Aaron's Turn

By D One

Published on Mar 28, 2011



Aaron was quiet. The others laughing and jovial as they sat in the back of Claude's old ford pickup truck.

The sun baked their bare shoulders and chests. Even the three crammed into the driver's seat had stripped to endure the heat.

Aaron sat cross legged, his shorts riding up so high, his heat stretched ballsac hung out one leg along with his penis. None of the others kidded him about it.

It had been a weird summer with each of the group taking turns. Today would be Aaron's turn.

He had laughed, smiled and enjoyed it when the others took their turns. So he knew what he must do that day.

Sammy had been smoking, the joint passed around, Aaron inhaled deep and held it as long as he could. Everyone knew why of course.

It had started when the group hid from their lives in the old Marshall barn. It still smelled of cow crap and straw though it was empty now.

They sat around talking about the school year passed, about the future and smoking until they stripped to share the desires of their youth.

That first day was Max birthday and he was made to kneel, lick and suck until the group's sperm bath splattered him.

He seemed to want more and had to pay the price someone said. Bending over he took each hit with flinches, curses and screams. Then he was allowed to select his choice. They all suspected Max had long wanted the one he chose. But they played the game acting as if to force him.

Max lay across the old barrel; his arms held by two friends and suffered the brutal attack that made everyone emit more streams of their youthful juices across his back and the body of the selected one.

Today was Aaron's turn. There had been others before him. He had been chosen one time to butt fuck Bobby.

He had been thinking about which one he'd choose, about how he could tolerate what he must to get that choice. So he was quiet.

"It'll be ok if you choose me" Sammy laughed waving his visible long hard dick. They had compared lengths years before when their new puberty had stimulated the need to do so. Sammy indeed had the longest one.

Garyhad a nice one too, fat and long. Max had a shorter one, thinner too, uncut which was a curiosity to the rest of the circumcised friends.

Then there was the first choice he had to make and Aaron wasn't sure. Belt, paddle, riding crop, whip, or their choice. Nobody had ever chosen the whip but Clark always brought it and cracked it a few times threatening to use it regardless of what was said.

He drove the truck now, wildly as usual, whooping and laughing. It would be a hot sweaty afternoon of jokes, pot and sex.

The boys couldn't find work, there was none. Nobody wanted to take summer school classes. There were few of their peers anywhere around. They shared the summer boredom, the effects of a humid summer and the need to explode as often as their minds and bodies demanded.

The truck jerked to a stop. Clark backed it behind the old barn so no passersby on the dirt road would see it, least of all the sheriff deputy who occasionally drove the back roads. Nobody knew why a few suspected he was hiding.

Aaron knew why having met the man while walking the dirt road. He knelt as the deputy suggested and then lectured the boy on being alone on the road. He waved his adult dick to show Aaron the threat that might exist.

Then he demanded the boy suck it and Aaron obeyed finding himself laying across the deputy's car hood and squirming as he was invaded and screwed till his own cock splattered the car's side.

He cleaned his spunk off the man's car and remembered the day and time he was to reappear.

Aaron was determined not to obey the man. But his appearance at the house to talk to Aaron's father was an obvious threat. So the next day he walked the dirt road waiting. The second experience was better then the first. Aaron loved the feeling and repeated the experience weekly all summer.

But this day was different. None of his friends knew about the Sheriff Deputy and him. They laughed about rumors being found by the guy. Aaron wondered if any of his friends had indeed lay across the same car as he had.

"Come on A" Clark waited till Aaron jumped from the back of the truck and walked with the others to the barn.

The usual joking, hard cocks and masturbation occurred too quickly for Aaron. He had to utter the choice.

"Belts" and drop his shorts as each of his friends took turns with the wide leather belt Clark had around his pants.

Each swat hurt like hell. The goal was to prove you were man enough to suffer the pain. None did without cursing or some reaction.

Aaron was no different. His yelp on the first swat told everyone this was going to be a noisy afternoon.

And indeed they seemed to hit harder just to hear his reaction. Aaron cursed, yelled, cursed and took each swat until the welts across his buttocks, thighs and back memorialized the afternoon.

"Sammy" he said moving to the barrel. Lying across it, the wood and metal pressed into his bare stomach and chest. His arms were tied to the old rope left there for that reason. Long ago they had changed from holding the victim's hands to tying them..So their hands were free to milk themselves.

He heard Sammy spitting in his hand to lubricate his long cock. "Go slow" Aaron said not to escape the pain of intrusion but to feel it more. The Sheriff Deputy's cock, shorter then Sammy's had stretched and rubbed his insides. He felt it for days after each time and thought about it when jacking his erection during the nights. It was more exciting then the images his mind recalled.

"Shit" Aaron hissed feeling the cock press inside and reopens his sphincter. In two days he would report back to the same dirt road, hiding the bike he rode and wait for the man to appear.

"Nice" Sammy said pushing his cock inside his friend. Aaron wanted to say the same thing but everyone was supposed not to like it, to act like they reluctantly agreed to be humiliated by servicing their selected friend.

"He's tight as hell" Sammy grunted as he moved his hips sliding his long penis in and out of the ass he had thought about when satisfying himself. Nobody knew that of course and today he was fulfilling that fantasy.

"Faster Sam, make him suffer" someone said, probably Clark. Aaron knew that meant he had to put on a show and began to squirm.

It made his friends think he was suffering and the moving about did make him feel the cock more. Aaron cursed a bit just for show. He'd prefer to lay there being fucked by as much cock as he could take..maybe all his friends taking turns..He wondered if he had asked for everyone if they would have done it.

They would know he was gay and called him fag or worse...but they would have taken turns fucking him until he couldn't take it. At least Clark would have, Aaron thought.

"Shit" Sammy said it a few times jamming his cock. Aaron knew it was over; the boy's cock had shot its load inside his guts. He'd have to act like he was humiliated.

"Christ I should have asked for Tony" Aaron said. Everyone knew Tony had the smallest cock in the group.

He wiped the cum that had shot across Sammy's torso then his own with the towel that someone had brought.

Nobody bothered to dress, they never did after these sessions. They lay around the truck absorbing the sun for an hour before dressing for the return ride home.

"You ok?" Sammy asked quietly.

"Yea" Aaron said "thanks, you did ok" he said and winked at his friend.

"You did good" Sammy nodded "my turn next week" he said.

"Yes it is snake dick, I'll bring the whip just in case you're man enough" Clark interrupted "Looks like you had fun" he flipped one of Aaron's erect nipples.

"Fuck off" Aaron said as he moved away. "You guys go on, I'm gonna walk it out"

He heard the pickup truck spin its wheels throwing dirt and stones everywhere as he headed to the road.

"You ok?" Sammy ran up to him.

"Yea yea, it's ok, you gonna walk too?" Aaron turned.

Sammy smiled "Frankly I want to fuck you again" he said grabbing his crotch.

"Didn't you have enough fun?" Aaron said feeling his cock expand.

"No and I don't think you did either" Sammy's fingers moved to Aaron's nipples and squeezed them.

"Shit keep doing that and you can have my ass anytime" Aaron closed his eyes and heard the words admit more then he had ever wanted to.

"Good, it's going to be an even better summer now" They turned and moved back to the barn.

There was no punishment now, no rope needed and no circle of friends jacking off on them, though Aaron missed that part.

He swooned as Sammy found new ways to sink into the depth of Aaron's body and pleasure points.

Aaron was the last. Sammy never showed up the next week either. They were busy as they had been everyday since the week before.

The Sheriff Deputy cursed not finding his prey on the road as planned. He thought about driving to Aaron's house once again, until he saw the pickup truck parked.

"Hey what are you doing here?" he yelled entering the barn where Clark and Max were smoking.

After numerous threats the two boys were naked doing whatever they could to keep the man from arresting them.

Clark screamed as the whip flicked across his buttocks prepping it for the Deputy's first intrusion. Max sucked and felt the Deputy's badge pressed into his back as he took his turn getting fucked. They were told where to be and what time the next week before the Deputy drove away smiling.

Aaron's turn proved to begin the happiest part of that summer...for him and everyone.

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