of it before, but now I was sure. A fright took hold and made me brace in horror. But just as I tensed the warm glow in my ass got better and better, so that I thought I might have been mistaken about the whole thing. Surely it would kill me if he really were trying to fuck me?

Henry grunted something to Charley, who gave back some reply. Reality finally took hold as both of them then started to move faster, I could feel Henry's loins slapping into my ass and Charlie's cock seemed to press ever deeper down my throat. Both of them started to moan. The taste in my mouth started to change, but before I could really think about it, Charley bucked really hard sending his cock almost into my stomach, or so it felt. A gush of juice filled my mouth and forced its way past his cock and dribbled down my chin. I was trying to swallow it so that I might breathe and I wouldn't choke, but there was so much to deal with.

Henry gripped my waist like a vice and slammed his body into mine with a rapidly increasing speed. As he began grunting I felt something get even bigger in my ass, the heat was tremendous and this was followed by what felt like hot liquid filling me up. Henry collapsed onto my back exhausted. Charley carefully pulled out his now shrinking cock from my mouth, still dribbling his sperm.

I didn't feel so good, hard to explain but it seemed like I was going to be sick. But my mood lifted a little as the Chief praised me.

"Well son, you have done us real proud today," said Henry.

"First rate," said Charley, and patted my back. "How you feeling son?" he queried.

"I think I'm okay", I replied, but not really sure.

"Here, let me help you stand up," he said taking my hand and weight. My knees were weak and my legs shaking like mad.

"Poor lad", we have forgotten all about him," said Charley as he took hold of my slightly deflated cock. But at his touch, it quickly stiffened again. "Let me help you," he said and started to jack my cock.

His touch was nice, and as I closed my eyes and relished the feeling my juice quickly started to come. He put one hand on my ass and massaged the cheeks, even going between them and feeling my hole too. Just touching me there had me shooting my load, and what a lot there was too. It surprised even me and I'd seen myself cum plenty!

But that was me finished for the day and I hauled myself back to my cabin. After a long shower, I rested on my bunk a while till a stomach-ache sent me to the toilet. I made a big dump in the pan and then was really shocked to see some blood there. I tried to stop it with tissue, but then in a panic, I fled to Norman hoping he would be able to help.

"Whatever is wrong treasure?" he said as I burst into the kitchen.

I tried to explain I had a problem but found it hard to tell what they had done to me.

"Norman, I'm bleeding" I cried.

"Oh my God," he said, "What did they do to you?" "I don't know for sure, but they were playing with my ass, I think I've been fucked". I knew it but was so embarrassed to actually say.

I started sobbing feeling sorry for myself.

"Well we would like to think we would know when we have been fucked," he said a bit sourly. "Come on, Uncle Norman will sort you out in my cabin."

Off we went to his room.

"Now let me tell you, old Uncle Norman has all the potions for when things go wrong in this business. The medic can fix your toothache, but he knows nowt when it comes down to the pleasure regions. In this game, you are bound to catch something sooner or later, so just know you can always come to me."

He opened a box on his dresser. It was like a small pharmacy, there was so much stuff in there.

"Now, let me have a look at you, get out of those shorts and lie down across the bed with your feet on the floor."

I was a bit reluctant to expose myself like this, but he sounded as if he knew what he was doing and for sure, I didn't really want to take this problem to the medic.

"Haven't you ever heard of virgins bleeding?" he asked mockingly.

"Yes, but that's girls isn't it"?

"In this case, it's you as well."

He was pulling open the cheeks of my bum and with some tissue, was dabbing around my hole.

"Yes, a plain case of losing your cherry by the looks of it, pity it wasn't me to take the taking, I wouldn't have done this to you."

"Norman," I shouted, "Don't say things like that".

"Look, Sunny Jim, you are talking to one Mr Experience here I will let you know. I've been through just what you have, and so has a lot of the crew on here and every other ship. Only I knew all about it before I came on the boats, looked forward to it I can tell you. They were begging me for my favours they were. I was a handsome man in my day even if I say so myself. They couldn't keep their hands off me and that was right up my street, I don't mind telling you! I had em all every which-away, even some of the hard cases who would punch your eyes out as soon as look at you, I had em begging for me to fuck them. Yes it's true, only they would have killed me had I let on. It's always the same, those that you think are, maybe they are not, those you would never guess, well they can't get enough and not always the ways you think either."

On and on he went telling me his life and views while he cleaned up my hole and rubbed some cream around it and up the inside. He was very gentle and I don't doubt he could have done the job a lot quicker, but who was I to say when he was helping me out like this. He had me take some stuff; he said the next time I went to take a dump it would make it easy and not tear the skin again. Old Norman really sounded like a doctor, seemed to know everything.

"Right then, no sitting on top of the Christmas tree for a while and come and see me tomorrow, let me look at how it's doing."

I think the old letch just wanted to see my bum again, but I did as he said and by the day after, everything felt fine and could have almost forgotten all about it. For a while, Henry and Charley left me alone, but what had occurred had set Henry into a much better frame of mind. Now you could hear him singing around the place, cracking jokes with the other crewmembers and was really nice to me. None of which had happened when I first joined the ship.

Part 4

Around this time I received another new experience. The ship had called at a number of ports working its way down to South Africa. The weather was really humid and I took to sleeping naked. Barry was not often in the cabin, I don't know where he got to, but it was almost as if I had it all to myself. His gear was there, but I rarely found us in the room together.

When in port I used a mosquito net, but out at sea it was just a thin sheet to cover me. I often woke to find it on the floor, but as I was alone it didn't bother me. One particular night, I was having a bit of a sexy dream. I don't know exactly what it was but I know there was plenty of sex in there. Part of it was where somebody was sucking my cock. I was not one for sexy dreams that I ever remembered afterwards but this was vivid. I put my hands on their head and fucked into their mouth till my dream orgasm came in fountains of never ending cream.

A loud knock of my bedside table brought me instantly awake and there was Barry just getting up from the side of my bed.

"Oh, Barry," I said, "It's you, what time is it? Am I late for my work"?

"No, you're alright; I was just er....." His words trailed off as he looked at me.

I wondered what he was looking at till I realised I was naked and my cock was standing full. But I got a shock when I saw there was some cum oozing out and then even more shocked when I saw my cock was all wet. The sheet was on the floor too far away to grab and cover me. I began to apologise to Barry.

"Oh, looks like I had a wet dream," I said really embarrassed.

"No, no," Barry said, "It was my fault".

"Sorry?" I said, "I don't understand, how come it was your fault, what are you talking about?"

"Please don't be angry with me."

"Barry, why on earth would I be angry with you?" I laughed.

"Because of what I just did."

"Barry, you've lost me, I don't know what you are going on about".

"Oh shit, I shouldn't have opened my big mouth," he said, then started laughing.

"What's the joke?" I asked still completely lost.

"What I just said, opened my mouth, I realised what I had just said." I laughed along with him.

"I know it's funny, but I still haven't got the joke yet, are you going to tell me or what?"

He sat down next to me on the bed.

"Promise you won't get mad," he asked.

"Promise," I said, "Just get on with it." He cleared his throat

"Well er..... I came into the cabin and saw you sleeping. You looked so peaceful and beautiful; I just sat next to the bed and watched you for a while".

"Stop pulling my leg will you, calling me beautiful."

"No, be quiet while I tell you or I'll never get this out."

"Okay, okay" I agreed.

"As I watched you, I saw your dick get hard and you moaned a bit. I thought you were having me on at first, playing the fool with me, but then I realised you were dreaming. As I said, you looked so beautiful, your dick looked beautiful and I just had to touch it. Well, one thing led to another and I got really randy so in the end, I decided to have a taste of your cock." His voice trailed off and he hung down his head. "Sorry mate, I just had to suck you off, please don't be mad at me".

He looked dejected sitting there, waiting for me to help him out of his misery, which I couldn't keep him in for long.

"Barry, I am not mad at you, I promised didn't I? Just next time," I said really seriously, "wake me up first so I can feel what's really going on!" I laughed at him and he looked up smiling.

"You really mean that?" he asked.

"Well sure," I said not thinking, "I am still a virgin in that respect and wouldn't mind finding out how it would feel."

"No sooner said than done," he cried and leapt on top of me.

I tried to fight him off, but I was laughing too much at his antics till suddenly, I felt his mouth close over my cock and his tongue feathered the end sending it rock hard in a matter of seconds. I soon stopped my laughing as the shock and the immense pleasure swept through me. I had no idea such feelings were possible and now I realised why Charley and Henry were so full of praise for my work in that area if this was how it felt. I let him do what he wanted, my head propped up on the pillow watching him, noting what feelings came from which area. He sucked deep on my cock till his nose was pushing into my groin. He lapped at my balls with his tongue, making me draw my breath sharply. He pushed further under, I could feel the heat from his mouth working behind my balls and I lifted my hips to help him. Instinctively I went for my cock to start wanking, but he pushed me off and I knew I would have to wait till he had finished what he wanted.

He climbed back up and went to sucking my cock again. I could have screamed the pleasure was so intense. I thought I would explode in seconds but he must have sensed it and let it slip from his lips, moving back to my balls, taking both in his mouth and tonguing them around inside. Then he moved under again and I pulled up my legs to let him have full access. I soon realised that although a brand new feeling, it was now one of my favourite spots. I felt like jamming his face into there and could have let him suck and nibble all night. I took my cock in hand again, no longer able to resist the temptation. I moaned, telling him I was going to cum.

"Hold on a moment," he said and jammed his tongue into my ass.

Oh! I just about took off from the bed, my cock erupting violently as he forced his tongue into my hole, slurping all around and then jabbing it back in. My body shook and shook as my juices flew all over my chest with some even landing on my face.

It was a long time to come down from such a great high. Barry asked how I was feeling.

I just shook my head, "Incredible, absolutely incredible," was all I could muster.

"So you are really not mad at me then," he said with a big grin on his face.

"Mad? I would be mad to be mad at you after that. Just do that anytime, I'll always be ready for some more." I said as a joke.

Well, he took me at my word and from then on, he often grabbed me in the cabin, either when I had finished showering after work or even waking me up in the middle of the night. I was never, ever, mad with Barry.

That was my first real good time, but I had more hard times to go before I worked things out. And of course, they centred on Henry and Charley. After that last occasion when Henry plugged me, nothing much happened with them for a while. Soon enough, I let down my guard as they just patted my bum or grabbed my crotch now and again when they were joking around.

Part 5

One day, a generator had given up the ghost, so with most of the power down on the ship everyone who could, was helping with getting the unit out and a spare rigged up in its place. It was hard work, even when the unit was split down as much as possible, it was heavy and everything seemed to be in an awkward spot. It was all shoving, lifting and sweating, but finally, another unit was up and running and the ship had power again. One by one, the helpers drifted off and Henry called it a day. I was cleaning up some of the equipment we had been using and returning it to the stores. Charley and Henry dragged in the block and tackle we had used and pushed it into the corner where it usually lived.

I was slotting some spanners back onto their racks when Henry patted my bum and said to me "You did well today lad, I'm right pleased with how you are coming along".

I said my thanks, but he kept his hand on my bum.

"You know what I could do with after such a day like today?"

"You want me to bring you some coffee?" I asked quite innocently.

"Nay lad, it's not coffee that I have a fancy for right now."

He was squeezing my bum and I shivered even though it was stiflingly hot. Goosebumps broke out on my skin and I was thinking what was going to come next. I looked at him waiting for him to say what it was. He just smirked at Charley who returned the lewd grin.

"Come over here lad," and he pulled me to a split bale of wiping rags on the floor.

It was an invitation, but it was not one I could have declined. He sat on the rags that had been emptied from the bale and pulled me down after him. Charley hunched down on the other side.

"Now son, after we have all had a day like today with that bloody generator, what better pick-me-up than for you to help us both out here."

He flicked open his filthy shorts and shucked them down his equally grimy legs. His big paw of a hand cracked me on the back of my head and forced my face down into his crotch. At the end of the day, he did not smell so sweet I can tell you. We had all been sweating from the morning and with all the shit and oil you have to handle, he was filthy and smelled it too.

I knew what I had to do, closing my eyes and trying not to breathe through my nose so I wouldn't catch his acrid aroma. I took his soft cock into my mouth and worked him as best I could, hoping it would be over in the shortest possible time.

Soon he was hard and he was humping his hips and pushing my head down sharply to meet each push. I could feel him swell even more and thought he would empty himself at any moment. Suddenly he grabbed the hair on the back of my head and pulled me off of it.

"Not so fast son, we got plenty of time. Now go and give Charley what he's waiting for."

He pushed me over to Charley on my other side, his cock already out, slowly wanking. I looked at him, but he just nodded towards his cock. I bent down and took it in my mouth. He smelled of sweat as well, there wasn't anything to choose between them on that score. Charley liked to push me right down on his cock, past where I thought it was possible to take, and then he would hold me there suffocating for a while before allowing me to slip out of my mouth and let me take a breath. Then it was back pushing my head down as far as I could take it then flicking up his hips to get the last possible bit jammed into me. He seemed to get a kick out of making me suffer.

Henry ripped my shorts off, sending the button pinging across the metal floor. With both his hands he just ripped my briefs into two so not to have to bother getting them down my legs.

"Ee, lad, you got a lovely bum, you can't blame a man for wanting such a lovely peach as this."

His thumbs went to my hole, I would have screamed had I not been stuck on Charley. He worked them into my ass, pushing and prying, spitting on his fingers and working them up me. I tried to worm away from him, but a heavy crack across my back told me I had better keep still. With his knee, he opened my legs wide and then I felt his weapon nudging up against me. He stabbed a few times, and then returned with his spit slicked fingers, pushing them right up. Back came his big cock, this time breaking through my door. I tried to force myself off Charlie's cock to scream, but he knew that and kept my head firmly impaled.

On and on Henry worked till I reckoned he was fully home. I couldn't believe such a big cock could fit in my small body, but I was sure it had. I could feel the hairs of his crotch scratch my cheeks and I felt his big ball bag slap into me on every lunge. After the first minute or so, it wasn't so bad and I got the nice warm feeling begin growing inside. But still I wanted him to stop and tears ran freely down my face at the pain and humiliation of it all.

"Oh lad, you are lovely, really bloody lovely," he repeated over and over.

He bucked faster and faster and I could feel the heat building. His cock felt like it continued to grow bigger and bigger till I was sure he could have picked me up with it.

"Charley, this is grand, the lad has a beautiful bum, we should do this more often."

Charley answered, "Aye Henry, we got plenty of time for that before we are back in Liverpool, just don't break him yet".

Henry chimed back "It won't be me that does the breaking, I reckon it'll be you," and laughed at his own joke.

Still, he ploughed on and on till at last I could feel him tense up and ram hard up me, filling me with his hot juices. He fell backwards, his cock popping out, which caused me to wince. I hadn't expected it to hurt being pulled out as well. Without that big stick up me, I suddenly felt an uncomfortable empty sensation, which was surprising, almost as if it was better in than out which I wouldn't have thought possible.

That situation was quickly remedied though, for Charley pulled my head off his cock, and before I knew what had hit me, he spun me around and was kneeling behind. Instantly, I felt like I was splitting into two as he jammed his monster at my hole. It was just too big though and I cried at the pain. He cuffed me across the head and told me not to be a baby, then rammed back in, breaking through the door. I started to yell, not that anyone could have heard in the din of the engine room, but he wrapped his hand across my mouth to keep me quiet. When he thought I had calmed down a bit, he continued working his cock inside. It must have been made easier with Henry's juice and I was thankful for small mercies. But the pressure in my guts was overwhelming. On every thrust, it felt as if he was lifting me off the floor. But his hands kept me in my place and stopped me flying across the room.

At last, he rested and announced he was home at last. I was thinking he meant it was the end, but he was just catching his breath before he started fucking me properly. Henry propped himself up to watch the show and egged Charley on to demonstrate what fucking with a real cock was like.

"Time enough for that Henry," he said, "but why don't we have this young-un do a bit more work. Don't you think if he puts those luscious lips on your cock, it would make it stand again?"

"Good idea Charley," said Henry, and he shuffled up to kneel in front of me, pushing his smelly cock to my face and wiping it too and fro.

I could smell his come and my ass on it, making me want to puke.

"Now sonny, how about washing my cock, and if you do a good job, I'll wash your throat with Chief's special oil"

They both laughed and Charley slapped my ass. Henry's greasy finger pushed into my mouth to force it open, followed by his soft cock. Once in, he pulled my head tight into his groin and inevitably his cock grew and filled my mouth.

"Say, Charley, how about showing this young lad how we pass our engineers exams on this shipping line?"

"Good idea Henry, I think it's time he had his first report don't you?" They both laughed, and then Henry said, "right Mr Charley, let's go to it."

"Right Chief!"

What followed was sheer hell. Charlie's enormous cock pounded my ass endlessly whilst Henry with some new found vigour, fucked into my mouth and down my throat. I thought I was going to die before they would let up, but I didn't. Instead, I had to put up with what seemed like hours of being fucked. Henry washed my mouth like he said, but two or three times, whilst I heard Charley say he was coming at least twice.

When they had finished, they stood congratulating each other whilst ignoring me lying naked on the floor. Eventually, they turned their attention to me, telling me to get up and put some clothes back on. But I couldn't move as my legs had lost all feeling. I tried to pull myself up but couldn't.

Henry laughed at my predicament and said, "Looks like we made a bit of a mess of the lad doesn't it?"

"Oh, he'll live," said Charley, "I think he even enjoyed it. How about it lad, did you enjoy it?"

I just shook my head in disbelief. Charley came over to me and made to help me up.

Then he stopped and said, "Let's just have a look at him."

He bent down and opened the cheeks of my bum, looking at my hole.

"I think it's a few sizes bigger than yesterday," he laughed. He pushed some fingers up and wiggled them around inside.

"Aye, you couldn't have done that yesterday with the lad, that's for sure," Henry chortled.

Then Charley held his fingers to my nose, "Just smell that expensive perfume he mocked, not much of that around in the world today and you lucky lad, have got a bucket full up there".

They continued laughing.

Charley then said, "You wouldn't mind would you lad, just clean up my fingers" and pushed them into my mouth. "That's it, lick them clean lad, do your job well and we will look after you, won't we Chief?"

"That's right," echoed Henry; we'll look after you, no need to worry. I think he deserves tomorrow off don't you Mr Charley?"

"Yes Chief, I think he earned that at least, now let's get him up to his cabin so he can dream about the good time we just gave him."

With that, they picked me up and put on what was left of my shorts. Then dragging me out of the stores, we got up the staircase onto the accommodation deck and into my cabin, where they dropped me onto the bed.

"Sweet dreams young-un," one of them said as they closed the door. "Don't give that cock of yours too much pounding when you think of us tonight." I heard them laughing as they walked away down the corridor.

Exhausted, I stayed just as they had left me. My mind thought of home, my mother would be telling all the neighbours about her son, being a bit too showy and saying how he was sailing the world. Now look at me, here I was on some old tub at the mercy of a couple of crazy guys. It felt like being in a horror movie and not being able to get out. I hugged the pillow; tears ran freely down my cheek as I drifted off into sleep.

Part 6

Quite a bit later I felt someone shaking me awake and looked up to see Norman.

"Hello, what are you doing here?"

"Oh! Love, I just knew something was wrong when you didn't come to mess for dinner. Then when I saw Henry and Charley behaving like a couple of schoolkids, I just knew something was up so I came to see if you were alright."

"I'm fine," I said, but then just burst into tears. Norman bent down to comfort me, holding me in his arms till I quietened down.

"There, there, not to worry, I'm here to take care of you now," he said. "Have they hurt you?" he asked.

"I don't know, they just brought me here and left me, and then I went to sleep. But after it happened I couldn't stand up or walk, my legs wouldn't carry me. I sobbed again thinking of the ordeal and Norman held me again till I calmed.

"Just a mo, I'll get my bag of tricks and fix you up in no time." In a few minutes, he was back with his bag containing all kinds of creams, medicines and god knows what else.

First, he gave me a bed wash. I was no longer embarrassed when he removed my shorts, nothing would ever again I reckoned. But he tenderly cleaned not only all the filth they had left behind but also the dirt from the work, till eventually, I was looking clean and human once more.

"Now, let's take a look at what damage they caused," and he motioned for me to turn over.

He gently parted my legs and opened the cheeks of my ass to inspect.

"Well, nothing broken this time."

But I objected, "There must be, even Charley got his monster dong inside this time." I cried.

Norman looked again. "No love, virgins only bleed once and you've had your turn, you can't go back and start over." He laughed and then asked if they had both had me.

"Yes, Henry first and then Charley did me."

"Perhaps that was for the best. At least you were opened up a little by Henry or else you would have been a gonna if Charley had taken you first! Look on the bright side dear!"

He made me laugh the way he talked and a lot of my misery evaporated. He went back into his bag and brought out a tube of ointment.

"Now, let me rub some of this in to make sure there is no infection, just in case".

I laid my head back on the pillow and let him do his stuff. He was very gentle, soothing the cream around my aching asshole, not being squeamish about working his fingers inside of me. He soon had me relaxed and I really appreciated his concern and care. He massaged my bum where they had bashed me, making it feel really good. I couldn't imagine the change he had brought about from just an hour or so before.

"Norman," I said, "You are wasted here, you should be in the massage business, you are really good."

"Oh, I don't need you to tell me I'm good, I know that already!" He gave me a playful slap on my behind.

"No, I mean it Norman, an hour ago I wanted to die, now you have me laughing again and my body feels one hundred percent better already. You've really got magic fingers."

"That's what they all say. Oh, Norman" he sang, "Those fingers of yours are pure magic," he said drawing it out for emphasis. He made me laugh, but then I got a smack on the bum for it too.

I was quiet for a bit as he moved down and worked the same magic on my legs, kneading the muscles, making me tingle and squirm, but in a nice way. After he worked down to my feet, he started back up again, giving my bum some extra attention.

"Norman, you are good, I really mean it. I wish you would do this every day, I could get used to this before I get out of bed and before I go to sleep."

"You see," he said in triumph, "Here you are begging me, just like they all do, begging me, every one of em. And you're no different now are you?"

"That's not what I was talking about, I didn't mean in that way."

"Oh didn't you?" he fired back. Quickly he pushed me onto my side. "If you didn't mean it, what this all about?" he said grabbing my cock. I was surprised, first at him doing that, then at the fact it was rock hard. I hadn't realised I was feeling horny.

"Everybody is horny when they are your age," he said, "So you don't surprise me in the least. But it looks like they didn't take care of you when they were plucking your fruits, did they?"

I thought back, "No, I didn't do anything; they didn't give me the time to breathe, let alone play with myself."

He toyed with it between his fingers, the ointment had slicked them and his touch felt cool and so different. I watched him with interest, how he worked it up and down. But a trigger went off somewhere deep inside me and that familiar feeling started to grow.

"Oh! Norman, you've started something now! You are going to get me into a mess again if you keep that up."

"Well, aren't I the one to clean up, so just you don't worry your pretty little head and enjoy Uncle Norman's extra special massage!"

I sank back onto the pillow and lost myself into his touch. With his expert fingers working on my dick, his other hand gently stroking between my legs, I simply floated in the air until far sooner than I wanted, out pumped my juices across his hands and my stomach.

"Oh Norman, you've done it now," I said, "You wicked cradle snatcher".

He threw up his hands in the air, then crossed them on his chest "Well your Honour, what was a poor soul going to do with such a temptation in front of me, I'm innocent your Honour, he made me do it! Oh, forgive me for I have sinned." I cracked out laughing at his antics, loving him for everything.

I was surprised when the next morning I felt fine and no ill affects whatsoever. I was sure I was going to feel bad, but no, there weren't any aches or pains except a little when I went to the toilet. But I had been given the day off and determined to make the most of it. I found a quiet spot on the upper deck near the funnel that doesn't go anywhere particular and sunned myself for a couple of hours till lunch. I was glad of the peace and quiet to collect my thoughts. But hunger called me to the mess, where Norman had made me a special dish rather than one of the normal lunch choices. He also gave me a book to read for my sun session in the afternoon. I'd had enough of thinking and wanted something to occupy my time. Back up on top, I resumed my sun worship, and now taking off my shorts to get the maximum effect as my briefs were just that, so what was left was almost nothing.

"Oh, here you are, I saw you climbing up top, thought I'd just take five minutes for a smoke and see how you are. We were talking about you today, heard you were not so good."

I squinted up not seeing who it was at first because the sun was behind him. It was Brian who I had met when I first came on board. He was a deck hand and for such a small ship, I didn't see a lot of him.

"How about sitting down here, that sun is blinding me."

He dropped down next to me.

"That's better; I couldn't see who you were. How you doing, don't see you around much."

"Oh, not bad, how about you, old Henry not been treating you too well by the sound of it."

I blushed up scarlet; I didn't know it was common knowledge about what they were doing with me.

He realised I was embarrassed and said "It's alright; he has all of the young lads that come on here. He had me when I first joined but then I think I was a little bit too old for him and he left me alone after the first time. Likes em really young does old Henry."

"Really!" I exclaimed, "You as well!"

Brian laughed, "You get used to it when you've been on the boats a while, it's nothing special really. The same chap got me on here as you; Albert was his name, right?"

"Yes", I said, "How did you know?"

"Oh Albert, that's what he does, that's how he earns his crust. He slopes around the docks looking for the likes of you or me, asks if we are looking for work and then says he knows where there is a job going. I reckon he gets paid by Henry and his type, to feed them young lads."

"Shit, the fucking bastard," I said really annoyed.

"Well that depends on which way you look at it, you did get a job didn't you? That's what you were looking for, wasn't it? You just got to think of him as a one-man employment exchange!"

He laughed and I had to smile when I thought about how I'd been hooked.

"If you can get used to Henry, then it's not bad on here, she's an old tub, but the lads are good, better than on some of the new ships where you are on the clock and don't stop from morning till night. But its old Henry isn't it. Get used to the old bugger and you've cracked it. I reckon you can get used to anything if you try!"

He gave me a wink and nudged the arm I was propped up on so I fell back on the deck.

I said "No way", but he cut me short, dug me in the ribs and said, "Don't you lay there and try and tell me there was nothing they did that you didn't like because you are a liar if you do."

Now he made an issue of it, I didn't feel comfortable saying something that wasn't true.

"Well, there were some parts but not much."

"Go on," he said expectantly.

"Well, Charley was good at wanking me off and feeling me up."

"And..." he said, wanting more.

"It's hard to say really." I tried to evade the subject.

"But what?" he said, not giving up.

"Well once it was inside me, the feeling wasn't so bad I suppose, funny when he took it out once it was worse than being inside."

"Yeah, I know just what you mean," said Brian in a knowing way, "I know exactly what you mean."

I continued, "But it's just they are so rough with me is what really hurts, that's what I don't like." I was trying to put my feelings into words but I don't think they were coming out how I wanted them too.

"Well," said Brian, "that's just Henry and Charley, if it were someone else, then maybe it wouldn't be so bad would it?"

"No", I replied thinking aloud, "I don't suppose it would be".

"Well, must get back and do something, I'll catch you later," he said rising up and making to go.

"Oh Mike", I don't see you sleep on deck at night?"

"No, I sleep in my cabin; I didn't know anyone slept on deck".

"You should, it's good when it's hot like this, try it tonight with us, you'll like it better than sleeping in that sweaty cabin."

"Okay, see you later then," I said and watched him run down the stairs and back to his work. I picked up my book but realised that my cock was hard and sticking out of my briefs, I wondered what on earth I could have been thinking of.

Part 7

After dinner that evening, I took a shower and went looking for Brian. He was up on the fo'c'sle with a few more hands playing cards.

"Ah Mike, I'm just finishing, no more money left, let's go and grab a beer."

We wondered back to the mess, cajoled Norman into giving us a few more beers than we were due, and climbed up to the back of the bridge, near where I was sunbathing earlier.

"My favourite place", said Brian, "I come up here every night, looking at the stars, dreaming my dreams! Cheers mate!"

He swigged heavily from the can and I did likewise. Actually, this was my first time to drink. Not that I didn't like it, just I never had a reason to.

"Brian, I've been wondering."

"What's that mate?"

"What happened to the engine room hand before I came on? Albert just said he didn't show up that day. Henry said something about me being thrown overboard if I didn't watch it, said it wouldn't be the first time."

Brian guffawed at me. "Oh no, he didn't go over the side, though they were plenty here that would have loved to chuck him overboard."

"Why was that?" My interest was up.

"Because," Brian snarled, "He was an evil little fucker, a thief, that's what he was, stole from just about everybody on the ship, that's why he didn't come back."

"Why didn't you call the police?" Brian laughed out loud again.

"Come on, sit down while I tell you all about it," he said easing himself to the deck and propping himself against the railings.

"He was called Martin and had run away from some trouble in Liverpool, or so he told us. You wouldn't believe he was old enough to work, looked a real little angel. But he had papers that said he was eighteen, so it was okay. Course, he didn't work, he was another that Albert sent along and one look from Henry and they were all but married. Henry couldn't resist him; he could do as he pleased which most of the time wasn't working. He had the face of an angel and the body of a fourteen-year-old. Only stood at five foot three or so, really looked like a kid. Just made for Henry he was. But Henry didn't have to teach him anything, he knew it all, God knows from where. The Chief and Charley had him every day and Martin loved it. He could wear them both out! Can you imagine someone like that taking Charlie's dick all the way up his ass?" he asked.

"Surely it would kill him?" I said.

"Not a bit of it," Brian continued. "He took it from those two and when they were finished he would take anyone else that asked. I don't know how he could, but he was there for all to see. I mean literally too. He would egg on Henry to have sex with him any place, whether other hands were around or not. Henry couldn't say no to him, so you often came across them fucking the daylights out of him. I think the kid was nuts, he liked people to see him do it. If you saw him in the engine room being fucked at three o clock, you would see him at four on the stern with one of the deck hands. He was a nymphomaniac if ever there was one. Could take anything from anybody."

"So what happened then?" I asked.

"Before he disappeared he cleaned out everyone's room, stole loads of stuff, and no-one ever saw him, but we knew it was him. We never had much trouble with that kind of thing before he came on board and we've had none since. But no-one can go to the Police because, by that time, he had been fucked by just about everyone, so he could point the finger back because we never found any of our stuff on him or in his room. Looking so young and sweet, well you know who the police would take off to the joint first, don't you?"

"I think Henry misses him," said Brian after a while. "Maybe that's why he is being a bit hard on you. Don't know, but it's a thought."

I did think about it, but nothing much made any sense to me on this boat anymore.

"How about you Brian, did you have Martin as well?" I was now curious to see what Brian was like.

"Well, you've got me there, Mike. Yes, I had him as well, quite a few times. When you see half the ship enjoying themselves you think why not me and you want a piece, don't you?" admitted Brian.

"Do you like doing it then?" I asked, again curious.

"That's a bloody stupid question isn't it?" he shot back, "Course I liked it, wouldn't be doing it if I didn't like it, would I?"

"Sorry, don't suppose you would," I said feeling a bit of a fool.

"I told you Henry didn't have to teach him anything, the lad knew it all and I mean all. Everyone had him, but he was still tight and he could use himself on you. If you didn't feel very energetic, he would fuck himself on your dick. He could even wank you off with his ass muscles. Not moving, just squeezing his insides as if there were some magic fingers milking on your cock. Like it? I bloody loved it, I can tell you."

"I think I get the picture, no wonder he was popular."

"Trouble is," said Brian, I hate the bastard for stealing my stuff, but I can't think of him without getting a hard on." He parted his legs and laughed, "Just look at that".

His dick made an unmistakable outline down one leg of his shorts even under the deck lights, which were some way off.

He grabbed it through the material, "This fucker is not going to go down now, we've been talking too much sex and it's up till I do something with it. A bit like you was this afternoon," he smirked.

"I didn't know about that, honest, I didn't see it till you'd gone, I've no idea why it got that way at all," I said defensively.

"It's like that because we'd just been talking sex, always does, always will," he grinned. "Don't tell me yours isn't now, Mr Goody Two Shoes," and not waiting for an answer, reached and squeezed my crotch to check.

I knew it had filled out a bit, but not hard.

But Brian exaggerated and said, "Fucking right, you are just like the rest of us, pretending you're Mr Innocent, just look at that hard on you've got there!"

"No it's not hard," I insisted, but that just seemed to make him go on.

"Not hard my arse, what's that between your legs if it's not hard, Scotch mist?"

"No it's not, honest," I giggled.

"Right!" he snapped, "Prove it, right now, get it out and fucking prove it."

This made me laugh more, "No Brian, really, I'm telling you my dick's not standing."

He wouldn't have it though and persisted. "Come on, prove it, I say it is, so settle it right now, stop being a wimp and get it out."

I gave in to the challenge. "OK, OK. Here," I said opening my fly and pulling out my cock. It wasn't exactly soft, but it definitely wasn't hard. Brian grabbed and made a fuss examining, holding it this way and that but in doing so, I could feel it start to swell.

"Well if you say that's not hard, I'm a China man. You must be pretty big if you say it gets any larger than that."

"I don't know about bigger, but I said I wasn't hard, that's all".

Brian laughed, "I think you're just trying to split hairs now, I think you've lost!" He squeezed his cock again and sighed. "Shit, I'm going to have to give my little brother some air, it's pulling all the hairs and it's killing me."

He undid the waist flap and pulled down the zip, and then he eased them down his legs just leaving his jockey. Flipping down the elastic, he pulled it out and picked away all the hair that had been tearing at the skin.

"That's better, much better". Having sorted himself out, he waved it a bit for me to see, and then stroked lazily.

I hadn't touched myself, but even without looking I knew it had filled up a bit more, first with the talk, then with Brian touching and now after seeing his hard dick, it seemed to have a mind of its own. In a moment or two, Brian looked and spied my cock, now starting to stand upright. He leant across and grabbed.

"Just take it easy Mike, life is for enjoying, so stop being so nervous."

"I'm not nervous, and I'm enjoying, it's good talking with you."

He laughed. "Sometimes Mike, you sound so thick!" He leant further across and put his head down on my lap and closed his mouth over my dick.

I drew my breath sharply at the sensation.

"You okay?" he asked coming off it momentarily. "Fine," I said, "it feels just fine."

I closed my eyes and leant back to the railing. He sucked me gently giving me exquisite feelings for some minutes.

He snapped me out of it by saying "Hey mate, are we on a one-way street or what?"

"Eh?" I answered.

"Don't let me do all the bloody work, how about giving me some too?"

"Oh, sorry," I murmured, and we shuffled around till we were facing opposite ends, sixty-nine style. I hesitated, but he gently reached down and pulled my head to his cock.

"Just let's take it easy, enjoy each other." He returned my cock to his mouth and I took his in mine.

The experience of sucking and being sucked at the same time. Oh, I liked it! If only Henry and Charley had been like this. I played with my tongue across the head, down the sides, and then I swallowed him all down my throat. I was enjoying playing around; doing anything that came into my head. Trying to make it feel good for him as he was for me. I licked his balls and tongued behind them, just like Barry had done. I liked doing it too, knowing just how good he would be feeling.

He was no less active, returning every move back. As I began to feel my juices start to boil, I could feel his cock stiffen even more, a mirror image of myself. It grew hotter in my mouth and I could taste the change as he started leaking pre-cum. I sucked harder and harder knowing at any moment he would fill me with his jizz. My own cock was aching, I didn't want to come before him but as the seconds ticked on my resistance faded and I started to buck into his mouth. I was dying for him to come, but my needs seemed to come first and I started to shoot. No sooner had I fired my first shot, my mouth filled with his juice as he emptied himself in me. I liked it, not sour like the Chiefs and Charley, but almost sweet. I sucked hungrily, my mind exploding as each pulse of his cock brought another jet of my own spilling out. Sucking him dry, I let it slip from my lips and he did the same.

"Fucking awesome man, fucking awesome!" was all Brian said.

"Yeah right," I said, "that's just what it was, fucking awesome."

We didn't move, staying in the same position for quite some time. I sucked his dick some more, wanting to feel it out of curiosity as it went soft, I liked the contrast with the piece of steel minutes before to the soft rubbery toy it had become now.

When we did stir, it was to go to the stores and get some thin foam mattresses. We went back up to the same place and put them down side by side. With just a thin sheet as a cover, we cuddled up close looking at the brilliant stars; chatting about this and that till we drifted off to sleep.

Part 8

I awoke early the next morning, unaccustomed to being outside. A soft breeze flowed over us and the sun was just turning the sky over what would have been Africa, a fire of oranges and reds as it chased the night away. I slipped back into a doze and began to go over the events of last night.

Brian was still fast asleep behind me, his face nuzzled into the back of my neck. I could feel his warm breath and the prickles of his chin stubble in the nape. He was spooned up tight behind and I could feel his full prick between my legs much hotter than the rest of him. His arm was wrapped around hugging me. I reached my hand behind, reinforcing the bond and pushed back tight, luxuriating in his closeness. For the very first time, I felt an inner peace. I wanted to stay like this forever.

And thinking of last night, how much I enjoyed what we did and how I liked Brian's company. Although he spoke a bit rough, he gave me the feeling he was sincere and honest and he didn't show off when he talked like some do. Somehow I felt safe with him. Funny how it was so good with Brian when it was so bad with Henry and Charley. Why was that I wondered, we were doing the same thing. I hoped he wanted to do it again, try that sixty-nine position, it was so good!

My cock got hard from running this through my mind. It started to ache but I didn't want to disturb Brian and tried to keep still, keep this closeness going for as long as possible. But I fidgeted and squirmed, pushing tight against him at every nice thought. He stirred a little and hugged me; I felt his cock twitch between my legs and my dick ached more and more. I guess it's always hard in the morning but now it was extra stiff and I needed to do something to give it relief.

As I became more and more awake, I found myself shifting position ever so slightly, trying to get the maximum contact with Brian, even hooking my feet under his. I was disturbing him I know but I couldn't help it, the need to touch him was greater than the wish to let him sleep on. Every time I broke into his slumber he gave me a squeeze with his arm and pushed his hips forward. I couldn't help responding and moved my ass back to counter his movement. I was squirming against him, both trying not to but also wanting somehow to merge my body into his.

He breathed deeply and he gave me an extra big squeeze. His stubble chin scratched my shoulders from side to side a few times and then he bit into the flesh, gently, not really hard.

On letting go, he whispered "Morning Mike".

I didn't reply except to push my body against his and put my own arm behind me onto his ass and pulled him into me tight.

"Mmmmmm!" he growled and bit my shoulders.

It only made me squirm all the more and spoon back tightly. I could feel his dick burning hot and rock hard through his briefs and I couldn't help remember it was that same dick I now found so exciting to suck.

Nibbling my ear and neck, rubbing his nose up the nape of my neck gave me the sense of floating. His arm moved up my chest, cupping my chin with his hand and turning my head around to the side. Without moving too much, he lifted himself slightly and leant to kiss my lips. Lightly kissing me a few times, I got a strange feeling not having kissed a man before, it kind of knocked the wind out of my sails. But he appeared to enjoy and kissed me longer, then tried to work his tongue into my mouth. I let him but was unsure of how to respond till quite suddenly, a wave of passion swept through my body and I began a duel of tongues. Oh, how good it felt, his face touching mine, one moment his lips feathering mine, the next his tongue thrusting into my mouth trying to devour me.

Pulling away from me he said just "I want you."

I knew what he meant and I too wanted him to take me.

"I do too, just do it, do it now!"

Lifting so he could pull down my briefs, he used spit for his cock and my ass. Out of the confines of his, he pressed up tight behind and his cock moved straight in between my cheeks. Bringing it to the mark, he pushed forward to force the entry. Suddenly I froze against my own will, but I couldn't help it.

"It's okay, it's okay," he whispered. "This is Brian and I am never going to hurt you."

He didn't push any further but just kept some weight behind it. He then lifted his upper torso again so that he could lean around and return to kissing.

With his tongue playing with mine, sucking my mouth and lips and me trying to outdo him, I quickly relaxed once more.

We continued with this mouth tussle till he quietly said, "There, I'm home!"

I was a little surprised for I had not felt him enter me; he used the mouth fight as a cover to ever so slowly push his dick inside. Now I could feel the heat. I pushed back and he matched me by sliding forward until the entire length was inside and his groin was rubbing my bum.

"Do it Brian, I want you to do it now," I whispered.

"My pleasure," he grinned and started a very slow rhythm. There was no pain at all, which was something I at first couldn't get over. I thought it must come at any moment, but all I was receiving was wonderful sensations. I pushed harder to meet him, and all too soon the slow rhythm became more vigorous with each stroke.

His arms held me tight to take his thrusts and I did my best to push hard back, wanting him to reach inside as far as possible.

"Oh, shit, I'm coming already," he said. "Hold tight, I'm gonna cum".

He rattled his hips into my ass, gripping me with his arms ever tighter till he gave a cry of ecstasy and exploded. I could feel everything, his cock growing ever bigger in the last moments, the hot juice pumping into me, and I thought again of the same cock pouring it into my mouth last night. Oh, I nearly came myself even though I had not yet put a finger on it.

"Brian, that was fantastic, but I want it to go on all day". I complained.

"Well, I would if it were possible, but just don't take it out yet, I want to keep inside you".

He continued to push his hips into me and I squeezed my ass muscles try to milk him dry.

"Oh that feels good," he said, "Where did you learn that?"

"I was trying to do what you said Martin did so well, and it feels good for me too"

"Well you are doing a great job; I'm not going to go soft as long as you keep doing that."

"Does that mean you are up for another one?" I asked.

"I am if you are."

"Yeah, do me again, I loved that, it was fantastic, it really was!" He kissed me some more and I could feel his cock harden as his tongue jostled mine.

"Let's change position, I want to do it another way."

"Just show me how you want," I said.

"But I don't want to slip out so move slowly," he commanded. He drew my upper leg to my chest, then propped himself up. Kind of lifting me a little by the leg, he was able to duck underneath and with twisting around, bring himself face to face. His cock hadn't left my ass! I was most impressed and told him so. He laughed and brought his face full to mine and planted kisses all over. I really loved every moment, could not get enough of him.

"Milk my cock again," he asked and I did too, trying to see if I could nip it off.

"That feels fantastic; you are going to get me coming again without doing anything else if you are not careful".

"Well, I definitely need the something else," I teased.

"Right, you got it," and with a hand under each thigh, pulled my legs back up to my chest.

"Keep them there," he said, mock-sternly. He then propped himself off of my body so our point of contact was only at his hips and my exposed ass.

"Did anyone ever tell you what a beautiful ass you got?"

I felt a bit embarrassed being in this position, but at the same time, it was thrilling to be doing these moves.

"Now, let's see if the second time can last a bit longer than the first," he said.

"It better, or else I'm back to Henry."

"Oh! A contest!" he cried and commenced fucking me again first slowly and then building speed till the sweat was dripping from his face onto my chest. The feeling was completely different from doing it spoon fashion, and I was loving the learning. His cock felt like it went in deeper, touching something that was making my mind reel.

I couldn't resist grabbing my own cock to wank, I desperately wanted to come, and fast. Every time I focused on Brian's face and watched his concentration, his body quiver and muscles ripple, I almost shot off.

"No, please don't, I want to deal with it, just I want you to think about what I am doing, picture everything that is happening as I fill your beautiful, tight, hot piece of ass with one big bucketful of my hot cum."

He hardly got out the last word before slamming into me, and cried out "I'm coming." For the second time, I felt his cock erupt like a volcano, pumping all that tasty cream into my ass.

He fell back onto my chest panting, trying to catch his breath. I held him tight, running my hands up and down his wet back, kneading his shoulders till we both calmed down. Get his wits back, he lifted himself back up and kissed me for a long time.

"Mike, that was beautiful, really it was," he said staring straight into my eyes. "But now it's my turn to let you enjoy something," and gave me a wink. He moved back down my body and devoured my cock, now deflated with the short rest. Hungrily slurping up and down my shaft, tonguing my balls, it seemed only moment before I was back to the boil and my pump started pushing up the cream from way down in my balls.

I thought this is what he was going to do for me, give me a good blowjob but I was in for a nice surprise. Sensing that I might easily blow my wad if he carried on, Brian suddenly came off my dick, gave me another wink and then lowered himself down onto my cock. I felt it on his ass button and that almost made me come, but I held on trying to think of something mundane so as not to spoil it too soon. Slowly easing himself down, he rotated his hips trying to help it inside.

"Did anyone ever tell you that you had a fucking big cock?" he laughed. "I want to do this, but it's taking some getting in."

"I thought you were a man of experience?"

"I got plenty of experience, but not with one quite this big," he snapped back. "Besides, when it comes to this, I am almost a virgin I'll have you know, just my initiation with Henry and Co. when I first came here, and that was the first and the last time."

"So I'm honoured," I smirked.

"You bet sweetheart," finally sitting full down. "Fuck! I want it, but it takes some doing I can tell you," he said grinning.

Slowly, he prised himself up and then eased back down. Each move had his breath hissing through his teeth as his body fought to adjust itself.

When he was sure he was okay, he said: "Right, let's have you, give me something back will you?"

I brought my knees up behind so I could thrust better. Slowly at first, but then picking up speed as my cock started to rule my head and my desire to come off put aside any thought of taking it easy with him. I thought to myself once in the driving seat, I'm no better than Henry and I grinned inwardly.

This was my first time, and I can't possibly put to paper what it felt like. I had no idea the bombardment of fantastic feelings, how much it felt just right and how much I wanted it never ever to stop. To think that I hated it so much with those two guys, then enjoyed it so much from Brian, and now I was getting a taste of just what it was all about. My viewpoint was standing itself on its head these last twenty-four hours like I could never have imagined.

Sorry to say, my first effort at fucking was miserable when measured by stamina. Within a minute or two, my juices were unstoppable. I thrust hard upward trying to dismount Brian and he likewise was trying to spear himself on me. I cried out as my climax came, emptying myself within him, my mind doing summersaults and my vision blurring like some kaleidoscope.

He slumped forward onto my chest, each of us speechless. We lay there still for some time, our breath slowly returning to normal. I ran my hands up and down his back, watching the morning sun edging over the horizon to start the new day. With some effort, Brian sat back up and then very gently rolled off onto his back next to me. His knees were still bent and he said they had cramped into that position. I knew that feeling from before, so I helped him by gently massaging his leg muscles till he could straighten out again.

Part 9

Back in my cabin, we showered and changed, then lay on the bed not saying very much, just holding each other.

Brian said quietly "Mike, do you want to be like, er, my special mate kind of thing?"

"What do you mean exactly, we are mates aren't we?" I asked.

"I was being honest up on deck," he said, "I've not done that before really, but I would like to do it with you if we were, kind of special together, you know?"

"I think I do, you mean like we don't do that with anyone else?"

"Yes, it's hard for me to say, but I think you know I like you a lot, I would put myself out for you, especially if I knew you were only for me."

"I want that too, but what about Henry, he is not going to let me off just because we are together," thinking it would shoot down his idea.

"Yeah, well, apart from Henry, I know you can't help that, nobody can. But by next trip, there will be a new lad in there for him and he will have forgotten you so I can accept that no problem. Anyway, you might need someone to take care of you when he has his way, and I will be here for you."

I leant over and kissed him. He wasn't so good at words, well it is difficult for a guy to tell another how he feels, and maybe I couldn't have done any better.

"There is one more thing," I said a bit nervously.

"What's that?"

"Well the other day after that bad do with Henry, Barry kind of well, he lost control of himself in here when I was sleeping and gave me a blowjob. I was sleeping at the time and didn't know anything about it, but he told me when I woke up and then did it again, just to show me what it was about. He's done it a few times since as well," I admitted a bit sheepish.

Brian thought for a while then said, "Well it's not like he has been doing what we just did is it, I mean, we all have done something for relief or we would go mad, and Barry's a good guy, I always liked him, so that's okay by me."

I was relieved, I didn't want our friendship to go sour before it had begun, but I didn't want to keep anything from him either.

"Just," Brian said, and then stopped for a moment, "Just make sure next time, I'm there as well. I could just fancy seeing you being sucked off by Barry". He laughed and then gave me a playful punch. I returned it a bit harder and before I knew it, we were scrapping around the room wrestling, turning it into a real mess.

Things certainly started to improve for me now, I had a friend and I had a hobby, well that is making light of it, but I did have an interest and that was sex, of course. Having discovered how good it could be, I took every opportunity with Brian to experiment and try every possible position we could think off. Brian was very good at that, he usually had the ideas being that bit more experienced than I. Some of the more memorable were in positions where it was really difficult to hold, like a leg on the table and the other on the floor. The kind of thing where you get a cramp or whatever, but it only heightened the fun and the feelings.

Eventually, we arrived in Cape Town and unloaded the stuff that had been the main part of our cargo. The ship spent a few days there while the agents looked around for a new cargo. As nothing was forthcoming straight away, it was almost a holiday for the crew. We went ashore most days and at nights too, but I really didn't care for that too much. Unless we went a long way from the docks, the kind of bars within easy distance were a bit crappy and rough to say the least, and I was never at ease in them.

I didn't see much of Henry either while we were in port, perhaps he had some people to call on or at least, keep him happy. My hours on duty were quite short, just helping out with a bit of maintenance and stuff held over that couldn't be done when the ship was in voyage.

One afternoon, Brian and I were at it in my cabin. I had taken a break after lunch for a few hours and we were on the bed, me kneeling and Brian behind me giving my ass what for! Suddenly the cabin door opened and in walks Barry. He was occupied with something and didn't notice us on the bed. Searching around in the drawer of his dresser, only when he found what he was looking for did he turn around and see us, connected and naked on the bed.

"Oh! I am sorry," he said, "I didn't realise anyone was in!".

We laughed at the situation, being caught right in the middle and soon Barry saw the funny side too.

"Brian is in," I said, giggling like mad.

"But I didn't knock either," said Brian, still trying to apologise, and that started us sniggering even more.

After we calmed down a bit, changing the subject Brian asked him what he was up to, didn't he have any free time? Barry said he wasn't working and was about to take a ride into the city and have a look around for the afternoon. Well if he wasn't busy, said Brian, he could spend some time with us if he fancied. We could both see his eyes almost popping out of his head as he stared at us, hardly taking his eyes off the point where we were connected. I was a bit surprised at Brian; I didn't think he would be so direct. But I didn't really mind, as I said before, Barry had made me happy on quite a few occasions.

"Oh yes!" he said, a grin spreading across his face. "What had you in mind exactly," he asked us both.

But it was Brian that did the answering. "How about making a sandwich of Mike, he tells me you can do wonders on his cock!"

I was a bit put out at that, like I had betrayed a confidence, but Barry didn't seem to mind in the least.

"Anything to oblige, it would be my pleasure".

I had gone soft with the chatter and joking, so Barry held my dick, feeling and squeezing till that funny sensation deep inside started to glow and it began to harden. Brian was still in me, but I knew he was also soft, so I worked my ass, squeezing till I felt him start to piston slowly back and forth. Once he saw I was standing, Barry got himself down under to take me in his mouth. He was still fully dressed, so with one hand, I reached and undid his belt and pants, pushing them down his hips. Wriggling to help, they were soon around his ankles revealing a short but fat cut cock. It looked good, smooth and unwrinkled. I pulled up his shirt wanting him to take it off, so he took time out to kick off his pants and remove everything. A nice trim body he had, slightly hairy chest, he kept a tan going which was set off with his jet black hair.

Back under and my cock started receiving his treatment as Brian worked in my ass. This was good, getting it at both ends, great idea! I wanked Barry's cock a while and it felt good to the touch like it was a piece of steel in a wrapping of velvet. He didn't ask me to but at some point, I really needed to take his cock in my mouth and give him back something of what he was doing for me. Close up he smelled fresh and clean, almost delicious. I think it turned Brian on to see me do it because I could feel him speed up his rhythm when I started. Barry braced with the tension and I had my juices rising too, what a great combination!

"Go on Mike, suck him hard", said Brian as he started slamming into me. I didn't answer but took all of him and I was not about to let him out to start talking. I could feel Barry let go of my dick, but quickly he slid slightly more underneath and I could feel his tongue on my balls which was equally just as good.

Brian began groaning and I knew he would soon finish. I squeezed my ass as tight as I could and made him groan louder.

"Oh! Baby, Shit! I'm coming, oh, yeah, now, I'm coming!" His dick pulsed inside of me, I could distinctly feel every twitch and then that flood of his hot juice filling me up. Wow! it was so good. I loved him coming in me, at either end.

Brian groaned and fell back exhausted. My cock was bursting thinking of him in me and I felt just seconds away from my own explosion. Barry moved again further under, and to my surprise, his mouth clamped around my asshole.

He sucked hungrily, pushing his tongue inside, the feeling sent me flying over the edge and my cock instantly erupted over his chest. As soon as his mouth began slurping my ass, his cock began twitching and he too reached climax and fired off into my mouth. And what a lot, he didn't stop for what seemed like an age, I think he must have been saving it up or something like this hadn't happened for a long time.

When he was finished I rolled over onto my back, my knees giving me the signal I had overdone the exertion again. As each of us came too, we all agreed that was a tremendous piece of action and I for one hoped it would continue. I didn't say anything but just the idea of three people instead of two; it doubled the fun straight away.

Barry grabbed some beers from his private store and we drank them, talking about this and that, laying over each other on the bed. After our second bottle, Barry was telling us how good he thought we were together, how we looked a great couple.

That made us both blush a bit, and he went on, "But you do really, Mike with his blond hair, Brian with his brown, Mike with his slim body and Brian with his stocky build, you are a great compliment to each other in every way. In fact, I don't mind admitting, I'm jealous of you, I wish I was included, you have a good thing going."

Brian looked at me and I just gave a shrug, wondering what he was thinking.

Then he said, "I reckon Mike and me enjoy your company too Barry, I don't think we would mind you being with us for some fun, would we Mike?"

Again I was caught by surprise, but I had to agree, "No, sounds like a good idea to me, no problem."

We looked to Barry, but then we looked at his dick, now standing straight. There was no doubt what he was thinking about. Brian laughed and grabbed it.

"My, you are a fast worker Barry, how you do it?"

"I've not seen any action for God knows how long, I got a lot saved up."

I glanced at Brian and saw the tone of the conversation had lit his fire again and that in turn started me off. Brian reached for Barry again, this time not as a joke but to feel his cock, take the heft. I watched them as they took each other in. Barry leant over me and took Brian in his mouth, finalising his cock into a solid column. To balance it up, Brian did the same for him, sucking on his fat cock. I was out of it but not for long.

Barry let the cock slip out of his mouth saying "I would love to do you Mike, would you mind?"

I looked at Brian for direction, as this would be something different to what we talked about before.

He glanced back and gave a shrug, then said, "Yeah, why not if Mike is up to it".

They both looked at me for an answer and I just grinned, which was all they needed. Barry, quick as a flash moved around the bed, pushing my knees back up to my chest. He buried his head in my groin, taking first my cock till it was fully hard, and then licking around my balls and that electric spot just behind them. He didn't dally long before his mouth was on my asshole, slurping around and tonguing inside me. Oh, I couldn't refuse anything after that!

Having made me fully wet and slippery, he got up on his knees and half lifted me so that my ass aligned with his cock. He slid it home, the fatness making me feel the difference to Brian's. Fastening my legs on his shoulders, he commenced giving me a good run. He was different, pushing to the left and then right, not just going straight in and out. I had no idea sex could be so different from one to another, almost like doing it for the first time again.

Brian watched and wanked his cock a while. Then he climbed behind me and sat over my head, feeding his cock into my mouth. Another new experience which I loved. Being filled from both ends, I was fired up instantly till my cock was throbbing and twitching against my stomach. Barry was plugging me hard but he still found the time to lick my nipples, trying to ensure I was taken along at his pace. He fucked hard, much more so than Brian, slamming into me with rapid strokes like the rattle of a machine gun. He built till it felt like a blur and then erupted inside, filling me right up till I could feel it running out of my ass. Not till he had finished did Brian pick up his own rhythm to see himself off. I sucked him hard but also tickling the end of his dick which I knew he liked. Barry moved out of me and let down my legs. Taking care of my needs now, he returned his mouth to my cock and balls, even back to my ass which must have by now been full of his and Brian's mixed up juices. I knew he loved doing it and I did too. As soon as Brian let go in me, it triggered my own climax which had Barry quickly taking my cock in his mouth to drink all he could.

After this, I was shattered both mentally and physically. I might be young, but I am no superman and going at sex like that wipes me out. I didn't go back to work, taking instead a long cool shower and then curling up in bed with Brian for a few hours of much-needed sleep.

Part 10

We spent ten days at Cape Town and that meant having ten days of fantastic sex. After that we made ready, having secured a cargo to San Paulo in Brazil, loading it over two days, and then sailed out onto the South Atlantic. Work fell back into the previous routine, cleaning; helping with maintenance around both inside the engine room and anywhere else it was needed. When the weather was good, anywhere on the top side was a great place to be and that's when I enjoyed work the most. Of course, Henry and Charley were back on the scene but with a thousand and one things to sort out at the start of this voyage, they were far too occupied to take any notice of me. It also meant that Brian and I could usually only get together in the evening, but that was no bad thing or else I would have been worn out before long!

I now enjoyed the side of me discovered by Brian. No going back, it was everything I needed. The beginnings of it were with Henry, but they brutalised me in a way that would never allow me to like anything they did. Sure I was doing the same stuff with Brian but in a completely different way. There was no taking with Brian, but all about sharing between us, and that was like chalk and cheese compared with Henry. But for the remainder of the voyage, I had to take it from Henry whenever the situation arose. I always tried to be out of his immediate vicinity during working time, but it was not always possible.

At regular intervals, opportunities presented themselves where I was subject to their sexual desires much in the same way I have already said. The only change for me now, was that I could shut off my mind and pretend to myself that I was enjoying, as I would if it was with Brian and Barry. That made it a bit easier to get through and my supposed acquiescence perhaps got it over a bit quicker. Now, however, I had Brian to fall back on afterwards and that helped me a great deal, in fact having that special bond got me through it all and is probably the main factor in my remaining working on ships.

Probably the worst encounter I had was after San Paulo. One of the derrick cranes had broken whilst loading cargo there, and for the next week, Henry and all the engine room hands were busy stripping the gearbox and motors, finding out the problem and then patching something together that would work ready for the next port call. It put Henry in a foul mood for days because there were no proper spares for the job and they had to cannibalise and machine bits and pieces that they needed. There was a sigh of relief when it was all back together and working.

I found the celebration party in the middle of the afternoon. Charley and Henry were drinking at his bit of a desk just off from the engine room. Seeing me walk by, they called me over and it was soon plain both of them were a little drunk.

"C'mon lad," shouted Henry, "come and have a wee drink with your mates."

"Thanks," I said, "but I have to take this drill bit straight back up to Albert, he's waiting for it".

"Oh, pugh to Albert," said Charley, "I know what he's doing and the job can wait till you have a drink with us."

Henry moved a chair for me and beckoned me to come over. I couldn't refuse and went to sit down with them.

Charley gave me a tumbler of whisky saying, "Down the hatch for fixing that bloody derrick".

Henry raised his glass and I followed suit. I didn't like whisky at all, beer was my drink but I was obliged to knock it back as they were doing.

One glass was followed by another and then another till I could feel my head sway. As always, Charley had a story to tell and it had sex in it. Something he had got up to in Cape Town by the sound of it. Henry thought it hilarious, but I couldn't see what he saw that was so funny.

Then out of the blue, Charley changed the subject and said: "I hear you got yourself a buddy now, a nice bum buddy to keep you warm at night."

I could have melted into the deck with embarrassment; the thought of him knowing about me was awful.

"Is that so," said Henry in amazement, "well I never, our young lad having himself a bum buddy right here on this old ship. Well, well, well! And who might it be?" he asked straight out.

I didn't have to answer, for Charley piped in "Oh, it's Brian, the horny little bugger. You got to hand it to him though; he got himself a right pretty boy with Mike."

Henry looked on, trying to rack his brains thinking who Brian was. He exclaimed "Brian! You mean that horny little fucker that was screwing my engine room hand a'for Mike here?"

"The very one," said Charley pleased with himself. "Aye, he didn't leave that kid alone did he, always in his pants every time you saw him, that Brian."

I knew they were trying to get me going talking about Brian in this way, but I didn't bite, just sat there quiet and saying nothing.

They poured themselves another round of whisky which I avoided this time. Not saying anything, it made me nervous wondering what was going to come next.

"My, my, my," said Henry almost to himself, "just fancy, Brian having another one of my engine room lads. Well, well, well, it won't do, no this won't do at all."

He looked up at Charley. Saying, as if I wasn't there, "and what do you think they are getting up to together Mr Charley?"

"Well, I don't know to be sure," he said, "but we did know what he was up to with the lad before don't we, used to give him a right going over."

Henry turned to me, "Now lad, what is it you get up to with Brian in your cabin, we really are all ears waiting for you to tell us."

I said defensively, "He's just my mate that's all, everybody's got a mate and he's mine. That's it."

Both of them laughed out as if I had told a really funny joke. As it died away, Henry grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. Once out of my chair his other hand grabbed my bum and he squeezed it painfully.

"Have you been letting Brian visit you up there lad?" he said with a malicious grin on his face.

His tone had a sharp edge that scared me; the humour had gone completely from his voice now.

"No, I told you, he's just my mate" I answered desperately.

"Oh, just your mate," he said as if finding the answer to be a problem.

Quick as a flash, he yanked my shorts down, ripping the seams and breaking the button and zip. I tried to resist him but his hold on me was unbreakable. My briefs followed leaving me standing fully naked between them.

"Now Mr Charley, let's examine Mike and see if his mate has been just a friend or a really good friend."

"Good idea Chief," chimed Charley and stood up somewhat unsteadily and grabbed my arms, pulling me forward whilst Henry anchored my hips so I was bent over and exposed to their view.

I heard him spit and then felt some wet fingers invade my rear, pushing and turning, making my hole widen out.

"Oh yes," exclaimed Henry, "I'd say the lad has had plenty of meat stuffed in here, look at the size of it Charley, a real pussy this boy has got now."

Charley agreed with him and said, "Not often we get pussy on board this ship Chief, better take advantage whilst we can don't you think?"

"I do too Mr Charley, would be a pity to waste such a wonderful opportunity wouldn't it lad."

"No, Chief, please don't do this," but I was wasting my breath.

His fingers were quickly replaced with his cock which he roughly jammed in. Holding on to my hips, he fucked me roughly pushing fully home within just a couple of jabs and wracking me with pain. Charley let go of my arms and pulled out his cock, feeding it straight to my mouth. Their initial lust sated, they found time to start bantering again, humiliating me with their jokes.

"My lad, I must say this is good, letting your mates use your tight pussy like this, why you are generous."

Charley continued, "Yes, been putting it around the ship so it must be alright for his two best mates to have some of it".

They were both drunk and that meant they were not rising to the boil very quickly. They fucked me, one giving it me at both ends. They didn't come, just stopping each time and swapping when they were near so that it went on and on. Then I heard my name being called.

"Mike, Mike, where the fuck have you got to. Mike!"

It was Albert and I knew he would be looking for me and the drill bit I was supposed to take him.

Henry answered him, "He's over here Albert".

I heard his boots on the decking till they were almost on us.

"Where the fuck have you gone to can't trust you with a simple fucking job", he said angrily.

"Here Albert, here is Mike taking his time enjoying himself, spreading his favours around." Albert came round the corner and stopped at the scene in front of him.

"Oh, that's what you are doing, forgetting about me up top. Standing around like a spare dick whilst you're having your fanny tickled down here."

Albert had a sharp tongue and he wasn't my favourite person to work with, he always seemed to be angry with everybody.

Charley said, "You can say that again Albert, young Mike likes his fanny tickled and we are just the ones to do it aren't we Chief."

He demonstrated by holding my head firmly and bucking his cock sharply into my mouth showing off to Albert.

Henry then said, "Albert, take the weight off your feet and come and relax here, I'm sure Mike won't say no to another one joining the party. Pour yourself a whisky!"

"Well, if you don't mind, it does look like more fun than fixing the deck lights."

That made three of them taking turns at me. Soon fed up with standing, they put me on the floor on my back and took me like that. Now I had two cocks in my face to one in my ass. I was out of it, switching off completely. I did whatever they told me just to get through. Albert, not having been drinking was the first to come. Having sucked him first, Charley made way for him so that his fat cock plugged my ass and he shot off in no time. But if I thought it was one out of the way, I was mistaken because it just came to my mouth and I had to continue sucking him and Charley whilst Henry moved back into the seat. Soon enough he was up again and face fucked me roughly till gasping with another climax, he pulled it out of my mouth at the last moment and shot his juices all over my face.

Seeing Albert come turned them on a bit, soon making first Henry and lastly Charley come too, the first in my ass and the other in my mouth. But after they had finished and were laughing and telling each other how good they were, they didn't let me go. Even when they had resumed their clothes, I was kept naked while they commented and joked about my dick, had me bend over and finger my asshole and generally humiliate me in whatever way they fancied.

But once the bottle of whisky was empty, they became bored and finally with a slap on my bum, I was told to bugger off and get back to my mate. Brian was already in my cabin waiting for me.

"You been doing overtime?" he said as I shuffled into the room.

"No," was all I said and went to the bathroom where I sat on the toilet. I couldn't face Brian or anyone for a while and thinking of what had happened soon had me to sobbing and crying.

Brian banged on the door, "You alright Mike, you sick or what?"

I started to say something but my sobs broke up the words. Realising something was wrong, he came in. Straight away he knew what must have happened and did all he could to comfort and clean me up. Finally putting me to bed and going to fetch Norman so he could take a look.

Norman put some ointment in my ass, but amazingly nothing was torn that he could see. He told Brian the only thing I needed was someone to hug and a shoulder to cry on. Then he left telling him to take care of me, which he did. Joining me in bed, we didn't talk but just held each other drifting off into sleep. The next morning I told him most of what had happened, but not about what had been said concerning him. I'm sure if he knew; he would have gone after them with a crowbar and done some serious damage, if not murder. I could live with it and I didn't feel I had to burden Brian with more than he had.

Our journey home was a slow one, from Brazil up to Galveston in Texas, then on to Baltimore, after that it was Halifax and then across the cold North Atlantic to our home port of Liverpool. I have many more journals with my adventures of the rest of the voyage. If you would like, I would be glad to tell them.

The End

Your comments are welcome. John --

Next: Chapter 2

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