Aarons Problem

By L Stone

Published on Feb 21, 2021


Thank you for reading my stories. Questions and comments are always welcome at lbr81050@gmail.com. This story is fiction regarding intimate relations regarding celebrities. Other than public identity, all other locations and parties are fictional, any similarities are coincidental. Thanks for reader comments to continue hot ideas.

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Aaron's Problem Chapter 4

Aaron was distracted throughout the day. He caught himself reaching down to adjust his crotch multiple times, a smile on his face each time. Being the last day of the clinic, it was more action for the participants than the clinicians. That meant that Aaron had more time to daydream than usual. His thoughts kept returning to the time he and Sam had spent together. Aaron had always been very circumspect when it came to any liaisons, his recognizability and fame generated more candidates to play with male and female. That being said that same recognizability and fame put him at more risk for potential issues including blackmailing. He had been cautious in his clandestine meetings, but his repeated time with Sam had been special. Smiling to himself it was time to readjust and return focus to the participants.

Sam had caught himself smiling in the mirrors of his hair studio. He was glad he had "emergency" clothes tucked away, as he arrived and then went to the restroom and changed right away. His body was sore in some places from he and Aaron's play for the last few days, but it was a good type of sore. He kept looking at the time, almost like a countdown, as he worked on his clients. More than one was amused at the dreamy, faraway gazes that Sam had while working on their hair.

One customer had to sneeze and jabbed out his elbow as he retrieved a handkerchief. His elbow grazed Sam right in the crotch as he had been walking around the chair. The customer quickly pulled his elbow in, but he realized that Sam was more than a little hard. A quick glance in the mirrors and he saw Sam blush and avert his eyes as well. The customer just chucked and smiled - happy for Sam.

Sam's last client was done by 5:00. Sam cleaned up and checked his schedule for the following day. He was surprised to see that two of his morning regulars had needed to cancel. He quickly texted and rescheduled them for the next week. That left him free until 2:00. His smile widened as he collected his clothes from yesterday and headed home.

Arriving at home he sent Aaron a text that he would be able to make it soon after 7:00. Aaron replied that he had left a roomkey in Sam's name at the desk and Sam could use it to let himself in any time. Sam sent a thumbs up reply. Sam was packing an overnight bag and a replacement of his emergency clothes for work. He hopped into a quick shower and got dressed. He made the short drive over to the hotel.

Sam arrived and quickly picked up the key to the room from the front desk. Taking the elevator up he was able to enter the room with no problems. He looked at the clock and it was only 6:05. He put his bag in the bedroom, kicked off his shoes and went to sit on the couch. There was a bottle of red wine and a few glasses on the coffee table with a note. Sam smiled as he read the note from Arron, telling him to enjoy a glass of wine while he waited. Sam smiled again as he opened the bottle and poured a glass. He went and opened the curtains and enjoyed the early evening sunshine as he sipped the red.

Aaron glanced at his watch as the elevator rose, it was almost 7:15. The last hour had seemed to stretch out for an eternity. Finally with the last handshakes and congratulations to the participants and then the clinic staff he was able to get away. He was excited about this evening. His thoughts had been coming back to it all day, sure he was focused enough for the event, but it did not have his full attention. Finally the elevator doors open and he walks to his suite. He opens the door and smiles when he sees Sam's silhouette looking out the windows.

Aaron closed the door, dropping his stuff on the side table and walked to Sam. Sam opened his arms and Aaron leaned in for a hug that quickly turned to a kiss. The men held each other tight as tongues were passed between their lips. Both men allowed their hands to begin roaming over the other's body, causing moans and sighs as fingers brushed sensitive spots.

Aaron began tugging at Sam's polo style shirt, letting their lips part as the shirt was pulled up and off. Sam shivered at the feel of Aaron's hands rub against his naked torso. Aaron was in a jersey style shirt that had the name of the clinic on it, Sam grabbed the hem and lifted it up and off of Aaron's body. It was like an electric charge when their chests came into contact, both men flushed with desire.

Aaron lifted one of Sam's arms up and dove his face in Sam's pit. Aaron took a deep breath, smelling mostly clean body wash. Aaron took his tongue and drug it up and down the pit, making it damp. After a few minutes, Aaron slid over and sucked in Sam's nipple. Sam sighed and then moaned as Aaron's teeth gripped the swiftly hardening point. Aaron then lifted Sam's other arm and treated that pit with the same fervor as he did the first one. Aaron's face was spit soaked as he nibbled on Sam's other nipple, sending pleasure shockwaves through Sam's body.

Sam reached down and grabbed both of Aaron's hands, lifting them over Aaron's head. Sam pushed Aaron up against the window, leaning his head forward he began licking and kissing Aaron's body starting at an ear. Aaron let out a moan as Sam's tongue flicked in the ear canal and nibbled on his earlobe. Aaron made to move his hands, but Sam put the crossed wrists back up and pushed them against the glass. Aaron left his hands where they were.

Sam continued working on Aaron's neck and shoulders, giving each pit a quick lick before bringing both hands to Aaron's nipples. Sam's fingers closed over the nipples and started to squeeze them, beginning very softly but swiftly increasing the pressure. Sam started to rub the hard points between his fingers, Aaron moaned loudly and shuddered.

Sam lowered to his knees while still playing with Aaron's nipples. Sam kissed and licked the toned abs and sank his tongue in Aaron's belly button. Aaron emitted another moan as Sam's silky tongue speared in and out of his hole. Sam allowed his head to continue to drop, planting kisses over Aaron's slacks. Sam focused on kissing the hard cock jutting sideways, making sure to kiss each inch before he buried his face and inhaled. Sam could detect a light spiciness as his nose was pressed deep into Aaron's bound crotch.

Aaron was moaning with each kiss and rub on his cock, a circle of pre-cum was soaking through his slacks as Sam worked. Sam began to lick just at Aaron's cock head, making the spot get wider and more wet. Aaron was panting as Sam's tongue was rapidly licking along his cock head. When Sam lifted his face back, a trail of pre-cum pulled away with Sam's lips.

Sam reached up and undid Aaron's belt and slacks, pulling them down leaving Aaron standing with his pants at his ankles and his tight boxer briefs struggling to contain Aaron's cock. Sam dove back on Aaron's cock, soaking it in spit. Aaron whimpered as Sam used his lips to grip around Aaron's cock head and suck while swirling his tongue around it.

Looking up at Aaron's lust filled face, Sam hooked his fingers in the waistband of the stretched boxer briefs. Slowly Sam inched down the stretchy fabric. As they lowered and passed over Aaron's cock, it sprang out flinging drips of pre-cum that had leaked out. Sam quickly lowered the shorts the rest of the way before opening his mouth and engulfing Aaron's engorged cock. Relaxing his jaw, Sam pushed his lips all the way to Aaron's pubes before sealing them hard around the pulsing cock. Sam could taste the salty sweet pre-cum as Aaron's cock had drug over his tongue. Sam started to suck and lick the hard member in his mouth. Aaron was groaning and moaning as Sam worked away.

Sam's head started to move up and then back down slowly, taking his time to swath Aaron's cock with his tongue with each stroke. This continued until just Aaron's corona was in Sam's mouth at the top of a stroke. Sam paused and gave the cock head special attention with more power of suction and rougher licking. Aaron's body responded with a shimmy and then deposited a dollop of pre-cum right on Sam's tongue. Sam pulled off the cock and swallowed as Aaron's cock slapped up, dripping in spit. Before Sam could open his mouth to capture Aaron's cock, he felt Aaron's hands come down and lift him up by his armpits.

Aaron sealed his lips on Sam's mouth and pushed his tongue deep in Sam's mouth. Aaron could taste his cock and pre-cum in Sam's mouth as they continued kissing. Aaron had pulled Sam's body close to his, chest to chest and Aaron's jutting, exposed cock against Sam's jeans covered one. Aaron managed to kick off his shoes and step out of his slacks and with a little help his boxer briefs. Now Aaron only had on some dress socks and Sam was in his jeans.

Aaron broke their kiss and dropped to his knees. He quickly removed his socks before he grabbed and opened Sam's jeans. Sam had kicked off his shoes and socks before Aaron got there, so as Aaron pulled down on the jeans, Sam was left only wearing a straining pair of trunk style briefs. Sam's cock was pointed down one of the legs of the trunks, the cock head pushed out past the leg opening. Aaron pulled the jeans all the way down and Sam stepped out of them. Aaron then leaned forward and captured Sam's cock head between his lips. He sucked and licked Sam's cock for a minute.

"No piercing?" Aaron said as he pulled off Sam's cock and realized that the Prince Albert ring was missing.

"No, not tonight. I have plans that it would be better without it on." Sam replied.

Aaron nodded and then pulled the trunks down and off Sam's body. Sam stepped out of them and Aaron latched his mouth on Sam's cock, sucking it in. It was Sam's turn to whine and whimper as Aaron used his mouth to explore every part of Sam's cock. Sam could feel the tip of Aaron's tongue jab around his piercing opening on his cock and Sam could not repress a shiver that ran through his whole body. Aaron continued to bob up and down on Sam's cock.

Sam pushed Aaron's face off his cock after several minutes of pleasure. Aaron had a confused look as Sam lowered to the floor and twisted his body. Aaron smiled as the twist brought Sam's face to Aaron's crotch and he sucked in Aaron's cock. Aaron resumed sucking on Sam's cock, both men's heads bobbing and sucking. The sounds of slurping and moans continued for almost 30 minutes as Sam and Aaron 69'd each other, edging and resting as necessary.

"I need your cock me." Sam said breathlessly as he pulled off Aaron's hard cock.

Aaron slurped off Sam's cock, making sure to swipe his tongue over the piercing hole before he raised up. When he was standing, his cock jutting out, shiny from Sam's spit, he reached a hand down to help Sam up from the floor. As Sam stood, Aaron embraced him again. Aaron's hands reached down and gripped Sam's ass cheeks, he squeezed them and spread them open. Sam moaned into Aaron's mouth. Aaron changed his grip and lifted Sam off the ground, Sam gasped for air breaking their kiss.

"Damn stud!" Sam cried out as Aaron carried him to the bedroom.

"Legs in the air my man!" Aaron said as he lowered Sam onto the bed.

Sam did not say a reply, but quickly lifted his legs up - getting his knees to his chest. Aaron hummed as he lowered down to his knees, reaching forward and pulling Sam until Sam's ass was just hanging off the edge of the bed. Aaron bent his face forward and nuzzled in between Sam's ass cheeks. Aaron's trimmed beard was lightly scratching the tender flesh around Sam's pucker. Sam was moaning from the little sparks of sexual energy that the scruff scratching was causing. Sam cried out as he felt Aaron's tongue lap at his hole, Sam's ass started to wiggle. Aaron took hold of the backs of Sam's thighs and spread Sam's legs open wider. Diving his face back down, Aaron's tongue pushed into Sam's pucker and started flicking around. Sam was writhing as Aaron continued with a fabulous rim job.

Aaron was making Sam's hole sloppy wet. Sam moaned again as Aaron pushed two fingers as deep as they could go down Sam's hole. Aaron could feel the ass muscles grip and twitch against his fingers as he started sliding them in and out, picking up speed as he went. Aaron added a third finger and with each push in the combined fingers were jabbing Sam's gland. Little pops of pleasure were radiating outward with each jab, Sam was tossing his head back and forth on the bed.

Sam suddenly felt empty as Aaron pulled his fingers out of Sam's hole. Aaron pushed himself up and laid his cock across Sam's crack. Sam shivered as he felt the warmth from Aaron's cock radiate. Aaron moved his hips up and down, sliding his hard member along Sam's crack, pushing in teasingly when his cock head was at Sam's pucker. Sam was moaning again, but not able to move much as Aaron still had the firm grip pushing Sam's thighs towards his chest.

The next pass down, Aaron lined up his cock head and pushed in earnest into Sam's pucker. Even being rimmed and stretched out with the finger fucking, Sam could still feel the thickness of Aaron's cock as the head passed through his first ring. Aaron pulled back popping his cock head out before thrusting just the head in again. Sam was whimpering as the cock head popped in and out. Aaron then leaned forward and pushed his cock up fast, sinking balls deep in Sam's chute. Sam grunted at the sudden fullness.

Aaron rested just a moment to let Sam acclimate before he pulled back and pounded back in, slapping his balls against Sam's ass. Soon the bedroom was full of smacking sounds, grunts, moans and whimpers. Sweat was flinging off Aaron's body as he pounded Sam's ass with power. Had Aaron not been pushing Sam down, Sam would have been scooted across the bed from the forceful thrusts Aaron was giving him. Words were failing Sam, the best he could do was coo in a staccato pattern matching Aaron's thrusts.

Aaron reared up as he was thrusting in, changing the angle his cock was pushing into Sam. The change was hitting new areas in Sam's hole, he moaned in pleasure. Sam's ass rings were now pulsing with each of Aaron's thrusts. Aaron gave a little cry as he felt the constrictions as his cock passed in and out. Aaron's breath started getting shorter, he felt a tingling in his balls. Aaron started pumping in and out of Sam's hole faster. Sam was enjoying the pounding, moaning loudly and trying to tighten his ass muscles as Aaron worked. Aaron felt the tingle get stronger, his balls pulled up tight.

With a loud grunt and then several more, Aaron found his first climax. He was pumping his seed deep in Sam's hole. Sam was moaning even more loudly as he felt the hot liquid fill his insides as Aaron's cock pushed it deeper into him. Aaron continued pumping his cock in for another five thrusts before his final push in. Aaron's grip on Sam's legs slipped and with the final thrust they toppled to the side on the bed. Sam reached out and pulled Aaron in a hug with Aaron's cock still in his ass.

Sam wrestled to pull Aaron's face to his and began to kiss. Aaron traded his tongue in and around Sam's mouth as he recovered from his climax. The kiss was passionate, the pair wrapped their arms around one another and pulled tight. Aaron became aware that Sam did not climax as Sam's cock was still hard and there was not any cum on their bellies or chests. Still holding Sam, Aaron broke the kiss.

"You did not cum? I want you to cum." Aaron said looking into Sam's eyes and grinding their hips closer together.

"I want to as well, but I want it special." Sam replied.

"What can I do to make it special for you?" Aaron asked.

"Will you let me top you?" Sam said quietly.

"Yes." Aaron answered after being silent for a moment, "How do you want me?"

Sam pulled Aaron back into a deep kiss after his answer. Sam broke the kiss and looked Aaron up and down with a weighing stare. Aaron felt his cheeks get warm at the visceral attention that Sam was giving him, his spent cock started to plump up again. Sam rolled up to his knees, his cock waving as he stopped.

"Get on all fours, stud!" Sam said with glee.

"Yes, Sam!" Aaron replied as he rolled to his stomach and pushed up on all fours.

Sam whistled as he moved behind Aaron's raised ass. A quick swat earned a yelp from Aaron before Aaron wagged is ass back at Sam. Sam pulled Aaron's ass cheeks open, the crack was slightly furry, Aaron's pucker was ringed with short hair. Sam bent forward and blew a stream of air on the pucker while he pulled his hands apart, spreading Aaron's pucker open. Aaron moaned as the air reached inside of him, his cock pulsed and pre-cum leaked out. Aaron was dropping to his elbows to arch his back and open himself up more to Sam.

Sam smiled as he let a finger drag down Aaron's crack. Sam let it brush around Aaron's ass lips, Aaron shivered at the touch. Sam spit directly on Aaron's hole and used it to lube up his finger. Making circles around and finally on Aaron's pucker, wetting and stretching Aaron's entrance. Aaron was moaning hoarsely as Sam played, Aaron gasped when Sam pushed his fingertip in. Sam let the finger slowly sink all the way in before pulling back, on the way out he was doing a circle pattern, slowly opening Aaron up. Sam kept a slow steady rhythm: push in and circle out. Aaron was reduced to drooling and moaning into the bed as Sam worked.

Sam pushed a second finger in and Aaron gave a quiet grunt but quickly returned to his moaning. The second finger opened Aaron up more allowing Sam to push them in deeper. Aaron jolted when Sam's fingers brushed his gland. While Aaron's cock had been steadily leaking pre-cum, when Sam's fingers pushed against his gland, his cock spurted out a glob of pre-cum. Sam kept returning to jab Aaron's gland with each push in, Aaron was getting a tremor in his legs from the pleasure it created. Aaron was now pushing back up onto Sam's fingers trying to get pressure on his spot.

Sam added a third finger in, when it pushed and stretched Aaron even wider yet, Aaron let out a long groan. After only a few pushes in Aaron was taking the three fingers with ease. Sam nodded to himself, thinking he is ready. Sam pulled the fingers out causing Aaron to whine at the emptiness he was feeling. Sam pushed up on his knees and moved up behind Aaron's exposed ass. Sam placed his cock head right on Aaron's pucker, spitting on it and using his cock to swirl it around on Aaron. Sam repeated this a few times, trying to make sure he was plenty lubed.

Sam let his cock head slowly push into Aaron's prepped hole. Aaron started to ahh loudly at the heat and pressure of Sam's cock pushing in. Sam steadily pushed his hard cock deeper in Aaron's ass. He was not as long or thick as Aaron's cock, but Sam's was plenty large enough for a hole that did not have as much action. Aaron let out a grunt as Sam's pubes brushed his extended ass lips, Sam was fully in him. Sam leaned forward and rubbed his hands up and down on Aaron's back, keeping his cock buried deep in the quarter back's ass to get used to it. Only a minute or so, Aaron's ass muscles were not reflexively gripping the hard cock embedded in it.

Sam felt the slight relaxation, he started to pull back and push back in starting in small motions, but quickly pulling further back with each stroke. Sam grabbed the muscular hips and began to move at a faster pace. Sam's balls were slapping Aaron's ass with each trust. Aaron was done being passive as his comfort level increased, he started bouncing his hips back to meet Sam's thrust. Sam for his part started putting more body weight into his thrusts in, the combination making loud slapping noises as their bodies connected.

Sam suddenly pulled all the way out, again leaving Aaron with an empty feeling. He looked up over his shoulder at Sam. Sam was smiling widely, his cock jutting out almost horizontal, slick with spit and Aaron's ass juices. Sam was scooting backwards on the bed.

"Roll over, get those legs pulled up." Sam commanded.

Aaron quickly complied, rolling from his knees onto his back. He felt a stickly, wet spot on the bed under his back. He realized this was his own leaking pre-cum. He did not have time to ponder as Sam moved back up between Aaron's lifted legs. Sam pushed Aaron's legs on to his shoulders and maneuvered his cock back at Aaron's puffy pucker entrance. Pushing more forward, Sam reentered Aaron's hole with power. Aaron grunted at the initial thrust but quickly resumed moaning as the change of position was causing Sam's cock to rub his prostate with each thrust in.

Sam wrapped his arms around Aaron's legs and he reached down to grab Aaron's chest while he plowed into Aaron's hole. The intensity of Aaron's moaning increased when Sam began to pinch and pull on Aaron's nipples. The combination of stimulation brought Aaron close to his climax, but he was too wrapped up in the sensations to say anything more than a moan. Sam could feel the change in Aaron's body, knowing how close he was bringing Aaron.

Sam picked up his pace, his thrusts were jarring Aaron even harder. Sam's cock was ramming hard each time it entered Aaron's ass, shooting pleasure through Aaron's body. Aaron started to shake, his eyes rolled back in his head and with a hard thrust in just the right spot Sam's cock made Aaron loose control and his climax crested. Aaron's body was twitching, his cock was shooting ropes of cum between their bodies, and his ass was quaking around Sam's cock.

Sam could not hold back his climax as the extra friction from Aaron's climax pushed Sam over. Sam cried out as his boiling cum was shooting deep in Aaron's ass. Aaron could feel the hot liquid fill his insides and his cock pulsed another few times in a dry cum as he had already pumped out a load. Sam's thrusting finally stopped as he pushed deep into Aaron's hole before collapsing on top of Aaron's chest, releasing his hold on Aaron's legs. The two rested, breathing heavy, Sam's cock still resting in Aaron's hot cavity.

Aaron could feel Sam's cock pull out as Sam lifted off of him. A trickle of cum came out and Aaron could feel it run down his crack to pool on the bed. Sam rolled to the side and Aaron turned to join in a hug, their sticky bodies coming together. A sated look was on Aaron's face with a tinge of lusty energy. Sam looked at the smoldering eyes boring into his. Sam pressed his lips onto Aaron's and they started kissing passionately. Their bodies were recharging, both men's cock started to plump back up.

Sam reached down and stroked Aaron's cock back up to his full length. Breaking their kiss, Sam rolled Aaron onto his back again. This time Sam swung his legs over Aaron's abs before lifting up. Reaching back to line up, Sam sank down onto Aaron's hard cock. Sam rocked back and forth on Aaron's cock, letting his inner muscles grip and massage Aaron's hard member. Sam reached down for balance and his hands again landed on Aaron's chest. Sam began tweaking and playing with Aaron's sore nipples as he worked his ass on Aaron's cock.

Sam started lifting and dropping on Aaron's rod, causing grunts from both men upon landing. Aaron reached down and began stroking Sam's cock as Sam was riding him. Their moans and grunts were increasing in volume and frequency as they continued. Their movements began to get erratic and faster as they worked to pleasure one another.

Sam threw his head back with a throaty yell as his cock being jacked by Aaron started shooting out five or six jets of cum. Sam's body was quivering and flexing as he shot his load. Aaron felt his third climax build as the tightness increased. Aaron cried as he shot his reduced load in Sam's chute. Sam was dimly aware of the warmth that spread up and in his ass as he felt Aaron's cock vibrate as the load pulsed in him.

Sam fell off Aaron's cock due to their combined quaking. Sam and Aaron landed in a jumble of shrinking cock, arms and legs. It took a few minutes of hard breathing for both men to recover enough to recognize their surroundings. The bedroom was awash with the pungent smells of man sex, sweat and cum. A need to piss overrode the desire to rest, Aaron rolled out of the bed. Sam watched the athlete's tight ass, that was streaked with cum as Aaron walked into the en suite.

The sound of piss hitting the water spurred on Sam's bladder. Sam entered the bathroom and stepped up next to Aaron, letting his stream of piss lineup next to Aaron's. Aaron chuckled as he finished and Sam was still going. Reaching over Aaron gripped Sam's cock and was directing where the remaining piss stream went in the bowl. Sam chuckled as he finished pissing and Aaron shook Sam's cock to fling any remaining drips of piss off Sam's cock.

"We need to clean up. I'm hungry, but I do not think we can get room service like we are." Aaron said.

"Let's shower and then we can go out. There is a restaurant across the street that is good. It is still early enough to get in without a wait." Sam replied, "You like a piece of meat, right? I mean steak."

"Fucker, yes I like steak." Aaron replied as he started the shower. He slapped Sam on the bare ass as they stepped in the water, "You know I like your piece of meat."

The sounds of their laughter filled the bathroom as did the steam as Aaron and Sam took their time washing and cleaning each other. There was not a spot on the other that was not rubbed and washed. They giggled and laughed enjoying the easy company. Soon they were finished and dried off. Sam pulled his clothes out of the closet where he had hung them up before Aaron got there. Aaron raised an eyebrow.

"Sharing my closet already. My, my you move fast." Aaron chuckled.

"Only fast enough to sack a quarterback." Sam gleefully replied, earning another slap to the ass. Both men chuckled.

Next: Chapter 5

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