Aarons Problem

By L Stone

Published on Nov 17, 2020


Thank you for reading my stories. Questions and comments are always welcome at lbr81050@gmail.com. This story is fiction regarding intimate relations regarding celebrities. Other than public identity, all other locations and parties are fictional, any similarities are coincidental. Thanks for reader comments to continue hot ideas.

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Aaron's Problem

Aaron Rogers from the Green Bay Packers curses under his breath. I'm going to get my agent for this. Aaron thinks as he is driving across town in a rush.  

His agent said he needed to start participating in some regional football camps and suggested this one in a moderately large city in a southern midwestern state. On paper it looked great, he would be the headliner special guest, the city and the surrounding towns had several nationally ranked highschool football programs and there were four top ranked college football teams within two hours driving time. He did pause and muse that clinic guest fee was substantial, and with an international airport it was easy to get in and out.

What his agent failed to mention is that the clinic was in late July and the local temps were averaging around 98° and humidity levels over 60%. When Aaron stepped out of the airport upon arrival it felt like he was walking into a wet, tropical brick of heat. It was quite a contract from the cooler highs in the upper 70's back in Wisconsin. Even at the lower elevation, it was still difficult to breathe. He was dripping in sweat before he could even get out to his rental car.  

Aaron had arrived the Tuesday before the weekend clinic at the clinic liaison's suggestion to give him a few days to acclimate before Friday's participant start date. The clinic had set him up with a suite at a major hotel chain that was only 20 minutes from the airport by his GPS estimate. Soon he was leaving the airport and headed to the hotel. Aaron preferred to drive himself if that was possible when he did these sort of events. He disliked having some else drive unless he was on a bus for the team. The hotel was easy to locate and he checked in without a problem.

When he arrived at his room, the football clinic had left him a welcome basket and a selection of his rider drinks and snacks. The suite was on one of the upper floors of the hotel, it had a full sitting room with a wet bar and then a large bedroom with a king sized bed, with floor to ceiling windows. The view was nice. All in all he was happy with the accommodations. As it was later afternoon, he decided to just eat at the restaurant at the hotel and make it an early evening.

The next morning he woke up early like normal and by 5:00 he was in the hotel's fitness facility doing his morning cardio and workout. He had consulted the schedule and did not have anything clinic related until a dinner that evening. So he had the day to himself. Or so he thought.

When Aaron came back from his workout he had an email reminder of the photo session for the clinic's website and promotional materials that was just after noon. This would be fine, but he had his off-season hair and beard growth with is to say he was quite shaggy looking. That was definitely not the look that he wanted to portray to the public, it was ok for sweaty athletes and coaches but not for corporate sponsors.  

Aaron quickly did an online search to find a barber that could do both his haircut and beard trim today before 12:00. There were a few shops that offered the services he was looking for, but not until tomorrow or later. He started getting frustrated and annoyed at his agent for not reminding him about the photos sooner so he could have his normal grooming done. He was almost to the point of going to a national chair hair salon and take his chances.

Finally Aaron found a barber shop that had an opening for today, but it was in ten minutes and it was a few miles away. Running out of options, he reserved the appointment with the barber Sam online. Looking at the time, he would be able to shower or change if he was going to make it ontime. He grabbed his wallet, phone and keys then headed down to the rental car.  

In the elevator he glanced at his reflection.  At 36 he was in great shape for a professional athlete and his workouts helped to show this off. His hair was a mess, sweaty from his workout. His exercise t-shirt was more than damp with sweat and along with his athletic shorts were clinging to his tall frame. He was about to exit the elevator when he got a whiff of his body odor. He realized that he forgot to put on any deodorant or change out of his sweaty socks and shoes - he was ripe. This was another part of why he was cursing his agent as he drove to the barber shop, the Knight's Corner.

Aaron arrived at the Knight's Corner just on time. He parked at the door and headed into the shop. Entering in the main door he saw that each barber had a seperate room with a door. As he walked in the center corridor he was greeted by a tall man, close to Aaron's own height, with glasses and sporting a mustache with goatee and a stylish hair cut. He smiled and offered a hand.

"Are you Aaron R?" the barber said, "I'm Sam."

"Yes, I am. Thank you for seeing me on such short notice." Aaron answered as Sam ushered him into an open room. He continued, "I have to apologize, I did not have time to clean up before coming over."

"That is not a problem. I can get you taken care of. Have a seat." Sam said.

"Thanks man!" Aaron said as he settled in the chair.

Sam spread out the cape and gathered it around Aaron's neck, smoothing it out. He did get a smell of Aaron's body as he did and came to stand behind Aaron. Damn he smells good. Fuck me, I hope I do not get hard. Sam thought to himself.

"So you are wanting a cut, wash and style of your hair and a trim of your beard?" Sam asked.

"Yes, that is correct. I have to have some promotional photos and I was not reminded timely enough to have this taken care of at home." Aaron said.

"You are Aaron Rogers, the Green Bay QB right?" Sam boldly asked.

OH FUCK! "Yes, guilty!" Aaron said as his cheeks got some color.

"Don't worry. I am a huge fan, but I also am very discreet. I will close the door though to keep out gawkers." Sam said as he turned to close the door.

"I do not mind getting recognized, just not in my current state." Aaron confided pointing to his hair and clothes.

They started to chat as Sam asked how Aaron wanted to be cut and styled. Aaron kept noticing how lingering Sam's hands were when he was touching Aaron's head or shoulders. There was a sensuous quality to the touch and it was making Aaron's shorts become a bit tight. Sam was working and chatting, he was quite knowledgeable of the Packers and with Aaron's career. It was a nice distraction for Aaron as he became more comfortable.

Sam was having some difficulty staying focused as he worked on Aaron's hair. He could smell the raw masculinity coming off the professional athlete. It was all that Sam could do to keep from becoming fully hard. He was glad that he was behind the chair working. That was until he had to come around the side of the chair and brushed his crotch against Aaron's shoulder by accident. Quickly Sam looked up and it appeared that Aaron did not take notice of it, though Sam blushed.

Aaron became relaxed while Sam was working and chatting. As Sam came to the side of the chair and Sam's crotch brushed his shoulder he felt the plumped flesh rub against him. It shot a jolt of electricity through him, Aaron took a calming breath and did not respond otherwise. He was glad that the cape was over his lap, as his cock was now filling out his jockstrap. Aaron was doing what he could to not bring attention to his growing cock.

Aaron realized that he had not taken care of his cock since before he left home the day before. He was going to beat off in the shower, but since he had to rush with a shower. Now he was getting horned up, more so after the accident. Now Aaron was checking out Sam in the surrounding mirrors more. He liked what he saw, the body was not cut and primped like the pro-athletes he saw all the time. Sam had a nice looking average body, on a tall frame, muscles firm but not overbuilt up. When Aaron saw Sam's protruding cock bulge, his cock responded.

Sam kept on with the hair cut and had started with the beard trimming. This was getting him closer to Aaron, he had to lean in most of the time to cut and shape the beard. There had been a few other accidents and on the last one a small moan escaped Sam's lips. They both looked up and their eyes locked together in the mirrors. The sexual tension had increased 10 fold, even Aaron was having to adjust his seat as his cock was making it hard to sit still.

Sam had completed the beard trim and was now setting up to wash Aaron's hair. He offered a hot towel face covering as part of the grooming program, Aaron accepted. Sam positioned the chair to tilt back and lower so Aaron's head was over the sink. Once settled Sam applied the hot towel to cover most of Aaron's face. Sam looked down and the cape that was covering Aaron's body was now draped closer to Aaron's lower body. Sam grinned as he saw quite a lump growing under Aaron's shorts. Sam moved up and began washing Aaron's hair.

"You are doing a photoshoot later today?" Sam confirmed.

"Yes, for the promotional materials at the clinic and then their website." Aaron said from under the hot towel.

"Let me do an additional conditioning treatment then. It does have to sit for thirty minutes. Is that OK?" Sam offered.

"That is great man! Thanks!" Aaron replied.

Sam finished the wash and gave Aaron's hair a good rinse before he got out the conditioner. Opening the container he quickly spread it over Aaron's damp hair. Taking some plastic sheeting out he covered Aaron's treatment covered hair and then followed by wrapping another hot towel around Aaron's hair. Sam set the clock timer and looked on with lust to the reclined body of the quarterback.

"OK timer is set. Are you comfortable reclining back?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, I'm OK." Aaron answered, then "Well, I hate to ask you this but my ankles are itching. I need to scratch them, but now I'm kind of stuck."

"I got it. No problems." Sam said, then boldly, "How would a foot massage sound?"

"Sure, Man. That sounds great." Aaron said.

Sam walks to the end of the chair and sits on a stool. Now he gets a view of the muscular legs poking out of the cape. The tight leg muscles flex some as Sam lifts each one to remove the running shoes. Sam pauses to take in a good smell of the masculine scent still coming off the mostly dry feet now. When Sam takes off each sock, he makes sure to scratch each ankle gently. Aaron grunts with pleasure as the itch is scratched.  

Sam grabs a foot and begins to massage it, putting deep pressure on the sole. Aaron lets out a moan when Sam is working some tension out of the foot. The firm but slow movements on his foot are causing even more tightening in his jock, Aaron has to move his hips some. The movement caused the cape to ride up higher, and Sam's seat is now providing a view up Aaron's shorts. Sam sees Aaron discreetly move a hand over and begin to rub his swollen cock that he thinks is blocked from sight. Sam finished the first foot and moved to lift the other, making sure to push us and separate Aaron's legs some.  

Now Sam has an almost unobscured view up Aaron's shorts and the firm outline of Aaron's hard cock is on display. Sam began the pressure point massage like the first foot. Aaron responds with rubbing again and lets out a moan when Sam presses deeper to work a knot.

Glancing back up Sam becomes more bold. He bends his head closer to Aaron's foot, opening his mouth he sucks in Aaron's big toe. Closing his lips around it and starts to lick and suck it. Aaron moans loudly, then realizes what is happening. He makes a try to sit up, but Sam reaches up and presses him back in the chair. Aaron relaxes back and now is no longer discreet in rubbing his cock.  

Sam continues to suck and lick Aaron's toes, he also uses the hand that restrained Aaron from getting up to rub up and down on Aaron's leg. Sam slowly works his hand higher up Aaron's leg and moves toward the inner thigh. Aaron sighs when he feels Sam's fingers brush between his thighs getting closer to his crotch. Aaron widened his legs a bit more open.

Sam switches back to the first foot to suck and lick the toes. With the switch he more quickly brings his other hand up Aaron's legs again. Feeling more bold Sam pushes his hand up further and cups Aaron's supported balls. Aaron grunts at the touch and resulting rubbing on his balls.  

Sam finishes up sucking on Aaron's foot. His hand rubbing against Aaron's balls now moves up and begins to stroke the athlete's bound cock. Sam's fingers travel over the straining jockstrap pouch to explore and feel the length of the cock. Aaron moans again, when Sam's fingers push his cock free from the pouch. Sam runs his hands up and down the stiff member from base up to the leaking cock head. Taking sticky fingers that collected some of Aaron's pre-cum, Sam brought it to his lips, sucking them clean.

Sam reaches up and tugs on the athletic shorts. Aaron gets the hint and lifts up his hips for Sam to pull them down to his ankles. Sam also hooked his thumbs around the jockstrap and it joined the shorts on the floor. Sam moves in closer and lifts the cape out of the way to view the now unrestrained cock jutting out from Aaron's groomed pubes. Taking a moment to admire it, Sam then leans forward and wraps his lips around the hard cock.  

Sam lowers his mouth around Aaron's hard cock, slowly working down the shaft until his nose touches Aaron's pelvis. Sam stays with the cock deep in his throat and starts to suck and swipe it with his tongue. Aaron moans as Sam starts to raise and lower his head on Aaron's cock. Sam slowly increases his pace of bobbing and sucking on the hard cock in his mouth.

Sam feels Aaron's hand rest on the back of his head. Aaron starts to control some of the pace and has added to thrusting his hips upward to meet Sam's mouth. Sam responds by widening his mouth some and letting Aaron's tool go deeper with each thrust. The thrusting continues for several minutes, Sam can sense that Aaron is getting closer.

Sam forces his head down harder on Aaron's cock, which is now fully hard and sensitive. As Aaron's cock head enters Sam's throat, Sam swallows hard giving the cock head a deep massage. Aaron pulls back and then thrusts in again. Sam repeats the swallow, making Aaron moan again. They continue this pattern until Aaron is so close that he begins to quake.  

Sam pushes his head deeper still and when he swallows this time it is around Aaron's cock head and shaft. At the same time Sam brushes a pair of fingers from Aaron's balls back towards his crack. When Sam's fingers rub over Aaron's pucker, Aaron begins to shoot his load.

Aaron is holding Sam's head tight as he blasts jets of cum down Sam's throat. Aaron is groaning as he pumps away, pulling back slightly when he hears Sam's gagging. Now Sam's mouth is filling with the balance of Aaron's cum. Aaron slows down and finally stops thrusting. Sam resumes sucking and licking on the still mostly hard cock. Sam tastes the salty sweet essence as he licks and cleans up Aaron's cock.

Sam pulls off the spit cleaned cock and then reaches down to lift up the lowered jockstrap and shorts. Aaron assists by lifting his hips and pulling each item on as Sam lifts them up. Aaron takes a moment to adjust his cock in his jock before settling down. Sam returns to lift and put back on Aaron's socks and followed by the shoes. That completed the timer starts to go off.

Sam stands up and turns off the timer. He resumes the hair treatment by unwrapping the towel and plastic sheeting. Sam turns on the water to warm up for the rinse out. He takes off the towels from Aaron's face. Aaron looks up with sated lust in his eyes and views the mussed hair and puffy lips on Sam's face. Aaron smiles widely as Sam winks and starts to wash the conditioner from Aaron's hair.  

Sam hums slightly as he finishes removing the conditioner. He sets the chair up and Aaron is now seated upright. Sam quickly dries and styles Aaron's hair and beard, makes some small adjustments before brushing Aaron off and removing the cape. Aaron stands up and faces Sam as Sam is fixing his own hair some, trying to be more presentable.

"Damn, that was more than excellent service." Aaron confesses, "I think I needed that more than I care to think about."

"Happy to have been available to help you out." Sam said with a glowing smirk and a wink.

"I might need some more help later this week." Aaron said quietly as he settled the bill. He gave Sam a card when he returned the tablet for payment. "Give me a call if you are interested, my evenings are free after 7:00 until I leave on Sunday."

"That could be fun. I will think about it for sure." Sam answered as he pocketed the card.

Sam ushered the well coiffed Aaron on the way out the door. Resting against the door frame as he watched the quarterback drive away, thinking I might take him up on that offer.

Next: Chapter 2

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