Aarons Problem

By L Stone

Published on Oct 12, 2021


Thank you for reading my stories. Questions and comments are always welcome at lbr81050@gmail.com. This story is fiction regarding intimate relations regarding celebrities. Other than public identity, all other locations and parties are fictional, any similarities are coincidental. Thanks for reader comments to continue hot ideas.

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Aaron's Problem Chapter 7

Sam struggled through his hair clients. He smiled and put on the happy facade, but he was truly broken up inside. It was crazy to think how much another person could come to mean to you in the span of less than a week. Sam had to keep himself busy and distracted so he did not dwell on it too much.

Wisely Sam chose to reschedule during his lunch break time and he was able to stay busy the whole day. As he was working on each client's hair, Sam would reminisce about his and Aaron's time together. Several times, he stopped, took a deep breath and then finished what he was doing for the client in the chair. This was tough on him.

Sam sighed as his last client was finally done. He took a few moments to do his end of day clean up. Thankfully he cleaned as he went, so it did not take him long. He was rather dreading going back to his place. He had not eaten, but food was not what he was craving to satisfy his hunger this time. Nodding to himself he closed down his room, shutting the suite door behind him. Sam headed out to his car.

Sam sighed as the sweltering heat hit him, usual for this time of the year. His only thought was that he hoped it would not rain. The humidity after a rain could make the heat unbearable, even with air conditioning. Sam was looking down as he walked out to his car. He popped the trunk to put in his stuff from work. As he walked to the driver's side door, Sam finally looked up. Sam gasped.

Sitting on the curb next to his car was luggage, in front of the luggage was the owner - Aaron. Aaron had been sitting, waiting on Sam to get done for the day. The trunk lift and then close, made Aaron stand up and watch Sam walk around. When Sam had looked up and gasped it was because Aaron looked like he had the similar emotions warring across their faces.

Sam and Aaron met in a full on hug, bodies tightly bound to each other. Each man was trying to hold back emotions, but neither was very successful, Aaron sobbed. Faces met and Aaron's mouth sealed onto Sam's, their passion was expressed through the battle of tongues that passed between each one's mouth. They stayed together, locked for several minutes.

Sam broke the kiss, "Wait. How? Why? What?" he cried out as he still held Aaron tight.

"I missed my flight." Aaron said sheepishly.

"Well, I can see that or better I can feel that." Sam replied as he hugged the tall athlete closer to him.

"Can we get in? I will tell you what happened." Aaron said quietly.

"Oh! Yes we can get in." Sam said as they seperated from the hug.

Aaron turned to grab his luggage. Sam helped and then popped the trunk again. Soon the luggage was loaded and the pair sat in the car. Sam noticed during that process that Aaron was soaking in sweat. Sam turned on the car and blasted the AC. Then taking Aaron's hand, he turned and looked into the athlete's face.

"So you missed your flight? Did we not leave enough time? Was there a problem?" Sam inquired as the car started to cool.

"Yes I missed the flight, but we left the hotel in plenty of time. I drove to the airport and returned the rental car. As I was walking towards the airport entrance I just stopped. I could not bring myself to go in. People were walking around me as if I was just an island on the sidewalk." Aaron said softly, just loud enough to be heard over the car's AC. Aaron looked down at their hands clasped together.

"I had a problem. One that I could not resolve if I got on a plane and flew away." Aaron said in a quiet voice, as he looked up into Sam's eyes. "I think that my heart may have broken if I set foot inside that airport. I believe that I have found something too special to lose. Something that I have to explore more and know what it means for me. And for you."

The last part of Aaron's speech was so quiet that if Sam did not have a grip on Aaron's hand and was staring at Aaron's face he might have missed it. Tears were now streaming down both Aaron's face. They locked eyes again and as if they were magnets their lips were drawn together. Tongues were dueling and arms were hugging as they clung to each other.

As they kissed and hugged some more. Sam was getting turned on by the strong masculine scent coming from Aaron. His cock was starting to fill out the crotch to his pants. Then he stopped and realized that Aaron was only so sweaty because he had been waiting for Sam for some time. "How long have you been out here? You are drenched in sweat." Sam asked as their lips broke apart.

"About an hour and a half after we left the hotel. I was standing at the airport not moving when I made a decision. I called my agent and let him know that I had been delayed and would let him know what my plans were later. I did not give him a timeframe. Then I called a rideshare and came here. I had the address from earlier. I know that you said you would be busy today. So I waited." Aaron confessed.

"You could have come inside. You have not eaten or drank anything?" Sam said.

"Would you have been able to work after I came in? It would be in your place of business and in front of your customers. Also, what if you had rejected me. I am not sure I could have handled that in public." Aaron answered again quietly. Then he continued, "No, I have not had food or drink. I did not want to leave and miss you if you left early."

"Come here. You are right, It would have been difficult if you came inside. I would not have rejected you, I hope that you know that." Sam said with some authority, then continued, "Now we have a plan. You need food and drink. Then we are going to talk."

Aaron nodded without saying anything, a tear dripped down his cheek. Sam used his hand to rub the tear aside. Then he picked up his phone and quickly dialed a number. Shortly Sam was giving a food order to his friend's local restaurant. After having been with Aaron for this week, Sam had some ideas of what would be good for them both. Then Sam headed to his townhouse, holding hands with Aaron as he drove.

They arrived at the townhouse, which had a garage. Sam lifted the garage door with the remote, driving in and then hit the button again as he turned off the car. Sam turned and found that Aaron was still looking at Sam's face. Aaron's face had the grime of sweat and tear streaks down on it. Sam leaned over and they began to kiss again. This kiss had heat, passion, and hunger that the two men were sharing at this moment. Being now closed away from any prying eyes, Aaron was letting his full emotions out as his protective walls were coming down. Finally Aaron's sobs broke the kiss, Sam rubbed a hand along Aaron's cheekbone and down to his chin.

"We are at my home. I am so glad that you are here. " Sam said as he looked into Aaron's eyes, then continued. "There is one main rule, everyone who is staying at my house is naked when they enter. Is that something you can live with?"

"Yes, at least with you." Aaron said with a pause and a gulp.

Sam nodded and started to get out of the car. Aaron followed suit. Aaron did not really have a problem with being naked. In his sports career from middle school up he had been around guys naked for changing and showering all the time. He knew that he was in good physical condition and that his body looked good, but the thought of being naked all the time had him a little off balance. Aaron thought to himself, 'will I always be hard?' Sam started talking as if he had read Aaron's mind.

"The rule for me is partly practical. I do not want dirt and hair from work coming into my home. Also it allows us to do away with pretense, clothes tend to hide us from each other. Plus if I get horny, I can stroke a cock whenever I want. " Sam advised.

Sam stood at the door that led into the house. He began to pull his shirt over his head. As he was doing that he was kicking off his shoes. Right next to the door was a set of hampers for clothes and cubbies under a bench for shoes. Sam had put his shoes in a cubby before he looked up at Aaron still standing there. Sam nodded, when he had made eye contact with Aaron.

That broke the spell that Aaron was under. He then started to remove his sweat soaked shirt and then sat down to take off his shoes. Sam was standing next to the bench when Aaron sat down and his nose was assaulted with the masculine sweat smell that was rolling off Aaron's body. Sam growled lowly, under his breath. Sam reached down and undid his pants to remove them. His own cock was already hard from their kiss in the car, being this close to the hot athlete was turning Sam on even more. Sam's pants dropped to reveal his cloth bound cock that was leaking in his short boxer briefs. Aaron looked up and was about eye level with Sam's cock, Aaron licked his lips.

"Not until after we eat food." Sam said as he noticed Aaron's attention.

Aaron grinned and then his stomach rumbled as if on cue. He then looked sheepish again. Aaron then stood up and undid his pants, lowering them. Sam had removed his boxer briefs and had gone back to the trunk to retrieve their items. Aaron hurried and skinned out of his boxer briefs and socks. Then he tossed all of his clothes into the hamper. Aaron met Sam to retrieve his luggage which Sam removed from the trunk.

Sam then led the way into the townhouse. They passed through a utility room with a washer and dryer. Next was the kitchen that opened into a living space. It was all clean and nicely appointed. Sam went directly up the stairs to the second story. Aaron noticed a door under the stairs that was closed and had a keyed knob, but he followed Sam up. The upstairs had two bedrooms, each with an ensuite bathroom. The master was larger with a sitting area next to a sliding glass door that opened to a balcony.

"We can sort out where your stuff will go later. Now we need to head down and be ready for the food delivery." Sam said as they went back down stairs.

Aaron followed Sam back downstairs and into the kitchen. Sam opened a room temp sports drink and pressed it into Aaron's hand. Aaron smiled and tipped it back, emptying it before he set the container down. Sam had another one waiting for Aaron.

"Sip this one. I do not want you to clean up the throw-up." Sam said.

"Yes, Sir." Aaron said, half joking but not sure if he meant it as a joke or not. Aaron missed a look on Sam's face as he said it as well.

Sam was about to say something else when the doorbell rang. Leaving Aaron in the kitchen, Sam went to the door, glancing through the hole and confirming it was the food delivery, Sam just opened the door.

"Hello Sir. I have your order." The delivery driver greeted and then bowed, kissing Sam's feet. Then he asked, "Take it to the kitchen, Sir?"

"Yes, on the counter would be fine." Sam said as he closed the door.

The delivery man rose and walked around and into the kitchen. He saw another nude man there, which was normal for Sam's house. He had been delivering for Sam for years and nudity was not a problem for him. He was checking out the nice physique of the nude guy before he looked up at the nude guy's face. The delivery driver stopped and his jaw dropped a bit.

"Luke, I would like you to meet Aaron. Aaron, this is a good friend and a great delivery driver, Luke." Sam said as he put his arm around Luke's shoulder.

"Nice to meet you man. Great body!" Luke said as he offered a hand to shake Aaron's.

"Thanks Luke. Nice to meet you as well." Aaron replied, not completely comfortable, but playing along and shook Luke's hand.

"I will text later if we need more food." Sam said with a chuckle and then patted Luke on the ass.

"Yes, Sir. Thank you." Luke said as he turned and headed towards the front door.

Sam followed Luke to the door and showed him out. Aaron missed that before Luke left he dropped to his knees and kissed both of Sam's feet again. Luke rose quickly and exited. Sam closed the door and returned to the kitchen. Aaron was starting to take containers from the bags and spread them on the counter. Sam went around and pulled out plates and silverware. Then Sam helped open the containers. There was quite a selection of food, mostly proteins and starches. It was all fusion cuisine, mostly Asian.

Sam handed a plate to Aaron and he started to load one up for himself. The pair took their plates to the table. Sam had grabbed some water bottles before they sat down to eat. They were sitting and eating now, little sounds other than eating and drinking were made. Sam carefully watched the professional athlete devour a large plate of food. Aaron had finished the second bottle of sports drink and one full bottle of water while he ate. Sam smiled as he saw some color come back to Aaron's skin and the athlete was less flushed looking.

"I am glad that you are here. We are still new to each other and will be learning a great deal about each other as we go. I already described how my house has rules. I am a stickler for my rules being followed." Sam started.

"I can follow rules. I have been doing that since I started sports." Aaron chuckled and a ripple of movement went through his chest and abs as he did.

"That is a good thing. Many people do not realize how following rules is so important. Lack of discipline causes more problems than opportunities." Sam continued.

"I agree. I have seen guys cause more drama and get into trouble just because they could not follow the simple rules in place. Guys have thrown away whole careers by doing that." Aaron replied.

"It can be the same way with relationships. Things can occur to help push through boundaries that we thought we had, but fail-safe is staying to the rules in place. One always has the choice to abide by the rules, but by breaking or ignoring them can forfeit all that the relationship has been building up to." Sam explained.

"I can follow that thought." Aaron agreed.

"Good. The second house rule is honesty. This is kind of tied to the nudity rule as well. It is hard to be dishonest when one is nude. Too much of our society is based on dishonesty. I would rather know a person for all of their faults and to know one that is just giving me a disguise of who they are. The phrase "I am fine." is one of my most despised sentences. If I ask how someone is, I want a real answer." Sam further explained. "This is mainly so we know what our true limits are and how we can effectively interact with one another."

"That is a good rule. It will be a challenge I think for me. So much of my life I have maintained a public vs. private persona. I think most pro athletes have this difficulty. I will have to work on staying in the private persona." Aaron confessed.

"See, you answered with honesty even though you know that can be difficult for you. I am pleased." Sam praised the athlete. "The last rule I have is that one needs to follow my direct orders."

Sam paused here to let that last rule sink in and for Aaron to grasp it more fully.

Aaron was taking his time in reviewing what Sam had said regarding following rules, honesty and now following orders. This was sending up flags in his brain that Sam was more dominant than Aaron had realized. Not that Aaron had a specific problem with that. Most pro athletes were conditioned to follow a dominant figure... i.e. a coach, a manager, or a team captain. This is all normal in sports.

As it related to his private persona, Aaron had never really considered it though. Now he was reflecting on how this conditioning may be carrying over. He was replaying his and Sam's almost week together and how excited he got when Sam took the lead. Aaron glanced down and his cock was starting to plump up. Aaron looked up to Sam's gaze, Aaron blushed a bit. Aaron's brain clicked with what Sam had been explaining.

"I guess that 'Sir' is how you like to be addressed." Aaron said as he looked at Sam's face.

"That is correct." Sam said quietly.

Aaron nodded in response to both Sam and his own understanding.

"Thank you, Sir." Aaron said now and a shiver of pleasure ran up his spine.

"Now it is important that you are fed enough. Do you need to eat more?" Sam inquired.

"No, Sir. I have had enough food for now." Aaron said.

"Good. You will help put away the leftovers." Sam said as he stood up, "Bring in the plates."

"Yes, Sir." Aaron replied as he also stood up and then followed Sam into the kitchen.

Sam started to pull out containers for the food. Aaron rinsed the plates and then decided to put them into the dishwasher. Sam grinned. Then Aaron started to put food into the containers that Sam had pulled. Sam would hand Aaron a container and then Aaron would fill it. Soon all the food was stored and Sam directed Aaron to hand him specific containers to fit in the refrigerator. Most of the interaction was with gestures and nods. Being right next to and sometimes, rubbing against Sam was making Aaron's cock stay hard and start to slowly drip some pre-cum. Sam was breathing in some of Aaron's pheromones from the sweat dried on his body. Sam's cock started to plump up as well. When the food was all put up and the trash put away, Sam reached down and put his fist around Aaron's cock, holding it firm. Looking into Aaron's eyes Sam grinned.

"You ready to take care of this." Sam asked.

"Yes, Sir." Aaron replied as he sighed from Sam's grip on his cock.

"Follow me." Sam said as he pulled Aaron by the cock.

"Yes, Sir." Aaron breathed his response.

Sam led Aaron up the stairs into the bedroom, cock in hand. Aaron's taller body almost looming over Sam's, but there was not a question of who was in charge. Sam positioned Aaron to climb on the bed. Aaron got up on his hands and knees on the bed and was stopped as he tried to lay down by a sharp rap on his ass cheek. It was a quick swat and left a stinging feeling. Sam walked behind Aaron's backside and pushed between Aaron's legs, moving them slightly wider.

Sam ran the flat of his hand from Aaron's neck down his spine. When Sam's hand reached Aaron's tailbone, he lifted it up and then swatted Aaron's bent ass cheeks. Aaron moaned and the volume increased as Sam's hand then continued down to fondle Aaron's balls and pull back Aaron's cock shaft. Sam's other hand settled down on the small of Aaron's back, with the thumb at the top of Aaron's ass crack to keep Aaron in place. Aaron began to wiggle as Sam began to slide his hand up and down on Aaron's cock shaft. Sam kept Aaron still with his upper hand as Aaron moaned while Sam's other hand was jacking Aaron's cock.

Sam pulled his jacking hand down and then collected some of the leaking pre-cum onto his fingers. Reaching forward, Sam pushed the sticky fingers into Aaron's mouth. Aaron moaned as he sucked his own pre-cum from Sam's fingers. Sam returned the hand to Aaron's cock and stoked it some more. Sam moved his hand on Aaron's ass down into Aaron's crack. Aaron moaned louder as Sam's thumb started to tap on his pucker. Aaron tried to arch his back, but Sam's grip on Aaron's cock stilled the movement. Aaron let out a frustrated grunt.

Sam pulled his hand off Aaron's ass and pushed his thumb up towards Aaron's mouth. Aaron opened his lips and sucked in Sam's thumb, making it wet and slippery. Sam pushed the thumb in and out of Aaron's sucking mouth a few times. Sam kept up the slow jacking of Aaron's cock while Aaron was sucking Sam's thumb. Sam popped his thumb from Aaron's mouth and returned the hand to Aaron's ass crack. Now Sam used the wet thumb to trace around the athlete's pucker lips. Aaron moaned again.

Aaron let out a long sigh as Sam pushed the wet thumb into Aaron's pucker. Sam pushed until his full thumb was inserted. Aaron grunted as Sam used the inserted thumb to make a widening circle. Sam used his jacking hand to collect more of Aaron's pre-cum which had been steadily leaking out. Sam then put the sticky fingers to Aaron's lips which Aaron sucked in and began cleaning them. Aaron started to coo now as Sam was pulsing his thumb on Aaron's pucker entrance as it went in stretching circles. Sam returned his grip back to Aaron's cock, but just held it there.

Sam began sliding his thumb in and out of Aaron's hole. Sam bent closer and would blow into the slight gap as his thumb would leave when it was pulled out. Aaron was moaning and shaking as the puffs of air were making his insides quiver. The next time his thumb was pulled out, Sam spit into the gap instead of blowing air. Aaron mumbled something but was still moaning. Sam repeated this with two puffs of air to one spit into Aaron's hole. It continued for several minutes and Aaron's hole was getting looser and wetter.

Aaron's cock had not lost any of its hardness, if possible Aaron was more hard than before. Aaron's cock head was angry looking and flared out. The pre-cum was a steady ooze from his piss slit, sometimes giving a bit more when Sam's thumb was thrust in. Sam kept a firm grip on the aching cock, using it as an anchor point for Aaron.

Instead of his thumb, Sam inserted two fingers in Aaron's prepped pucker. Aaron jolted and gave a groan as the fingers pushed deeper into his hole. Aaron gave a cry out when the pair of fingers pressed over his prostate gland. A shiver ran up both of his legs as Aaron was moaning passionately. The shiver then began to run up Aaron's arms as well when Sam's fingers were making hard circles on the sensitive gland. Sam's firm grip and the inserted fingers were the only things keeping Aaron from collapsing onto the bed. Sam continued to steady pressure and rubbing. Aaron was starting to gurgle from his building pleasure.

Sam felt Aaron's gland turn hard as stone. Aaron's cock was pulsing harder in Sam's hand in time with Aaron's racing heart beat. Sam watched as Aaron's toes started to curl and Aaron's balls started to pull up. Just when it was getting to an imminent explosion, Sam removed his fingers from Aaron's ass causing Aaron to gasp and whine. Aaron's breathing was still in shallow gasps while Sam maintained the vice-like grip on Aaron's cock that was keeping Aaron in place.

Sam watched as Aaron slowly relaxed down from the edge of his climax. The color of Aaron's face and his breathing had calmed down, but Aaron was still whining at his need for release. Sam waited until Aaron's balls relaxed back down before he placed his fingers at Aaron's pucker lips. Aaron sucked in his breath in anticipation, but Sam just kept them right where they were. Sam leaned closer to Aaron's ear, gently scruffing it as he got near it. Aaron shivered from the new sensation.

"Do you need something?" Sam hoarsely whispered in Aaron's ear.

"Yes, I need to cum. My balls are aching, my cock wants to explode. Please, I need to release." Aaron gasped out in time to his breaths.

"What do you need to do to get that release you desire?" Sam again whispered.

"Please Sam. I need it. OH God I need it bad." Aaron panted.

"You need to learn that your climaxes will be a privilege that I control now." Sam said quietly, but firmly.

"Please Sam. I will do anything. Anything at all. Please let me cum. I need it so bad." Aaron answered, still labored with his breathing.

"I will ask you again later then." Sam said as he straightened back up.

Aaron groaned in a strangled manner as Sam pushed the two fingers back in Aaron's hole. Aaron gave another moan as the fingers stopped just short of pressing on his gland. Aaron tried to move back, but Sam's grip on his cock kept Aaron in place. Aaron was now sweating as his sexual energy level was building again, but he was not getting the relief of a release. Sam's fingers worked Aaron's tight hole open wider and wider with each thrust in and out.

Even without brushing Aaron's gland or stroking his cock, he could feel his climax building again. Aaron was whining and panting in a rapid manner. Sam's fingers kept a steady rhythm as Sam watched Aaron's body's responses to the playing. Aaron's toes started to tighten and his balls pull up closer. Aaron gasped loudly when Sam ripped his fingers out of Aaron's pucker, leaving it empty. Sam held Aaron in his control as Aaron was forced to come back from the edge of his climax without release.

As Aaron relaxed somewhat, Sam again placed his fingers at Aaron's pucker entrance. This time there were three fingers together, but Aaron was not aware of this quite yet. Sam leaned back over Aaron's sweaty back, taking in a deep breath of the athlete's strong masculine smell. Sam licked his lips as he neared Aaron's ear again. This time Sam nibbled on the earlobe for a few moments.

"Is there something that you need, sweaty boy? Is there something that you require? Just tell me." Sam whispered again.


"Oh you do. The sweaty man-boy needs to cum. Is that all? You just need to ask." Sam said quietly


"Too bad you did not ask correctly." Sam said as he straightened up again.

This time Aaron oofed as Sam's three fingers rammed into his slicked hole. Aaron was howling as they moved like a piston in and out of his ass, but not deep enough to stimulate his gland. Aaron's body was shivering and quaking in pent up frustration, but Sam kept his firm grip. Aaron could not keep his mouth closed and was drooling all over the bed. Aaron's legs and arms were tightening up as he was again getting closer to a climax. Try as Aaron could, he could not move to force more pressure to stimulate his climax.

Aaron gave another strangled cry as the fingers were once again ripped from his ass. As Sam straightened up, he choose to lick up Aaron's tensed spine as he neared Aaron's head. Sam then tongued Aaron's ear canal and nibbled again on the earlobe before he pulled back.

"Do you need something man-boy? Is there something that you desire?" Sam whispered even more quietly.

Aaron took a few breaths in and huffs out before he could compose himself to answer. Tears were streaming down his face. Aaron's face was shuddering to catch his breath. Sam waited.

"Sir. Sir, I need to cum. Will you please let me cum, Sir." Aaron said as he could through his heavy breathing.

"That is how you needed to ask. Good man-boy. Yes, you will be able to cum." Sam answered.

Sam straightened back up. This time Sam placed his cock right at Aaron's pucker. Aaron gasped and moaned as he felt the hot member at his entrance. Sam removed his firm grip form Aaron's cock and gripped Aaron's hips. In one swift motion, Sam's cock invaded Aaron's chute going balls deep. Aaron yelled, almost squealed as Sam's cock filled his completely. Sam proceeded to hammer thrust in and out of Aaron's ass, making sure to pound Aaron's gland each time.

Aaron was so close to climax from the edging and now with Sam's forceful pummeling he could feel it rise. Going so fast it felt like lightening struck and his cock was now spraying out jet after jet of cum. Aaron was yelling and screaming a series of nonsense words as his body was quivering and shaking. Still his balls were pumping more and more cum through his angry cock.

Sam was close anyway from how turned on he was from the teasing and edging of Aaron. When Aaron began climaxing Sam focused on his own building one. Somewhere after about Aaron's ninth or tenth jet of cum, Sam yelled. Sam's cock was now pumping boiling hot cum deep in Aaron's ass. Aaron grunted at the additional wet heat now in his ass. Finally Sam gave a massive thrust and pushed the two of them on the cum and drool soaked bed. Sam was still deep in Aaron's ass, as they were body to body.

"Thank you, Sir" came very softly from Aaron's mouth before he collapsed.

That response resulted in a very dark smile on Sam's face as he looked at the athlete under him with his cock still buried deep.

"Good boy." Sam replied quietly as he too dozed off.

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