Aarons Journey

By christopher mannie

Published on Nov 10, 2007


Aaron's Journey

By Christopher Mannie

The names and characters in this story are ficticious. And I would say the story is ficticious except that it happens in the REAL world. Believe it! If you know anything at all, you know that is true. Why you might even recognize yourself in it, or someone you know. Some will, I'm sure.. But for me, this is a fantasy, even though fiction shadows life...

You know where your at, and what your reading. Why do I need to say anything more.

I did publish a true story in Nifty back in November of 2006 entitled 'Twelve To Nineteen' . It was all true and I make no apologies for it. It was one of the most precious times in my life. I would invite you to read it. It is in the Adult/Youth section

The older man stood between the boy's tanned outstretch legs. Two cords held the legs a part for easy access. His cock now sliding one last time into the dark folds of the boys tanned ass. He looked down to watch the long, wet member slide into paradise only to notice some inked initials beside the boy's stretched anus. He understood. Then leaning over, he began to lick the boys now pointed B cup tits and then up too nuzzle his soft neck in spite of the black leather colar. 'Oh baby boi, ur the sweetest ass i've had since..... oh.....oh my.... since yesterday!' (Laughter from the room) . 'Ya.....just one more time, your so beautiful....that warm..... feel.....of that sweet pink boi cunt. Ah.....Thank you son! '

Pulling himself up and out, he looked over at a man setting in a chair along the farm house wall. ' I think Sam wants you next! Don't ya Sam?

Aaron lay on his back on a rotating table. He had been on it for some time, his arms and legs tied. It was kind of like a lazy susan you would find on a table in Grandma's kitchen, easily reachable to all seated around. Only now it craddled a boi beauty and could be swung around to the one waiting. He was brown eyed, black haired (before his Master shaved him bald for getting bad grades on his last report card). (He had cried as the long hair fell to the floor). He was totally bald now. He knew his hair on his head would grow back, but could hardly remember having any hair around his cock. The first day he was with his master (one month before his birthday) he was shaved clean of his pubic hair. Having just grown a few black hairs around the base of his cock before meeting his Master, it really wasn't all that different from what he was use too. He was told he should learn his place and hair around his cock was forbidden. 'Slaves don't have hair around their cocks! And you asked to be slave didn't you? ' Yes sir, I did, master sir!' You signed the papers didn't you? 'Yes sir, master sir! ' Then your cock no longer belongs to you! . It was his master's now to do with as he pleased.

The older guy, now entering him, probably close to fifty, was another friend of his masters. He had met many. Most of the faces just kind of blended together. Most were younger, from teens to thirty or so, but a few were older. At three months of belonging to his new owner, his master had told him, (in passing, in his truck one afternoon, almost like he was dicussing the weather), that the boi had fucked over fifty men at that point. His Master laughed and said that 'He had, no doubt, since losing his cherry that first night, been fucked more than anyone in the school! He was trully a sissy boi faggot!' Aaron smiled. It made him happy to see his master happy. He had told him that he wanted to be nothing more than a fagit slave boi when he first met him. He politely thanked his master for the comment, as he had been taught to 'Always show respect to your elders, be polite, and obedient without question!'. Then his owner , only fifteen years or so older than him had changed the subject and said something about getting gas.

Now, a number of years later, Aaron stood looking into his tool chest which was attached to his truck. He was preparing to walk into his next house. He was an electrician, and this was the.... oh well, he couldn't remember how many jobs he had had since getting his certifica- tion a few years back. He had wired many new homes, fixed breaker boxes, had made many a frustrated customer happy as their lights came back on. He really liked his job, but more than anything it allowed him a good living, and gave him the freedom to do basically what he wanted. He had a nice secluded home in the woods with all that he needed, and then some.

He sometimes wondered how it would be if he were someone else. If he had been made different. But that wasn't to be.

Mike, (that was the name of his owner, and his first love), believed very firmly that there are certain things in life that one cannot change. They are predetermined. Certain events in our life are absolute. He had told Aaron that he believed with all his heart that before we are born, we, with God, (or some spiritual giude) decided some key events in our life that will determine our destiny. Mike's Father, whom Mike loved very much, had taught his son that. And Mike said that, even though he had doubted the truth of it then, soon, he too came to believe it. Those experiences were there for the good of our souls. Mike had found great peace in that belief and now, after all these years, Aaron did too.

There had been moments when Aaron came close to hating Mike, ( like Mike had hated his Dad), questioned his decisions, often asked 'why?'. But now, looking back he too felt great peace about his life. That he himself had made some of the critical decisions that would change his life forever, because deep inside him he needed them to happen.

Aaron had found out how to cum after his twelth birthday. He was alone in his room and laying on his bed and began to rub himself. He had liked to do that for some time, feeling himself in the tub. He no longer took showers. He liked laying in the warm water and looking at and feeling his body. Today, after school, he rubbed and rubbed and soon, he couldn't stop! It felt great! And then...a huge RUSH and cum flew all over his stomach and even a little onto his face. He was both amazed and horrified, but totally hooked FOR LIFE. He wasn't sure how his Mother felt about his progressively longer long baths then. But he didn''t care too much. Aaron had been an only child. And he had been the center of Mom's affection since he could remember. Basically, what he wanted he got, even though they didn't have much. His Dad had left long ago. It was just the two of them now, in an ok apartment. Mom did her best. But he pretty much took care of himself now. Even though , at times, he wondered how it would be to have a Father.

One day Aaron, was walking down the street, (with nothing but his shorts on). He was planning to go to the store to pick up some things for his Mom. Summer had just begun. Aaron didn't like to wear many clothes anyway, and summer provided a good excuse. He walked around a corner and ran into a guy who was coming out of a store with his hands full. The man dropped what he had and Aaron heard the clinking of something in a package. The man stooped to pick it up, looking up at Aaron as Aaron leaned down to help with the package. Their eyes met and Aaron muttered out a clear 'I'm so sorry!' .

The guy looked at Aaron and said, 'My your a polite little fag!' At first Aaron just opened his mouth to say something, but didn't known what. Then before he could get another word out, the guy said, 'You know, you need to learn a few things. For one, look where your going. Two, you can shut that mouth. And thirdly, u can come over to my place and work to pay off the damage you did!'

Aaron, was speechless, but soon realized that he really did need to do something to make up for his carelessness. But the remark about him being a fag? 'Mister, i'm sorry, and i will work to pay for that, but I'm not a fag!' . The man, now fully standing, just looked at the boy without saying a word. Then, he slightly smiled as if he knew Aaron's secret thoughts.. 'Well, we'll soon see. Be at my place tonight at seven. He gave him directions and told him to plan to stay for a couple of hours.

The man walked away as Aaron struggled for words. He was in his late twenties, something about him, made Aaron think. But no words came.

His Father had Italian blood. So he had dark features and brown, almost black hair with beautiful brown eyes with long eye lashes. He had always been a sissy in his way of walking and holding himself. His Mom had often talked about his bubble butt, and how girls would kill for an ass like Aarons. Ya, Mom and Aaron talked like that all the time. She always brought that up when she went to buy jeans for her Son. He was hard to fit. There was only one place that sold jeans that would fit his ass. They talked about everything. They had a few secrets. They were good friends and his Mom had, in fact, found the cum stains on his sheets and clothes. She treated it as it was just normal. It had been a relief to Aaron that she didn't make a big deal about it.

Coming soon! Aaron's first visit to see Mike. (Part Two) Please email me at Boy13loved@yahoo.com for your comments.

Next: Chapter 2

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