Aarons Problem

By L Stone

Published on Jan 5, 2021


Thank you for reading my stories. Questions and comments are always welcome at lbr81050@gmail.com. This story is fiction regarding intimate relations regarding celebrities. Other than public identity, all other locations and parties are fictional, any similarities are coincidental. Thanks for reader comments to continue hot ideas.

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Aaron's Problem Chapter 3

Aaron followed Sam into the adjoining bedroom in his hotel suite. The barber that Aaron had the fortune of meeting when his agent failed to prepare Aaron for a photo shoot while he was doing a football clinic was walking nude to the bed. Aaron shook his head smiling as he looked down and his cock was filling out again. The eight and a half inch tool had already been blown and pounded by the barber and was now ready to go again.

Sam glanced over his shoulder as he entered the bedroom and he smiled as well, seeing the footballer's cock lead the way. A shiver of sexual desire passed through him, never would he imagine that the QB was not only available, but willing to play. Sam's boldness at the barber shop and then when he came to the hotel was paying off in spades. He could feel his body was warmed up from their previous play, bath and meal. Sam could not wait for more.

Sam walked up and crawled on the bed, stopping on his hands and knees, his ass hanging out. He crouched down on his elbows to tilt his hips up even more. A chuckle proceeded Aaron's hands spreading open the offered ass cheeks. Sam's used pucker was winking back at Aaron, Aaron hummed as he lowered his face to the opening.

Sam gasped when he felt the closely trimmed beard stimulate his tender crack and a large tongue slither around and in his waiting hole. Aaron moved closer and began to give the barber's pucker a tongue bath, slathering and licking all around the tender lips and pushing in. Sam sighed as Aaron's tongue pushed past his first ring and swirling around like Aaron was making out with his ass. Moaning, Sam pushed his hips back further trying to allow Aaron's tongue more access.

Aaron pulled Sam's ass cheeks wider apart and forced his face in between them as firmly as he could. Sam was writhing as Aaron worked his hole, tongue darting in and out, fingers pulling the pucker lips wider, and soaking the hole with spit. Sam moaned loudly into the mattress as Aaron had pulled his face back and blew into the opening.  

Next Aaron moved a hand closer and pushed two fingers deep in Sam's spit soaked hole. Their previous play and rim job left Sam's pucker ready for more play and taking a moment or two to tighten up when Aaron pulled his fingers out. Aaron grinned as he used the fingers in a long 'dicking' type motion; thrusting them in as deep as possible and them pulling them all the way out before repeating. Sam's body was quivering at the finger play, his cock drooling pre-cum down in drips from his Prince Albert to the bed below.

Aaron stood up and laid his large cock on Sam's back as he moved up behind Sam. Sam could feel the heat coming from the QB's slab of meat resting on him. Aaron tilted his hips back, dragging his cock down Sam's crack. Sam for his part, sighed as the cock moved downward, changing to a moan when he felt the spongy cock head pass over his pucker. Aaron used a hand and reversed the direction of his cock, then repeating.

On the next pass down, Aaron stayed his cock right at Sam's entrance. Pushing forward Aaron inserted his leaking cock head just in Sam's ass lips. Sam issued a lusty moan and then began to push back on Aaron's cock. Inch by inch Sam's ass swallowed the footballer's rigid cock. Aaron threw back his head and groaned as Sam's ass was now resting tightly against his pelvis, his whole cock being squeezed in the velvet vise.

Sam was pulsing his muscles around the desired, invading cock. Aaron was continuing to moan as Sam next slid forward and then pushed back on Aaron's cock. Sam reached his hands back and Aaron grabbed the proffered wrists. Now Sam could slide further up and Aaron would pull him back with a thrust forward. Sam was grunting while working himself on Aaron's cock, it would be interrupted when Aaron would thrust forward extra hard, causing staccato like bursts of breath.

Aaron took over the majority of the movement now and he held Sam's arms back and began to pound with more force. The 'Ohs' and grunts from Sam were increasing in volume and frequency as Aaron picked up his tempo. Sam started to tighten his ass muscles around Aaron's cock as Aaron pulled back, creating extra friction.

"That's it, grip my huge cock with that awesome ass! Ride this dick!" Aaron started yelling as he felt his climax begin to build.

Sam then started trying to clamp his ass muscles down on the inward thrusts as well. Aaron started to yell as he felt his balls pull up like a ripcord and his cum started jetting deep in Sam's ass. Sam felt the hot liquid spray and began squeezing and releasing the stationary cock, massaging the rest of Aaron's load. Aaron was twitching at the stimulation, his cock throbbing with cum blasts.

Aaron thrust them forward, his cock still locked in the velvet grip of Sam's ass. They fell together on the bed, still joined. Both were breathing hard at their focused actions, Aaron nuzzled against Sam's head. Aaron began kissing and licking Sam's ear, one of Sam's spots. Sam was reduced to writhing and moaning as Aaron's licking and kissing continued.

Aaron felt his cock soften enough to pop out of Sam's hole. Sam felt a trickle of cum drip down from his ass lips to his taint. Sam moaned again. Aaron used his strong arm muscles to turn Sam over, now they faced one another. Aaron wrapped those arms around Sam and pulled him into a deep hug, their lips meeting in a kiss.

They made out for several minutes before Aaron rolled them so he was on top of Sam and Sam's back was flat on the mattress. Aaron then started to kiss and lick down Sam's neck and chest. Sam groaned when Aaron's lips sealed around a nipple and then nipped it lightly to make it pointy. Sam was thrusting his hips back and forward, sliding his cock over Aaron's toned abs.

Aaron pushed lower, kissing each rib and dipping his tongue in and around Sam's belly button. Sam gasped for breath again as Aaron began to lick on his waistline from his hip towards his center, before lifting and repeating on the other side. Sam could not control his leaking cock, streams of pre-cum were coming from his piss slit and his piercing hole around the PE ring. Aaron moved his head down to lick Sam's pubes down right next to Sam's cock. Some of Sam's pre-cum was dripping down the side of Aaron's face as Aaron continued to nuzzle in Sam's pubic patch.

Sam made a yelp when he felt Aaron's tongue trace up from the base of Sam's cock up to his cock head. Staying at Sam's cock head, Aaron snaked his tongue around Sam's Prince Edward, causing Sam to have rippling waves of pleasure shoot through his body.  

Opening his jaws open wide, Aaron sucked in Sam's cock head including the PE and sealing his lips. As Aaron swiped his tongue all over Sam's pierced cock head he began to hum. The vibrations were making Sam more and more hot, the ring in his cock was wiggling sending passionate shocks down his cock and balls.

Aaron then pushed his head further down, swallowing Sam's cock until it brushed the back of his throat. Aaron pulled up and then began to bob. Aaron used his tongue to brush the underside of Sam's cock or the piercing when he could. Aaron was rewarded with a steady streak of pre-cum, the sticky sweet liquid.

Sam reached down and held Aaron's head as he began to slowly thrust in and out Aaron's tight lips. Aaron tried to push down to meet Sam's slow thrusts, causing some gagging noises as he was not used to oral with a piercing. Sam tried to keep the even strokes, stretching out his pending climax. Sam's moans and Aaron's groans and sometimes gags were all that were heard for close to ten minutes as Sam pushed right up to the edge before backing off some.

Aaron's hands connected with Sam's heavy balls and he began stroking and teasing them as Sam continued with his paced thrusting. Aaron's fingers hefted the balls, then dividing them giving each a light squeeze. Sam was enjoying the ball play and missed that one of Aaron's fingers was tracing further back against Sam's taint.

The next thrust in, Aaron prepared his exploring finger and when Sam pulled back the finger slide into the opened pucker. Aaron decided to push in a bit more so his finger tip was just brushing the ass lips at Sam's thrusting valley. Sam then finger fucked himself on Aaron's finger as he was thrusting into Aaron's mouth.

Sam started to moan loudly as he felt the heat rush to his groin. With a yell, Sam began to shoot his load in Aaron's mouth. Aaron was trying to swallow the hot, white liquid as it pumped out of Sam's cock, but flecks of it were splashing from the corners of his mouth and dribbling down his chin. Aaron thrust his finger in deep and used it to massage Sam's gland while Sam was spunking his mouth. Sam was now grunting as his cock was being milked of a full load.

Finally Sam's cock stopped shooting the seven or so volleys of cum in Aaron's hungry mouth. Sam still had a grip on Aaron's head and kept it still while his cock was too sensitive to move. After a few moments, Sam pulled Aaron off his turgid cock. Pulling Aaron's head to his, Sam closed to lick the seeping cum from around Aaron's mouth. Then leaned in closer to start to kiss, sharing his load as their tongues wrestled.

They settled in as they became sleepy, Aaron reaching around and spooning against the back of Sam. Sam pulled one of Aaron's arms around to hold him tight, as he felt the football player's cock resting in his ass crack. It was not long before both men were passing into slumber.

Sunlight poured in through the windows as Sam woke to find himself alone in the bed. Looking over at the clock it was just after 7:00, he threw his head back down on the pillow. A smile crept across his face as he wallowed in the musky scent of the bed.

He and Aaron had woken up twice more in the night and had sex. The last time close to 4:00 when Aaron had reached around while he was pounding into Sam's ass and stroked off Sam for his final orgasm of the night. Sam's ass muscled had milked out Aaron's final load, coating Sam's insides once again. They did not even separate, they were too exhausted before succumbing to sleep again.

Sam closed his eyes again and drifted into a hazy dream state. He missed the door to the suite opening and the sounds of coffee being started. The next thing that awoke Sam was movement on the bed and a warm sweaty body covering his. Sam looked up with a smile into Aaron's deep eyes. The sweat meant that Aaron had gotten up and went running for his morning cardio.

Aaron was smiling as he planted a kiss on Sam's lips. Sam opened his arms to hug the football player into him and they kissed for several minutes. Each of the men were using hands to explore the other's body. Sam began to tug at the tank top and shorts that Aaron ran in. With Aaron's help, soon both were naked and rubbing against one another. Sam felt Aaron's cock mashing into his own as Aaron ground their hips together.

Aaron smiled as he broke the kiss, then with a mischievous glint in his eyes he flipped around to put his face in Sam's crotch. Sam sighed as Aaron's tongue started to lick his mostly hard cock and balls. Pulling the athlete closer to his own face, Sam opened his lips and sucked in Aaron's cock head. Both men shifted to be on their sides as mouths were sucking and bobbing on cocks. Sounds of sucking and licking were punctuated with moans and sighs as they continued.

Aaron was quickly becoming more used to Sam's PE and from their play in the last 24 hours, he was able to relax his throat more and allow Sam's cock head to enter further in his throat. Aaron would gripe Sam's thighs and ass to pull him in closer and further in, only gagging occasionally with his enthusiasm. His attention and skills were turning Sam on in the best of ways.

Sam had been devouring the cock in his mouth. Lips sucking close as he bobbed up and then opening wide to swallow Aaron's huge rod into Sam's receptive throat. Sam kept a grip on Aaron's tight ass muscles, kneading and exploring the firm globes. Sam's fingers brushed into Aaron's crack, Sam felt a low moan against his cock in Aaron's mouth.

Needing little encouragement, Sam slowly slid his fingers forward into Aaron's crack while still slurping and sucking on the cock in his mouth. Aaron's actions paused for a lusty groan when Sam's fingertips brushed his pucker. Aaron resumed sucking on Sam's cock as Sam's finger began circling the tight starfish. Brining a hand around to get spit and pre-cum that had been leaking out of his mouth, Sam brought the slicked finger back to Aaron's pucker.

Aaron started to suck harder on Sam's cock as he felt the wet fingertip return to his ass. Trying to lift his leg to give Sam better access, Aaron almost pulled off Sam's cock. Using his hands Aaron, pulled Sam's cock deep in his throat and kept it there. Aaron's throat muscles were pulsing and quaking on Sam's cock head. Sam had continued to slob on Aaron's rod and now his wet finger tip was pressing at Aaron's entrance.

Aaron pulled Sam's cock from his throat to let out a long moan, as Sam's slicked digit slid into his hole. Sam continued to move his finger deeper until he could feel Aaron's gland. Burying his face deep into Aaron's pelvis, pushing the athlete's cock head and shaft into his throat, Sam began roughly massaging Aaron's gland. Aaron let out another moan before he copied Sam and sucked in as much cock as he could.

Muffled yells were heard as Sam's finger and his mouth had finally pushed Aaron past his stopping point. Ropes of cum were shooting directly to Sam's stomach, the energy and spasticity of Aaron's body was enough to tip Sam's climax as well. Cum was shooting into both men as they sucked and shot. Sam pulled back his hips to release his cock from Aaron's mouth as he was letting Aaron's cock from his lips. The men laid there resting, coming down from their mutual climaxes.

Aaron pivoted back up and joined Sam in an embrace, Sam's head resting on Aaron's strong chest. Aaron stroked Sam's back and neck, every now and then let his hands go higher to stroke Sam's head. Sam was content to rest in the footballer's arms, savoring the masculine scents from both their sexual release and Aaron's morning exercise.  

After a short time of cuddling, Sam nuzzled his head and opened his lips to suck in one of Aaron's nipples. Aaron gasped for air as Sam's teeth gently nibbled on his tit. Aaron kept his hand on the back of Sam's head, pushing Sam's talented mouth against his chest. Sam sucking and nibbled the hardened nipple to a chorus of Aaron's moans.  

With movement of their hips, Sam reached down and stroked both of their cock's togher, his hands not completely closing around the shafts. Aaron rested his head back on the bed and gripped the sheets as the pleasure continued from Sam's hands. Sam's hands were becoming slicked with the combined pre-cum leaking from both his and Aaron's cocks. Slowly Sam began pumping his hips, sliding his cock and PE against Aaron's hard cock. Aaron moaned again as he could feel the warmed metal from the piercing slide up and down his cock shaft.

Sam jacked their cocks in a slow and steady pace for several minutes, edging both of them a few times. Aaron was panting and moaning at the stimulation as Sam kept going. With little warning, Aaron's cock was released and Sam turned to straddle Aaron's hips.  Reaching back Sam lined up and then slid Aaron's cock into his hole. Sam did not stop until he was resting his ass against Aaron's pubes.  

Staying in place for a moment, Sam reached and grabbed one of Aaron's hands. Sam brought the captured hand to his cock and used Aaron's hand to grip Sam's cock. Aaron needed little other encouragement as he started to jack the pierced cock in slow and sensual pace.

Sam wiggled his hips before he started to lift and drop back down on Aaron's buried cock. Sam threw his head back as he bounced up and down on Aaron's cock and Aaron was continuing to jack Sam's. Knowing that it would not be long before they were spilling their seed, Sam was grinding and squeezing Aaron's big cock in his ass. Aaron was getting closer and he could feel his muscles start to constrict in legs. Sam felt the movement of Aaron's legs and just relaxed into their fucking, he was very close as well.

Sam was grunting and then yelled as Aaron's jacking his cock and him riding Aaron's cock were enough to begin his orgasm. Cum started shooting out of Sam's cock landing in ropes on Aaron's face, then chest and belly. Aaron was lost in his own climax as Sam's tipped him, now Aaron was filling Sam's quaking ass with jets of cum. The pair grunted and shot the last of their respective loads.

Sam collapsed down on top of Aaron's chest now covered in his own semen. Aaron wrapped his arms around Sam and they hugged as their lips met. Kissing and relaxing on the bed after their sport was what each man needed. Aaron's cock slipped free from Sam's ass dripping cum down on Aaron's pubic area.

Aaron sighed, "I wish I could stay in bed with you all day."

Sam answered back, "I know that I would enjoy that, but I have clients coming in to the shop today."

"Well, you at least need to get cleaned up too. Shower with me. No play, just washing." Aaron said.

"Ok, but we both need to be quick." Sam said as they crawled from the bed and headed toward the shower.

They got showered and cleaned. Well they also played a little too, but were quickly drying off and getting dressed. Aaron pulled Sam into a deep kiss and hug as Sam was headed for the door.

"Call me tonight if you like. I have this clinic and then an afterparty dinner until 7:00. My flight does not leave until late tomorrow afternoon." Aaron said.

"I think that would be nice. I will let you know if I can make it." Sam promised as they released the hug and Sam exited.

Riding down in the elevator Sam was glad he had a change of clothes at the shop. He was too tight on time to go home and change now. He smiled and did not stop all day, as he was lost in steamy thoughts of Aaron.

Next: Chapter 4

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