Aarons Journey

By christopher mannie

Published on Nov 20, 2007


Aaron's Journey



Christopher Mannie

All the previous disclaimer 's apply

Thanks! To all those who have E-mailed me, I am very greatful!

One of the things that has surprised me the most is the interest of those who are slaves. The others have shared other thoughts, most related to authoritarianism, or some aspect of it, and that is cool. But perhaps the 'heart', and motivation of Aaron and Michael says something particularly special to our bois who serve others as slaves. Blessings to you. I have often said that true submissiveness is a form of love.

The elegant master bedroom of Michael Mannie reeked of man and boy sex. Both of their bodies sweaty, the cum now lay in sporatic spots on the spent bodies of the two. A small white glob of Michael's seed still clung to Aaron black bangs. A larger hung in the boy's long hair that lay beside his face on the sheets. It was just an after effect of Aaron's failed attempt to catch it all with his wide, somewhat swollen mouth, that still tingled from the stimulation from his first blow job.

But he had done good, Michael thought, as he gazed at his now pensive resting boy, who in turn looked into the eyes of Mr. Mannie.

Michael reached across the waist of the resting boy and with one intentional grasp of his big hand on Aaron's waist, he turned the boy over to lay on his stomach. For only a moment Michael looked up and down the entire surface of the his boy. 'Such absolute perfection' , he thought to himself. 'How could anyone not believe in God, when looking at such a creation?'. Michael was a lover of great art. Michaelangelo, the great Italian artist of the Renesance, a boy lover himself, knew, at one time, just what Michael felt at that very moment. . Slowly, he ran his right index fingernail down the center of the boy's back. Tiny hairs parted with his touch. The valley of this tanned back ever curving until he reached the two white melon globes that housed Aaron's buried treasure. They rose up as to form two perfect boy mountains that towered above his reclining body. The boys head now lay buried on a pillow, his face hid from the investigating fingers.

As Michael's finger now touched the fissure of the boy's ass, Aaron let out an almost inaudible giggle. In the pillow, Michael barely heard Aaron say, 'That kinda tickles!'

Michael decided that he would now test the submissiveness of the boy for the first time. He reached with the whole palm of his hand to firmly grasp the boy's left cheek, needing it like dough for just a few moments. 'Oh god, this is so hot! And he's mine! Or soon will be!', he thought to himself. The boy said nothing, and made no sounds. Michael did notice that Aaron's breathing was slightly increasing again. He could see the sides of Aaron' chest were expanding and deflating to accomodate his lungs. But other than that, his silence was revealing. He began to play with the globes with ever firmer, intentional motions. Manuevering the two twin boi cheeks with both hands now, Michael sensed he needed to reposition himself. Michael rose up to now set beside Aaron's prone body to get a better position, but also to get a better view of the whole boy. His testing continued.

Soon, Aaron began to respond. Slightly moving his bottom up and down to the manipulation of the thirty year old man's hands. It almost looked like he was 'getting off' rubbing his again stiffened cock into the mattress by shear osmoses, letting Michael do the work. Michael also noticed the reddening of Aaron's ass cheeks. They individually were responding to the man's attentions by filling with boy blood and turning a slight pinkish red color. It did help considerably that it was warm in the room, made even hotter by the recent man/boy action. And the sweat made it easy to move his fingers over the boy.

It was then that he beganto descend into the darkness of the boy's crack with his middle finger. With each round of the grasping palm the finger descended until he thought, because he couldn't see it clearly, that he touched the bud. The boy responded with an audible 'ummm', further confirming Michael's feeling that this boy was willing.

Michael new the rules of the order. Aaron would not be allowed to be taken until the meeting of the brethern. This was the initiation that would begin Aaron's jounery into a whole new world, a whole new lifestyle. But the ordinances were also clear that the monitor (that is what the supervising adult was in a boy's journey to the brotherhood), could do anything he pleased in the preparation of the boy, short of fully joining with him physically.

He drew his head down and began to kiss the mounds, gently, at first, pushing his nose into the soft flesh. He smelled 'boy'. It was a musty smell, of a boy who had riden a bike a few miles, had been nervous, excited, anxious, horny, sweaty. And cum, yes, that is what that is, a pungent odor, like a boy who has physically reached that time in his life when he knows he must mate. It will be the most powerful physical drive of his entire life. It is time.

Michael now changed his own position, moved around and slid in between the boys legs to get another view. He positioned both hands on the boy's calves to move his legs, but the boy, seeming to understand, slightly spread his legs to allow Mr Mannie to do what he wanted. Michael smiled.

Aaron raised his head up only to lay it back down on the pillow, but now to the side that he might breath better. He was so hot. His breathing further increased. He wasn't sure again of what he was doing here. He loved all these feelings. But where was it going? Should he be here? What was Mr Mannie going to do now?

With one quick lunge, Michael dropped his face into the boy's ass, his face coverd in the two big boy globes. And he made contact with his lips.

He gave it a good solid man kiss. Backing up he took a long hard look at his prize. In this mountain of white flesh, the cavity itself was an ever deepening brown color until it almost turned black. Then at the mouth and center of the boy pussy, the ridged ring turned pink. The hole that he so wanted. A bright, blood filled pink. A virgin, never been touched pink. Maybe a girlie boi pink?

The boy still did not respond, but soon gave out a 'Oh!' as Michael now leaned back in and plunged his tongue into the bud. He gave it a good deep effort, the first time. The boy squirmed some as though it may have hurt, just a touch., but that was now mixed with other feelings too.

Michael now began to get serious as he used his face, his nose, his lips, his hands, his fingers to make the boy feel every thing that was happening to him. This would now be no gentle loving, he wanted to know the boy! He began to suck on the lips of the the boy's pussy, teasing them, piercing them with his tongue. Now he introduced a new member to the expedition, a finger. Michael brought it to his mouth, wetting it, then began to insert the middle digit into the waiting pink folds. The boy, with a jerk, protested by yelling, 'Ouch, Mr. Man....!' But before he got any thing else out, Michael instinctively slapped Aaron's ass very hard with his right hand. And pulling his hand away, he came down once again with another hard slap! Aaron never said anything more but he tensed his muscles, winced, and buried his head in the darkness of the pillow. Tears began to form.

Michael now raised up his body, reached down with both hands to the inner thighs of the boy and pushed both legs further apart, hard.. As far apart they would go! He drew them apart until he feet reached the sides of this massive bed. Then Michael, to make a point, again spanked the right cheek once, then the left.

There was no effort on Aaron's part to correct his obviously uncomfortable position. And not a sound was made.

The cavern of the boy's ass was now a valley ready to be claimed. This new position revealed to Michael, not only a better view of the pussy, but also better access, without interuption. He heard a sniffle now, but also heard the sigh as he began to use his tongue as a piston in the boy's hole. Now, together with his finger, he began to manipulate the folds ever wider. The boy was visibly uncomfortable with his stretched legs and the invasion of the thick man finger. Michael's purpose now was certain. Before this night ends the boy must know who is in charge, and what pleasure is his to have, if obedient. If only he is willing.

Michael now took his hands and pulled in the very stretched legs. The boy was visibly releaved, and moaned his thanks.

And then with one last insertion of his tongue, then his middle finger, he reached his goal, feeling the prostate He pulled out his middle finger and now used his index finger to reach into the boy and gently rub the boys prostate. Aaron let out a deep moan as the feelings now began to sweep over him in waves and soon his legs were smoothly moving up and down the sheets. His body began to ride the waves of the new feelings Michael had created. 'Oh, that feels so good Mr Mannie. Oh ya.... This is so awesome!' And again, Michael smiled.

Even though the lips of the boy's pussy protested, Michael now pulled out of the pink vacuum. His finger still wet with boy pussy juices, he grabbed the boy's hips with both hands and brought him to a kneeling position. Kneeling himself behind Aaron, it was almost more than Michael could take to keep from just taking the boy, right then and there! His cock was as hard as a rock! He looked and a glistening string of precum hung for a second then dripped down to the sheets. It was just waiting to take the plunge!

It was so tempting, but Michael then saw his disappointed Father's face, and heard the correcting , but loving words of some of the brethern. No, he wanted to do it right., and through his own three year 'testing' or 'proving' as some liked to call it, he had learned that obedience ultimately brought more pleasure. He would wait.

So, with the waiting boy, he simply reached down, and with one hand, fondled the hanging balls and began to gently message them, and pulled at them. Pulled them down, milked them. The boy groaned, squirmed a little, moving those beautiful hips, but Michael was determined. With a continuous motion he worked the testicals and the ball sack., up to the rigid cock, then down again.

With the other hand Michael reached up to the middle of the boy's back and pushed him down, his head now resting again in the pillow. The boy's ass now stuck up in the air of the ever warmer room. 'What a beautiful sight!' Michael thought. 'My favorite position!' he laughed to himself. He again lowered his face into the gaping bubble ass.

There were three distinct shots of young boy cum that flew out of the pointing cock. Most hit the sheets, but the first jet hit Aaron's directly in the nose, the top of his head still dug into the pillow.

Once , only as a refex to the building feelings, Aaron had reached up with one hand to touch his cock, but Michael quickly slapped the boys ass again and said a loud 'No! You will only do that when told!' And to that Aaron simply lowered his hand down to the sheet again and moaned some more. Within a minute, the sheets were wet with semen and boy juices. Michael simply withdrew his finger from the hole, moved to the side of the still kneeling boy, reached up to the boy's neck, pulled his head and body down to the waiting mess, again pushed his head down and said, 'A good boy always cleans up his mess! Aaron quickly looked up at Mr Mannie and then stuck out his tongue and began to lick.

Michael now sat in his chair. he watched as the boy finished cleaning the sheets with his tongue. He was pleased.

' Aaron, come here.' The naked boy quickly descended off the bed by way of the short ladder. He came over to Mr Mannie and stood. Michael looked up at the boy then told him to set himself in front of him, down on the plush carpet. And so Aaron set on the floor now looking up at the man who had already taught him to talk openly about sex with a man, give a blow job, and how to cum without touching yourself. He had alreadychanged his life forever.

'Aaron. Thank you for tonight. I am so glad you came. I hope you will be glad too. I know you were very nervous about coming. Michael paused , then said, 'You have two choices about the bill. You may take only one of them. It is your choice too make.

'One envolves working for two hours at a time. I will pay you good money. In fact I will pay you fifty dollars for those two hours, every so many days, until your debt is paid in full. It is an honest job, for a good boy, who I'm sure will work hard at his job. Not many boys get that kind of money!'

Aaron couldn't believe his ears! First he was so afraid that he was going to be in deep trouble, now Mr Mannie tells him he can work a great job, and get paid great money. Wow!

'But you said you had another offer Mr. Mannie?'

' I think I'm going to wait to tell you about that one just yet. I need to talk to your Mother first. It is a wonderful opportunity. It would change your life forever, and also change your Mother's life too! I think, after you two talk it over, you will agree. But if you don't, you may take my first offer. And your debt will be paid.

' Do you think your Mother could come over for dinner, say Sunday? I'd like to show her our..I mean, my house and help her to get to know me more. I will also discuss both of your options with her.' The boy looked surprised, this was not expected, but he said, 'I'll have to ask her, but I think she will after I tell her about tonight!

Michael looked sternly at the boy then..and almost said something, but then Aaron said, 'Uh, I mean about the vase I broke, and how I came out here to work it off, and what your house is like.......and that great pool!' With a big smile, Michael stood up reached out a hand to pull the boy up and said, 'It's a deal then.. Sunday for dinner!

Now.......let's go Skinny Dip in the pool, and then you need to go home!

Next: Chapter 5

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