Abandoned Blood

By Nate House

Published on Nov 19, 2010


Greetings to everyone once again. I'd like to thank those of you who have sent in their words of support to me during this difficult time. It really means a lot to me. A lot of you liked how episode eleven ended. Good, that was the idea... LOLZ!! Some of you were really wondering where I was going to take it from there. Truth is, I can't wait to see what happens as well. All I know is it's going to be interesting.

Now time for the legal B.S. Though inspired by true events, this story is completely borne of my own imagination. It does not depict any actual person, either living, dead, or any combination of the two, nor does it depict any actual event event, either past or present. This is a story that involves sexual relations between two female characters, as well as graphic violence of the body and mind. If that sort of thing offends you, or if you are not of legal age to view it in your area, please do us all a favor and leave now. This tale is the property of the author and may not be downloaded without my expressed written permission.

Now that all that crap is out of the way, please sit back and enjoy episode twelve of Abandoned Blood.

Episode 12

It's weird, the things that life throws at you. One day you're in college, barely passing, but happy with your life, then without provocation or reason, you're thrown headfirst into a situation that you think doesn't ever happen. Never in a million years did I think I would have a bounty on my ass. Had it not been for the "dead or alive" variety, a part of me would have found it flattering--someone wants to to pay that much money to see me dead is a helluva ego stroke. But it's the reason why he wants me alive is what scared me; death would be the easy way out, and I'm not going to die just because some rich asshole likes to fuck with my little world.

Nadia's already fought off two guys--that I know of--who tried to collect that bounty. And every time she killed, the violence increased. The first guy was taken out back, stripped naked, and staked to a tree. Nadia bled him slowly with her own claws as she questioned him about Father Darien and why he wants me so badly. I guess his answers weren't good enough. She left him there until the sun came up, basically rendering him helpless. Once the sun set, she asked him one more time--the man was mad from the sun and lack of blood, not to mention his own--before she pulled the stakes out beat him into unconsciousness. My stomach turned over as I listened to it. She put the stakes back in, pinning him to the lawn and left him there. I'm not sure if he's dead or alive, but I'm not about to go out there and check.

The second guy had it even worse. Similar start, but he got to see the first guy; he knew what was going to happen to him if he didn't fess-up. Nadia took her time with this one. Sundown to the crack of dawn was the same pattern: silence, screams, sound of bones breaking, more screams, Nadia's voice, silence... repeat; repeat for nearly nine hours. By the time I worked up the courage to go out there, Nadia was both sweating and crying. For what, or whom, she was crying I still don't know--she refused to tell me--but whatever, or whoever, it was, it sure as hell put a fire in her gut. And that's when I noticed his guts all over the grass. He was still stapled to the tree, but looked like he was turned inside-out. Yeah, I lost it; in fact, what I threw-up actually made the air smell better.

What she did to those guys disturbed the hell out of me, but I know why she did it. It was a message; Father Darien and his band of cronies had to know that my life will not be taken for granted. I was glad that she was willing to go to such lengths to protect me, but still... I guess Father Darien's influence and "education" had a deeper effect than I thought. Or was 'that' in the nature of vampires? Then again, they've done worse to people mentally, so taking it to the physical body isn't out of the realm of reason. Charming. After what Nadia did in anger and desperation, I didn't want to think what would happen if Father Darien got to have HIS fun.

"Charlene, I'm sorry you had to see that," Nadia said to me the next morning. I didn't sleep and neither did she, we both looked like shit. I just gave her a somber look. It didn't have the effect I hoped. "They're not going to stop coming after you. He won't allow for it."

"That's comforting," I said, tossing my hands up. I put my hand to my forehead, trying to think of a way out of this. Nothing. "So what now?"

"Well, I suppose I could train you how to fight like a vampire," she said, her voice carrying a degree of hopefulness. "I know that you already possess an ability to move like us, so I just have to teach you some basic fighting techniques."

I made a sarcastic sound. "Is that all? And how do we keep these cretins out of my ass?"

There was a moment of pause as she thought. I had a feeling of what she might say, and low-and-behold it's what she came up with. "All I can think of is keeping you in the house." Damn it.

"And then what? I've got school, my parents would like to see me sometime this week--"

"Got a better idea? If so I'm all ears." Her accent sounded weird saying phrases like that.

I sighed. "No."

"Okay. We'll start at sundown."

Sweat dripped off my face. I placed my hands on top of my knees just to remain standing. My shoulder ached and my abs were on fire. There was a mark on my left eye where Nadia landed a good hit; she moved so fast I didn't see it coming. The lady vampire was circling me like the predator that she is, waiting for the right moment to pounce again. My back cracked when I tried to straighten myself out. I wound up back on the floor..

"Get up, Charlene," she commanded. That's been her favorite phrase for the last two days. "I'm not going to take it easy on you. They won't take it easy on you." Like I haven't heard that one before, either.

"I know that," I panted with a wince. My hand tried to clutch at my back, but it didn't do anything. I could feel her aura touching mine, and the emotions behind it. She wasn't happy, she wasn't hungry. Nadia was frustrated. Her stance didn't relax when I looked at her. "But we're only sparring, remember?"

"They won't be 'sparring', Charlene. They would like nothing more than to kill you." Funny, that's been her second favorite phrase. And quite frankly, I was through hearing it. "Father Darien put out a five million dollar price on your head, dead or alive, and we all know that a bounty is much easier to claim when the target isn't kicking."

I scoffed. "Like I don't know that! We've been at it for hours, Nadia." Great, now my head was hurting. Putting my hand to it, I mumbled, "Do you think we can call it a night? I have virtually no energy left and you still have yet to eat."

"I'm fine," she said a little too quickly. "It's you I'm worried about." I couldn't help but notice that she hasn't stopped circling me. "That's why I'm trying to train you, in case I'm not around when one of those lowlives attacks you." Yeah, "when" and not "if", which means that its going to happen again. "At least then you'd have a chance."

"And if he starts pumping out the pheromones? You know how susceptible I am to that." I picked myself up and stood to follow her path, much to the dismay of my sore legs. In that sultry, predator-like way, Nadia chuckled. "What?"

"I've been sending out pheromones since before we began," she said, shocking me. "You haven't succumb yet." Guess that explains the change of smell down here. Then her expression changed, and I knew what was going to happen next. "Ready?"

I just answered that, didn't I? "No," I said, bracing myself for impact. I saw her silhouette shift, then felt an elbow into my ribs. As I fell forward, Nadia grabbed my neck and flipped me over her shoulder. I let out what little oxygen I had left when my back thudded against the floor. I wheezed and coughed as the vampire continued to circle. "Get up, Charlene. I barely hit you."

"My ass!" I breathed pushing myself into a more respectable position. I don't know where I found the strength to stand, but I'm glad I did. She would have kicked me if I stayed down too long--she's done that before. "Why aren't I feeling the pheromones?"

Nadia shrugged. "Maybe you're going a resiliency to them. I don't know--" My fist in her gut cut her off. She caught the knee strike I tried to put into her face and threw me back. "Good, you're learning," she said with a smile. I didn't accept the compliment, even if was the first one since she put me on lockdown.

I almost felt my brain do a one-eighty, my senses were suddenly on high alert and my breathing relaxed. The pain running through my middle dissipated, my vision rolled over into that hazy blue. Though Nadia moved in her vamp-given speed, I could trace the path of her movements. I moved away from her grapple and grabbed her arm. Using her own momentum, I twisted it and flipped her over her shoulder. She landed on her feet and, with her vampire strength, threw me against the wall. My body made an indentation in the wall.

"How did you do that?" she asked in all seriousness, just as weirded out as I was.

"I don't know," I muttered from my sitting position. "Something in my head just clicked. I saw you the whole time."

With her eyes black, Nadia looked like the little lost child I saw at Father Darien's. "I think we're done for tonight."

"Whoa, whoa, chica!" I sprang up and grabbed her shoulder. "I just discovered something and now you want to stop? I don't think so."

"Charlene," Nadia started, but changed her mind. "We're both sweaty and reek of each other's scents. If you do what you just did again, I just might lose it. I might just attack you and feed simply because of that. You know how we vampires are."

I scoffed. "Yeah," I uttered, putting my hands on my hips. "I know. You, Father Darien, Adriel, you all remind me just how weird this whole 'community' is. What is it with you tonight, anyway?"

I saw the pain and confusion in her eyes. There's something about what I discovered that she didn't like. "Charlene, what you did just now could be a clue to what you're becoming. I don't know what that is, nor do I know how you would react if we kept going. I think it's best if we take this slowly."

"And I think it's best if we keep going," I almost shouted. "Come on, Nadia, just five minutes ago you were gung-ho about training me. So let's keep it up."

"And if this new-found power of yours pushes me too far, what then?" She was in my face and her aura about knocked me over. I could see the emotional shift in it, and it wasn't looking good. Shit. Just talking about it almost makes her vamp out on me. "You haven't seen what happens to people when I lose control over myself. Harold, Davis... that was mild." I thought back to the mess she made of the intruder we had a couple weeks ago, then to the more recent victims. I don't think there were any identifying marks left on the guy's body; hell, I wouldn't even call it a body. "I couldn't live myself if I ever did something like that to you."

Sweat, but horrifying. "Like what happened with Marianna?" That was bitchy, but I needed to know.

Another pulse in her aura. I hit on something, but I had to know if she was over her regardless of what they said. "Marianna chose that for herself." I couldn't help but notice the tear in her eye. I knew they were once more than just vampire and Watcher, but like I said, I needed to know just how deep that wound went. "She got hooked on the sexual high of my feeding. I tried to warn her off of it, but she left me. After seeing her a few days ago, I think throttling her would have been better."

"Better for who?"

"Both of us." Nadia said that without any hesitation or regret. I like that she still worried about her, it meant that she really did worry about things and not just saying that she does.

I pulled her into me. "Alright. I believe you." Her aura coated mine in the usual way when she's getting hungry. I think that's a trait inherent of all vampires, relax your dinner before you feed. In that moment, I really didn't care. Since I was holding her against me, I thought of it as a nice addition to a nice moment. "Now, I know you're hungry, so let's get this over with."

Her grip on me tightened. To relax my mind, I tightened mine on her. The warmth of her aura was turning into a sauna. Something was wrong here. "I like you all sweaty like this." Her accent made that sound way sexier than I felt. "It makes me think of you once I'm done with you." Shit, she's vamping out and not in a good way. "Resisting my pheromones. Wanting to push me back onto my instincts. You know how to make my pussy wet, don't you?" Shit, shit, shit. Her claws started digging into my sports bra. She was avoiding my skin on purpose. "I like teasing you, Charlene, because you like teasing me."

I tried to push her away. "Nadia, you need to calm down." It wasn't working. "Nadia let me go." The odor in the air thickened. Damn it, she's pumping out more pheromones, adding the scent of her arousal. This is targeted specifically for me. I grabbed her hair and pulled her away from my neck and shoulder. "Nadia, let go of me. I'll satisfy you better if you do."

"You'll satisfy me just fine," she hissed. "I can smell your pussy from here; you want me to bite you. You want me to force my fingers into your dripping cunt." True, but that doesn't mean I have to let her. "You get off on what I do to you. Feeling my tongue go all over your body. I know every one of your buttons." Nadia slipped the straps of my bra off my shoulders. Now I'm in trouble. If I let her keep going, we'd be on the floor and she'd be out of control, but if I let go of her hair, she would bite me now. Fuck!

"Oh yes," she purred. My eyes closed, her pheromones winning the fight. "Just let it happen. Let me into you. Let me all over you. I'll make you come like a fountain. Oh my, your nipples are so hard!" I hadn't noticed that she now had ahold of my breasts, through the spandex, one in each hand, and kneading them like she knows how. "So soft. So sweaty. You want me to take you right here and now, don't you?" I nodded my head and she giggled. "Tell me that you want it. Tell me that you need my teeth and fingers inside of you." My mouth moved, but nothing came out. My budding orgasm from just this little bit of manipulation was driving me wild. If she didn't shut up and just take me, I was going to jump her. "Jumpy are we? That's not like you; I know you better than that, my little morsel."

"What did you call me?" I said, sobering up, my grip on her hair slackened. There's only one person in the world who calls me that. "You in there, Father Darien?" I asked, staring directly into her eyes. A soft glimmer in those pits of blackness told me my answer. "You son of a bitch. Leave Nadia alone!" I grabbed my vampire's arms and shook her. "Nadia! Snap out of it!"

"You see now, little Charlene, what happens if you don't keep a balance with your vampire?" Nadia said in his voice. "When the thirst gets too much for me, I call out to him."

I didn't know what to do. He's done this before, back when I was ignorant of this world. I had to do something to drive him out; making her speak like that is just plain rude. "Shut up, you bastard! Get out of my vampire!"

"Your vampire? I don't think so, Charlene. I belong to him. I love him like he loves me." He gave Nadia her voice back. It turned my blood cold, it made my heart ache to listen to it. "You won't give me what I want; what I need to stay alive and sane is in his hands. You won't give me that."

"God damn it, shut up!" I shoved her up against the wall. She... he... whatever, smiled at me, showing me those beautifully perfect teeth and the drool dripping from them. I grabbed her head and slammed it back against the wall. If that was all I knew to do to get him the hell out, then I was going to do it. "You don't own her, you little fucker! Get! Out!" By the time I was done beating her head, she was unconscious and slipped to the floor.

Crouching next to her body, I rubbed her arm. "Nadia, you okay?" Dumb question, but a required one.

I saw her eyes flash back to their normal dark brown. Relief washed over me. I let out a breath and sat beside her. "He did it again didn't he?"

"Yeah. Sorry about your head. It was all I could think to do."

"I'm fine. Thank you. I'm just glad he's gone."

"He can do that at any time can't he?" I asked hoping for a yes. My pulse hammered when she shook her head. "Only if you let him in?"

"Only if I'm hungry and feeling weak," Nadia said.

"Weak? Nadia, you threw me all over the place down here. You were not weak."

She propped herself up and leaned back against the damaged wall. "Our hunger is our weakness, Charlene. To normal humans, we seem to be all powerful and strong, but if we miss a meal or if it's been too long between feedings, vampires begin to lose their mental focus that renders us so. And, in our inherent desperation, we reach out to our master vampire for assistance."

I let out a huff. "And he just shows up and possesses you like the demon he is, huh? Seeing tat you're weaker than normal, it can't be too hard."

Nadia's features saddened. "It's not like that, Charlene. Yes we are weaker, so we're more open to their influence--especially if we voluntarily let him or her in before--but Father Darien is unlike most other of his brothers at the Order." I just gave her an unresponsive look. "As you pointed out before, he's a sadist, a rapist. Evil incarnate, even."

"That's an understatement."

"Yeah," she mumbled softly.

I know their history, so I know how that translated, but I also know that she has to escape from that. "Could you listen in our little conversation?"

"Yes and no. I could only hear what he wanted me to hear."

"And what distorted version of the truth did he allow you to hear?"

"Not much, and because of that I know that you did a good job talking to him." A proud pseudo-smile appeared on her lips. "You're learning fast on how to deal with people like him."

I took that at face value, I could use the compliment right now. "Could you read his mind or his aura?"

Nadia shrugged. "A little, but it was enough to know that he has no clue as to what you are." Her smile broadened, "He's afraid of you, Charlene."

Okay. That's funny." Scared? Are you freaking kidding me?"

Her smile remained. "Fear has a way of making us do things we wouldn't ordinarily do. Mind possession isn't easy to do, even with someone as skilled as Father Darien; they don't make it a hobby or habit of doing it too often because it weakens them until their mental strength recovers."

That makes sense, but I still don't believe that he's scared of me. "Why would he be afraid of me? Even in a fair fight he could kick my ass, and that fight would be far from fair."

"You need to understand the psyche of a vampire, Charlene." Nadia slid up the wall, using it like a crutch. I followed her up, my head still spinning from the fact that I had to practically bash her skull in to get him to leave. "Part of being a vampire is being in control," Nadia lifted an eyebrow, "And he has virtually no control over you. That's why he put the word out to bring you in. That's why he likes seeing you cower at the sight of him."

Again, that made sense, but I was still confused. "So-o-o," I drawled out, "Why doesn't he have any control over me?"

"Because you're not human." Old news there Nadia, the look on my face told her as much. "I have no idea what you are, but human you are not." I motioned for her to continue. "Another one of my research contacts was found, this one with his head in a bag next to him along with his fingers and feet. His eyes were still in place though."

I gulped. The last guy who died was found in a similar state, except they still have yet to find his eyes. "This is the third one. Sounds like Father Darien's getting lazy," I quipped, trying to find something about that to not want to puke.

"I'm not so sure it was Father Darien this time," Nadia said, looking me square in the eye. "The second body was disemboweled along with being beheaded having his fingers and eyes cut out." Does she really need to speak in that gruesome of detail so easily? "But the fact that the eyes weren't cut out leads me to think that it wasn't him. One of his favorite sayings was: 'All the power in the world resides in the eyes'."

My stomach was churning. "Why is he killing off your informants?"

"They're my friends," she corrected, "And I have no idea why he'd want them dead. Maybe it's because he doesn't want to know what you are. Maybe he doesn't want YOU to know what you are."

"Do you have a guess as to what I am?" I'm sure she heard the plea in my voice. If her friends were being killed because of me, I don't know if I could live with myself. It's not right for that bastard to be killing people in the first place, even if they are the bottom-feeders.

"Well, I know what you're not," Nadia said, walking into the den. I followed her as she spoke. "You're not a vampire. You're not an asuwang." I'll take that as a good thing, I think. She smiled. "Asuwangs are very rare. They're vampires that were bitten by another during their biological transformation. Since that usually happens in less than twenty-four hours, there aren't than many of them."

I pulled my chair next to hers and sat down. "What are they exactly?"

"Disgusting creatures," Nadia answered point blank. "Think of it like a vampiric abortion. Their teeth are like daggers, their eyes are twin pearls of nothingness. Their brains don't function like normal; the need to hunt and feed, even in the daylight, is priority one. They kill without cause, gutting even their own mothers, or so I've heard."

"Is Adriel one of these things?" Then again, do I really want to know?

"He's another enigma in our little community. We're not sure what he is either. He's a vampire, but we have reason to believe that he's something more."

"You don't say."

"Let's see... I know that you're not an obayifo or asiman."

"What, is there like an entire classification system for vampires now?"

"Yes, actually." I sat back with a huff. "In case you didn't notice, but the different vampires that you've encountered have all treated you with a different disregard. The different names are from different brain patterns, taken from centuries of research. If every vampire was as animalistic as we're made out to be, then there would be no humans left on the planet by now." I'm not sure if that made me feel better or worse.

"An obayifo and asiman are the same thing essentially, the only difference being that an asiman is the mature version. The myth says that they travel as balls of light, but the truth is that their eyes glow brighter than a typical vampire's and when they move in their 'natural' speed it seems like a ball of light."

"Father Darien teach you all of this?"

"Him and several others. I've been alive for a long time, Charlene. I've actually killed one of these things."

"Bet that made Father Darien proud." Nadia was in my face before the last syllable left it. And with the look in her eye, maybe I should keep my sarcasm to myself, especially about him.

"Yes it did. And I did it to protect you, in case you've forgotten." I thought back to the night of our home invader. Guess that explains the bright eyes. Nadia slowly backed away and sat down.


"Don't be, you didn't know."

The phone rang at the other end of the room, drawing our collective attention. "I'll get it," I said, already getting up. Nadia didn't so much as acknowledge the phone besides staring at it. It was like the sound put her in a trance. Well, after the last few phone calls she's received I don't blame her. Hell, I wasn't comfortable answering it after those calls either. "Hello," I said after letting it ring a couple more times.

"Charlene," a vaguely familiar voice said. I knew I've heard it somewhere, but I couldn't put a face to it. "I'm glad it's you. Listen, I like I might have figured out what you are."

My heart leapt into my throat. "How?"

"Research, dumbass," he snapped. "After what happened to the last few guys, I'm going to need to speak to you as soon as possible."

"What's wrong with right now?"

"You think I'm going to divulge this kind of information over an open open phone line? Hell no! Where can you meet me in just a few minutes?"

Okay, Charlie, think... no pressure at all. "Um... I guess Manny's Grocery store." I turned around and about had a heart attack. Nadia was standing in her defiantly pissed off stance with a stare that could kill. "I'm going to have to bring Nadia with me, though."

"Don't be stupid! Father Darien has a trace on her better than the fucking C.I.A. could ever hope for. I'll only talk to you. Twenty minutes. Be there."

"Fine, but who is this?" Naturally, the line went dead the second before. I looked up to Nadia and said, "What?"

"I don't like this, Charlene. You're not going."

"I beg your pardon," I said, affronted.

"You know it's a trap. Father Darien is using whoever the hell that was to lure you away from me. You're not going. We'll figure it out another way. If he could do it, so can I."

"I'm sick of waiting!" Now I sound like a two year old. Well, good. "People are dying because of me, Nadia. I think I owe them to go and investigate this out, even if it turns out he was lying."

"What then? What if he's lying and attacks you?"

"You said that you put the word out on that. If what you said was true, then I should be safe. Right?"

Nadia's gaze fell. She wasn't so sure that I would be safe. She didn't know just how strong her word is out on the streets. The vampire walked back to her chair, settling herself into the cushion without looking at me. "I don't like this..." she mumbled, no doubt trying to think of a way to talk me out of it. "What will you do if he ignores my warning?"

"I know it's only been a few days, but we've been practicing that haven't we?" I kept my tone light to keep her from becoming even more protective. Hell, she's been one step short of locking me in a cage for the last four days, she just might do that after this. "I managed to drive Father Darien away, didn't I?"

"Because he let you. You know what he does to people who get in his way."

"But I'm not in his way, the guy on the phone is. I'm what he's seeking."

"And he just might kill you as a means to an end. I can't protect you from that if not there." Funny, she added those last three words like an afterthought.

"It's worth the risk," I said, heading for the hallway. "I'm tired of being held over the feeding pit like I'm just another meal. You said yourself that I'm more than that. Father Darien's all but said as much. If this guy has the information he claims, and if he's as scared as he sounded on the phone, and if your warnings hold up, then I'll be fine." That was a lot of "ifs", but I couldn't wait any longer. I looked at my watch. Time to go.

"Charlene, I don't like this," Nadia said for the umpteenth time, and to be quite honest it was beginning to piss me off.

"What don't you like about it? Sounds like standard vampire protocol to me." I tried to push past her, but her arm flew out against the wall. "You know? Lure the unsuspecting meal out to the feeding grounds, then lay in wait for them to arrive." Her face hardened, the truth punching her in the gut. "Then, when the moment is right..." I slapped the wall next to her hand, "BAM! You jump'em, and you get to stay sane for another day."

Her face got even more pale as her hand slipped down the wall. "Why did you say that?" She took a few steps back. I knew I hurt her, but I wasn't feeling much better, either. "Charlene?"

I didn't follow after her. "You're smothering me, Nadia. I haven't left this house in nearly five days. You won't even let me go to school. I'm fucking going stir crazy." The vampire wouldn't meet my eye. "All of this 'training' we've been doing isn't going to help that. I need to get out of here. For some fresh air, if nothing else."

She nodded her head. "Alright, but I'm going with you." Nadia picked her head up. Her eyes were almost fully black. I felt her aura touch mine. She's going emotional on me? How sweet.

"No you're not."

"Yes I am. I've been through hell to keep you safe, I'm not letting you out of my sight."

I threw my hands up. I walked upstairs with my vampire following close behind. I put my hands on the sink and looked out at the moon rising. Nadia wrapped her arms around my waist. Her aura blended with my mine, warming my body inside and out. "I'm going to meet this guy, Nadia, and you will wait right here until I get back. And I don't want any lip about it."

She kissed my wounded shoulder. Shivers covered my skin, running through my veins and exploding between my legs. Her grip around my middle tightened. My head lolled back as her tongue traveled up my neck. "God you smell so good."

"Nadia... wait until I get back," I mumbled. "I need... my strength."

I sucked my breath in at her sharp teeth touching my skin. They stopped at my scars. "I want this Charlene," she said. "I need you to give me this."

I found it hard to breathe with her doing that. My pussy was dripping wet and my nipples were as hard as bricks. I grabbed the back of her head, tempting her to bite down. I needed my energy to go and meet my contact, but this... this was just too good. "Is it just you this time?"

"I need to have this, Charlene," Nadia whispered into my ear. "I need to have you."


"I'm hungry." Short answers, Nadia's style. One of her hands grabbed my crotch. Her palm slapped my oversensitive clit, which was naked under my workout spandex. Before I finished my jump her hand was pumping against me. I turned my face into her neck and sealed my lips to it. This just made her pull against me even more. I felt her fabric-covered fingers tease my opening, my juices soaking through. The vampire slip her other hand under my bra and roughly squeezed my tit. She pinch my nipple between two fingers and pulled. I came right there.

I moaned as I sucked on her neck. Nadia ripped a hole in my pants and inserted a finger. My juices were leaking down my leg. I ran my tongue up and down the length of her neck. She added a second finger, her palm grinding against my vulva. I clawed at the back of her neck, holding her in place. My other hand covered hers, urging her to keep massaging my sex. As her hands worked their magic, I bit down on her neck. I wanted a taste of her blood.

Nadia pulled away from me and bent me over the sink. I gasped at the force, but liked it all the more. She pulled her fingers out of me and ripped my pants off. I heard the tearing of the seam, making my pussy leak even more. Before I knew to breathe again, Nadia's tongue delve right into my opening. I screamed at the intrusion, at the hot wetness penetrating me. Her claws dug into the soft flesh of my ass. I felt her breathe across my asshole. I don't think I've ever felt something so hot in my life.

I came against her face. I heard it splash on the floor; Nadia kept lapping her tongue against my cunt like the hungry bitch that she is. My vision faded in and out of both azure and passion. Nadia grazed her sharp teeth against my skin, sending even more goosebumps up my spine. Her tongue danced against my inner walls, teasing everyone of my nerves. My eyes opened and I saw my reflection. I never knew watching yourself getting fucked would look this hot--we are so fucking in front of a mirror from know on. I think I came twice just from the thought of it.

Nadia spun me around. Her arms reached under my thighs and held my legs open. Our eyes met as her tongue plunged back into my pussy. She kept her eyes on mine as that marvelous wet organ of hers worked its magic. I knew she was up to something, but I really didn't care. As long as she made me cum one more time she could do anything she wanted. Her hands slid under my ass in a very slow motion. Along with her tongue licking, her fingers pulled my cheeks apart. My head lurched forward and my cum squirted out of me when a finger entered my ass. I grabbed my tits and pulled as she moved it around inside of me, drunk for my pussy liquor. My hips started grinding against her face in time with her movements. When I came again, my body decided to collapse. I fell forward and right into Nadia's waiting arms. I

didn't even

notice she


"I'm going to take care of you when I get back," I mumbled into her shoulder.

"I'll be waiting. I hungry and very horny." I let out a little laugh. It's nice to hear a joke from her for once. "And only you will satisfy me."

I peeled away from her. "Don't I always?" I slipped my out of what remained of my workout pants. "I need to get some clothes on. It's cold out tonight."

"Way ahead of you."

I will never get tired of Nadia picking out my clothes. I love her sense of style; yeah, I'm bias, but so what? She watched me the whole time I was getting dressed like the perverted predator I knew her to be. I think it's hot the way she looks at me, knowing she has to wait only adds to the anticipation. It got me wet just thinking about it.

Nadia was good and didn't say anything about me meeting this guy, but she didn't give me the car keys either. It annoyed me, but at least she wasn't chaining me to the wall. I just sighed and made my way out of the house. She waited at the door as I strode tot the sidewalk. I waved one last time and turned the corner.

North Lawn Street. Not exactly the place for a girl to be walking alone at night. People disappear around here. Even so, the stench of dead bodies is heavy in the midnight air; it's so thick I could practically taste it. I suppose that's one reason why vampires hate themselves after they kill someone: the taste is awful. I tried not to look at the corpses as I pass them--even though my enhanced senses could make out the difference in bullet hole sizes, and hear the street thugs whispering from within their crack houses--but I can't help it. Most of them are decomposed beyond recognition, some are just more than skeletal remains. Most look, and smell, like they were killed by multiple gunshot wounds, but as I took a more discerning sniff, I know for a few that's not the case. Those poor bastards met

their fate at the


end of a hungry vampire who had a bad day. I told myself that Tiffany would not end up like this.

The farther I walked, the more I notice something amiss. It's quiet. This stretch of road is never quiet. The street-side silence is unnerving and the ominous glows from the random streetlight isn't helping. I would take the light display of a firefight over this. At least then I would know what to expect. There wasn't so much as a car engine starting up, or loud music playing. There's only one conclusion I could draw from that: something out here has them spooked, and I'm out here with it. Just my luck.

The building were getting bigger and bigger. I was getting close to the grocery store. The dead body count was dwindling, though I couldn't be certain if that's a good thing or not. At least none of these reek of vampire-induced death, just a typical shooting or stabbing victim. Nothing out of the normal there, at least for this side of town. How bad is it if that doesn't scare me?

But the thumping sound from above me did. Shit. I caught the stench of fresh blood. The air above me stirred, the sound of a soft breeze pulled my eyes all around me. Manny's place was just a few hundred yards away. I ran for it. With any luck I would reach the store with enough time for this guy to give me what I want. What I need.

A drop of wetness hit my hand. Weird, it wasn't supposed to rain tonight. Then another. The harder I sniffed, the more I realized that it was blood. Fuck! Don't tell me this is "his" blood. Not fair. I'm only five minutes late! I ran a lap around the store but he was nowhere to be found. Not fucking fair! When I got back to the lit side of the building, I heard another thud, complete with an accompanying familiar scent.

"How long have you been flowing me, Adriel?" I asked out without looking behind me. I'd recognize that stench anywhere, even without my enhanced sense of smell. I heard his light chuckle. That same raspy, crackling tone I remembered from the last time he showed up. I knew he was watching me from a nearby rooftop. I could hear his footsteps. "Adriel. I'm not going to hurt you, you know."

He stood in front of me before I finished that sentence. "Greetings, little one. What do you seek on this night of fun?"

I shook my head. "Nothing that concerns you." My vision changed over. When I saw him cast in that azure haze, I think I just hurt his feelings. "I heard that someone in this neighborhood has some answers for me."

He stepped into the glow of a street lamp. His frown flipped over into a genuine smile. I gasped at all the blood pouring out of his mouth. Just like the last time. "I heard that too, so I came to find you."

"How did you hear that? It was a private phone call." He titled his head to his left, his eyes black as sin. He nodded his eyebrows twice before tapping the side of his head. "Yeah, yeah, I know," I huffed, covering my nose. "Let me guess, you ate my informant. Didn't you?"

He motioned his finger. "That is not a nice word to say as we all just go about our day. It's all part of the life we live; there's only so much can we give."

"Was is you who called me?"

"Maybe, maybe not. Curious though is it not, that life lessons can't be taught. Funny how the things we learn are harkened for those we yearn."

"Whatever." I put my hands under my arms, my breath hung in the cold autumn air. I couldn't believe it was already October, some places were already setting up Halloween decorations. Trying to say nonchalant, I said, "So, do you have some answers for me or what?"

"Yes, yes, my sad little dear. You must lend an ear, for this you must hear." The enthusiasm in his voice was unusual, but I'll take it. "You are a dhampir, my sweet little dear."

I've gotta say that I never have liked talking to Adriel that much, at least this time he wasn't chasing me down a hallway with a knife. "What the fuck are you talking about? What's a dhampir?"

Adriel's smile curled even higher. "It's half of you and half of me, but all in fun." His smile dropped and his head titled to the other side. His gaze changed to one of discrimination, as if he was inspecting me for the first time. "But the change is not done."

My palms were hurting from how tight my grip had become. "Adriel please, just this once, can you give it to me straight? What exactly am I becoming?"

"Not good for a word are you? No, no, no that simply will not do." I swear every time I see this guy he just gets weirder and weirder. And he always finds a way to piss me off.

Adriel took one step towards me, I instinctively stepped back. "Stay away from me." He grinned again. "I mean it, Adriel. Stay back."

"Or what, morsel sweet? Do you think you'll hurt me?" I hate that arrogance that is inherent to every vampire I've ever come across. Nadia included. He could see the ire building up in me because his pupils began to swell. Strange, that didn't happen last time. "Do you think you could hurt me? You don't even have the will to be."

"The 'will to be' what?" I nearly shouted. I felt his aura graze against mine. Shit. It was a warning, kinda like a rattle snake. I better calm myself down before I push him over the edge. I took a slow, deep breath before asking, "Why would Father Darien be scared of me?"

"Scared of you? Funny, he's scared of me, too!"

"And why is that so amusing?"

"How is it not amusing?" He made a grand gesture, spinning around in to follow the cold air that just blew past us. "You who are so unassuming." He continued to make a show of his amusement even as the air began to take on a form. A booming laugh echoed out from behind him, a laugh that sent chills down my spine. Fuck me.

"Adriel," I said cautiously. "Look behind you."

"Why?" That damned joyous tone was starting to get on my nerves. "I can't die."

What? "No, you dumbass, Father Darien is standing two feet behind you."

"I always have liked an introduction by a lady." He stepped into the light. He was as gorgeous, beautiful and disgusting as I remember him being. That charmingly evil smile, that fair hair framing his delicate face. Unfortunately for him, I never bought that act for one minute.

"What do you want, asshole?" I asked in my most threatening voice. He laughed even harder.

He pointed at me. "You, my dear. It's all I've ever wanted."

"You can't be serious," I scoffed. "You've been trying to kill me."

"No, my dear, I've been testing you." He stepped around Adriel, who didn't even give him a sideways glance. I'm sure he could hear my pulse thumping against my chest. I stepped back when I felt his aura expand. "Only I didn't expect you to pass. Bravo." He started clapping his hands in a slow, mocking cadence. "Bra-fucking-vo." It didn't seem to matter how many steps back I took, he was getting closer. "I thought you would just roll over and give up like you did on ever other test you've ever taken. But just like always, you disappointment me."

"Well, I aim to please," I said, shaking like a fucking earthquake. He chuckled, and I don't think it was the sarcasm. "So then the price for my head has been lifted, I assume."

"Oh no, my dear," the Father's eyes were a full black, "I've grown to like this feeling of disappointment. Amusing, is it not, just how much power over your life that I really have." I scoffed. Before I could blink again, he was right in my face. "Does it disturb you, Charlene, to know what true fear feels like? Or do you get off on it like I do?"

I shook my head, trying to keep my emotions reigned in. "No. I'm not twisted like you, you little fuck."

"Oh, is that what you like? A little fuck?" His lips were a mere inch from my ear. He kept his aura off of mine, but his breath was the sweetest thing I could imagine. "That's what she tells me anyway."

"Nice try, vamp boy. You don't think I know that she tells you shit?"

He let out an amused noise. "I like the power that you two share, it's what gets me off." I turned my head and gave him a sour look. "Oh yes, Charlene. The two of you have something and I like that. Nadia deserves a little compassion."

"It's not like you give her any."

I hit the ground before I knew Father Darien had slapped me. "Now that's neither kind or true. I gave that little girl the world. I taught her everything she needed to know to survive this disgusting world in which we live. I gave her the love of not only a father, but a guardian, a brother, and a lover. And she ate it up, like the sad puppy I found wandering the streets."

I spit out a drop of blood. Damn, he smacked me a good one this time. "I know that too, retard, you wanna get to the fuckin' point."

"My sweet, sweet little morsel," he said, crouching next to me. "Nadia has taught you a lot of things, but patience is not one of them. And it's a lesson you had better learn before it's too late. After all, time is something the three of us have plenty of."


"I just so happen to overhear that little discussion with my fellow Master." He beamed at the confusion on my face. "A dhampir. Never seen one up close that was still alive. What's it feel like? The thirst getting to you? Do you feel more powerful than your brother, or that abusive father of yours?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about you, my little morsel. I've gotta say, of all the pets I've had over the years, you just became my favorite. I'm the luckiest living Master Vampire alive... well sort of. I have a stable of powerful vampires, one that's showing the early stages of mastering her abilities, and now I find myself in possession of a dhampir. Oh, my brothers at the Order will so green with envy."

"Envy of what?" If he was in a giving mood, I might as well milk it. "What's so fucking special about me?"

"Or perhaps maybe not."

I threw my hands up. "I swear, vampires suck at answering even the simplest of questions."

"And I swear that even faux-humans suck with manners." He inched closer, sniffing the air between us. "You don't even know what a dhampir is do you?" I shook my head, nervousness kicking in once again. Father Darien stood up. He looked down at me like he always has. "Take it up with Nadia. I'm sure she'll be happy to hear the news."

The master vampire walked over to my spat blood and dipped his finger into it. His eyes shut in pure bliss as he sniffed his digits. His tongue snaked out of his mouth, savoring every second of my flavor. I sat up with my hands behind me. Father Darien made a grand parting gesture. He was gone before I blinked again. "God, what an asshole," I murmured, running my finger over my spit lip.

"The Father is many things, so beware of this. Be careful before whom you blink and take the time to stop and think. A new life for you begins before the former one ends."

"Shut up, Adriel," I said as I stood up. "Unless the next words out of your mouth are the definition of a dhampir, I don't want to hear your shit."

I walked past him and his snickering mouth. "The old life doesn't end, but the new life begins, blissfully unaware of her new-found cousins."

I stopped. Looking over my shoulder I asked, "What did you say?"

"We are related now, Charlene, you see. It's funny to be related to me."

"How the fuck are we related?"

"It's not polite for the lady to cuss, especially now that you're one of us."

"Adriel, please, just... shut up for once." I put my hand to my head, trying to figure everything out.

"The powers that be say you have the powers that may," he said, irritating me further. "Pity if you should live to see the day."

My mouth hung open. He smiled to show me those daggers he calls teeth. "I've gotta get out of here," I said as calmly as I could, the memory from our last encounter suddenly fresh in my mind. "Adriel. Will you let me go?" Hopefully showing him some respect would at least get me back to Nadia's house. I took my cue when he bowed to me with his arms stretched before him. I don't know what's going to upset her more. That Father Darien knows what I am, or that he's happy about it. That man is never happy unless someone is suffering, me and Nadia in particular. And now Adriel knows too, and he just called us related. Is he also a dhampir? After my vampire biology lesson Nadia gave me tonight, I'm sure he's something of the sort.

"Figure it out if you must, but it's my word that you can trust," I heard him say as if he was whispering in my ear. "You won't be able to save for friends lest you be the means to their ends. Don't try and don't suffer, but a word of this you must not utter."

"Shut up, Adriel," I thought, hoping he could hear me. "You're not helping."

"Help does not exist, even for the one you live with. You can't help them, you can't help her, but you're determined that's for sure."

I took that as a compliment. I sure could use as many as I could get--they won't be coming anytime soon. I'm not sure what to make of all of this, but I'm not taking Adriel at his word that I can't help my friends. Shit, my friends. What are they going to think of all of this? Oh fuck. What are my parents going to think? What will I tell them? As I made my way to Nadia's, I decided to think of that one later.

I'd like to thank everyone for sticking with for all of this time. Let's just say it hasn't been the best time in my life, but we do what we can. And I'd like to take this time to thank everyone who has written in to me with their comments, compliments, questions, and suggestions. I still can't believe that this story has gotten as popular as it has. Just... wow.

Preview for Episode 13:

After nearly a week on lockdown, Charlie goes back to school. While she's in the library, going over her assigned reading, she makes a discovery that could turn the course of her fate.

Meanwhile Nadia is on the hunt after she finds a peculiar letter stashed underneath her pillow. And she won't come back empty-handed.

Next: Chapter 13

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