Aarons Problem

By L Stone

Published on Dec 8, 2020


Thank you for reading my stories. Questions and comments are always welcome at lbr81050@gmail.com. This story is fiction regarding intimate relations regarding celebrities. Other than public identity, all other locations and parties are fictional, any similarities are coincidental. Thanks for reader comments to continue hot ideas.

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Aaron's Problem Chapter 2

Aaron was sitting reviewing his training plans for the upcoming football clinic. He kept looking out of the full length windows to the rolling hillside with nice homes and a few church steeples. There was a nice large park that covered almost half of a square mile just across the street from his hotel. It had a 5k running trail that snaked around a golf course, playgrounds, baseball diamonds, tennis courts, and a small high school. Aaron had used the trail earlier that morning for his cardio to get used to the combined heat and humidity that was so drastic from the Wisconsin weather.

Aaron got up and returned to the couch with his lunch consisting of a mix of high proteins and whole grains in a flavorful, but light sauce. The asian place between the park and the hotel was an easy stop on his way back from his run. His hotel suite had a fridge in the wet bar that could hold it until he was ready to eat. Aaron was about to take another bite when his phone buzzed.

"Hello, this is Aaron." Aaron said as he answered.

"Hi Aaron, this is Sam. Sam from Knight's Corner." Sam said. "Oh, hey Sam! It is good to hear from you." Aaron replied.

"Thanks. I could not help thinking about you since your haircut." Sam started, "I was wondering if you were free tonight?"

Aaron smiled and had to adjust his crotch, "Me too Sam. That was hot. I am free for the rest of today at the hotel. When is good for you?" Aaron said.

"I have my last client out by 2:00, so I would be available, say around 3:00?" Sam answered.

"That is great. I will text you the hotel details at 2:30. If there is any problem, shoot me a text. If not I will see you at 3:00." Aaron said.

"Wonderful, I will watch for the text. See you soon." Sam replied and hung up.

Aaron was grinning widely now. He was rubbing his cock through his shorts as it had gotten hard talking to the hot barber that had given him some outstanding treatment yesterday. Thinking back on it was making him leak pre-cum in an already sticky patch by his cock head. He stroked it just a few more times before he finished his lunch. It would not be too long before Sam would be there.

Aaron sent his text to Sam's phone with the hotel and the room number directly at 2:30. Sam quickly replied with a thumbs up and "see you in a bit" text. Aaron was freshly out of the shower and had put on a pair of athletic mesh shorts and a tank top with the team colors and logos on them. He went in to brush his teeth and finish getting ready. He was standing looking out the windows when there was a knock at the door.

Sam was standing at the door when Aaron opened it. He was wearing a pale teal polo and khaki colored shorts, that showed off Sam's fair skin and sparsely hair covered legs. Sam smiled when Aaron ushered him into the suite. Sam then smirked as Aaron moved to shut the door and showed that he was freeballing under the mesh athletic shorts.

Sam walked over to the window to admire the view. The suite was on one of the top floors and the windows were tinted on the outside, so no one would be able to see in. Aaron walked up to where Sam was standing and looked out as well.

"It is a great view of the city." said Sam. "It shows some of the reasons why people like to visit and live here."

"It is very nice, but is deceptively hotter than it looks than actual temps outside." chuckled Aaron. "My morning run had me sweating buckets."

"That is true, things in this city can be deceptively hotter than expected." Sam quipped as he turned to look at Aaron.

Aaron smiled as they came closer, face to face. Aaron leaned his face in and touched his lips against Sam's. They stayed lip to lip for just a moment before their lips parted and tongues began to wrestle in the mouths. They pressed bodies against each other, arms wrapping around one another as they continued making out.

Sam slid his hands over Aaron's back and hips, tracing his finger around the arm openings in the tank top Aaron was wearing. Aaron let out a sigh as Sam's finger passed by Aaron's pit. Sam separated his lips from Aaron's as he moved his head to kiss Aaron's chin and down his neck. As Sam's lips touched along Aaron's collar bone, Aaron let out a small moan. Sam smiled briefly as he moved his kisses across the bone towards Aaron's shoulder.

Sam lifted Aaron's arm up as he neared Aaron's pit. Breathing in deeply in the freshly showered pit, Sam could smell the clean body wash used and very light traces of new sweat. Sam opened his mouth and began to tongue bathe the exposed pit. Sam added nibbling and kissing the tender skin, causing Aaron to groan as a shiver raced through his body. Sam rubbed his face deep in the pit and ground it around spreading the spit soaked hairs all over Sam's face.

Sam moved his face back to Aaron's collar bone and began leaving a trail of kisses as he moved to the other side. He lowered Aaron's arm down as we went, pausing to nibble on Aaron's adam's apple. Sam moved along to the other pit, raising Aaron's arm on this side. Aaron was lightly moaning and groaning as Sam's tongue and lips serviced the soon spit soaked pit. Quite quickly Sam had buried his face in this pit, capturing what scent he could from the athlete.

Sam then moved his mouth onto Aaron's chest, deftly pushing the tank material aside to capture Aaron's nipple in his mouth. Aaron's mouth opened in a large ahh as Sam's lips and tongue were tasting, teasing and playing with the quickly hardening nipple. Aaron changed to a growl as Sam playfully captured the hard nipple point between his teeth and chewed down. Sam continued to tease Aaron's nipple for several minutes, Aaron was reduced to panting and moaning as Sam did.

Sam moved to Aaron's other nipple, finding it more firm that the first one had begun. As Sam began to repeat the treatment on this nipple, his hand reached over and resumed play on the spit soaked other nipple. The nipple play was sending messages straight to Aaron's swiftly expanding cock. The mesh material of the athletic shorts was not providing any resistance as the cock grew and began to leak pre-cum at his tip.

Sam removed his mouth from Aaron's nipple and he used his hands to tug the tank up and over Aaron's chest. Aaron lifted it up and off his body, tossing it on the floor. Sam resumed his nipple play, now dividing his time between each nipple. Sam's hands were playing with whichever nipple was not in his mouth. Aaron was moaning again and would pepper it with a growl as nipping became more firm. Aaron was having difficulty not grinding his now hard cock against Sam's polo shirt covered abs.

Aaron reached down and began to pull the polo up and over Sam's head. Sam complied to lift up his arms and pulled his head away from Aaron's chest as the polo cleared his face and head. Aaron tossed the polo down on top of his tank on the floor as Sam resumed playing and sucking on his nipples. Sam lifted his mouth and now had each of Aaron's nipples between fingers of each hand. Sam was rubbing and squeezing the angry nipples, sending more aggressive messages to Aaron's cock.

Aaron began to purr as Sam's mouth began to kiss and lick down his toned chest and abs. Sam let his tongue flick in and out of Aaron's belly button. Sam lowered down to his knees, dropping his face in front of Aaron's shorts covered leaking cock. Sam gripped Aaron's hips and turned him to have Aaron's back now against the glass of the ceiling to floor window. Sam then hooked his hands around the waistband of the straining athletic shorts and began to slowly tug them down.  

Sam purposely moved his face closer to Aaron's raging cock. As the waistband cleared it, Aaron's cock slapped out and against Sam's face. Sam moved his face forward and inhaled the raw, masculine smells of Aaron's crotch with the cock resting against his cheek. With his hands he had Aaron step out of the soiled athletic shorts one foot at a time, which was added to the pile of clothes on the floor.

Sam moved his face lower and opened his mouth to lick and suck on Aaron's balls. Aaron gasped for air as Sam pushed him back against the glass. Sam could feel the hard slab of cock resting on his face as he serviced the balls in his mouth. As he began humming and vibrating Aaron's balls in his mouth, Sam then felt a sticky drip of pre-cum slide from his forehead to an eyelid. Sam tilted his face to coax the stickly, sweet liquid down his closed eyelid towards his mouth. Sam lifted his mouth away from Aaron's balls to allow his tongue to swipe up and catch the pre-cum drip, smacking his lips before resuming bathing Aaron's balls.

Sam released Aaron's balls from his mouth and with his tongue began to lick upwards from the base up Aaron's cock shaft. Aaron threw his head back as Sam's lips sealed just around his cock head and swirled a tongue around it. Sam pulled his lips away from the cock head with a pop and resumed licking up and down Aaron's shaft. Sam allowed his lips to tug and play with Aaron's balls and corona as he paused at the top or bottom. Aaron continued to leak a steady stream of pre-cum that Sam would collect as he could.

Sam posed his mouth around Aaron's cock head again, sucking the most recent deposit of pre-cum, teasing the piss slit with his tongue. Sam's eyes peered up and locked on to Aaron's as Sam opened his mouth and sucked down Aaron's fully rigid member. The eye contact continued as Sam's lips reached all the way down to the base and teased the tops of Aaron's balls. Sam relaxed his throat as he lowered his face more, slipping Aaron's cock head in the tight opening.

Aaron groaned loudly as Sam's throat muscles opened and closed around his hard cock head. Sam was breathing through his nose and starting to smell some of the clean, musk scent as his throat was massaging Aaron's cock. Sam began to lightly hum with the cock lodged as deep as possible. Sam could swear that he felt a drop of pre-cum slide down his throat.

Aaron brought his hands down and pulled Sam's head up and back from his cock. Hands still in place, Aaron began to slowly thrust his hips to and fro, pushing his cock head in and out of Sam's throat. Sam relaxed his jaw and let his tongue swipe the underside of Aaron's thrusting cock. With Aaron driving so to speak, Sam let his hands begin to run his hands up and down Aaron's legs. When Sam's hands came up to Aaron's balls and started to play with them, Aaron's thrusting speed picked up.

Aaron's force increased with his thrusts as well. He started a rhythm of several quick and hard thrusts then one deep thrust where he paused for a beat or two, then resuming thrusting. Sam adjusted to this new pace and was using his throat muscles to milk on Aaron's cock head on the deep thrust and pause. Aaron kept this up for almost 10 minutes.

Sam began to trace his fingers under Aaron's balls and brushed Aaron's taint and crack. Aaron began to growl as Sam traced his fingers up and down Aaron's crack in the midst of the thrusting and pauses. During one of the pauses, Sam stopped his finger tip at Aaron's rosebud. When Aaron began his thrusting, Sam kept his finger right where it was. The finger entered into Aaron's pucker as he pulled back and then thrust forward.  

Sam pushed his finger in deeper with the next pause. Now as Aaron thrust forward and back, he was finger fucking himself on Sam's finger. After a few minutes of loud moaning and growls, Sam moved the finger deeper still. The result was the pad of Sam's finger brushing Aaron's prostate with each thrust. Aaron abandoned his resting pause and now was just thrusting steady.

With a gurgling in his throat Aaron issued a low and earthy growl. Sam felt Aaron's balls pull tight in a flash and his ass muscles clench firmly on Sam's finger. Knowing what was coming, Sam opened wider and relaxed his jaw and tongue as Aaron let loose of a huge orgasam. Aaron's jizz was spraying deep in Sam's throat and in the back of his mouth depending on where Aaron's cock was in the thrusting. Sam was swallowing as he could to get all of the salty nectar from Aaron's rod.

After eight powerful ropes were shot, Aaron held his cock still in Sam's mouth and just rested it on Sam's tongue. Breathing hard Aaron released his grip on Sam's head and rocked his head back to rest on the glass behind him. Sam did not move, knowing how sensitive Aaron's cock would be after that huge of a climax. Aaron just held them like that for a few minutes as his breathing returned to normal.

Aaron pulled his cock out of Sam's mouth and then slid down to his knees, with Sam in between them. Aaron pulled Sam in a tight hug and sealed his lips on Sam's sloppy one. They made out and Aaron could taste his own load traces in Sam's mouth. They continued for a few minutes just resting on the floor, trading spit and cum.

Aaron stood up and pulled Sam up with him. Aaron ran his hands through Sam's hair, across his face and his chest. Aaron looked down and Sam's cock was full mast in his khaki shorts and had leaked a large amount of pre-cum. Aaron looked into Sam's eyes, as his hands reached down and undid Sam's belt and then shorts. With a sharp tug the shorts cleared Sam's hips and his cock sprung out, slapping against Aaron's leg. Sam stepped out of the shorts as they dropped to his feet, now as naked as Aaron.

Aaron looked down and saw that Sam's cock was decorated with a Prince Edward piercing. Aaron's hand reached down and stroked Sam's hard cock, focusing his finger tips around the loop at the tip of Sam's cock head. Sam's body quaked as a shiver of sexual desire ran through him from Aaron's touch. Sam's eyes had closed as he was focusing his attention on the stimulation of his piercing. Sam missed that Aaron had dropped to his knees in front of Sam. Sam's eyes shot open when he felt a hot tongue lick and probe his cock head and piercing. Sam moaned as Aaron's lips opened and sealed over his cock head.

Aaron gingerly explored the cock head in his mouth with his tongue and lips which caused Sam to moan and shudder. Sam placed a hand on Aaron's shoulder as Aaron began to move his mouth down Sam's hard member. When their eyes met, Sam raised an eyebrow and Aaron just smiled and went back to swallowing the hard member in his mouth. Aaron pushed his head down until his nose was in Sam's trimmed pubes, the metal ring was right at the entrance of his throat. Aaron hummed lightly and the vibrations were working the PE on Sam's cock, sending shockwaves of energy throughout Sam's body.

The long, resulting explosive blow job that Sam had given Aaron had keyed Sam's body up tight. It only took a minute of Aaron bobbing on Sam's cock for Sam to grab Aaron's head and begin to fuck it with some power. Aaron was not as accomplished as Sam was in his oral skills and was gagging some with thrusts that were deep enough. The sounds and the sensations against his cock were all that Sam needed for his release. Sam yelled as he shot five hot ropes of cum into Aaron's throat before pulling back and the last ones filling up Aaron's mouth.

Sam pulled his cock still hard from Aaron's mouth and dropped to his knees. Leaning in Sam sealed his mouth on Aaron's and forced his tongue in to share his load still in Aaron's mouth. Aaron passed the hot cum to Sam's waiting mouth with sloppy, wet sounds as they kissed. Aaron pushed them back as they were kissing and Sam slipped down to laying flat on the floor. Aaron then climbed on top, frotting their cocks together as they resumed kissing.

Sam and Aaron made out and rolled on the floor for several minutes, hands were exploring each other's bodies. When Sam was on top, Aaron reached down and pulled Sam's hips to be over his belly. Aaron's cock sprung up and was now wedged in Sam's crack. Sam leaned back and let his ass cheeks grip the hard cock as Sam slipped his knees to either side of Aaron's hips. Sam began to lift his ass up and down, allowing Aaron's cock to slide in his crack. The look on Aaron's face with the lust in his eyes confirmed that Aaron was approving of Sam's actions.

Sam reached up and spit on his hand that he then stretched back to rub on Aaron's cock. Sam spit on his hand again and then reached back and slipped his hand between Aaron's cock and his crack - wetting his hole. Centering himself, Sam lifted his hips up high and used a hand to guide Aaron's cock to his pucker entrance. Aaron was smiling widely as Sam's ass lips started to seal around Aaron's hard cock head.  

With the tip in place, Sam started to lower himself down on Aaron's pole. Sam slowly worked down Aaron's shaft until he could feel Aaron's pubes on his ass lips. Sam reached down and attacked Aaron's nipples with both hands as Sam began to tilt his hips forward and back grinding Aaron's cock deep inside him. Aaron was moaning from the concerted stimulation that Sam was giving him, the play on his nipples was sending sparks throughout his body and the hot ass glove was gripping and massaging his cock. Sam continued his play to give himself time to get used to Aaron's cock in his ass, it was a bonus that he was able to pleasure the athlete as he was.

Sam felt himself start to loosen up enough. He started to lift his hips up, sliding up Aaron's shaft before dropping down, pushing Aaron's shaft deeper. The higher Sam raised, the more force it was dropping down on Aaron's cock. Sam was moaning as dropped, the cock was punching his prostate each time. Aaron was grunting at the force with which Sam was landing on him. The room was echoing the slapping, moaning and groaning for several minutes as Sam continued this pace.

Aaron was enjoying being ridden, but he wanted more control. The next time that Sam lifted up, Aaron pushed Sam up further. Sam shot him a questioning look as Aaron's cock popped free.

"Stand by the windows and lean forward. I want to pound that ass from behind." Aaron growled.

Sam was excited by this though, his cock jumped as he stood and walked in front of the ceiling to floor windows. He bent at his hips and leaned his chest forward with his arms holding him against the glass. Aaron walked up behind him and slapped Sam's ass hard. Sam shivered and moaned. Aaron slapped the other cheek and Sam moaned again. Aaron then grabbed a globe in each hand and spread them apart, opening up Sam's crack and exposing his pucker.

Aaron leaned his face forward and blew a stream of air over the puffy entrance. Sam shivered again as he tilted his hips to open his ass wider. Sam's pucker quivered as Aaron breathed on it again. Sam then yelped as Aaron's tongue poked in his pucker and began to flick around. Aaron's face moved closer and he began to muzzle around Sam's hole: nibbling, sucking, teasing and tongue poking. Sam was panting and moaning as Aaron's hot mouth was making his opening sloppy wet and relaxing it even more.

Aaron pulled his face away after about five minutes of eating Sam's ass. Sam's cock was leaking strands of pre-cum dripping from his PE to the floor below. Sam moaned in a deep low voice as he felt Aaron's cock push past both rings and slide deep within his chute. Aaron gripped Sam's hips as he pulled back and then returned with a forceful thrust. Their bodies slapped hard against each other from the thrust and it continued as Aaron started a moderate pace.

Aaron's cock was ramming in and out of Sam's hole. Sam kept losing his grip against the window and was sliding around some at the repeated force. Aaron paused his thrusting to kick Sam's legs wider apart and then moved them closer to the glass. Sam's face and chest were now pushed against the glass, his head turned to the side. Aaron resumed his pounding and had picked up the pace making Sam groan. Sam's was drooling from his mouth and his cock at Aaron's skillful work on his ass.

Aaron started to feel his climax build, he increased his pace. Sam was bouncing against the window, almost feeling like his feet were leaving the floor with Aaron's thrusting. Aaron moved his grip up to Sam's shoulders as he bent his knees some and started jackhammering up into Sam's hole. Sam was grunting and cooing as the change in position was pummeling his gland directly with each thrust.

Sam started to moan loudly as he balls pulled tight to his body, his cock started to harden even more. The next thrust caused Sam to yell as Aaron's battering ram cock had punched Sam's orgasm out of him. Sam's cock was now spurting rope after rope of cum splashing hard against the windows and dripping down. Sam's ass was now quivering and quaking around Aaron's cock as Aaron was thrusting up in Sam.

Aaron began grunting as his load started shooting in Sam's still quivering hole. The hot cum splashing in Sam's insides made Sam moan more loudly, he then began clenching his ass muscles around Aaron's shooting cock. Aaron yelled as Sam's hole was milking his cock, getting more ropes of cum deep in Sam. Aaron made a final thrust, burying his cock as far in Sam's chute as he could. The thrust was now mashing Aaron's body against Sam's, forcing more of Sam's body to the glass.

They stayed this way until Aaron's cock stopped pulsing and his breathing was not as rough. Sam felt Aaron's cock soften some, but was still firm enough to keep his hole filled. Aaron leaned his head against Sam's, he nibbled on Sam's ear. Sam chuckled as he turned his head more and their lips met. Aaron's tongue was pushing into Sam's mouth and playfully wrestling with his. Aaron's arms circled around Sam's body as they continued to kiss, still intimately joined.

Aaron pulled down and out of Sam's ass, Sam felt empty. Aaron turned Sam around and pushed him up against the glass again, now with sicky cocks grinding against each other. They resumed kissing and hugging, their cocks did not completely soften. Aaron pulled back and Sam glanced down at their sweaty, cum streaked bodies.

"I think we need to get cleaned up, you sexy beast." Sam breathed. "The suite has a soaker tub, will you soak with me?" Aaron smiled in return.

"Absolutely!" replied Sam.

Aaron took Sam by the hand and led him to the large bathroom. Aaron started the water and then bent over to find some shower gel. Sam took the opportunity to swat the athlete's hard glute playfully. Aaron turned his head over his shoulder and then shook his behind to Sam. That earned Aaron another swat. The both chuckled.

The water was high enough now, Aaron stepped in and welcomed Sam in with him. As they sank into the water, Sam leaned back into Aaron's body feeling all the semi excited parts against his back. Aaron wrapped his arms around Sam as they turned their faces to one another.

"I am glad I needed that haircut. You are one hell of a sexy barber." Aaron said as he nuzzled Sam's face.

"You are not too shabby yourself, you sexy football beast." Sam replied as their lips touched and they began to make out again.

The pair rested and washed each other off in the soapy water. They shared touches, rubs and kisses as they lounged in the warm water. The water started to cool as Aaron urged Sam to stand up. Aaron then led them to the large shower, after starting the water he pulled Sam to him under the hot water. They kissed as the suds washed away. Aaron turned off the water and Sam handed them both towels to dry.

Both men were now washed, clean and nude. They walked back out to the sitting room and Sam noticed their splashed cum on the windows and floor. He turned and grabbed one of the damp towels. Returning Sam used the towel to blot up their spunk and clean up the window. Sam then took the soiled towel back to the bathroom.

Aaron had slipped into a robe and held one out for Sam to put on. They left the robes open as they settled on the couch next to each other. Aaron pulled Sam to lean on his shoulder, Sam leaned his head against Aaron.

"I am hungry after our fun. Want to eat with me? We can order room service." Aaron said.

"That would be nice." Sam said as he watched the side of Aaron's face.

Aaron reached the phone and dialed the concierge to order food. He paused to ask how Sam liked his steak cooked. Not long after they had placed the order, there was a knock at the door. Aaron just belted his robe as he stood and answered the door. Sam had also closed his robe as the food was brought in and arranged at the table. In addition to the steaks, they had baked potatoes, steamed broccoli and a green salad. The meal was paired with warm rye bread slices and a bottle of red wine. Aaron tipped the server and shut the door returning to Sam and the table full of food.

They chatted as they ate the finely cooked meal. They learned about how each grew up and discussed how they choose their professions. Aaron talked about his interest in living in California and the potential of getting a house there. The meal was finished and the men were sitting back after pushing back the empty plates.

"I can order us dessert if you like." Aaron offered.

"I know what I want, but you do not have to call to order it." Sam said as he stood up and stepped out of the robe.

"That does sound good." Aaron replied as he shed his robe and led them to the bedroom.

Next: Chapter 3

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