Abandoned Blood

By Nate House

Published on Oct 28, 2010


Hello to everyone once again. Wow, episode 11 already. I want to thank the academy... I mean my friends and fans who keep writing in to me. I want to thank you from the bottom of both of my hearts. Words cannot express my gratitude for you all. Like I mentioned to most (if not all) of you who have written to me, real life caught up to me during the making of part 10. I won't say here what it was (and still is) but let's just say that it's about as real as it gets.

Okay, now that that's off my chest, as I do before each and every episode, here's the legal crap: Though inspired by true events, this story is completely borne of my imagination. Any resemblance to any person, either living or dead or yet to be born, is completely coincidental. Same goes for any actual event, either past, present, or future. This story contains explicit sexual acts between two females. If this sort of thing that offends you, please, do us all a favor and ask yourself, "Why the fuck am I here?" then leave. Same goes for if you are not of legal age in your area to view such content. While my goal is to entertain, I want to do so in a way that won't get either of us into trouble. This story contains graphic scenes of rape, beatings, murder, and insanity at it's finest. This may not be the most graphic thing I've ever written, but it still is not for the faint of heart. Okay, I think that just about covers it.

I'm going to take this time to ask that everyone who reads/has read this story (you know who you are) to write in with your comments, questions, concerns, and critique. I appreciate it very much to hear back from my readers. And all of you that have already know that I like to write back.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy Part 11 of "Abandoned Blood".

Chapter 11

The walk home from class today sucked. First, Tiffany and I get halfway back and it started to rain. And not just any rain. Big, cold drops that makes your skin freeze when it hits. Second, Tiffany wasn't looking much better. I didn't notice any new bite marks on her neck--thank goodness--but I could tell that she hasn't been drinking her blood water either. I'll be the first to admit that I hate that bitter, metallic taste as much as the next girl, but it goes a long way in making us feel better. Small favor courtesy of Father Darien. I still hate him.

Tiffany hasn't spoken a word to me since our group date at the Were-House. Neither has Travis or Henry. I don't know why, but I could guess they're just worried about me and Tiffany and don't know how to show it. Ignoring us isn't the answer, but what do I know about a guy's psyche? Their brains don't work like ours. My ex-girlfriend didn't even let me hug her when we parted. She just lowered her head and practically ran away. It made my heart sink, but I didn't know what to do. The poor thing is more lost than I was at her stage--she's got no one to answer her questions or look out for her. Another courtesy of Father Darien, I'm sure.

"Mom, dad, I'm home!" I called out when I stepped through the door. I set my books and bag on the table beside the door and shook the water from my clothes. It was almost Fall already. Damn time flies when you're sleeping a lot. "Hello!"

"Kitchen," mom called back. I kicked my shoes off and headed that way. Sweet! She's baking cookies. "How did class go today?"

I shrugged, trying to get around her to snatch some of the dough. "As good as any other day." I dipped my hand into the bowl and scooped out a good size chunk, getting it smacked in the process. "What's the occasion?" I asked around a mouthful of chocolate chunks.

"Just felt like making cookies." She gave me a little smile, putting the prepared sheet pan into the over. I thought that was pretty cool and told her as much. "Good, because some of them are for your new girlfriend."

That word made me pause. "We're not officially together mom," I reminded her. I had no idea how to broach the subject of our relationship with my parents. My friends were one thing, but this was a whole other ball game. "We've only gone out a couple of times. That night she stayed for dinner doesn't count."

"Well bring her over again, I like her." I couldn't stop my smile. "She gave your father fits without hardly saying a word. Do you know how hard it is to do that?"

Okay, that was funny. I almost made a chocolate chip come out of my nose. I know exactly how hard that is. It's nearly impossible. Nothing fazes the man, he always knows what to say--unless of course his little girl tells him that she is a lesbian, then he rambles on about everything and nothing. The memory of that day sobered me up. Mom was mom: concerned and worried, but not angry and bitter; dad on the other hand turned into the devil's advocate. He almost threw me out of the house. He almost beat the crap out of my girlfriend at the time, Stacy--she broke up with me after the first smack. I didn't love her, we were both just experimenting to see how far we could go, but it still hurt that he'd do that to someone I called a friend. I knew he'd go nuts if he found out what Nadia had done to me.

"You okay, Charlie?" Mom asked, noticing my somber expression.

"Yeah. Just... bad memories." I looked away, right at the very spot where her head hit the wall. A day later is when Tiffany and I got together, after I found out that she had a thing for me too. I don't know what ever became of Stacy. She moved away a week later.

Mom took note of where I was staring and put two and two together. She put her hands on my shoulders and said, "Your father loves you, honey. I almost divorced him after that."

"I know mom, but... I just wonder if he'll ever fully accept me." A tear trickled down my eye at the thought of it. I kept Tiffany a secret from him for over a month before I told him that we were more than best friends. I saw the anger, but he kept his cool. We've hardly spoken since. "I know that he loves me; I just want him to like me."

"He's trying honey. He promised both of us he'd get over it."

That surprised me. "When?"

"The day after he nearly put Stacy's head through that wall. The day I threatened to take you and Sven out of this house." That sounded more like the mom that raised me. Strong and independent, caring but stern. I think I got a little bit of that fire from her.

Wanting to change the subject, I asked, "When is Sven leaving, anyway?"

She smiled. "Whenever he wants to. I know what the world is like, it's a cruel and wicked place--especially in this day and age. Young people like the two of you wouldn't survive two minutes out there alone." She has no idea, I mused. "I know that men, and women, his age look down on guys like him, but I don't care. He'll always be my little boy just like you'll always be my little girl. He can stay here as long as he wants... he'll leave when he's ready, just like I'm sure you will."

There goes my dream of having the place to myself. During her little speech, I noticed that her aura expanded a little--an overdrive of emotion, I bet--and brushed against mine. I felt that fire. She and dad have had this conversation before. It didn't end well for either of them. Dad was put in his place, and he reminded mom of hers. I swear I could hear the echos of that memory playing in her head. "Charlie? Hello?"

"Huh, what?" I said, snapping back. I just read my own mother's mind like I did with three hookers? Or was that more like the memory that Nadia forced me to see? Whatever it was, it left me weirded out. "Sorry, I'm a bit out of it today," I lied.

"I just asked you if you're staying for dinner."

"Oh... no. Nadia's coming to pick me up here in a little bit so we can finish her basement stairs, then we're going out somewhere." Mom's expression saddened a little.

"How much longer until they're finished?" I knew what mom was really asking, and why. It hurt to know I was the cause of her and dad fighting, as rare as it happened.

"We should be done tonight, if everything actually goes according to plan." Saying that out loud actually had me in a better mood. So did mom.

She looked over at the clock. "When exactly will she be here?"

I glanced at the clock myself. "In about ten minutes, give or take. Her class probably just now ended." Mom just made an affirmative noise and went into the living room. I had no intention of telling her the house is on North Lawn Street. I also neglected to mention that the reason why I was doing this was because Nadia wanted me to move in. I'll wait until I've made a decision to bring that up.

I joined her on the couch. I turned the TV on, but nothing's on that's good at four o'clock on a Monday. I wasn't really watching anyway. Seeing Tiffany today had my brain crunching at the idea of forming a balance with Nadia. I've seen both ends of that spectrum. It tore Nadia's family apart and killed her mother--excruciatingly slowly--when they made one, but not having one with whoever bit her is killing Tiffany just as slowly. And the scariest part is, either fate is an inevitability. But on the slim chance that my body and blood match what Nadia gives me, I have nothing to worry about. I'm literally placing my life on a maybe. I could go on without one, butdoing so will destroy what's left of Nadia's already weakened mental state. Seriously, how did I find myself in this situation? I still have yet to understand that.

Father Darien and Nadia have given me two opposite answers, but both seem to be the truth. Or is one just finishing the other's sentence? That monster could do what he pleases with whomever he chooses and he chose to fuck with my little life. Then he has the balls to bring Tiffany into it just to goad me further into his sick games. And now I've got an insane vampire breaking into Nadia's house who tells me that he can't touch my mind. He tried, however passively, to kill me. The old fashioned way. Not like how Harold or the other intruder did, but he makes me dinner in hopes of replenishing the blood Nadia drank? What's next? A rabies shot for the Easter Bunny?

Maybe I shouldn't tempt fate. Next thing I'll hear is some kid playing the role of the mall's Easter Bunny will get bit by a rabid dog or something. That seems to be the pattern here lately. I secretly hoped to keep all of this as far away from my friends and family, and look what happened. Maybe I should bring up making it all go away... Then again, maybe I shouldn't. Who the hell knows what will actually vanish. I'd rather not know.

I let out a sigh, aimlessly surfing the channels. Mom didn't seem to mind either. She looked about as lost as I did. I kept on flipping through the channels while I willed my aura to expand. It felt weird doing that to my mother, especially since she has no idea what I'm doing. I sort of felt like a peeping tom. As soon as my aura touched hers, a wave of energy flowed through me. Images of her memories passed unchecked through my minds eye. My heart rate spiked, my adrenaline surged. Emotions that I've never felt before flowed through me like electricity through water. Her aura became one with mine in a matter of seconds. I had overtaken it. With no effort, and no control, I overtook the aura of the woman who gave me life. The human from whom I was born.

I felt so... wrong. I didn't want this. Her heartbeat echoed in my ears, her emotions bounced off my heart and soul. My will demand that I continue, but every good thing about me said to let go. She looked at me. I could see me through her eyes. This kind of power is wrong, damn it! Let go, I cried to myself. My mind's voice screamed to release it. I forced my will into tearing apart from her. It sounded like a very loud tearing of every tendon and sinew in my body. When I fell back, it felt like every bone in my body was broken. My muscles were on fire, my blood turned to ice. My scars, however, remained untouched. All I knew of existence was pain.

"Oh my god!" I heard a woman's voice cry out. "What happened?"

I didn't even hear myself cry out. I didn't my head hit the floor. I didn't know I was crying. All I could do was scream and wince at my aura ripping at my body. I hurt so bad that I forgot my own name.

"Charlie, honey, say something!" the voice said again, a little closer this time. My vision was a blurry blueish black when I opened my eyes again. Little silvery specks danced in random patterns around the lights. "Charlie talk to me!" she said with more worry.

"Don't touch her!" came a second woman's voice, farther away. I fell a little bit before my head bounced. The two voices were talking about what had just happened. I recognized both of them. They were concerned. That's nice. "I said, don't touch her!" Why was the second woman angry? Why was the room blue?

"Charlene. Charlene, look at me," she commanded. A warm and fuzzy feeling drifted over me like heat from a fire. I started to regain my senses. I remembered where I was. How did I end up on the floor? My vision flashed back to normal, then the warm feeling went away. I looked into Nadia's eyes, and she looked into mine. Hers eyes were dilating, her body fought to keep her instincts at bay. We both knew it would be bad news if she started releasing those pheromones of hers. "What happened to you? Your mother said you just blacked out."

I looked over at her. She stood in the kitchen doorway with her arms around her middle in a self-hug. "I guess you could say that," I said, trying not to lie, but also trying to keep mom from learning anything more. My head was slowing down, and that hurt. It's like getting through a hangover. "I need to get out of here."

I heard my mother starting to sob. After getting a sneak peak at her mind, I knew she was frightened and frustrated. Welcome to the club, mom. "You need to lay down," she blurted out, not knowing what else to say. In an act of defiance, I stood up and grabbed Nadia's hand. Her mouth about hit the floor. "Charlie, please, lay down and take it easy. For Christ's sake, you just blacked out."

I rolled my eyes. "Stop it, mom. You have no idea what you're talking about. I'm fine." She didn't like that. I went on before she could say anything. "See, I've got enough strength to argue. I need to get out of here and get some air. It's not like I won't be back."

Mom stopped herself from whatever she was about to say and do. She looked about as confused and upset as I could have expected. The gears i her head spun, looking for the right words. "Alright. You're an adult now. You can make your own decisions." She went into the kitchen in an obvious alternative to seeing me leave. Which I did after grabbing my coat. I also made sure to lock the door behind me.

I took my frustration out on the few nails left to drive in. I managed to miss my fingers this time. Nadia didn't say anything the whole drive over here. I'm sure she could read me like an open book, my face and aura being the main chapters. My mom's aura disturbed even me when we left; I've seen that look before. The look of disapproval. That underlying doubt I felt when her mind flowed through me was written all over her face.

Nadia was busy getting the stuff to lay down the varnish. I hammered in the last nail and asked, "You want some tea?"

"Yes, thank you." Tossing the tool back into the box I strode over to the fridge. "Charlene, do you think you could calm down a little. Please?"

"I am calm!" I didn't mean to snap like that, but it just felt good to get it out. I looked over the fridge door to see my vampire giving me one of her trademark stares. "Stop looking at me like that." I pulled out the pitcher and glasses, her eyes followed me the whole time. "Nadia..." I spun around and she was gone. God damn it I hate it when she does that.

The overwhelming stench of the varnish hit me three seconds later. She was already spreading a layer on the first step, and was nearly finished. I watched her run the brush over the wood for about four heartbeats before heading down.

"Why did you tell your mom we're not going out?" she asked without looking at me.

"How did you...?" I huffed, knowing the answer. "Because we haven't made it official yet. It may sound like a trivial thing, but it's important to me." She nodded her head, mumbling that she knew. I set the glasses down on the step above her work area and hopped over her shoulder. Picking mine up to take a sip, I asked, "Why does it matter?"

My vampire paused and took a sip of her drink. It looked odd, watching a vampire behave like a human. "Because," she said quietly, "You're not just my Watcher Charlene." She looked back at me. I swear I saw a tear forming in her eye. "You're my..." her voice trailed off, struggling to find the correct word to finish that sentence.

"I'm your what? Human? Blood source? Sexual plaything?" I don't know why I was being so bitchy about it. I guess I wanted to see just how far she would take this.

To my surprise, she stayed remarkably calm, if not saddened. "Charlene, I promised I would never force you into a balance with me-"

"What's that got to do with anything?"

"Shut up and let me talk!" Her breath was hot on my face before I noticed she had moved. Her eyes had changed over to their animalistic black, her heart was pounding; I could hear it. Trying my best not to be startled, I gulped back my instinctive yelp. I nodded. "Vampires, unless we form balances and bonds with our Watchers, are not supposed to enter into a relationship with them. It's a cultural stigma that the coven masters drill into our heads upon our induction." She stopped to collect herself. She's mentioned something like that before, I don't know why she'd be having such a hard time dealing with it now. "Father Darien is trying to force one upon us. He's afraid of you Charlene."

That took me aback. "Me? Why the hell would he be afraid of me?"

"You're unique Charlene," she said, her pupils shrinking. "I've spoken to him about the research he's done on you and he can't figure it out either."

"Did he mention anything about your friend?" I asked snidely. She just shot me a look that told me to shut the fuck up. But as I studied her face, I noticed something amiss. "Where you going with all of this?" Nadia shook her head and tossed her hands up. She placed her hands on the wall next to me and leaned with her head between them. "What does any of this have do with me telling my mom we're not dating?"

"I care about you, Charlene." She said, almost depressed to say it out loud. "I care about you and I'm not supposed to." My heart sped up, then immediately slowed down. "I... I can't figure anything out whenever I'm around you. I can't stop thinking about you when you're gone." A tear trickled down her cheek. "It hurt to hear you say that."

I wasn't going to let her off that easy. "Why? Why do you care about me so much?"

Again, her lips fumbled around like the thoughts in her head. "Because. You're my girl."

My eyes widened. "You know, you almost sounded like a human just now."

"I used to be one," she said with a slight curl of her lips. "Vampires, at least the sane ones with a conscience, don't forget that fact. To forget our human beginnings is to forget yourself. I'm not perfect."

"Could have fooled me." Shit. Did I just say that out loud? Too late now. "So what are you trying to ask me?"

"Will you be my date tonight?" The vampire took my hand into hers and squeezed a little. "No balance required. I keep my promises, no matter what the master tries to do to me."

I think my stomach just turned over. I really didn't want to know. "Sure. I'll go out with you tonight." There, stupid misguided sense of moral code, I made it official. Nadia's smile lit up. She leaned over and kissed me, running a hand down my jawline. When we parted, I finished with, "After we get these freaking stairs finished."

"Fair enough." We got back to work, layering the protective varnish before moving on to paint the hand rail. It was more of a stain than a paint, but whatever. No need to split hairs if we don't have to. The shit dried fast too. The sun was still shining by the time we moved on to the carpet. I've never installed carpet before, so I just watched and cracked carpet munching jokes. Travis would have been proud.

Another hour passed before Nadia declared she was done. I was sitting in front of her TV trying to figure everything out. I'd been in the living room for about forty-five minutes, since she got tired of my jokes and booted my ass up stairs. "Coming," I said, switching everything off. I rounded the corner and looked at her effort. The next thing that came out of my mouth was, "Wow."

I didn't believe her for a minute when she told me this was her first attempt at this. The hand rails were beautiful. The carpeting was flush and tight in every little nook and cranny. The deep red matched well against the tan downstairs as well as the black and gray tiles of the kitchen.

Wiping her brow, Nadia asked, "How shall we celebrate? You choose."

Nothing like putting me on the spot. "Well, I know you could use a shower," I hinted, trying to sound as sultry as her. "Then we go some place that has nothing to do with vampires."

"Fair enough," Nadia shrugged. She headed off down the hall. "Care to join me?" she asked over her shoulder.

I grinned. "Hell yes."

My head fell back as Nadia ran her lips and tongue up my throat. Her fingers slid so lightly over my breasts, sending waves of goosebumps over my skin. I let out a moaning sigh, enjoying that tantalizing feeling wash over me. Her hands gripped my shoulders and spun me before holding me against the wall. The hot water cascaded over both of us, making her look that much hotter. Nadia's sharp teeth gently touched the side of my neck, her pheromones already having their way with me. Her grip loosened, but the hold she had on my aura tightened.

The muscles inside my pussy tightened and released with each passing moment. Nadia's vampiric claws extended and threatened to cut me as they traveled between my tits. I knew she wouldn't do that, but the danger of it made me that much wetter. Her breath mixed with the water, adding an underlying chill to the heat. My breathing came in stammered pants. I was so close to climax already, but she refused to push me over the edge. I pulled on her hair and kissed her as hard as I could. I held her like that until I felt a hand dip between my legs. I think one of those claws nicked my thigh. And I loved it. My mouth came away from hers to let the scream out.

Even I smelled the fresh blood. I let go of my vampire's hair and she slowly dropped down to her knees. I lifted my wounded left leg up to the edge of the tub. Immediately, her tongue hit the spot where her nail cut me open. WIth her hand rubbing on my pussy, she went got to work feeding on this new spot. And I thought what she did to my neck and shoulder was hot. I came the instant her mouth touched me, spraying it all over the top of her head and shower curtain. I think I lost my voice as I screamed. She didn't stop either. Her hand pressed harder, her teeth nibbled deeper. Not breaking the skin, but hard enough to keep the cum flowing out of me.

I grabbed the back of her head and pressed myself against her. Nadia put her thumb inside of me and continued masturbating me. I never thought that little bit of penetration could get me off like this. I'm sure she had my girl-juice running down her arm. I felt like I was going to pass out from this never-ending orgasm.

Trying to push her away I mumbled, "Nadia, please... stop... no more..." I was relieved when she listened. My eyes were barely open when she stood back up. I smiled when she licked the cum from her hand. If it wasn't for the pheromones, I would have been repulsed by the small blood stream dripping from her mouth. She wiped that away and put the finger into her mouth. "That was amazing," I breathed, trying not to think about my leg.

"Get cleaned up, Charlene," Nadia said, taking me into her. My legs were grateful for the additional support--they were no more than jello. I liked the way she ran her fingers through my hair. "We're going to be out of hot water before too long."

We've been in here that long? "What about yours?" I complained. "I've got to return the favor."

The raven-haired vampire pulled back and smiled. "You barely have the energy to stand up right now. You can 'return the favor' after dinner. Now, get cleaned up." She ran her hand over the top of her head. "Can you hand me the shampoo, please?"

I watched her wash her hair. Her eyes were closed, but I'm sure she could see me ogling. Her body is so beautiful. There isn't a single blemish or imperfection on her. Her hair flowed like a waterfall of ebony down her back. Her eyes, though fierce when she vamps out, were a gorgeous deep brown. Her breasts were just the right size, the perfect proportion to her height; big enough to attract attention in any outfit, and not come off as trampy or slutty. Despite my weakened state, I reached out and held them. I heard her make a cooing. "Stop it," she giggled, slapping my hands way.

I put my hands back "Why?"

"Because you still need to get cleaned." She rinsed the last of the soap from her hair and opened her eyes. She tried to cover up, but I wouldn't let her. I think I was tickling her at this point. "Stop it..." she laughed.

She stepped out of the tub. I made a little sad-puppy face, but she just turned around and picked up her towel. I got a great view of that cute ass of hers. She left the room after brushing her hair a couple times. I smiled, ducking back behind the curtain. "You gonna pick out my clothes again?" I hollered after her.

"Of course," I heard in my head. I jumped at the closeness of her voice. It was weird hearing it, it's been a while since she's last done that. "I like dressing you."

For a reason I couldn't explain, my blood ran cold. Adriel told me that he couldn't see into my head, but Nadia could. Hell, she could speak to me in my head--so could Father Darien--but the insane one couldn't. My mood soured as I tried to wrap my brain around that one. I tried reaching out to Nadia with my mind. She told me once that we're connected, all I had to do was find that connection. Easier said than done. It's like walking a labyrinth in the dark, using only someones voice to guide you along the twisting path.

"Nadia..." my mind called out to the emptiness. "Nadia? Are you there?"

I didn't get a reply. Damn. Maybe I did it wrong, I thought. Maybe we are connected, but it's like a oneway street. I soaped up and rinsed, feeling a little down that I couldn't do it. I didn't think it would be easy, but it would have been nice to say I could.

I turned off the water. I pulled back the curtain and nearly jumped out of my skin. Nadia, fully clothed, was standing in front of my looking like she was about to vamp out on me. "Shit. You scared the hell out of me."

"What's wrong?" she asked seriously.

I stepped around her. "Nothing. Why?" I wrapped myself in a towel.

"What upset you?" Her tone didn't falter. It was almost frightening to hear her sound so worried. Her steps were harsh when she approached me.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked, taking a step back. She looked over me with hurt in her eyes. "You about to vamp out on me?"

She shook her head. "I just want to know what made you feel so... down." I heard her sniffle.

So she did hear me. Again. "You mean I called out to you?" She nodded. "Wow, I actually did it." I couldn't keep the enthusiasm out of my voice. Nadia just stared at me. "What? I finally did it, and on purpose." Her expression slackened a little. I figured I'd try to get her to smile for me. "Now if I can figure out that eye thing."

"You don't know how to roll your eyes over?"

"I do, I mean like it's instinctual. Whenever the lights get dim, or when I feel my aura being messed with sometimes. I just haven't done it consciously yet." Nadia took two hesitant steps towards me.

"Why did you call out to me like that?" she asked after holding my hand for a second.

I shrugged. "To see if I could." My eyes softened at her distress. "Why did it bother you so much?"

The vampire's eyes swelled a little. "Because you were bothered," she said simply. I felt my face show the confusion in my head. "I saw your memories... all of them." I made one of those 'gotcha' faces. "If you're going to keep doing that, you need to learn how to control your thoughts."

"And you can teach me that?" She hugged me in answer. "Tell me about the eye thing."

"It's simply a trait of the condition." It was nice, her leaning on me like this. She sounded so vulnerable. "You're not a vampire, no, but something similar. Our eyes roll over like that, from pale blue to solid black. My eyes do that too, just much faster than yours. It's what allows you to see in those shades of blue."

"You see like that too?" I felt her head nod against my shoulder. "So my irises just roll over in my sockets then my pupils swell?" She nodded again. "And I can't feel it."

"You don't feel your pupils expand and contract in changing light do you? Same principle." That made sense. I rested my cheek against the top of her head and let out a breath. Her breathing slowed the longer I held her against me. "I'm sorry, Charlene, for earlier. You just scared me."

"It's okay." This is the strongest woman I know, so it's weird hearing her talk like this. Maybe Father Darien was right, my strength is her weakness and vice versa. Suddenly entering into a balance with her didn't sound too much like a bad idea. Especially if it meant that we'd get off this whole strength of power seesaw. "Can I get dressed now?

Nadia took my hand and let me out.

I will never tire of Nadia choosing my clothes. I don't know if she does it because she's trying to get me to move in with her, or if because she genuinely cares. Or does she just like doing it? At this point, I really don't care. All I know is that she's damn good at it. Yet another, completely different outfit, nothing too over the top.

We decided to go to Rudy's House, a mom-and-pop steakhouse--one of the few places not owned by Father Darien. It's quiet, the wait staff is nice, and the food is awesome. My parents took me here when I entered and, later on, when I graduated high school. They did the same thing for Sven. I don't get to this side of town very often, so I haven't been here since, but I've always liked the place.

"I think the stairs turned out nicely," Nadia said, breaking the comfortable silence between us. Jenny, the waitress I vaguely remember from last time, took our orders and left. I decided on a simple steak, while Nadia, trying to act the part of human, ordered a burger. I had to hold back my laugh when those words left her mouth.

"Yeah, I thought we did a pretty good job, if I do say so myself." Yeah, I was proud. I've never built anything like that before. Despite all of the sawdust and overpowering odors, I thought it was fun. Jenny returned with our sodas, prompting me to utter, "Burger..."

"What?" Nadia snapped. "I'm not allowed to like a good burger?" She smiled when she saw mine. Taking a sip of my drink, I shook my head and giggled. "I wasn't always a vampire, you know."

"They had burgers back in your home country back then?" It was weird saying that. She's never told me where she was from, or when. I just assumed it was around the turn of the century based on that memory she showed me.

"No, but they had beef. I was quite fond of it, as a matter of fact." She took a sip of her Coke. "It would be a shame to forget where I came from and what I liked before I became a vampire. It doesn't matter if it does nothing for me, I just like how it tastes."

I could feel her aura expanding. For a moment there I forgot how sensitive vampires are to that subject. I put my hand on top of hers and said, "Chill out, babe. I'm just giving you a hard time."


I smiled. "Because I'm your friend." I thought I just punched her right in the gut. Her face went crestfallen, her skin paled.

She jerked her hand away, rubbing it as though burned. "You are more than that to me," Nadia whispered, gabbing her cup. "When are you going to tell your parents about us?" The vampire asked after sipping her drink.

I shrugged. "As soon as I get us figured out myself." Took a bite of my steak, taking note of her confused look. "I know that this date makes 'us' official, but what are we exactly? A couple? Two friends that just happen to have sex every now and again? Just a Watcher and vampire... what?"

"I'd like to think we're a couple," Nadia answered sheepishly. "What would make you think otherwise?"

"I don't know, maybe because our relationship was founded on you attacking me," I said sarcastically. Nadia's face tensed immediately. "I know you were under duress from Father Darien, but that fact still remains. And now you need my blood to stay alive. In what way is that like a regular couple?"

"I didn't say 'regular couple', Charlene." Her voice hardened, the air around her thickened. Shit. I stopped eating. I dropped my fork and held my chest. She's vamping out. She's vamping out because I pushed her. Her head came up to reveal her blackened eyes. "Our relationship isn't based on blood." Her grip tightened. Fuck. I pissed her off. "It's based on trust. You trust me to not kill you when I feed. I trust you to be there when I need you." I swear I saw her rise from her seat.

A quick glance around showed me that I was the only one affected by Nadia expanding her aura. "Re-Really?" I managed to get out, and it used up what little oxygen I had to do it. My vision was darkening. I kept thinking over and over for Nadia to stop this. If she really cared about me, she should stop. I would have gotten on my knees if I wasn't about to pass out. "Like... how I trust... you to st-stop this?"

With that, she let go. Air came rushing back through my lungs. I sucked in as much humanly possible. Nadia's changed back to her usual self. It truly frightens me how quickly her emotions can change. She goes from sadistic killer to doting girlfriend, from hungry animal to scared five-year-old in under five seconds. But I guess that's what happens when you play with vampires: you get frightened. The odd thing is I feel more afraid of her than I do of anyone else, Father Darien included.

"Are you finished?" she asked without looking at me. She refused to meet my eye. Great, now she's shameful. I nodded to the affirmative. I need to get some air. "You want to take a walk with me?"

As if she has to ask. "Yeah."

The late September air was a little brisk this evening. Good thing Nadia picked out some heavier clothes than I would have. She walked at my shoulder, but refused to take either my hand or arm. I didn't realize we could stand so close, but seem so distant. She wasn't being a bitch--her aura told me that much--she was being wary. She didn't know what might happen if we touched after what happened at the restaurant.

We made a left turn to go down Turner Ave. It's not a bad stretch of road--better than the street she lives on--but has been known to house a few vagrants. The "nicer homeless", as my brother used to call them, liked to camp out here. Hell, I've seen a few digging through trash cans myself when I was younger. Not bad people, just people to whom bad things always happen.

"Nice night, eh?" I said, breaking the ice. If I looked close enough, I could see my breath floating in the air.

"Uh-huh," she answered, nodding her head. "I like it when it starts getting colder. Makes me feel less freakish."

I giggled. "Freakish? You?"

"Very funny," she said, slapping my arm.

I winced when Her hand gripped my arm and she halted. I was about to say something when I saw the serious, but painful expression, on her face. The vampire looked like a dog that's caught a new scent. Before I knew what was going on, Nadia pushed me behind her and took up a protective stance. I caught the tingling at my aura a second later.

Shit. This is not good. "Nadia?"

"Sh!" she answered. She followed that up with a softer, "I don't believe this."

"What?" She didn't answer. "Nadia, you're scaring me. What's going on?"

My answer came in the form of someone coming out from behind one of the dumpsters in the alley before us. My vision changed over, my sense of smell peeked. And I nearly vomited. Whoever, or whatever, was standing in front of us must have been sleeping in the sewer for the last ten years. Her hair was matted and her clothes haven't seen a washer in a long time. She wasn't much taller than me, maybe an inch or two.

"Nadia?" she said, surprising us both. "Is that really you?"

My vampire gulped. She looked both horrified and sympathetic. "Marianna?" Now it was my turn to gulp. "I thought you were dead."

"Am I not?" the former Watcher nearly cried. "I feel like I'm dead."

I took a closer look at her. Her neck and shoulder were completely covered by bite marks. Her eyes looked lost as if she was confused by the fact she was still alive. So was I. The more I looked at her, the more I could picture her when she was with Nadia. She was quite pretty, even beautiful. Was this the fate of me if I were to leave her? Is this what Tiffany was destined to become if I couldn't find a way to protect her?

A million questions played out on both of their faces. The tension in the air tightened. I expanded my aura to ward it off, which was easy enough since she was only human.

A small smile came to her lips. "Who's your new friend, Nadia? Is she a vampire?"

Nadia shook her head. "What happened to you?"

"I don't remember a lot since I left you," Marianna said, looked down. "I keep having flashbacks to when we were together. And like the vampires I bleed for, I did what had to do to stay alive. Don't ask me how."

"I... there's so many things I want to say..." I recognized that face. I'm sure I wore something similar the first time Tiffany and I spoke after our breakup. Nadia blinked a couple of times before saying, "I'm sorry, Marianna. This is my Watcher and girlfriend, Charlene."

Marianna's face blanched. Taking a couple of steps back, she mumbled. "Charlene Candice Coventry?"

I looked to Nadia. "Why is it that all of your old friends know all three of my names?"

"You're not safe, Charlie." Like I've felt safe the whole time Nadia have been together. I'd like an answer to my question. "He told me He found out what you are."

That peeked my attention. "Who? Who found out what I am?"

"Adriel... a-and..."

"And what!" I shouted, my blood boiling. Nadia stepped away from both of us.

"He didn't tell me."

"Fucking hell." I rubbed the bridge of my nose. "Why aren't I safe?"

"Because Father Darien has put a price on your head."

"WHAT!" I turned to Nadia, who was just as stunned.

"He said he was tired of chasing you around. He's tired of Nadia not 'taming' you, so he wants to either kill you or have you brought to him." I think my heart stopped. Now every vampire and low life who runs with them is going to be gunning for me. And, if I know that asshole as well as I think I do, he'll do anything to see that the bounty is claimed. Including bringing my family and Tiffany into this. "He said to stay away from your friend Tiffany as well."

"How do you know all this?" Nadia said, returning to her protective self. I fell against the wall, but it didn't keep me up.

"He sent me to tell you. Adriel..."

"Adriel was there?" My brain went numb. I forgot how to breathe. "Is he helping Father Darien with this?"

"I don't think so." There was a pause, then she decided it was time to leave. "I'd better go. The vampires are starting to prowl."

How ironic is it that she picked those words? And I thought my life was fucked up before.

I'd like to thank everyone for being patient and supportive of me in getting this chapter out. It's been a very difficult month for me. I won't say here what's been happening, but those who have written to me already know.

Episode 12 Preview:

Charlie doesn't leave Nadia's basement, and for good reason. The vampire won't let her. When Nadia leaves the house to talk to another one of her research contacts, an acquaintance of theirs makes an unwelcome appearance, but he comes in peace. And with news.

Next: Chapter 12

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