Abandoned Blood

By Nate House

Published on Sep 3, 2010


Greetings once again. This is a story about a woman and her vampire, but it's not a vampire story. It's not a love story, but it is a story about love, and the power it has to heal, and to destroy. It contains explicit sexual acts between females, among other people. It contains scenes of graphic violence and rape. If you are not of legal age to read this type of story, or if this isn't your cup of tea then please leave now.

Though inspired by true events, all characters and events herein are entirely of my own imagination and any resemblance to any actual person, or actual event is entirely coincidental; I'll leave it to you to decide what's fact and what's fiction.I'd like to thank everyone who has written to me so far. Thank you so very much for your support and kind words.

Comments, questions, concerns, and criticism are greatly appreciated.


Chapter 4

Have you ever had a dream in which you couldn't tell if you were still sleeping or awake? Emotions once hidden and locked away spring forth in a wave of aggression, trepidation, and aberration while caught somewhere between the two plains of reality. And when you do wake up you realize that those conflicting emotions have nothing to do with the here and now. Fear and anger set in, quickly replaced by confusion. You sit up in bed and take a long hard look around your surroundings. What if you were in an unfamiliar place? Would think you were still dreaming? Or let the building fear take over and allow the inevitable panic to ensue? Well, when I woke up, I realized this was nothing like that.

Somehow I knew exactly where I was and why I was there, though my memory of how it happened was a blank slate. Nadia's house, and judging by the overwhelming darkness I would guess the basement. The bed I was resting on was quite comfortable, soothing even. The heavy down comforter was soft to the touch and not overly hot to be under. The room was dark. Almost all the light was blocked by two unnecessarily enormous red curtains. It took a couple of hard blinks, but my vision adjusted, casting everything in an unnatural azure haze. This room wasn't nice, it was fucking extravagant. The ceiling was high with what looked like a mural painted into the vault. I couldn't make it out, but I can imagine it took a while to complete. The dresser, tables and chairs looked to be hand-carved redwood, the style looking to be at least a hundred years old. Hanging on the walls, centered in a perfect square around the room, were four identical mirrors framed by intricately molded/ carved silver and gold.

I swung my feet over the edge of the mattress. Surprise hit me when my feet dangled in the air. I slide my ass closer to the edge, but still my feet didn't touch the floor. I looked down and gulped. There was no floor! In a panic, I retreated to the middle of the oversized bed. Breathing so hard my chest hurt, I violently turned my head. I put my hand to my chest as it continued to burn. What the fuck? My heart had stopped. Am I dead? I died and didn't even realize it! "No!" I said, tears falling don my cheeks. My legs and arms went weak, sending me crashing onto the pillow. I screamed out to no one. "NO! NO, NO, NO..."

In that moment of thrashing, I somehow managed to roll off the bed. I fell forever, my arms flailed and my legs kicked nothing. My head hit first. Suddenly my foot connected with something solid. The baseboard as it turned out. The pain sent a message to my brain: Stop! I opened my eyes again. It was still plenty dark, but at least now I knew there was a floor. The plush carpet was jet black. Go figure. I looked into the mirror on the wall next to me. God, I looked awful. By the time I blinked at my ghoulish reflection, my memory came rushing back. The silent room started to spin. Suddenly I felt dizzy; my head hurt.

I tried standing up and found that my legs could support me, if only barely. Using the bed as a crutch I started making my way to the creepily dark doorway. Holy crap! This thing is higher than my waist, no wonder I couldn't see the damn floor. The room was still spinning, throwing me off balance, but I made it to the open door. Good thing Nadia likes her chairs at the foot of the bed.

Down the hall I saw a flicker of light. She's using a candle? What, was the power out? That would make things much clearer. The hallway was wider than my reach. Missing that at first, I crashed like a drunkard. My motions forward only enforced the notion; I felt like I was drunk anyway. I could smell the flame burning. It wasn't an unpleasant odor. I've just never smelled it so vividly before. The closer I got, the stronger it got. I kept moving forward, my shoulder never leaving the stability of the wall. I think I knocked over four or five picture/document frames. At this point, I didn't care. I wanted some answers and that bitch sitting in that chair reading her book was going to give them to me.

Holy crap. I could hear her turning the pages and adjusting in her seat. The tome's pages were a heavy linen, probably older than her furniture. The chair was made of crushed velvet. I took a pause; I could tell all that by ear? I didn't know if I should be scared or impressed. Another few steps and I was wrapped in the warm glow of her singular candle.

This room looked like something right out of Edgar Allen Poe. Shelves of old, even ancient, books lined the walls. A fireplace was recessed into the far right. It looked like it hadn't seen a fire in years; the ash smelled years old. Several chairs and tables occupied the center of the circular chamber. I guessed right, the chairs were crushed red velvet.

"You're awake," Nadia said, her beautifully accented voice was seductive as it was soft. She looked up from her heavy-looking book and smiled. "Sleep well?"

"Kinda, sorta, not really," I shrugged, still mystified by everything. We looked at each other for a long minute. She looked relaxed and cozy sitting next to that red candle. "I like what you've done with the place. How long have you lived here?"

She smiled. "Thank you. Long enough."

I fully entered the room, glancing at the glass-encased lower shelves. I ran my hand over the doors. Those books looked like they were over five hundred years old. I looked back at Nadia. Still as a pond on a windless day. She sat with the grace of formal training, her poise proper and her expression kind. For some reason, that made me uneasy. I turned back to the books in a vain attempt to hide it; she probably knew what I felt by smelling the air. Trying to comfort myself, I asked, "Where did you get all these? They look hundreds of years old."

Again, she kept her answer simple. "Friends." I gave her a deadpan look, but that did nothing.

"How many friends do you have anyway?" I asked for three reasons. One, to keep her talking; two, to probe at how many people I could expect to join us; and three, to get her to tell me where my friends ran off to.

"Enough." Damn it. I intentionally looked at both of the two vacant chairs that stood between us.

"Where are my friends? The ones we came here with?"

She studied me for a moment, her first real show of interest since I came in here. It's a start at least. "Sit. Please." she said in a hard voice, making me jump. I hesitated, trying to size her up. Our last few meetings haven't exactly ended well for me. Even in soft light and from this distance, about ten feet or so, I could see her pupils swelling. My scars tingled with that wonderful sensation. "Charlene, sit down please."

My motions were slow. I wanted to keep my eyes on her as I followed her instructions. I sat in the chair farthest away from her as possible. Her smile broadened at a thought. I trembled at what it might have been. "You have questions," she accused. "Ask."

Okay, where to begin. I guess the best place would be the beginning. "Who are you exactly?"

"My full name? Nadia Anichka Viktoria Domitrovich." Her voice floated in the air, lingered in my ears and mind. "And your full name is Charlene Candice Coventry." A wicked smile crossed her lips as she said it. And I didn't like it.

My blood ran cold. "How did you know that?" She pointed to her temple, tilting her head. "Great." I threw my hands up. "What are you a fucking mind reader?"

"I am." She lifted a corner of her mouth. "But I can only see yours."

Interesting, if not horrifying. "Get bored fast I bet." She let out a little chuckle. I didn't know what else to say so I just blurted out, "I'm so fucking confused right now. But you probably already knew that."

"Anyone could see that." I wish that humored grin would go away. This wasn't funny. "How can I clear it up for you?"

That would be too kind. "Well," I breathed, "Let's start with where Henry and Travis went."

"They left you in my care." She set her book on the table beside her. My face blanched. "Don't worry, I told them I would look out for you."

"How kind of you."

Her expression stilled. "Yes, I am." The air grew thick and warm, tightening around my chest. I hunched forward as if it would help. "For you, Charlene, I will be very kind," she said as seductive as I've ever heard. Like that night in the bathroom.

The walls of my pussy began to throb. I felt myself getting wet. "Stop it," I begged. "How can you do that to me?"

"I am bound to you. I believe I've told you that."

"Yes, but I mean how, exactly?" I heard my quick inhale hiss through my clenched teeth. Please, not more of this. She was going to talk to me, damn it. "What is this that you're doing to me?" Nadia was unmoved by the plea in my voice. Her body stiffened, as if she was holding something back.

She took a sharp breath, seemingly relaxing herself. "Surrounding every living thing is an aura," she started, sounding strained, "A current of charged air that surrounds the body like an external sensory system. Think of it like your first line of defense, emotionally and chemically speaking." Her expression was tightening, her words were beginning to slur. I tried to follow despite the induced horniness.

"Have you ever felt scared or worried, but didn't know why?" I nodded, though I'm sure she didn't need to ask. "It's because someone's aura mixed with yours and alerted the brain of danger. That's why people are afraid of the dark. Unseen spirits and apparitions tripping the wires of the energy that surrounds them, signaling the flight-or-fight response."

"And this... whatever this is that you're doing to me?" I asked as the sensations grew more intense. I swear, if I didn't want answers I would have jumped her bones in a heartbeat. "This is a... part of it?" My words came out so fast I'm sure Nadia couldn't comprehend them.

A pained expression flashed across her features, then faded just as quickly. She was fighting with something, and I don't think it was me. "Nothing that's happening to you is what you don't want. My aura has mixed with yours giving the pheromones my body releases have much more influence over you than any one." We both took a deep breath, but for two different reasons if her small motions were any indications.

"My body isn't like yours," she said pointedly. "When I reached puberty the hormones triggered the change of not just the development of my womanhood, but something more. My needs and desires suddenly changed. I started getting migraines for no reason. I was tired all the time at school. No matter how much I ate or drank, my thirst and hunger never dissipated." She paused, though I couldn't tell if it was to stop or recall some painful memory. With her eyes closed, she continued, "My skin began to burn in daylight and grow pale. My parents took me to doctor after doctor. Though everyone of them was convinced that something was indeed wrong with me, no one ever found anything. I eventually stopped eating all together; it didn't matter. I stopped going to school because of the headaches and pain. Plus, as you yourself is well aware, a developing young girl has enough stress to deal with. My parents began arguing all the time, coming to fists on occasion.

I literally spent weeks on end inside of my closet, blocking out the pain and misery. I used to cover my ears, but it made no difference; I could hear them as if they were screaming in my face. However, it was because of one these fights that I discovered what I had become.

Though mild tempered, my father was never a patient man. Growing up with him wasn't easy, but it wasn't unpleasant. He expected us to understand things quickly or he would give up trying to teach us. He never once struck me, my sisters, or my brother. But when my condition manifested he lost patience with that mild temper. My mother protected me from the worst of it. I can still hear the smack his fist made against her face. I remember the exact moment I came out of that closet; the scent of my mother's blood drew me to her. It was hypnotic. The world was cast in an azure glow, my movements were automatic. I couldn't control them even if I wanted to."

Again she paused, looking right at me. I could taste the air swirling around me. I sucked in as much as I could, savoring it as it danced on my tongue. Though we were separated by a good fifteen feet, I took no comfort in it. Whatever this was that she was doing to me had me begging for more and I didn't like it. I don't beg, ask Tiffany.

Her expression became pained, guilty even. "I want to show you something," Nadia said barely above a whisper, but I heard it clear as day. "Come here," she commanded in a voice I didn't recognize; her mouth didn't move, but I heard it. Damn it, I wished she'd stop doing that. I shook my head. A satisfied smile widened her lips. "The memory will be much more painful without my touch," she warned, but I wasn't moving.

Her influence on me numbed me to the fact that she just crossed the gap and was now standing right above me. That can't be good. I watched as lowered her mouth onto mine, eyes wide open staring back at me. Yeah, it was weird. Then everything went dark. My brain shut down, allowing her to fill my head with whatever she wanted.********************The next thing I knew, I saw the world just like I had back in the bed chamber. Everything was now a shade of blue. Voices rang out in the next room in a language I didn't know, but could understand; definitely eastern european. They were screaming. The woman obviously in great shock at the man's tone.

"She's going to that therapist," He said, "And I don't want to hear another word about it. I will not have a basket case for a daughter!"

"Stop it Domitri!" the woman screamed back. "She's already been through enough. I refuse to let her become one of those people."

"She's one of those people ALREADY! Nadia's sick. She needs medical attention. I'm taking her tomorrow and you will NOT say a damn thing about it! Am I understood, Viktoria?" A moment of silence past. "DO I?" I heard the sobs of a woman at her wit's end. "Answer me you stupid WHORE!" Then came the sound of impact.

My gut tightened. I could smell blood in the air, lingering like the sweet aroma of fresh baked cookies. Deep within my brain, something clicked on. The reasons behind my confusion and self-loathing; the cause of my internal strife was found in that blessed scent. My hunger and thirst went into overdrive. I wanted it; I needed it.

Acting through no conscious effort, I stood up and walked out of the closet. The screaming voices continued. The man issued several more verbal abuses along with two more physical strikes. It only made me want more. I walked as though I was in a trance. My attention was so fixated on tasting my mother's sweet offering that I didn't hear them stop. They must have noticed me. I was standing at the threshold of the room, my pupils dark and dilated in heated desire.

"Nadia," my father warned, stepping back from his wife, "Go back to bed. We'll discuss this in the morning." I made no effort to acknowledge him. All of my senses were locked on getting to my mother. My steps were light and deliberate; I don't recall feeling the floor beneath my feet. "GET BACK TO BED!"

My mother sat crouched unto herself. I could hear her emotions even as she felt them. Fear. Anger. Sorrow. Guilt. Shame. All of it was a welcomed breath against my mind. I reached out to her, speaking to her without saying a word. "Don't be afraid of me mother. I'm not the one who will hurt you. I only want to have this." She nodded. The sobbing stopped. She wiped the blood from her nose, then fell into my embrace.


I didn't even look at him. I cradle her head in my lap. My gaze was fixed on her bloody hand. I reached down and took it. My heart sped, my mouth watered. The metallic sweetness covered my tongue like molten chocolate. Without any will to stop, my mother's hand came up to my mouth. I took one of the bloody fingers into my mouth.

"NADIA! GO BACK... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" He fumbled over his next few words. I continued to clean his wife's hands of her blood, savoring the invigorating nectar. As he rambled on about demon children, I came to realize just what I'd become. I hadn't been this happy with myself in months. "DEMON CHILD!"

I looked up at him as though that were my name. I took another drop of blood onto my finger and licked it off. In an instant I knew of the heartache and sorrow by which she lived her life. Her concern over me was a constant burden on her, both emotionally and physically. Every day she lived with the pain that both my father and I caused her. Seeing me take her bloody hand into my mouth, my father blanched. My mother cooed. Not in ecstasy, but in relief. It was as if I lifted that burden from her shoulders. My body wanted more. And there were two sources in this room.

I let my mother rest on floor while I confronted her husband. When I stood, the blood kindled something in me that made every single muscle spasm. My whole body tightened. I didn't lose my balance, or fall over, but the electric current flowing through me disabled my ability move. The surge ended just as quickly as it began. I took a deep breath, feeling refreshed.

"BE GONE YOU DEVIL!" He swung at me, but my eyes saw him move before his brain told him to. I clawed at his slowly approaching hand. My nails scraped his skin and a trace amount of blood dripped out. I brought it to my mouth. His was different, full of conflict and betrayal. He swung again. I caught his wrist and went in for a bite. His scream of agony told me how much he more he wanted it. This man wanted it more than I did. My teeth pierced through his veins. Every hard beat of his heart sent a new wave of that beautiful liquid into my mouth. It ended much too fast.

He yanked his arm back. I heard the symphony of skin and tendons tearing echo off the walls. I tried not to waste any, but some dripped down my chin. Oh god, this is what I've been needing. The terror in his eyes made me smile. "What's wrong with you?" he asked, squeezing his hand against the wound. I watched the blood drip from between his fingers. I wanted more. I wanted it all.

He stumbled back when I leapt at him. He turned just in time for his shoulder to connect with my cheek. I gripped at him as I fell, my fingers grazing over his arm. I sat up and watched him retreat further, my tongue licking my fingers clean. My father ran out the door and into the night. The aroma of fear and blood was my invitation to stay. I leaned back. My hand found what my bite had missed. Lost in my frenzy, I quickly turned around and began lapping it up, slurping it up from the floor.

Oh god, I never felt so alive. This was exactly what I needed. This was the craving my body told me about all these weeks. I wasn't about to turn it down. That is until I saw my mother, sitting with her back against the wall. She was watching me, her mouth hung open as I drank up my father's offering. Meeting her eyes with my own I suckled at my last finger.

She was speechless, I was mesmerized. She tried to say something, but nothing came out. I reached up at her, but she turned away. Her fear hit me deep, prompting me leap at her. She squealed when my face made contact with her shoulder. "Don't be afraid, mother," I said to her, struggling to fight off my sudden instinct to bite her. "The more you cry, the more I want you. Mother, please stop crying." She sniffled and wiped her nose. The crimson smear set my desire aflame. I slammed my hands into the wall behind her. Maybe pain would take away the need to attack the woman who tried to save me. This wasn't right! A tear escaped my enraged eyes. "Hit me, mother," I said, losing the fight over this new desire. "Hit me hard. NOW!" She recoiled and refused to move. Her sharp movement stirred the passion inside me. I made a noise that I never though a human could make. I was animalistic, evil. The hunger won. Damn it! This isn't right! I reared back to put an extra force into what I was about to do, but because I was so lost in bloodlust that I failed to hear someone behind me. My mother's savior hit me in the head with one of her heavy pans. In a daze I turned around to find a blurry version of my oldest brother standing over us. He swung down again and connected even harder. I could smell the fear, and I think that was his greatest weapon. My head hit the floor and I remembered no more. ********************I blinked as I came back to reality. Nadia was still standing over me, a strange lilt in her eye. "What the hell was that?"

"What I needed you to see," she whispered softly. Her hot breath against my skin lit my scar anew. Does she always have to do that? I had hoped for this to be civil, mature. But no. She has to play on my scar knowing damn well what it does to me.

"Back... Off!" I pushed at her, but my words hit her first. In a motion too fast for me to see, she was back at her chair, standing beside it. She looked as vulnerable as she was predatory. From her little stunt just now, I knew that can't be good. At least not for me. "Stop playing on my shoulder," I demanded now that the air had thinned out. She was right about that aura thing. It felt as though she was inside of me when was that close. It still felt like she was standing close to me despite the fifteen foot span. Or was it the fear of knowing how fast she could cross it? Nadia just looked over at me. Her painful expression full of misunderstanding. "Don't you think I'm trying?" she all but weeped. "I care for you, Charlene."

I scoffed. "Stop calling me that. Only my grandmother calls me Charlene anymore. The name's Charlie." I kinda liked having the upper hand here; I see why she gets off on being the dominant one. It's addictive, having control like this. Or is this another one of her predatory tools, like that little-girl-lost routine she played on the stairs?

"Charlie..." her voice trailed off. Her eyes were dilating and the air between us tightened. Shit. "It doesn't suit you; I don't like it." Ouch. "To me, you're Charlene." She reclaimed her seat. I think it was more of a self control technique than anything.

Acutely aware of the degrading situation, I rolled my eyes i search of a way out. Come to think of it, I didn't see or feel and kind of stair case or doorway leading down here. Fuck me. I was trapped until she got what she wanted. Whatever it was. Despite the pleasurable sensations caressing my skin, I tried to bring the conversation back to why I was here in the first place. "Why did you... ugh... have Travis and Henry bring me here? What do you want... from me?"

I could tell she was enjoying seeing me getting hot and bothered. Hell, I was enjoying me getting hot and bothered. My pussy felt like it was about to explode. And after what she just showed me, it made me feel even more wrong. And enjoying it so much wasn't helping. I could smell my pussy juice on the chair. I squeezed my legs together. My nipples hardened. I quickly closed my legs again when they parted, sending a much-needed jolt through my pussy.

"I'm a vampire, Charlene. And I need you." Her voice was a ribbon of passion floating over my ears. It felt good to hear those kinds of words. Wait. What? Being held on the brink of orgasm for so long, I cried out in frustration. I lurched forward, my hair falling like a veil over my face. After everything she's put me through, those first three words shouldn't have come as a surprise. But hearing them spoken is still a shot to the brain. My sexually charged brain. "That explains... a lot." I whimpered, failing at keeping my cool. "But why... always... with this... sex... thing?"

She was losing the battle of keeping her own cool. I could see it in her face. I wanted her to eat me out so bad, and wanted to just eat me. Funny. Morbid, but funny. "Your brain is reacting to the pheromones. It's a natural reaction. It's the same when we feed on blood or auras. The act itself creates the intimacy, and thus the brain ties it to sex. Not unlike foreplay. I've tasted your blood and your aura, that's why your reaction to me is so strong." Her voice was straining harder with each word. Double damn.

"BULLSHIT!" I screamed. It was as much from confusion and frustration. "At the pool... game," I started in a more subdued tone, squirming all over my seat. If I kept my legs closed I didn't have to fight as hard. "You... did this... to... me at the... pool game... How?"

Her tense face smiled warmly. "I was standing closer to you, my aura mixed with yours. That's how I knew you were the one." "For what?" I asked around pants of ecstasy. I wished she'd stop this, but I felt so damn good and I'm tiring of fighting it off. "Why... me?"

I looked up at her, through my fallen hair. Her face gleamed in lust. Even her breathing was labored. "This is why," she answered after another minute. "You're strong enough to put up this kind of a fight."

"WHAT!" I shot upright, only to fall back into a more indecent position with my knees falling open. I moaned again, fighting off the urge to reach between my legs. "What... are you... talking... about...?" Oh my god I so want to start fingering my pussy right now. I opened my eyes and looked at the pale woman. I couldn't tell if that distorted expression was out of frustration or pleasure, or some twisted hybrid of both.

"Do you know how many people would be fucking themselves right now?" Her voice was like soft silk against my skin. Tingles and goosebumps covered me all over. "But not you. No, your heartache made you strong, resistant to temptation and influence."

I think my lower lip was bleeding by now. My body moved around uncontrollably. A battle waged between my body and mind. The crotch of my panties were stained with the juices oozing out, but I still kept myself in check. Don't ask me how. "How... do you... know... ugh... all that? You been... uhn... stalking me?" How much longer can I keep this up? "Don't have to," she said with some manner of difficulty. "I can see your memories. And your desires. I know what you want and how you want it." Ok. Now I'm officially freaked. "Want me to demonstrate?"

Another cry for release flew from me. "No. I want... I want... you to... explain. Without... this." I made a gesture, but it didn't work. "Can't we... just talk?"

"What do you want, Charlene?" I heard her ask in my mind's ear.

"The truth!" I squealed/screamed. "You to stop... this!" My body was half off the chair, my head barely sat at an angle where I could see her. My head was thrashing from side to side. I knew if I gave in to this that she would win and leave with no explanation. Just like last time.

"Too late." Nadia said simply. Her breath floated over my skin, sweet and warm. Her mouth hung mere inches from mine. I looked up. When she opened her mouth I could see her sharp fangs glistening in the bouncing candlelight. The orange glow giving them an even more ominous look. When did she get up? "God you smell so good."

One of her hands found it's way to my pants. I grabbed it and squeezed. "Stop fighting me, Charlene. You need it as much as I do." Again, no sound left her mouth. I hated to admit it, but she was right. I haven't had sex in months, our night at the club notwithstanding. I loved every second of the ecstasy flowing through me right now, but damn it I wanted answers. I wanted to understand what I've just been forced into. Hell, I'd just wanted to breathe. "Just let me have this."

"NO!" I screamed, slapping her across the face. Where the hell did that come from? Nadia reeled back, her hand releasing my zipper. On her way down, she knocked the chair back. Suddenly, her hold on my mind and body vanished. Instinct took over and I shot from the chair. I turned the corner leading into the hallway. Unfortunately my brain forgot about how much blood I'd lost and I collapsed. I started crawling in spite of it.

"Don't play with me," Nadia said, her voice carrying the eerie sound of a predator. I could tell from here that she was still lost in that bloodlust of hers. "Charlene," she cajoled, "Stop running. Please."

I didn't know if that was a ploy or if there was a genuine cry for help in there. But after what I just saw, I wasn't about to fall for it. "Stop moving!" I looked over my shoulder. Nadia stood at the threshold of the hall, standing like she was ready to kill me. Her breathing was raspy, her eyes lost. I turned over to keep my eye on her as I made my escape. Yeah, to where, Charlie? "NO!" I screamed out when she moved. Before I could blink she was on top of me. Her overpowering hold on me returned. When her hand gripped my throat, and grazed my scar, I wanted her to start fucking me. I wanted her to rip my pants off and just take everything. I was ready to surrender to her will. My pussy ached for attention. She breathed against my cheek, moaning in my ear. Through her soft shirt, I felt her nipples harden against mine. One of her legs got between mine and started rubbing. Stop teasing me! "You make it so easy when you're scared," she whispered.

"Nadia, please..." I caught myself before I said something stupid, like bite me. I don't know how or why. "I'm not... scared. You just... startled... me."

"I want you," Nadia exhaled, lowering her mouth to my shoulder. Her lips caressed the scar tissue, sending that oh-so-wonderful shot of desire through me. I wanted her too. I almost came from the contact. Her leg twitched against my groin. "I want you to have this."

"...Why?" I breathed. Again, instinct and fear took hold. I knew if I moved again, that was it.

"You're my Watcher."

"What?" I slowly turned my head, trying not to push any of her buttons. "I'm your... what?"

"You're my Watcher," she said again as if that word was getting her hotter. I think regular lust was overtaking her bloodlust. Her voice lost that slight hiss. Lucky break for me. "My provider. My keeper"

"Nadia," I said once her domineering grip vanished. "I'm going to close my eyes and try to move. I'm going to do it slowly. I'll trust you; I'm not afraid. Do you understand?"

She quickly inhaled, as if the truth lingered in the air between us. I fought the instinct to jump at the sound. "I want this, Charlene." I prepared to start fighting off that exquisite urge, but it never came. "And you're going to give it to me."

"You are going to let go and get off of me." I said sternly, trying to out will her. "We're going to go back into that room and we're going to talk about this."

"I don't want to talk," she seethed. "I'm hungry." I didn't know if she was mad at me or herself, but that wasn't going to stop me from pushing my luck.

"If I'm your Watcher, and you really do care for me like you said, then stand up and walk back into the room." A tear fell from her eye, hitting the skin between my wounds. I grit my teeth together to keep from crying out. "Get off of me, Nadia. Now."

Straining with her eyes closed, she let go of my wrist. Slowly her weight lifted off of me. She reclined back onto her heels. She breathed in small sobs. Trying not to trigger her instincts, I pulled myself up, propping up on my elbows. I studied the sad-looking woman before me. She reminded me of Tiffany and her mood swings. I don't know how I survived those either. Using the wall as a crutch, I stood up and started making my way back to my chair. I stayed as far away from Nadia as I could.

I braced myself against the wall. My head was till woozy and my legs seemed to be even weaker. Nadia cuddled into herself and continued to weep. This looked all to familiar. Deciding that I was relatively safe, I slid back down the wall. The vampire was completely out of my head and mind leaving me a horny, drenched, and exhausted wreck. My hands were shaking.

"How is it that you can play on my scars like that, anyway?" I asked, reclining my head back and closing my eyes.

Nadia took a couple shaky breaths. "It's you open spot, a direct line into your blood stream. The fact that the tissue has scarred over doesn't matter. In fact, it only makes you more attune to the pheromones." Great.

"How many vampires live in this city?" Then again, maybe I didn't want to know.

"The last time anyone counted was over a decade ago," she answered sitting up. "Most of us are transient, drifting from place to place until we find a good enough support network." Support network? Why didn't I like the sound of that? "But the census officially counted seven hundred, fifty-three. The elders only did it to appease the people of the city council."

That got my attention. "WHAT!" I almost shouted, bugging my eyes. "The city council knows about you... people?"

She chuckled at that for some reason. "Of course, they know about us. The permits for our underground clubs are signed by the chairman himself." The look on my face must've asked all the questions running rampant in my head. "I never said they liked the idea of people like... well, people like us living in their city. But what were they to do? Kick us out? No, they just keep us regulated, though we mostly govern ourselves."

"So, what? You elect your leaders or something?"

"Yes and no," she shrugged. "It's something that I can't really explain; I'll have to show you."

I scoffed at that. "You mean take me into one of those clubs? I don't think so." My head lolled around at the utter exhaustion coursing through me. Nadia crawled over to me and put a hand atop mine. The look she gave me was one of a painful desire to understood. I've already heard a lot and still don't understand. "Nadia, if you can have this kind of affect on me, then what the hell is a roomful of other vampires going to do? I'd rather not find out."

"I've already put the word out," she said, not meeting my eyes even though they were partially closed. "If anyone touches you like that, they're dead. I've told you once before, you're MY Watcher. That's not a title to be taken, or given, lightly."

The truth was there; I could hear it. And it made me feel even worse for not understanding. "But why me?" I asked, not taking my hand away. "I'm no one special. Just lil-ole Charlie, barely-passing college student."

She frowned. "You underestimate yourself," she whispered as if I just insulted her.

"I don't think so. There's a difference between having low self-esteem and having an awareness of your lowly status. It's nothing hurtful or pessimistic, just the truth."

"The truth?" she snapped, drawing my attention away from our now-gripping hands. "I've been trying to get you to accept the truth."

Did she just agree with me? That just made me feel tons better. "I can take the truth, Nadia. I've been hit with it before, hurt with it even."

She shook her head. "Truth is an intangible object." Now she's a freaking fortune cookie. "You can't grasp it or see it, only hear it and accept it. It took me a long time to understand that. Time that you don't have I'm afraid."

"W-why not? My voice cracked "Because you won't live as long as I will," she said honestly, dodging my question. "I'm nearly immortal. The vampire condition affects the brain, causing severe changes in the neurological patterns and chemical releases of everything from sweat and body heat to feeling hungry and tired. I won't age or grow weak like you will. Watchers retain the luxury of mortality."

"What are you trying to tell me, Nadia? That you want to die?"

She let go of my hand and stood up. I watched her go into the library. She had her back to me, but I'm sure she knew I was trying to stand up. And failing miserably. "That was rude," I mumbled, knowing damn well she heard me. I don't know what I would have done without this wall. "I asked you a question," I said, my head poking into the room. I didn't dare try to get any closer. This distance between us was just fine, even if it was only a false sense of security. "Nadia, when someone asks you a question you answer it. And without that aura crap. I can't take any more of it."

Her body trembled. "I shouldn't have expected you to understand, Charlene." She just stood there with her arms around herself. "How can I make you understand what this is like?" I think that question was more for her than me, but I took it anyway.

"How about actually giving me that care you told Henry and Travis about," I said suddenly feeling dreamy. My head bobbed, my shoulder ached from my weight pinching it against the wall, in yet I was still horny as hell. "What exactly were you going to do? Bite me again? Chew on my flesh until I died in your basement?" I was still having a hard time believing were on North Lawn Street. It was too quiet down here.

Nadia mumbled a quick apology. "I'm not going to bite you. Not for a while yet. I took too much from you, then you lost even more when you tried to clean it up. If I bite you now, then yes, you will die. In fact, your friend Travis was right. I don't know how you're still alive either." That just made feel warm and cozy all over. "Even Watchers don't turn that pale without dying." Does she have to keep using that word? "You wanna care to explain why I bled so much when I tried to clean myself?" She didn't answer. "What was your plan of 'taking care of me'?" My tone was more annoyed than anything. Having information like that would certainly be nice in case there's a next time.

The vampire sobered and came across the room. I saw a fleeting glimpse of her motions. Must be the larger gap gave my brain time to process her movements. I refused to jump when she stopped two inches from my face. I was too out of it to care that her pupils were swelling.

"Mind if I carry you back to bed?" she asked politely. Before I answered she lifted me up and started walking down the hall. My head rested against her soft shoulder. Who says chivalry was dead? Her heart beat in a slow rhythm. I could fall asleep right here.

She gently set me down on top of that nice comforter. It was still cold, even to my cold skin. I heard her mumble something about coming back. How can I come back if I haven't left? I forced myself to stay awake. I don't know why I felt so sleepy all of a sudden, but I wanted to know what she planned on doing to me. In the back of my mind I wanted her to fuck me. Sex is the best medicine. I giggled at that.

"Here," Nadia said, handing me a glass of what looked like water. Well, she did say, in fact several times, that I needed fluids. Water's the second best medicine.

I sat up and took it. I sniffed it to be sure it was what I thought it was. Nothing unusual so far. I kept my eyes on her as I took a sip. My eyes opened wide. I would have spit it out if it wasn't for her stare of "don't you dare". It tasted metallic, like old well water going through old rusty pipes. Images of my grandma's house came and went. Nadia nodded for me to take another sip. I made a face, but did as instructed. Down the hatch, as my mother used to tell me about taking nasty medicine. I decided to get it over with quick. In three gulps the cup was empty. Where the fuck is Mary Poppins with her spoonful of sugar when you need her? Bitch.

"Feel better?" Nadia asked me with her arms crossed.

"What the fuck was that? It was disgusting." My face soured, the flavor lingered in my mouth.

"Water," she answered, then added, "With a dose of hemoglobin."

"So I just drank essence of blood?" My voice went incredulous. That wold explain the bitterness.

"Basically." Nice. "You should start to feel it soon. And I'm going to warn you..." her voice trailed off as I felt my body catch on fire. My skin burned, but my blood ran ice cold. It didn't hurt, per se, just felt really really weird. "... It'll feel a little weird," she finished. Thanks.

I sat up and looked at one of the mirrors. Even now I could see a difference. I was still pale, but now nearly as bad. I looked like I was supposed to be alive. My pulse sped up. I think my enthusiasm set of a spark in Nadia. Her smile changed from happy to seductive. She wasn't pulling on my aura or playing on my scar. She just looked like a very pale chick that wanted to get laid. And me? I wasn't about to say no.*********************Nadia crawled up onto the bed with me. She nestled between my legs and leaned over me. Her lips pressed against mine. It was a sweet kiss, soft and caring, and without the influence of my scar. A slip of her tongue caused my first moan; I chased it with my own. The vampire moved away from my mouth, heading for the "safe side" of my neck.

The illusion of danger made it feel more intense. She could pull her lips back and bite me and I wouldn't care. This felt too damn good. I felt her mouth clamp down on my skin, her tongue dancing between her lips. Electricity soared through me. My breath came and went in short gasps. My pussy soaked anew. Nadia pulled her lips back and let those sharp teeth of hers graze my skin, applying just enough pressure to not beak the skin. My eyes shot open, then closed just quickly.

I felt Nadia's hands begin kneading my tits through my shirt. My nipples were stiff against her palms. I let out another coo, my legs instinctively parted. Nadia began kissing around my collar bone, daring herself to go to my "sore side". She decided not to and went up to my chin, again finding my mouth. Her hands traveled down to my pants. In an instant my jeans were unbuttoned and unzipped. The vamp pulled away, and in one swift motion, grabbed my jeans and panties, peeled them from my body and threw across the room. If I wasn't so damn horny I would have been more amazed.

I pulled my knees up. My head rolled back when as her hands traveled down my inner thighs. She leaned between my legs, her breath hot on my skin. I rubbed my hands over my breasts. She hesitated just a bit before her tongue darted out to touch my outer folds. I don't know if it was all the teasing earlier, or what, but that small touch pushed me over the edge. I screamed out as I came against that marvelous mouth.

I could almost hear her smile. Nadia brushed her fingers over my labia. Her tongue followed a moment later going the opposite direction. She hummed into me, her breath teasing my clit. I rode the wave of my orgasm as she assaulted my pussy. Her mouth covered me, her sharp teeth barely gnawed against my folds. My juices began pooling beneath me.

I groaned as she pulled her mouth away, but was equally surprised by the entrance of two fingers. The raven haired beauty shoved them in deep. Her knuckles slapped against me. Nadia picked up the pace of her fucking. The digits inside turned and tilted upwards, pushing against my g-spot. I arched my back as yet another orgasm built. She darted out her tongue and pushed down on my clit.

I've never felt anything so intense. She continued fucking and licking me as the first of another cum erupted. It squirted from me and splashed against her face. That only made her go faster and harder. My back arched, my hands squeezed my tits to the point of pain; it hurt so good. I think I might have woken up the neighbors with that scream. Nadia just kept at it. Her mouth sucked and nibbled on my clit. I swear if her face wasn't there I would have sprayed cum over the foot of the bed. My ass was getting cold from the puddle I now sat in.

Nadia kept at it until I had nothing left to give. I felt as though I would pass out. My lungs tried to calm my heart rate. Nadia sensed my distress because she suddenly stopped. I opened my eyes to see her smiling over me, her eyes black and her chin dripping. My eyes were glossed over with the afterglow of sex, and that might have distorted my vision because I swear I saw her flash from lover to predator then back again. But at the same time I really didn't care. I just had the orgasm of my life and to die in the arms of a lover isn't exactly a bad way to go.

I blinked, so did she. The darkness of her eyes matched the room. The only reason I could see her was because of the pale blue light that she must have turned on when she carried me in here. The whole rom was cast in it. A smile came and went from my face. I knew I was going to drift off to sleep before too long and I the idea of waking up in this place alone wasn't comforting. Just the idea that this house was sitting somewhere on North Lawn Street was enough to put that fear into my head. I guess that's what made me utter, "Please don't leave me." It was barely above a whisper, but I know she heard it.

"I'm not going anywhere," she breathed into my ear. "I'm never going to leave. Ever". My eyes closed. The last thing I remember was Nadia rubbing my hair and whispering strange words into my ear.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 5

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