Aarons Problem

By L Stone

Published on Apr 28, 2021


Thank you for reading my stories. Questions and comments are always welcome at lbr81050@gmail.com. This story is fiction regarding intimate relations regarding celebrities. Other than public identity, all other locations and parties are fictional, any similarities are coincidental. Thanks for reader comments to continue hot ideas.

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Aaron's Problem Chapter 6

"Ohhh Fuuuccckkk!" Aaron moans as his head is thrashing side to side on the bed.

Sam pulls his mouth off Aaron's fully rigid member, "You like this?"

Aaron moans as Sam uses Aaron's cock to slap both sides of Sam's face before opening his lips and swallowing Aaron's cock again. This was the fourth time since they awoke that Sam had used his mouth to bring Aaron right to the edge and then backed off. Sam had alternated with light and hard suction, deep throat and just the head, and using full tongue to no tongue at all. These tricks were making Aaron's balls swell and get sore from no release.

Sam was sensing that Aaron was too close to resume full coverage on his cock. Sam pulled his lips off and used his tongue to lick from the pulsing cock head down the shaft and balls. Sam reached under Aaron's legs and lifted them up, giving Sam access to Aaron's hole. Sam dove his tongue down Aaron's taint before making a slow swipe up and down Aaron's crack.

Aaron tried to be sneaky and move a fist down to his raging cock, but Sam caught the movement and batted Aaron's hand away. Sam now focused his tongue on Aaron's pucker, which was much more relaxed than it was a week ago. As Sam's tongue started to swirl around and flick the entrance, Aaron was again moaning. This time Aaron's hand reached down and pushed Sam's face in closer to his hole. Sam hummed as he hardened his tongue and began to push it in and out of Aaron's pucker. Aaron's moaning increased and his hips wiggled in response. Sam shook his head loose of Aaron's grip and Sam used his hands to push Aaron's legs up closer to Aaron's chest, opening up Aaron's pucker wider before diving back in.

Aaron moved his hands to hold the backs of his knees, freeing Sam's hands again. Sam was letting his fingers roam all over Aaron's lower body: tracing, teasing and pinching. Aaron would groan as his balls were toyed with at the same time his hole was being prodded with Sam's tongue. Sam slid a hand down Aaron's inner thigh and brought those fingers to circle around Aaron's hole as he licked it harder. Aaron gasped as Sam's tongue was removed and replaced with two of Sam's fingers.

The channel was spit soaked and Sam's fingers were sliding in and out with ease. Sam pushed the fingers in deep and then made a circular motion as he pulled them out. Aaron let out a low growling sound as Sam's fingers rubbed over his gland. Sam did not allow too much pressure on the gland as he had been edging Aaron too hard. When Aaron felt the light pressure move away he whimpered. Sam kept up with the teasing pattern, bringing Aaron closer yet again.

Sam pulled his mouth away from Aaron's hole and looked up at Aaron's hard cock standing tall and leaking large amounts of pre-cum that mixed with Sam's spit. Aaron's eyes were mostly shut as he was being swept away with the waves of pleasure from Sam's teasing. Sam loved that look on Aaron's face and was happy that he was the one to put it there.

Sam removed his fingers from Aaron's hole, now not touching any part of the football player. Aaron was still holding his legs up to his chest, his lower body fully exposed. He was just waiting there as he waited for what Sam had in mind next. Aaron was just about to open his eyes when he felt the bed move.

Sam had climbed up to his feet and straddled either side of Aaron's hips. Sam then reached to hold Aaron's cock straight up as he lowered himself down. Aaron's eyes opened when he felt his cock head push into Sam's pucker. Aaron was still folded up, so only Sam's squatting and lifting was creating the thrusting of Aaron's cock in and out. Sam was taking his time, letting his ass muscles grip and pulse on Aaron's cock. Aaron was cooing with pleasure as Sam would grind in a hard, intense way when Aaron's cock was fully inside of Sam.

Sam was controlling the pace and the motions, it was driving Aaron nuts. Aaron wanted to thrust in hard and fast to reach his climax, but as he was folded and being mounted from above he did not have the leverage. This was extending out edging that Sam had been giving Aaron since they woke up. Sam was determined to make their last morning together at the hotel special and unique. Aaron was taken aback with how much pleasure he had already experienced already this week. As much as he was feeling, Aaron was becoming aware that he would miss this when he left later today.

Sam noticed a melancholy look pass over Aaron's face. Sam recognized the same feelings. This had been an adventurous week with Aaron in town for the football clinic. It had only been a fluke that Aaron's agent failed to mention that Aaron would have to do some publicity photos and Aaron was not able to plan ahead for his hair and beard grooming. That first meeting had spurred the passion filled week between the two men. Now that it was drawing to an end, Sam was feeling the pending closure as well.

A tear dripping from his eye, Sam doubled his efforts as he worked his body up and down on Aaron's cock. The change in pace was just what Aaron's body was waiting for, he was nearing the point of no return for his climax. Aaron started a deep growl as he felt his balls start to churn. Sam was slamming his pelvis down against Aaron's with his full body behind it, the slapping sound was getting louder with each drop. Aaron's growl started to get higher and higher in pitch as his climax was rapidly building.

"YEEEAAAGGGGGHHHH!" Aaron yelled as he began shooting the built up cum load into Sam's ass.

Sam continued the up and down motion for another minute as Aaron's body was pulsing and pumping cum into Sam's hole. Aaron was twitching as the final jets of jizz shot deep in Sam's hole after Sam stopped bounding and just rolled his hips with Aaron's pulsing cock deep inside. Aaron's eyes were fluttering as his long awaited climax was still running its course through his body.

Sam stood up, feeling cum drip out of his ass and down his leg. He was so turned on, his cock was rigid and leaking his own pre-cum. Sam reached to his ass and scooped up some of Aaron's seed, bringing the cum filled hand around to slick up his cock. Sam then leaned down and positioned his slicked cock head at Aaron's pucker entrance.

Lowering his body, Sam pushed his cock into Aaron's hole going all the way balls deep. Aaron grunted, but was not in pain as the previous play and rimming had left Aaron's chute lubed. That added to Aaron's cum that Sam had spread on his cock before thrusting in was all that was needed. Sam dropped his hands on either side of Aaron's chest as Sam leaned close. Aaron was able to release his grip on the backs of his own legs as they now were resting on Sam's shoulders.

Sam leaned his face close to Aaron's and they met in a passionate kiss as Sam was still pounding into Aaron's body. Sweat was covering the pair as Sam continued the steady thrusting. The kissing was only interrupted by grunts and moans from both men as Sam was tirelessly working away. Aaron had wrapped his arms around Sam's body pulling the barber closer to him. Aaron was now moaning continuously and had to abandon the deep kissing as he was getting close again. The edging from earlier and the hard stimulation on his gland was making his sexual energy peak again.

"Fuuucccckkkkk!!!" Aaron yelled as his cock started to spurt another load.

Aaron's cock was sending ropes of cum up between the two men as Aaron's climax was intense. Sam kept thrusting as he was getting closer as well. Aaron was babbling as his body was quaking with each pulse of his cock. Aaron's ass muscles were clamping hard against Sam's cock with each stroke. Sam started to moan, getting more and more loud as he continued.

Sam screamed as his climax crested and his thrusting became erratic as his cum was shooting out of his cock and deep into the folded football player in the throes of his own climax. Sam continued with animalistic noises as the ropes of hot cum blasted Aaron's insides. Sam finally gave a deep thrust and collapsed onto Aaron's chest, his cock still pulsing seed in Aaron's chute.

The pair rested, breathing hard as they recovered from their climaxes. Aaron was amazed at his two climaxes in a very short timeframe. Sam was exhausted from his athletic fucking both on Aaron's cock and then in Aaron's ass. Aaron lowered his legs from Sam's shoulders and then pulled Sam into a strong hug. Their faces met again, but both men were still panting too hard to kiss. Aaron noticed the tear streaks down Sam's sweaty cheeks. Closing his eyes for a second, Aaron then moved his head closer and gave Sam's face soft kisses from Sam's chin up to the corner of Sam's eyes - the trail of the tear streaks.

Sam opened his eyes that were full of emotion, how could he have made such a connection with someone who he idolized and fantasized about in such a short time. Sam noticed that Aaron was also emotional.

Aaron for his part was looking up at the exhausted barber in his arms. When he came for this clinic, he was not expecting or looking for what he had with Sam. Parts of what they explored together were things that Aaron had only imagined or dreamed about. The varity of sex, the changing of roles, and the exploration of Aaron's gay side were almost too much for him to handle. Aaron's eyes were glistening as he was comprehending what he had found here and with Sam.

Aaron's mind was racing with questions. What did this mean? Was he gay or maybe bi? Was he going to just leave and never see Sam again? Would that be too hard to let go? Had they done too much in too short a timeframe? Should he feel guilty for "using" Sam? It continued on and on.

Sam saw the athlete in his arms was struggling and getting anxious, working himself up. Sam just held Aaron close, when Aaron's eyes opened Sam just stared back with the same emotion. Sam opened his lips and pressed them against Aaron's. Aaron's lips parted and they began a slow and meaningful makeout session, using all their combined pent up emotions to fuel the kissing. They rolled on the bed, letting each other explore their bodies with gentle touches and caresses. Slowly their cocks started to recover from the epic climaxes and were growing again.

Aaron wanted to have Sam's cock in his mouth. He laid Sam back on the bed and bent down to take Sam's cock in his lips. Sam wiggled around until he had access to Aaron's cock. Aaron started to suck and bob his head on Sam's cock as Sam started the same on Aaron's hard member. The pair worked each other's cocks in a slow and sensual manner, but still with the building intensity due to their impending separation.

Sam felt his climax building as he noticed that Aaron's was building as well. In a brief moment both started shooting another load in each other's mouths. It was like a circle of sexual energy flowing between them. The room was now filled with slurping and moans as Sam and Aaron were shooting and sucking cum blasts. They continued until no more cum was coming out of either cock.

Now spent, Aaron laid his head on Sam's thigh breathing in Sam's musky essence. The layers of smells were invading his brain, Aaron was trying to create an imprint of Sam: touch, smell, and taste. Aaron was filing these details away for when they were apart. This thought made him sad again. Aaron turned around and pulled Sam's chest against his. The men connected lips again and began kissing again not wanting to be apart.

Sam glanced at the bedside clock and swore. It was nearing time that they both had to leave, only an hour left to be together. Sam looked into Aaron's eyes and felt the same angst and urgency. Sam needed to have Aaron in him again, he needed to feel the full potency of Aaron's rugged masculinity completing him. Sam reached down and began stroking Aaron's cock back up to full strength. Sam could sense Aaron's needs as well.

Sam rolled over and got on his hands and knees. Looking over his shoulder, Sam could see Aaron reach for the lube and start to slick his cock up. In a moment Aaron was on his knees behind Sam and lining his cock up with Sam's open hole. When Aaron had pushed his cock forward, Sam was pushing back causing them to pound together hard. Sam grunted at the impact but continued to push back each time. Aaron was opening up his full emotions as he was now pounding into Sam's ass with his entire focus. Aaron grabbed Sam's hips and was forcefully pulling Sam into his forward thrusts.

Aaron was growling and grunting as his impacts became more force driven. Sam was grunting and yelling as the powerful thrusting was jaring him with each impact. Sam wanted this to continue for an extended time, but their urgency was pushing them closer to completion with each thrust. Aaron reached his hands forward and locked them under Sam's shoulders. Now Aaron was jackhammering into Sam's body. Sam was gurgling and drooling as Aaron picked up the pace.

Aaron lifted Sam's torso up as he continued to pound up into Sam's ass. Aaron was getting close again and Sam could tell. Sam reached his hand down to his own cock and started jacking it off. Aaron's thrusting was becoming more powerful and the impacts were bouncing them up off the bed. Sam was feverishly pumping his fist on his cock, he wanted to shoot when Aaron did.

Aaron was so close now, he was holding back his climax - he too wanted to shoot together with Sam. Sam was stroking as fast as he could as Aaron was still hammering away up into his ass. Sam started to breath faster as he was getting close now too. Sam turned his head and nodded to Aaron as Sam felt his balls pull up tight and prepare to unleash.

Behind Sam, Aaron stopped holding back and with a wordless shout he started to unload his cum in Sam's ass. Sam felt the hot liquid start to fill him and he let go - ropes of cum were spraying out of his cock covering the bed below them. Aaron was still rutting deep, depositing his seed, making grunting noises as he continued.

When they both had finally stopped shooting their respective loads, Sam and Aaron collapsed down onto the soiled bed linens. Aaron's cock popped out easily and they returned to sharing a meaningful embrace. Sam rested his head on Aaron's strong and powerful chest. Aaron's heart was beating hard. Sam was trying to memorize the sound, he was glad that his face was so sweaty that you could not see the tears this time.

Aaron looked at the clock this time and knew he had to get cleaned up before flying out. Sam stood up with him and Aaron led them into the bathroom. They shared a brief but sensual shower, taking turns cleaning each other from head to toe. As they had both climaxed multiple times that morning, neight Aaron or Sam got fully hard.

After what felt like too short a time, they exited the shower and dried each other off. Sam was able to dress quickly and then help Aaron pack the rest of his clothes and belongings. Aaron was doing a quick sweep of the suite to make sure he did not miss anything. He found a balled up jockstrap of his under the corner of the couch, being careful Aaron slipped it into Sam's bag.

The men shared another deep kiss as they headed to the door. It did not seem like Aaron or Sam either had the words to say as they were about to part. The elevator ride down was quiet and tense. Sam followed Aaron out to his rental car and helped load the luggage in. Aaron pulled Sam into a deep hug and kissed him solidly right in the parking garage. Sam responded, but knew they could not continue if Aaron was to make his flight on time.

"You need to go. Now or you will be late. I have to go too, I have clients in an hour." Sam said as he broke the kiss, his voice filled with emotion.

"I will not forget you Sam. You are special and you have been special to me. Call me sometime or better yet come visit." Aaron replied.

"I don't know, Aaron. Let's just stay in contact. Ok, bye Aaron." Sam said as he turned away.

"Bye Sam!" Aaron said with emotion as well, then softly as Sam waved, "I love you."

Aaron turned and entered the car quickly to hide the tears welling up in his eyes. Aaron missed that Sam caught what Aaron said and what he was trying to hide.

Sam had tears falling down his face as he softly replied, "I love you, too Aaron."

Sam sat in his car for several minutes weeping before he could go into work.

Aaron headed out to return the rental car and get to the airport to fly home. Aaron had to wipe his face before he got there though. He thought that this was a trip he would never forget and he hoped that he never would.

Here readers could be the ending for Sam's and Aaron's adventures. If you would like to see this story to continue and have it develop into something more for these hot men, you will have to let me know. Send me an email with your interest in Sam and Aaron together. My email is lbr81050@gmail.com. I look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks for reading as always, Levi

Next: Chapter 7

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