Abandoned Blood

By Nate House

Published on Sep 9, 2010


Greetings once again. This is a story about a woman and her vampire, but it's not a vampire story. It's not a love story, but it is a story about love, and the power it has to heal, and to destroy. It contains explicit sexual acts between females, among other people. It contains scenes of graphic violence and rape. If you are not of legal age to read this type of story, or if this isn't your cup of tea then please leave now.

Though inspired by true events, all characters and events herein are entirely of my own imagination and any resemblance to any actual person either living or dead, real or imaginary, or actual event is entirely coincidental; I'll leave it to you to decide what's fact and what's fiction.I'd like to thank everyone who has written to me so far. Thank you so very much for your support and kind words.

Comments, questions, concerns, and criticism are greatly appreciated.


Chapter 5

I don't know what happened really. One minute I'm talking with Nadia, actually being mature and leaving my scar the hell alone, then the next thing I know I start feeling dizzy and the only thing I want is her to fuck me? I'm not a perfect angel, but I'm also not some cheap slut that bangs any random chick just because she started making sense. My brain hurt as I tried to wrap my brain around it. Now that the pheromones and endorphins have worn off, the confusion started setting in.

I woke up in a position much like how I passed out. That's unusual. Damn, that vamp aura thing must have really knocked me out. Or was it all of those orgasms? Either way, however confused I may be, my body felt refreshed--except for the fact my naked ass was still in that puddle. The room was dark again. The red curtains looked more black than before. Must be night time.

I sat up and looked around. The mirror of to my left saw me first. I looked a helluva lot better than the last time. My face was still pale and my eyes were a bit sunken, but at least I just looked sick, not dying. I'll take it; I smiled. Movement in the glass spun my attention around. I kept my smile up when I saw Nadia stirring in one of those plush chairs. It wasn't genuine, but polite--she did live up to her word, after


"Sleep well?" she asked with her eyes still closed. I nodded. A little grin spread on her lips. "I didn't think of you as someone who talks in her sleep." Funny, me neither. "Those were some kind words, Charlene."

The use of my real name still made me uneasy. Especially coming from this girl. "Yeah, well, I'm a kind person. And you did take care of me like you said you would. Even though you caused my bleeding, I'll still say thank you for that." She made a noise that I'll take as a "your welcome." I looked towards that narrow, crawlspace window. "What time is it, anyway?"

"About two-thirty in the morning," she breathed, adjusting in the cushion.

"Shouldn't you be out there prowling the night?" I asked sarcastically.

"No," Nadia answered plainly, "Like I told you on the stairs, they call to me."

"About that," I started, leaning forward. A chill ran through me as my puddle splashed. "What exactly do you mean by 'we call out to you'?"

Her eyes opened fully. next series of movements happened so fast that I couldn't follow. The next time I saw her she was standing at the foot of my bed. The rim of her natural eye color was thinning. Shit. What was it in that question that makes her vamp out on me? As frightening as Nadia's face was becoming, I wanted to know. I gestured for her to explain.

"I really can't explain it," she said, her tone hard and tight. She was trying to hold back. Pain flashed through her eyes, then vanished. It was quick, but it was there. I stiffened at the sound of her voice, edging into dark. "You'd have to experience it for yourself to know what it's like." I felt at ease by that, until she added something that send my skin crawling. "Stop asking me."

I stifled the shiver that started. I didn't like the anger in her tone, and I don't think Nadia did either. Suddenly, I was very much aware of my half-nakedness. Looking for a change in subject I asked her, "Can I have a towel?" I wasn't too surprised when she didn't move right away. I don't think I would ever accuse Nadia of wearing her emotions on her face, but she wasn't very good at hiding them either. She was battling with something that I'd rather not know right now. "Nadia?" I prompted, trying to snap her back to reality.

"Huh," she said, blinking. Even in the dark, I could see her pupils shrinking. Lucky me.

"I asked you for a towel." I looked around the floor and my expression fell. "And my clothes." I looked back up at her. She was smiling at least. "Where are they?"

"I put them in wash a couple of hours ago. They should be dry in the next ten minutes or so," the vampire said as she went to the door. "They were completely saturated from... earlier." I remembered that much. It was why we fucked in the first place. At least that's what I'm telling myself. Nadia left the room, saying something about her soft towels.

I fell back on the bed. Two-thirty in the morning? I've been in this basement for the better part of twenty-four hours and I haven't spoken to my parents, my brother, or Tiffany yet. I'm sure my voicemail was filled with frantic messages from all four of them. Unless Travis or Henry said something to my parents--which I hoped to hell they hadn't--they would have no idea of knowing where I am. A big no-no since I agreed to the rules of living in their house as I went to college. Oh man, I was in trouble.

Looking up and thinking of a way out of this, I noticed that the mural above me seemed lower than last time. I tilted my head as it started to glow in that pale blue haze--for the second time. The harder I looked at it the more it began to look like a scene right out of Dracula. A long, fair haired man biting the neck of a long, dark haired pale woman. I squinted in an attempt to close the distance. The man was bordering on beautiful. Soft skin, deep fierce eyes with a gentle grasp on the woman's shoulders. She put up no effort to resist. My scars tingled at the familiarity. The beautiful pale woman looked like she could be Nadia's sister. She was definitely eastern european and had similar features to the vampire that was throwing something around upstairs.

That thought pulled my attention to the doorway. So there were stairs somewhere in that hallway. They must be tucked behind one of the panels that lined the side I didn't lean on. I moved to get up, but the wet chill of the puddle Nadia made me make set me back down. Oh, god, I needed a shower. I smelled like sex, sweat, blood and vampire pheromones. Wait. Blood?

A shot of adrenaline ran through me as I moved my hand up to my neck. It came away clean. The image of Nadia nuzzling the other side of my neck flashed through my mind. I checked the other side. Clean. I ran my hand over my legs, looking everywhere the vamp's mouth touched me. It wasn't until I remembered that I bled so much yesterday that some of it spilled into the collar of my shirt. I licked my fingers to moistened them and squeezed them together around the edge. My hand came away in that dark crimson, made even darker by the azure blur in which I now saw everything.

Why the hell was I just now smelling that? It's been dry for over twelve hours, and I all but forgot about it until now. Nadia was standing in the doorway with a towel draped over her arm. She saw me looking at my hand. I looked to her, but she shook her head. "You need a shower," she said softly, coming into the chamber and offering me the plush material. I think that was more directed at the fact that she wanted to wash my shirt and get the scent of blood out of the room.

I took the offering and stood up. I took my shirt and bra off and studied them for a minute. I didn't care that Nadia was watching me like a hawk. Half of my white bra was stained completely black from the dried blood. Despite the fact that my t-shirt was black, I cold see the blood ring stretching over my shoulder and halfway down the back. Damn. No wonder she nearly vamped out on me.

I wrapped myself in that nice terry material. She was right, this was the softest towel I've ever worn. "Thank you," I mumbled as I rounded the bed.

"Take those things with you," she said, nodding to my clothes and standing with her arms over her middle. Damn. She didn't trust herself to even touch it without freaking?

"Okay," I said, picking up the garments. "Do you have something I can wear until their dried?"

She nodded and disappeared from the room. Shit. If Nadia was moving with her vampire speed, then I knew how bad she wanted to bite me. Her misguided sense of self-control was losing again, and we just woke up. I followed as quickly as I could without startling her. Thanks to her little memory stunt she pulled a few hours ago, I had a better understanding of her instincts when a meal willingly follows her into a dark hallway. I'd rather not experience that; I had a close enough call yesterday and that was good enough for me.

I walked out of the room and into the hallway. With my new vision I could see it in much more detail. Son of a bitch. The panels I was leaning against after she attacked me opened to reveal the stairs. I rested my full weight against them and they hadn't budged. My compliments to whoever built it, not that I think I'm fat. I took each step lightly--they looked like they would crumble if I looked at them hard enough. That, and the groaning of each one played havoc on my now-sensative hearing.

When I took my first real look around the main floor I understood why she would want to spend most of her time downstairs. The kitchen was barren of anything extra. No dishes in the strainer, no pots or pans on the stove. I'm sure the fridge and pantry would fit in at Old Mother Hubbard's house. The dining room lacked a table. Just another plush chair sitting by one of the french doors. At least the glass of the doors was pretty, a nice stained design that I'm sure Nadia did herself if the decor below was any indication to her skill in that department.

Heading towards the sound of running water, I walked past the doorway leading to the living room. At least there was a nice black leather couch nestled in front of a big flatscreen HDTV. Organized neatly in the cabinets below and all around was her massive DVD collection. There had to be almost a thousand movies in there. The carpet was a beautiful deep red. Two guesses as to why? I'm sure I'll only need one. The coffee table looked like it was made of real white granite and ash; it provided a nice contrast to the otherwise dark room.

I spun when I felt Nadia's presence nearby. Nearby, hell, she was practically inside of me. I jumped when our noses nearly touched. Behind her was her washer/dryer combo. It looked like one of those new "energy efficient" sets. What the hell does she do for a living? She must have seen the questions on my face--again--because she glanced over her shoulder and repeated her earlier answer, "Friends."

I was beginning to not like that word. My answer was a sarcastic, "Figured."

"Just throw the soiled articles in the top door," she said, edging past me. I turned to follow her movements. She reached into the fridge and pulled out a gallon of milk. Odd choice of beverage. "The soap is already loaded and the settings are ready. Just throw them in there and press start." I watched her for a minute longer as she got two glasses--the only two glasses--out of one of the cupboards above the sink and filled them with the white liquid. As she spun around, I did the same. This was bizarre enough without making eye contact.

"Thanks," I mumbled as I pressed the start button. I could smell lavender coming from the bathroom, and it was very inviting. I could almost smell the heat of the water, almost relaxing me already.

"Sure," the vampire said, not knowing what else to say. Good, I wasn't the only one feeling a bit awkward. She looked down and played with her foot for a second before following me into the bathroom.

I should have figured the toilet, the tub, the sink, the shower and every other tile would be black. However dark it made the room look, it did have an odd comfort to it. Maybe because it was unusual, at least to me, to see a bathroom like this. It was nice actually. Who'd have thought that black-and-lavender checkered tile would match a black shower with a hunter green curtain. But the rubber ducky in bondage gear in the tub was a nice touch. Yeah, I laughed at that.

"Oh. My. God." I breathed as I melted into the water. Any tension I might have had two seconds ago was gone. Anxiety, stress, everything vanished before I was fully submerged. This was, for lack of a better word, heavenly. The aroma of the fuzzy suds, the temperature of the water, and the comic relief floating by my foot relaxed everything away. "Nadia, this is wonderful."

"Is it?" she asked with a bit of concern. She was sitting on the closed commode, her body tight, her posture rigid. I would have felt uneasy if I remembered how. "I was hoping I didn't make it too hot; my skin doesn't feel temperatures like yours does. I guess I did good."

"Very good," I corrected, closing my eyes. They cracked back open at the sound of something coming my way. Nadia had one of the glasses outstretched for me. I thanked her as I sat up to take it. Again, it looked like regular milk, but since she was drinking too I didn't trust that it really was. So I asked.

"Two percent milk fat," she said after swallowing. I made a face that asked, "Anything else?" She smiled. "No, just regular milk. Blood may keep me sustained, but milk helps keep the acidic taste out of my mouth. Besides, it's not like it's bad for


Good point. I hadn't thought of it that way. I took a sip. Then another. Mom always bought whole milk, so this was a bit off from what I was used to, but my hungry stomach wasn't complaining. That's when it hit me, I haven't eaten anything since dinner at the club two days ago. Nadia heard my stomach growl and giggled. The sound didn't sit well with me. It made her seem much less dangerous than she really was. Images of her attacking her father flashed through me.

"Finish your milk an your bath," she said, sounding like my mother, "Then get dressed so I can get you some food."

I took another gulp. "What do have that I can eat around here?"

"Nothing." she stood up and disappeared through the door behind me. I heard a door open, then close a few heart beats later. "I'm going to take you out. Think of it as a meet-the-family date."

"I'd rather not," I whispered, but knew she heard me. "Besides, we're not dating. I barely even know you." And I still let you fuck me. Yep, cheap whore, right here.

"Then let's change that," she said right into my ear, making me splash water on the floor. "I've got some clothes picked out for you. They're on the bed whenever you're ready." She disappeared again, presumably to get changed herself.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Based on what I'd seen her wearing so far, at least I knew I'd be in something nice. She wasn't a slouch in the fashion department. Hell the gown she wore to the club the other night must have set her--or her "friends"--back at least a grand. "So where are we going?" As weird as the words felt coming out of my mouth, I could get used to talking to somebody while I was in the tub without having to shout. In your face, Sven.

"You'll see." Great, more empty, cryptic answers. I was hoping it would be a twenty-four hour place like IHOP--pancakes and coffee sound really god right about now. Hell, it could be some run down bar for all I care, as long as they had a lot of food and no vampires. But that "meet the family" comment spoke to the otherwise.

Even to a normal nose I smelled clean. Clean and fresh. I opted to not use the same towel I came in here with. The less tension around Nadia the better. The clothes were nice. Her black satin/silk, lace panty and bra set were smooth against my skin. The gown was a beautiful corseted dress. From the way it was built, the ribs were made of real bone. I was unfamiliar with the material, but it wasn't cheap. The skirt came just low enough to show off my legs without being slutty. I kinda liked the ruffled pleats.

I looked into the mirror above the dresser and held my hair up. I did a quick once

over then decided it looked batter down. I fluffed it a little bit, the dark strands looking sexy as they hung before my face. I heard Nadia's cadence in the hallway and quickly reached for the bag she had set out for me. I still didn't know where my purse ran off to.

"Just a second," I said before she could come in. The little black, night-on-the-town bag had just the essentials what a girl might need--wasn't big enough for anything else. I tucked it under my arm and headed out. And nearly ran smack into the vampire who blocked my exit. "What's up?"

She didn't answer. The dark, fierce eyes just stared into mine. Thinking she doing that mind-thing again, I tried to limit my anxiety and nervousness, but I'm sure that was folly. She knew my emotions before I did. And that little twitch that flashed over her lips wasn't helping. I gestured, asking what was up, but she started walking towards me. I retreated away from her, and soon I was up against the wall. Again.

"You look nice," Nadia said simply. Her nostrils flared the instant before her pupils swelled. Not again.

I closed my eyes in anticipation of that scar-tingle to envelope me. I hit me once, but only for a second and then disappeared. When I opened my eyes, Nadia was standing across the room with her head down. I knew she was struggling to fight off her instincts to bite me. Even if I was looking better. Her jaw clenched. I heard a sob escape her. It actually hurt to see her standing like that; seeing this domineering woman looking so sullen, I couldn't help but reach for her. "You ready?" she said without opening her mouth. I nodded. Without making a sound, she vanished. Shit. I was going to find out eventually why she alway keeps vamping out on me so easily.

"Nadia, wait up!" I called out to her. I followed the noise she was making at the door leading to the garage. Good thing too, because if she wasn't messing with those keys I don't think I would have ever found her-she was through the door that fast. This was going to be a long night.

As soon as the garage door opened, I remembered that we were on North Lawn Street. There was a distant sound of gunshots and tires squealing. That was followed quickly by a fast succession of return fire. It freak me right the fuck out, but Nadia was the calmest I've ever seen her. She gets all vampy and scary when we're in a semi-secure building, but is this relaxed in a gang war zone? As she pulled out of her driveway, I check again that my seatbelt was on tight and the oh-shit-handle was in place.

"Stop it," Nadia whispered, putting the car in gear. I looked over at her and asked what. "Freaking out. I promise you, the more relaxed you are the more relaxed I'll be."

"Like in the bedroom two minutes ago?" I challenged with her glaring at me. A car's headlights obscured her features, and before she could respond I put up a hand and said, "Thank you for not biting me. I don't know if I can handle anything like for a while yet."

"Good," she answered blankly and headed off down the road. "Because I don't know if I could have held back."

"And why's that." Great, now I'm getting nervous again and I know that's not a good thing for either of us.

"You smell really good right now." She glanced at me then shrugged a single shoulder. "Smell it for yourself if you don't believe me."

Curious, I picked up the shoulder of the shirt and gave it a good sniff. Damn. She was right, I reeked of vampire pheromones. I could smell myself among them. It was intoxicating. Seriously, if I wanted to survive the night I needed to find a way to mask either her

pheromones or my scent. Yeah. How the fuck do I do that?

We made a couple of turns. "See?" the vampire asked. I looked up at her. The street lamps were either not working or shot. The darkness swallowed her form against the starless night. I guess that's what triggered that all too familiar blue haze in my vision. I remember thinking it odd that it wasn't there when the lights were on in the either the bathroom, bedroom, or the basement. It disappeared when we passed another car, then reappeared just as quickly. "I told you that you smelled good."

"Yeah," I breathed, readjusting myself on the seat. Looking for a change of subject I asked, "Where exactly are we going?"

"You'll see," she answered with a hint of amusement. It's freaky how she can go from bordering on wanting to suck my blood to that giddy little schoolgirl routine. "They have an all-you-can-eat buffet, so I think you'll like it." Was she referring to other human beings, or in the more traditional sense?

"All the food I can handle, but with all the vampires I can't, " I accused. "Isn't that what you meant to say. I mean, you did say this was a 'meet the family date'."

Nadia's expression fell. The air in the car tightened. Shit, she was doing that aura-expanding-thing. I could feel it in my chest. In my head. In my my mind. I think I just pissed her off. Mental note, Charlie: quite doing that. This... feeling sucks. She was trying to at least sound pleasant and I go and say some stupid shit like that and fuck it all up. And now I can hardly breathe.

"We're here," Nadia mumbled, parking the car. No sooner had she left the car did my lungs remember how to work. I sucked in as much air that I could. Bitch. She was doing that on purpose. I'm sure my face was a different color by now. I got out of the car as fast as my clumsy hands would allow.

The small neon sign said "Coven Darien". Nadia was already across the street and heading down the narrow steps. Bathed in that streetlight orange, I ran over there as fast as my high heels would let me. Why Nadia had shoes in my size, I didn't want to know. She stood a few inches taller than me. Maybe her "friends" got a size wrong and she just kept them in the name of grace. Yeah, I'll keep telling myself that.

The vampire knocked on the heavy oak door. A small window opened up to show a pair of heavily mascaraed eyes demanding a password. "Noctem Aeternus," she answered just above a whisper. The eyes looked over to me, who just came up beside the vampire, then the window closed. I heard someone messing with a series of latches and locks before the iron hinges creaked open. They really play up the whole vampire goth thing here. But I had to admit that it did give the place a twisted sense of charm. I followed Nadia into "Coven Darien" and immediately knew this could only end badly.

For being an underground club, it was remarkably quiet. The Were-House was louder. People weren't dancing as much as they were drinking and eating. I honestly didn't want to know what was in those goblets, but, given the overwhelming odor of blood in the air, I could make a guess. The next thing that hit me was the thickness of those damn pheromones. Immediately my scar tingled and I was getting everyone's attention. I lied to myself and said it was because I was new here. The intensity almost made me pass out from want and need. My pussy juice started flowing. Instinctively, I reached for Nadia's hand, and not because I could hardly see straight.

The vampire set me on the inside of our booth. From here I could see the bartender. A good looking guy who looked like an ex-navy SEAL. Crewcut and everything. I would have jumped him if I was straight. Hell, I was ready to jump the lamp on the

table if it meant I could get off. I heard Nadia order a drink for us, but missed what it was or the special instructions she whispered into the waitress's ear. I clamped my legs closed, but the soft fabric against my outer folds rubbed even harder. Nadia was so getting laid before we left here.

"Just try to relax," Nadia said, nudging my leg with hers. That wasn't helping. "I've got a drink coming for you."

"Th-that's nice," I stammered, opening my eyes. "W-why did you bring me here? You know how sensitive I am to the pheromones."

"Because I needed to get your face known around here. "It was too logical to be anything more. "Plus, I know the owner. Everything is on the house." Couldn't argue with that. "As soon as we get you full, we'll leave. I promise."

"O-o-oka-ay," I drawled out, on my way to a very happy place. My voice was so high that I didn't recognize it as mine. I swooned like a teenager in love. "What about you?" Nadia cocked an eyebrow at me. How come I can't do that? "Aren't you g-g-getting t-turned on but all th-his?" Trying to have a conversation with someone while reigning in your sex drive and not sound retarded is a bitch. I sounded like a doper on ecstasy.

"Of course, but I'm used to it," she explained. "My aura is thick enough to block out most of the scents in here." She's gotta teach me that one. "That's why we feed on auras, and not just blood. It strengthens our own." Then again, maybe she won't.

I made sure I kept my hands where I could see them. The last thing I wanted to do was embarrass myself in my first visit. I tried to steady my breathing, but that only did so much. I tried thinking of something that wasn't sexy, but that was impossible. I'd fuck Quasy-freaking-Moto right now. The waitress, Mattie, according to her name tag, came back with our drinks. Knowing what was going on in my head and pussy, she gave me a wink. Damn it. Why the hell was I here and not in my own bed? The idea of a threesome with Nadia and that chick was a tantalizing idea. Goddamnit! Stop it, Charlie!

Nadia picked up both glasses and blew on them. Weird, but what about my new situation wasn't? "Drink this; it'll help."

I took the glass from her so fast that she blinked in awe. I didn't care what was in it, if it would make this stop, then I wanted it. It tasted like a sex on the beach, mixed with something bitter. I made a face, but kept chugging. I didn't come up for air until I'd downed the whole thing; by that time, I was sucking in oxygen like a drowning victim resurfaced.

My belly felt warm. I knew the alcohol I just downed would do that, but the warmth spread over my body like an electric blanket. It made my skin cringe then relax, taking away the intensity of the pheromones. When it got to my crotch, my vagina immediately lost all desire to be fucked--a relief on my part. I think this is the first time I've ever sobered up by drinking booze. The thought of it made me giggle.

"What?" Nadia asked sheepishly, like she didn't know.

"What do you mean, what? I never knew sex on the beach could make me feel so good." Nadia spit out whatever she was drinking to laugh at that. It took me a minute to get it. Ha-ha, very funny. I should be a comedian. "Shut up." I shoved her a little. Her smile didn't fade as she continued drinking.

"What do they have to eat here? What kind of buffet is it?" I asked trying to get her mind out of the gutter. "And if you tell me human, I'm going to pop you."

The taller woman hesitated. I know she wanted to say something smart, but changed her mind. "They've got lamb, steak, salad, chicken, carpet, whatever you want to munch on." It came out so smooth that I almost missed the joke. And of course, by that time her face gave it away. "Seriously, just ask the chef what you want and he'll make it. If it's a special order, he'll deliver it to the table. So what you want to eat? Meat? Fruit? Pasta? Pussy?"

"Would you knock it off!" I said, blushing. "God, you're as bad as Travis."

She sobered at the sound of his name. I didn't like that. I've learned enough from Sylvia that that was a sign of guilt and/or shame. I was going to press her for more, but a voice from across the table stopped me.

"Nadia! How you doing, my sweet?" the Voice said, obviously in a grand mood.

"I'm good," she answered, meekly taking another sip of her drink. My eyes darted between the two of them.

"Nadia, are you going to introduce me to your little morsel?" the Man asked like a parent wanting to be introduced to his daughter's date. The effect he had over Nadia was unsettling. The morsel bit I could overlook, but not the way he said it.

"Yes," she said setting her goblet down. She rose to stand next to him. Father Darien stood a full head taller than Nadia, which would put him a good foot-and-a-half taller than me. His white shirt was open and revealed his chiseled, hairless chest. His fair, almost translucent hair stood in stark contrast to the smaller woman's. Father Darien's features were bordering on beautiful. He hid his accent pretty well, but even I could hear the french-romanian mix. He practically sang his sentences. Yeah, this guy is totally a vampire. The way his hand snaked around her shoulder, hit me with a pang of jealousy. Nadia's body went rigid at his touch. "Father Darien, this is my Watcher, Charlene."

"It's a pleasure," the Father said with his hand outstretched. Any idiot could see the tension flowing between them. Apparently, they had a history, and one that Nadia would just as soon forget. I felt myself getting angry at the thought of him touching her like she belonged to him.

"Yes, it is, Father Darien," I said, trying to be polite. His skin was soft, his hand well manicured. I'd like to think the smile on his face was genuine, but the discomfort on Nadia's face made me think otherwise. "So you own this place?" I asked, trying to get him to let go of Nadia and sit down--be nice and civil.

"Naturally," Father Darien said, making a grand gesture. "And as long as you're with my little Nadia, everything will be provided for you." His hands gripped the woman vamp tighter as he spoke. My anger was building. Turning his attention back to me he grimaced, "My, my, my darling you look famished. What would you like to eat tonight?"

I forced myself to relax; I didn't want to upset the owner and get us both kicked out. "I'll have a red wine braised steak. Rare and with a side of garlic mashed potatoes. And for a starter, I'll have your best caesar salad with extra dressing and croutons on the side." The Father wasn't writing any of this down. In fact he almost seemed to be ignoring me. "And would you be kind enough to take you arm off of my vampire?" She looked at me shocked. Hey, if she wants to call me her Watcher, then I'll call her my vampire.

"Excellent," he exclaimed. He vanished in a display of speed and grace that told me he was not only a vampire, but a high ranking one. What struck me as odd was that fact that he didn't make a show of my last request.

Nadia sat back down next to me. I gestured for her to say something, but she just stared off into the distance. I bumped her arm to get her attention. "Care you tell me what the hell that was all about?" She shook her head. "You don't want to tell your 'Watcher' what kind of shit I'm getting into simply by sitting next to you." Still tranced out, she shook her head. "Nadia, either you start talking, or I'm gone when I finish my food."

She went from a trance to horrified. She looked weak, beaten, her past hurts showed on her face and in her eyes. "But, I promised I'd never leave you," the vamp mumbled. A tear fell from her eye.

"Look, you threw me into this," I said, trying not get upset, but failing. "You force yourself on me, kidnap me, and then when I want to know something you clam up? Since I'm obviously in this for the long run, I'm trying to understand it all. If you think you can hold back things that I feel I may need to know, think again. That kind of shit don't fly well with me. Start. Talking."

"Later, I promise. I can't do it here."

I unclenched my jaw. The pain pouring out of her was too vivid to be fake. "Fair enough. But who is he, and what's he to you?"

"He's one of the community leaders I hinted at earlier. He found me and took me in off the streets. Before him, I was scum. Renegades are held in higher regard compared to the monster he found me as. In his own twisted way, He showed me how to love, not just myself and what I am, but others." She had my attention. "I still think I'm a monster. When my hunger and thirst kick in, I'm horrifying--I've seen the way you look at me. Father Darien is one of the few that take in things like me. If it weren't for his teachings, I would have ripped your throat out that night in the bathroom without a care... until I needed more. I owe him more than I can ever repay.

"I'm a junkie, Charlene. Blood is my drug. I need it. I crave it, but every time the feeling subsides, I feel like a piece of my soul fades away. I want to stop. But I can't.It's what keeps me alive and I lack the courage to put an end to it."

Okay, maybe I shouldn't have pushed her. Nadia wiped away a tear. I reached out and hugged her. It took a lot out of her to open up to me like that. I felt her ever-powerful aura weakening. She sobbed against my chest. I held her there, not daring to let go. A few of the other patrons noticed the shift in her presence because they all turned and looked towards us. Using the anger from earlier, I hardened my eyes to make them look elsewhere. It was hard enough for me to see this woman transform from over confident to vulnerable. And she did it by being honest. A quality that I'm sure our audience was lacking.

"Father Darien said I needed a new Watcher, otherwise I'd go insane. And he was right." Nadia said, sitting up after another minute. She let out a soft chuckle adding, "I guess I didn't realize just how bad I really am."

I smiled softly at that, but that word 'new' struck me in the gut. "What happened to your old Watcher?"

Again, a painful memory flashed over her face. "She got addicted to the sexual rush and left me. She said I wasn't enough to sate what she needed and I haven't seen her since. Last I heard she'd become fodder for a gang of renegades somewhere downtown."

"Have you looked for her?"

The vampire shook he head. "If a Watcher abandons his or her vampire, then the vampire severs all ties and seeks out a Watcher anew. We're supposed to be strong enough to protect our Watchers from becoming exactly what she's become. But our relationship was a perfect storm for failure. We both had too many issues, me more than her, but it's ultimately because of my weakness that she's out there, a walking buffet for anyone who needs a meal. I warned her about it, but, like I said, she had a lot of respect issues and too full of her own crap to listen."

"And how long ago was that?" I really needed to know.

"About a year, maybe two, I really don't remember. As soon as she left, Father Darien let me stay here with him and he supported me through it." I gulped at what he made her do in that time. Given how she reacted to him I couldn't imagine it was flowers and breakfast in bed every morning. "He helped me finish off the house that she and I had been working on for years." I wasn't buying the subliminal message in that, but I let her get it out. "Your salad's on the way."

Father Darien himself presented it to me. Nadia looked even more subdued when he asked if I liked pepper on it. Which I did, but I could do it myself. He went back to the kitchen after muttering, "Pity." Meet the family, huh? If this is daddy, I'd hate to the weird cousin. And judging by the looks of the people in here, that could be just about anybody.

I have to admit, as much as I disliked him, the man can cook. That was probably the best caesar salad I've ever had. Not long after that came my steak. The Were-House ain't got shit on this guy. I don't know what the secret ingredient was, or where he went to culinary school, and maybe because I was too freaking hungry to care, but I ordered a second round. Nadia just stayed quiet and smiled softly the whole time I was eating.

"Would you like another?" the male vampire asked with a genuine glee in his voice. I've heard somewhere that the faster the food disappears, the bigger the compliment. I just ate two whole dinners in less than thirty minutes.

I tried to mask any complimentary expressions behind annoyance, but I knew this guy could pick up on it better than Nadia. "What do you have for dessert?"

"My darling, Charlene," he started, making a show of it, "My kitchen is at your service. We have anything your pretty little heart desires." I blushed at that; the guy is a charmer and it felt nice to hear said so smoothly. Even if the man would like to pin me to the table and feast--I could see it in the glances between him and Nadia. "So, what would you like?"

"Um... how about blueberry pie a la mode? With caramel drizzle?" Even Nadia perked up to that.

"Fresh made caramel, or store-bought?"

Now he's just showing off. I put on my own charming smile and uttered, "Surprise me." He liked that. I watched as Father Darien's eyes swelled just slightly at the challenge in my tone. His lips widened to show me his fangs, white, long and sharp. "And bring out two spoons. Please."

"I can do that." The vampire was practically glowing. He gave me that same smile that Nadia did back her basement. She said something about my strength around it. I don't know if that's good or bad that Darien is mimicking that. It almost didn't end well last time.

I looked around at the gawking faces again. What was it about me that drew their attention? I thought as the air around us started thickening. Nadia noticed this too. A bolt of energy shot through me. "Nadia, I think I need another a drink," I breathed, the oxygen being sucked out of my lungs. My face went pale as the vampires started to fidget. Shit. "NOW!" My vampire hissed something at the waitress, who obviously didn't like the deteriorating situation. Poor Mattie. I watched her make it herself; the bartender was trying to not vamp out.

I could smell the tension. Nadia went from subdued underling to pissed off protector just like that. I could see her aura expanding, cloaking mine with her own. That made it dissipate a bit, but I still wish this... feeling would go away. I hate feeling like a potential vampire blowup doll.

My mind went numb. I hunched over the table, ready to throw up. I heard so many voices running through my head. I think I recognized one of them. I didn't know what language it was, but it sounded familiar. They spoke to me, telling me sweet things trying to entice me to leave with them. Somehow, I regained an ounce of strength and ket repeating the word "NO" over and over. "No, no, no, no..."

"Charlene! Look at me!" the familiar voice said as a pair of hands shook my shoulders. My eyes cracked open. The blue haze shifted back to the dim orange light that bathed the club. Nadia, with eyes fully dilated, she looked deeply concerned and darkly beautiful. My head came out of the popcorn dish, my mouth drooling a little. "You alright?"

"Maybe. How long was I out?" I looked around. Besides the guy lying unconscious on the floor beside our table, everyone else was back at their seats minding their own business. "And what happened to him?"

"He tried to make a pass at you," she said, sounding both proud and ashamed. "He wasn't much trouble."

What! Not much trouble? The man's huge, arms the size of my head and thighs thicker than my waist. But he was the one lying on the floor, out cold with what looked like several claw marks on his face and neck. An implant the size of Nadia's fist rested under both of his eyes. And Nadia was sitting beside me sipping her drink. Not a scratch on her. I guess his t-shirt lied--Nadia could mess with Texas. "What did you do?"

"I told you, and everyone else here, that you are my Watcher." She set her goblet down and handed me my glass, blowing on it yet again. I sipped at it, letting whatever was in here drown out the vampire sweetness of the room. "That's what happens if someone lays a hand on MY Watcher." I gulped at the pride behind that. I'd rather not think about what would have happened if she wasn't there with me.

"Well, done, Nadia," Darien said, placing my pie and ice cream in front of us. "Bravo!" He clapped his hands, the concussion hurt my ears for some reason. Nadia didn't take the compliment well.

"Thank you," she mumbled looking down. That proud smile never left the man's face as he waved at the bouncers to drag him out of here. Where the hell did they come from?

"You ladies enjoy," Father Darien bowed with his hands outstretched. "I made the ice cream myself just this evening." The man loves to brag, and as I put a spoonful into my mouth, he has a damn good reason to. I dipped into the pie and blended it with the soft vanilla heaven. Ohmigod! "Like it, I see. Jerome picked out those berries only yesterday. And that bizarre flavor in the pie crust is molasses blended with the butter then whipped into submission."

"Thank you for everything, this is excellent," I said, wishing he'd leave already. "But do you think you could let Nadia and I enjoy this without you here?"

"Of course," the tall man said, taking another bow. He looked at Nadia. When her face blanched I knew he said something to her that I wasn't supposed to hear. "Have a good morning, miladies."

I watched his form disappear into the kitchen. "That guy gives me the creeps." Nadia just kept spooning our dessert, not even looking at me. "What does he have on you that make you turn into a beaten dog?"

Before I could breathe again, Nadia had me pinned to the wall. Anger oozed out of her pores. Her eyes remained normal, which was a plus, but her open mouth set me on edge. "I owe that man my life! He loved me when no one else dared. Don't you dare speak ill of him in my presence."

I took a moment to slow my heart down. I fought with my instinct to say something stupid. "I respect that, Nadia. I just want to know why you look so... down whenever he's around." And he just flat-out made me uncomfortable, but I kept that to myself.

"I said," she answered through clenched teeth, "I'll explain everything after we leave. I cannot do it here."

"Alright," I said softly, trying to relax her. "Okay, not another word until the sun comes up." The joke didn't help much. The vampire took her seat and started eating our pie and ice cream. I watched her for another minute before sitting back down next to her. "Can you drop me back off at my house when we leave," I said more sullenly than I meant to. Maybe the panic was still in my system.

"Sure." And that was the last time she looked at me the rest of the morning.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 6

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